Ratio Practice Sheet
Ratio Practice Sheet
Ratio Practice Sheet
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Ration Practice Sheet
coins. The ratio of no. of coins of 10 paise (c) 17 : 22 (d) None of these
and 20 paise is 6 : 1. The minimum no. of Rs.
1 coin is: 21. 10 yrs. Ago the age of Radha was 1/3rd of the
(a) 5 (b) 12 age of Mamta. 14 year hence the ratio of ages
(c) 4 (d) 8 of Radha and Mamta will be 5 : 9. Find the
ratio of their present ages:
15. Nehru Ji had 'n' chocolates. He distributed (a) 13:29 (b) 11 : 27
them among 4 children in the ratio of 1/2 : (c) 29 : 17 (d) 13 : 25
1/3 : 1/5 : 1/8. If he gave them each one a
complete chocolate, the minimum no. of 22. x varies directly as (y² + z²) At y = 1 and z =
chocolates that he had: 2, the value of x is 15. Find the value of z,
(a) 139 (b) 240 when x = 39 and y = 2:
(c) 278 (d) None of these (a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 6
16. Equal quantities of three mixtures of Alcohol
and water are mixed in the ratio of 1 : 2, 2 : 3 23. S, T and U have amounts in the ratio of 3 : 4 :
and 3 : 4. The ratio of water and Alcohol in 5. First T gives 1/4th to S and 1/4th to U gives
the mixture is: 1/6th S. Find the final ratio of amount of S, T
(a) 193 : 122 (b) 122 : 193 and U, respectively.
(c) 61 : 97 (d) 137 : 178 (a) 4 : 3 : 5 (b) 5 : 4 : 3
(c) 6 : 4 : 2 (d) 5 : 2 : 5
17. A and B are two alloys of Iron and tin
prepared by mixing the respective metals in 24. A three digit number is such that this number
the ratio of 5 : 3 and 5 : 11 respectively. If the itself is divisible by the sum of its digits. The
alloys A and B are mixed to form a third sum of hundreds and unit digit is 6 while the
alloy C with an equal proportion of Iron and sum of the tens and unit digit is 5. What is
tin, what is the ratio of alloys A and B in the the ratio of unit and tens digit:
new alloy C? (a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 : 3
(a) 3 : 5 (b) 4 : 5 (c) 3 : 4 (d) 2 : 7
(c) 3 : 2 (d) 2 : 3
25. Ram bought 1.5 kg. fresh grapes. The ratio of
18. The ratio of third proportional to 21 and 42 water is to pulp was 4 : 1. When his naughty
and mean proportional to 16 and 49 is: child crushed these grapes, then some water
(a) 3 : 1 (b) 2 : 3 get wasted. Now the ratio of water is to pulp
(c) 4 : 3 (d) 1 : 3 is 3 : 2. What is the total amount of the
crushed grapes?
19. Find the value of p² q² / r² s², if p : q :: r : s. (a) 0.5 kg. (b) 1 kg
(a) 1/4 (b) 1/9 (c) 0.75 kg (d) None
(c) ps/rq (d) (p-q/r-s)2
26. If m = 4pq, then the value of (m+2p / m – 2p)
20. A rabit takes 22 leaps for every 17 leaps of + (m + 2q / m - 2q)
cat and 22 leaps of a rabit are equal to 17 (a) 2 (b) 4
leaps of the cat. What is the ratio of the (c) 2mpq/ p+q (d) None of these
speeds of rabit and cat?
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 484 : 289
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Ration Practice Sheet
27. Three cats are roaming in a zoo in such a way 33. Ratanlal sells rasgullas (a favorite Indian
that when cat A takes 5 steps, B takes 6 steps sweets) at Rs. 15 per kg. A rasgulla is
and cat C takes What is the ratio of their madeup of flour and sugar in the ratio of 5 :
speeds: 3. The ratio of price of sugar and flour is 7 : 3
(a) 140 : 144 : 147 (b) 40 : 44 : 47 (per kg). Thus he earns 66 2/3 % profit. What
(c) 15 : 21 : 28 (d) 252 : 245 : 240 is the cost price of sugar?
