IE Faculty-Guide ASLS 1
IE Faculty-Guide ASLS 1
IE Faculty-Guide ASLS 1
Blended Learning
Instructor Essentials
Faculty Guide
To find out about any updates or corrections to this text, visit
Advanced Stroke Life Support® Blended Learning Instructor Essentials Faculty Guide ii
© 2022 American Heart Association and University of Miami
Part 1: General Concepts
About This Faculty Guide
Welcome to the American Heart Association (AHA) Advanced Stroke Life Support® (ASLS®) Blended Learning Instructor
Essentials Course. This course will prepare instructor candidates to teach the ASLS Blended Learning Provider Course.
This Instructor Essentials Course educates participants on how to adequately use instructor teaching materials, ensure
that students meet learning objectives, offer student coaching skills, provide an objective skills performance evaluation,
and follow AHA Instructor and course policies. The course covers core content and discipline-specific content required to
teach AHA courses.
Educational Design
The Instructor Essentials Course is taught in a blended-learning format. To become an AHA Instructor, candidates must
complete the online portion, followed by the hands-on session, which is classroom based. The online portion of the
course contains both core content and discipline-specific modules to prepare the instructor candidates for the hands-on
session. In the classroom, faculty will continue preparing instructor candidates to become AHA Instructors by focusing
on in-depth material about the disciplines that candidates will be teaching. The hands-on session includes instruction
and practice in small groups, and an exam, allowing instructor candidates to successfully use their instructor materials
and skills.
Role of Faculty
This guide, including the lesson plans, is for ASLS Training Faculty who will be teaching the hands-on session of the
Instructor Essentials Course. These materials are to be used as a guide for teaching and preparing instructor candidates
to become AHA Instructors for the ASLS Provider Course. We thank you for your continuous efforts in conducting the
hands-on session of Instructor Essentials.
As faculty, your role is critical to successful instructor candidate outcomes. During the course, the faculty should
• Facilitate discussions with a focus on desired outcomes
• Listen to instructor candidates’ responses and provide feedback to ensure understanding of learning concepts
• Observe instructor candidates’ actions and coach as needed
• Give positive and corrective feedback
Dear Instructor Candidate:
Welcome to the hands-on session of the Advanced Stroke Life Support® (ASLS®) Blended Learning Instructor Essentials
Course. Enclosed are the agenda and your copy of the instructor manual and ASLS Blended Learning Instructor Essentials
Instructor Candidate Workbook. You will also need to access the ASLS Instructor Essentials Online Course (available in
the Intelligo store at to complete before coming to class. Please bring your instructor manual and
Instructor Essentials Online Course completion certificate to the course. Review both the agenda and the instructor
manual before coming to class so that you get the most out of the Instructor Essentials Course and are familiar with the
materials for skills evaluation of your students.
The class is scheduled for
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. You will be practicing skills that require moving, elevating your arms and legs,
and caring for a simulated stroke patient. If you have physical conditions that might prevent you from participating in
the course, please tell one of the faculty when you arrive for the course. Faculty will work to accommodate your needs
within the stated course completion requirements. In the event that you are ill, please notify your faculty to reschedule
your training.
We look forward to welcoming you on (day and date of class). If you have any questions about the course, please call
(name) at (telephone number).
(Name), Faculty
Understanding Icons
The icons used in the lesson plans are there to remind you to take certain actions during the course. The icons used
throughout the lesson plans are included in Table 1.
