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Imp PYQ of D and F Block

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.1. Theeelectronic configuration of a transitlon element

n+3 oxidation state is [Ar]3d'. Find out its atomic

Sample Paper 2017]ICompetency Baxed Question)
Ans. The atomic number is 28,
.2 Silver atom has completely filled d orbitals (4d10) in
its ground state. How Can you say that it is a transition
element ?
NCERT Intext Duestion
Ans.Electronic configuration of Ag =[Kr148105s
Electronic configuration of Ag = [Kr|4d10
Electronic configuration of Ag2" = [Kr]4d"

Ag has a completely filled 4d orbital (4dl0 ssl) in its
ground state but in +2 oxidation state it has incomple
filled d orbital. Therefore, silver is a transition element.
Q.3. Write down the electronic configuration of:

) Cr+ (Gi) Pm+ (iin) Cut

iv) Ce4+ () Co2+ (vi) Lu2+
vi) Mn2+ (vii) Th*
[NCERT Chapter End Exercise
ns. ( C*: 1sP22p$3s*3p6 3d or [Ar]ls 3d3

() Pm*:1s22p3sP3p6 3d°4*4p$4d10ss 5p6

4/ or [XeS4r4
(ii) Cu: 12s2p633p6 3d' or [Ar]l83do
(iv) Ced: 122p3s3p$3a04s*4p$4a1®5s5p$ or
Co2:1222p3s3p'3d or [Ar3d
(vi) Lu2* 1s22s2p 323p 3d10 4s2 4p6 4d10 ss2
5p$4f4 sa or [Xe]S44r4sa
(vin) Mn2: 1s22s2p'323p63 or [Ar}8 36
(vii) Th*: l-22p633p$ 3d4s24p644104/14 ss2
Sp sdo 6s2 6p6
Why are Mn" compounds morestable than Fe*
towards oxidation to their +3 state ?[V.Imp.] [NCERT
ChapterEnd Exercise][Competency Based Question)
Electronic configuration of Mn is [Ar]3d5.
Electronic conliguration ot P

orbitals are more stable,
Since half-filled and fully-filled stable than
therefore, Mn"
their +3 state. Also,
Fe2 (3d ®)
towards oxidation to by
electronic configuration
acquires more stable 3d oxidized
Therefore, Fe2" easily gets
one electron.
to Fest oxidation
transition elements
characteristics ofthe
Whatare the elements? Which ofthe
called transition
and why are they the transition
d-block elements may not be regarded
elements ?
End Exercise]
NCERT Chapter
d orbitals
transition element has incompletely filled
Ans. A of its oxidation

in its ground state or in any one

d-block and show a
These elements lie in the
between s-block and p-block.
called transition elements.
these are

Zinc, cadmium and mercury of

group 12 are not regarded
these have full d
as transition elements because
state as well as in
configuration in their
common oxidation state.

electronic configuration
of the
Q.0. In what way is the
from that of the non-
transition elements different
transition elements?
[NCERT Chapter End Exercise]
filled d-orbital.
Ans. Transition elements have a partially
electronic configuration of
Therefore, the general
transition elements is (n -

1)di0 n s , The non-

have d-orbitals or
transition elements either do not

have a fully filled d-orbitals. Therefore, the general

electronic configuration ofnon-transition elements is ns
2 (for s-block elements) or ns np-6 (for p-block
Q.7. On what ground can you saythatscandium(Z=21)
transition butzinc(Z=30) is not?
Ans. Scandium (3d') has incompletely filled d-orbital in its
ground state, therefore, it is regarded
as a

element. On the other hand, zinc atom has completely

filled d orbitals (3d) in its ground state as well as
its oxidised state (i.e., +2). Hence, it is not regarded as
a transition element.
Why does copper not replace hydrogen from acids?
xemplar NC 1:RT
A Copper has posilive clectrode potential ( ) and ic
below hydrogen in clectrochemical serics. Hence, IR
does not replace hydrogen from acids
Is the variability in oxidation number of transition=
elements different from that of non transitio
elements? llustrate with examples.

/CBSE Sample Paper 207/

Yes, the variabilitly in oxidation number of transition
elements is different Irom that of non transition
elements. In transition elements, the oxidation state
differ by unity whereas in non-transition elements, the

oxidation state differ by 2.

13, Although fhuorine is more electronegative than oxygen,
but the ability of oxygen to stabilise higher oxidation
states exceeds that of fluorine. Why?
Based Question
Imp.] [Exemplar NCERT/ [Competency
Ans. This is due to the ability of oxygen to form multiple
bonds with metal atoms whereas fluorine forms only
single bonds.
the E value for the Mn/Mncouple
0.14. Why is Fes*/Fe*?
more positive than that for Cr3*/Cr2t or
NCERT Solved Example]
(where the
Ans. Much larger third ionization enthalpy of Mn
responsible for
required change is d tod*) mainly
to be reduced to
this. Mn has high tendency
is much more
Evalue for the Mn°*/Mn-t couple
of Mn* ion which is
positive due to higher stability
due to its stable d^ configuration.
metalexhibited in
state ofa
Q.15. Why is the highest oxidation
itsoxide fluoride only? NCERTIntext
or metal exhibited in its
oxidation state of a
Ans. The highest and fluorine
because both oxygen
oxide orfluoride only
and strong Oxidizing agents.
are highly electronegative oxidation
exhibit more
Q.16. Give r e a s o n s : d-block
states thanf-block elements.
ICBSE Sample Paper
oxidation states because
exhibit more
Ans. d-block elements between (n-1)d and ns
of comparable energy
elements have large energy
whereas f-block
between (n-2)fand (n-1)d
gap -0.76 V.
+ 0.34 V
while that of Zn is
Q.17. E of Cu is Exemplar NCERT]
Explain. because the high energy
Ans. Evalue for copperisCu-" balanced by its
Culs) to (aq) is not
to transform value for zinc is
hydration enthalpy.
whereas E
negative due to greater stability of Zn
(3/ contiguration).
Q.18. The halides of transition elements become more
cOvalent with increasing oxidation state ofthe metal.
Exemplar NCERT.
Ans. Cations with higher oxidation state have more polarizing
power. which increases covalent character ofthe
Thus, the halides of transition elements become more
covalent with increasing oxidation state of the metal.

