CompositesWorld V10N07 Jul2024
CompositesWorld V10N07 Jul2024
CompositesWorld V10N07 Jul2024
production sites:
JULY 2024
The Fiber Continuity of Braided Sleevings
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4595 East Tech Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45245 • 513-688-3200 • •
4 From the Editor 24 Plant tour: Aernnova
Stephen Heinz, vice president of R&I for
Syensqo, delivered an inspirational keynote at Composites, Toledo and
SAMPE 2024, highlighting the significant role of Illescas, Spain
composite materials in emerging technologies RTM and ATL/AFP high-rate production sites
and encouraging broader collaboration. feature this composites and engineering
leader’s continued push for excellence and
6 Finishing and Fastening innovation for future airframes.
Powered by an 85% air/15% pure polyimide 24 By Ginger Gardiner
aerogel, Blueshift’s novel material system
protects structures during transient thermal
events from -200°C to beyond 2400°C for 34 Future quartz and oxide
rockets, battery boxes and more. fibers at Saint-Gobain
10 Past, Present and Future Advanced Ceramic
While the world continues to wait for new Composites
single-aisle program announcements from New business builds on 100-year legacy in
Airbus and Boeing, it’s clear composites will quartz, prepares for growth and starts
play a role in their fabrication. But in what production of oxide fibers to meet increased
ways, and what capacity? demand for CMC.
By Ginger Gardiner
14 Gardner Business Index (GBI)
The total index reading backed down in May
from its anticipated expansion, contracting
34 38 SMC composites progress
again to land at 46.8. BinC solar electric vehicles
In an interview with one of Aptera’s
co-founders, CW sheds light on the
inspiration behind the crowd-funded solar
» DEPARTMENTS electric vehicle, its body in carbon (BinC)
and how composite materials are playing a
16 Trends role in its design.
By Stewart Mitchell
44 Applications
45 Showcase/Marketplace
46 New Products
48 Post Cure
CW’s tour of Aernnova Composites’ manufacturing facilities in Toledo and Illescas, Spain, provides a glimpse of this
leading Tier 1’s capabilities in high-rate serial production of composite primary aerostructures and assemblies. Decades of
experience, a long history in composites R&D — including Clean Sky/Clean Aviation, Wing of Tomorrow and many other
programs — and a strong engineering core provide the foundation for ongoing digitization and automation, including RTM,
ATL/AFP and press-forming production, as well as development of thermoplastic composites for even lighter and higher
performance high-load structures for future aircraft. See p. 24.
Source | Aernnova Aerospace
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Get Started!
Stewart Mitchell
Charter •
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» In late May, CW attended the SAMPE conference and trade demands materials with increased functionality, such as heat
show in Long Beach, California, an event that always provides resistance, damage resilience and transparency to electromagnetic
valuable insights into industry trends. This year’s function placed waves for communication systems.
an emphasis on advancing applications like vehicle electrifica- Not to be forgotten are challenges like incorporating sustainable
tion, hydrogen energy and sustainable solutions through broader solutions and life cycle considerations, including efficient produc-
industry collaboration, with a more open-minded approach to tion systems from part design and material selection to service life
material solutions. and recycling into every application. The industry’s commitment
The keynote address was delivered by Stephen Heinz, vice to reducing waste, minimizing the carbon footprint and develop-
president of R&I for Syensqo’s Composite Materials Division (for- ing sustainable materials has never been greater.
merly part of Solvay Group). Heinz delivered an inspirational talk, Various technology solutions on display at SAMPE, the confer-
highlighting the significant role of composite materials in today’s ence presentations and conversations at the event also under-
world. He discussed various aspects of advanced materials, focus- scored the continuous need for innovation, collaboration and
ing on composites adaptation to new technologies and societal shifts in order to
and their applica- achieve these overarching goals. Heinz even encouraged broader
“Our industry’s growth is tions across dif- community collaboration, including partnerships with startups
a result of a demand for a ferent industries to and universities, and emphasized embracing data management
more connected world.” enhance sustainabil- solutions, artificial intelligence, automation and augmented reality
ity and performance. to drive innovation.
Heinz emphasized the This call to action resonated through the conference as a
use of composite materials, such as carbon fiber, in creating light- reminder of the industry’s mission. This past year saw the loss of
weight structures for smart devices, automotive, aerospace and two of its leaders: Scott Beckwith, SAMPE global technical direc-
marine applications. He underscored the benefits of composites in tor, and Camelo Lo Faro, president of Solvay’s Materials Segment.
reducing weight, enhancing strength and improving resistance to Their passing is a significant loss in terms of leadership and expe-
corrosion and fatigue. rience, but also acts as a poignant reminder of the impact of one’s
Heinz also warned against falling into the common traps of life work. Both men dedicated their careers not only to the com-
being overprotective of R&D and having any one singular focus in posites industry but also to the vision that the industry serves.
developing applications. “Avoid marrying a solution,” he advised. Their contributions are examples of the true charge of the compos-
“No one approach is the solution to every problem.” ites industry — exploring materials and solutions for the better-
Heinz outlined Syensqo’s priorities, which include advancing ment of our world.
the functionality and lightweighting of evolving smart devices,
focusing on the green hydrogen market and exploring compos-
ite opportunities in electric vehicles (EVs) and urban air mobility
(UAM). Regarding the future of composites in aerospace, Heinz
avoided speculation about when a new commercial aircraft pro-
gram might emerge. Instead, he confidently stated, “The next com-
mercial aircraft will employ a lot of composite materials.”
The unifying theme across all these discussion points is the con-
tribution to more connected and sustainable technologies. “Our
industry’s growth is a result of a demand for a more connected
world,” Heinz said. He emphasized that the need for connectivity SCOTT FRANCIS — Editor-In- Chief
Join us in San Diego to source
the materials, innovations,
and connections that drive
CAMX releases monthly
eNewsletters, providing readers
with articles on composites and
advanced materials, viewpoints
from speakers, and upcoming
deadlines, as well as updates on
programming and the exhibit hall.
» Technological innovations in aerospace and defense mar- material science company, Blueshift launched its first commer-
kets are redefining our understanding of mobility. Historically, cial product in : a family of thermal protection systems (TPS)
government agencies and large commercial organizations (e.g., based on an aerogel comprising % air and % pure polyimide.
NASA, Boeing, Airbus, the U.S. Department of Defense) have The TPS can be customized for a variety of thermal events (e.g.,
invested heavily in large new vehicles, while the high cost of aeroheating, direct flame, contact heating). Thanks to its highly
manufacturing prevented smaller, privatized companies from porous nature, the material can slow down the flow of thermal
entering the industry. However, with the launch of SpaceX’s first energy from penetrating into underlying composite structures.
rocket in 2008, the tide began to turn from a market controlled by Its thin-profile format (starting at . mils in thickness) not only
only a few players, to one that has countless disrupters. This shift facilitates its application but frees space for additional functional
continues to drive innovation in spacecraft and electric aircraft, layers, such as graphite and various metals, including aluminum.
enabling a combination of lower cost technologies that have ever- Branded as AeroZero, this proprietary suite of TPS products can
increasing sophistication. be applied to various surfaces, including carbon fiber composites,
One such innovation includes technologies being developed by and has already proven effective in a wide range of applications,
Blueshift (Spencer, Mass., U.S.). Established in as a deep-tech including rockets, battery and exhaust systems and electronics. 7
had projects where we actually apply our TPS on the customer’s electrified aircraft. This requires the evolution of material solutions
part and then ship it back to them.” beyond what was developed decades ago. It also requires a bal-
ance between weight, flexibility and performance.
