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Syllabus GKET 2022

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 M.Sc.
(Maths/Physics/Chemistry/Microbiology/Environmental Sc.)
 M.C.A.
 M.Pharma.
 B.Pharma.
 B.Pharma. II yr (Lateral Entry)
 D.Pharma.
 Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.)
 Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.)


(Deemed to be University u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956 )

M.Sc. (Mathematics/Physics/ Chemistry/Microbiology/Environmental Science) /
M.C.A./ M.Pharma./B.Pharma./D.Pharma.
The entrance examination paper of each subject/ Simple theory of Fresnel diffraction with applications.
course shall consist of 100 objective type questions. The Fraunhoffer diffraction- single slit, double slit, plan diffraction
candidate shall be required to attempt all the questions. The grating.
syllabus for entrance exam for each subject/course along with
distribution of marks, wherever applicable, is as follows: Resolution, Rayleigh criteria, Resolving power of prism,
Grating and telescope.

M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics Polarisation, Malus law , Brewester's law, Double

(Special emphasis on Industrial Mathematics) refraction, Nicol prism, Production and detection of plane,
Circular and elliptically polarised light. Optical rotation.
Sequence and series of real numbers, continuous
function and differentiability of real valued function, R- Kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell's distribution law,
integrability, compactness and connectedness, Fourier series. Specific heat, Mean free path, Vander-waal's equation, Critical
constants, Ist law of thermodynamics, Isothermal and adiabatic
DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 10 Marks processes, Reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot's
Partial Differential, Maxima and Minima of function of engine and Carnot's theorem, Absolute scale of temperature,
one and two variables. Second law of thermodynamics, Identity of perfect gas scale
and absolute scale, Entropy, Clausius-Clayperon's heat
INTEGRAL CALCULUS 30 Marks equation, Joule-Thomson effect, Maxwell's thermodynamical
relations, Conductivity, Radiation, Kirchhoff's law, Stefan-
Integration, Definite integrals. Differential Equations:
Boltzmann law, Energy distribution in the spectrum of black
Differential equations of first order, linear differential equations
of higher order with constant coefficients.
ALGEBRA 25 Marks
Gauss theorem and its applications, Electric field and
Groups, Rings, Fields and vector spaces. Algebra of
electric potential, Electric polarisation of matter, Polarisation
matrix, Rank and inverse of a matrix consistency and solution
and displacement vectors, Dielectrics, Kirchhoff's laws and their
of system of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigenvectors.
applications, Biot-Savart law and its applications,
3-D (SOLID GEOMETRY) 10 Marks Electromagnetic induction, Faraday's law, Ballistic
Plane and Straight line. galvanometer, Growth and decay of currents, A.C. circuits,
Transformer, Network theorems and a.c. bridges, Magnetic
GENERAL AWARENESS & LOGIC ABILITY 10 Marks permeability and susceptibility, Dia, para and ferromagnetism,
Measurement of susceptibility, Hysteresis loop.
Black body radiation, Planck's theory, photoelectric
Multiplication and differentiation of vectors, gradient, effect, Compton effect, Frank-Hertz experiment, Uncertainty
divergence and curl of a vector, Gauss and Stoke's theorems, principle, Wave particle duality, deBroglie theory, Davission-
Centre of mass, Work and energy, Conservative and non Germer experiment, Schroed inger equation with application
Conservative forces. Law of conservation of energy, Motion in to simple potential problems.
central field, Two particle central force problem and reduced
mass, Compound pendulum, Linear and angular momenta,
Torque and angular momentum. Moment of inertia. Calculation Bohr, Sommerfield and vector atom model, Electron
of M.I. of some simple objects, Flywheel. spin, Pauliexclusion principle, Normal Zeeman effect, Stern-
Garlach experiment, Various coupling schemes.
Elastic constants, Torsion of cylinder, Bending beam,
Cantilevers, Viscosity, Poiseuille's formula, Stoke's law. NUCLEAR PHYSICS 5 Marks
S.H.M., Differential equation of wave motion, Lissajous Binding energy, Nuclear forces, Nuclear spin,
figures, Damped and forced oscillations. Fourier analysis. Magnetic moment, Liquid drop and shell models, Fission and
fusion, Radioactivity.
OPTICS 15 Marks
Fermat's principle, Cardinal points, Aberrations,
Eyepieces. Interference, Fresnel's biprism, Interference in thin Space lattice, Unit cell, Miller indices, sc,bcc and fce
film, Newton's rings, Michelson Interferometer. Diffractions, lattices, Cscl and Nacl structure, Bragg's law, X-ray diffraction.

Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
RELATIVITY 5 Marks PART - C 25 Marks
Special theory of relativity,Galilion invariance, Ionic equilibrium
Michelson- Moreley experiment, Lorentz transformation,
Relativistic- addition of velocities, Mass variation with velocity, Ostwald's dilution law, concepts of acids and bases,
Mass energy equivalence. pH Buffers, solubility and solubility products, salt hydrolysis,
Distribution Law
Thermionic emission, Vacuum diode, triod, tetrode and
pentode, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, PN junction, Partition coefficient, Distribution of solute undergoing
Half wave and full wave rectificaton, Filter circuits, Zener diode, dissociation/association in a given solvent, solvent extraction,
Voltage stabilization, Bipolar Junction Transistor, Transistor Numericals.
biasing, Transistor configurations: CE,CB and CC transistor Chemical Kinetics
Rates of reaction, rate constant, molecularity & order
of reaction, pseudo-order reactions, Zero, first and second
M.Sc. Chemistry order reactions, factors influencing rates, rate constant and
(Specialization in Commercial Methods of Chemical Analysis) the order of reaction, Effect of temperature, activation energy,
preexponential factor, Numericals.
PART - A 25 Marks
Electrochemical Cells
g-atom, g-ion, mole and equivalents, oxidation
reduction, oxidation number, Numerical problems. Galvanic cell, Nernst's theory and equation for single
electrode potential, cell potential, Reference electrodes (NHE,
Expressing the concentrations in molarity, normality, Calomel, and Standard silver electrode), pH electrodes (HE,
molality, formality, m.eq./ml, percentage (W/W, V/V and W/ glass and quinhydrone electrode), Determination of pH, solubility
V), p.p.m., mole fraction. Strength of H2 O2 solutions and oleum, and transition temperature from Galvanic cell. Electrolysis
Numerical problems. Problems based on chemical equations. Conductance cell, conductivity, equivalent conductance, molar
Theory of acid - base, redox, iodometric, iodimetric and conductance. Kohlrausch's law and its applications,
complexometric titrations, numerical problems. Qualitative Numericals.
analysis of cations and anions. Lassaigne's solution, test for
N, S, halogens and different functional groups in an organic Photochemistry pH
compound, Determination of iodine value and saponification Grotthus-Draper law, plathnikov's law, Beer-Lambert
value of the oil and fat. law, Einstein-Stark's law, Quantum yield and its determination.
PART - B 25 Marks PART - D 25 Marks
Atomic Structure Composition of Organic Compounds
Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom, wave - particle duality, Qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis of
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, wave function, C.H.N.S. and helogen, molecular weight, molecular formula,
Schrodinger's wave equation, Quantum numbers. tests for functional groups and identification.
Periodicity in Properties Nomenclature of Organic Compounds
Electronic configuration, atomic size, ionization IUPAC names of hydrocarbons, heterocycles,
energy, electron affinity, electronegativity polarizing power, containing one hetro atom organic compounds containing one
metallic character. or more functional groups and identification.
Chemical Bonding Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds
Ionic bond, energetics of properties and structures, Optical and geometrical isomers (including simple
covalent bond - valence bond and molecular orbital approach cyclic system), Ficher projection, enantiomers, diastereomers,
for diatomic molecules, hybridization involving s, p and d orbitals meso form and their properties, R, S nomenclature, Z, E
shapes of molecules, resonance. nomenclature.
Coordinate Bond Electronic effects and Reactive Intermediates
Coordination compounds, nomenclature, isomerism Inductive electromeric and conjugative effects,
Werner's theory. resonance, effect on acid base strength, cleavage of bond
Organometallic compounds Sn, Pb, Hg and their uses carbocation, carbonion and free radical, Reaction mechanism free
silicates and silicones and their uses, paints, pigments and radical, nucleophilic, electrophilic substitutions and additions.
cement, Fertilizers, Radioactivity and its applications, carbon Preparation and Reactions
dating Age of the earth, numerical problems.
(Involving introduction and interconversion of functional
Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
groups ascending and descending a series, substitution Food Microbiology
eliminational additional and rearrangements) Hydrocarbons,
alkylhalids, alcohols, carbonyl compounds, corboxylic acids Microrganism associated with food, microbial food and
(and their derivatives) amines (and their derivatives), active feed, methods of food preservation, fermented food, oriental
methylene compounds, Aromatic hydrocarbons, halides, nitro food (tempeh, miso, soyu), microbial spoilage of food, bacterial
compounds ,amino compounds, diazonium salts, phenols, toxins (endo and exo toxins), mycotoxins, health hazards of
carbonyl compound carboboxylic and sulphonic acids and mycotoxins, flat sour spoilage, Microbes as food (single cell
derivatives with emphasis on important name reactions. protein, mycoprotein).
Carbohydrates, structure of Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose, Starch 10 Marks
and cellulose, amino acids and proteins, Nucleic acids and
enzymes. Microbial Physiology and Genetics
Photosynthetic bacteria, oxygenic and anoxugenic
M.Sc. Microbiology bacteria, photosynthetic pigments, bacteriorhodopsin,
mechanism of photosynthesis, microbial metabolic pathways,
Cell Biology mechanism of enzyme action and enzyme kinetics, biological
Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell, nitrogen fixation, mechanism of nitrogen fixation, nitrogen fixing
compartmentalization of cell organelles, membrane structure microorganism, cyanobacterial biofertilizers, bacterial
and function, fluid mosaic model of membrane, properties and biofertilizers, auxotroph, diploid, prototroph, mutagens, silent
functions of membranes, structural organization and function mutations, episome, regulon, operon.
of cell organelles, ultrastructure of nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi 10 Marks
bodies, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisomes,
plastids, vacuoles, chloroplast. Genome organization, Structure Immunology and Medical Microbiology
of chromosomes, chromatin (heterochromatin, euchromatin)
and chromosomes, DNA & RNA and their replication. Types of immunity, types of immune system, structure
and functions of antibodies, antibody generation, antibody
10 Marks diversity, antigen-antibody interaction, monoclonal antibodies,
major histocompatibility complex (structure and function),
Plant Physiology serological tests, haemagglutination, widal test, Schick test.
Absorption of Water, Transpiration, Asent of sap, Microbes involved in certain human diseases such as typhoid
Photosynthesis, light harvesting c omplexes, fever, tetanus, rabies, hepatitis, candidiasis etc, disease control
photophosphorylation, CO2 fixation-C3, C4 and CAM pathways, methods- chemotherapy, gene therapy, vaccination, vaccines
respiration, mechanism of aerobic and anaerobic respiration, and its types, DNA vaccine, genetically engineered vaccines,
nitrogen metabolism, biological nitrogen fixation, genetics of interferons, insulin, somatostatin etc.
nitrogen fixation, nif genes, nod genes, Photoperiodism. 10 Marks
10 Marks Microbial Fermentation
Inheritance Biology Designing of fermentor, aseptic operation, batch, fed
Mendels laws of inheritance: law of dominance, law of batch and continuous cultures, homofermentat ive
segregation, gene integrations, epistasis, hypostans, genetic microorganisms and heterofermentative microorganisms,
recombination in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, mutations- types production of ethanol, alcoholic beverages, enzymes and
of mutation, spontaneous and induced, radiation as mutagen, antibiotics.
chemical mutagens, uses of mutagen in plant breeding, 10 Marks
polyploidy, evolution of polyploids.
Soil, Agricultural and Environmental Microbiology
10 Marks
Soil as a culture media for proliferation of
History, development of Microbiology and Microbial heterogeneous group of microorganism, Rhizosphere and
diversity phylloplane microflora, types of mycorrhizae, mycorrhizal fungi,
Contributions made by scientists in different areas of benefits from mycorrhizal fungi in forestry and agriculture,
microbiology- Anton Van Leeuwenhoek, Louis Pasteur, Robert microorganisms used in biofertilizers, techniques used in
Koch, Edward Jenner, Alexander Flemming, Golden era of isolation of soil microflora for their quantitative and qualitative
microbiology. enumeration.

Distribution of eukaryotic and prokaryotic Methods for estimation of soil microflora, microbial
microorganisms and their characteristic features of Protozoa, interactions, mutualism, synergism, antagonism, microbial
Fungi, Bacteria, Archaebacteria, Cyanobacteria, Actinomycetes degradation of wood, air borne microflora and its impact on
and Role of microorganisms in human welfare. human health, microbial assessment of water quality, biofuel,
microbial bioremediation of hydrocarbons and pesticides.
10 Marks
10 Marks

Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA Technology Structure and composition of atmosphere, Hydrosphere,
Lithosphere and Biosphere. Ecological adaptation, Hydrophytes,
Organization of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) in virus, Mesophytes, Xerophytes, Cursorial adaptations, Desert
prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms, types of DNA adaptations. Aquatic and Aerial adaptations.
polymerases and RNA polymerases, DNA damage and repair
systems, gene expression, post transcriptional processing, 10 Marks
gene regulation, restriction enzymes, cloning vectors, methods Air pollution, Water pollution, Noise pollution (Basic
of gene manipulation, genomics, proteomics, metagenomics. Knowledge) and Sources of air, Water and noise pollution and
10 Marks their control measures.
10 Marks
M.Sc. Environmental Science/Env. Technology
Parasitic protozoans Amoeba, Plasmodium, M.C.A. (Master of Computer Applications)
Leishmania, Trypanosoma and disease caused by them (A) Mathematics & Statistics 70 Marks
(Amoebiasis, Malaria, Leishmaniasis and Trypanosomiasis)
and diseases caused by Helminthes (Taeniasis, Ascariasis, Linear Algebra 10 Marks
Solution of simultaneous equations, addition and
10 Marks multiplication of matrices, computation of inverse and rank of
matrix, vector spaces sub spaces, bases and dimensions,
Economic Zoology: Sericulture, Apiculture, Lac- linear transformation.
culture, Fish culture. Theories of organic evolution (Lamarkism,
Neolamarkism, Drawinism, Neo-darwinism). Co-ordinate Geometry 10 Marks

10 Marks Circles, tangent and normal, orthogonal circles, coaxial

system of circles, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola, their
Elementary knowledge of structure of cell and equations in standard form and simple properties.
functions of Mitochondria, Golgi complex, Lysosome,
Ribosome, Endoplasmic reticulum and Nucleus. Differential and Integral Calculus 10 Marks

10 Marks Differentiation of algebaric, exponential and logarithmic

functions, Application to simple problems of maxima and
Definition of Ecology, History of Ecology, Relationship minima, partial differentiation of the funtions of two variables,
of ecology with other sciences, Climatic factors, Light, integration of functions by substituation, partial fractions,
Temperature, Water, Humidity, Soil, pH and nutrients. integration by parts. Definite integrals and their properties for
finding areas, volumes and surfaces of simple curves,
10 Marks simpson's and trapezoidal rules.
Types of ecosystem, Structure and functions of Differential and Difference Equations 10 Marks
ecosystem, Energy flow in ecosystem, Forest ecosystem, Linear differential equation of first degree and first
Fresh water, Marine ecosystem and Desert ecosystem. order, difference equations of first order.
10 Marks Vector 10 Marks
Renewable and Nonrenewable resources of energy, Vector product of two vectors, scalar triple product and
Elementary knowledge of forest, water, and solar energy, vector triple product, differentiation and integration of vectors.
petroleum, coal, and natural gases. Number System 10 Marks
10 Marks Natural numbers, integers, rational and irrational
numbers, complex and real numbers, binary numbers.
Biogeochemical Cycles: carbon cycle, oxygen cycle, Statistics 10 Marks
hydrogen cycle, nitrogen cycle, phosphorus cycle, Population
and its characteristics (spacing, density, growth, natality, Theory of probability, Averages dispersion, cofficient
mortality), Regulation of population size by density dependent of variation, skewness, coefficient of correlation and
and density independent factors. interpolation, fitting of curves, method of least squares,
Binomal, Poisson and normal distribution.
10 Marks (B) Mental Ability 15 Marks
Wildlife in India, Endangered fauna and flora, Wildlife Series, figure, characters, words etc. matching and
conservation in India, National Parks and Sanctuaries and sequence completeness, logical functions, truth tables etc.
Biosphere Reserve. Biodiversity value, Threat to Biodiversity (C) General Awareness 15 Marks
and conservation methods.
About current affairs and computers.
10 Marks

Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
M.Pharm. (Pharmacolgy/Pharmaceutics) Act 1970 An Introduction to Standard Institutions and Regulatory
Authorities such as BIS, ASTM, ISO, TGA, USFDA, MHRA,
(A) Pharmacology 10 Marks ICH, WHO Minimum Wages Act 1948 Prevention of Food
Adulteration Act 1954 and Rules Industrial Development and
General Pharmacology, Principles of toxicology, Drugs
Regulation act 1951 Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable
acting on urinary system Pharmacology of peripheral nervous
Advertisements) Act 1954 Medicinal and Toilet Preparations
system Pharmacology of central nervous System Pharmacology
(Excise Duties) Act 1955, Rules 1976 Historical background
of cardiovascular system Immunopharmacology Drugs acting
Drug legislation in India, Code of Ethics for Pharmacists The
on Respiratory system Pharmacology of Endocrine system
Pharmacy Act 1948 Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940, Rules 1945,
Neurohumoral transmission in autonomic and central nervous
including New Drug applications Consumer Protection Act Indian
system Vitamins & Minerals Chemotherapy Autacoids and their
Pharmaceutical Industry- An Overview Medical Termination of
Antagonists Pharmacology of drug acting on the gastrointestinal
Pregnancy Act 1970 and Rules 1975 Prevention of Cruelty to
tract Chronopharmacology
Animals Act 1960 Drug (Price Control) Order
(B) Physical Chemistry 10 Marks
(H) Pharmaceutical Management 10 Marks
Composition & physical states of matter Refractive
Introduction to management Inventory Management
index Solutions Electrochemistry, Kinetics Colligative Properties
Communication Research Management Human resource and
Thermodynamics Ionic equilibrium
development (HRD) Planning and Forecasting Organization
(C) Physical Pharmacy 10 Marks World trade organization (WTO) and trade-related intellectual
property rights (TRIPS) Standard institutions and regulatory
Buffer Solubility Matter, properties of matter Viscosity authorities GATT Marketing Research Leadership and motivation
and rheology Surface and interfacial phenomenon Dispersion
systems Complexation Micromeritics and powder rheology (I) Pharmaceutics 10 Marks

(D) Organic Chemistry 10 Marks Pharmacy Profession & Introduction to Pharmaceuticals

Introduction to dosage form Biological products Pharmaceutical
General principles Pericyclic reactions Aromaticity & Plant, location, layout Ophthalmic preparations Preformulations
chemistry of aromatic compounds Different classes of Packaging Materials Cosmetics Pilot plant scale-up techniques
compounds Amino acids & proteins Different aromatic classes Dosage Form Necessities and Additives Powders Sources of
of compounds Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons drug information Tablets Parenteral - product requiring sterile
Stereochemistry Carbohydrates Carbonyl Chemistry packaging Suspensions Emulsions Suppositories Stability of
Heterocyclic Chemistry Protection & deprotection of groups formulated products Prolonged Action Pharmaceuticals Novel
Bridged rings Kinetic & thermodynamic control Drug delivery system GMP and Validation Semisolids Allopathic
dosage form Crude extract Allergenic extract Capsules
(E) Dispensing and Hospital Pharmacy 10 Marks Liquids(solutions, syrups, elixirs, spirits, aromatic water, liquid
Introduction to laboratory equipment, weighing for external uses) Pharmaceutical Aerosols
methodology, handling of prescriptions, labelling instructions
(J) Pharmaceutical Engineering 10 Marks
for dispensed products Posological calculations involved in the
calculation of dosage for infants. Study of current patent and Material of constructions Drying Size reduction and size
proprietary products, generic products and selected brand separation Extraction Mixing Crystallization Automated process
products, indications, contraindications, adverse drug reactions, control systems Industrial hazards & safety precautions
available dosage forms and packing Compounding and Evaporation Distillation Fluid flow Heat transfer Filtration and
dispensing of following prescriptions Reading and counselling Centrifugation Dehumidification and humidity control
of prescriptions from the clinical practice Enlarging and reducing Refrigeration and air conditioning
formula, displacement value Preparations of formulations involving
allegation, alcohol dilution, isotonic solution (K) Pharmacognosy 10 Marks

(F) Pharmaceutical Chemistry 10 Marks Introductory Pharmacognosy Classification of crude

drugs Plant products Principles of plant classification
Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Dentifrices, Pharmaceutical aids Animal products Traditional herbal drugs
desensitizing agents, & anticaries agents Pharmaceutical Plants based industries and research institutes in India Patents
Impurities Isotopes Monographs Medicinal Chemistry Various Ayurvedic system of medicine Homeopathic system of medicine
classes of therapeutic agents Different classes of therapeutic Toxic drugs Enzymes Natural pesticides and insecticides
drugs Therapeutic classes of drugs Different classes of Adulteration and evaluation of crude drugs Quantitative
therapeutic drugs microscopy Factors influencing quality of crude drugs Techniques
in microscopy Introduction to phytoconstituents Biogenetic
(G) Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence 10 Marks pathways Carbohydrates & lipids Tannins Volatile oils Resinous
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, and drugs Glycosides Alkaloids Extraction and Isolation Techniques
Rules thereunder Factory Act Shops and Establishment Act Phytopharmaceuticals Quality control and Standardization of
Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights and Indian Patent herbal drugs Herbal formulations Worldwide trade of crude drugs
Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
and volatile oils Herbal cosmetics Process and Applications Animal Cell Culture Biotechnology-
Derived Products
(L) Human Anatomy and Physiology 10 Marks
(R) Pathophysiology 10 Marks
Cell physiology Endocrine Glands Reproductive System
Gastrointestinal tract Respiratory System Autonomic nervous Basic principles of cell injury and adaptation Neoplastic
system Cardiovascular system Lymphatic system The Blood diseases Pathophysiology of common diseases Laboratory tests
Sense organs Skeletal System Central Nervous system Urinary for Liver function tests and kidney func tion tests
System Immunopathology including amyloidosis Infectious diseases
Basic mechanisms of inflammation and repair Disorders of fluid,
(M) Pharmaceutical Analysis 10 Marks electrolyte and acid-base balance Disorders of homeostasis:
Importance of quality control in pharmacy Acid-base white blood cells, lymphoid tissues, and red blood cells related
titrations Gravimetry Extraction techniques Potentiometry diseases
Calibration General principles of spectroscopy Mass (S) Microbiology 10 Marks
spectrometry Polarography Nephelometry & Turbidimetry
Ultraviolet-visible Spectrometry Spectrofluorimetry Flame Introduction to Microbiology Microscopy and staining
photometry & atomic absorption spectrometry Infrared technique Biology of Microorganisms Microbial spoilage
spectrometry Miscellaneous methods of analysis Non-aqueous Vaccines & Sera Fungi and Viruses Aseptic Technique
titrations Oxidation- reduction titrations Precipitation titrations Sterilization & Disinfection Microbial Assay
Complexometric titrations Proton nuclear magnetic resonance
spectrometry Chromatography Miscellaneous B.Pharma. 1st Year/D.Pharma.
(N) Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 10 Marks The entrance examination paper shall have three parts.
PART-A : Chemistry (50 questions of 01 marks each)
Drug information services, Drug interactions Drug
interaction in pediatric and geriatric patients, drug treatment PART-B : Biology (50 questions of 01 marks each)
during pregnancy, lactation and menstruation Therapeutic drug PART-C : Mathematics (50 questions of 01 marks each)
monitoring, adverse drug reaction (ADR), types of ADR,
Mechanism of ADR. Drug interaction, Monitoring and reporting Candidate shall be required to attempt Part–A
of ADR and its significance Age-related drug therapy: concept compulsorily. He will attempt either Part B or Part C. In all, the
of posology, drug therapy for neonates, paediatrics and candidate shall be required to attempt 100 questions. The
geriatrics. Drugs used in pregnancy and lactation Drug therapy questions shall be objective type with single answer. The duration
in gastrointestinal, hepatic, renal, cardiovascular and Respiratory of entrance examination shall be 02 hours. Detailed syllabi shall
Disorders Pharmacovigilance, Therapeutic drug monitoring, be as follows:
Neutraceuticals, essential drugs and rational drug usage General
Principles, preparation, maintenance, analysis of observational PART–A : CHEMISTRY
records in Clinical Pharmacy Drug therapy in infections of
respiratory system, urinary system, infective meningitis, TB, UNIT–1 (13 marks)
HIV, malaria and filaria Drug therapy for thyroid and parathyroid 1. g – atom, g – ion, mol and equivalents, oxidation, reduction,
disorders, diabetes mellitus, menstrual cycle disorders, oxidation number, Numerical problems.
menopause and male sexual dysfunction Drug therapy for
malignant disorders like leukaemia, lymphoma and solid tumours 2. Expressing the concentrations in molarity, normality,
Drug therapy for rheumatic, eye and skin disorders Clinical trials, molality, formality, m.eq./ml. percentage (W/W, V/V, W/
type and phases of clinical trials, placebo, ethical and regulatory V), p.p.m., and mole fraction. Strength of H2O2 solutions
issues including Good clinical practice in clinical trials Drug and oleum. Problems based on chemical equations. Acid –
therapy for neurological and psychological disorders Base, redox, iodometric, iodimetric and complexometric
titrations. Qualitative analysis of cation and anions.
(O) Biochemistry 10 Marks Lassaigne’s solution, test for N, S, halogens and different
functional groups in an organic compound, Eudiometry.
Cell Lipids Enzymes Nucleic acids Vitamins Biological
oxidations & reductions Carbohydrates Proteins Hereditary
diseases UNIT–2 (12 marks)
1. Bohr’s and Sommerfield’s theory of hydrogen atom, Hunds’
(P) Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics 10 Marks
rule, Pauli’s exclusion principle, quantum numbers, wave –
Bio-pharmaceutics, Bio-pharmaceutical statistics, Bio- particle duality, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, wave
availability & Bio-equivalence function, nodes.

