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HTML Notes Unit-2

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[Department of Computer Application]


Subject : BCA-303
Course : BCA
Branch :
Semester : 3RD
Prepared by :

SESSION 2024-25
What is the Internet?
The Internet is a short form for an interconnected network. It has become a vital part of our
lives, helping us connect with people worldwide. The Internet is made of a large number of
independently operated networks. It is fully distributed with no central control. Each
independently-operated system is motivated to ensure that there is end-to-end connectivity of
every part of the network.

The Internet is simply a wire that runs underground and allows two computers to communicate
with each other. A server is a particular computer that is connected directly to the Internet.
When we talk about specific web pages, they are simply files that are stored on the server’s
hard drive. Every server has a unique protocol address or an IP address. IP addresses are
essential for computers to find each other.

A short note of the history of the Internet will help you understand when, where, and how the
Internet was developed.

History of the Internet

The first question that pops into your mind is probably, “Who started the internet?”. The
Internet was developed by Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf in the 1970s. They began the design of
what we today know as the ‘internet.’ It was the result of another research experiment which
was called ARPANET, which stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. This
was initially supposed to be a communications system for the Defense Team of the United
States of America - a network that would also survive a nuclear attack. It eventually became a
successful nationwide experimental packet network. But when was the first Internet started? It
is believed that on 6 August 1991, when the World Wide Web opened to the public.

How Does the Internet Work?

Computers that we use every day are called clients because they are indirectly connected to the
Internet through an internet service provider. When you open a webpage on your computer,
you connect to the webpage, and then you can access it. Computers break the information into
smaller pieces called packets, which are reassembled in their original order.
If we put the right address on a packet and send it to any computer which is connected as part
of the internet, each computer would figure out which cable to send it down next so that it
would get to its destination. With several computers on a network, it may create confusion even
with unique addresses. This transfer of messages is handled by the Packet Routing Network,
and hence a router is required to set up.

The Transfer Control Protocol is another system that makes sure no packet is lost or left behind
because it might create a disrupted message at the receiving end.

The below are the steps for how the message is transferred.
1. First, Computer1 sends a message by IP address to Computer2
2. The message sent by Computer1 is broken into small pieces- packets.
3. These small pieces- packets are transferred concerning Transfer Protocol so that the
quality is maintained.
4. Finally, these small pieces- packets reach Computer2 and are reassembled at their IP

The Internet works in a more complex manner than these above-given steps, but this might
give a basic idea of how the internet works.

Father of the Internet: Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee was the man, who led the development of the World Wide Web, the defining
of HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), HTML (hypertext markup language) used to create
web pages, and URLs (Universal Resource Locators). The development of WWW, HTTP,
HTML and URLs took place between 1989 and 1991. Tim Berners-Lee was born in London
and he graduated in Physics from Oxford University in 1976. Currently, Tim Berners-Lee is
the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, the group that sets technical standards for
the web.

Tim Berners-Lee, Vinton Cerf is also named as an internet daddy other than Tim Berners-Lee.
After being out for 10 years from high school, he began co-designing and co-developing the
protocols and structure of what became the internet.
History of HTML
In 1945, Vannevar Bush first introduced the basics of hypertext. In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee
invented the World Wide Web, HTML (hypertext markup language), HTTP (HyperText
Transfer Protocol) and URLs (Universal Resource Locators. Along with his colleagues at
CERN (an international scientific organization based in Geneva, Switzerland), Tim Berners-
Lee was the primary author of HTML (hypertext markup language).

Evolution of the Internet

Although the Internet was developed much earlier, it only became popular in households in the
1990s. The emergence of the Internet can be tracked by how many businesses and homes
started changing the way they worked and started connecting their laptops and other devices to
the Internet. However, the concept of hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) as we know it today,
was created only during this time. This meant that people could access the same web pages on
their devices now and share information.

There has been a dramatic growth in the number of internet users since its inception. As a
result, the number of computer networks that are connected has grown exponentially too. It
started with only connecting less than ten computers initially. Today, 440 million computers
can be connected directly, making life easier for people across the globe. Sharing information
and knowledge has become extremely easy for those that have access to the Internet. The
country with the highest number of internet users is China, with 1.4 billion users, followed by
India with 1.3 billion and the United States of America with a little over 0.3 billion users.

The Two Main Types of Computer Networks

There are different computer network types, depending on how large they are and how much
geographical area they cover. The most common types are Local Area Network (LAN) and
Wireless Local Area Network (WAN).

Local Area Network: This is a group of devices such as computers, servers, switches, and
printers that are located in the same building. These are near each other. The most common use
of LAN is in houses or offices. A common type of LAN is an Ethernet LAN, where two or
more computers are connected to the Internet through switches.

