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SJIF Impact Factor 2022: 8.197| ISI I.F. Value: 1.241| Journal DOI: 10.

36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)
Volume: 8 | Issue: 1 | January 2023 - Peer Reviewed Journal



Dr.Priyanka.H.C.1, Dr. Mahantesh R. Sajjan Shetty. M.D (AYU) 2,

Dr. B.H. Katti. M.D (AYU)3, Dr.Venkatesh V Goudar. M.D. (AYU)4
1 nd
2 Year PG Scholar, Department of P.G Studies in Samhita and Siddhanta, S.V.M. Ayurvedic Medical College and
PG Research Center Ilkal – 587125, Bagalkot, Karnataka.
Professor and HOD, Department of P.G Studies in Samhita and Siddhanta, S.V.M. Ayurvedic Medical College and
PG Research Center Ilkal – 587125, Bagalkot, Karnataka.
Professor, Department of PG Studies in Samhita and Siddhanta, S.V.M.Ayurvedic Medical College, Ilkal, Bagalkot,
Associate Professor, Department of PG Studies in Samhita and Siddhanta, S.V.M. Ayurvedic Medical College, Ilkal,
Bagalkot, Karnataka.

Ayurveda Shastra is being considered as Amrutha for its infinite contribution to the Humanity in the field of Medicine.To
understand any Shastra one should have a tool called Jyana.One is able to understand the depth of the Shastra,when they begin to
study the shashtra mainly,the first and foremost thing one should do is to study ,should know how to study and after that how it
should be implementated and utilized.Acharya Charaka vividly expressed in Vimana stana the essential folds to pursue the
knowledge by Trividha jyanopaya viz - Adhyana,Adyapana,Tadvidda sambhasha i.e.,methodology of Learning ,Teaching and
Disscusion which are essential. These trividha upaya are so precious just like the pearls of the ocean called Jyana.so when these
three upayas are followed then one can have the fruit called Jyana undeniably.On that account its cardinal to have knowledge about
the trividha jyanopayas this study attempts to know three folds of obtaining knowledge.

Humanity has been toiling hard behind information / Data i.e., Knowledge, since from the dawn of human civilisation. One
should Acknowledge, be Thankfull and pay utmost Gratitude to our ancient Maharsi Acharya Charaka for his monumental
efforts, strenuous trails, risky adventures, serious contemplations and commitments towards the pursuits of knowledge
concerned to Life Science – Ayurveda. His unique contribution in and among the Ayurvedic feternity the” Vimanastana” (the
section on Specific measures), especially “Roga Bhishakjitiya Ahyaya”, more especially the “Trividha jnanopayas”.
Acharya charaka proposed a systematized ideal curriculum of Learning methodology as - “Trividha jnanopayas” viz.,
1) Adhyayana (Studing / Learning)
2) Adhyaapana(Teaching)
3) Sambhasha vidhi (Discussion or samvaada )


 To study about the Charakokta Trividha jyanapayas.
 To understand the concept Trividha jyanopays.


A litrary survey is done mainly on charaka Samhita Vimana stana ,the data is collected from other sources and Ayurvedic
texts,contemporary texts.Mainly used book in the studies are Charaka Samhita and its available commentaries.

2023 EPRA IJRD | Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | https://eprajournals.com/ |172 |

SJIF Impact Factor 2022: 8.197| ISI I.F. Value: 1.241| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)
EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)
Volume: 8 | Issue: 1 | January 2023 - Peer Reviewed Journal

Acharya charaka in the 8th Adhyaya of Vimanasthana of Charaka samhita “Roga bhishakjitiya adhyaya “ is honored as
Koshagaara ( store house ), concerned to the whole of the Charaka samhita, x where charakacharya’s proposed some three
steps for ideal Learning or the Learning methodology the Trividha Jnanopayas viz.,
1) Adhyayana (Studing / Learning)
2) Adhyaapana(Teaching)
3) Sambhasha vidhi (Discussion or samvaada )

1) Adhyayana (Studing / Learning) 2:

Adyayanam- kli- ( + + ।) । । Adyayana is referred to as ( studies) - hearing to the
words of the Guru (the teacher) or reading the texts.
Sir Monier Monier William Sankrit-English Dictionary mentioned - Adhyayana: (n) reading, studying, especially the Vedas,
the religious merit acquired by studying.
Here in the present context Adyayana is implied for studying or reading or enchanting the Slokas.
One having Swaastya – sound state of health and Krutakshana waiting for the exact moment, should leave aside all the
other works, should get up in the morning - Pratahkaala or Upayusha kaala – a little earlier at night,should perform routine
Shoucha karma, thence Snana, Sandhyavandana,Achamana, oblution should bow down – Namaskaara i.e. prayers to devataas,
Rushis, Gou, Brahmana, Guru, Vrudha,Sidha and Acharyaas, then should sit in a comfortable posture on an even and hygienic
ground, with due concentration of mind recite the Ayurveda sutras with clear voice attentively, repeating them again and again,
meanwhile simultaneously also knowing his own doshaas and lacunas, which are to be rectified and get the in depth of
knowledge . In this way one should study – Adhyayana of Ayurveda sutras, without wasting any kaala irrespective of time either
at Madhyana, saayankaala and Ratri kala.