(Q) Biotechnology 10 Marks 2. Periodicity in Properties, Electronic configuration, atomic

size, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity.
Plant Cell and Tissue Culture Fermentation Technology
and Industrial Microbiology Recombinant DNA Technology 3. Ionic bond, Covalent bond, Coordinate bond, metallic bond,

Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
% Ionic character, Fazan rules, Hybridization involving s, p
and d orbitals, H-bond, dipole moment, Vander waal Forces, PART–B : BIOLOGY
Resonance. UNIT – 1 (10 marks)
4. Coordination compounds, nomenclature, isomerism, 1. THE LIVING WORLD
Warner’s theory. Radioactivity and its applications, carbon
dating, Age of the earth. Nature and scope of Biology, Methods of Biology, Our place
in the universe. Laws that govern the universe and life levels
5. Physical and Chemical equilibrium, K p, K c, Reaction of organization, Causes and effect relationship.
quotient, Lechatelier’s principle. Ionic equilibirium, Ostwald’s
dilution law, concepts of acids and bases, pH, Buffers, Being alive – what its means? Present approach to
solubility and solubility products, salt hydrolysis, Acid – understand life processes – molecular approach; life as
Base indicators. an expression of energy; steady and homeostasis; self
duplication and survival, adaptation; death as a positive part
UNIT – 3 (13 marks) of life.

1. Ideal gas laws and equation, Vander waal equation, Origin of life and its maintenance. Origin and diversity of
Liquefaction of gases. life, Physical and Chemical principles that maintain life
process, the living crust and interdependence. The positive
2. Colloids, peptization & properties, Coagulation, protection, and negative aspects of progress in biological sciences.
Gold no., Gels, Emulsions, Colloidal electrolytes, Micelle,
application of colloids. Adsorption and Catalysis. 2. UNITY OF LIFE
3. Rates of reaction, rate costant, molecularity & order of Cell as unit of life, Small biomoleules; water, minerals,
reaction, pseudo – order reactions, zero & first order mono-and oligosaccharides, lipids, amino acids,
reactions. Factors influencing rates, rate constant and the nucleotides and their chemistry, cellular location and
order of reaction. Effect of temperature, activation energy, function. Polysaccharides, proteins and nucleic acids.
preexponentional factor. Numericals. Enzymes; chemical nature, classification, mechanism in
4. Galvanic cell, Nernst’s theory & equation for single electrode action-enzyme complex, allosteric modulation (brief),
potential, cell potential, Reference electrodes (NHE, calomel irreversible activation. Biomembranes. Fluid mosaic model
and standard silver electrode). Determination of pH, solubility of membrane in transport and recognition of external
and transition temprature from Galvanic cell, Faraday Laws information (brief). Structural organization of the cell; light
of electrolysis, Conductance cell, Conductivity, Equivalent and electron microscopic views of cell, its organelles and
conductance. Molar conductance. Kohlrausch’s law and their functions; Nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplates,
it’s applications. endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi complex, lysosomes,
microtubules, cell wall, cilia and flagella, vacuoles, cell
5. Colligative properties, Osmotic pressure, lowering of vapor
inclusions. A general account of cellular respiration.
pressure, Elevation in boiling point, Depression in freezing
Fermentation, biological oxidation, mitochondrial electron
point, Abnormal molecular weight and colligative properties,
transport chain, high energy bonds and oxidative
Vant hoff factor.
phosphorylation, cell reproduction; Process of mitosis and
6. Basic terms used in thermodynamics, I & II law of meiosis.
thermodynamics, Work, Different type of Heat changes, UNIT – 2 (10 marks)
Hess Law. Application of thermodynamics to biological
UNIT – 4 (12 marks) Introduction. The enormous variety of living things, the need
for classification to cope with this variety; taxonomy and
1. Qualitative and Quantitative methods of analysis of C,H,N,S
phylogeny; shortcoming of a two kingdom classification
and halogens, molecular weight, molecular formula.
as plant and animals; a five kingdom classification. Monera,
2. IUPAC nomenclature of Organic Compounds, Optical and Protista, Plantae, Fungi and Animalia. The basic features
Geometrical isomerism. of five kingdom classification; modes of obtaining nutrition
– autotrophs and heterotrophs. Life style: procedures,
3. Inductive electromeric and conjugative effects, Carbonium consumers, and decomposers. Unicellularity and
ion, Carbanion & free radicals, Reaction mechanism – free multicellularity, phylogenetic relationship. Concepts of
redical, nucleophilic/electrophilic substitutions and species, taxon and categories – hierarchical levels of
additions. classification; binomial nomenclature; principles of
4. Preparation, properties and uses of Hydrocarbons, classification and nomenclature; identification and nature
alkylhalides, alcohols, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic of viruses and bacteriophages and organisms. Kingdom
acids (and their derivatives). Aromatic hydrocarbons, halides, Monera – archaebacteria - life in extreme environments;
nitro compounds, amino compounds, phenols, carbonyl Bacteria, actinomycetes, Cynobacteria, example to illustrate
compound and Carboxylic acid. Basic treatment of autotrophic and hetroterophic life style; mineralizer - nitrogen
carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins, Nucleic acids fixers; Monera in cycling matter; symbiotic forms; desease
and enzymes. producers. Kingdom Protista-Eucarytoic unicellular

Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
organisms; development of flagella and cilia; beginning of Circulation:closed and open vascular systems, structure
mitosis; syngamy and sex. Various life styles shown in the and pumping action of heart, arterial blood pressure, lymphs.
major phyla. Conquest of land, bryophytes, ferns, Excretion and osmoregulation. Ammonotelism, ureotelism,
gymnosperms and angiosperms, Vascularization; uricotelism, excretion of water and urea with special reference
development of flower, fruit and seed. Kingdom fungi-lower to man. Role of kidney in regulation of plasma, osmolarity of
fungi (Zygomycetes) higher fungi (Ascomycetes and mammals, role of hormones as messengers and regulators.
Basidiomycetes); the importance of fungi, decomposers; Nervous coordination: central, automatic and peripheral
parasitic forms; lichens and mycorrhizae, animal kingdom nervous systems, receptors, effectors, reflex action, basic
– animal body pattern and symmetry. The development of physiology of special senses, integrative control by
neuroendocrinal systems. Locomotion, joints, muscle
body cavity in invertebrate and vertebrate phyla. Salient
movements, types of skeletal muscles according to types of
feature with reference to habitat and examples of phylum movement, basic aspects of human skeleton.
porifera, coelenterata, helminths, annelids, mollusca, Reproduction;human reproduction, female reproductive cycles.
arthropoda, enchinoderms; chordata (Classes – fishes, Embryonic development in mammals (upto three germs
amphibians, reptiles, bird and mammals) highlighting major layers).
UNIT – 4 (10 marks)
Biosphere; flow of energy, trapping of solar energy, energy
pathway, food chain, food web, biogeochemical cycles, Heredity and variation: Introduction, Mendel’s experiments
calcium and sulphur, ecological imbalance and its with peas and idea of factors. Mendel’s laws of inheritance.
consequences. Conservation of natural resources; renewable Genes:Packaging of heredity material in prokaryotes –
and non-renewable (in brief). Water and land management, bacterial chromosome; plasmid and eukaryote
wasteland development. Wild life and forest conservation; chromosomes. Extranuclear genes, viral genes, linkage
(genetic) maps. Sex determination and sex linkage.
causes for the extinction of some wild life, steps taken to
Genetic material and its replication. Gene expression;
conserve the remaining species, concepts of endangered
genetic code, transcription, translation, gene regulation.
species – Indian examples, conservation of forests; Indian
Molecular basis of differentiation.
forests, hazards of deforestation, afforestation, environmental
pollution, air and water pollution, sources, major pollutants 2. ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF LIFE
of big cities of our country, their effects and methods of
Origin of life: Living and non-living, chemical evolution;
control, pollution due to nuclear fallout and waste disposal,
Oparin ideas, Millar-Urey experiments, Interrelationship
effect and control, noise pollution – sources and effects.
among living organisms and evidence of evolution:fossil
records including geological time scale, Morphological
UNIT – 3 (10 marks) evidence – homology, vestigial organs, embryological
1. MULTICELLULARITY:STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION – similarities and biogeographical evidence. Darwin’s two
PLANT LIFE major contributions. Common origin of living organisms
and recombination as sources of variability, selection acts
Modes of nutrition, transport of solutes water in plants, upon variation, adapation (Lederberg’s replica plating
and photosynthesis, photochemical biosynthetic phases, experiment for indirect selection of bacterial mutants),
diversity in photosynthetic pathways; photosynthetic reproductive isolation, speciation. Role of selection change
electron transport and photophosphoration, and drift in determining composition of population. Mutation
photorespiration. Transpiration and exchange of gases. their role in speciation, their origin in speciation and
Stomatal mechanism. Osmoregulation in plants; water organisms.
relations in plant cells, water potential, Reproduction and
development in Angiosperm plants; asexual and sexual. UNIT – 5 (10 marks)
Structure and functions of flower; development of male
and female gametophytes in angiosperms, pollination, 1. APPLICATION OF BIOLOGY
fertilization and development of endosperm, embryo, seeds
Biofertilisers – green manure, crop residues and nitrogen
and fruits. Differentiation and organ formation. Plant
fixation (symbiotic, non-symbiotic). Applications of tissue
formation hormones and growth regulation; action of plant
culture and genetic engineering in crops. Domestication and
hormones in relation to seed dormancy and germination,
introduction of animals. Livestock, poultry, fisheries (free
optical dominance. Senescence and abscission.
water, marine, aquaculture). Improvement of
2. MULTICELLULARITY:STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION - animals;principles of animal breeding. Major animal
ANIMAL LIFE diseases and their control. Insects and their products (silk,
honey, wax and lac). Bioenergy, biomass, wood
Animal nutrition; organs of digestion and digestive process, (combustion, gasification, ethanol). Cow dung-cakes, gobar
nutritional requirements for carbohydrates, proteins, fats, gas plants as sources of hydrocarbons for producing
minerals and vitamins:nutritional imbalances and
petroleum, ethanol from starch and lignocellulose.
deficiency diseases. Gas exchange and transport :
Pulmonary gas exchange and organs involved, transport Biotechnology, a brief historical account-manufacture of
of gases in blood. Gas exchange in aqueous media. cheese, yoghurt, alcohol, yeast, vitamins, organic acids,
Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
antibiotics, steroids, dextrins. Scalling up laboratory findings centroid and in-centre of a triangle, slope of a line, parallel
to industrial production. Production of insulin, human growth and perpendicular lines, intercepts of a line on the
hormones, interferon, communicable diseases including coordinates axes.
diseases spread through blood transfusion (hepatitis, AIDS
etc). immune response, vaccines and antisera. Allergies and The straight line and pair of straight lines
inflammations. Inherited diseases and dysfunctions. Sex- Various forms of equations of a line, intersection of lines,
linked diseases, genetic incompatibilities, and genetic angles between two lines, conditions for concurrence of
counselling. Cancer – major types, causes, diagnosis and three lines, distance of a point from a line. Equation of
treatment. Tissue and organ transplantation. family of lines passing through the points of intersection of
two lines, homogeneous equation of second degree in X
PART–C : MATHEMATICS and Y, angle between pair of lines through the origin.

UNIT - 1 3. VECTOR ALGEBRA (5 marks)

1. SETS, RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS (5 marks) Vectors and scalars, addition of vectors, components of
vector in two dimensions and three dimensional space,
Sets and their representations, Union, intersection and scalar and vector products. Scalar and vector triple product.
complements of sets, and their algebraic properties,
Relations, equivalence relations, mapping, one-one, into 4. MEASURES OF CENTRAL TENDENCY AND
and onto mappings, composition of mappings. DISPERSION (5 marks)
2. MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS (5 marks) Calculation of mean, median and mode of grouped and
Determinants and matrices of order two and three, properties ungrouped data. Calculation of standard deviation, variance
of determinants. Addition and multiplication of matrices, an mean deviation for grouped and ungrouped data.
adjoint and inverse of matrix. 5. PROBABILITY (5 marks)
3. PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS (5 marks) Probability of an event, addition and multiplication theorms
Fundamental principle of counting; Permutation as an of probability and their applications; conditional probability,
arrangement and combination as selection, Meaning P(n,r) Bayes’ theorem, Probability distribution of a random variate;
and C(n,r). Simple applications. Binomial and Poisson distributions and their properties.


B.Pharm. II Year
Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic progressions.
Insertion of Arithmetic Geomatric and Harmonic means (Direct Admission Through Lateral Entry)
between two given numbers. Relation between A.M., G.M. The entrance examination paper shall consist of 100 objective
and H.M. special series: ån, ån 2,ån 3. Arithmetico – type questions. The candidate shall be required to attempt all
Geometric Series, Exponential and Logarithmic Series. questions. The duration of entrance examination will be 2 hrs.
5. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULAS (5 marks) The distribution of marks/question for each unit is as follows-

Limits, continuity: differentiation of the sum, difference of Unit-I 30 Marks/questions

the sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, Unit-II 30 Marks/questions
differentiation of trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, Unit-III 20 Marks/questions
logarithmic, exponential, composite, and implict functions;
Unit-IV 20 Marks/questions
derivatives of order upto two. Applications of derivatives;
rate of change of quantities. Maximum and minima of Total 100 Marks/questions
functions of one veriable.
UNIT- I (30 Marks)
UNIT – 2
Metrology– Systems of weights and measures. Calculations
1. INTEGRAL CALCULUS (5 marks) including conversion from one to another system. Percentage
Integral as an anti-derivative, Fundamental integrals calculations and adjustments of products. Use of alligation
involving algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and method in calculations, Isotonic solutions.
logarithmic functions. Integration by substitution, by part
Size separation– Size separation by sifting. Official Standard
and by partial fractions. Properties of definite integrals.
Evaluation of definite integrals. for powders. Sedimentation methods of size separation.
Construction and working of cyclone separator.
Size reduction Objectives, and factors affecting size reduction,
Recall of Cartesian system of rectangular co-ordinates in methods of size reduction–Study of Hammer mill, Ball mill, Fluid
a plane, distance formula, area of the triangle, condition
Enegy Mill and Disintegrator.
for the collinearity of three points and section formula,
Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
Clarification and Filtration – Theory of filtration, Filter media; Ear Drops, Nasal drops, Sprays, Liniments and Lotions.
Filter aids and selection of filters. Study of the following filtration
equipments–Filter Press, Sintered Filters, Filter Candles, Biphasic Liquid Dosage Forms- Suspension (elementary
Metafilter. study)—Suspensions containing diffusible solids and liquids
and their preparations. Study of the adjuvants used like
Extraction and Galenicals– Study of percolation and thickening agents, wetting agents, their necessity and quantity
maceration and their modification, continuous hot extraction– to be incorporated. Suspensions of precipitate forming liquids
Applications in the preparation of tinctures and extracts. like, tinctures, their preparations and stability. Suspensions
Introduction to Ayurvedic dosage forms. produced by chemical reaction. An introduction to flocculated,
non-flocculated suspension system.
Distillation–Simple distillation and Fractional distillation; Steam
distillation and vacuum distillation. Study of vacuum still, Emulsions – Types of emulsions, identification of emulsion
preparation of Purified Water I.P. and water for injection I.P. system, formulation of emulsions, selection of emulsifying
Construction and working of the still used for the same. agents. Instabilities in emulsions. Preservation of emulsions.

