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App Lesson Plan (Complete)

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Gyan Devi SeniorSecondary School,Sector-10 Gurugram



Prescribed Book/Books : Literary Reader : Honeydew, Supplementary Reader : It So Happened (NCERT), BBC

Month Topic Learning Outcomes Art Life skills, Follow up Feedback &
Integration Values & SDGs Activity or Remarks

Literary Reader: Students will be able

April to-

L-1: The Best 1. Enrich LSRW skills

Present in The Self and social Giving
2. Understand the
World Awareness, another
importance of past Christmas ending to the
and honouring the Trench Art
Critical thinking, story
sacrifice of those who
fought for our Web diagrams/
freedom. Mind Map Creativity,
3.Comprehend that Effective
war and fight bring communication,
destruction and Interpersonal
humiliation all around Skills,
the world.

4.Identify the themes

of hard work,
foresight, and
consequences of

Poem- The Ant 5.Evaluate the

and The Cricket contrasting attitudes Poem SDG 15(Life on
and behaviours of the Recitation Land)
ant and the cricket,
and reflecting on their Visualising and Summarising
implications. brainstorming the poem
about the and
6. Learn and attributes of identifying
understand how Ant. poetic
animals and plants in devices
different habitats are
adapted to their
Reader:It So

L-1: How The 7.Recognise the

Camel Got His importance of Web Diagrams
Hump hardwork as well as Group
understand that discussion
laziness will never
lead to success. Letter writing
Idioms, Articles, 8. Develop a clear
Tenses understanding of
figurative language
Writing Informal
Letter, Notice 9. Learn and
(Event) understand that
articles are always
used with nouns

10.Communicate well
by using correct forms
of verb Story wrting

11. Recognise and Quiz and

demonstrate the use worksheets
of appropriate
vocabulary, tone &
style in writing skills

12. Express their

ideas fluently &
relevantly while
managing their time
May Students will be able to-
Literary Reader:

1. Enrich LSRW skills

L-4: Bepin 2. Develop their creative Poster on SDG 3 Wit, intelligence, Web diagrams
Choudhury’s and critical skills. (Good Health and self awareness,
Lapse of Memory Well-being) dedication, will Debate on ‘Selfless
power, love vs Selfish love’
3. Understand & appreciate Creative writing on “ perseverance
Poem- poetry as a literary art form
Geography My First Plane Memory Enhancing
Lesson Journey” exercise
4. Comprehend and learn
the values of compassion, and Games
‘Poster on SDG 15
grace, love and care & the (Life on Land)
Supplementary most important the value of Role Play
Reader:It So being selfless. (conducting an
Happened Word Game interview)
5.Recognise the
L-3 : The Selfish importance of helping Worksheets
Giant people in need.
JAM presentation
(On Cultural Diversity)
Writing- Article, 6. Develop writing skills in
Email the context of writing an
article and an email
Revision of UT1
7. Practice, Produce &

July Students will be able to-

Literary Reader:
Empathy, Self Skit on the
Honeydew Discussion on various awareness, importance of flora
schemes of social and fauna
government on SDG responsibility ,
L-6 : This is 1. Enrich LSRW skills. 10 (Reduced unity, courage Role Play
Jody’s Fawn inequalities) and
2. Sensitise and SDG 10
Poem- The Last sympathise themselves CITES / PETA. (Reduced
Bargain towards animals. inequalities)

3. Comprehend and
Supplementary understand the values of SDG 15 (Life on
Reader:It So love, care, justice and Land)
Happened concern for a living being. Sharing stories or any
motivational talk on
L-5 : The Summit 4. Recognise and develop the favourite
Within the ability to understand adventurous sports
the difficult situations in life they like the most
and how to cope with it.

5.Communicate effectively
using modals and
Grammar- demonstrate an ability to
Modals, Reported
reason deductively using
Speech, modal forms
Grammar 6. Understand the
difference between direct
and indirect speech and
form statements correctly

Augus Students will be able to- Videos on ‘ ordinary Self awareness, Group discussion on
t Supplementary people who becomes empathy, ‘Famous people who
Reader:It So extraordinary through Courage, dignity, had overcome
Happened 1.Enhance LSRW skills. their determination patriotism, setbacks in their life’
fraternity, Peace,
L-4: The Treasure 2. Recognise their potential Role play Decision making
Within & capabilities to do great Discussion on
things in life Discussion on SDG 16 (Peace, ‘Purpose of life’
L-8: An Ancient Important Ancient justice & Strong
Education System 3. Do not judge a book by Educational Institutions)
of India its cover Institutions like
“Takshila, Nalanda’
4. Learn about the etc.
importance of education &
Grammar- respect one’s nation’s
Prepositions ideologies, value system &
demonstrate with examples
the meaning of holistic
Writing- Speech
5. Identify the prepositions
Revision of Ut 2 & of time, place &movements
Term 1 and their usages

6. Practice writing
memorable and impacting

7. Practice, Produce &


Sept. Decision Discussion on ‘Do’s

Literary Reader: Students will be able to- JAM presentation making, and Don’ts’ in public
1. Enhance their Compassion, places and
Honeydew LSRW skills Story telling Problem solving, ‘Happiness depends
2. Understand and Social awareness on money or not’
Poem- The recognize the importance (Sharing of personal
School Boy of happy childhood, incidents) SDG 3 (Good
different phases of life , the Health and Well
Supplementary generation gap, love and Being)
Reader:It So respect for nature.
3. Instill the aesthetic
sense, feeling of a boy
that he had in school
environment in academic
L-5: Princess 4.Illustrate the importance
September and meaning of freedom
and its value in the life.

