Algae: A Way of Life and Health
Algae: A Way of Life and Health
Algae: A Way of Life and Health
Chapter Outline
“Vilor Alga” (translated as more vile or worthless than algae) wrote Virgil, the Latin poet, in 30 BCE. Civilizations were aware
of the role of algae in human health long before Virgil. The use of microalgae dates back 1000 years in Asia and 700 years by
the Aztecs, approximately 3700 years after the first documented use of seaweeds. Contrary to the use of microalgae as a func-
tional food or health tonic, there are historical indications of algal-based pathogens, including: The first plaque visited upon
the Pharaoh of Egypt in the Bible’s book of Exodus, which could be considered a reference to a red tide; the Caribbean in the
1500’s (Halstead, 1978); and the South Pacific in 1606 by the Spanish explorer de Quinos (Mills and Passmore, 1988) with
symptoms brought on by ingestion of shell or finfish, direct skin contact, and/or respiratory inhalation.
Microalgae (phytoplankton) are a diverse assemblage of plantlike, predominantly aquatic, unicellular, multicellular,
or colonial forms; photosynthetic; chlorophyll “a” containing organisms found in the atmosphere, on mountain tops, and
200–300 m below the ocean-air interface. The microalgae are evolutionarily diverse occupying two domains, Eukaryota and
Bacteria, and include, but not limited to the, cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), Charophyta (chara), Chlorophyta (green),
Rhodophyta (red), Ochrophyta (brown), Glaucophyta, Euglenophyta, Cryptophyta, Chrysophyta, Bacillariophyceae (dia-
toms), and Dinophyceae (dinoflagellates). The approximately 41,000 described microalgal species are segregated by photo-
synthetic pigment content, carbohydrate food reserve, cell wall components, and flagella construction and orientation. This
eclectic group has evolved over the last 2500 million years (1600–1900 million years older than the seaweeds), occupying
a variety of ecological niches, that is, planktonic, benthic (growing in sand, mud, soil), epilithic, epiphytic (growing on
other algae, seagrasses, and trees), symbiotic relationships with fungi and invertebrates, atmospheric, and in rare occa-
sions, parasitic. There are additional groups of algae, which can form biofilms, colonial formations, mats, and turfs. The
term “microalgae” will include both the eukaryotic and cyanobacterial forms for the sake of discussion in this chapter.
Despite the total number of described microalgae, perhaps only a few hundred species have been investigated thoroughly,
only several dozens of which are fully understood, with their nutritional, health, pathogenic, or commercial potential truly
delineated. There is much work to be done with this eclectic group before we can fully appreciate the value of microalgae
in health and disease prevention. The algae play an essential role as the foundation of all aquatic food webs and in the
production of more than half of our globe’s oxygen. Additionally, via photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation, microalgae act
as major components of the carbon (Falkowski and Raven, 2007) and nitrogen cycles (Fowler et al., 2013), respectively.
As algae in general and microalgae in particular have played an ever increasing role in humans’ diet, health, and well-
being, their utilization and product development have rapidly expanded our appreciation for the diverse phytochemicals
that the algae produce (Table 1.1). Humans augment traditional medical practices by incorporating nutraceuticals and
supplements, thus acknowledging the relationship between health and diet. Microalgae have been a significant component
of mainstream dietary supplements for the past generation. The most common commercially exploited microalgal genera
are Arthrospira (Spirulina), Chlorella, Dunaliella, and Haematococcus. Benefits include: immune system enhancement,
reduction in viral infections and cancer onset, pre- and probiotic effects, increase in hemoglobin concentrations, and the
reduction in blood sugar levels and bacterial populations. Historically, Chlorella and “plankton soup” were utilized as far
back as 1942, to aid leprosy patients by supporting increase in weight, energy, and general health (Barrow and Shahidi,
2008). Additionally, microalgal-sourced, omega 3 and 6 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA’s) are utilized for
Carotenoids Phenolic Acids Stilbenese Vitamins Phycobiliproteins Sterols Stanols Polysaccharides
α-carotene Gallic Resveratrol Provitamin A C-phycocyanin Cholesterol Cholestanol Sulfated
β-carotene Chlorogenic Vitamin E Allophycocyanin β-sitosterol Stigmastanol Spirulans
Lutein Vanillic Folic acid Phycoerythrin Campesterol β-glucans
Zeaxanthin Syringic Ascorbic acid 24-Methyldiene
Astaxanthin ρ-coumaric Cobalamin Fucosterol
Liu, R., 2004. Potential synergy of phytochemicals in cancer prevention: mechanism of action. Journal of Nutrition 134, 3479–3489; Prakash, D., Gupta, C., Sharma, G., 2012. Importance of phytochemicals
in nutraceuticals. Journal of Chinese Medicine Research and Development 1 (3), 70–78 as adopted from Raposo, M., de Morais, A., 2015. Microalgae for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Life Sciences 125, 32–41.