Q.19, While filling up ofelectrons in the atomic orbitals,
4s orbital is filled before the 3d orbital but reverse

happens during the ionisation of the atom.

Explain why? Exemplar NCERT

Ans. 4s orbital has lower energy than 3d orbital as per (n+ 1)
rule. Hence, 4s orbital is filled before the 3d orbital. The
reverse happens during the ionisation of the atom
because the electrons are removed from the distant orbital.
Since 4s orbital is farther from nucleus than 3d orbital.
from 3d.
Hence, electron from 4s is removed earlier than
Q.20. Why do the transition elements exhibit higher enthalpies
Imp.]/NCERT Solved Example]
Ans. The transition elements exhibit higher enthalpies of
atomization because of strong metallic bonding. The
involvement of large number of electrons in bonding
results in stronger interatomic interaction.
when both have
Q.21. Why isCrreducing and Mn" oxidising
d configuration?
Based Question]
[NCERT Solved Example][Competency
from d to
Ans. Cr is reducing as its configuration changes

d3, the latter having a half-filled 1,, level. On the other

results in the half-
hand, the change from Mn't to Mn
filled(P)configuration which has extra stability.

Q.22. Calculate the 'spin only' magnetic moment of M* (aq)

ion (Z=27). INCERT Intext Question]
Ans. The electronic configuration ofM (Z=27) is [Ar] 3d'4s
The electronic configuration of M* = [Ar]3d'


The number of unpaired electron, n =3

The 'spin only' magnetic moment (u) is given by:

nn +2) where, n is the number of unpaired


u 3(3+2)
VI5 =3.87 B.M.
Explain why C'u' lon is not stable in aq"e

solutions ? /NCERT Intext Oues/ion/

Ans, Cu'ion in an aqueous solution is unstable.

disproportionate to give C'u and Cu.

20u Ci 1 Cu

This is because in an aqueous medium, Cu is more

stable than (u' dhue to higlh hydration enthalpy of Cu
Q.24. How would you account for theincreasing oxidising
power in the series:
Vo<Cr,0,2 <Mn) ?
INCERTSohved Example|/Competency Based Question
Ans. The increasing oxidising power of the given species is
due to the increasing stability of the lower species to
which they are reduced.
Q.25. For the first row transition metals the E values are:
E V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu
(M"/M) -1.18 -0.91 -1.18 0.44 0.28 -0.25 +0.34
[NCERT Solved Example]
Ans. The E® (M-"/M) values are not regular which can be
explained from the iregular variation of ionisation
enthalpies (A,H, + A,H,) and also the sublimation
enthalpies which are relatively much less for manganese
and vanadium.
Q.26. How would you account for the following ? Transition
metals form coloured compounds.
[CBSE Delhi 2015]
Ans. Transition metals contain incompletely filled
d-orbitals, which contain unpaired electrons. These
unpaired electrons absorb light from visible region and
can undergo d-d transition. Therefore, their compounds
appear coloured. The colour of the compound absorbed
is complementary to the colour of the radiation
The ions that have no unpaired electrons and cannot
undergo d-d transition are colourless.
Q.27. What are interstitial compounds? Why are such
compoundswellknown for transition metals?
[NCERT Chapter End Exercise]
Ans. Transition metals are large in size and have lots of
interstitial sites. The atoms of other elements having
small size, such as H, C, N, are trapped in the interstitial
sites of the erystal lattice of transition elements resulting
in the formation of compounds called interstitial
Q.28. Calculate the magnetic moment of a divalent ion in
aqueous solution if its atomic number is 25.
(NCERT Solved Example]
Ans. A divalent ion in aqueous solution with atomic number 25
has configuration and contain five unpaired electrons.
The magnetie moment, u is calculated as under

nn2) V5(512)5.92 BM

Q.29. Transitionelementsshow high meltingpoints.Why?

[Exemplar NCERT)
Ans. Transition elements have strong interatomic metali
bonding as clectrons from (n )d orbitals als
participate in metallic bonding along with electronsi
ns orbitals. Thus, due to strong metallic bondin
transition elements show high melting points.
Q.30. What is meant by 'disproportionation' ofan oxidation
state ? Give an example. INCERT Solved Examplel
Ans. When a particular oxidation state is oxidized as well a
reduced simultaneously, it is known as dispro.
portionation. This happens when a particular oxidation
state becomes less stable relative to other oxidation
states, one lower and one higher. For example,
manganese (VI) becomes unstable relative to
manganese (VII) and manganese (IV) in acidic solution
and undergo disproportionation.
7 +4