Current and future applications “We founded Blueshift because we could see the technology’s
Blueshift has achieved significant success with its TPS for light- potential to address these challenges and enable the ongoing revo-
weight structures — applications ranging from electric aircraft to lution in mobility,” says Burbey. “We’re helping companies suc-
space vehicles/satellites to specialty medical devices. AeroZero ceed in some of the most difficult applications, and we’ll continue
TPS is also being used in battery box applications to mitigate the to expand our capabilities and pursue even further developments
risk of thermal runaway. This need is growing due to the increas- to offer solutions for future composites.”
ing demand for higher power density batteries. Manufacturers
are developing these batteries in compact pouch or cylindrical
packs, housed in small modules and then stacked to form com-
plex systems. However, in confining the high-power density, the
risk of thermal runaway increases. AeroZero TPS variants have ABOUT THE AUTHORS
been integrated into interior and exterior walls of battery modules
Rebeca Velie is the marketing manager at Blueshift (Spencer,
and housings to help slow the spread of fire or explosion as well Mass., U.S.). She has a B.A. in psychology and environmental
as temperature soak. The TPS have demonstrated effectiveness studies from Wesleyan University where she conducted and
published a peer-reviewed, data-driven research paper.
against 1000°C direct flames for up to 60 minutes with no burn-
through and are being integrated into systems that are helping to
promote passenger safety. CW senior technical editor Ginger Gardiner has an engineering/
Similarly within aerospace, addressing the challenges confront- materials background and more than 20 years of experience in
the composites industry.
ing designers has significantly intensified. For example, weight
savings has become more critical to enable reusable launch vehi-
cles as well as integration of heavy, power-dense battery packs into 9
» In a 2007 interview with Design News, Dr. Alan Miller, at the a result, the ’s production required significant investment in
time the director of technology integration for the Boeing 787 carbon fiber and part manufacturing capabilities. It also paved the
program, commented on the challenges the aerospace industry way for greater adoption in new programs, such as the X, A
faced in composites adoption. “We have had no applications and A.
[before the Dreamliner] with high volumes. The composites Despite widespread adoption of composites, the two most
industry has never had to deal with this before. That was a moun- widely produced aircraft in the industry, the Airbus A and
tain we had to climb.” Boeing families, contain comparatively little composites. The
The was a step-change in composites use for commercial MAX, the latest iteration of the Boeing that first entered
aircraft. The aerostructure design, which was about % compos- service in , contains only about % composites in the aero-
ite, surpassed any other large commercial aircraft at the time. As structure. The A contains about %. Together, these aircraft
account for nearly % of available seat miles flown globally. improved engines, this design provides the with a much lower
Incorporating more composites into their design remains a mas- fuel burn per seat kilometer. The , in fact, has a % heavier
sive opportunity for the aerospace and composites industries, but empty weight (excluding engines) than the . Yet despite this, it
also a considerable challenge compared to today’s twin-aisle pro- still achieves substantial fuel savings and nearly twice the range
grams (such as the or A) or the smaller A single-aisle due to its more efficient geometry.
program, which contains % composites. The X adopted a similar strategy with its composite wing,
At Counterpoint Market Intelligence (Cambridgeshire, U.K.), we extending the span of the wing from . meters for the -ER
believe the next new aircraft programs from Boeing and Airbus will to . meters for the -. According to Boeing, this results in
be single-aisle aircraft. Those programs will almost certainly feature about a % reduction in fuel burn. The longer wings are so effec-
more composites than the current generation. And while twin-aisle tive, that the design can justify folding wingtips to ensure the air-
aircraft are typically produced at rates of - per month, a new sin- craft stays within the same aerodrome code as existing aircraft
gle-aisle design will require processes capable of reaching up to and can access existing airport gates.
aircraft per month. Such a shift has the potential to be yet another Some high-level calculations can provide insight into the
step-change for both the aerospace and composites industries — all trade-offs for these programs (Fig. , p. ). If we consider an
of which has implications on the design of the aircraft, the timing of Airbus Aneo, which has a % lower wing weight due to com-
its introduction and the technology required. It appears the com- posite materials but the same geometry as current designs, our
posites industry has another hill to climb. calculations estimate a .-% decrease in fuel burn for a typical
mission. Suppose instead, we replace the wing with an all-com-
DESIGN: Worth the weight posite design that weighs the same as the metallic wing, but has
Many conversations around composites versus metallics focus on a longer span and thinner cross-section. If such a wing were to
weight savings; the lightweight properties are seen as the main raise the average cruise lift-to-drag ratio from to , we esti-
driver of fuel savings for the aircraft. The true benefit of composites, mate this would equate to a -% decrease in fuel burn despite
however, is more nuanced. Composites can often enable greater offering no weight savings. These aerodynamic improvements
design freedom and aerodynamic benefits, which outpace weight have a greater impact than the weight savings, but they can only
savings alone. be achieved by a shift to composites.
Fig. illustrates a - in blue, a mostly metallic design that As a result, we at Counterpoint believe that the next genera-
entered service in the s. Overlaid in gray is a -, which has tion of single-aisle aircraft will almost certainly have a compos-
a roughly similar length and seating capacity. Notably, the ite wing. The potential fuel savings are far too great to consider a
wing extends significantly longer than the older design. If we metallic structure.
examined the cross-sectional thickness of the wing, we would find For the fuselage, however, the trade-off is not as clear. The fuse-
the to be about % thinner on average. That longer, thinner lage itself does not have any aerodynamic benefits like the wing.
wing reduces drag on the aircraft, resulting in a more aerodynami- Composites tend to have greater benefits on widebody aircraft
cally efficient design. where the fuselage walls are comparatively thicker. The more
Composites enable this design through their combination of frequent takeoff and landing cycles of narrowbody aircraft often
strength, stiffness and lightweight characteristics. Combined with necessitate extra material, which reduces the benefit of switch-
ing to composites. We estimate that a %
reduction in fuselage weight using com-
FIG. 1 The 787 features a longer,
posites would result in a .% drop in fuel
thinner wing than the 767.
Source | Counterpoint Market Intelligence consumption. With the impact of climate
change, every drop of fuel savings cer-
tainly matters. But the use of composites
in the fuselage has other drawbacks, both
in cost and manufacturability. Whether or
not the OEMs choose a composite fuse-
lage likely comes down to two interlinked
factors: timing and technology. 11
» The GBI: Composites Fabricating activity was 0.4 point away from reaching a reading of 50 in Jan Schafer, MBA, is
the director of market
April, but May saw the biggest single month of accelerated contraction in years. research for Gardner
An index of , or what we call “flat,” proved elusive with May’s index of ., down from Intelligence, a division of
Gardner Business Media
April’s .. Most manufacturing segments saw downturns this month, so it is likely that broad-
(Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.). She has been an
scale economic factors were at play. essential part of Gardner Intelligence for over
No contracting component accelerated contraction to a degree commensurate with the total five years, and has led research and analysis
in various industries for over 30 years.
index. Production accelerated contraction a little while other components slowed contraction
or stayed steady.