Algae: A Way of Life and Health Chapter | 1 3
neurological and cardiac development, and support decrease in skin diseases, rheumatism, coronary heart disease, hyper-
tension, cancer, and cholesterol levels (Mata et al., 2010). Haematococcus pluvialis produces the pigment astaxanthin,
which is recently approved as a dietary supplement and is the feed additive responsible for the reddish pink flesh of aqua-
cultured salmon. Astaxanthin ingestion has been linked to antibody production; antitumor and anti-inflammatory activity;
inhibition of colon, bladder, liver, mammary, and oral cancers; decreasing risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases; and
improvement in cardiovascular health (Mata et al., 2010).
Through adaptive evolution and metabolic diversity, microalgae have developed a variety of bioactive compounds.
While many of these compounds have biomedical properties that benefit human health, few act as neurological and gastro-
intestinal toxins. Curiously, freshwater microalgal-based toxins are produced primarily by cyanobacteria, whereas marine
microalgal-based toxins are produced by dinoflagellates and diatoms. The toxins tend to be heat-stable, tasteless, odorless,
resistant to acids, and cooking has no effect on them (Backer et al., 2004). Table 1.2 includes the toxins, source algae, route
of acquisition, and clinical manifestation.
The use of microalgae, especially Chlorella and Arthrospira, as dietary supplements must be tempered due to potential
contamination from cultivation, harvesting, processing, and/or storage stages of supplement preparation. Contaminations
can include pathogenic alternative species, heavy metals, cyanotoxins, and inorganic arsenic. Quality control and quality
assurance best practices are needed to reduce or eliminate potential contamination sources, and the purchase of supplements
should be restricted to highly qualified and certified producers, packagers, and distribution concerns (Rzymski et al., 2015).
With the continued use and development of algal-based supplements, additional clinical studies and precautions should
be undertaken in the best interest of the public. Rzymski et al. (2015) list a few best practices to follow:
1. It is not advisable to use Chlorella and Spirulina-based products simultaneously.
2. Use of commercial microalgae-based products should be avoided in individuals suffering from renal failure and suscep-
tible to Al compounds due to potentially high level of Al contamination in these supplements.
3. Use of microalgae-based products should be avoided in individuals suffering from autoimmune diseases, as a relapse of
symptoms can occur.
4. Use of microalgae-based products of unknown origin should be avoided.
5. Use of microalgae-based products in infants and children should be limited.
6. All microalgal-based products should be subject to quality screening and safety assessments performed routinely by
independent agencies prior to registration.
7. All microalgae-based products characterized by detectable cyanotoxin content and significant levels of Al and other
toxic metals should be systematically eliminated from the market.