(a) Rs. 10/kg. (b) Rs. 9/kg.
28. Find the value of x if (14x – 4) : (8x – 1) = (c) Rs. 18/kg. (d) Rs. 14/kg.
(3x + 8) : (9x + 5):
(a) 1 (b) 1/2 34. A company make a profit of Rs. 9,00,000,
(c) 3/4 (d) None 20% of which is paid as taxes. If the rest is
divided among the partners P, Q and R in the
29. Pooja, Shipra and Monika are three sisters. 1
ratio of 1 : 1 2 : 2, then the shares of P,Q and
Pooja and Shipra are twins. The ratio of sum
R are respectively:
of the ages of Pooja and Shipra is same as
(a) 2,40,000; 3,20,000; 1,60,000
that of Monika alone. Three yrs earlier the
(b) 3,20,000; 2,40,000; 1,60,000
ratio of age of Pooja and Monika was 2 : 7.
(c) 1,60,000; 3,20,000; 2,40,000
What will be the age of Shipra 3 yrs hence?
(d) 1,60,000; 2,40,000; 3,20,000
(a) 21 yrs. (b) 16 yrs.
(c) 8 yrs. (d) 12 yrs
35. Four milkmen rented a pasture to graze 16
cows for 3 months, B 20 cows for 4 months,
30. In two alloys the ratio of Iron and copper is 4
C 18 cows for 6 months and D 42 cows for 2
: 3 and 6 : 1 respectively. If 14 kg of the first
months. If A's share of rent be Rs. 2400, the
alloy and 42 kg of the second alloy are mixed
rent paid by C is:
together to form a new alloy, then what will
(a) Rs. 3,200 (b) Rs. 4,200
be the ratio of copper to iron in the new
(c) Rs. 4,000 (d) Rs. 5,400
(a) 11 : 3 (b) 11 : 8
36. The value of a coin varies directly to the
(c) 8 : 11 (d) None of these
square of its radius, when its thickness is
constant. The radius of a coin is 1.5 cm. and
31. In a zoo, there are rabbits and pigeons. If
its value is Rs. 2. What will be the radius of a
heads are counted, there are 340 heads and if
coin if its value is Rs. 5?
legs are counted there are 1060 legs. How
(a) 2 (b) 4
many pigeons are there?
(c) 2.4 (d) 3
(a) 120 (b) 150
(c) 180 (d) 170
37. A cat takes 7 steps for every 5 steps of a dog,
but 5 steps of a dog are equal to 6 steps of
32. The number of oranges in three baskets are in
cat. What is the ratio of speed of cat to that of
the ratio of 3 : 4 : 5. In which ratio the no. of
oranges in first two baskets must be increased
(a) 7 : 6 (b) 7 : 5
so that the new ratio becomes 5 : 4 : 3?
(c) 6 : 7 (d) 5 : 7
(a) 1 : 3 (b) 2 : 1
(c) 3 : 4 (d) 2 : 3
38. The Income of A, B & C are in the ratio 7 : 9
: 12 and their spending are in the ratio 8 : 9 :
Head Office: 48 C/C, Green Belt park, Near Yes Bank, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu.
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Ration Practice Sheet
If A saves 1/4th of his income then the saving 44. A student took five papers in an examination,
of A, B & C are in the ratio of? where the full marks were the same for each
(a) 56 : 99 : 69 (b) 69 : 56 : 99 paper. His marks in these papers were in the
(c) 99 : 56 : 69 (d) 99 : 69 : 56 proportion of 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10. in all papers
together. The candidate obtained 60% of total
39. 16 years ago my grandfather's age was 9 marks. Then the number of papers in which
times of my age. After 8 years from now his he got more than 50% marks is:
age will be 3 times of my age. What was the (a) 2 (b) 3
ratio of my age and my grandfather's age 8 (c) 4 (d) 5
years ago respectively?
(a) 3 : 8 (b) 1 : 5 45. To get the ratio p : q (for p≠q). What must
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 11 : 53 add to each term of the ratio x : y?