Supplier deliveries continued to lengthen at an accelerated rate, likely a function of
lingering and/or new supply chain challenges since steady new orders cannot be stretching
supplier deliveries.
Business sentiment (not included in the GBI calculation) has sustained again in May the
same positive value it has had since March.
GBI: Composites Fabricating — Production and New Orders Accelerated contraction in production
(three-month moving average) appears to be the only driver of accelerated
contraction in the overall index.
Production (3-MMA) New Orders (3-MMA)
Our access to 227,000 manufacturing professionals at more than 116,000
facilities, combined with deep industry knowledge and research/analysis
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■ Gardner Business Index
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State-of-the-art VTOL rigid airship is to be fabricated with Exel thin-wall carbon fiber
tubes; composite Eco Bracket for aerospace cuts weight and cost in half; carbon fiber
composites market report provides statistics, analyses and trends regarding 2023
demand; a 30-foot combat drone inlet showcases novel overbraiding; and more.
ATA Industrial Group report evaluates the state of the global carbon fiber market
A report developed by Lin Gang, vice president of ATA and Hexcel reports); and delivery volume reports for appli-
CFT Guangzhou Co. Ltd. (Guangzhou, China), breaks down cation markets like those released by Boeing and Airbus, as
statistics, trends and observations surrounding the global well as the operational status of sports equipment giants.
and Chinese carbon fiber markets, in an effort to calculate Download the complete report at short.compositesworld.
the global demand for carbon fiber. Titled, “2023 Global com/Global-cf-report.
Carbon Fiber Composites Market
Report,” the 70-page report navigates:
• The Chinese carbon fiber market
W yoming
• Over 40 types of
(by year, application, province and
fixtures in stock,
origin), as well as theoretical capaci- ready to be shipped.
T est
ties and new developments • Expert consultation
• The global carbon fiber market by with Dr. Dan Adams
year, application, region, process and • Email or call today to
F ixtures
matrix discuss your fixture and
• Composite application trends and custom design needs.
prospects INC.
• A look at carbon fiber recycling,
carbon peaking, and carbon neutral-
“According to our statistics and
comprehensive evaluation of multiple Standard fixtures are kept
sources, the global demand for carbon in stock like our:
fiber in 2023 was 115,000 tons, a
decrease of 14.8% compared to 135,000 ASTM D6671
tons in 2022,” Lin says in the report. MIXED MODE
“This is the first time since 1995 that
Custom designs
are made to your
specifications like our:
there has been negative demand growth CANTILEVER BEAM
globally. For Chinese enterprises, this is
an unprecedented experience and chal- FRACTURE TOUGHNESS
lenge. Where should the global carbon OF SANDWICH PANELS
fiber market go?”
Data and conclusions for 2023 were
obtained through annual sales data of
Chinese carbon fiber manufacturers and Dr. Daniel O. Adams, President
multi-channel data verification; annual 40+ years of Composite Testing Experience
sales data and business situations of
international carbon fiber manufactur- 2960 E. Millcreek Canyon Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84109 email:
ers (e.g., shipment volume of Japanese Phone (801) 484.5055
carbon fiber enterprises, annual SGL 17
Luxfer Gas Cylinders awarded grant for 700-bar Type 4 tank development
Luxfer Gas Cylinders (Riverside, Calif., U.S.), a division of the number of components and amount of time to manu-
Luxfer Holdings Plc, has been awarded a clean technology facture while also having the capability of storing gaseous
grant from Alberta Innovates Hydrogen Centre of Excellence pressure up to 700 bar (10,000 psi). The development work
to support the development of a new Type 4 700-bar will take place in Luxfer’s Calgary, Alberta, facility.
hydrogen cylinder. This next-generation
The government of Alberta, through Alberta Innovates Type 4 hydrogen cylin-
and Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA), announced $57 der will play an impor-
million, worth $280 million, in innovation funding for 28 proj- tant role in growth
ects to advance a hydrogen economy, reduce emissions and markets requiring light-
create jobs in Alberta. Projects are to cover the spectrum weight, high-volume
of hydrogen production, storage, transmission, distribu- hydrogen storage solu-
tion and use. Through the Hydrogen Centre of Excellence tions such as fuel cell
– Competition 2, 20 applications were accepted for funding, transit buses, heavy-
including Luxfer. duty trucks, vans, bulk
Luxfer will use the Alberta Innovates grant to develop a gas transport, boats
polymer-lined, high-pressure hydrogen cylinder that reduces and trains.
NIAR receives $10 million NASA funding for high-temp advanced materials
Wichita State University’s (WSU) National Institute for analysis, and testing refractory materials and structures.
Aviation Research (NIAR) is to receive more than $10 million It will complement existing resources available through
from NASA (Washington, D.C., U.S.) for research related to Wichita’s National Defense Prototype Center (NDPC),
the development, maturation and implementation of high- a collaboration between NIAR and Spirit AeroSystems
temperature advanced materials, including composites, for (Wichita, Kan., U.S.) that provides a secure space for high-
use in hot structures and thermal protection systems (TPS) temperature materials testing, development, prototyping
for hypersonic vehicles. and industrialization.
Currently, there are several technological gaps for
novel, high-speed materials and structures, including
the selection of materials that are capable of withstand-
ing extreme temperatures and extended flight times, as
well as the development of reliable design databases.
NIAR and NASA believe that the ability to generate
high-fidelity data for these materials is a crucial step in
the process of successfully inserting emerging materials
into critical space applications. These materials must be
proven to perform in extremely challenging environ-
ments, while demonstrating manufacturability, consis-
tent production and long-term sustainment.
The research program will require procurement of
equipment focused on automated fabrication, process-
ing and densification, characterization, design and 21
Aernnova Composites
Toledo and Illescas, Spain
RTM and ATL/AFP high-rate » Aernnova Aerospace (Álava, Spain) is a leading Tier 1 aero-
production sites feature this structures supplier with 5,442 employees in 16 locations across
composites and engineering leader’s eight countries supporting 30 different aircraft programs. In addi-
tion to its engineering, services and metallic components busi-
continued push for excellence and
nesses, Aernnova Composites is a key part of the group’s integrated
innovation for future airframes. aerostructures capability and comprises six plants with 1,343
employees in Spain, Portugal and the U.K., supplying Airbus and
Airbus Helicopters, Boeing, Embraer, Dassault, General Dynamics
By Ginger Gardiner / Senior Technical Editor
and others.
Aernnova is a company committed to sustainability, techno-
logical development and digitization, says Dr. Miguel Castillo, vice
president of technology development for Aernnova, noting: “We
go from concept, design, prototyping, testing and certification
to production.” The industry’s respect for this full capability and
decades of expertise can be seen in contracts awarded by Heart
Aerospace to co-design the airframe of the ES- electric aircraft,
and by HondaJet to design and build flaps, ailerons and spoilers
for the Echelon HA-. Aernnova is currently working with Boom
continuous compression molding [CCM] and induction welding. “was similar to the -meter IIAMS demonstrator by MTorres, but
We will mature a range of these technologies to TRL by the end of shorter, at meters.” Other RTM achievements include:
for elementary parts, and then continue to mature our weld- • A -meter-diameter air intake for a business jet using a one-
ing capabilities with partners.” shot process.
