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Exploring Grade 9 Students' Perspectives On Game-Based Learning in Social Studies

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ISSN: 2581-8651

Journal of Humanities and

Vol-6, Issue-6, Nov-Dec 2024
Education Development
Peer-Reviewed Journal

Exploring Grade 9 Students' Perspectives on Game-Based

Learning in Social Studies
Lanz Jasper H. Tolentino1, Bienvenido C. Tecson Jr. 2, Charmie Joahna M. Nojadera3,
Sophia Larize R. Cunanan4, Gina B. Garcia5, Bernadette O. Gallardo6
College of Education, General de Jesus College, Philippines
Email: lanztolentino6@gmail.com
College of Education, General de Jesus College, Philippines
Email: vien.cagumpay.tecson@gmail.com
College of Education, General de Jesus College, Philippines
Email: nojaderacharmiejoahna@gmail.com
College of Education, General de Jesus College, Philippines
Email: sophialarizec@gmail.com
College of Education, General de Jesus College, Philippines
Email: ginagarcia@gendejesus.edu.ph
College of Education, General de Jesus College, Philippines
Email: bernadettegallardo@gendejesus.edu.ph

Received: 07 Oct 2024; Received in revised form: 08 Nov 2024; Accepted: 14 Nov 2024
©2024 The Author(s). Published by TheShillonga. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license

This study investigates the perceptions of Grade 9 students at General de Jesus College towards game-based
learning in the context of Social Studies Education. A quantitative research design was employed, utilizing
a total population sampling technique that encompassed all 271 Grade 9 students of General de Jesus
College for the academic year 2023-2024. The findings of this study reveal that students strongly agree that
enforcing game-based learning is highly effective in increasing their engagement with the material,
maintaining their concentration, and enhancing their overall interest in studying Social Studies. This
suggests that incorporating game-based activities into the curriculum could be a valuable strategy for
educators aiming to improve student participation and learning outcomes in this subject. The data gathered
implies that this educational game approach through game-based learning has been significantly beneficial
to students in studying the subject matter. Additionally, this study also suggested that educators, especially
Social Studies teachers need often to utilize game-based activities such as quizzes and puzzle games to cater
to students’ learning. After a thorough investigation, the study concluded that incorporating game-based
learning inside the classroom significantly enhances students' engagement, retains their concentration, and
increases their interest in learning Social Studies.
Keywords—Concentration, Engagement, Game-Based Learning, Interest, Social Studies.

I. INTRODUCTION environments (Oaten, 2022 as cited by Bostow, 2022;

People’s attention spans have significantly shortened over Anguera et al., 2023). The decline in attention spans has
the years, particularly among young individuals who are serious implications for learning, as students struggle to
constantly exposed to stimuli from social media and retain information and engage in meaningful activities
technology devices (Gloria, 2023). This trend has been (Cicekci et al., 2019; American Psychological Association,
linked to societal pressures, digital addiction, and 2023).
information overload, which negatively impact various While many teachers attribute the shortening of attention
aspects of a child's life, including their home and school spans to technological advances, technology itself also