3MnO+ 4H > 2MnO4 +MnO +2H,0

Q.31. Why E° values for Mn, Ni and Zn are more negative
thanexpected? Imp.][Exemplar NCERT7
Ans. The values of E° for Mn and Zn are more negative than
expected because Mn(3d ) and Zn* (340) have
stable exactly half-filled and fully filled configurations
respectively. The high negative value of E° for Ni is
due to its highest negative hydration enthalpy.
Q.32. Why first ionisation enthalpy of Cr is lower than that
of Zn? Exemplar NCERT]
Ans. The electronic configuration of Cr= [Ar] 3d45
The electronic configuration of Zn= [Ar] 3d0 452.
Cr can easily lose an electron to acquire stable 3
electronic configuration whereas the removal of electron
from Zn is not so easy due to greater effective nuclear
charge. Hence, the first ionisation enthalpy of Cr is
lower than that of Zn.
Q.33. When Cut ion is treated with KI, a white precipitate is
formed. Explain the reaction with the help of chemical
Exemplar NCERT][Competency Based Question
Ans. ion is strong reducing agent and thus, it reduces

Cut to Cu to form white precipitate of

2Cu2t+41 Cu,l,+12
(white ppt.)
A Out of C,, and
CnCl, whieh is more stable and
Exemplar NCERT}|Competeney Rased
Ans. CuCl, is more stable than Ouestio1
Cu (aq) has greater Cu,Cl. This is hecause
negative hydration enthalpy than
that of Cu' (aq).
Q.35. What are the
transitionelements ? Write tw
characteristics of the transition elements.
CBSE: Delhi 2015/
A Transition elements are the elements that have
incompletely filled d-orbitals in their ground state or in
any one of their oxidation states.
The two characteristics of transition elements are :
1. They exhibit several oxidation states.
2. They have a strong
tendency to form complexes.
0.36. How would you account for the following: Transition
metals form complex compounds?
[CBSE AlL India 2015]
Ans. Transition metals form complex compounds due to
following reasons :
(These elements have vacant d-orbitals due to which
these can accept electron pairs from other ions or
groups (ligands).
(i) These possess smaller ionic size and higher charge
Q.37. Why do the transition elements have higher enthalpies
of atomisation? In 3d-series (Se to Zn) which element
has the lowest enthalpyof atomisation and why?
(CBSE All India 2015]
Ans. Transition metals possess strong interatomic metallic
bonding due to the involvement of greater number of
electrons from (n 1)d in addition to the ns
electrons.Therefore, the heat required to break the metal
lattice into free atoms will be high i.e., transition metals
have high enthalpies of atomisation.
The elements having no unpaired electron have weak
interatomic metallic bonding. In 3d series, Zn has no

unpaired electron. Thus, Zn has lowest enthalpy of

atomisation in 3d-series (Sc to Zn) due to weakest

interatomic bonds.
Q.38. Give reasons:
state of +7 with
) Mn shows the highest oxidation
shows the highest oxidation
oxygen but with fluorine it
state of+4.
oxidation states
() Transition metals show variable
[CBSE Delhi 2016]
Ans. () Mn shows the highest oxidation state of +7 with

oxygen due to the ability ofoxygen to form multiple

ii) Transition metals show variable
because of very little oxidation states
and (n-
difference in energies of is
1)d' and 'ns' orbitals
Q.39. Name the
(a) Atransition metal which
does not exhibit variatión
in oxidation state in
(6) Acompound where the transition
metal is in the +7
oxidation state.
CBSE Sample Paper 2016]
Ans. (a) Scandium (Sc)
(b) KMnO, where, M1n is in the +7 oxidation
Q.40. ( How is the variability in oxidation
states of
transition metals different from that of the
elements ?
(i) Out of Cut and Cut, which ion is unstable in
aqueoussolution and why?
Imp.]/CBSE Delhi 2017]
Ans. () The variability in oxidation states of transition
elements is different from that of non - transition
elements. In transition elements, the oxidation state
differ by unity whereas in non-transition elements,
the oxidation state differ by 2.
(i) Cu is unstable in aqueous solution and
undergoes disproportionation reaction to give
Cu2t and Cu. The higher stability of Cu in
aqueous solution is due to its high hydration
enthalpy (AHyd H®).
Q.41. Consider the standard electrode potential values
(MM) ofthe elements first transition series.
Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn
Ti V Cr
-0.28-0.25 +0.34 -0.76
-1.63 -1.18 -0.90 -1.18 -0.44

Evalueforcopper is positive. Imp.)
(in E°value ofMn is more negative as expected from
the trend.
than Fe2*
(i) Cr is a stronger reducing agent
/CBSE Sample Paper 20187
because the high
E° value for copper positive
Ans. () (aq) is not
energy to
transform to Cu(s) Cu*
balanced by its hydration enthalpy.
is more negative as
expected from
(i) E° value of Mn
half-filled configuration
the trend because ofstable
configuration Mn2. of
ie, 3d
Crt is more stable
configuration of
(ii) Sinceg Cr* has more
d configuration of
Fes*,therefore, that ofFe2+
oxidized to Crt
tendency to get than Fe
Hence, Cris
a stronger reducing
Q.42. The magnetie moments of few transition mctal jons

aregiven below
Metal ion Magnetic moment (BM)
Se3+ 0.00
Cr2+ 4.90
Ni2+ 2.84
T+ 1.73
(at no. Se =21, Ti-22, Cr = 24, Ni 28)
Which of the given nmetal ions:
() has the maximum number ofunpaired electrons
(i) forms colourless aqueoussolution?
(i) exhibits the most stable +3 oxidation state?
ICBSE Sample Paper 2018/
Ans. (i) Cr has maximum number of unpaired electrons.

(i) Sc3* forms colourless aqueous solution.

(ii) Sc5 exhibits the most stable +3 oxidation state.
Q.43. The elements of 3d transition series are given as
Sc Ti v Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn
Answer the following
) Write the element which is not regarded as a
transition element. Give reason.
(n Which element has the highest melting point (m.p.)