Another large area of work is RTM, including patented designs • A -meter flap for the Airbus Wing of Tomorrow program
for multi-flange fuselage frames and CFRP struts with an inte- (Learn More for online sidebar)
grated metallic insert for attachment. “The one-shot wingbox • A winglet for a Clean Sky program using RTM with foam core
skin we made with Airbus in the APOLO project,” says Castillo, and resin infusion for the leading edge.
• Modular-designed RTM tools with partner Aitiip in the
HERON project that facilitate innovative heating and demold-
TOP: In this small corner of the ICSA cleanroom are (left to right) machined core
ing, made with a high-deposition hybrid additive layer manu-
for A220 APU doors, vacuum bagged A320 elevator leading edge (LE) ribs and an
auxiliary power unit (APU) door layup tool; the black lid of a vacuum table is seen facturing (ALM) process.
in the rear corner, along the wall. BOTTOM: A Tecnatom ultrasound testing (UT) • Integrated “one-shot” structures for the RACER compound
cell is scanning four A220 APU doors. Source | CW helicopter’s horizontal and vertical stabilizers.
Built in 1991, Internacional de Composites S.A. (ICSA) has more
than 30 years of experience in composites production and was
acquired by Aernnova in 2003. Our tour is led by Sanchez and
Carlos Torollo, engineering manager for ICSA. We enter a lobby
filled with examples of production parts including empennage
fairings for the Airbus A380, A350 and A320, and the A350 HTP LE
as well as the RTM structural grids for the A350 passenger (pax)
door which are made in this plant. We walk through a door to
where a single, large freezer on the right stores rolls of prepreg and
kits of cut prepreg plies. On the left is a material testing lab. “We
test incoming prepreg and can do chemical and mechanical test-
ing as needed to support programs,” says Torollo.
He notes the production floor flow is like a “C.” It starts with
materials receiving, cutting and hand layup at the entry where we
are, and then moves through machining, paint, assembly and non-
destructive testing (NDT)/inspection in the middle before curving
back to the right for RTM production. 27
technician. We then enter a large cleanroom with a layup area to demolding area. Some of these are heated using electrical resis-
our left. Here, a technician has a workstation dashboard screen tance and some use heated oil. Our second approach is to use hot
suspended in his cell. He speaks to the system as he completes plate presses which heat tools by conduction from the platens.”
each ply, and it checks it off in the workflow software. There are two injection/cure stations for the self-heated tools
Just beyond these layup areas is a large hot drape forming used for producing the inner structural grids that will be mated
(HDF) machine made by Serra, a sister Aernnova company in with prepreg skins at Aeronnova Illescas for the A pax doors
Barcelona and Romania. Layups are heated to °C for hours to and two stations for the A HTP LE. In the left rear corner, we
melt the binder and compact them into a shaped preform that will watch a technician assemble a multipiece tool at a station for the
be placed into an RTM mold set. The machine uses a single HDF A HTP trailing edge ribs made using a hot platen press.
top unit — equipped with infrared lamps for heating and forced air “We make the A HTP LE in one shot, integrating the skin
for cooling — with two tables for layups. While one is in the HDF with ribs,” says Sanchez. “We deliver eight sections per plane
processing preforms, the other is being loaded, for faster through- and are ramping production. One big challenge was to maintain
put. There are also two small Multitherm HDF tables from Elkom temperature of such massive molds at ±°C, and we changed our
(Postfach, Germany). control system strategy to achieve this.” Finished sets are shipped
“We then assemble these preforms like puzzle pieces into the to Airbus Getafe for assembly of the HTP, which resembles a mini
RTM tools to enable larger, integrated structures,” says Sanchez. To wing set with a -meter span. Airbus has said that it will increase
our right are twin vertical storage systems by Hänel Lean Life (Bad A prodution from /month in to /month by .
Friedrichshall, Germany) used for the various production pro- We exit the cure room into the demolding and NDI area. There is
grams’ preforming tools. a robot trimming cell for deburring the edges of dry preforms. We
see a base and top for the RTM tool used to produce the A pax
Toolroom, injection, demold and NDI door inner structure. An overhead crane is used to lift the mold top
We turn right into the toolroom. Here, numerous large, self-heated from the base. “This is a very controlled process in order to remove
steel RTM molds — wrapped in thermal insulation blankets to the part without any damage,” notes Torollo. The base of the two-
hold heat inside — await injection/cure cycle or have just fin- part tool for the A HTP LE is also here, and we can see the slots
ished and will move next to demolding. “We have two strategies where rib preforms are placed but also the whole piece removed
for RTM production here,” says Sanchez. “The first are these self- from it as an integrated structure. The resin flash will be trimmed
heated matched tools. After we place the preforms and tooling off and then it will undergo final quality control inspection.
inserts inside, we close and clamp top and bottom tools and
connect them to injection units. The tools heat up to 120°C, resin AERNNOVA ILLESCAS TOUR
is injected, cured under vacuum and pressure, and then the tools For this second tour, Enrique Sanchez is again our guide, aided
ramp down/cool before they are disconnected and moved to the by Jorge Garcia Martinez, head of manufacturing engineering for
the Aernnova Illescas site,
which has 300 employees
on the production floor,
400 total with white collar
included. Signs through-
out the engineering offices
confirm that diversification
is an ongoing effort, but
Martinez says it is still chal-
lenging to hire women tech-
nicians here. Still, two of the 29
net-shape stringers for the A HTP stacked drilling of titanium/CFRP/titanium. “We drill this in one
Read this article online as well as outer skins for a dozen shot with an automatic drilling machine,” says Sanchez.
w/ sidebar | short. A pax doors. Racks of finished A center wingbox skins sit next to A
Aernnova-pt HTP and MLGB bulkhead assemblies, the latter a large semicircle
Inspection and assembly with stiffeners. We pass a small cell that Sanchez describes as a
The NDT area features a large development to automate the previously manual job of sealant
squirter UT cell by GE and a application. “In the past, this took a lot of time,” he explains. “It
robotic UT cell by Tecnatom that also required skilled artisans because the sealing is functional, but
has two sections: one for a jig that the application must also be very neat to provide a high-quality
can use a water squirter on the finish. Such skilled personnel are harder to find, and automation
left and an immersion tank on will improve efficiency to meet higher production rates.”
the right. “We use the GE squirter We see fittings being installed in spars for the A HTP.
cell for larger parts because they Martinez explains that while some are mechanically attached,
must be inspected one by one,” others are bonded and so receive four chicken rivets, two at each
says Sanchez. “That was the first machine we had, so certain end, one on each side of the stiffener flange. We exit this area
parts are specified to be inspected with it. However, it’s better to back into the offices and main lobby.
inspect small parts in the Tecnatom immersion tank.” He notes
the GE machine can do pulse-echo but not TTU, and both cells Ready for the future
can do C-scans. Every composites manufacturer has a personality. Aernnova’s
For the Tecnatom cell, a scanning fixture can be rolled into the is confident, but not showy. It pursues new technologies and
left section and inspected with the robot using a water squirter. automation but as a means to achieve improved, higher rate
Meanwhile, an overhead crane lowers a fixture that is loaded with production. It does invest in new capabilities, but in a mea-
sured, practical way with a view to actual production. As a
Tier 1 supplier, it must be extremely conscientious, explains
Castillo. “We have no room for less-than-optimal processes
and operations.” And yet, it is obvious that engineering and
“We will launch thermoplastic
engineers form the spine of the company, providing a kind of
composites in 2024-25, aiming for veritas, stability and direction.