Play video
2 AHA Introduction
Part 1: AHA Mission
Part 2: Instructor Core Competencies 10
3 AHA Instructor Resources
Part 1: Program Administration Manual
Part 2: Other Electronic Resources 15
Part 3: Training Center–Specific Policies
4 ASLS Provider Course Skills Evaluation Preparation
Part 1: Course Paperwork
Part 2: Course Preparation 30
5 ASLS Provider Course Overview
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Course Format and Tracks 25
Part 3: Instructor Materials
Part 4: Learning Objectives and Course Completion Requirements
Part 5: Prebriefing and Skills Overview
6A ASLS Provider Course Skills Evaluation: Part A: Stroke Scale Demonstration
Part 1: Prebriefing
Part 2: Skills Testing Checklists 50
Part 3: Remediation
6B ASLS Provider Course Skills Evaluation: Part B: Stroke Syndrome Evaluation
Part 1: Prebriefing
Part 2: Review Stroke Syndromes 65
Part 3: Skills Testing Checklists
Part 4: Remediation
6C ASLS Provider Course Skills Evaluation: Part C: Stroke Simulation Scenario
Practice and Testing
Part 1: Prebriefing 90
Part 2: Scenario
Part 3: Skills Testing Checklists
Part 4: Debriefing/Remediation
Day of Class
Arrive at the course location with plenty of time to complete the following:
Learning Objective
• Describe the core competencies of an AHA Instructor
Faculty Tip
Become familiar with the AHA Mission, Global Mission, and the instructor core competencies before teaching this
Instructor Candidate Materials
For this lesson, instructor candidates need their instructor candidate workbook so they can follow along
with the AHA Mission and Global Mission.
Part 1: AHA Mission
Discussion: AHA Mission
Discuss the following mission statements with instructor candidates by first choosing an instructor candidate
to read each of the mission statements aloud from the instructor candidate workbook, and then discussing
as a group their role in the overall AHA Mission and AHA Global Mission.
AHA Mission
Our mission is to be a relentless force for longer, healthier lives. That single purpose drives all we do. The
need for our work is beyond question.
The AHA is the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary health organization dedicated to saving people from
heart disease and stroke, America’s No. 1 and No. 5 killers, respectively. The AHA is the trusted leader in ECC
and trains people around the world in how to save lives with CPR and first aid.
AHA Global Mission
The AHA is a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. Through collaboration with global
partners, our network of TCs, and knowledge transfer of proven programs and strategies, the AHA strives to
reduce the global burden of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. This mission contributes to the World
Health Organization’s global fight against noncommunicable diseases and the achievement of the 2030
Sustainable Development Goal of reducing premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases by one
third through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being. Our programs,
products, and services focus on maximizing survival from life-threatening cardiovascular and
cerebrovascular emergencies.
Learning Objectives
• Describe the usability of the Program Administration Manual (PAM)
• Identify resources available to an AHA Instructor
Faculty Tips
• This lesson requires knowledge of the PAM. To access the PAM, visit the Instructor Network and make sure that you
are familiar with the content in the PAM before teaching this lesson.
• Become familiar with the Instructor Network and your TC-specific policies to lead a discussion with instructor
candidates and to answer any questions they may have.
• If the internet is accessible in the classroom, you can navigate to the PAM and the Instructor Network during this
lesson to show instructor candidates.
Part 1: Program Administration Manual
Discussion: PAM
Discuss the following topics with instructor candidates at a high-level overview, per the PAM:
• Usability of the PAM
– The PAM covers all aspects of program administration and training for the educational courses of the
AHA’s ECC Programs. It provides TCs and instructors with rules affecting TCs, instructors, and
– The PAM is located on the Instructor Network and is updated as needed.
• TC Organization
– The Role of the TC
– TCC, Training Faculty, and Education Subcommittee Mentors
• TC Policies and Procedures
– Following AHA Policies and Procedures
– Managing Records
– Course Completion Card Management
– Course Fees, Materials, and Equipment
• Instructor Alignment
• Course Information
– Course Equipment
– Provider Course Instructors and Specialty Faculty
– Provider Course Skills Testing
• Conflict of Interest and Ethics Policies
– Conflict of Interest
– Ethics/Code of Conduct
Learning Objectives
• Describe how to use discipline-specific AHA instructor materials: the instructor manual, lesson plans, course videos,
and skills testing checklists
Faculty Tips
• Be familiar with all up-to-date course paperwork and your TC protocols to provide instructor candidates specific
information on where to obtain all the forms they will need for teaching.
