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Lesson 1: Computer Hardware and Software Importance of computers in businesses

Computer 1. Automation of Tasks

2. Data Management and Storage
-A computer is an electronic device that
3. Improved Communication
manipulates information, or data. It has the
4. Financial Management
ability to store, retrieve, and process data
5. Data Analysis and Decision Making
Hardware vs Software 6. Marketing and Sales
7. Cost Savings
- Hardware is any part of your computer that 8. Remote work and Flexibility
has a physical structure, such as the 9. Security and Data Protection
keyboard or mouse. It also includes all the
computer's internal parts Operating System

-Software is any set of instructions that tells -An operating system (OS) is the program
the hardware what to do and how to do it. that, after being initially loaded into the
Examples of software include web browsers, computer by a boot program, manages all
games, and word processors the other application programs in a computer

Types of Computers Open-source Software

1. Personal Computers -Open-source software (OSS) is a type of

a. Desktop Computers software whose source code is freely
b. Laptops available for anyone to view, modify, and
c. Tablets distribute. This means that developers can
d. Netbooks or Notebooks collaborate to improve the software, fix bugs,
2. Workstations add features, or customize it according to
-High-performance computers their needs.
designed for specialized tasks such as
Proprietary vs Open-source
3D rendering, video editing, and
engineering simulations.  Proprietary software - the source
3. Servers code is kept private and controlled
a. File Servers – store and manage by a specific company
data for multiple users on a
b. Web Servers - Host websites and
deliver content over the internet.
c. Database Servers - Manage
databases and handle requests
for data retrieval
4. Supercomputers
5. Embedded Computers
6. Hybrid Computers
 Open-source software - open-source
software promotes transparency, 5. Operational Consequences
community-driven development, and Unsafe or unethical practices
shared contributions. can compromise the integrity of
accounting data, leading to
inaccurate financial reports, errors in
decision-making, and potential
business failures.


-Unsafe use of technology, such as weak

passwords, unpatched software, or
Unsafe, illegal, & unethical use of technology unauthorized software installations, can
1. Violation of Data Protection Laws result in security breaches. This can lead to
-Unauthorized access, data loss, cyberattacks, and exposure of
misuse, or manipulation of financial sensitive financial information.
data can lead to violations of data
protection laws, such as the General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Lesson 2: Word Processing Applications
the EU or the Data Privacy Act in the
Word processing applications
Philippines. This can result in hefty
fines and penalties. -Word processing applications (such as
2. Breach of Intellectual Property Rights Microsoft Word) used to create a variety of
documents, such as letters, reports, and
-Using or distributing
proprietary accounting software or
digital content without authorization Parts of Microsoft Word
can lead to lawsuits and claims for
 Title bar & Search bar
damages due to intellectual property
 File tab
rights violations
 Ribbon
3. Financial Consequence  Ribbon Tabs
The unsafe, illegal, and  Working area
unethical use of technology systems  Status bar
and digital content can cause  Zoom control
financial losses, loss of business  Font Groups
opportunities and auditing and  Paragraph Groups
restitution costs.  Header and footer
4. Reputational Consequences
Business Letter Formats
-Accountants found engaging
in illegal and unethical activities may  Full block
face consequences such as loss of  Semi block
professional reputation which can  Modified block
permanently damage their careers.
Some tips to write a formal business letter Role of Visuals in Persuading Audience