Drug discovery over the past 70 years has resulted in nearly 28,000 compounds isolated from marine organisms, only 7
of which have been approved for human pharmaceutical use. The drug approval pipeline has an additional 26 in phase I or
II trials. The candidates include 23 anticancer, 2 schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s, and 1 chronic pain treatments (Lauritano
et al., 2016). Most of the marine drug discoveries originated in sponges or ascidians which are difficult to culture and whose
standing stocks do not represent a commercial source of finished drug source material. The ease of collection, isolation,
identification, cultivation, harvesting, and extraction of microalgae and their metabolites represent an attractive alternative
research group. Algae’s evolution over the course of 2500 million years, its diversity, and ability to inhabit extreme environ-
ments have resulted in novel defense, communication, and survival techniques, adding to their human drug and nutraceuti-
cal potentiality (Lauritano et al., 2016). Numerous pharmacological activities have been reported and tested (Tables 1.3 and
1.4) such as: allelopathic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antiobese, antidiabetic, antiangiogenic, antimalarial, antioxidant,
antibacterial, antiviral, and growth inhibiting properties (Gastineau et al., 2014; Guedes et al., 2013; Mimouni et al., 2012;
Nigjeh et al., 2013; Patterson et al., 1990a,b; Peng et al., 2011; Samarakoon et al., 2013). However, one note of caution
is that drug discovery in microalgae is a function of cultivation of environmental regimes resulting in metabolic plasticity
(Lauritano et al., 2016). Metabolite production and bioactivity levels vary as a function of habitat and seasonality. Primary
and secondary metabolites production and concentration are a function of: growth phase (Vidoudez and Pohner, 2012),
clones (Gerecht et al., 2011), light (Depauw et al., 2012), temperature (Huseby et al., 2013), culturing media (Alkhamis and
Qin, 2015), grazing pressure (Pohnert, 2002), extraction method (Juttner, 2001), and many other factors (Chen et al., 2011).
An example of metabolic plasticity is the elevated inhibition of biofilm formation by Leptocylindrus danicus and L. aporus,
and anticancer activity by Skeletonema marioni in nitrogen and phosphorus starved growth media.
The progress of phycology, the study of algae, within the public consciousness can be summarized by a seminar given by
the author at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont, USA in March 2010, “The Road from Science Geek to Being Cool,
Algal Physiological Ecology: a Global Economic Development Engine.” As algae and algal-based biofuels became a research
and development priority in the United States during the 21st century, the once obscure field is now experiencing a surge of
TABLE 1.2 Microalgal Toxins (Manganelli, 2016; Backer et al., 2004; Morris, 1999)
Planktothrix Neurotoxin
Dinophysis Okadaic acid group Diarrhetic shellfish Eating shellfish Acute gastroenteritis <24 h 0% Days
poisoning harvested from
affected areas,
mussels, oysters,
TABLE 1.2 Microalgal Toxins (Manganelli, 2016; Backer et al., 2004; Morris, 1999)—cont’d
Pseudo-nitzschia Domoic acid Amnesic shellfish Eating shellfish Gastroenteritis, followed by <24 h 3% Years
poisoning or finfish from neurologic manifestations
affected areas, leading to severe amnesia,
mussels, oysters, coma, and death
Domoic acid
Gymnodinium Neurotoxic shell- Aerosolized by Respiratory and eye irrita- 0.5–24 h 0% Days
fish poisoning wave action tion when aerosolized
Gambierdiscus Ciguatoxin Ciguatera fish Bioaccumulation Acute gastroenteritis fol- <24 h 0.1%–12% Months
poisoning in marine food lowed by paresthesias and
chain other neurologic symptoms
Ostreopsis Ovatoxin
Pfiesteria unknown Pfiesteria associ- Exposure to water Learning and memory defi-
ated syndrome or aerosols ciencies acute respiratory
and eye irritation, acute
confusional syndrome
Algae: A Way of Life and Health Chapter | 1 7
Arthrospira Atherosclerosis prevention Kaji et al. (2004) and Cheong et al. (2010)
Hypocholesterolemic Bertolin et al. (2009) and Nagaoka et al. (2005)
Iwata et al. (1990), Hosoyamada et al. (1991) and
Colla et al. (2002)
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory Deng and Chow (2010)
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory Rimbau et al. (1999)
Adopted from Raposo M., de Morais A. Microalgae for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Life Sciences 125, 2015, 32–41.