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offers substantial educational benefits. According to a students' views on using games in their Social Studies
survey by Pew Research, around 75% of teachers believe curriculum, intending to create outcomes that cater to both
that the internet and search engines have positively teachers' needs and students' preferences. By focusing on
impacted students' research skills (EU Business School, students' perspectives, the research seeks to contribute to a
2022). This duality of technology being both a distraction positive learning environment and enhance educational
and a beneficial tool underscores its role as a double-edged approaches in Social Studies.
sword in education (Naqvi, 2023).
Teaching social studies has become increasingly II. METHODOLOGY
challenging due to students' lack of interest, low motivation,
2.1. Research Design
and poor academic performance (Musselman et al., 2018;
Wijanarko et al., 2020). Factors contributing to these issues This study employed a quantitative method to gather data,
include limited teaching methods, inadequate teaching which is effective due to its focus on numbers, logic, and
tools, and dry, wordy textbooks (Joshi, 2018; Bhatnagar, objectivity, allowing for quick data processing and analysis
2018). Additionally, dissatisfaction with teaching styles and (William, 2021). To enhance data reliability, a descriptive
student misbehavior further complicate the learning quantitative research method was used. Descriptive
environment in subjects like Araling Panlipunan (Cosme, research, as explained by McCombes (2023), involves
2019). These challenges highlight the need for innovative describing what already exists by explaining, documenting,
approaches to engage students and improve their attitudes studying, and perceiving the current state of a
toward Social Studies. phenomenon’s structure or processes. This method was
chosen to describe the characteristics, behavior, and
Effectiveness of Game-based Learning
perceptions of a sample population. The descriptive method
Ward (2022) found that teachers viewed digital games as helped assess these perceptions, offering information useful
beneficial for enhancing student engagement and for developing game-based interventions.
motivation. It is also discovered by Goksu and Somen
2.2. Respondents
(2020) that social studies teachers find educational games
helpful in creating an enjoyable and enduring learning The respondents were Grade 9 students from General de
environment. With that, the study recommended increased Jesus College during the 2023-2024 academic year. Grade
and effective use of instructional games. To support this 9 students were chosen because students face difficulties in
argument, several studies, including a study by Ofiaza understanding economics, as noted by Inayati et al. (2018).
(2023) suggested that Araling Panlipunan teachers should Additionally, Quirao (2023) found that students had low
employ diverse tools, such as projectors, to inspire students proficiency in basic economics concepts. The study aimed
to explore concepts. Furthermore, the integration of digital to improve this proficiency through game-based learning,
tools and games in education offers a unique opportunity for which is effective for teaching complex subjects like
effective and enjoyable learning (Sitorus et al., 2022). In economics (Platz, 2022; Schrier, 2018).
particular, game-based learning is an active learning Table 1. Respondents of the Study
technique that enhances student learning and allows
students to learn without realizing it (Lozano et al., 2023; Sections Male Female Total
Tokac et al., 2019) Rosas 7 32 39
Utilization of Game-based Learning in Various Content
Areas Sampaguita 20 19 39

While game-based learning is common in areas such as Champaca 19 19 38

Mathematics and English, studies are saying the
implementation of game-based learning is limited, Daisy 19 21 40
particularly in Social Studies, posing a challenge in teaching
Gladiola 18 22 40
the subject. Serrano (2019) suggests more research on
game-based learning across content areas, emphasizing the Dahlia 17 21 38
potential benefits to education. In addition, previous studies
about game-based learning have been conducted in diverse Jasmin 18 19 37
settings specifically outside the country. Hence, to address
Total 118 153 271
these research gaps, the researchers conducted a study on
Grade 9 students' perceptions of game-based learning in
learning Social Studies. The study aims to understand