(a) (px + qy) / (p – q) (b) (qx – pq) / (p – q)
40. If a, b, c are three positive integers such that (c) (px – qy) / (p – q) (d) (py - qx) / (p – q)
a & b are in the ratio 3 : 4 while b & c are in
the ratio 2 : 1, then which one of the 46. The monthly incomes of A & B are in the
following is a possible value of (a + b + c)? ratio 4 : 5. Their expenses are in the ratio 5 :
(a) 201 (b) 205 6. If 'A' saves Rs. 25 per month, and 'B' saves
(c) 207 (d) 210 Rs. 50 permonth, what are their respective
41. Raju and Lalita had marbles in the ratio 4 : 9. (a) 400,500 (b) 240,300
Lalita gave some of her marbles to Raju as a (c) 440,550 (d) 320,440
result. The ratio of number of marbles with
Raju to that with Lalita became 5 : 6. What 47. The ratio of marks obtained by Vino d and
fraction of her original number of marbles Vasu is 6 : 5. If the combined Average of
was given by Lalita to Raju. their percentage is 68.75 and Their sum of
(a) 7/11 (b) 21/31 the marks is 275 Find the total marks for
(c) 7/33 (d) 1/3 which exam was conducted.
(a) 150 (b) 400
42. The salaries of Ramesh, Ganesh & Rajesh (c) 200 (d) None of these
were in the ratio 6 : 5 : 7 in 2010, and in the
ratio 3 : 4 : 3 in 2015. If Ramesh's salary 48. The ratio of A two-digit natural number to a
increased by 25% during 2010-15, then the number formed by reversing its digit is 4 : 7.
percentage increase in Rajesh's salary during Which of following is the sum of all the
this period is closed to. numbers of all such pairs?
(a) 10 (b) 7 (a) 99 (b) 198
(c) 9 (d) 8 (c) 330 (d) 132
43. If the ratio of sides of angels of a triangle is 1 49. The ratio of expenditure to savings of a
: 1 : 2 Then the ratio of square of the woman is 5:1. If her income and expenditure
greatest side to sum of the squares of other are increased by 10% and 20%, respectively,
two sides is: then find the percentage change in her
(a) 3 : 4 (b) 2 : 1 savings.
(c) 1 : 1 (d) 1 : 2 (a) 55% (b) 60%
(c) 50% (d) 40%
Head Office: 48 C/C, Green Belt park, Near Yes Bank, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu.
Contact us @ 9541942389 & 9541942391
Ration Practice Sheet
Head Office: 48 C/C, Green Belt park, Near Yes Bank, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu.
Contact us @ 9541942389 & 9541942391
Ration Practice Sheet
Head Office: 48 C/C, Green Belt park, Near Yes Bank, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu.
Contact us @ 9541942389 & 9541942391
Ration Practice Sheet
17. (c)
18. (a)
20. (a)
19. (c)
Head Office: 48 C/C, Green Belt park, Near Yes Bank, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu.
Contact us @ 9541942389 & 9541942391
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21. (a)
25. (c)
22. (b)
23. (d)
26. (a)
24. (b) 8
Head Office: 48 C/C, Green Belt park, Near Yes Bank, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu.
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29. (c)
30. (d)
27. (a)
31. (b)
28. (b)
32. (b)
Head Office: 48 C/C, Green Belt park, Near Yes Bank, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu.
Contact us @ 9541942389 & 9541942391
Ration Practice Sheet
35. (d)
33. (d)
36. (c)
34. (d)
Head Office: 48 C/C, Green Belt park, Near Yes Bank, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu.
Contact us @ 9541942389 & 9541942391
Ration Practice Sheet
40. (c)
38. (a)
41. (c)
Head Office: 48 C/C, Green Belt park, Near Yes Bank, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu.
Contact us @ 9541942389 & 9541942391
Ration Practice Sheet
43. (c)
45. (b)
Head Office: 48 C/C, Green Belt park, Near Yes Bank, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu.
Contact us @ 9541942389 & 9541942391
Ration Practice Sheet
47. (b)
48. (c)
Head Office: 48 C/C, Green Belt park, Near Yes Bank, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu.
Contact us @ 9541942389 & 9541942391