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Ev3 Galvangutierrez

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DATE: 11/10/2024



Most companies are beginning to understand that the position of technology is

fundamentally strategic in the current context of corporate competitiveness and
firms’ performance. Bound to this technological evolution is the application referred
to as Management Information Systems or MIS, that shows how technology and
business processes are vital for organizational success. If the role of business-driven
MIS is to be fully comprehended, one cannot do without understanding the basic
concepts of its existence and its relatedness to the business system information.

Management Information Systems MIS refers to the exchange, acquisition, analysis,

storage and dissemination of information within an organization towards facilitating
decision making, co-ordination, supervision and analysis.

The goal of MIS is to provide information in the right amount and time to managers
at all levels to help in their decision-making process that is friendly to the organization

Business System Information are the data and information used and produced by
the different business systems of an organization. Business system information
could encompass transactions information as well as operational data as well as
strategic data. In other words, business system information refers to all the
information that is generated, received, stored, retrieved and acted upon in the
conduct of business.

Business-Driven MIS and business system information are that both are very
important to provide a supportive system to accomplish the business aim. A
business-driven MIS is used with an understanding that the need to implement
technology is to meet business-related requirements and goals. This means that the
system is business focused addressing specific business challenges helping in
implementation of strategies and improving operational effectiveness. MIS based on
business system information becomes business-driven that can really support the
decision-making process as well as performance enhance and innovation.

The congruence between business strategies and MIS functionality guarantees that
the information systems are not only the business technological infrastructures but
are rather central components of the business strategies. This process entails an
ongoing co-generation process in which the needs of business define the directions
for the development of MIS, while improvements in MIS capacity create opportunities
for organizational objectives achievement. Business-driven MIS is more critical as
organizations confront with new opportunities and threats.

Systems thinking is a theoretical approach of understanding structures where every

setting is regarded as a system that is composed of several individuals parts all
serving the same purpose. Unlike conventional model, where parts are viewed
independently, systems thinking views the components of the system in their context.
This way a better analysis is done consisting of pattern recognition, risks and
bottlenecks that may occur, and how a simple change in one area of the system can
affect the rest of it.

Management Information Systems (MIS) is therefore aimed at connecting several

business processes and information streams in order to create a single, all-
encompassing picture of the organization in question. Through systems thinking
important connections between the various departments, processes, and
technologies that are in these businesses can be seen. Such a perspective is useful
when it comes to developing more appropriate supporting information systems that
enhance co-ordination, working efficiency or strategic fit.

The reason why i chose Business Driven MIS is because is focused on the
orientation of MIS in line with specific business goals. This data guarantees that new
technologies are used and acquired to advance strategic objectives, and the
adoption of advanced solutions brings clear and tangible benefits to the company’s
operations. In chapter 1 when the book talks about Business Driven MIS does help
to understand how it can be applied to facilitate and promote strategic objectives.
This one also discusses modern structure like digitalization, big data, and including
both newly arising forms of technology to get an understanding of how technologies,
stakeholders, and values can be leveraged to boost university performance and
make the right strategic decisions. Business-Driven MIS means looking at distinct
components of business where MIS is implemented, including data management,
information processing, and also as decision support systems, this improves your
appreciation of how various components of MIS function together in offering utility
and endorsing organizational goals.

We have a really vast amounts of information available in the society today especially
in the current fast growing technological world, the decision making aspect is
extremely important. Businesses are faced with tremendous volumes of information
flows originating with customers, employees, business partners, and even within the
organization itself. Using this data optimally does not only strengthen up decision
making engines but also fuels innovation as well as competitiveness. Superseding
the conventional expert opinion-based approaches by using techniques like machine
learning, predictive analytics, and data visualization tools are becoming
commonplace in formulating and implementing strategic decisions. In this paper a
brief overview of the importance of using data in organizing the process of decision
making, with reference to efficiency, risk and development is given. Only in this
manner can one appreciate how information not only guides decisions but also alters
organisations as they navigate an increasingly technological landscape.

The value of data approach is not limited to the optimization of results but also
foreseen results, differentiation of clients, and Regulation of risks in business. Not
only can organisations gainvaluable insights and knowledge to help inform a wide
range of decisions but also improve their strategies due to feedback loops. It also
promotes organisational learning and adaptation, where decision making remains
valid and meaningful in a dynamic context. Exploring further into the concepts and
technologies that make up this revolutionary process one can notice that managing
data proficiently is not so much an added bonus as it is a basic requirement for the
new world.


Decision Support Systems (DSS) are strategic tools in today’s organizations as they
help organizations make decisions based on analysis of large databases. These
systems combine information from different sources, perform analyses using
analytical models, and issue expert reports to stakeholders so that they can assess
different forecasts and choose the best solution.