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The respondents of this study are the Grade 9 students of perceptions, was used where respondents rate items based
General De Jesus College, consisting of 118 males and 153 on their level of agreement (Jamieson, 2023).
females, for a total number of 271.
2.3. Data Collection and Instruments
Table 2: Profile of the Respondents
The primary data collection tool was a questionnaire
Profile Levels f %
adapted from Quinto (2021) and modified to suit the study's
needs. It consisted of three parts: demographic information, Age 13 years old 1 0.37%
students' perceptions of game-based learning, and their 14 years old 154 56.83%
preferences for game-based learning activities. The
15 years old 109 40.22%
questionnaire, which included thirty-three questions,
utilized a Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 16 years old 6 2.21%
4 (strongly agree) to facilitate data analysis. 17 years old 1 0.37%
Data was gathered through survey questionnaires and Total 271 100%
unstructured interviews to validate responses. The process
Sex Male 119 43.91%
began with seeking permission from the school
administration and obtaining consent from the participants. Female 152 56.09%
The initial questionnaire draft was reviewed by a research Total 271 100%
adviser and pilot tested with 30 Grade 9 students, resulting
in a Cronbach's Alpha reliability score of 0.87. After
incorporating feedback and final approval, the instrument The data reveals that among the 271 respondents, 154
was finalized. (56.83%) are 14 years old, 109 (40.22%) are 15 years old, 6
(2.21%) are 16 years old, and there is one respondent each
The researchers, with the help of Grade 9 advisers,
(0.37%) who is 13 and 17 years old. This indicates that the
distributed and administered the questionnaires. majority of the respondents are aged 14 to 15 years old.
Participants were briefed on the study's purpose, survey According to studies by Khan et al. (2018) and Serrano
content, and confidentiality assurances. They were closely (2019), participants aged 12 to 15 perceive digital game-
guided during the completion of the survey, after which the based learning positively, as it makes their learning
responses were collected. The data was then meticulously experience more enjoyable and engaging. Conversely, a
tabulated and interpreted to form the basis for the study's study by Salsabila et al. (2020) found that while students
findings and recommendations. aged 12 to 14 felt motivated and engaged with game-based
2.4. Data Analysis learning, some struggled with concentration, which
All the data gathered through the survey questionnaires impacted their grasp of concepts. Age appears to be a
were tallied, tabulated, summarized, and orderly recorded. contributing factor in students' perceptions of game-based
To facilitate the analysis and interpretation of data, learning.
computer calculations and data processing were employed Additionally, the data shows that most respondents are
using Microsoft Excel. The following statistical tools were female, with 152 (56.09%) females and 119 (43.91%)
used: Frequency Count, which refers to the actual number males. Previous studies, such as those by Nadeem et al.
of respondents based on their answers, and Percentage, used (2023) and Nguyen et al. (2022), indicate that females are
to determine the number of respondents in terms of more likely to enjoy and spend more time on game-based
percentage for their responses, calculated using % = f/N x learning than males. Despite these trends, the current study
100. The Mean, defined by Bhandari (2023) as the average found that both males and females have positive perceptions
score and center of gravity of distribution, was calculated of game-based learning. However, this study aims to
using x = (∑x)/N. The Weighted Mean, which accounts for analyze demographic data in relation to existing literature
the varying degrees of importance of the numbers in a data rather than directly evaluate perceptions based on age and
set, was calculated using X = ∑fx/∑f. In computing the sex. Consequently, it does not establish a correlation
result for difficulties in each taxonomy level, the formula between demographics and perceptions of game-based
RC = Total correct answer / Total number of questions x learning. Further research is recommended to explore
100 was applied. Additionally, a Likert Scale, a type of potential age-related and gender-related trends in students'
rating scale used to measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of game-based learning.
Table 3: Mean Score and Verbal Description on the Perceptions of Students-Respondents towards game-based learning in
Studying Social Studies be described in terms of Increasing Engagement

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Statements Mean Verbal Description

1. find game-based learning activities to be enjoyable and engaging. 3.73 Strongly Agree
2. Game-based learning enhances my understanding in the subject Araling Panlipunan. 3.54 Strongly Agree
3. I am motivated to participate actively through game-based learning activities. 3.49 Strongly Agree
4. The inclusion of games in my learning experience is valuable to me. 3.46 Strongly Agree
5. I find game-based learning activities challenging and rewarding. 3.55 Strongly Agree
6. Games make my learning experience more interactive and engaging. 3.66 Strongly Agree
7. I am more likely to complete assignments that involve game-based learning. 3.37 Strongly Agree
Overall Rating 3.54 Strongly Agree
3.25-4.00-Strongly Agree (SA)/ Very Effective
2.50-3.24-Agree (A)/ Effective
1.75-2.49-Disagree (D)/ Ineffective
1.00-1.74-Strongly Disagree (SD)/ Very Ineffective.