Wireless Local Area Network: This is a local area network that uses wireless communication
instead of wired communication. In WLAN, two computers use wireless communication to
form a local area network. A wifi router is very common in this case. There are no cables
involved in this case.

Advantages of Internet
The internet has become a popular name since the introduction of its easy installation and setup.
The Internet was first invented for only military and government uses. But now, it is found in
every house across the world. The following are the advantages of the internet.
• It is a great medium of sharing and has increased connectivity.
• With the internet, banking has now become easier. Long tiresome waiting lines have
been eliminated since the introduction of e-banking platforms.
• E-commerce websites are one of the great advantages of the internet. One can buy
groceries, clothes, household items, and much more with the internet.
• The Internet is also a great source of entertainment. One can watch videos and
movies, listen to music, and play games, without any hassle.
• Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have brought the world
• The education system has also transformed. With the internet, any student across the
world can attend online classes.

The most powerful motivator for the Internet to work is the fact that knowledge and
information have to be shared amongst people. The article provided useful information about
the internet such as its history, working and evolution etc

World Wide Web (WWW)

The World Wide Web (WWW), often called the Web, is a system of interconnected
webpages and information that you can access using the Internet. It was created to help
people share and find information easily, using links that connect different pages together.
The Web allows us to browse websites, watch videos, shop online, and connect with others
around the world through our computers and phones.
All public websites or web pages that people may access on their local computers and other
devices through the internet are collectively known as the World Wide Web or W3. Users
can get further information by navigating to links interconnecting these pages and
documents. This data may be presented in text, picture, audio, or video formats on the
What is WWW?
WWW stands for World Wide Web and is commonly known as the Web. The WWW was
started by CERN in 1989. WWW is defined as the collection of different websites around
the world, containing different information shared via local servers(or computers).
Web pages are linked together using hyperlinks which are HTML-formatted and, also
referred to as hypertext, these are the fundamental units of the Internet and are accessed
through Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP). Such digital connections, or links, allow users
to easily access desired information by connecting relevant pieces of information. The
benefit of hypertext is it allows you to pick a word or phrase from the text and click on
other sites that have more information about it.
History of the WWW
It is a project created, by Tim Berner Lee in 1989, for researchers to work together
effectively at CERN. It is an organization, named the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C),
which was developed for further development of the web. This organization is directed by
Tim Berner’s Lee, aka the father of the web. CERN, where Tim Berners worked, is a
community of more than 1700 researchers from more than 100 countries. These researchers
spend a little time on CERN and the rest of the time they work at their colleges and national
research facilities in their home country, so there was a requirement for solid
communication so that they can exchange data.
System Architecture
From the user’s point of view, the web consists of a vast, worldwide connection of
documents or web pages. Each page may contain links to other pages anywhere in the
world. The pages can be retrieved and viewed by using browsers of which internet explorer,
Netscape Navigator, Google Chrome, etc are the popular ones. The browser fetches the
page requested interprets the text and formatting commands on it, and displays the page,
properly formatted, on the screen.
The basic model of how the web works are shown in the figure below. Here the browser
is displaying a web page on the client machine. When the user clicks on a line of text that
is linked to a page on the abd.com server, the browser follows the hyperlink by sending a
message to the abd.com server asking it for the page.
Here the browser displays a web page on the client machine when the user clicks on a line
of text that is linked to a page on abd.com, the browser follows the hyperlink by sending a
message to the abd.com server asking for the page.
Working of WWW
A Web browser is used to access web pages. Web browsers can be defined as programs
which display text, data, pictures, animation and video on the Internet. Hyperlinked
resources on the World Wide Web can be accessed using software interfaces provided by
Web browsers. Initially, Web browsers were used only for surfing the Web but now they
have become more universal.
The below diagram indicates how the Web operates just like client-server architecture of
the internet. When users request web pages or other information, then the web browser of
your system request to the server for the information and then the web server provide
requested services to web browser back and finally the requested service is utilized by the
user who made the request.
World Wide Web

Web browsers can be used for several tasks including conducting searches, mailing,
transferring files, and much more. Some of the commonly used browsers are Internet
Explorer, Opera Mini, and Google Chrome.
Features of WWW
• WWW is open source.
• It is a distributed system spread across various websites.
• It is a Hypertext Information System.
• It is Cross-Platform.
• Uses Web Browsers to provide a single interface for many services.
• Dynamic, Interactive and Evolving.
Components of the Web
There are 3 components of the web:
• Uniform Resource Locator (URL): URL serves as a system for resources on
the web.
• Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP): HTTP specifies communication of
browser and server.
• Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML): HTML defines the structure,
organisation and content of a web page.
Difference Between WWW and Internet
WWW Internet

It is originated in 1989. It is originated in 1960.