Artificial intelligence is defined as the ability of mechanical features to mimic human

intelligence through systematic activities that imitate human thought processes. It
includes several applied branches that allow machines to imitate the cognitive
abilities of a human being, including speech recognition, pattern recognition,
problem solving, and decision making. AI systems can store large amounts of data,
analyze them, learn from them, and adjust, based on new information. We have for
example this different types of areas on artificial intelligence like ,machine Learning
(ML) ,this one helps on techniques for constructing systems that build models based
on data. Unlike being coded to do something these are systems which have to be
given data and then algorithms are used to process this data and then draw some
conclusion, prediction or decide. Also we have Neural Networks that’s a machine
Learning category named after the neural structure of the human brain, and the last
one is a Virtual Reality (VR) that is an advanced approach to technology that makes
the users experience an environment without being physically present by use of a
VR headset. And also to make a decision making through technology is a process:

.Data Collection

Sources:Specify the source, whether the data will be picked from sensors,
interactions or transactions,Methods: These methods include online surveys and
questionnaires, web scraping, or even smart devices that are connected to the
Internet of Things.

. Data Processing

Cleaning: The data may sometimes contain inconsistencies, and the removed
information is usually the incorrect one,Transformation: Transform raw data into a
usable format in terms of data normalization or the aggregation of information.

. Data Analysis

Prescriptive Analytics: Decision making drawers based on analysis suggested

recommendations, primarily involving the use of optimization strategies.

. Machine Learning Models

Supervised Learning: Teach models on trained data to predict results.

Unsupervised Learning: We create a model to look for patterns in data that have no


This in not only improves overall efficiency and shortens the time for decisions to be
made but it also provides great potential for customization and personalization of
customer experiences leading to more loyalty and satisfaction. Moreover,
rismanagement is supported by data analysis that reveals possible issues before
they become devastating, hence increasing the responsibility and openness of
institutions. Due to feedback loops organizations can keep learning and adjusting
their approaches in a timely manner, thus the relevancy and appropriateness of the
decision-making process Frankfort School politicians maintain. Finally, the
opportunity to use data works not only as the source of the competitive advantage
but also meets ethic concerns, strengthening the main concepts of trust and
responsibility in the context of the world filled with data.

Especially today, when the world is rapidly going into the digital age, companies are
gradually starting to realize the need to go digital to stay afloat. Web 1.0 was
identified by stagnant web pages with little or no interface between the company and
the customer; Web 2.0 on the other hand introduced dynamic content generated by
the users and advanced interactivity between the business organization and the

Now that the world is about to transition to what may be called Web 3.0, with much
greater emphasis on personalization and intelligent communications, organizations
have no option but to make changes in order to be able to take advantage of such

This guided tour through the different phases of the web calls for awareness of new
technologies and their impact on, overall strategic business models, and interactions
with customers. Starting from the standardized business models to the models
starting with B2- and C2- and the tools used for communication and interaction in
the virtual world - each of them has its advantages and opportunities as well as
threats and challenges in every phase.

In this paper I consider the role of the web in emphasizing the kind of changes that
can be considered essential when considering the success of organizations
operating in the current business environment.

Delivering digital transformation is a new model of business that has been revamped
in the changing world from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and now towards Web 3.0. For the
first time, Web 1.0 offered a platform that only allowed for limited content involving
customer engagement and placed businesses in the role of content disseminators.
However, the emergence of the disruptive technologies improved the new forms of
the electronic business models, such as B2B, B2C, C2B, and C2C business models
that enabled the organisation to create and interact with customers more actively.
Such tools as social networks and e-shops are also important in this new
environment to be used in communication and connection. Web 2.0 brought focus
back on the users and on content production that was not controlled by the
organisations, thereby engaging the customers and generating value through
customer communities. When companies adopt such social sites they gain from
brand support and advocacy among the clients. Towards the future Web 3.0, seven
key trends that integrate more intelligent and superior connections for businesses
are expected despite the threats posed by concerns on data privacy and security. It,
therefore, goes without saying that organizations that are seeking to succeed in this
type of environment need to fully adopt digitalization.
Awareness of how web technologies have developed is important for companies
wishing to succeed in the new economy. A new layer of opportunities emerges with
each paradigm shift from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and, now, Web 3.0 could redefine
business models and affect the Customer Engagement Strategies. The shift to Web
2.0 resulted to increased focus on the interaction, integration and engagement with
customers through the creation of user generated content and social networks. This
shift has been found to have a positive impact on brand loyalty, and, therefore, brand
advocacy; businesses need to respond to this call. Appearing as Web3.0 is focused
on personalization and intelligence, firms have to manage the dangers inherent in it
with a focus on data privacy and protection. Thus, the use of new technologies and
digital solutions helps to optimise businesses’ processes and develop superior
customer value propositions that will ensure success in a rapidly changing market.
Hence, ideas regarding these concepts are important to any firm that wishes to
succeed in today’s business environment.
The evolution from Web 1.0 to Web 3.0 offers a good example of how digital
transformation influences customers and work within organizations. While doing so,
organizations are expected to unlock possibilities of various kinds of ebusiness
models, to use the tools and platforms that enable proper communication with the
target audience. Web 2.0 capabilities make it possible for organizations to create
value, improve customers’ loyalty by sharing and collaborating. Web 3.0 as the next
development of the web meanwhile holds the possibility of even more
individualization of the experience, it offers some challenges, specifically these
related to data protection and privacy. Any organization which anticipates such
change and indeed begins to nurture such technologies will not only improve on its
management efficiency but also improve on customer satisfaction. This path of
innovation is continuous, and organisations must adapt and constantly evolve in
order to unlock the true potential of these breakthroughs that can foster sustainable
business growth and continual success in an ever advancing digital age.

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