2) Adhyaapana(Teaching)3
Shadba kalpadruma mentioned – Adyapanam- kli- + + + ।) । ||
Adyapana is reading (of texts)and teaching i.e.Vidya- daana (donating the vidya) .
Sir Monier Monier William Sankrit-English Dictionary mentioned -
Adhyapana, as instruction, lecturing.
Here Adhyapana is referred to teaching, instructing about the science and its related procedures. Inbrief expressing the
subject that was being learnt or Studied.

3) Tadvidha sambhasha (Discussion)4:

According to Shadba kalpadruma mentioned – Sambhashanam -stri-( + + ।) । || Sambhasha-
stre -( + + । ।) ॥ + + । ॥ The word Sambhasha is formed by Sam + Bhasha
Which means speaking together or joining ( in conversation). According to Sir Monier Monier William Sankrit-English
Dictionary - Sambhasha, to speak together, address, converse with, to join in a conversation, to talk over, discourse, talk,
conversation with .
According to Acharya Charaka – “ ह ॥ “. Acharya charaka Advocates the word Sam-bhasa is to express to
speak together or a process of conversation between two Bhishaks about the specialty - Ayurveda.
Herein, the Sambhasha vidhi is comprises of
i) Jalpa: Discussion aimed for the up gradation of knowledge by sharing and exchanging the views 5
ii) Vitandaa: Discussion aimed to put forth the difference of opinions’ or views and thereby ways for defending one’s
views or getting forward for an invincible debates 6.


To eshtablish own theory by evidence base data.
For critical analysis of the previous works.
For the eshtabishment of new idiea / research work.

Acharya Charaka have written most appropriate and the complete encyclopedia of Learning Methodology of all the times.The
same thing is explained in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad viz Drushtavya,Shrotavya,Manthavya,Nidhidhyaasana.The Trividha
jyanopayas can be contemplated -The Adhyana can be taken as Primary educational skill development where basics of reading is
explained,While the Adhyaapana can be considered as Secondary educational skill development, where method of teaching and
2023 EPRA IJRD | Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | https://eprajournals.com/ |173 |
SJIF Impact Factor 2022: 8.197| ISI I.F. Value: 1.241| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)
EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)
Volume: 8 | Issue: 1 | January 2023 - Peer Reviewed Journal

understanding the rules and regulations of learning and teaching is explained.Eventually Tadvidha sambhasha can be visualized as
Higher educational skill development, where post Reading,learning and understanding one should prepare himself to face the
Discussions like Conferences,Debate,Seminar,Skull session and meeting where exchange of the knowledge takes places.
Bru. Upanishad Charaka Samhita
1) Drushtavya, shrotavya = Adhyayana
2) Manthavya = Adhyaapana
3) Nidhidhyaasana = Tadvidha Sambhasha

 To have a treasure called knowledge one has to dive deeper into the sea called Education.The process of learning i.e.,
Trividha jyanopayas are just hidden like the pearls in the shell which be obtained only after a definite manner of
 The study and critical analysis of charakokta Jyanopaya suggests: Adhyayana can be concluded as employment of
primary education and its allied skills,in one’s primary academic hearing course through hearing and reading.
 Adhyapana can be concluded as deployment of teaching or expression of learnt subject after proper and appropriate
Adhyayana that to after churring into the subject.
 Tadvidha sambhasha can be concluded as upgrading of existing knowledge,by improving debetic activities through
attaing Parishads.
 Thus Charakokta Trividha Jyanopayas can be claimed with the conclusion,as a Guide and tutorial-Encyclopedia for
learning methodology for all the times.

1. Agnivesa,Caraka Samhita,Ayurveda Dipika Commentary of Cakrapanidatta,Varanasi,Chaukhamba Prakashan 2021,Vimana
sthana,Pg.no 262.
2. Agnivesa,Caraka Samhita,Ayurveda Dipika Commentary of Cakrapanidatta,Varanasi,Chaukhamba Prakashan 2021,Vimana
sthana,Pg.no 262.
3. Agnivesa,Caraka Samhita,Ayurveda Dipika Commentary of Cakrapanidatta,Varanasi,Chaukhamba Prakashan 2021,Vimana
sthana,Pg.no 262.
4. Agnivesa,Caraka Samhita,Ayurveda Dipika Commentary of Cakrapanidatta,Varanasi,Chaukhamba Prakashan 2021,Vimana
sthana,Pg.no 264.
5. Agnivesa,Caraka Samhita,Ayurveda Dipika Commentary of Cakrapanidatta,Varanasi,Chaukhamba Prakashan 2021,Vimana
sthana,Pg.no 266.
6. Agnivesa,Caraka Samhita,Ayurveda Dipika Commentary of Cakrapanidatta,Varanasi,Chaukhamba Prakashan 2021,Vimana
sthana,Pg.no 266.

2023 EPRA IJRD | Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | https://eprajournals.com/ |174 |

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