TRL 6 by 2026.” This is key now more than ever. “The industry has changed,”
notes Castillo. “After the pandemic, making decisions of where
to go is much more challenging. But we are ramping up Hamble
and Evora, and we continue to mature automation and new tech-
many parts — e.g., ribs or two spars — into the immersion tank. nologies across all our composites sites, including for RTM, press
“While we are scanning in the tank, we are preparing the load forming and other out-of-autoclave processes. We will launch
in the non-immersion side next door,” says Martinez. “We then thermoplastic composites in -, aiming for TRL by .
move the robot over to do the non-immersion scanning while we For now, we will push to meet the demands of increased A,
remove scanned parts and reload the tank. We are using phased A and A production.”
array UT with transducers so we can cover a large area quickly. However, he adds that Aernnova Composites sites have capac-
However, before we scan, we must debubble the water in the tank ity for growth and will continue to diversify within the company’s
in order to get an accurate image.” aerospace focus. “We have decades of expertise in engineering and
This cycle is repeated continuously, as every part produced production, combined with a wide range of capabilities that pro-
here is % inspected, notes Martinez. “We also have stations vides real benefits in producing lighter, higher performance and
where manual UT inspections are completed to review areas high-rate structures for all types of future aircraft.”
flagged for anomalies.” He adds that all areas of every part must
be scanned, especially radii and flanges, because most of these
parts are structural and considered flight- and/or safety-critical.
We walk past a APB sitting ready to be scanned. There are
also racks of A MLGB bulkheads, as we enter a large assem-
bly area. CW senior technical editor Ginger Gardiner has an
engineering/materials background and more than 20 years
Here, we see APBs being assembled and the banner on the of experience in the composites industry.
wall from Boeing Charleston. Titanium fittings are attached all
the way around the .-meter-diameter bulkhead, which requires
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Future quartz
and oxide fibers
at Saint-Gobain
New business builds on EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is an excerpt of a longer online article. To access the original,
use the QR code provided in the “Learn More” box on p. 36.
100-year legacy in quartz,
prepares for growth and Saint-Gobain (La Défense, Paris, France) is a multinational brand well known in
starts production of oxide composites for its manufacture of glass fiber reinforcements through subsidiar-
ies Vetrotex and Adfors. Established in 1665 to break the monopoly that Venice
fibers to meet increased
had in mirror manufacturing, its history has been compelled by technological
demand for CMC.
innovation — from its subsequent development of the revolutionary table rolling
process for glass, to the foundation of Quartz & Silice in 1922, to its 1930 intro-
By Ginger Gardiner / Senior Technical Editor duction of FGlas reinforcement fibers in Germany.
Now, again, Saint-Gobain seeks to break a monopoly, this time in the produc-
tion of aluminum oxide (alumina) ceramic fibers used in ceramic matrix com-
posites (CMC). But it also sees a bright future for its historic quartz fiber business.
“Our business has a long history, celebrating its th anniver- work mainly with industrial companies, and with companies
sary in ,” says Aymeric d’Ydewalle, general manager of Saint- doing metal casting and heat treatment,” says Walter Pritzkow,
Gobain ACC. “There has been a lot of innovation through the who founded Walter E.C. Pritzkow Spezialkeramik near Stuttgart
years, and quartz fibers remain the largest part of our business.” in . The company’s award-winning Keramikblech Ox/Ox CMC
However, as the company looked to its next years, its leaders (referred to as OCMC) uses fabrics made with M (Minneapolis,
began questioning how to expand and diversify its offerings. “We Minn., U.S.) Nextel and fibers. It produces small series (up
looked into possible adjacent products and technologies, which to parts) but also has larger production runs for customers,
led us to considering oxide ceramic fibers,” he continues. “That led such as ,-, burner components per year.
to concluding a deal almost years ago with the DITF in Germany Why not use SiC? “Because SiC/SiC and C/SiC are much more
[Denkendorf ], to acquire the technology they have developed in complex materials and require longer processing,” explains
producing these fibers.” Pritzkow. He sees a large potential for OCMC parts, with more
“Our new name reflects our repositioning to encompass applications being developed in recent years. “Large compa-
a range of high-performance fibers for composites,” says nies want to run thermal processes at higher temperatures. We
d’Ydewalle. “We have our legacy businesses in quartz with exist- have also worked with engine manufacturers.” This growth will be
ing customers and business, but we are also bringing to market even faster, he notes, if oxide fiber costs come down. “We’ll get
new technology in alumina fiber for CMC via the agreement with more opportunities to replace metal parts which are destroyed
DITF. And we have decades of experience and knowledge that
has been developed into Saint-Gobain global R&D centers, where
we can help a broader set of customers infiltrate new applications
across these materials. We believe CMC will emerge more and
more in the next years and Saint-Gobain ACC will have an impor-
tant part to play in that. Our intention is not only to become a
global leader in such high-performance fibers, but we also want
to accompany our customers into the adoption of CMC and other
technologies in the future.” 35
in weeks and months due to coking and corrosion,” he explains. Saint-Gobain ACC enabling
“OCMC parts provide a much higher lifetime — for example, our OCMC growth Read this article online |
flame tubes last up to years.” For his industrial customers, these “Saint-Gobain has been working short.compositesworld.
parts provide a significant reduction in maintenance, shutdown toward Ox-Ox CMC for many years,”
and part replacement costs. says d’Ydewalle, “in collaboration
with a broad set of customers, espe-
Offering a new supply of oxide fiber cially in Europe, and also jointly with
One obstacle for OCMC growth has been a limited supply of fiber. a number of sister businesses within
To date, almost all OCMC use Nextel 610 and 720 fibers from Saint-Gobain that see potential in
3M. “Nextel fabric is the most expensive part of our products,” CMC.” For example, Saint-Gobain
notes Pritzkow, “and delivery is a problem, often with delays of has a lot of experience serving the
3-6 months.” This will change in 2025, when ACC will make its market with monolithic ceramics in
continuous oxide fibers commercially available from its French a wide set of applications, and some-
production site. “Our first target is 4-5 tons/year,” says d’Ydewalle, times there are constraints in terms of stress and temperature
noting this will be expanded quickly to 10+ tons/year. that demand more advanced products, like CMC. “We have taken
Saint-Gobain ACC will commercialize OxCeFi A and OxCeFi ownership of this long-term R&D work and will continue that with
M fibers, which were developed by DITF over decades, with a variety of partners.”
production validated in a pilot line since . According to DITF, One example is Saint-Gobain ACC’s participation in a multi-
OxCeFi A fiber is similar to Nextel , being % corundum year program funded by France and the European Union
(α-alumina), without using iron oxide for controlled structure forma- (“France ” and “Next-Generation EU supporting Relaunch
tion. However, DITF claims there is no counterpart to OxCeFi M France”) with a leading French aerospace company, announced
fiber which is % mullite, because Nextel is typically a mix- in . “Today, we have the capability to make small- and
ture of corundum and mullite. OxCeFi M reportedly offers similar medium-scale samplings of oxide fibers in France, and we are
creep resistance but optimized high-temperature stability. Pritzkow developing our CMC capability. Our initial focus is on OCMC, for
has tested these oxide fibers in unidirectional and woven fabrics which we are leveraging a variety of materials including alumina,
and confirms they are at the same level as Nextel fibers. He has also silica and quartz — so that we can cover quite a wide range of
assisted in validating the fiber’s performance in OCMC parts. applications and performance.”