• Review the Preparing Your Materials section of the instructor candidate workbook and Part 2: Preparing for the
Course in the ASLS Instructor Manual, including the equipment list, before teaching this lesson.
Part 1: Course Paperwork
Instructor Candidate Materials
For this lesson, instructor candidates need their instructor candidate workbook and the ASLS Instructor
Discussion: Course Paperwork
Let instructor candidates know that they can refer to the Preparing Your Materials section of the instructor
candidate workbook. Discuss how to obtain the following course paperwork forms, and include specific
procedures that pertain to your TC:
• Course rosters: Available on the Instructor Network or from the TCC; need to be kept by the TC
• Course evaluations: Available on the Instructor Network or from the TCC; need to be kept by the TC
• Student materials: Ordered from your TC or through the AHA at
• Skills testing documents: Found in the instructor manual, on the Instructor Network (Instructor
Resources), or through the TCC; the TCC needs to keep the skills testing documents for those students
who did not meet course completion requirements
• Note that the skills testing checklists for parts A and B of the ASLS skills evaluation can be completed on
paper by printing out or digitally on a tablet or similar device.
• Course completion cards: The TCC can provide these in the form of electronic cards.
– These are called electronic course completion cards (eCards).
– eCards are provided to students who successfully complete an AHA course. eCards are more secure
than printed cards, and a 3-point verification by the TCC, instructor, and student is required to issue
and claim eCards.
eCard information is populated electronically by the TCC, TC Administrator, or instructor and can be
altered by only the TCC or AHA Customer Service by using the AHA’s My Cards.
eCards can be verified easily by employers at to prove issuance by a valid TC
and instructor aligned with that TC.
– Issuing course completion cards
Learning Objectives
• Identify discipline-specific course formats available to students for completion of the course
• Describe discipline-specific course completion requirements
• Describe discipline-specific flexibility options available to an AHA Instructor within the course
• Describe how to facilitate the practice and testing stations
• Describe how to use discipline-specific AHA instructor materials: the instructor manual, lesson plans, course videos,
and skills testing checklists
Faculty Tips
• Inform instructor candidates that they can refer to their instructor candidate workbook during and after the course,
but now they will transition to using and becoming familiar with the instructor manual.
• Before teaching this lesson, become familiar with how the instructor materials are aligned within the ASLS Provider
Course skills evaluation, including the lesson plans.
• Review the Course Goal, Course Objectives, and Educational Design sections of Part 2: Preparing for the Course in
the ASLS Instructor Manual.
• Remind instructor candidates that, for this portion of the Instructor Essentials Course, they will move through the
elements of the ASLS Provider Course skills evaluation, and it is important to keep in mind the perspective of their
future students as they learn how to instruct the ASLS Provider Course.
Part 1: Introduction
• The ASLS Provider Course consists of an adaptive online learning component and a skills demonstration.
– Adaptive learning is individualized, interactive, outcomes based, and modular. This allows each
learner to progress through the content at their own pace and adjusts to the level of the student,
from beginner to expert.
– The skills demonstration consists of 3 parts, lasting approximately 1 hour in total.
Part A: Stroke Scale Demonstration
Part B: Stroke Syndrome Evaluation
Part C: Stroke Simulation Scenario
• Courses are designed to be interactive, rather than using the traditional lecture format. The use of
scenarios allows students to apply what they’ve learned. The ASLS Provider Course gives students a
chance to learn, practice, and demonstrate proficiency in stroke detection and management skills.
• We count on you to provide students with a consistent learning experience by using AHA Instructor
teaching materials and following AHA policies.
• Lesson plans are designed to include everything you need to conduct each lesson, including learning
objectives and actions to take as an instructor. It is essential that you use the lesson plans every time you
teach the ASLS Provider Course.