WWW Internet

WWW is an interconnected network of websites and Internet is used to connect a

documents that can be accessed via the Internet. computer with other computer .

Internet used protocols such

WWW used protocols such as HTTP

It is based on software. It is based on hardware.

There is a entire infrastructure in

It is a service contained inside an infrastructure.

What Is The Purpose Of A Website?


• Active Business Growth

The purpose of a website varies depending on the needs of the website owner.
It could have multi-faceted purposes with many different website goals and objectives in
mind, or it could have one singular purpose and one singular purpose only.

Let’s discuss what the most common purposes are for different types of websites.

What Is A Website?

A website is whatever the website owner wants it to be.

It could be informational, educational, divisive – you name it.

A website is essentially a platform for an individual or business to express themselves and
utilize in whichever way they choose.

Below are some of these such ways.

1) Make Money

The most common purpose of a business website is to make money.

Nowadays, the whole world is coming online.

Consumers have become more comfortable inputting their credit card information and buying
things online.

Where consumers are is where businesses go.

Since consumers are spending most of their money online now, businesses have begun to
build websites to target these buyers.
2) Sell Products

One of the most common ways to make money online is to sell a physical or digital product.

By making the customer journey as easy and seamless as possible, businesses have begun
making millions online from selling products to online users.

E-commerce Websites

And this is exactly what e-commerce companies do.

They create a website that has built-in functionality to accept and process credit cards online.

By doing so, they can turn a simple website visitor to a purchasing customer without the user
ever having to leave the comfort of their own home, making business faster, easier, and more
convenient for everyone.

Affiliate Websites

Affiliate websites sell other companies’ products online.

“Affiliate” marketing is just another way of saying “commission-based” salespeople.

It is where you sell a product on behalf of another company, and receive a commission for
doing so.

Technology has become so advanced nowadays that affiliate websites allow the website
owner to be completely hands-off once it is earning a substantial income.

This essentially removes the owner, thus creating a semi-passive stream of income.

The purposes of most affiliate websites are for just that – for the website owner to earn a
passive income.
3) Sell Services

Alongside selling products comes selling services.

This is where the website is used to generate awareness, leads, and sales online for a service
that will be rendered by the business that owns the website.

Service-Based Websites

At the end of the day, these websites are used to sell their services.

Whether it’s a small, local business, or a large multinational corporation, the purpose of these
business websites is to increase their top line.

4) Save Money

On the other end of the money-making spectrum is the money-saving spectrum.

Today, websites are extremely cheap and relatively easy to create.

The return on investment for creating a business website can be huge, and save you money in
the long run on overhead, salespeople, office expenses, and more.

5) Build An Online Presence

As the saying goes: “if you’re not online, you don’t exist.”

The vast majority of consumers research a product or service online before they every make a
buying decision.

As a small business owner, if your business can’t be found online, you will potentially be
losing out on HUGE amounts of money.
A website is used to mitigate this risk and establish an online presence for your small

6) Branding

A website is the hub of your business.

With this in mind, most businesses use it as a way to further establish their branding.
They can add pictures, videos, stories – anything they want.

It is a great way to further enhance your brand and communicate to your audience what it is
that you do and what it is that you stand for.

7) Showcase Authority And Establish Trust

With branding, comes showcasing your authority.

Your audience needs to know that you’re an authority figure in your industry that they can

Social Proof

Providing customer testimonials, reviews, and case studies is a great way to communicate
this authority to your customers.

Websites can be used as a way to show your customers that you can be trusted and that they
should do business with you.

Awards And Recognition

Awards and recognition add to your authority.

Having a proven track record tells your website visitors that you know what you’re doing and
have the results to back it up.

This is one of the major purposes of a business website.

8) Generate Leads

Marketing has changed in 2020 and beyond.

No more do businesses have to rely on expensive television, radio, and print ads.

Instead, the internet has changed the game.

It has become cheaper and easier than ever to generate leads for your business online.

And it all starts with a website.

9) Nurture Sales

Nurturing sales and bringing your customers down your online sales funnel is essential in the
customer journey.

A website is perfect for this, as it creates another important touch-point for your customer.

When designed properly, a website can dramatically increase your sales and closing rates.

10) Informational

There has been a lot of talk about the purpose of a business website, but there are also many
purposes of websites that have nothing to do with business at all.
Informational websites are an example of this.

These are websites where the purpose is simply to provide information to the end user.

Wikipedia is a great example of this.

11) Entertainment

The television revolutionized the way we seek entertainment.

Now that we all have a portable television in our pockets, it makes sense that our
entertainment shifts to these devices.
There are websites such as 9gag that are used purely for entertainment purposes.

12) Online Education

Online education is becoming a massive industry.

With college tuition putting college graduates into tens of thousands of dollars of debt,
students are looking for cheaper alternatives.