As shown in the table, it is revealed that the overall rating is 3.54 which underscores a strong agreement that game-based
learning is very effective. This overall rating indicates the student-respondents believe that game-based learning can increase
engagement when used in the classroom. Correspondingly, Justo et al. (2022) study’s findings say that game-based learning
helps in information acquisition and boosts student engagement. Thus, it appears to increase students’ overall learning and
engagement (May A. 2021). In parallel, the present study finding shows that the perceptions of student-respondents towards
game-based learning in studying Social Studies in terms of increasing engagement is positive.
Table 4: Mean Score and Verbal Description on the Perceptions of Students-Respondents towards game-based learning in
Studying Social Studies be described in terms of Retaining Concentration
Statements Mean
1. Game-based learning helps me retain information better than lecture methods. 3.37 Strongly Agree
2. Game-based learning makes me forget about the learning objectives 3.30 Strongly Agree
3. I can remain focused throughout game-based learning sessions. 3.32 Strongly Agree
4. I get easily distracted with games as compared to textbooks. 3.02 Agree
5. The use of games keeps me actively involved in the learning process. 3.47 Strongly Agree

6. I am able to maintain a high level of concentration during game-based learning activities. 3.32 Strongly Agree

7. The interactive nature of game-based learning keeps me engaged and focused. 3.43 Strongly Agree
8. I feel that game-based learning enhances my concentration compared to traditional
3.25 Strongly Agree
9. I feel that game-based learning enhances my concentration compared to traditional
3.35 Strongly Agree
Overall Rating 3.32 Strongly Agree

Moreover, as shown in the table, it is revealed that item one effective in terms of increasing their engagement. The
received the highest total weighted mean of 3.73 verbally findings indicate that the respondents strongly agree that
described as "Strongly Agree". This means that the game-based learning activities are enjoyable and engaging.
respondents perceived game-based learning as very Similarly, in the study conducted by Chen (2022) and

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Fortefiani (2023) on the perception of students towards description "Strongly Agree." reveals among students, a
game-based learning, the majority of the respondents very positive perception towards game-based learning's
revealed that learning through games is a significant ability to enhance concentration retention. The argument is
incentive to motivate them to be engaged and participate supported by a study conducted by Alonzo Fernandez et al.
fully in the classroom. Thus, enhancing student (2019), which states that the approach can significantly
engagement in the learning process (Rajan, 2023). enhance students' learning, particularly by increasing the
Meanwhile, item seven garnered the lowest weighted mean students interest and concentration. Additionally ,utilizing
of 3.37. Despite this lower numerical value, it is verbally digital game-based learning methods can capture students'
described as "Strongly Agree," and verbally interpreted as attention, motivate them to actively participate in their
“Very effective.” This indicates that although it has the learning, and improve their achievements (Tangkui &
lowest weighted mean, the respondents express a strong Keong, 2020).
positive sentiment, showing their insight that they were Besides, item number five receives the highest weighted
likely to complete assignments that involve game-based mean of 3.47 indicating that they believed in the
learning. Likewise, in a study of Nadeem et al. (2023) on integration of games. Implementing game-based learning
game-based learning, it is stated that when individuals approaches into the learning environment could encourage
comprehend the subject matter, they actively participate in students' improvement in their learning outcomes (Kula,
discussions and are more likely to complete assignments. 2021; Syafii, 2021) thus influencing retention, have full
Generally, it can be observed from table 4 that shows a focus on learning (Tawafak et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2021)
grand mean of 3.32, corresponding to the verbal and class interaction (Justo et al., 2022).
Table 5: Mean Score and Verbal Description on the Perceptions of Students-Respondents towards game-based learning in
Studying Social Studies be described in terms of Enhancing Interest
Statements Mean
1. Elements used in game-based learning can attract my attention and interest from the
3.54 Strongly Agree
2. Game-based learning materials are dull and unappealing 3.35 Strongly Agree
3. Game-based learning excites me. 3.55 Strongly Agree
4. Game-based learning helps me overcome boredom in the classroom. 3.66 Strongly Agree
5. Rewards and punishments in game-based learning catches my interest. 3.41 Strongly Agree
6. The use of games increases my overall interest in the subject matter. 3.42 Strongly Agree
7. I would choose game-based learning over the use of textbooks. 3.17 Agree
8. The variety of game formats (e.g., puzzles, and quizzes) contributes to my interest in 3.45 Strongly Agree
9. I look forward to class when game-based learning is utilized.
3.43 Strongly Agree
Overall Rating 3.44 Strongly Agree
3.25-4.00-Strongly Agree (SA)/ Very Effective
2.50-3.24-Agree (A)/ Effective
1.75-2.49-Disagree (D)/ Ineffective
1.00-1.74-Strongly Disagree (SD)/ Very Ineffective.

