NMS - Volume 12 - Issue 3 - Pages 142-150
NMS - Volume 12 - Issue 3 - Pages 142-150
NMS - Volume 12 - Issue 3 - Pages 142-150
Nursing and Midwifery Studies. 2023; 12(3): 142-150
* Corresponding author: Rafi Alnjadat, Assistant Professor, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan. Email: Rafi.alnjadat@bau.edu.jo
Received: 27 April 2023 Revised: 24 July 2023 Accepted: 5 August 2023 e-Published: 22 September 2023
Background: Improving patient satisfaction and safety is a critical goal for hospitals around the world. Healthcare providers have
increasingly recognized the importance of strategic initiatives and the impact they have on patient outcomes.
Objectives: This study examines the effect of intentional nurse rounding and the call system's response times on patient satisfaction,
patient complaints, falls, and hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPI).
Methods: This descriptive study was conducted between December 2017 to August 2018 in a hospital in the United Arab Emirates. The
Intentional Nurse Rounding (INR) and Prompt Response to Call System (PRTCS) were introduced in December 2017. It comprised of:
(1) hourly nurses’ rounds between 07:00 hours to 23:59 hours and 2 hourly rounds between 24:00 hours to 06:59 hours daily, (2)
measurement of nurses’ response time to call bells, (3) leadership rounds to assess patient satisfaction. The outcomes were patient
satisfaction, patient complaints, fall rates, and HAPI rates. Baseline data were collected through retrospective reviews of the data on these
outcomes in December 2017. The second period of data collection was conducted over eight months after the initiation of the system,
from December 2017 to August 2018. The Chi-square test was used to detect significant differences in outcomes pre and post intervention.
Results: The overall adherence to the “Intentional Nurse Rounding and Prompt Response Time to Call System” was 91% while the overall
patient satisfaction rate was 97% in August 2018. The average response to call time was 1.2 minutes. Patient complaints decreased from
0.75/month to 0.125/month between December 2017 to August 2018. During the same period, the rates of patient falls and HAPI
decreased from 1.17/month to 0.38/month and 0.35/month to 0.24/month respectively. Though the observed differences were not
statistically significant, there was a promising difference in patient complaints pre and post intervention (P=0.08).
Conclusion: Integrating nursing-led strategic initiatives such as intentional nurse rounding and reduced response time to the call bell
system can positively impact patient satisfaction, complaints, and clinical outcome.
Keywords: Nurse rounding, Patient satisfaction, Call bell system, Fall, Hospital-acquired pressure injury.
Introduction desired health outcomes and this has been the top priority
Quality care, patient safety, and patient satisfaction are in the healthcare sector of the Abu Dhabi Government in
very important concepts to uphold for healthcare the United Arab Emirates (UAE).[2]
organizations. According to the World Health Consequently, there has been a continuous drive to
Organization (WHO), a considerable focus on the quality develop innovative strategies that foster the delivery of safe
of health services to improve healthcare delivery is still and high-quality nursing care because nurses have a very
required.[1] important role in maintaining patient safety and offering
This involves providing effective, safe, and people- quality care.[3]
centered care that is timely, equitable, integrated, and Patient falls in healthcare facilities are common and can
efficient. Quality healthcare increases the likelihood of result in serious injuries. It is considered one of the global
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The effect of intentional nurse rounding and nurse prompt…
burdens of disease and injuries in 204 countries and on patient satisfaction, patient complaints, patient fall
territories according to the Global Burden of Disease Study rates, and HAPI in an acute care hospital in the Northern
in 2019.[4] Emirates.
One of the studies in UAE considered fall as the second
cause of trauma deaths from vehicular accident.[5] Methods
However, falls can be prevented by identifying patients at Study design and participants
risk of falls, implementing fall prevention strategies, and This utilized surveillance of staff nurses on inpatient
educating patients and their families on fall prevention.[6,7] units in a 132-bed acute care hospital in UAE to assess
Hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) are also a response times to the call bell and adherence to the nurse
major healthcare issue affecting patients of all ages, and rounding system. The project was initiated and monitored
can lead to significant morbidity and mortality. HAPIs are for eight months in the Medical-surgical ward (MSW),
defined as localized damage to the skin and/or underlying Pediatric, and Maternity departments of an acute care
soft tissue usually over a bony prominence or related to a hospital in the UAE from January 2018 to August 2018.
medical or other device. HAPIs are largely preventable These units are manned by 310 nurses (registered nurses,
through the implementation of evidence-based prevention Charge Nurses, Senior Charge Nurse (SCN) and porters.