Microalgae/ Duration #
Product Dosage (g/Day) (Weeks) Patients Effects References
Arthrospira 2–4 12 30 Decreases plasma cholesterol Ramamoorthy and
Premakumari (1996)
7.5 8 51 Decreases serum cholesterol Kim and Kim (2005)
Decreases plasma apolipoprotein
4.2 8 15 Decreases LDL levels Nakaya et al. (1988)
1 8 23 Decreases total plasma cholesterol Samuels et al. (2002)
Decreases LDL to HDL ratio
4.5 6 36 Decrease in total cholesterol, LDL, Torres-Duran et al.
blood pressure (2007)
2 8 15 Decrease in total cholesterols, LDL to Mani et al. (1998,
HDL ratio 2000)
Decrease in blood sugar and glycated
serum proteins
8 12 ni Decrease in blood pressure and plasma Lee et al. (2008)
total lipids
Astaxanthin ni ni 61 Improved dyslipidemia Yoshida et al. (2010)
0.002 and 0.008 8 14 Decrease in oxidative stress and Park et al. (2010)
Increase in immune response
0.006 1.5 20 Improved blood fluidity and circulation Miyawaki et al.
Dunaliella 3 14 6 Increase in serum carotenoids and anti- Bobrov et al. (2008)
and oxidant protection
0.56 1.7 60 Decrease in conjugated dienes, increase Ben-Amotz and Levy
in carotenoids (1996)
Adopted from Raposo M., de Morais A. Microalgae for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Life Sciences 125, 2015, 32–41.
8 Microalgae in Health and Disease Prevention
notoriety. If studying algae, previous to the renewed interests, was held in such disregard or benign neglect, then why would
anyone dedicate his or her life to algae? Phycology has a long history of remarkable, dedicated scientists and lay practitioners
who have advanced our algal-based knowledge through their tireless field and laboratory efforts. Massive algal collections
were assembled at universities (e.g., University of Texas, Austin, Texas), research institutions (e.g., Bigelow Laboratory for
Ocean Sciences, Boothbay, Maine) and museums (e.g., Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii). Meticulous anatomical, repro-
ductive, and systematic treatises were published expanding our body of knowledge. Biotechnological methodologies were
incorporated into current molecular genomic, ultrastructure, physiological ecology, and biochemical studies advancing our
understanding of the biology, ecology, systematics, and commercial value of the algae. Algae represent a field of study that is
far from the mainstream science. Phycologists have enjoyed their life’s work in relative obscurity until the recent interest in
algae farming (Cyanotech), algae as a healthy food (blue-green manna), feed, medicine, and biofuel (Exxon). Algae enjoy the
focus and funding so as to move microalgae and its place in health and disease prevention to the forefront in research. The edi-
tors have assembled a group of contributors dedicated to the advancement of algae, experts in their fields, endeavoring to bring
seaweeds and their role in health and disease prevention to a diverse group of readers. Below is a poem dedicated to algae:
The Biology of Algae by R.A. Lewin (1981). Phycol. Newsletter 7:1
The biology of algae is a duty, or a task,
That consumes the better portion of your time
In the sampling of waters from an ocean, or a flask,
Or a snow-field, or a gutter-full of slime.
You get cold, and wet, and grubby; you get dusty, hot, and dry;
You get dian dejected, and defied;
But you’ll find that, if you’re lucky-if you’re good-and if you try,
You can do a little science on the side.
Alkhamis, Y., Qin, J., 2015. Comparison of pigment and proximate compositions of Tisochrysis lutea in phototrophic and mixotrophic cultures. Journal
of Applied Phycology 28, 35–42.