Furthermore, although item number four gathered the who engaged with game-based learning in a positive and
lowest weighted mean of 3.02 revealed that they do not get supportive environment demonstrated greater intensity and
easily distracted with games as compared to textbooks. As effectiveness compared to those relying solely on
stated in the study of Setyaningrum et al. (2018) students textbooks. The results also indicate that students exposed to

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game-based learning outperformed their peers who relied involvement, and giving instant feedback on student
solely on textbooks, particularly in problem-solving. performance (Hui, 2023). Moreover, according to Rajan
Additionally, the gathered data showed that students are in (2022), Game-based learning is an effective method for
favor of game-based learning over the use of textbooks. increasing student interest.
Therefore, utilizing this technique could help them to learn On the other hand, the statement that had the lowest
the materials through embedded games. Ultimately, using weighted mean of 3.17 shows that the respondents would
game-based learning led to higher learning achievements choose game-based learning over the use of textbooks. This
compared to traditional textbook-based corresponds to the verbal description of “agree”, and is
approaches.respondents believed game-based learning verbally interpreted as “effective.” This means that the
could enhance their interest in studying Social Studies. students view textbooks and game-based learning as both
As the data shows, the grand weighted mean is 3.44 which effective in learning Social Studies.
is described as “Strongly Agree”. This shows that the Nonetheless, textbooks still act as a security, a physical
perceptions of student respondents towards game-based representation of information that they can hold in their
learning in terms of Enhancing Interest are positive. This is hands which tells them what they should learn and possibly
supported by Priyaadharshini et al., 2020 which indicates motivates them to learn. Additionally, as expressed by Simu
that game-based learning is considered one of the most (2022), it also appears that textbooks ought to be
innovative learning approaches for increasing students' supplemented by other teaching materials, physical and
interest. computerized teaching aids. In line with this, game-based
The statement four shows that game-based learning helps learning can be an effective supplement, as it is an active
the respondents overcome boredom in the classroom, learning technique that enhances student learning (Lozano
gathering the highest weighted mean of 3.66, verbally et al., 2023). As a result, the students are looking for
described as “Strongly Agree.” This is verbally interpreted learning experiences that are more fascinating, enjoyable,
as "Very Effective.” inspiring, and engaging (Anastasiadis et al., 2018). In
addition, according to Simu (2022), textbooks are still
As stated by Adipat et al. (2021), games should be
considered a necessary portion of teaching and learning.
structured to enable students to repeat the cycles within the
Consequently, educators can utilize digital game-based
game context without getting bored. The utilization of
learning to assist students in skill development (Serrano,
game-based learning enables teachers to integrate active
learning into their classes, boosting student interest and

Table 6: Summary of the Mean Score and Verbal Description on the Perceptions of Student-Respondents towards game-
based learning in studying Social Studies
Statements Mean Verbal Description
1. Increasing Engagement 3.54 Strongly Agree
2. Retaining Concentration 3.32 Strongly Agree
3. Enhancing Interest 3.44 Strongly Agree
Overall Rating 3.43 Strongly Agree
3.25-4.00-Strongly Agree (SA)/ Very Effective
2.50-3.24-Agree (A)/ Effective
1.75-2.49-Disagree (D)/ Ineffective
1.00-1.74-Strongly Disagree (SD)/ Very Ineffective.

The table summarizes student-respondents' perceptions of game-based learning highly effective for engagement. This
game-based learning in Social Studies, focusing on is supported by studies such as May (2021), which highlight
engagement, concentration, and interest enhancement. the educational benefits of game-based learning, and
Increasing engagement received the highest mean of 3.54, Nadeem (2023), who notes that engaging games keep
described as "Strongly Agree," indicating that students find students motivated.

