30 Related Studies
30 Related Studies
30 Related Studies
Study 1: The findings indicated that confidence, creativity of topics, and speaking
competence were the key aspects of improvement when speaking to the audience.
Study 2: The study also revealed that extrinsic motivating factors, such as job
opportunities, family reputation and scholarships, are major sources of motivation for
Cambodian university students to sharpen their English speaking skills.
Heng, K. (2017). Cambodian EFL university students’ learning strategies and motivation
to improve their English language speaking skills: A qualitative study. Journal of Studies
in the English Language, 12(2), 45-70. Retrieved from
Study 3: The findings reveal that English proficiency is not just an advantage but an
absolute necessity for vocational students in today's increasingly connected world.
Study 4: Through qualitative methods, including class observations and interviews, the
findings revealed that TBLT enhances classroom effectiveness, boosts student
participation, and improves speaking proficiency by engaging learners in real-world
communicative tasks.
Nurhadi, T., Nugraha, S. I., & Ridwan, I. (2024). EXPLORING THE IMPLEMENTATION
(Professional Journal of English Education), 7(5), 1207-1219. Retrieved from
Study 5: The study's finding revealed that teachers were excessively used display
questions and form focused feedback. Recommendations were forwarded regarding
providing the types of questions and feedback, teachers' appropriate use of interactional
strategies, arousing students' interest, and delivering interaction activities in exploring
classroom interaction of EFL in developing speaking skills.
Study 6: Based on the research questions, the research result shows that students’
perceptions of self-confidence have a significant to decrease reticence in speaking
Riadil, I. G. (2020). A Qualitative Study: Investigating EFL Learners’ Self-
Confidence To Decrease The Reticence In Speaking Ability. Journal of English
Language Teaching and English Linguistics, 5(2). Retrieved from
Study 7: Based on the findings, there was found four strategies that the four teachers
used in speaking class activity. Those strategies are role-play, small group discussion,
storytelling, and songs. These strategies were very helpful to encourage students’ self
confidence in speaking, because each strategy giving a chance for students to pratice
Christie, L. S., & Listyani, L. (2018). Teachers’ strategies to improve students’ self-
confidence in speaking. Register Journal, 11(2), 121-138. Retrieved from:
Study 8: Findings included areas like learning and teaching difficulties. The study
suggested some techniques to improve the teaching quality and enable the students to
overcome their lack of speaking ability such as implementing communicative approach
in the English classes.
Al-Sobhi, B. M. S., & Preece, A. S. (2018). Teaching English speaking skills to the Arab
students in the Saudi school in Kuala Lumpur: Problems and solutions. International
Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 6(1), 1-11. Retrieved from:
Study 9: The findings show that the observation of process of teaching and learning
English speaking skills by using song, there are 3 steps of teaching and learning, exist
outcomes of learning in teaching speaking skills by using song. The advantages of
using song are: Song could become a media introduction of new languages, songs
improve students’ pronunciation, song could be give good contribution in increasing
students’ motivation in speaking, and song can strengthen memory of students.
Nurvia, S. (2016). Using Song in Teaching English Speaking Skills for Young Learners
(A Qualitative Research At One Of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah In Kota Cirebon) (Doctoral
dissertation, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon). Retrieved from:
Study 10: The findings showed that most students expressed a positive response to the
use of TED Talks video to support their speaking class. They assumed that the TED
Video encouraged them to improve their speaking skill.
Choirunnisa, M. R., & Sari, F. M. (2021). TED talks use in speaking class for
undergraduate students. Jambura Journal of English Teaching and Literature, 2(1), 35-
40. Retrieved from: https://ejurnal.ung.ac.id/index.php/jetl/article/viewFile/7319/3182.
Study 11: Results of data analysis revealed two main categories of learning strategies
used by Daniela in solving her learning problems, namely direct and indirect learning
strategies. In direct learning strategies Daniela dealt with memory, cognition, and
compensation strategies, while in indirect learning strategies she dealt more with
metacognitive, affective, and social strategies. Apart from these findings, this study also
revealed Daniela’s performance in English is mostly influenced by her reading hobby,
internal motivation, positive attitude towards English, her personality (diligent and
independent), and her dream to become a vocational English teacher. Results of this
study may be useful for the head of school to encourage English teachers to provide
learners with diverse learning tasks to elicit the use of various learning strategies.
SMRL, S. M. R. L., & BRW, B. R. W. (2021). Exploring the English learning strategies of
an Indigenous Papuan student of Indonesia. The Qualitative Report, 26(9), 0_1-2768.
Study 12: The results showed that based on existing competencies in the 4.0 industrial
revolution era, there were innovations and a number of breakthroughs produced by
teachers in improving the quality of learning in the form of curriculum development and
the use of information and communication technology in carrying out several
approaches and learning strategies. One of the breakthroughs that has been made is
video learning for early childhood.
Guru, P. P., & Al-Hilal, S. T. I. T. (2022). How to Improve the quality of learning for early
childhood? An implementation of education management in the industrial revolution era
4.0. Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 6(5), 5437-5446.
Study 13: After analyzing the data by using the descriptive qualitative method, it is
known that the four factors of speaking difficulty have a positive value or more than
50%. The values of these four factors were 62.5% for personal factors, 95% for
teaching strategies factor, 90% for curriculum factor and 57.5% for the environmental
factor. Therefore, it can be inferred that the dominant factor which causes students’
difficulties in speaking is teaching strategies.
Putri, S. A., Amri, S., & Ahmad, A. (2020). THE STUDENTS’DIFFICULTIES FACTORS
IN SPEAKING. J-shelves of indragiri (JSI), 1(2), 115-129.
Study 14: The systematic review identified six dimensions and 25 sub-dimensions that
influence the application of AI dialogue systems for EFL learning. The six dimensions
include technological integration, task designs, students’ engagement, learning
objectives, technological limitations, and the novelty effect. Gaps are identified that (1)
components of debate and problem-solving skills in EF acquisition in university
education seemed to be overlooked in the AI dialogue system design, and (2) the
importance of embedding culture, humor and empathy functions were not taken into
consideration in the AI dialogue system. This study finds that the development and
implementation of an AI dialogue system in EFL is still in its infancy stage.
Zhai, C., & Wibowo, S. (2023). A systematic review on artificial intelligence dialogue
systems for enhancing English as foreign language students’ interactional competence
in the university. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 4, 100134.
Study 15: The findings of the review suggest that the application of MALL propagates
the concepts of the constructivism theory, promotes stressfree environment, supports
situated learning, and provides ease of use. Further analysis indicate that mobile
devices’ general built-in features and mobile applications could be used as possible
tools in helping learners to enhance their speaking skills in MALL environments.
Rajendran, T., & Yunus, M. M. (2021). A systematic literature review on the use of
mobile-assisted language Learning (MALL) for enhancing speaking skills among ESL
and EFL learners. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education
and Development, 10(1), 586-609.
Study 16: The results of this study indicate that after making podcasts, and from their
first to final podcasts, the students had better speaking fluency and accuracy in which
they demonstrated some significant changes, such as having fewer pauses and
mispronounced words.
Yeh, H. C., Chang, W. Y., Chen, H. Y., & Heng, L. (2021). Effects of podcast-making on
college students’ English speaking skills in higher education. Educational Technology
Research and Development, 69, 2845-2867.
Study 17: The results showed that learners have emotional tensions, physiological
symptoms, and mental difficulties when they speak English. The fear of losing face or
negative feedback was also attributed to the anxiety of the students. The researcher
also found that the students use some strategies to cope with their nervousness by
utilizing helpful tools such as reading books in English and consulting a dictionary.
Study 18: The results showed that learning that was designed using the information
gap technique with "absyak". Website-based online learning with cycle procedures.
Cycle I results are still not optimal, then continue to the second cycle. In cycle II the
results are maximum. Student activities increase every cycle II for learning, student
activity, performance indicators, learning processes, completeness scores increase,
decrease the number of unfinished and success indicators.
Syakur, A., Sugirin, S., Margana, M., Junining, E., & Sabat, Y. (2020). Improving
English language speaking skills using “Absyak” on-line learning model for second
semester in higher education. Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics
and Education (BirLE) Journal, 3(2), 684-694.