(ii) Write the element which can show an

oxidationstate of +1.
(iv) Which element is a strong oxidizing agent in +3
oxidation state and why?
CBSE All India 2016]
Ans. () Zn is not regarded as transition element because it
has fully filled d-orbitals in its ground state as well
as in its common oxidation state
i.e., +2.
(i) Cr has the highest melting point (m.p.) due to the
strongest metallic bonding.
(ii) Cu can show +1 oxidation state.This is because in
+1 oxidation state, it has
pseudo noble gas
Electronic configuration of Cut = [Ar]3d0
(iv) Electronic configuration of Mn=[Ar]3d
Mn3 has a strong tendency to reduced to Mn2*
because of more stable 3d° electronic configuration of
Mnt. Therefore, Mn is a strong oxidising agent in +3
oxidation state.
Q.44. Account for the following:
Mn shows the highest oxidation state of+ 7 with
oxygen but with fluorine it shows the highest
oxidation state of+ 4.
(Zirconium and Hafnium exhibit similar
(iii) Transition metals act as catalysts.
[Imp.][CBSE Al India 2016]
Ans. (/)Mn shows the highest oxidation state of 17
onygen dhue to the abilityof oxygen to form Nilh
(i) Becase of lanthanoid contraction, 7r and
Hf ha
similar sizes. chue to whichthey exhibit similar have
(iir) Transition metals act as catalysts due to their
to show variable oxidation states.
They can fo
unstable intemediates and carry out the
with altemate pathway with
lower activation eneroey
Q.45. Account for the following:
(Transition metals form large number of compley
The owest oxideof transition metal is basie whereas th
highest oxide is amphoteric or acidic.
in E° value for the Mn*/Mn*" couple is highh
positive (+1.57 V) as compare to Crs*/Cr2*.
CBSE Delhi 20171
Ans. () Transition metals form complex compounds
because they have vacant d-orbitals due to
they can accept electron pairs from other ions or
groups (ligands). Also, these elements have smaller
ionic size and higher charge density.
(i) Higher the oxidation state, more is the acidiç
character. This is due to decrease in ionic
with the increase in oxidation state of the
Thus, the lowest oxide of transition metal is basic
whereas the highest oxide is amphoteric or acidic.
(ii) E° value for the Mn3"/Mn** couple is highly
positive (+1.57 V) as compare to CrICr* because
Mn* has a strong tendency to reduced to Mn*
because of more stable 3d° electronic
of Mn2. Moreover, Cr3* has a
very little tendency
to reduced to Crt because of more stable
configuration of Cr3+
Q.46. Following are the transition metal ions of 3dseries:
Ti+, v2+, Mnt, C3+
(Atomic numbers: Ti=22,V =23, Mn-25, Cr=24)
Answer the following:
) Which ion is most stable in an aqueous solution
() Which ion is a strong oxidising agent and why?
(ii) Which ion is colourless and why?
CBSE Al ndia 2017]
Ans. (i) Cr is most stable in an aqueous solution due to

stable configuration.
(in) Mn is a strong oxidising agent because of its
high tendency to get reduced to more
stable Mn
(3 configuation)
(in) Tid is colourless as no 1s
unpaired clectron

47 (a) Account for thefollowing:

Transifion metals show variable oxidation states
(Zn,Cd and Hg are soft metak.
(ii)E value for the Mn /Mn couple in highly
positive(+157V)as comparedto CrC
CRS AI India 2017/
as(a (i) Transition metals show variable oxidation states
because both ns and (n 1)delectrons participate n
bonding. This is because of their comparable energies.
() Zn. Cd and Hg have completely filled d-orbitals
i.e., unpaired d-electrons are absent due to which
the metallic bonding is weak. Hence, these are soft
(it) E value for the Mn3/Mn2 couple is highly
positive (+1.57 V)as compare to Cr/Cr2 because
Mn" has a strong tendency to reduced to Mn
because of more stable 3d° electronic configuration
ofMn. Moreover, Cr3t has a very little tendency
to reduced to Cr* because of more stable
configuration ofCr3+
0.48. Give reasons:
(a) Evalue for Mn3t/Mn2* couple is much more
positive than that for Fes"/Fe*.
(6) Iron has higher enthalpy of atomization than that
of copper. lInp.1
(c)Sc3* is colourless in aqueous solution whereas
TH3is coloured. CBSE AL India 2018]
Ans. (a) E value for the Mn *Mn2 couple is highly
Fes*/Fe2t because
positive (+1.57 V) as compare to
to reduced to Mn*
Mn" has a strong tendency
because ofmore stable 3d° electronic configuration
of Mn2t. Moreover, Fes* has a very little tendency
because of more stable
to reduced to Fe*
3dconfiguration of Fes*
atomisation than copper
6) Iron has high enthalpy of electrons in d-
due to more number of unpaired
subshell that leads to stronger metallic
c)Electronic configuration ofSes =[Ar]
Electronic configuration ofTis" = [A]3d
is colourless as no unpaired electron is present
ScS transition whereas in Ti*,
it, which undergo d-d

is present which can absorb light

an unpaired electron
undergo d-d transition
of suitable frequency and can

to produce colour.
Q.49, Following ions are given:
Cr.Cu.cu',Fe", Fe", Mn"
Identify the iron which is
() a strong reducing agent.
(i) unstable in aqueous solution.
(ii) a strong oxidising agent.
Give suitable reason in each.
/V.Imp.)/CBSE 2020]|Competeney Based Ouestion
highest vaue of EM2
(i) Cr, due to ve
Ans. solution.
in aqueous
(ii) Cu', it disproportionates
2Cu >Cu? +Cu
configuration of
to stable electronic
(iii) Mn3", due
Mn2 (3).
Co ions have same number of
Q.50. Although Cr*
the magnetic moment of Cr"is
unpaired electrons but
3.87 B.M. and that of Cot is 4.87 B.M. Why?
Ans. Electronic configuration of Cr3*=[Ar]3d
Electronic configuration of Co2=[Ar]3d". electrons
same number of unpaired
However, both have
electrons present in them
but total number of the
moment depends on
different. The total magnetic
moments and the
orbital angular
sum of spin magnetic

momentum of all the electrons.