Sterilization– Concept of sterilization and its differences from Semi –Solid Dosage Forms: Ointments– Types of ointments,
disinfection –Thermal resistance of micro–organisms. Detailed classification and selection of dermatological vehicles.
study of the following sterilization process. Preparation and stability of ointments by the following
Sterilization with moist heat, Dry heat sterilization, Sterilization
by radiation, Sterilization by filtration and Gaseous sterilization. (i) Trituration (ii) Fusion (iii) Chemical reaction (iv) Emulsification.

Aseptic techniques- Application of sterilization processes in Pastes- Difference between ointments and pastes, bases of
hospitals particularly with reference to surgical dressings and pastes. Preparation of pastes and their preservation.
intravenous fluids. Precautions for safe and effective handling Jellies – An introduction to the different types of jellies and
of sterilization equipment. their preparation.
Processing of Tablets- Definition; Different types of compressed An elementary study of poultice.
tablets and their properties. Processes involved in the production
of tablets; Tablets excipients; Defects in tablets. Evaluation of Suppositories and pessaries –Their relative merits and demerits,
Tablets; Physical Standards including Disintegration and types of suppositories, suppository bases, classification,
Dissolution. Tablet coating–sugar coating; film coating, enteric properties, Preparation and packing of suppositories. Use of
coating and microencapsulation (Tablet coating may be dealt in suppositories for drug absorption.
an elementary manner) Sterile Dosage Forms: Parenteral dosage forms—Definitions,
Processing of Capsules– Hard and soft gelatin capsules; General requirements for parenteral dosage forms. Types of
different sizes capsules; filling of capsules; handling and parenteral formulations, vehicles, adjuvants, processing,
storage of capsules, Special applications of capsules. personnel, facilities and Quality control. Preparation of
Intravenous fluids and admixtures –Total parenteral nutrition,
Immunological products: sera, vaccines, toxoids & their Dialysis fluids.
Sterility testing, Particulate matter monitoring –Faulty seal
Incompatibilities in Prescriptions – Study of various types of packaging.
incompatibilities –physical, chemical and therapeutic.

Posology— Dose and Dosage of drugs, Factors influencing UNIT–II (30 Marks)
dose, Calculations of doses on the basis of age, sex and General discussion on the following inorganic compounds
surface area. Veterinary doses. including important physical and chemical properties, medicinal
Monophasic liquid Dosage form– Theoretical aspects and Pharmaceutical uses, storage conditions and chemical
including commonly used vehicles, essential adjuvant like incompatibility.
stabilizers, colourants and flavours, with examples. Acids, bases and buffers: Boric acid, Hydrochloric acid, strong
Liquids for internal administration: Mixtures and ammonium hydroxide, Calcium hydroxide, Sodium hydroxide
concentrates, Syrups and Elixirs and official buffers.

Liquids for external administration or used on mucus Antioxidants– Hypophosphorous acid, Sulphur dioxide, Sodium
membranes: Gargles Mouth washes Throat –paints, Douches, bisulphite, Sodium metabisulphite, Sodium thiosulphate,
Nitrogen and Sodium Nitrite.
Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
Antacids- Sodium bicarbonate, Aluminium hydroxide gel, Antimalarial Drugs– Chloroquine, Amodiaquine, Primaquine,
Aluminium Phosphate, Calcium carbonate, Magnesium Proguanil, Pyrimethamine, Quinine, Trimethoprim.
carbonate, Magnesium trisilicate, Magnesium oxide,
Combinations of antacid preparations. General Anaesthetics– Halothane, Cyclopropane, Diethyl
ether, Methohexital sodium, T hiopental sodium,
Topical Agents- Protectives-Talc, Zinc Oxide, Calamine, Zinc Trichloroethyelene.
stearate, Titanium dioxide, Silicone polymers.
Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine.
Antimicrobials and Astringents– Hydrogen peroxide*,
Potassium permanganate, Chlorinated lime, Iodine, Solutions Adrenergic Antagoinst – Tolazoline, Propranolol, Practolol.
of Iodine, Povidone-iodine, Boric acid, Borax. Silver nitrate, Mild Cholinergic Drugs– Neostigmine, Pyridostigmine, Pralidoxime,
silver protein, Mercury, Yellow mercuric oxide, Ammoniated Pilocarpine, Physostigmine.
Cholinergic Antagonists– Atropine, Hysocine, Homatropine,
Astringents: Alum and Zinc Sulphate. Propantheline, Benztrophine, Tropicamide, Biperiden
Major Intra and Extracellular electrolytes- Electrolytes used Diuretic Drugs– Furosemide, Chlorothiazide, Hydrochlorothaizide,
for replacement therapy –Sodium chloride and its preparations, Benzthiazide, Urea, Mannitol, Ethacrynic Acid.
Potassium chloride and its preparations.
Cardiovascular Drugs– Ethyl nitrite, Glyceryl trinitrate, Alpha
Physiological acid-base balance and electrolytes used-Sodium methyl dopa, Guanethidine, Clofibrate, Quinidine.
acetate, Potassium acetate, Sodium bicarbonate injection,
Sodium citrate, Potassium citrate, Sodium lactate injection, Hypoglycemic Agents– Insulin, Chlorpropamide, Tolbutamide,
Ammonium chloride and its injection.Combination of oral Glibenclamide, Phenformin, Metformin.
electrolyte powders and solutions.
Coagulants and Anti Coagulants- Heparin, Thrombin,
Limit tests for Arsenic, chloride, sulphate, Iron and Heavy metals. Menadione,Bishydroxycoumarin, Warfarin Sodium.

Brief chemistry and role of proteins, carbohydrates, Lipids, Local Anaesthetics –Lignocaine, Procaine, Benzocaine.
Vitamins, Enzymes, Minerals, polypeptides and amino acids,
Histamine and Anti–histaminic Agents- Histamine,
classification, Qualitative tests, Biological value, Deficiency
Diphenhydramine*, Promethazine, Cyproheptadine,
Mepyramine, Pheniramine, Chlorpheniramine.
The Chemistry of following Pharmaceutical organic compounds:
Analgesics and Anti-pyretics–Morphin, Pethidine, Codeine,
(nomenclature, chemical structure, uses and the important
Methadone, Aspirin,Paracetamol, Analgin, Dextropropoxyphene,
Physical and Chemical properties
Antiseptics and Disinfectants– Proflavine,
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Agents – Indomethacin,
Benzalkoniumchloride, Cetrimide, Chlorocresol, Chloroxylene,
phenylbutazone, Oxyphenbutazone, Ibuprofen, Thyroxine and
Formaldehyde solution, Hexachlorophene, Liquified phenol,
Antithyroids –Thyroxine, Methimazole, Methylthiouracil,
Sulfonamides- Sulfadiazine, Sulfaguanidine,
Phthalysulfathiazole, Succinylsulfathiazole, Sulfadimethoxine, UNIT – III (20 marks)
Sulfamethoxypridazine, Sulfamethoxazole, co-trimoxazole,
1. Identification tests, therapeutic effects and pharmaceutical
applications of alkaloids, terpenoids, glycosides, volatile oils,
Antileprotic Drugs – Clofazimine, Thiambutosine, Dapsone, tannins and resins.
Laxatives( Aloes, Rhuburb, Castor oil, Ispaghula, Senna),
Anti-tubercular Drugs– Isoniazid, PAS, Streptomycin, Cardiotonics (Digitalis, Arjuna), Carminatives & G.I. regulators
Rifampicin, Ethambutol, Thiacetazone, Ethionamide, (Umbelliferous fruits, Coriander, Fennel, Ajowan, Cardamom
Cycloserine, Pyrazinamide. Ginger, Black pepper, Asafoetida, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Clove),

Antibiotics –Benzyl Penicillin, Phenoxy methyl Penicillin, Drugs acting on nervous system (Hyoscyamus, Belladonna,
Benzathine Penicillin Ampicillin, Cloxacillin, Carbenicillin, Aconite, Ashwagandha, Ephedra, Opium, Cannabis, Nux
Gentamicin, Neomycin , Erythromycin , Tetracycline, vomica), Antihypertensives (Rauwolfia), Antitumour(Vinca),
Cephalexin, Cephaloridine , Cephalothin, Griseofulvin , Diuretics (Gokhru, Punarrnava), Antimalarials(Cinchona)
Chloramphenicol. Oxytocics(Ergot), Enzymes (Papaya, Diastase, Yeast),
Perfumes and flavouring agents (Peppermint Oil, Lemon Oil,
Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
Orange Oil, Lemon grass Oil, Sandalwood) diseases.