Backer, L., Fleming, L., Rowan, A., Baden, D., 2004. Epidemiology and public health of human illnesses associated with harmful marine phytoplankton.
Monograph on oceanographic methodology. In: 11: Manual on Harmful Microalgae, pp. 723–750.
Barrow, C., Shahidi, F., 2008. Marine Nutraceuticals and Function Foods. CRC Press.
Ben-Amotz, J., Levy, Y., 1996. Bioavailability of a natural isomer mixture compared with synthetic all trans β-carotene in human serum. American Journal
of Clinical Nutrition 63, 729–734.
Bertolin, T.E., Pilatti, D., Giacomini, A.C.V.V., Bavaresco, C.S., Colla, I.M., Costa, J.A.V., 2009. Effect of microalga Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira
platensis) on hippocampus lipoperoxidation and lipid profile in rats with induced hypercholesterolemia. Braz. Arch Biol Technol 52 (5),
Bobrov, Z., Tracton, I., Taunton, K., Mathews, M., 2008. Effectivenss of Whole Dried Dunaliella Salina Marine Microalgae in the Chelating and
Detoxification of Toxic Minerals and Heavy Metals. DetoxPaper 100308.pdf.
Algae: A Way of Life and Health Chapter | 1 9
Chen, C., Yeh, K., Aisyah, R., Lee, D., Chang, J., 2011. Cultivation photobioreactor design and harvesting of microalgae for biodiesel production: a critical
review. Bioresource Technology 102, 71–81.
Cheong, S., Kim, M., Sok, D., Hwang, S., Kim, J., Kim, H., 2010. Spirulina prevents atherosclerosis by reducing hypercholesterolemia in rabbits fed a
high-cholesterol diet. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 56, 34–40.
Colla, L., Alvarez, J., Prato, C., Baisch-Muccillo, A., Costa, J., 2002. Utilizacao de Spirulina platensis como inibidor da hipercolesterolemia experimental
em coelhos (MSc thesis Rio Grande – Brasil: Fundacao Universidade de Rio Grande).
de Jesus Raposo, M.F., Miranda Bernardo de Morais, A.M., 2015. Microalgae for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Life Sciences 125,
Deng, R., Chow, T., 2010. Hypolipidemic, antioxidant and inti-inflammatory activities of microalga Spirulina. Cardiovascular Therapeutics 28e, 33–45.
Depauw, F., Rogato, A., d’Alcala, M., Falciatore, A., 2012. Exploring the molecular basis of responses to light in marine diatoms. Journal of Experimental
Botany 63, 1575–1591.
Dvir, I., Chayoth, R., sod-Moriah, S., Shany, S., Nyska, A., Stark, A., 2000a. Soluble polysaccharide of red microalga Porphyridium sp. alters intestinal
morphology and reduces serum cholesterol in rats. British Journal of Nutrition 84, 469–476.
Dvir, I., Stark, A., Chayoth, R., Madar, Z., Arad, S., 2000b. Hypocholesterolemic effects of nutraceuticals produced from the red microalga Porphyridium
sp. in rats. Nutrients 1, 156–167.
Falkowski, P.G., Raven, J.A., 2007. Aquatic Photosynthesis, second ed. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
Fowler, D., Coyle, M., Skiba, U., Sutton, M.A., Cape, J.N., Reis, S., Sheppard, L.J., Jenkins, A., Grizzetti, B., Galloway, J.N., Vitousek, P., Leach, A.,
Bouwman, A.F., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Dentener, F., Stevenson, D., Amann, M., Voss, M., 2013. The global nitrogen cycle in the twenty-first century.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368.
Gastineau, R., Turcotte, F., Pouvreau, J., Morancais, M., Fleurence, J., Windarto, E., 2014. Marennine, promising blue pigments from a widespread haslea
diatom species complex. Marine Drugs 12, 3161–3189.