Therefore, the total
and Co are different.
magnetic moments ofCr
formed when small
Mention the type ofcompounds
atoms likeH, C and N get
trapped inside the erystal
metals. Also, give physical
lattice of transition
chemical characteristics of these compounds.
Exemplar NCERTJ

atoms like H, C and

N get trapped inside
Ans. When small
transition metals,interstitial
the crystal lattice of
compounds are formed.
The important
characteristic ofthese compounds
)These have high melting
points, higher than
ofpure metals.

(i) These are very hard.

(ii) These retain metallic
(iv) These are chemically inert.
Transition metals can
act as catalysts
Q.52. (a) oxidation state. How does Fe(I)
these can change their
between iodide and persulphate
catalyse the reaction
where transition
Mention any three processes
(6) Exemplar NCERT]
metals act as catalysts.
between iodide and persulphate ions is :
Ans. (a) Reaction
h + 2S0
this reaction and an explanation of
Iron (III) catalyses
this catalytic action is given
2Fe 21 2Fe" 1,
2Fe2S,0% 2Fe2S0
(6) The three processes where transition metals act as

catalysts are
()Vanadium (V)oxide in contact process for ox idatron
ofSO, to SO,
(i) Finely divided iron in Haber's process in conversion
ofN, and H, to NH
(ii) MnO, in preparation ofoxygen from KCI)
Q.53. In the series Sc (Z.=21) to Zn (Z=30), the enthalpy of
atomization of zinc is the lowest, i.e., 126 kJ mo
Why? INCERT Intext Question
Ans.The enthalpy of atomization depends on the strength
of metallic bonding in an element.The presence of
unpaired electrons makes metallic bonding stronger but
in zine (electronic configuration [Ar]3d4s*) the
metallic bonding is weakest due to the absence of
unpaired electrons. Hence, in the series Sc (Z = 21) to

Zn (Z= 30), the enthalpy of atomization of zinc is the

Q.54. of the
3dseriesofthe transition metals exhibits
the largest number ofoxidation states and why?
[NCERT Intext Question]
Ans. Mn(electronic configuration [Ar]3d4s )has the
maximum number ofunpaired electrons present in the
d-subshell (5 electrons). Hence, Mn exhibits the largest
number of oxidation states, ranging from +2 to +7. +7
oxidation state is shown by the involvement of both 4s
and 3d electrons.
Q.55. The E (M*/M) value for copper is positive
(+0.34V).What is possibly the reason for this ?
(Hint: consider its high A,H, and low Anyd H
[NCERTIntext Question]/Competency Based Question]
Ans. The E° (M2*/M) value of a metal depends on the
energy changes involved in the following:
M(s)AsubH M(g) Mt(g)44;"

M(8) Ay M(aq)
The E (M*/M)value for copper is positive (+0.34V)
due to its high second ionization enthalpy (A,H,).
Q.56. How would you account for the irregular variation of
ionization enthalpies (first and second) in the first
series of the transition elements ?
[NCERT Intext Question]
Ans. lonization enthalpies are found to increase in the given
series due to a continuous filling of the inner d-orbitals.
The irregular variations of ionization enthalpies of
transition metals are mainly due to the stabilities of
different oxidation states. If the loss of electron leads to
extra stable configurations such as d , d , d 10, the
removal of electron becomes easier and hence, the
ionization enthalpy has
Cr has low first exceptional low valuc.
ionizationenthalpy because after losin
one electron, it
attains the stable
On the other
hand, Zn has
configuration (3«
ionization energy as an electron has high first
to be
from stable and
fully-filled orbitals (3d04s*). removed
Second ionization
since it becomes difficult
enthalpies are higher
than the first
to remove an
electron froma
unipositive ion. Also, elements like Cr and
Cu have
exceptionally high second ionization energies as after
losing the first electron, they have attained the stable
configuration (Cr: [Ar]3P and Cu":[Ar]3d"). Hence
taking out one electron more from this
configuration will require a lot of energy stable
Q.57. Which is a stronger
reducing agent Cr* or Fe* and
[NCERT Intext Question
Ans. Crt has
very high tendency to get oxidized to Cr3+

because of more stable f.

configuration of Crs*. Fe2
is also oxidized to Fest because of
stable 3ds
configuration of Fe3*. Since both Cr and Fez Ret
oxidize to their +3 oxidation state, both the
species can
act as reducing
agents but 2 configuration of Cr3* is
more stable than 3d
configuration of Fes". Hence
is a better reducing agent that Fe*.
Q.58. Explain briefly how +2 state becomes more and more
in the first half of the first row transition
elements with
increasing atomic number?
[NCERT Chapter End Exercise]
Ans. In the first row transition
elements, all metals except Sc
exhibit +2 oxidation state. On from Ti- to
moving Mn?+
i.e., in the first half of the first row transition elements
with increasing atomic number, the 3d-orbitals get
gradually occupied and the number of empty d-orbitals
decreases. Thus, the stability of Mn-" cations increases
from Ti2 to Mn2*. After Mn*, the
in 3d-orbitals occur due to which the
pairing of electrons
stability of elements
in +2 oxidation state decreases.
Q.59. Towhat extent do the electronic configurations decide the
stability of oxidation states in the first series of the
transition elements? Ilustrate your
answer with examples
[NCERT Chapter End Exercise]
Ans. The elements in the first-half of the transition series
exhibit variety of oxidation states with Mn
maximum number of oxidation states (+2 to +7). All metals
except Sc in the first row transition elements exhibit +2
oxidation state. However, Se (electronic
[Ar]4s-3d) does not show +2 oxidation state as it loses
three electrons to acquire noble gas electronic
configuration. Thus, +3 is the most stable oxidation
state of Sc. Due to same reason,+ 4 oxidation state for
Ti and+5 oxidation state for V are very stable. For Mn,
+2 oxidation state is very stable due to exactly half-
filled. [Ar] 3d° electronic configuration for Mn*. All
(hese Cxampies
Configurations decideillustrate
the first series of the
that the
stability of oxidation
transition elements.
aWhat may be the stable oxidation
element with the followingd electronstate of the transiton
ground state of their atoms: configurations in the
3d,36, 3 and 32?
INCERTChapter End Exercise

