Physiology 2016
Physiology 2016
Physiology 2016
is like a rain of photons of d/t frequencies
Why are plants look GREEN?
Plastids are cytoplasmic organells of plant cell
Chromoplasts &
are colorless/non-pigmented plastids
Amayloplast Starch
• are pigmented plastids
• are non chlorophyllous
• Are used to manufacture and store carotenoids
• Red, orange, brown/ yellow
e.g., carotenes,
So, they are used to give color for fruits, flower, roots and
Chloroplast is a site of photosynthesis
trap light energy & convert it to chemical energy
Common and most vital plastids
distribute equally all over the cytoplasm
Chloroplast contains its own DNA, RNA & ribosomes
Many of the chloroplast proteins are products of chloroplast
Others are encoded by nuclear DNA, & imported into the
In Photosynthesis,
light energy is captured by chlorophyl
light energy → mechanical energy chemical energy
―Biosynthesis of C-cpd from CO2 & H2O by illuminated green cells, H2O & O2 as by-product
Photosynthesis is a REDOX rxn i.e.,
photochemical oxidation (H2 donor)
reduction mechanism (CO2)
• Photosynthesis has two parts/stages
1-Light Rxn ( photo part)
2- Dark Rxn ( synthesis part)
1- Light dependent phase/ light rxn
Occurs in grana/ thylakoid membrane.
Also called ‘Photochemical’ phase, B/c it includes
light absorption by chlorophyll
photolysis of water/ splitting water in to es +H+ +O2
*A reaction centre in PS I has absorption peak at 700 nm, hence it is called P700
non-cyclic photophosphorylation
2-Light independent phase
Occurs in the stroma
Also known Dark Rxn = Calvin cycle
Calvin cycle proceeds in three stages
i. Carboxylation
ii. Reduction
iii. Regeneration
i. Carboxylation
ii. Reduction
a series of reactions that lead to the formation of
Overall reaction of Reduction
iii. Regeneration
Regeneration of RuBP/ PEP is crucial for the cycle
to be continued in uninterrupted manner.
Three ways of C-fixation
CAM cycle
C3 Pathways/C3 cycle
The 1O CO2 acceptor is Ribuluse 1,5-Bisphosphate
Use an Enzyme Called RuBisCO to fix CO2
RubisCO is the most abundant enzyme
This occurs in the mesophyll cells
Palisade or Spongy mesophyll cell
The 1st cpd formed is Phosphogylceric Acid (PGA-a 3C-cpd)
The main stages of the light-independent reactions are:
• carbon dioxide reacts with ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP)
this is a reduction reaction using hydrogen ions from reduced NADP and
energy from ATP
whilst some is used to form glucose and other useful organic compounds.
summary of the light-independent reactions
three ‗turns of the cycle‘ result in an
output of one molecule of GP/TP.
Six turns of the cycle would give an output of two
molecules of TP – enough to make one molecule of
GP/TP can also be converted to lipids, amino acids and
from these into nucleotides and all the other organic
molecules found in plants.
TP is the basis for the synthesis of all organic molecules.
C4 Pathways /‘Hatch-Slack Pathway’
PEPcase has a much higher affinity for CO2 than does RubisCO
C4 plants can carry out photosynthesis at low CO2 concentration
Photosynthesis: Dark Rxn
3-CAM Pathways/ Crassulacean Acid Metabolism cycle
Close Have diurnal stomatal pattern
The 1st cpd is OAA and converted to malic acid & stored in vacuole.
Key points:
• Photorespiration is a wasteful pathway that occurs when
the Calvin cycle enzyme rubisco acts on oxygen rather than
carbon dioxide.
• The majority of plants are C3 plants, which have no special
features to combat photorespiration.
• C4plants minimize photorespiration by separating
initialCO2 fixation and the Calvin cycle in space,
performing these steps in different cell types.
->spacial d/ce
• Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) plants minimize
photorespiration and save water by separating these steps in
time, between night and day.
->temporal d/ce 35
Factors Affecting Photosynthesis
The limiting factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis
can be categorized into internal and external groups
Internal External
chlorophyll content Rate of O2:CO2
protoplasmic factors light intensity
nutrition (macro/micro)
Water availability
Internal factors
Chlorophyll content
The actual rate of photosynthesis increases as chloro- phyll
content increases.