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Research by Hartt et al. (2020) underscores that game-based based learning in Araling Panlipunan at General De Jesus
learning enhances inspiration and emotional engagement. College is infrequently implemented.
Additionally, studies by Hu et al. (2023), May (2021), and
Fortepiani (2023) show that game-based learning improves
both skills and knowledge. Digital game-based learning,
incorporating elements like collaboration and feedback, Respondents indicated that they learned most effectively
positively impacts student engagement (Serrano, 2019; when game-based learning activities were utilized by their
Wang et al., 2022). teachers. The respondents believed that game-based
learning is enjoyable and engaging. Therefore, in terms of
Retaining concentration had the lowest mean of 3.32, still
described as "Strongly Agree" and "Highly Effective," maintaining their focus, it reveals among the respondent, a
indicating that students find game-based learning effective very positive perception towards game-based learning's
for concentration. Mahmud et al. (2023) and Bhat et al. ability to catch attention, thus, enhancing their
(2023) support this by stating that game-based learning concentration retention. Additionally, implementing this
enhances attention and concentration. The overall rating of approach, heightens their interest in learning Social Studies.
3.43, described as "Strongly Agree" and "Highly Effective," They believe that integrating games is entertaining and
reflects students' belief in the effectiveness of game-based helps them overcome classroom boredom. Hence, the
activities. Interviews revealed that students find game- respondents feel that game-based learning keeps them
based learning enjoyable, motivating, and more effective motivated to learn. On the other hand, the respondents noted
than traditional methods, enhancing their focus and that their Araling Panlipunan teachers sometimes utilized
participation in class. game-based learning activities, such as puzzles, quizzes,
simulations, and card games in teaching Social Studies.
Table 7: Game-based learning activities often utilized by
Where it reveals that student-respondents’ preferences in
Social Studies teachers
terms of game-based activities in learning Social Studies
Verbal subjects are quiz and puzzle games. This implies, that
Items Percentage
Description incorporating quiz and puzzle games should often be
Puzzle games 14.02% Sometimes utilized as students believed it could enhance their interest,
concentration, and engagement in studying Social Studies.
Quiz Games 12.18% Sometimes
Card Games 5.32% Sometimes
Simulation 5.32% Sometimes
Following are the recommendations made in the context of
the findings of this study and the conclusions drawn from
Table 7 indicates that students reported the use of puzzle them:
games most frequently in Araling Panlipunan classes, with
1. The students may engage in games to enhance their
a utilization rate of 14.02%, though all game types were
interest, engagement, and concentration in learning.
described as used "sometimes." Quiz games followed with
2. The teachers may use a wider variety of game-based
12.18%, and card and simulation games both at 5.32%. Li
learning activities like simulations, quizzes, puzzles,
(2023) and Fitria (2023) highlighted that puzzle games
and card games, to cater different student preferences
effectively boost student motivation and engagement, while
and keep them engaged. The teachers may
Erladini (2019) found them beneficial for grasping social
continuously evaluate the effectiveness of game-based
science concepts. Quiz games, such as Quizizz, positively
activities on the student's learning in Araling
impact student interest and learning outcomes (Pratama,
2021). Simulation games, including role- playing, help
3. The school may consider incorporating game-based
cover complex topics and promote active learning
activities in the curriculum as these were found to be
(University of Miami, 2024; Chernikova et al., 2020).
highly effective in the students' interest, concentration,
Despite being less frequently used, card games also have
and engagement in learning. The school may continue
educational benefits (Singh et al., 2021; Muthiyan et al.,
providing opportunities for teachers to attend seminars
2023). Interviews with grade 9 students revealed that
and workshops about using game-based learning in the
teachers occasionally use games in Araling Panlipunan,
indicating underutilization of interactive learning methods
and missed opportunities for engagement. Overall, game- Future Researchers may explore the effectiveness of game-
based learning and its relationship to the student's academic

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