Flectronic configuration
Stable oxidation states
in ground state
in ground state
3t (Vanadium)
+2,+3,+4and +5
3 (Chromium)
3 (Manganese) +2,+4,+6,+7
3d (Cobalt)
There is no 3 configuration
in ground state.

0.61. Explain givingreasons:

( Transition metals and many of their compounds
show paramagnetic behaviour.
(i) The enthalpies of atomisation of the transition
metals are high.
(ii) The transition metals generally form coloured
(iv) Transition metals and their many compounds act
as good catalyst.
[NCERT Chapter End Exercise]
Ans. (). Transition metals and many of their compounds
show paramagnetic behaviour due to the presence
of unpaired electrons in them.

(i) The enthalpies of atomisation of the transition

metals are high due to strong metallic bonding.
High effective nuclear charge and the presence of
unpaired electrons result in strong metallic
transition metals are
(iin) Most of the complexes of
coloured due to the presence of unpaired
In such
which can undergo d-d
from visible region of
complexes, radiation
an electron from
spectrum is absorbed promote

one of the
d-orbitals to another and the complex
to the
appears to be
of the colour complimentary
colour of radiation
the transition elements
iv) The catalytic activity of
two reasons:
explained by following
oxidation states,
to show variable
(a) Owing to their ability sometimes form
transition metals
compounds. Thus, they
provide a
activation energy (F) for the reaction.
path with lower
(6) Transition metals provide a suitable surface for
the reaction to take place where reactants are

adsorbed to get convert into products.

Q.62. How is the variability in oxidation states oftransition
metals different from that of the non-transition
metals? lustrate with examples.
NCERT Chapter End Exercise]
Ans. The variability in oxidation states oftransition metals
different from that of the non-transition metals as under
The oxidation states of transition elements differ from
each other by unity.Forexample, Mn shows +2, +3,+
4, +5, +6 and + 7 oxidation states. In non-transition
elements, the oxidation two, which due to
states by
inert pair effect. For example, Pb shows +2 and +4

oxidation states.
In non-transition elements, lower oxidation state is more
stable for higher elements due to strong inert pair effect
but in case of transition elements, high oxidation states
are more stable for higher elements. For example, in
Mo (VI) and W (VI) are found to be more
group 6,
stable than Cr(VI).
the values for some
Q.63. For M*M and M*M* systems,
metals are as follows:

Cr2/Cr -0.9 V Cr3/C2 -0.4V

-1.2 V Mn /Mn2+ +1.5V
Mn Mn
Fe2t to Fe 0.4 V Fet/Fe* +0.8V
Use this data to comment upon:
t h e stability of Fe' in acid solution as compared
to that of C*or Mn3 and

(i) the with which iron can be oxidised as

compared to a similar process for
chromium or manganese metal.
[Competency Based Question][NCERT Chapter
Ans. () The Evalue for Fest/Fe*is higher than that for
Cr3 IC2 and lower than that for Mn*/Mn2*. So,
the reduction of Fes* to Fet is easier than the
reduction of CrSt to Cr*, but not as easy as the
reduction of Mn3t to Mn2*. Hence, Fe$* is more
stable than Mn**, but less stable than Cr*.
Thus, these metal ions can be arranged in
increasing order oftheir stability as

(i) The reduction potentials for the given pairs increase

in the following order:
Mn2 /Mn < C/Cr <Fe2/Fe
Fe* is not as as the
So, the oxidation of Fe to easy
oxidation of Crto Crand the oxidation ofMn to Mn*
Thus, these metals can be
arranged the increasimg
orderof their ability to get oxidized
as: Fe<Cr<Mn
Q.64. Predict which of the
following will be coloured in
aqucous solution?
and Co.Give T", Vv,Cu,Se, Mn*, Fe
reasons for each.
INCERT Chapter End Exercise
Electronie Number of unpaired
configuration electrons
T [Ar]3d
Ar]3P L
Ar) 0
Mn2 Ar]3
Fe3+ Ar13
Since, the species
coloured whereas the
having unpaired electrons are
species in which all
paired are colourless. Thus, all other electrons are
and Cu", are coloured in ions, except Sc3"
aqueous solution.
Q.65. Compare the stability of +2
oxidation state for the
elements of the first
transition series.
Chapter End
Ans. In the first row
transition elements, all metals Exercise]
exhibit +2 oxidation state. On except Sc
in the first half of the moving from left to right
first row transition
increasing atomic number, the 3d-orbitalselements with
occupied and the number of empty d orbitalsget gradually
Thus, the stability of decreases.
T2 to Mn2*. After Mn, the cations increases from
3d orbitals occur due to pairing of electrons in
which the stability of
in +2 oxidation state elements
decreases. However, in the cases
where the
dipositive ions have d ord
like Mn or Zn*,+2 configuration
oxidation state has extra
In such cases, it is
difficult to remove
the third electron
from the d-orbital.
Q.66. How would you account for the
( Of the d species, Cr*is strongly
manganese (III) is strongly oxidising. reducing
() Cobalt (1) is stable in
aqueous solution but in the
presence ofcomplexing reagents it is
easily oxidised.
(in The d configuration is very unstable in
[NCERT Chapter End
Ans. (i) Cr* is strongly reducing in nature. Exercise]
It has a
d configuration. While acting as a reducing
agent, it
gets oxidized to more stable Cr°*"
2g In the case of .