Advanced Stroke Life Support® Blended-Learning Instructor Essentials Faculty Guide 21
© 2022 American Heart Association and University of Miami
• Several critical concepts should be stressed throughout the course. These concepts include
– Prompt recognition of stroke symptoms
– Correct identification of stroke syndromes
– Appropriate management of stroke patients
– Appropriate destination or transfer decision in the stroke system of care
Part 2: Course Format and Tracks
Discussion: Course Formats
Discuss the following course formats with the instructor candidates, as shown in this table:
• Instructors can only conduct hands-on skills evaluation for the track for which they have completed both
the provider and instructor training:
– ASLS Prehospital Provider
– ASLS In-Hospital Provider
– ASLS Combined Prehospital and In-Hospital Provider
Description for the Student requirements before
Course format
ASLS Provider Course skills evaluation
ASLS Prehospital Online adaptive learning of didactic information Students are required to pass the online
Provider for prehospital professionals followed by hands- component.
on skills testing performed by an instructor
ASLS In-Hospital Online adaptive learning of didactic information Students are required to pass the online
Provider for in-hospital professionals followed by hands- component.
on skills testing performed by an instructor
ASLS Combined Online adaptive learning of didactic information Students are required to pass the online
Prehospital and In- for both prehospital and in-hospital professionals component.
Hospital Provider followed by hands-on skills testing performed by
an instructor
*It is strongly recommended that instructors review the online course before conducting skills testing.
Learning Objectives
• Demonstrate the administration of skills testing with the use of the skills testing checklists
• Demonstrate prebriefing and debriefing skills
• Describe effective AHA Instructor feedback and remediation techniques
Faculty Tips
• Before teaching this lesson, thoroughly review Lesson 2 in Part 5: ASLS Lesson Plans in the ASLS Instructor Manual
and the corresponding ASLS Provider Course videos.
• In addition, be sure to review the ASLS skills testing checklists in Appendix A in the ASLS Instructor Manual.
• Have at least 2 copies of each checklist for instructor candidates playing the role of instructor during the stations
practiced in this lesson.
• Have at least 2 copies of the corresponding student checklist for the stroke scale(s) being used.
Instructor Candidate Materials
For this lesson, instructor candidates need Lesson 2 from the ASLS Instructor Manual and the appropriate
ASLS skills testing checklists in Appendix A for the stroke scale(s) being used in the Instructor Essentials
Discussion: ASLS Provider Course Lesson 2
• At the start of this lesson, have instructor candidates review the Skills Evaluations and Using the Skills
Testing Checklists sections in the ASLS Instructor Manual.
• Be sure that instructor candidates have a strong understanding around the objective and uniform testing
of students and the ASLS skills testing checklists.
• Have instructor candidates turn to Lesson 2 in the ACLS Instructor Manual. Discuss with instructor
candidates that this lesson is for administering part A of the ASLS skills testing stations.
Part 1: Prebriefing
ASLS Provider Course Lesson 2: Skills Testing Station, Part A: Stroke Scale Demonstration
• This lesson serves as a guide to administer the stroke scale demonstration testing station.
• Review the importance of prebriefing and orient the instructor candidates to the provided script located
in the lesson plan.
• Students will be tested one at a time.
• Students should select the stroke scale they will use during the evaluation, depending on their local
• Students should be provided a blank student checklist for the preselected stroke scale to fill out during
the evaluation.
Learning Objectives
• Demonstrate the administration of skills testing with the use of the skills testing checklists
• Demonstrate prebriefing and feedback skills
• Describe effective AHA Instructor feedback and remediation techniques
Faculty Tips
• Before teaching this lesson, thoroughly review Lesson 3 in Part 5: ASLS Lesson Plans in the ASLS Instructor Manual
and the corresponding ASLS Provider Course videos.
• In addition, be sure to review the ASLS stroke syndrome scenarios and skills testing checklists in Appendix B in the
ASLS Instructor Manual.
• Have at least 2 copies of each checklist for instructor candidates playing the role of instructor during the stations
practiced in this lesson.
• Have at least 2 copies of the corresponding student checklist for the stroke scale(s) being used.