2. Pharmacy Act, 1948 – The General study of the Pharmacy Demography and family planning— Demography cycle,
Act with special reference to Education Regulations, working of fertility, family planning, contraceptive methods, behavioural
State and Central Councils, constitution of these councils and methods, natural family planning method, chemical method,
functions, Registration procedures under the Act. mechanical methods, hormonal contraceptives, population
problem of India.
The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940— General study of the
Drugs and Cosmetics Act and the Rules thereunder. Definitions First aid— Emergency treatment in shock, snake-bite, burns
and salient features related to retail and wholesale distribution poisoning, heart disease, fractures and resuscitation methods.
of drugs. The powers of Inspectors, the sampling procedures Elements of minor surgery and dressings.
and the procedure and formalities in obtaining licences under
Pharmacological classification of drugs. The discussion of drugs
the rule. Facilities to be provided for running a Pharmacy
should emphasize the following aspect:
effectively. General study of the Schedules with special
reference of schedules C, C1, F, G, J, H, P and X and salient Drugs acting on the Central Nervous System-General
features of labelling and storage condition of drugs. anaesthetics, adjunction to anaesthesia, intravenuous
UNIT – IV (20 Marks)
Analgesic antipyretics and non-steroidal anti –inflammatory
Blood-Composition of blood, functions of blood elements. Blood drugs, Narcotic analgesics, Antirheumatic and antigout
group and coagulation of blood. Brief information regarding remedies, Sedatives and Hypnotics, Psychopharmacological
disorders of blood. agents, anti convulsants, analeptics.

Cardiovascular System- Structure and functions of various Drug acting on autonomic nervous system- Cholinergic drug,
parts of the heart. Arterial and venous systems with special Anticholinergic drugs, anti cholinesterase drugs.
reference to the names and positions of main arteries and
Adrenergic drugs and adrenergic recepter blockers.
veins. Blood pressure and its recording. Brief information about
cardiovascular disorders. Neurones blockers and ganglion blockers.
Urinary system- Various parts of urinary system and their Neuromuscular blockers, drugs used in myasthenia gravis.
functions, structure and functions of kidney. Physiology of Urine
Antacids, Physiological role of histamine and serotonin,
formation. Pathophysiology of renal diseases and oedema.
Histamine and Antihistamines, Prostaglandins.
Nervous System- Various parts of central nervous system,
Cardio Vascular drugs- Cardiotonics, Antiarrhythmic agents,
brain and its parts, functions and reflex action. Anatomy and
Antianginal agents, Antihypertensive agents, Peripheral
Physiology of autonomic nervous system.
Vasodilators and drugs used in atherosclerosis.
Digestive system- names of the various parts of digestive
Drugs acting on the blood and blood forming organs-
system and their functions. Structure and functions of liver,
Haematinics, Coagulants and anti Coagulants, Haemostatics,
physiology of digestion and absorption.
Blood substitutes and plasma expanders.
Endocrine glands and Hormones- Locations of the glands,
Drugs affecting renal function- Diuretics and antidiuretics.
their hormones and functions. Pituitary, thyroid, Adrenal and
Pancreas. Hormones and hormone antagonists – hypoglycemic agents,
Antithyroid drugs, sex hormones and oral contraceptives,
Communicable diseases — Causative agents, modes of
transmission and prevention.
Drugs acting on digestive system- Carminatives, digestants
Respiratory infections (Chicken pox, measles. Influenza,
Bitters, Antacids and drugs used in Peptic ulcer, purgatives,
diphtheria, whooping cough and tuberculosis), Intestinal
and laxatives, Antidiarrhoeals, Emetics, Antiemetics, Anti-
infections (Poliomyelitis. Hepatitis. Cholera. Typhoid, Food
poisoning, Hookworm infection), Arthropod born infections
(plague, Malaria, Filariasis), Surface infections(Rabies, Chemotherapy of microbial disease- Urinary antiseptics,
Trachoma, Tetanus, Lepros y), Sexually transmitted Sulphonamides, Penicillins, Streptomycin, Tetracylines and
diseases(Syphilis. Gonorrhoea. AIDS). other antibiotics, Antitubercular agents, Antifungal agents,
antiviral drugs, antileprotic drugs.
Non–communicable diseases – Causative agents, prevention,
care and control; Cancer, Diabetes, Blindness, Cardiovascular

Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
M.P.Ed. And B.P.Ed.

The entrance examination paper of each subject/course shall  Significance of Olympic Ideals, Olympic Rings, Olympic
consist of 60 objective type questions for M.P.Ed. & 30 Objective Flag
type questions for B.P.Ed. The candidate shall be required to  Olympic Protocol for member countries
attempt all the questions. The syllabus for entrance exam for
each subject/course along with distribution of marks, wherever  Olympic Code of Ethics
applicable, is as follows:  Olympism in action
M.P.Ed. (Master of Physical Education)  Sports for All
Entrance Test - 60 Marks Officiating and Coaching
History, Principles and Foundation of Physical Education  Concept of officiating and coaching
 Meaning, Definition and Scope of Physical Education  Importance and principles of officiating
 Aims and Objective of Physical Education  Relation of official and coach with management, players
and spectators
 Importance of Physical Education in present era.
 Measures of improving the standards of officiating and
 Misconceptions about Physical Education.
 Relationship of Physical Education with General Education.
Yoga Education
 Physical Education as an Art and Science
 Meaning and Definition of Yoga
Anatomy and Physiology
 Aims and Objectives of Yoga
 Brief Introduction of Anatomy and physiology in the field of
 Yoga in Indian Ancient Culture
Physical Education.
 Need and Importance of Yoga in Physical Education and
 Introduction of Cell and Tissue.
 The arrangement of the skeleton - Function - of the skeleton
 The Astanga Yoga: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama,
 Ribs and Vertebral column and the extremities - joints of Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi
the body and their types
 Yoga in the Bhagavadgita - Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana
 Gender differences in the skeleton. Yoga and Bhakti Yoga
 Types of muscles. Educational Technology and Methods of Physical
Health Education and Environmental Studies Education
 Concept, Dimensions, Spectrum and Determinants of Health  Education and Education Technology- Meaning and
 Definition of Health, Health Education, Health Instruction,
Health Supervision  Types of Education- Formal, Informal and Non- Formal
 Aim, objective and Principles of Health Education
 Educative Process
 Health Service and guidance instruction in personal hygiene
 Teaching Technique - Lecture method, Command method,
 Definition, Scope, Need and Importance of environmental
Demonstration method, Imitation method, project method
 Teaching Procedure - Whole method, whole - part - whole
 Concept of environmental education, Historical background
method, part - whole method.
of environmental education,
 Presentation Technique - Personal and technical preparation
 Celebration of various days in relation with environment.
 Command- Meaning, Types and its uses in different
 Plastic recycling & probation of plastic bag / cover.
 Role of school in environmental conservation and sustainable
Organization and Administration
 Meaning and importance of Organization and Administration
Olympic Movement
in physical education
 Philosophy of Olympic movement
 Qualification and Responsibilities of Physical Education
 The early history of the Olympic movement teacher and pupil leader
 The significant stages in the development of the modern  Planning and their basic principles,
Olympic movement
 Educational and cultural values of Olympic movement

Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
 Program planning: Meaning, Importance. Development
 Functions of Planning, organizing, staffing, directing,  Flexibility - Mean and Methods of Flexibility Development
communicating, co-ordination, Controlling, evaluating and  Computer Application in Physical Education
 Meaning, need and importance of information and
Contemporary Issues in Physical Education, Fitness and communication technology (ICT).
Application of Computers in Physical Education
 Definition, Aims and Objectives of Physical Education,
fitness and Wellness  Components of computer, input and output device
 Importance and Scope of fitness and wellness  Application software used in Physical Education and sports
 Modern concept of Physical fitness and Wellness  Introduction to MS Word
 Physical Education and its Relevance in Inter Disciplinary  Creating, saving and opening a document
Context.  Formatting Editing features Drawing table ,
 Fitness - Types of Fitness and Components of Fitness  page setup, paragraph alignment, spelling and grammar
 Understanding of Wellness check printing option, inserting
 Modern Lifestyle and Hypo kinetic Diseases - Prevention  page number, graph, footnote and notes
and Management Sports Psychology and Sociology
 Physical Activity and Health Benefits  Meaning, Importance and scope of Educational and Sports
Sports Nutrition and Weight Management Psychology
 Meaning and Definition of Sports Nutrition  General characteristics of Various Stages of growth and
 Basic Nutrition guidelines
 Types and nature of individual differences; Factors
 Role of nutrition in sports responsible -Heredity and environment
 Factor to consider for developing nutrition plan  Psycho-sociological aspects of Human behaviour in relation
 Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat - Meaning, classification and to physical education and sports
its function  Nature of learning, theories of learning, Laws of learning,
 Role of carbohydrates, Fat and protein during exercise  Plateau in Learning; & transfer of training
 Vitamins, Minerals, Water - Meaning, classification and its  Meaning and definition of personality, characteristics of
function personality,Dimension of personality, Personality and Sports
 Role of hydration during exercise, water balance performance
 Meaning of weight management Concept of weight  Nature of motivation: Factors influencing motivation;
management in modern era Factor affecting weight Motivation and techniques and its impact on sports
management and values of weight management performance.
 Concept of BMI (Body mass index), Obesity and its hazard,  Mental Preparation Strategies: Attention focus, Self- talk,
Myth of Spot reduction. Relaxation, Imaginary.
 Dieting versus exercise for weight control, Common Myths  Aggression and Sports, Meaning and nature of anxiety,
about Weight Loss Kinds of anxiety
 Obesity - Definition, meaning and types of obesity,  Meaning and nature of stress; Types of stress, Anxiety,
 Health Risks Associated with Obesity, Stress, Arousal and their effects on sports performance

 Obesity - Causes and Solutions for Overcoming.  Orthodoxy, customs, Tradition and Physical Education.

Sports Training  Festivals and Physical Education.

 Meaning and Definition of Sports Training  Socialization through Physical Education.

 Aim and Objective of Sports Training  Social Group life, Social conglomeration and Social group,
Primary group and Remote group.
 Principles of Sports Training
Sports Medicine, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
 System of Sports Training - Basic Performance, Good
Performance and HighPerformance Training  Sports Medicine: Meaning, Definition, Aims, Objectives,
Modern Concepts and Importance.
 Strength - Mean and Methods of Strength Development
 Athletes Care and Rehabilitation: Contribution of Physical
 Speed - Mean and Methods of Speed Development Education Teachers and Coaches.
 Endurance - Mean and Methods of Endurance Development
 Coordination - Mean and Methods of coordination
Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
 Need and Importance of the study of sports injuries in the  Force - Meaning, definition, types and its application to
field of Physical Education. sports activities
 Prevention of injuries in sports - Common sports injuries -  Lever - Meaning, definition, types and its application to
Diagnosis. human body.
 Definition - Guiding principles of physiotherapy, Importance  Newton's Laws of Motion: Meaning, definition and its
of physiotherapy. application to sports activities.
 Introduction and demonstration of treatments -  Projectile - Factors influencing projectile trajectory.
Electrotherapy - infrared rays - ultraviolet rays -short wave Research and Statistics in Physical Education
diathermy - ultrasonic rays.
 Definition of Research
Curriculum Design
 Need and importance of Research in Physical Education
 Need and importance of curriculum, Need and importance and Sports.
of curriculum development, the role of the teacher in
curriculum development.  Scope of Research in Physical Education & Sports.
 Factors affecting curriculum - Social factors - Personnel  Classification of Research
qualifications - Climatic consideration - Equipment and  Research Problem, Meaning of the term, Location and
facilities -Time suitability of hours. criteria of Selection of Problem,Formulation of a Research
 Focalization, Socialization, Individualization, Sequence and Problem, Limitations and Delimitations.
operation  Need for surveying related literature.
 Steps in curriculum construction.  Literature Sources, Library Reading
Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education  Research Proposal, Meaning and Significance of Research
 Meaning of Test & Measurement & Evaluation in Physical Proposal.
Education  Preparation of Research proposal / project.
 Need & Importance of Test & Measurement & Evaluation in  Research Report: A group project is to be undertaken by a
Physical Education small batch of students under the supervision of a teacher,
 Principles of Evaluation wherein it is expected to survey school facilities of physical
education, health assessment programme evaluation, fitness
 Criteria of good Test status of the students, staff and other stakeholders etc.
 Criteria of tests, scientific authenticity (reliability, objectivity, and submit the report to the institution.
validity and availability of norms)  Statistics: Meaning, Definition, Nature and Importance
 Type and classification of Test  Class Intervals: Raw Score, Continuous and Discrete Series,
 Administration of test, advance preparation: Duties during Class Distribution, Construction of Tables
testing and after testing.  Graphical Presentation of Class Distribution: Histogram,
 AAHPER youth fitness test Frequency Polygon, Frequency Curve. Cumulative
 National physical Fitness Test Frequency Polygon, Pie Diagram.

 Indiana Motor Fitness Test Theory of Sports and Games

 JCR test  History and development of the Game and Sports

 U.S Army Physical Fitness Test  Athletics

Kinesiology and Biomechanics  Badminton

 Meaning and Definition of Kinesiology and Sports  Basketball

Biomechanics  Cricket
 Importance of Kinesiology and Sports Biomechanics to  Football
Physical Education Teacher, Athletes and Sports Coaches.  Gymnastic
 Terminology of Fundamental Movements  Hockey
 Fundamental concepts of following terms - Axes and Planes,  Handball
Centre of Gravity, Equilibrium, Line of Gravity
 Kabaddi
 Classification of Joints and Muscles
 Kho-Kho
 Types of Muscle Contractions
 Tennis
 Posture - Meaning, Types and Importance of good posture.
 Volleyball
 Fundamental concepts of following terms- Angle of Pull, All
or None Law, Reciprocal Innovation  Yoga

Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022
 Ground preparation, dimensions and marking B.P.Ed. (Bachelor of Physical Education)
 Standard equipment and their specifications Entrance Test - 30 Marks
 Ethics of sports and sportsmanship  Current Affairs
Sports Management  General Knowledge.
 Nature and Concept of Sports Management.  Rules & Regulations of Games & Sports.
 Progressive concept of Sports management.  Measurment of various field of Games & Sports
 The purpose and scope of Sports Management.  Sports Personalities & their Contributions
 Essential skills of Sports Management.  Championship & Historical aspects.
 Qualities and competencies required for the Sports Manager.  Award & Prize.
 Event Management in physical education and sports.  History of Physical Education and Sports
 Meaning and Definition of leadership  Ancient Olympics- Aims, Objective & Motto
 Leadership style and method.  Modern Olympics-Aims, Objective & Motto
 Elements of leadership.  Asian Games
 Forms of Leadership: Autocratic, Laissez-faire, Democratic,  Sports Association & Federation
Benevolent Dictator
 Association of Indian Universities (AIU)
 Qualities of administrative leader.
 Sports Institutions
 Preparation of administrative leader.
 Sports Scholarship
 Leadership and Organizational performance.
Physical Fitness Test - 50 Marks
 Sports Management in Schools, colleges and Universities.
Sports Achievement Weightage - 10 Marks
 Factors affecting planning
(Only for the games & sports listed by AIU)
 Planning a school or college sports programme.
 International Representation.
 Directing of school or college sports programme.
 Senior National Games Participation ( 1st, 2nd and 3rd place).
 Controlling a school, college and university sports
 Senior National Games Participation.
 All India Interuniversity Participation ( 1st, 2nd and 3rd place).
Physical Fitness Test - 25 Marks
 All India Inter-University Participation.
Sports Achievement Weightage - 10 Marks
 North-Zone Inter-University/State Sports Participation ( 1st,
(Only for the games & sports listed by AIU)
2nd and 3rd place).
 International Representation.
 North-Zone Inter-University/State Sports Participation.
 Senior National Games Participation ( 1st, 2nd and 3rd place).
 Inter-Collegiate/District Sports Participation (1st, 2nd and 3rd
 Senior National Games Participation. place).
 All India Interuniversity Participation ( 1st, 2nd and 3rd place).  Inter-Collegiate/District Sports Participation.
 All India Inter-University Participation. Interview - 10 Marks
 North-Zone Inter-University/State Sports Participation ( 1st, Overall Distribution of Marks
2nd and 3rd place).
Entrance Test 30 Marks
 North-Zone Inter-University/State Sports Participation.
Physical Fitness Test 50 Marks
 Inter-Collegiate/District Sports Participation (1st, 2nd and 3rd
Sports Achievement 10 Marks
Interview 10 Marks
 Inter-Collegiate/District Sports Participation.
Total 100 Marks
Interview - 5 Marks
Overall Distribution of Marks
Entrance Test 60 Marks
Physical Fitness Test 25 Marks
Sports Achievement 10 Marks
Interview 5 Marks
Total 100 Marks

Syllabus For Gurukula Kangri Entrance Test 2022

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