Mnd,it acts as an oxidizing agent and gets reduced

to Mn-(3d).
aCker Chemistry-A (CB8

(i) Co(lI) is stable in

aqueous solutions. However, in th
presence of strong field
complexing reagents, it i
oxidized to Co (11)
acquiring stable fg Configuration
Although the 3rd ionization energy for Co is
the higher amount of high,
cerystal field stabilization enerobu
(CFSE) released in the presence of strong field
overcomes this ionization
(ii) The ions in d' configuration tend lose
electron to acquire more stabled d" to one
Moreover. the high configuration
hydration enthalpy and
enthalpy is sufficient to remove the electron lattice
the d-orbital of these ions. present in
Q.67. Which metal in the first series of
transition metals
exhibits +1 oxidation state most
frequently and why?
[NCERT Chapter End Exercise]
Ans. In the first transition
series, Cu exhibits +1l oxidation state
very frequently. It is because Cu has
noble gas electronie
highly stable pseudo
configuration i.e., [Ar] 3d0
Q.68. Which one of these is the most stable in
solution ? aqueous
[NCERT Chapter End Exercise]
Gaseouss Electronie Number of
configuration unpaired electrons
[Ar)3 4
[Ar]3 3
[Ar 342 2
Ti+ [Ar]3d 1
Out of these gaseous ions, Cr" is the most stable in
aqueous solutions owing to its stable. h configuration.
Q.69. Give examples and suggest reasons for the folowing
features ofthe transition metal
() The lowest oxide of transition metal is basic, the
highest is amphoteric/acidic.
ii) A transition metal exhibits highest oxidation state
in oxides and fluorides.
(ii) The highest oxidation state is exhibited in
oxoanions ofa metal.
NCERT Chapter End Exercise)
Ans. () In the lowest oxide of transition metal, the metal
atom has a low oxidation state due to which it has
ionic character. This accounts for its basic
nature. As the oxidation state increases, the
covalent character in the oxide increases which
increases its acidic nature. Thus, the highest oxide
is basic
is amphoteric/acidic. For example, Mn(Il) O
and Mn, (VII)O, is acidic in nature.
(i) A tranSition
metal exhibits
in oxides and highest oxidatig tate
fuorine fhuorides because both
highly oxygen ana
the agents. For electronegative
oxidation states example, in
and strong
of Os and (OsFand
respectively 6
are and t>

(iii) Oxygen is a
electronegativity oxidizing agent due its high
and small size.
a metal have the So, oxo-anions of
highest oxidation state. For
example, in
MnO, Mn exhibits its highest

oxidation state i.e., +7

a 70. Write down the number of
following ions Ti2t,v2+, 3dCr3+,
electrons in each of the
Mn2, Fe?+, Fe*,
Co Ni" and Cu.
Indicate how would you
expect five 3d orbitals to be
occupied for these hydrated ions (octahedral).
INCERT Chapter End Exercise]
Given Electronic Number of
configuration 3d electrons Occupation

T? Ar13 2

V2+ [Ar]34 3

CR+ [Ar]3 3

[Ar]3 5

Fe2 Ar]3a 6

Fe3+ [Ar]3

Co2 [Ar]3d 2

[Ar]3 8

Cu [Ar]3d 9

Q.71. Comment on the statement that elements of the first

transition series possess many properties different from
those of heavier transition elements.
INCERT Chapter End Exercise)
Ans. The properties of the elements of the first transition
series differ from those ofthe heavier transition elements
(elements of 2nd and 3rd transition series) in many
) The atomic sizes of the elements of the first transition
series are snaller than those of the heavier elements
i) 42 and +3 oxidation states are more common for
clements in the first transition series, while higher
oxidation states are more common for the heavier
(i) The enthalpies of atomization of the elements in the
first transition series are lower than that of the
corresponding elements in the second and third
transition series.

(1) The melting and boiling points ofthe first transition series
are lower than those of the heavier transition elements.
Q.72. Whatcan be inferred from the magnetiemomentvalues
ofthe following complex species?
Example Magnetic Moment (BM)

Fe(H,O),* 5.3
K, Mn(CD
[NCERT Chapter End Exercise]/Competency Based Question]

Ans. Magnetic moment u is given as u= n(n+2). B.M.

1.732 B.M.
For value n=1, u=yi(1+2) 3
= =

=2.83 B.M.
For value n=2, u=2(2+2)= y8
=3.87 B.M.
Forvalue n=3, u=3(3+2)= V15
'n =4, 4= 4(4+2) 244.899

For value

=5.92 B.M.
For value n=5, 4= 5(5+2) 35

)K, [Mn(CN),]
The central ion is Mn-.
Electronic configuration of Mn* = [Ar]34°

moment is close to
The given magnitude of magnetic
to one
the calculated magnetic moment corresponding
one unpaired electron is
unpaired electron. Thus, only
This is only possible by
present in the given complex.
back pairing of electrons by CN{a strong ligand).
) [Fe(H,O)*
The central ion is Fe-.
Electronic configuration ofFe2*
[Ar]3d° =

moment is close to
The given magnitude of magnetic
calculated magnetic moment
corresponding to four
electrons are
unpaired electron. Thus, four unpaired
present in the given complex.
(in) K,[MnCl4
The central ion is
of Mn2* [Ar]34

Electronic configuration
lanthanoid element
that Q.81. The second and third
.77. Identify the following: The of transition elem
exhibits +4 oxidation state. [CBSE Sample Paper 2018| resemble each other much more than they
first row. Explain why ?
Ans. Ceium. Exemplar NCERT
member of the lanthanoid series which is well Ans. The atomic radii of second and third row
Q.78. Name a transitic
known to exhibit +4 oxidation state. elements are almost equal due to
[NCERT Solved Example] contraction. Therefore, they resemble each other mi
Or more as compared to first row elements.

