VB QP 2024 Model
VB QP 2024 Model
VB QP 2024 Model
2. Expansion of ADO is__________ 12. (a) What are the uses of property Window(or)
(a) Active X Data Object (b) Describe the uses of combo box.
(b) Active Data Object
(c) Active X Datum Object 13. (a)Explain the scope of a variable.(or)
(d) Active X Data Objective (b)Explain any one control statement.
3. A database is a collection of ________ 14. (a) Write short notes on Flexgrid Control.(or)
(a) Data (b) Table (c) Column (d) Row (b) Enumerate the several features of Data Grid Control
4. Which statement forces variable declaration to be 15. (a) Write about Inputbox() and MsgBox() function with
explicit? an example (or)
(a) option explicit (b) What are data types in VB? Explain
(b) statement explicit
(c) declaration explicit Section C (5 X 5= 25)
(d) variable explicit 16. (a) Write about MDI Forms.(or)
(b) Explain in detail about Mouse events.
5. _________structure is used for selectively execute a
single block of statement from among multiple block 17. (a) Enumerate the various differences between Check
of statements. Box and Option Button. (or)
(a) Select-case (b) Outline the features of ADO data Control
(b) If-then-else
(c) Do While 18. (a) Write Short notes on ActiveX control.(or)
(d) For Statement (b)Write notes on Drive Listbox, Directory Listbox and
File Listbox.
6. Which event is fired when there is a change is the
contents of the text box? 19. (a) Explain Common Dialog Control with Suitable
(a) Mouse event example.(or)
(b) Change event (b)Discuss about toolbox.
(c) Click event
(d) Mouse move event 20. (a) Write about private,public keywords.(or)
(b)Explain ODBC Concepts.
7. Which one of the tool for quickly navigating through
a long list of item or large amount of information?
(a) List box
(b) Scroll box
(c) Combo box
(d) Check box