Intentional Nurse Rounding (INR) and Prompt Audit interventions
Response Time to Call System (PRTCS) are two innovative The project comprised several activities. A series of
approaches that have been shown to promote patient briefings and education were conducted by the SCN
satisfaction and reduce the incidence of HAPIs and falls. during unit meetings, nurse handovers, and safety huddles
INR involves a systematic approach to patient care that to increase the staff's awareness of the project and its
includes regular check-ins by nursing staff at specified purpose [Table 1]. Patients in admission were also
intervals to assess patient needs, provide comfort oriented by the nurses on the concept and its purpose
measures, and address any concerns. PRTCS is a system [Table 1]. The adherence of nurses to the rounding system
that facilitates prompt response to patient call bells, was monitored through leadership rounds and monthly
reducing the risk of falls and injuries. INR has been shown through regular audits. Feedback on trends in
to improve patient satisfaction and reduce the incidence of performance and outcomes was also published monthly
pressure injuries. A study by Spano-Szekely et al.,[9] found on bulletin boards. These data were presented to all
that INR led to a significant reduction in the incidence of managers and nursing staff during the quarterly quality
hospital-acquired pressure injuries in a medical-surgical council meetings.
unit. Similarly, a study by Brosey and March[10] found that
INR was associated with higher patient satisfaction scores. Data collection
PRTCS has also been shown to have a positive impact on Data were collected in phases as outlined below:
patient safety. Retrospective record review
A study by Daniels[11] found that hourly rounding, The baseline data were collected through a retrospective
combined with a prompt response to call bell system, led review of data on call bell response time, patient
to a significant reduction in the incidence of falls and call satisfaction, fall incidents, and HAPI incidence before the
light use. intervention period from January 2017 to December 2017.
In addition, PRTCS has been associated with improved The data on call bells were retrieved from a computerized
patient satisfaction scores. system, that records the number of calls, response times as
While there has been research on the effectiveness of fall well as the percentage of calls, attended to within 3
prevention strategies or programs, there is a need for more minutes. Baseline patient satisfaction scores on surveys as
research on the long-term sustainability of these well as the number of patient complaints were taken from
programs,[12] and more research on the cost-effectiveness Patient Services Office (PSO) every month. Monthly data
and the use of technology systems to prevent hospital- on incident rates of falls and HAPI are routinely submitted
acquired pressure injuries.[13,14] to the quality management department where they are
routinely reviewed by the Quality Management and
Objectives Wound Care Specialists for accuracy and appropriateness
This study examined the effect of intentional nurse of actions taken. The monthly incidence rate of HAPI is
rounding and nurse prompt response time to call system measured by dividing the total number of HAPI reported
within a month by the total number of patient days of the applies to the incidence rate of falls. Results of the HAPI
same month, then multiplying it by a thousand to get the and Fall incidence rates are coming from Quality
HAPI rate per thousand patient days. The calculation Department.
Intentional nurse rounding for the month, the response times, and the percentage of
The assigned nurses on duty were expected to do an response times that are within the recommended 3
hourly rounding for every assigned patient regularly. minutes.
Rounding is done hourly between 07:00 hours and 23:59
hours and 2 hourlies between 24:00 hours and 06:59 hours Leadership rounds
daily in attending their patient’s needs. Using a Leadership rounds involved SCN doing visits for 2 main
standardized form which is posted in the patient’s room, categories of patients: (1) new admissions, and (2) the
the nurses logs the patient’s needs attended, documents, existing patients. They do twice weekly rounds using a
and sign on the form during each round. The needs monkey survey in a tablet to assess, follow up, and address
attended included bathroom needs, diaper changes, other patient needs and concerns. They checked, among
repositioning, transfer and mobility, pain or discomfort, other concerns, if intentional rounding was being adhered
and the patient's safety through a quick environment to by staff nurses, if patients were involved in their plan of
survey. Patients were oriented about the rounding care, if medications were given timeously, and if the pain
program during admission to ensure their full was adequately being managed. Adherence of the SCN to
participation and understanding. Staff compliance is these leadership rounds was monitored through the data
monitored through the completed form by an audit received from the monkey survey, data is gathered and
nursing team on a monthly basis. summarized by a designated person in the Nursing Quality
and reported as monthly Key Performance Indicators
Call bell system (KPIs) of the units.
The call bell system refers to the call light that the patient
uses in their room to call nurses' attention. The nurses are Outcome variables
expected to attend to every activation of the call bell system Patient satisfaction
within 3 minutes. A computerized system automatically A patient survey form in English and Arabic version is
records the response time, which is the time from which used to gather patient/family satisfaction which is given to
the call bell is rung to the time it is put off when the nurse all patients during their hospital stay or visit. It is a 24 items
attends to the patient. At the end of each month, the data survey questions in 11 dimensions of nurse’s care, doctors
is analyzed and reported by a designated person in the care, responsiveness of hospital staff, discharge
nursing department in terms of the total number of calls information, environment, treated with respect and
Table 2. Differences between Intentional nurse rounding and prompt response to call system and the Patient Complaints
Variable Patient complain n (%) X2 (df) P value
Group Yes No
Pre-intervention 6 (22.2) 21 (77.8) 2.966 (1) 0.085
Post-intervention 7 (9.3) 68 (90.7)
Table 3. Differences between INR and PRTCS and the Patient Fall
Variable Patient falls n (%) X2 (df) P value
Group Yes No
Pre-intervention 6 (22.2) 21 (77.8) 1.186 (1) 0.276
Post-intervention 10 (13.3) 65 (86.7)
Figure 2. The effect of intentional nurse rounding on patient satisfaction rate and patient complaints
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The effect of intentional nurse rounding and nurse prompt…
Figure 3. Average calls, patient, day vs. average call bell response time