In addition to aeroengines, d’Ydewalle says
The oxide fibers that Saint-Gobain ACC is commercializing at its French facility have been validated other key markets are space and non-civil-
in a pilot line at DITF since 2018, woven into fabrics as well as small- and large-scale braided textiles ian applications. “Such key technologies have
and successfully converted into OCMC parts. Source | DITF, Saint-Gobain ACC become a matter of sovereignty,” he explains.
“We see that France and Europe do not want to
have such a critical dependency on the U.S. even
though it’s a strong ally. They prefer to have their
own supply chains.”
Outside of aeroengines, space and non-civil-
ian markets, d’Ydewalle sees an even wider set
of opportunities than just the refractory and
chemical industries. “We also see possible appli-
cations in hydrogen systems and batteries for
automotive and eVTOL aircraft — all kinds of
applications that need improved materials to
resist high temperatures. This is where having
our vertical integration and being able to pro-
pose novel solutions to our customers is impor-
tant. It’s not like in aerospace where there is a
big competency in CMC that has been devel-
oped at all the main aerospace jet engine play-
ers. In these other segments, CMC is still new.
So, we need to work with customers here to help
develop and validate parts in these applica-
tions to demonstrate that the technology makes 37
» Aptera (Carlsbad, U.S.) is a California startup developing a with glass fiber sheet molding compound (GF-SMC). As the com-
solar electric vehicle (sEV) that offers a 1,000-mile range and pany leads up to production-intent builds (anticipated for ),
the ability to avoid plugging in thanks to 700 watts of continu- CW’s contributing writer, Stewart Mitchell, touched base with
ous charging power provided by its solar panels while driving Aptera co-founder, Steve Fambro, to talk more about Aptera’s use of
or parked. However, this performance demands a new ultimate composites, its work with CPC, the sEV’s design and manufacturing
in efficiency — both in aerodynamic shape and light weight. process, Aptera’s goals and targets for production and more.
Composites have helped to achieve both, comprising the vehicle’s
body in carbon (fiber), or BinC, which reportedly can be recycled : Can you explain your background and approach to
up to five times for an ultra-low CO2 life cycle cost. This also aligns incorporating carbon fiber composites into the vehicle’s
with Aptera’s drive for sustainability. structure in Aptera, as well as the key benefits over the
Working alongside composite parts supplier CPC Group traditional framework that you may have considered?
(Modena, Italy), Aptera’s BinC is composed of only six main parts STEVE FAMBRO (SF): The story of how I got involved with
— the tub, roll bar, two roof panels and two side panels — all made composites goes back to when I first contemplated starting my
from carbon fiber sheet molding compound (CF-SMC) combined company, which was around 2005. At that time, I was considering
building a vehicle with aerodynamic shapes, and I knew that to At the time, we had different ideas and approaches to how a
achieve an extraordinary range with an electric vehicle (EV), it composite car should be built. I wanted to use a bunch of flat fac-
would have to be very lightweight and have a low drag coefficient eted panels that would be CNC cut, and then bond them together
or drag product. This is when I started exploring the use of com- to make a structure and put a simple aeroshell over it. Chris
posites, because I was a private pilot and had experience with thought we should make as few parts as possible, and as long and
composite aircraft, specifically Diamond Aircraft. as contiguous as possible, to make it stronger and lighter. We hired
Initially, I thought about building something inspired by a Burt a composite expert to help adjudicate that, and he very quickly
Rutan design, the Long-EZ, which was my introduction to struc- agreed with Chris.
tural composites. I read everything I could about Burt Rutan, and We started building stuff like the section of the old, original
bought his booklets and training videos on how to make compos- Aptera, which was green Divinycell. This was all open mold
ite parts. I started by making little hand-laid beams with Divinycell vacuum resin infusion, a lightweight, high-performance structure.
foam core and unidirectional and bidirectional fibers. Rutan’s However, these structures required a lot of labor, not only to cut
handbooks had a little test that people could do to become more the cloth but also to lay it in the right orientation, prepare the mold
comfortable with composites — you build these beams, support and so on. There was no real way to automate the labor in resin
them double-ended and stand on them. Being able to support my infusion composite sandwich panels, none that we’d seen, at least.
bodyweight with these lightweight beams was impressive and gave When we started back in , we were fully prepared to use this
me the confidence to further explore composites. method because we thought ,-, cars a year could be done
I continued my journey by buying blueprints of experimental by hand. Then, when we launched the concept, we got , orders
aircraft and learning everything I could about composite materi- for Aptera in the first week, and we realized that it was not possible
als. I even went back to the de Havilland Mosquito, which was the to do it by hand. We would need thousands of employees to make
first composite aircraft. I learned about using end grain balsa as it happen, the variability would be too high and it would result in
a core material and explored hardpoints. I learned how to apply hundreds of mold sets, which was not feasible.
a load in a composite panel — whether it’s applied along the face In the early stages, we were still pushing the envelope and work-
sheet or orthogonal to it, and what kind of material would be ing with a local San Diego company with a UV cure resin. We
needed for the hardpoint. De Havilland did it differently by using made all the parts with this resin, which had a very fast cycle time.
round circles of hardwood to bolt on those loads. However, it was still not scalable, and that’s when we hired Akos
As I was learning these things, it was right around the time when Feher, our current VP of engineering, to go out and find us the best
I met Chris Anthony, the other co-founder of Aptera. Chris had a method to produce structures in these volumes. He introduced us to
boat company, Epic Boats, and he was using vacuum resin-infused CPC Group (Modena, Italy), and we were really impressed with the
bottoms to make these lightweight sandwich core boats. This was precision and quality of the parts they were able to produce. It was
a wakeboard boat, a very specific kind of pleasure watercraft that clear that their method was the best fit for our needs and would help
had a pump system to bring in water as a ballast to increase its us achieve the level of efficiency and consistency we were looking
weight and make an extra-large wake. His boat could be towed for. We quickly began to move forward with CPC as our manufactur-
much more easily and used less energy to tow it thanks to its light ing partner and have already achieved amazing results together.
weight; it could be towed with a small car.
Chris and I met through a common friend. I was having all my : Where is the balance between refined body design
composite materials sent to the company he worked with, and and volume production?
a friend recognized the SF: Internally [in Aptera] discussing the topic of composites, it
resins and stuff like that. was noted that the BMW i3 car was a good example to examine.
She said, “Hey, I’ve got However, upon closer inspection, we discovered that the i3 was
a friend who’s building already quite outdated, especially in 2019. This was evident from
this boat company. You a Monroe teardown report, which is a detailed analysis of the car’s
guys should talk.” That’s components, providing valuable insights into the car’s carbon fiber
how we met and how we teardown and how it was assembled.
began on this composites Of particular interest were the composite parts made by
journey together. Dieffenbacher for BMW. While the use of roll tape or custom
blanks with different fiber orientation in a matrix was a valid way
to make these parts, it still required a high cycle time and signifi-
Steve Fambro,
co-founder of Aptera, who cant human touch. This made it challenging to scale up produc-
has driven the innovative tion for high-volume manufacturing.
use of SMC composites in Looking at BMW’s success in the marketplace, it was appar-
the vehicle’s design. ent that the i was considered a low-volume car that did not sell 39
Over the past few years, CPC has developed expertise in design-
ing parts for this process, simulating and validating them in-house.