Many platforms and website portals are now popping up that are strictly purposed for online

13) Social Media And Social Networking

Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat.

These are the websites on the internet that get the most use, traffic, and engagement.

We are social animals that live in a digital world.

Thus, websites that are really just social media platforms are seeing the most success today.
14) Blogging

Instead of journaling, many internet users are turning to blogging.

Simply having a website where you can vent and get whatever it is you need to get off your
chest and onto a screen has been found to be very useful to many people.

In fact, there are millions of blogs on the web today.

Blogging is a huge use case for websites today.

15) Express Creativity And Originality

As you can probably tell by now, the main purpose of a website is to have the ability to
express yourself however you want.
Both businesses and individuals value this.
It is why businesses use it to grow their brand and individuals use it to bring their personality
to their own safe space online.

16) Build A Relationship With Your Audience

Websites allow you to build a relationship with your reader.

They allow you to tell stories and bring your audience into your world.

If you seek a deeper connection with the people you’re trying to reach, creating a website is
highly advisable.

Should I Create A Website?

All-in-all, there are many reasons to create a website.

Whether you want to generate more leads for your local business online, sell products in an e-
commerce store, or build an online presence for yourself – a website can be a great idea.

In fact, there aren’t very many reasons not to create a website.

However, whether you decide to build a website for yourself or not, we hope this article
helped answer your question:

Who has made the Web standards ?

History of Web Standards: The web came into existence when the US military created
a network for communication in the 1960s which was known as ARPANET. ARPANET
uses a packet switching method for transmitting information and it was the first network
to use TCP/IP model. After two decades means in 1980, the concept of transmission of
data among different nodes through linking was given by Tim Berners-Lee.
In the year 1990, Tim Berners-Lee made all the necessary arrangements to implement
the first model of the web. It consists of HTTP protocols, HTML for creating web pages
and a web browser to view web pages, and lastly an HTTP server. This is how the web
Web Standards
Web standards are defined as technologies that are used in building websites. Web
Standards consist of technical documents known as specifications, which provide
detailed information on how web technology should work. These documents are really
helpful for engineers in making web applications in a more efficient manner for the
Need for Web Standards
After the creation of the web, it was accessible by people by using a computer system, at
that time only a handful of systems were there to access the web but with the rise of
technology the way people access the web changed completely. Now people use
different types of devices like mobile phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, etc. There are
even more devices like interfaces provided in vehicles for navigation and smart speakers
using speech. Moreover, screen sizes are also different when accessing the web and
different operating systems are also available along with a number of web browsers. All
of this has made it quite different for everyone to access the same web in a different
manners on different devices.
Hence it becomes a need to make certain standards while developing websites so that
those websites work smoothly on all devices with different configurations. Web
standards form the foundation of rules and regulations for the developers for developing
Therefore in 1994, World Wide Web Consortium also known as W3C was founded by
Tim Berners-Lee. W3C organization collaborated with many different IT organizations
to work on making the standards/governing rules for web development.
Components of Web Standards
1. W3C recommendations for HTML, CSS, and also for different image formats
to be used in websites.
2. Living Standards provided by Web Hypertext Application Technology
Working Group (WHATWG), these standards consist of Document Object
Model Standard, URL Standard, Encoding Standards, etc.
3. JSON standards are given by ECMA International.
4. Recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Open Standards
Tim Berners-Lee and representatives of the W3C organization had given the most
precious feature of Web Standards which says that the web will always be free for use
and also for the contribution by developers means it will not limit itself by patent rights
or licensing. Because of this feature, everyone is independent to write code for building
websites without paying anything to anyone. Because of its openness, there is no chance
of censorship means a single organization cannot control it.
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
The credit for maintaining and creating new web standards goes to World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) which is considered the main organization. A number of standards
have been defined by W3C which includes different languages that are used in making
websites like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.
Any website will be considered to follow the given web if that website or web page has
correct HTML and CSS. These languages also need to comply with semantic and
accessibility procedures.
Features of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
1. Web for All: It is the main goal of (W3C) to make web service accessible to
all people, no matter what their software or hardware configuration is, and
also no matter where they live. This feature helps people worldwide to connect
and communicate with each other.
2. Web on Everything: This feature ensures that each and every device can
easily access the web because people are using a large variety of devices and
interfaces like mobiles, tablets, smart assistants, etc.
3. Web Of Easy Interaction: Websites should be easy to load and must be
interactive so that users don’t feel bored. It should be built by keeping in mind
the interest of users.
4. Web of Trust: The web should be secure and must win the trust of its users so
guidelines are made to use various security measures like SSL certificates for
websites, HTTPS protocol which is more secure than HTTP, and many other
measures which reduce the risk of attacks on these websites.

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