1. Create Margins 1. Capturing attention

2. Choose the right fonts 2. Demonstrating Value
3. Pick a format 3. Building Trust

Basic Slide Design

Lesson 3: PowerPoint Presentation 1. Understanding Whitespaces

The concept behind
Microsoft PowerPoint
whitespace is very simple. It is simply
It is a presentation program, created the space between text, graphics,
by Robert Gaskins, Tom Rudkin, and Dennis images, and blocks. Whitespace is
Austin at a software company named also known as negative space or
Forethought, Inc. It was released on April 20, blank space
1987, initially for Macintosh computers only 2. Embedding Images, Audio, Videos
and 3D Models
Using PowerPoint for Businesses 3. Hyperlinks
Microsoft PowerPoint offers a range It allows users to advance
of templates that can be used to quickly from one slide to another slide in the
create professional-looking presentations. presentation when they click on a
These templates are designed to give predetermined word, shape, or
business owners and employees the tools image, thereby allowing for a more
they need to make their presentations stand dynamic and interactive experience
out from the competition. Templates are also than can be obtained with serial
helpful in keeping all slides consistent in presentation of slides alone.
design, color, font, and format while creating 4. Fonts and Color
a more polished look. Using fonts that are too small
or too large may not be ideal when
Tables and charts are great tools for creating a formal business
presenting information in a visual way. Using presentation. Additionally, use colors
PowerPoint’s builtin features can help your with good contrast to ensure the
audience retain more information than if presentation is readable and easy on
they were looking at rows of text on a slide. the audience’s eyes
Tables and charts also make it easy to
compare different pieces of data and Flowcharts and Visual Diagrams
illustrate relationships between them. There are two ways on how to create a
Role of Visuals in Storytelling flowchart or visual diagrams using
1. Visuals enhance emotions
2. Visuals provide context a. SmartArt and Chart
3. Visuals keep the audience engaged b. Manually adding shapes
4. Visuals can be used to simplify Exporting files into other file types
complex concepts
Microsoft PowerPoint allows you to  Workbook. This is an Excel file that
export your presentation into various file contains one or more worksheets
formats, depending on your needs. Here are  Worksheet. These are the different
the common file types you can export your documents nested within a
PowerPoint presentation into: Workbook
 Column and row headings. These are
1. PDF
the numbered and lettered cells
located just outside of the columns
3. MP4/WWV
and rows. Selecting a header
4. ODP
highlights the entire row or column
5. GIF
 Formula. Formulas are mathematical
equations, cell references or
functions that can be placed inside a
Lesson 4: MS Excel Part I: Basic of cell to produce a value. Formulas
Spreadsheets must start with an equal "=" sign
Microsoft Excel  Formula bar. This is the long input
bar that is used to enter values or
Excel is a spreadsheet program from formulas in cells. It is located at the
Microsoft and a component of its Office top of the worksheet, next to the "fx"
product group for business applications. label
Microsoft Excel enables users to format,  Address bar / Name box. This bar
organize and calculate data in a spreadsheet. located to the left of the formula bar
Uses of Microsoft Excel shows the number and letter
coordinates of an active cell
 collection and verification of business  Filter. These are rules a user can
data; employ to select what rows in a
 business analysis; worksheet to display. This option is
 data entry and storage; located on the top right of the home
 performance reporting and data bar under "Sort & Filter." An auto
analysis; filter option can be selected to show
 accounting and budgeting rows that match specific values
 administrative and managerial  AutoFill. This feature enables users to
management copy data to more than one cell
automatically. With two or more cells
Terminologies and components
in a series, a user can select both
 Cell. A user enters data into a cell, cells and drag the bottom right
which is the intersection of a column corner down to autofill the rest of
and row. the cells
 Cell reference. This is the set of  Number Format choose the format
coordinates where a cell is located. for your cells such as percentage,
Rows are horizontal and numbered currency, date or time
whereas columns are vertical and
Excel Alternatives
assigned a letter
 Active cell. This is the currently 1. Google Sheets - is a free competitor
selected cell, outlined by a green box to Excel, with similar layouts and
features. Users with a Gmail account  / is division
can access Google Sheets. Google  ^ is exponentiation
Sheets are saved in the cloud,
Cell References-These references allow you
meaning users can access their
to use data from other cells within your
spreadsheets from anywhere and on
formula. There are three types:
numerous devices. Multiple users
can also collaborate on the same 1. Relative – changes based on the cell
spreadsheet. where the formula is used (e.g., A1)
2. Numbers. Apple's spreadsheet 2. Absolute – remains fixed when
program comes free with every Mac copied or moved, marked with a $
and provides prebuilt templates, (e.g., $A$1)
charts and graphs. Numbers excels at 3. Mixed – Partially absolute (e.g., $A1
graphics and charts, but it does not or A$1
handle large data sets as well as
Microsoft Excel. Basic Functions
3. Apache OpenOffice Calc. This free
opensource spreadsheet software 1. SUM: Adds up a range of numbers
features multiple user collaboration; Example: =SUM(A1:A5)
natural language formulas that
enable users to create formulas using What it does: Adds up all values in
words; DataPilot, which pulls data the range specified, such as cells A1
from corporate databases; and style through A5.
and formatting features that enable Usage: Useful for calculating total
different cell formatting options. expenses, total sales, or any
cumulative figures