Instructor Candidate Materials
For this lesson, instructor candidates need Lesson 3 from the ASLS Instructor Manual and the ASLS stroke
syndrome scenarios and skills testing checklists in Appendix B for the stroke scale(s) being used in the
Instructor Essentials Course.
Discussion: ASLS Provider Course Lesson 3
• At the start of this lesson, have instructor candidates review the Skills Evaluations and Using the Skills
Testing Checklists sections in the ASLS Instructor Manual.
• Be sure that instructor candidates have a strong understanding around the objective and uniform testing
of students and the ASLS skills testing checklists.
• Have instructor candidates turn to Lesson 3 in the ASLS Instructor Manual. Discuss with instructor
candidates that this lesson is for administering part B of the ASLS skills testing stations.
Part 1: Prebriefing
ASLS Provider Course Lesson 3: Skills Testing Station, Part B: Stroke Syndrome Evaluation
• This lesson serves as a guide to administer the stroke syndrome evaluation testing station.
• Review the importance of prebriefing and orient the instructor candidates to the provided script located
in the lesson plan.
• Students will be tested one at a time.
• Students should select the same stroke scale they used during part A, depending on their local protocols.
• Students should be provided a blank student checklist for the preselected stroke scale to fill out during
the evaluation. Students should be reminded to verbalize their findings for each stroke exam component.
Advanced Stroke Life Support® Blended-Learning Instructor Essentials Faculty Guide 28
© 2022 American Heart Association and University of Miami
• Inform instructor candidates that students can use the ASLS Reference Guide during this evaluation
Part 2: Review Stroke Syndromes
• Review symptoms of stroke syndromes and ensure that instructor candidates know how to act them out
correctly if they will be in this role during student courses.
– Left hemisphere stroke
– Right hemisphere stroke
– Brainstem stroke
– Cerebellar stroke
• Review the standardized patient scripts for each syndrome, especially the tips for correctly portraying
each of the findings. These can be found for each stroke scale in Appendix B of the ASLS Instructor
• The prehospital and in-hospital provider videos from the video case workshops in the ASLS Provider
Course videos are a good resource to review stroke syndrome findings with instructor candidates.
Part 3: Skills Testing Checklists
• Orient the instructor candidates to Appendix B of the ASLS Instructor Manual to locate the skills testing
• Review sample skills testing checklists for part B with the instructor candidates.
• Review the case lead-ins for prehospital and in-hospital provider settings and vital signs, and remind
instructors to read these to the students at the beginning of the case.
• Remind instructor candidates that they are not to give hints or coaching during skills testing.
• Tell instructor candidates that they should review each stroke scale component and the student’s
findings when the student has concluded conducting the exam.
• Remind instructor candidates to read the questions at the bottom of the checklists about identification of
the stroke syndrome and correct destination for the patient.
• Let instructor candidates know that if remediation is needed, they can refer to the Remediation section
of Part 1: General Concepts of the ASLS Instructor Manual.
Play Video: Part B: Stroke Syndrome Evaluation
Navigate to the Part B: Stroke Syndrome Evaluation video within the ASLS Instructor Essentials Course video
menu for an example of conducting a part B test. There are both prehospital and in-hospital provider video
• Ask instructor candidates if they have any questions before proceeding with the part B practice.
Instructor Candidates Practice: Part B: Stroke Syndrome Evaluation
• Each part B testing case is designed to test the student’s ability to perform their chosen stroke syndrome
evaluation correctly and identify the correct syndrome or stroke mimic, and then determine the best
destination for the patient on the basis of their stroke system of care.
• There are multiple scenarios for each stroke syndrome or stroke mimic from which the instructor may
• Stroke syndrome evaluation testing should take place with 1 student, 1 instructor, and 1 standardized
patient or patient actor (Note: This may be portrayed by another instructor).
• Remind instructor candidates that students marked as “Needs Remediation” on part B must be retested
on a different stroke syndrome after remediation.