Study 19: The results of this study indicate that there are several strategies used by
English lecturers, especially in facilitating student interactional communication.
Study 20: Based on the results, self-regulated learning, interaction, motivation and
achievement were the key themes that promotes the benefit of flipped learning to
improve pupils' speaking skills.
Study 21: With qualitative data, the result showed that describing a picture strategy can
improve students' speaking skills. This finding is in line with the previous research
finding that describing pictures can help students to improve students’ speaking skills.
Pratiwi, Z. F., Ayu, M., & Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. (2020). THE USE OF
SPEAKING SKILL. In SMA Al Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung, Journal of English
Language Teaching and Learning (JELTL) (Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 38–43).
Study 22: In this study, researchers dare to conclude that the participants who are
members of this research agree that the use of YouTube as a medium to
improve the ability of English education students in speaking classes.
Study 23: It is very clear from the findings and discussions that students can improve
their speaking skills by using Fun Fishing, multimedia, and clear instructions which has
colorful media, interesting questions. This is easily adopted to be one of the attractive
ways to show the process of improving the students in the class. Moreover, matching
with elementary student’s characteristics that are comfortable with colorful media and
movement activity, the students showed a positive response to the use of Fun Fishing.
Thus, this media can be adopted by other teachers to teach in the classroom.
Sinaga, R. R. F., Oktaviani, L., & Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. (2020). The
Implementation of Fun Fishing to Teach Speaking for Elementary School
Students. Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, 1(1), 1–6.
Study 24: From the results of the research that has been done, it can be
concluded that the application with the use of appropriate methods and techniques can
be used as an interactive learning medium that can improve students' speaking ability.
With the various features of the TikTok application, it can be implicated in learning
English so that students can use the application in a positive direction.
View of TikTok as a Media to Enhancing the Speaking Skills of EFL Student’s. (n.d.).
Study 25: Based on the result, the students have a positive response toward the TED
Talks video. It is indicated that TED Talks video influences some aspects, such as
pronunciation, vocabulary, and fluency. In addition to these, it helps students deliver
their ideas and improve their English speaking ability.
Choirunnisa, M. R., & Sari, F. M. (2021, August 2). TED Talks Use in Speaking Class
for Undergraduate Students. Choirunnisa | Jambura Journal of English Teaching
and Literature. https://ejurnal.ung.ac.id/index.php/jetl/article/view/7319/3182
Study 26: The research results find that 90% of students claim that learning through the
Duolingo application helps them improve their English speaking skills. Besides, the
most improved aspect of speaking skills is vocabulary, followed by other aspects which
increase significantly, such as pronunciation, grammar, and fluency. In this study,
students responded positively; hence, the Duolingo application effectively improves
students' speaking skills.
Fitria, N., Usman, M., & Sahara, N. (2023). Duolingo Application for Advancing English
Speaking Skills. Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research,
4(4), 587–595. https://doi.org/10.46843/jiecr.v4i4.630
Study 27: The findings of this study indicated that gamifying applications benefited
teaching speaking to young learners in 4 stages: raising awareness,
appropriation, autonomy and giving feedback.
Study 28: Results of the study make it possible to conclude that the use of monologue
speaking tasks paired with peer interaction and peer assessment can improve
first-year students’ English-speaking skills.
Karpovich, I., Sheredekina, O., Krepkaia, T., & Voronova, L. (2021). The Use of
Monologue Speaking Tasks to Improve First-Year Students’ English-Speaking
Skills. Education Sciences, 11(6), 298. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11060298
Study 29: Based on data and findings that have been described, it can be concluded
that there are positive resultof using cake application on student's speaking
skillin English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Using the cake app supports
students to practice and get new word with correct English pronunciation.
This application is suitable for students because the features provided in this
application are various, so that students can learn English pronunciation in
a fun way. Moreover, cake application can improve students speaking skill in
Study 30: In the result of this study, the researcher can conclude that using
Beelinguapp as a media for learning teaching process, especially English
speaking skill, of course, it can enhance their skill. The teacher have to
develop a media in other learning teaching process.