Lesson 5: MS Excel Part II: Basics Formulas 2. AVERAGE: Calculates the average of a
and Shortcuts range
Example: =AVERAGE(A1:A5)
Spreadsheet Formulas
What it does: Calculates the average
Formulas are equations that perform
(mean) of the values in the specified
calculations, transformations, or
operations on data within cells. They are
Usage: Helpful for finding the
written directly into a cell and typically
average revenue over a period or the
start with an equals sign (=), signaling
average score in a test
Excel to process the following characters
as a formula rather than plain text.
3. MIN/MAX: Finds the smallest or
Key Components of Excel Formulas largest value
Example: =MIN(A1:A5)
Operators: Symbols that specify the type of
Example: =MAX(A1:A5)
calculation to perform.

 + is addition What it does: MIN finds the smallest

 - is subtraction value in a range, while MAX finds the
 * is multiplication largest.
Usage: Useful for identifying the What it does: NOW() returns the
lowest and highest amounts in sales current date and time, while TODAY()
or expenses returns only the date.
4. IF: Evaluate a condition and returns a Usage: Great for adding timestamps
value if true or false or tracking current dates in records,
Example: =IF(A1>10, “High”, “Low”) useful for deadlines or document
What it does: Allows you to make
logical comparisons and perform 9. CONCATENATE
action based on whether a condition Example: =CONCATENATE(A1, “ ” ,
is true or false. A5)

5. COUNT What it does: Combines values from

Example: =COUNT(A1:A10) multiple cells into one.
Usage: Useful for creating full names
What it does: Counts the number of from first and last names or
cells containing numbers within a combining data fields.
Usage: Handy for counting the 10. TRIM
number of transactions or items in a Example: =TRIM(A1)
list that contain numerical values.
What it does: Removes extra spaces
6. COUNTA from text in a cell, which can help in
Example: =COUNTA(A1:A10) cleaning data for consistency.
Usage: Important for cleaning up
What it does: Counts the number of data imported from other sources
cells that are not empty (useful for with unnecessary spaces.
both text and numbers).
Usage: Useful for counting filled 11. IFERROR
entries, such as counting the total Example: =IFERROR(A1/A2, “Error”)
clients, transactions or filled cells in a
database What it does: If an error occurs in the
formula (like dividing by zero), this
7. ROUND function returns a specific value, like
Example: =ROUND(A1, 2) “Error”, instead of displaying an error
What it does: Rounds the value in A1
Navigation Shortcuts (windos)
to two decimal places.
Usage: Essential in financial data for 1. TAB – Move to the next cell
rounding currency values to two 2. SHIFT + TAB – Move to the previous
decimal places. cell
3. CTRL + ARROW KEYS – Move to the
8. NOW and TODAY edge of data region
Example: =NOW() or =TODAY() 4. HOME – Go to the beginning of a row
5. CTRL + HOME – Go to the beginning
of a worksheet

Selection of Editing Shortcuts

1. SHIFT + SPACE – Select entire row

2. CTRL + SPACE – Select entire column
3. CTRL + A – Select the entire
4. SHIFT + ARROW KEYS – Select a range
of cells
5. CTRL + D – Fill down
6. CTRL + R – Fill right
7. F2 – Edit the active cell

Formatting Shortcuts

1. CTRL + B – Bold
2. CTRL + I – Italic
3. CTRL + U – Underline
4. CTRL + 1 – Open format cells dialog
5. ALT + H, O, I – Autofit column width

Data Management Shortcuts

1. CTRL + SHIFT + + – Insert a new row

2. CTRL + - – Delete selected
3. ALT + D + S – Open sort dialog box
4. CTRL + SHIFT + L – Filter data

Worksheet Shortcuts

1. CTRL + Page Up / Page Down –

Switch between worksheets
2. SHIFT + F11 – Insert a new worksheet
3. ALT + H + O + R – Rename the active
4. CTRL + Z – Undo
5. CTRL + Y – Redo
6. CTRL + S – Save workbook

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