Gerecht, A., Romano, G., Ianora, A., d’Ippolito, G., Cutignano, A., Fontana, A., 2011. Plasticity of oxilipin metabolism among clones of the marine dia-
tom Skeletonema marinoi (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology 47, 1050–1056.
Ginzburg, A., Cohen, M., Sod-Moriah, U., Shany, S., Rosenshtrauch, A., Arad, A., 2000. Chickens fed with biomass of the red microalga Porphyridium
sp. have reduced blood cholesterol level and modified fatty acid composition in egg yolk. Journal of Applied Phycology 12, 325–330.
Guedes, A., Giao, M., Seabra, R., Ferreira, A., Tamagnini, P., Moradas-Ferreira, P., 2013. Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of cell extracts from
microalgae. Marine Drugs 11, 1256–1270.
Guzman, S., Gato, A., Calleja, J., 2001. Antiinflammatory, analgesic and free radical scavenging activities of the marine microalgae Chlorella stig-
matophora and Phaeodactylum tricomutum. Phytotherapy Research 15, 224–230.
Halstead, B.W., 1978. Poisonous and Venuomous Marine Animals of the World. Princeton, NJ.
Hosoyamada, Y., Takai, T., Kato, T., 1991. Effects of water-soluble and insoluble fractions of Spirulina on serum lipid components and glucose tolerance
in rates. Journal of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Sciences 44, 273–277.
Huseby, S., Degerlund, M., Eriksen, G., Ingebrigtsen, R., Eilertsen, H., Hansen, E., 2013. Chemical diversity as a function of temperature in six northern
diatom species. Marine Drugs 11, 4232–4245.
Iwata, K., Inayama, T., Kato, T., 1990. Effects of Spirulina platensis on plasma lipoprotein lipase activity in fructose- induced hyperlipidemic rates.
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 36, 165–171.
Juttner, F., 2001. Liberation of 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 eicosapentaenoic acid and other polyunsaturated fatty acids from lipids as a grazer defense reaction in
epilithic diatom biofilms. Journal of Phycology 37, 744–755.
Kaji, T., Okabe, M., Shimada, S., Yamamoto, C., Fujiwara, Y., Lee, L., 2004. The change of lipid metabolism and immune function caused by anti-oxidant
material in the hypercholesterolemic elderly women in Korea. Korean Journal of Nutrition 38, 67–75.
Kim, M., Kim, W.Y., 2005. The change of lipid metabolism and immune function caused by anti-oxidant material in the hypercholesterolemic elderly
women in Korea. Korean Journal of Nutrition 38, 67–75.
Lauritano, C., Andersen, J., Hansen, E., Albrigtsen, M., Escalera, L., Esposito, F., Helland, K., Hanssen, K., Romano, G., Ianora, A., 2016.
Bioactivity screening of microalgae for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-diabetes, and antibacterial activities. Frontiers in
Marine Science 3, 1–12.
Lee, E., Park, J., Choi, Y., Huh, K., Kim, W., 2008. A randomized study to establish the effects of Spirulina in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Nutrition
Research and Practice 2, 295–300.
Lewin, R.A., 1981. The Biology of Algae and Other Verses. University Press of America, Washington, DC. 103 pp. Originally published 1971. The
Biology of Algae. Phycol. Newsletter 7:1.
Liu, R., 2004. Potential synergy of phytochemicals in cancer prevention: mechanism of action. Journal of Nutrition 134, 3479–3489.
Manganelli, M., 2016. Blooms of toxic microorganisms in aquatic environments: marine microalgae and freshwater cyanobacteria. A brief review with a
particular focus on the Italian situation. Rendiconti Fisiche Accademia Lincei 27, 135–143.
Mani, S., Iyer, U., Subramanian, S., 1998. Studies on the effect of Spirulina supplementation in control of diabetes mellitus. In: Subramanian, G. (Ed.),
Cyanobacterial Biotechnology. Science Publishers Inc., USA, pp. 301–304.