We relied heavily on their expertise in selecting the right materials
for our project. At the time, CPC had a large but still minority own-
ership by Mitsubishi, specifically Mitsubishi Rayon or Mitsubishi
Chemical. Last year, Mitsubishi completed the full acquisition of
CPC, and while there is a transition of activities and staff, it will
take place over a couple of years. For our specific product, CPC
chose Mitsubishi products, and they use a proprietary resin matrix
for the Aptera BinC. I can’t mention the exact formula, but it was
chosen to minimize weight, maximize strength and ensure that the
product is producible at the rate we need it to be.
the final product. All of this expertise and knowledge is already in : The integration of solar panels into the structure is a
place when you sign up with CPC, so there is no need to reinvent unique construction feature. How integrated are the solar
the wheel. panels in terms of structure? What were the specific tech-
nical challenges that had to be overcome to integrate the
: Has a novel manufacturing process been developed solar panels?
specifically to produce this product, or is it an evolution of SF: The panel design for our vehicle presented several challenges,
an existing process that has been adapted for this purpose? the most significant of which was the difference in coefficient
SF: Through collaboration with CPC and their partner companies, of thermal expansion (CTE) between the different materials. To
we were able to design and build the BinC using much of their address this issue, we decided to use chemically strengthened
understanding in under a year using a manufacturing process that glass materials for solar arrays with favorable CTEs that can match
leverages existing composite materials and simulation technology. up with the BinC structure without the need for large gaps and
We started with a basic design made from resin-infused parts, and seals. This design also provides a more aesthetic look and ensures
with the knowledge of materials and power of simulation, we were better aerodynamics.
able to rapidly iterate through design changes necessary to make Initially, we had considered embedding the solar panels within
the vehicle out of SMC. The result is a strong, durable and reli- the composite panel itself. However, we faced several techni-
able structure that we can put into the manufacturing process and cal challenges, including yellowing of the resin and the need for
have it ready for production in just one year. This process is highly appropriate UV stabilization agents for bonding the cell surface
efficient and already being used for other high-volume customers, chemistry. Therefore, we decided to keep the panels separate and
although it is not yet publicized. removable for serviceability and opted for a structural design that
can add strength to the vehicle. This also contributed to the deci-
sion to use the chosen materials for the solar panel to more closely
Close-up of the integrated fixture points in the CF-SMC door used in
the BinC’s construction. align the CTEs of the two materials. This design not only ensures a
robust and rugged panel but also facilitates repair and upgrades.
Although we have the option to structurally bond the panels to
the composite, we chose to make them removable to enhance ser-
viceability. This design is similar to how a windshield is removable
from the frame of a vehicle.
Most of our IP is related to solar panel design and manufactur-
ing, and we have gone off on the deep end in solar to make this
happen. We had visions and had done experiments of embed-
ding the solar in the composite panel itself, but the technical
challenges were too significant to make that design viable for a
road vehicle. However, we may consider such a design for air-
borne operations. 41
SF: The hood and roof of the vehicle : Because composites are known to be sensitive to UV,
Read this article online | have conformal 3D curved pieces could you explain how this particular structure is able to
short.compositesworld. that fit in only one direction and withstand frequent exposure to direct sunlight?
mimic the shape of the vehicle. This SF: Our vehicle’s exterior surface, particularly on the top half, is
is the challenge for our IP, as we primarily composed of glass solar panels, which provides excellent
have to make the large panels con- insulation. To protect the doors and sides, we use a 3M film wrap
formal and build the cells without instead of painting the vehicle. This allows us to save on the cost of
breaking them or causing micro- building a new paint shop, which can cost several hundred million
cracking that would lead to prema- dollars in the U.S., while also being better for the environment.
ture failure. This has been the focus The use of wraps is a cost-effective and reliable solution, provid-
of our work for the past few years, ing robust performance and allowing for greater customization in
and we have successfully designed color options. This approach eliminates the need to produce vola-
all the panels to be conformal to the tile chemicals and aerosols, which can be challenging to control.
vehicle’s surface, as intended in the CAD.
The design of a solar car raises concerns about thermal expan- : The field of aerodynamics plays a crucial role in deter-
sion and the bonding between its components. The finish of the mining the behavior of this vehicle and its overall design,
vehicle and the substructures that connect the base panels to the structure and performance. Can you share more about the
car’s frame must be taken into consideration in relation to the ther- origins of your aero profile and what inspired its design?
mal expansion that occurs due to exposure to sunlight. The final SF: In 2003-2004, before EVs were commercially available, I became
structure is created through the bonding of the solar panels, but the interested in building an EV as a hobby. As I talked to people who
bonding and the subframe also need to be considered, especially had converted their cars to electric, I realized that most of them
in relation to CTEs. The i teardown process revealed several com- could only drive for 30-40 miles before needing a recharge. I was
plexities in the use of materials and the CTE of those materials. The curious to understand why this was the case, so I used MATLAB to
i vehicle uses around different structural adhesives with varying run some calculations. I discovered that the primary factor limiting
CTEs, depending on the materials being bonded. However, we have the range of these EVs at highway speeds was drag. In fact, over half
only one adhesive that we use, thanks to our high compatibility with of the energy consumed by these vehicles was being used to push
CTE. We made sure to avoid using different adhesive formulas for air out of the way. This struck me as wasteful, and I wondered why
different sections of insulation by revisiting the panel design and vehicle designers would knowingly create such inefficient designs.
aligning the CTEs with the CF-SMC matrix. I began to study low-drag vehicles and discovered the skin effect
with the body and ground effects. These effects were minimized if
the car was based on the principle of a teardrop-shape with a flat
bottom. This can significantly reduce drag. By surrounding two
people in a shape modeled after this effect, I believed we could
create a vehicle that was much more energy-efficient than tradi-
tional designs. This inspired me to design my own low-drag vehi-
cle, which ultimately became the basis for the Aptera vehicle we
built. The Aptera vehicle draws heavily from concepts found in the
aerospace industry and Formula racing car design, with particular
attention paid to front suspension systems like the wishbone sus-
pension, as well as the use of outboard wheels.
The concept faces opposing forces due to the need for a large,
paneled structure on the solar side while still maintaining an aero-
dynamic shape with minimum drag. Most high-performance solar
cars are effective, though they lack compartment space, making it
uncomfortable for passengers to sit and look out. In things like the
Solar Challenge, solar cars use low-drag bicycle wheels, rudimen-
tary seats and feature small slots through the front of the car for
the driver to peer through. Therefore, the challenge is to maximize
volume to accommodate solar panels while maintaining a sleek
Detailed view of the Aptera’s carbon fiber rear deck structure, designed for
and aerodynamic shape.
integration of proprietary solar panels. Here, detailed material science meets
solar panel array engineering requirements, including thermal expansion and At the Torino Automotive Museum, I saw a solar car for the
structural integrity. first time in my life. It was displayed in a circular facility, in a hall 43
Pull-wound carbon » Emergency medical stretchers, particularly those used by the military,
require a difficult-to-achieve set of parameters: they must be lightweight
fiber poles enable and foldable so as to be easily carried in a backpack and durable enough
lightweight, compact, to survive rough handling and potentially harsh environments, but also
strong and rigid enough to carry a patient securely. Carbon fiber pultru-
rigid emergency sion and pull-winding specialist Epsilon Composite (Gaillan en Médoc,
France) set out to develop a carbon fiber composite stretcher design that
stretcher achieved each of those parameters.