Name the following: Amember ofthe lanthanoid series Q.82. Although +3 oxidation states is the characterist
which is well known to exhibit +4 oxidation state. oxidation state of lanthanoids but cerium.shows
oxidationstate also. Why?
[CBSE Sample Paper 2016] Exemplar NCERT] [Competency Based Questionj
Ans. Cerium (Ce)
Ans. The electronic configuration of Ce [Xe]44fls

Q.79. What are the different oxidation states exhibited by

6s. After losing four electrons, Ce acquires 4
thelanthanoids? [NCERT Chapter End Exercise]
configuration i.e., stable noble gas electronit
Ans. The most common oxidation state oflanthanoids is +3. configuration.
However, these also exhibit +2 and +4 oxidation states. Ce4t= [Xe]4
Q.80. Although Zr belongs to 4d and Hf belongs to Sd
Hence, Ce also shows +4 oxidation state.
transition series but it is quite difficult to separate
them.Why? Exemplar NCERT] Q.83. Write the electronic configurations of the elemend
with the atomic numbers 61,91, 101, and 109.
Ans. It is quite difficuit to separate Zr and Hf because they
have almost the similar size due to lanthanoids [NCERT Chapter End Exercise
contraction (Zr= 160 pm, Hf= 159 pm).
Electronic configurat
61 Xe4 ssd%?
91 Rn 525d2as
101 Rn s'sd a?
I09 Rn6 514sd6s2
Q84.Wha What are alloys ? Name an important alloy which
ntains some of the lanthanoid metals. Mention its

INCERT Chapter End Exercise
n alloy is a homogeneous mixture of two or more

Aeals. Alloys usually have different physical properties


than those of the component elements.An important alloy

af lanthanoids is mischmetal containing almost 95% of
lanthanoid metals, 5% iron and traces ofS, C, Ca and Al.
Mischmetal is used in Mg-based alloy to produce bullets,
shell and lighter flint.
5. What are inner transition elements ? Decide which of
the following atomic numbers are the atomic numbers of
theinnertransition elements: 29,59,74,95, 102, 104.
[NCERT Chapter End Exercise]
Ans. The elements in which the last electron enters

called inner transition elements. These

forbital are

comprise of two series ofelements, in which the 4fand

the 5forbitals are progressively filled respectively.
referred to
elements of these two series are as

the given atomic

lanthanoids and actinoids. Among
numbers, the atomic numbers of the inner
elements are 59,95, and 102.
Lanthanoid contraction, explain the
Q.86. On the basis of
Natureofbonding in La,0, and Lu,Og
salts of lanthanoids
(i) Trends in the stability of oxo
from La to Lu.

(iüi) Stability of the complexes of

block elements.
(iv) Radii of 4d and 5d
Trends in acidic character oflanthanoid
increases with the
(i) The covalent character the ionic character
in cationic size, due to
is less covalent,
decreases. Therefore, La,0,
more covalent.
more ionic
whereas Lu,O, is
from La
salts of lanthanoids
(i) The stability of oxo size from
the decrease in
to Lu decreases due

La to Lu. size of
increases as the
7) Stability of complexes
lanthanoids decreases.
(iv) Radii of 4d and 5d block elements is
almost the
same due to lanthanoid
(v) Acidic character of oxides increases from La to Lu
due to increase in covalent character.
Q.87. What is lanthanoids
contraction ? What are the
consequences of lanthanoids contraction?
[NCERT Chapter End Exercise]
Ans. The
steady decrease in the size of atoms and ions of
elements of lanthanoid series with
increasing atomic
number from La to Lu is called lanthanoid
This is because the new electron enters the
that offer poor
shielding effect due to their diffused
shape. As a result, effective nuclear charge increases
and atomic / ionic size decreases. The
of lanthanoid contraction are:
1. Consequences among lanthanoids
(a) Basicity of hydroxides:
It is due to lanthanide contraction that there is variation
in the basic strength of lanthanide hydroxides. Basic
strength decreases from La(OH), to Lu(OH), due to
increase in covalent character of hydroxide. Hence,
La(OH), is most basic whereas Lu(OH), is least basic.
(6) Physical properties
Due to decrease in atomic size a regular gradation in
many physical properties is observed. For example,
ionization enthalpy increases whereas electro-negativity
and tendency to form complexes increases.
(c) Difficulty in separation of lanthanoids
Since the decrease in atomic/ionic radii along the
lanthanoids is very small, their chemical properties are
similar. Due to this, the separation of lanthanoids in
pure state is difficult.
2. Consequences post lanthanoids
(a)Similarity in size ofelements belonging to same group
ofsecond and third transition series
The elements belonging to same group of second and
third transition series like Zr and Hf have similar size
because of lanthanoids contraction. Similarly, Nb and
Ta also have similar sizes. Due to similar sizes, these
elements are also similar in their properties.

5d elements have very high densities as compared to
the 4d elements. This is because there is large increase
in mass but no appreciable increase in volume.

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