Learning Objectives
• Demonstrate the administration of skills testing with the use of the skills testing checklists
• Demonstrate prebriefing and structured debriefing skills
• Describe effective AHA Instructor feedback and remediation techniques
Faculty Tips
• Before teaching this lesson, thoroughly review Lessons 4 and 5 in Part 5: ASLS Lesson Plans in the ASLS Instructor
Manual and the corresponding ASLS Provider Course videos.
• In addition, be sure to review the ASLS stroke simulation scenarios and skills testing checklists.
• Have at least 2 copies of each complete simulation scenario for instructor candidates playing the role of instructor
during the stations practiced in this lesson.
Instructor Candidate Materials
For this lesson, instructor candidates need Lessons 4 and 5 from the ASLS Instructor Manual and the ASLS
stroke simulation scenarios for their track (prehospital provider or in-hospital provider).
Discussion: ASLS Provider Course Lessons 4 and 5
• At the start of this lesson, have instructor candidates review the Skills Evaluations and Using the Skills
Testing Checklists sections in the ASLS Instructor Manual.
• Be sure that instructor candidates have a strong understanding around the objective and uniform testing
of students and the ASLS skills testing checklists.
• Have instructor candidates turn to Lessons 4 and 5. Discuss with instructor candidates that these lessons
are for administering part C of the ASLS skills testing stations.
• Review the stroke simulation scenarios and skills testing checklists for part C practice and testing with the
instructor candidates.
Part 1: Prebriefing
ASLS Provider Course Lessons 4 and 5: Skills Testing Station, Part C: Stroke Simulation Scenario Practice
and Testing
• These lessons serve as a guide to administer the stroke simulation scenario practice and testing stations.
• Review the importance of prebriefing and orient the instructor candidates to the provided script located
in the lesson plan.
• Students will be tested one at a time.
• Students should be provided blank paper to take notes when they are receiving the scenario case
Learning Objectives
• Identify the prerequisites to becoming an AHA Instructor
• Describe the requirements for how to maintain an AHA Instructor status
Faculty Tip
Make sure to have a copy of the Instructor Essentials exam for each instructor candidate.
Part 1: Course Conclusion
Discussion: Course Conclusion
At the end of the ASLS Instructor Essentials Course, discuss the following with instructor candidates:
• Encourage instructor candidates to become familiar with the ASLS instructor materials discussed
throughout this course.
– Instructor candidates can also refer to the FAQ found in their instructor candidate workbook and FAQ
for the ASLS Provider Course found on the Instructor Network.
• Answer any questions that the instructor candidates have about the instructor materials, the courses, or
AHA protocols and procedures.
• Summarize what instructor candidates have learned, referencing the learning objectives featured in
Lesson 1: Course Introduction in this faculty guide.
• Remind instructor candidates that, to become an ASLS Instructor, they must first pass the Instructor
Essentials exam and then be monitored teaching the first course within 6 months after completing the
ASLS Instructor Essentials Course.
– Instructor candidates can refer to the Recruiting and Mentoring Instructors section in Part 1: General
Concepts of the ASLS Instructor Manual for information on how to encourage students in the ASLS
Provider Course to become instructors.
• Discuss the requirements for how to maintain instructor status.
• Discuss any TC-specific policies or protocols with instructor candidates and remind them of the
importance of registering on the Instructor Network after being monitored teaching their first class.
– Optional: Have instructor candidates turn to the Quick Self-Quiz found in their instructor candidate
workbook and discuss the questions with them as a review before taking the exam.
• Distribute and collect course evaluations either before or after the Instructor Essentials exam.
Part 2: ASLS Instructor Essentials Exam
ASLS Instructor Essentials Exam
• Distribute an answer sheet and exam to each instructor candidate.
• As instructor candidates complete the exam, collect their exams and grade them.
• Regardless of their score, all instructor candidates should be given their exam results and be allowed the
opportunity to review and ask questions.
• For instructor candidates who need remediation, follow these steps: