App Lesson Plan (Complete)
App Lesson Plan (Complete)
App Lesson Plan (Complete)
Prescribed Book/Books : Literary Reader : Honeydew, Supplementary Reader : It So Happened (NCERT), BBC
Month Topic Learning Outcomes Art Life skills, Follow up Feedback &
Integration Values & SDGs Activity or Remarks
10.Communicate well
by using correct forms
of verb Story wrting
1. Enrich LSRW skills
L-4: Bepin 2. Develop their creative Poster on SDG 3 Wit, intelligence, Web diagrams
Choudhury’s and critical skills. (Good Health and self awareness,
Lapse of Memory Well-being) dedication, will Debate on ‘Selfless
power, love vs Selfish love’
3. Understand & appreciate Creative writing on “ perseverance
Poem- poetry as a literary art form
Geography My First Plane Memory Enhancing
Lesson Journey” exercise
4. Comprehend and learn
the values of compassion, and Games
‘Poster on SDG 15
grace, love and care & the (Life on Land)
Supplementary most important the value of Role Play
Reader:It So being selfless. (conducting an
Happened Word Game interview)
5.Recognise the
L-3 : The Selfish importance of helping Worksheets
Giant people in need.
JAM presentation
(On Cultural Diversity)
Writing- Article, 6. Develop writing skills in
Email the context of writing an
article and an email
Revision of UT1
7. Practice, Produce &
3. Comprehend and
Supplementary understand the values of SDG 15 (Life on
Reader:It So love, care, justice and Land)
Happened concern for a living being. Sharing stories or any
motivational talk on
L-5 : The Summit 4. Recognise and develop the favourite
Within the ability to understand adventurous sports
the difficult situations in life they like the most
and how to cope with it.
5.Communicate effectively
using modals and
Grammar- demonstrate an ability to
Modals, Reported
reason deductively using
Speech, modal forms
Grammar 6. Understand the
difference between direct
and indirect speech and
form statements correctly
Augus Students will be able to- Videos on ‘ ordinary Self awareness, Group discussion on
t Supplementary people who becomes empathy, ‘Famous people who
Reader:It So extraordinary through Courage, dignity, had overcome
Happened 1.Enhance LSRW skills. their determination patriotism, setbacks in their life’
fraternity, Peace,
L-4: The Treasure 2. Recognise their potential Role play Decision making
Within & capabilities to do great Discussion on
things in life Discussion on SDG 16 (Peace, ‘Purpose of life’
L-8: An Ancient Important Ancient justice & Strong
Education System 3. Do not judge a book by Educational Institutions)
of India its cover Institutions like
“Takshila, Nalanda’
4. Learn about the etc.
importance of education &
Grammar- respect one’s nation’s
Prepositions ideologies, value system &
demonstrate with examples
the meaning of holistic
Writing- Speech
5. Identify the prepositions
Revision of Ut 2 & of time, place &movements
Term 1 and their usages
6. Practice writing
memorable and impacting
5. Understand the
importance of freedom and
how it is linked to the
development of the talents.
6. Know the importance of
music, value of freedom,
beauty of nature that forms
and shapes the character
of a good human being.
3. Comprehend and
recognize that physical
disability is not a hurdle in
individual growth.
Feb Students will be able to- - Self awareness, Quiz, Oral & written
Revision for Term 1. Have a clear & better Decision making, tests , Worksheets
II understanding of their Effective
syllabus communication
2. Clear all their doubts