According to Alexandre Lull, deputy CEO of Epsilon Composite, the
Based on military feedback, original idea came from former military special forces members, who
explained the need for a better lightweight stretcher design. Other exist-
Epsilon Composite developed an
ing options made from aluminum or carbon fiber composites are either
optimized, foldable stretcher that relatively heavy, bulky or too flexible to enable both easy transport and
combines telescopic pull-wound secure transfer of a wounded person, Lull says.
carbon fiber tubes. Over the next 2 years, the Epsilon team developed and patented what
is now called its Blacklite retractable stretcher. It comprises two parallel
poles made up of a series of telescopic tubes, one mounted inside the
other, a flexible fabric suspended between the poles and a two-part
transverse stiffener in the middle for added rigidity.
The parallel poles are each composed of eight carbon fiber/epoxy tele-
scopic tubes manufactured via pull-winding. The ends of each tube are
fitted into and bonded to metallic rings that serve as an attachment point
for the fabric of the stretcher and as additional reinforcement to prevent
cracking or other damage. A separate carbon fiber/epoxy stiffener is
made via pultrusion, enabling 100% unidirectional fibers. This stiffener
is attached transversely across the fabric stretcher to add rigidity and
stability for the patient and carriers.
To store the stretcher, the stiffener rods are removed, the rest of the
Epsilon Composite’s Blacklite stretcher features a frame and attached fabric are folded in half and then the telescopic tubes
foldable carbon fiber/epoxy frame to combine light weight,
slide together into a compact shape that fits in a small bag.
portability and rigidity. Source (All Images) | Epsilon Composite
In 2019, French special forces units began testing Epsilon’s proto-
type stretchers, first in training, then in the field. Based on feedback
from this testing, Epsilon adjusted and improved the design several
times over the following years. For example, extra abrasion protection
was added in areas of the stretcher that saw impact on rocky terrain.
Designed based on feedback from French special forces,
Assembly tolerances were also tightened to ensure the tube connec-
the stretcher features robust, easily foldable parallel poles
and a transverse stiffener for extra support. tions remained stable, even if the stretcher was unfolded roughly in
an emergency situation. The textile parts of the stretcher were also
redesigned to improve ergonomics.
The final commercial design is “roughly the size and weight of a large
water bottle,” Lull says, weighing less than 2.5 kilograms and measuring
40 × 10 × 10 centimeters, though rated to carry up to 200 kilograms.
The commercial product was launched in March 2023 at the
Special Operations Forces Innovation Network Seminar (SOFINS) in
Bordeaux, France. Epsilon hopes to expand the product into more
applications — with potential uses both in military and in emergency
rescue operations — and also into more regions, including looking for
The stretcher folds up and fits into a small carrying bag. a distribution partner in the U.S.
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» Noncrimp fabrics » Digital factory map
Non-stitched multiaxial NCF fabric Live 3D map grows composites facility
The Angeloni Group (Venice, Italy) is highlighting its new visibility, control
non-stitched multiaxial noncrimp fabric (NCF) Stratos. Plataine (High Point, N.C., U.S.) launches the 3D Live Map,
Traditionally, NCFs are comprised a system that is set up to enable visibility into production
of several fiber layers arranged
at different angles and stitched
together. Conversely, Stratos’ layers
are held by an undisclosed adhesive
that the company says grants the
same stability as stitching.
The NCF composite’s mechanical
properties are unaltered in this
process, and the fibers maintain their
alignment. Moreover, impregnation is uniform and resin
flow is improved. Elimination of the “print through” effect
makes Stratos well suited for the production of painted
components for the automotive, marine and sporting sites and processes in order to improve how manufac-
goods sectors. turing facilities manage their operations.
Stratos can be produced using carbon, glass, aramid In order to keep track of assets, monitor production
and natural fibers, and is suitable for RTM processing, progress and respond quickly to unexpected issues on
infusion processes and prepreg production. It can be the factory floor, Plataine’s Live Map enables users to gain
produced in weights from 100-400 g/m2. a comprehensive understanding of production status,
materials, part and tool locations and status, enhancing
collaboration, operational efficiency and facilitating
» Aerospace adhesive informed decision-making processes in real time.
Two-part room-temperature paste increases The Live Map offers an accessible search function,
high-rate assembly, joining efficiencies enabling easy asset, material and equipment location
Syensqo (Alpharetta, Ga., U.S.) is launching AeroPaste within the facility, as well as location-based alerts and
1003, a new grade of its epoxy-based structural paste notifications. Its interface also increases user engage-
adhesives. The aerospace adhesive increases part ment with the platform. The Map is integrated with
assembly efficiency while improving processing flexibility, Plataine’s factory Digital Twin, providing a holistic
making it ideal for high-production rates in markets such view of the production environment. In addition
as AAM, commercial aerospace and defense. to a real-time visualization of factory operations,
AeroPaste 1003 is designed for structural bonding of operators can track and manage assets within the
metallic and composite parts, rapid assembly, repair appli- production site, optimizing resource allocation and
cations and is suitable for out of autoclave. It has high- minimizing downtime.
temperature strength performance, and is easy to mix The customizable view tailors the map to specific
with controlled flow properties to enable easy dispensing. user needs, ensuring a personalized experience.
It provides film- “Live Map represents our ongoing mission to
like properties empower composites manufacturers with actionable
and performance, insights and advanced technologies,” says Avner
reported to be Ben-Bassat, president and CEO of Plataine. “By
comparable or providing a comprehensive and intuitive visualization of
better than film the production process, the Live Map solution enables
adhesives currently our customers to optimize operations, composites
on the market. production processes, enhance productivity and drive business growth.” 47
Highlighting the behind-the-scenes
of composites manufacturing
» FiberJoints (Aalborg, Denmark) is a startup company Inefficient load transfer between joined members, which
that has introduced an innovative patch reinforcement, often necessitates additional material to compensate for
illustrated below, that tackles a common issue associ- high stresses near the bolt.
ated with traditional composite bolted joint applications: FiberJoints’ patch resolves this inefficiency by redistrib-
uting the high stresses to the adjacent
composite layers through a braided
sleeve. The key to ensuring sufficient
Source | FiberJoints
load transfer between the central metal
bushing and the braided sleeve lies in a
third element — the fiber ring, not visible
in this figure. Made of metal or polymer,
the fiber ring can be straight, threaded
or countersunk, customized to joining
requirments per application.
Mechanical tests have demonstrated that
the patch has the capacity to double the
strength of composite bolted joints. This
advantage opens possibilities for creating
lighter and more efficient composite
designs, making the technology particularly
promising for various applications.
FiberJoints is eager to explore a diverse
range of composite products that can
benefit from the composite patch, as
well as potential collaboration to further
advance the application.