5. Understand the
importance of freedom and
how it is linked to the
development of the talents.
6. Know the importance of
music, value of freedom,
beauty of nature that forms
and shapes the character
of a good human being.

7. Inculcate the habit of


Students will be able to-

Oct. Literary Reader: 1.Enhance their LSRW Role Play on Self awareness,
skills Freedom Fighters Creative thinking, ‘Importance of
Honeydew Interpersonal Freedom and
2. Deliberate upon the Comic Strip skills, Managing patriotism’ will be
L-3 : Glimpses of quote, “United we stand, emotions, discussed.
The Past Divided we fall.” Determination,
Perseverance Quiz on freedom
Supplementary 3. Learn and recognise the fighters
Reader:It So contribution of freedom SDG 5. (Gender
Happened fighters during the revolt of Equality)
Worksheets &
4. Understand and learn Assignments
about the importance of
education. Quiz on famous
Women swimmers
5. Inculcate love and
respect for the country and Blog writing
L-6: The Fight
6.Appreciate healthy Story Telling
7. Infer that true friendship Colloquial
and sportsmanship expressions and
conquers competition. Spanish words

8. Explain how healthy

relationship can be
maintained despite

9. Learn and understand

Grammar- Active the need and importance of
& Passive Voice, ‘Active & Passive Voice’ for
Figures of effective communication.
Conjunctions 7. Helps the learners to
improve their
understanding of the
figurative aspect of the

8.Explain the purpose of

using Conjunctions in
sentences and identify
different types of

Students will be able to- Effective Discussion on ways

Nov Literary Reader: Documentary on communication, how can we support
1. Enhance their Stephen Hawking and Decision making, the differently-abled
Honeydew LSRW skills. Firdaus Kanga Self awareness, people.
discussion on their Repentance,
L-7:A Visit To 2. Understand the need & journey of life as Honesty, Worksheets
Cambridge importance of being truthful normal human
and honest in one’s beings. SDG 3 (Good
Supplementary behaviour and accepting Health and Well
Reader:It So the hurdles and challenges Being)
Happened in life.

3. Comprehend and
recognize that physical
disability is not a hurdle in
individual growth.

4. Respect, love and care

for differently- abled
persons in their

L-2 : Children at 5. Recognise and realize SDG 1 (No Group discussion on

Work the importance of good , Video on Kailash Poverty) ‘Article 21 & 17’ And
safe and secure life with Satyarthi and Malal social discrimination
parents. Yousafzai , their SDG 10
contribution in (Reduced
6. Understand that uplifting the lives of Inequalities
Writing- Letter to
loneliness makes you take poor children. Different views on
the Editor, Letter
bold decision that could ‘how to repent for
of Complaint
lead to disastrous results. your mistakes and
ways to improve
one’s personality in a
7. Learn about child labour, better manner’ will
Revision of UT3 exploitation of poor and be discussed.
homeless children and its
bitter experiences.

8. Interpret that anger

destroys all good emotions
like love, care and

9. Learn the technique and

style of writing a formal

10. Practice, Produce &


Dec Students will be able to- Creativity, Critical Discussion on

Literary Reader: 1. Enhance their thinking, ‘Mitigation
LSRW skills Analytical mechanism during
Honeydew thinking, Decision natural calamities’
2.Know about Tsunami, its making,
L-2: The Tsunami causes and results. Managing
3. Understand the concept Videos on ‘actions & emotions, Social Writing a memoir /
L-8: A Short of disaster management. consequences during awareness, diary entry
Monsoon Diary natural disaster. Harmony,
4. Learn and understand Fraternity,
the meaning of courage, Discussion / Video on Worksheets
care , compassion in the Anne Frank’s “Diary SDG 17 (Peace,
bitter struggle for survival of A Young Girl” Justice and
and rehabilitation, Strong
importance of universal Debate/ Discussion Institutions)
brotherhood and welfare of on “ Superstitions
all. versus logical
5. Recognise and
understand the importance Role play
of making record of their
personal experiences to Word Game –
enhance their knowledge. Frayer’s Model

Poem- On The 6. Comprehend the poem

Grasshopper and locally and globally.
Cricket SDG 10
7. Understand the (Reduced
significance of symbolic Inequalities
Supplementary titles and inculcate/ instill
Reader:It So love for nature.
8. Comprehend how
L-7 : Jalebis grownups can wonderfully Poem recitation- any
impute deep motives to famous fable
childish actions.

9. Understand what is Sharing of personal

wrong or right, learn and incidents/
equip themselves with experiences
practical aspects of life ,
Writing- Story, how people mislead /
Report misguide a person in life.

10. Develop the ability to

identify and use narrative
tenses while writing a

11. Understand the

purpose of different
sections of a report .

Jan Students will be able to- Self awareness,

Writing- 1. Enhance their Crossword puzzle Decision making, Quiz
LSRW skills. problem solving,
Dialogue 2. Apply dialogue Dialogue enactment Analytical Worksheets
technique to present thinking, Critical
events and characters to thinking,
engage the interest of the Interpersonal
Grammar- Forms readers/audience. skills
of Verbs,
Clauses, Subj- 3. Understand the uses of
Verb Agreement different forms of verbs
4. Learn about the
difference between a
clause and a phrase.
5. Identify the main clause
& subordinate clause.
6. Explain the rules of sub-
verb agreement.

Feb Students will be able to- - Self awareness, Quiz, Oral & written
Revision for Term 1. Have a clear & better Decision making, tests , Worksheets
II understanding of their Effective
syllabus communication
2. Clear all their doubts

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