Mani, S., Desai, S., Lyer, U., 2000. Studies on the long-term effect of Spirulina supplementation on serum lipid profile and glycated proteins in NIDDm
patients. Journal of Nutraceuticals Functional and Medical Foods 2, 25–32.
Mata, T.M., Martins, A., Nidia, S., Caetano, S., 2010. Microalgae for biodiesel production and other applications: a review. Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews 14, 217–232.
Mills, A.R., Passmore, R., 1988. Pelagic paralysis. Lancet 1, 161–164.
10 Microalgae in Health and Disease Prevention
Mimouni, V., Ulmann, L., Pasquet, V., Mathieu, M., Picot, L., Bougaran, G., 2012. The potential of microalgae for the production of bioactive molecules
of pharmaceutical interest. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 13, 2733–2750.
Miyawaki, H., Takahashi, J., Tsukahara, H., Takehara, I., 2008. Effects of astaxanthin on human blood reheology. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and
Nutrition 43, 69–74.
Morris, J.G., 1999. Harmful algal blooms: an emerging public health problem with possible links to human stress on the environment. Annual Review of
Energy and the Environment 24, 367–390.
Nagaoka, S., Shimizu, K., Kaneko, H., Shibayama, F., Morikawa, K., Kanamaru, Y., 2005. A novel protein C-phycocyanin plays a crucial role in the
hypocholesterolemic action of Spirulina platensis concentrate in rats. J. Nutr 135, 225–230.
Nakaya, N., Homa, Y., Goto, Y., 1988. Cholesterol lowering effect of Spirulina. Nutrition Reports International 37, 1329–1337.
Nigjeh, S.E., Yusoff, F., Alitheen, N., Rasoli, M., Keong, Y., Bin Omar, A., 2013. Cytotoxic effect of ethanol extract of microalga, Chaetoceros calcitrans, and
its mechanisms in inducing apoptosis in human breast cancer cell line. BioMed Research International 783690.
Park, J., Chyun, J., Kim, Y., Line, L., Chew, B., 2010. Astaxanthin decreased oxidative stress and inflammation and enhanced immune response in humans.
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Patterson, G., Caplan, F., Levine, I., Moore, R., 1990a. Antineoplastic Activity of Cultured Cyanobacteria. American Society of Microbiology Annual
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Patterson, G., Larsen, L., Levine, I., Moore, R., 1990b. Antiviral and Antimicrobial Activity of Cultured Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae). American
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Peng, J., Yuan, J., Wu, C., Wang, J., 2011. Fucoxanthin, a marine carotenoid present in brown seaweeds and diatoms: metabolism and bioactivities relevant
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Pohnert, G., 2002. Phospholipase A2 activity triggers the wound-activated chemical defense in the diatom Thalassiosira rotula. Plant Physiology 129,
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Raposo, M., de Morais, A., 2015. Microalgae for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Life Sciences 125, 32–41.
Rimbau, V., Camins, A., Romay, C., Gonzalez, R., Pallas, M., 1999. Protective effects of C-phycocyanin against kainic acid-induced neuronal damage in
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Rzymski, P., Niedzielski, P., Kaczmarek, N., Jurczak, T., Klimaszyk, P., 2015. The multidisciplinary approach to safety and toxicity assessment of
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Samarakoon, K., Ko, J., Shah, M., Lee, J., Kang, M., Nam, K., 2013. In vitro studies of anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities of organic solvent
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Samuels, R., Mani, U., Iyer, J., Naiak, U., 2002. Hypocholesterolemic effect of Spirulina in patients with hyperlipidemic nephrotic syndrome. Journal of
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The Bible, Exodus 7, 20–21.
Torres-Duran, P., Ferreira-Hermozillo, A., Juarez-Oropeza, N., 2007. Antihyperlipidemic and antihypertensive effects of Spirulina maxima in an open
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Vidoudez, C., Pohner, G., 2012. Comparative metabolomics of the diatom Skeletonema marinoi in different growth phases. Metabolomics 8, 654–669.
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