About 20 to 100 Chloroplasts / Mesophyll Cell in Leaves
Rate of Photosynthesis
External factors
Ratio of O2 : CO2 in cells
If ↓O2 but ↑ CO2, Normal photosynthesis i.e., Calvin
Cycle Dominates
↑[CO2] can ↑rates of Photosynthesis
Maxrate fixn
Rate of photosynthesis
CO2 conc.
Within physio Trange, ↑Temp will ↑ rate of PS
Below Normal Ranges, PS Slows or Stops
Light intensity
Light quality
Duration of light
Light intensity
Light quality
Chl absorbs light in Blue (λ = 450nm) & Red (λ = 660nm)
These are the Photosynthetic Wavelengths of Light
Called Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)
Factors Affecting
Duration of light
Quantum yield high exposed to continuous daylight of 10 -
4.2. Respiration
What is Plant Respiration?
plants do not have any specialized organs like lungs to
breathe rather they respire.
Plants respire with the help of lenticels and stomata which
carry out the function of the gaseous exchange.
• The method by which cells get chemical energy by the
consumption of oxygen and the liberating of carbon dioxide
is called respiration.
• In order to carry on respiration, plant cells require oxygen
and a means of disposing of carbon dioxide just as animal
cells do.
• In plants, every part such as root, stem executes respiration
as plants do not possess any particular organs like animals
for the exchange of gases.
• All living organisms respire in order to release energy from
glucose and make it available in the form of ATP for chemical,
osmotic and other work.
• Plants respire in the normal way using glycolysis, Krebs cycle,
oxidative phosphorylation , etc.
• Plants need energy to take in mineral salts from the soil where
they are present in very low concentration - this needs work
(energy) to concentrate the mineral inside the plant.
• Plants growing in waterlogged soils (which are short of oxygen)
cannot respire in their roots and soon show the symptoms of
shortage of minerals (like yellow leaves).
• Moving sugars around the plant seems to require energy as
dead phloem cells do not transport sugars.
• Complex chemicals (like proteins) need energy to make them
from simple chemicals - again the plants need a supply of
energy to do this. 47
4.2.1. Glycolysis
• Glycolysis- is the process in which one glucose molecule is
broken down to form two molecules of pyruvic acid
is the first stages of respiration
Is anaerobic respiration
It does not require oxygen.
It breaks down one glucose molecule in to two pyruvate molecules.
It Produces two net ATP molecules (4 gross ATP).
It Produces two NADH molecules
It takes place in cytoplasm
Glycolysis is found in animals, plants and microorganism.
Glycolysis involves ten enzymatic reactions. ( See the figure below )
This pathway is used by anaerobic as well as aerobic organisms.
4.2.2. Krebs cycle and Electron Transport Chain
Kreb’s cycle
-the Kreb‘s cycle also called The Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) cycle or Citric
acid cycle
-is aerobic respiration stage
-is considered as central pathway of aerobic metabolism,
Steps of the Krebs cycle
-acetyl CoA combines with oxaloacetic acid to form citric acid.
-takes place in mitochondrial matrix
*In one turn of TCA cycle:
– 2molecules of carbon dioxide are formed
– 1 ATP is formed,
– 3 NADH molecule s are formed
– 1 FADH is formed .
*In the complete (two turns) of TCA:
– 4carbon dioxide molecules are released,
– 2ATP molecules are formed
– 6NADH are produced
– 2FADH2 are produced
Electron Transport Chain
• The electron transport chain is a series of four protein
complexes that couple redox reactions, creating an
electrochemical gradient that leads to the creation of ATP
in a complete system named oxidative phosphorylation.
• In aerobic respiration, electron transport is the final step in
the break-down of glucose.
• It is also the point at which most of the ATP is produced.
• high-energy electrons and hydrogen ions from NADH and
FADH2 produced in the Krebs cycle are used to convert ADP
to ATP.
• An electron transport chain (ETC)
is a series of protein complexes and other molecules
that transfer electrons from electron donors to electron
acceptors via redox reactions (both reduction and oxidation
occurring simultaneously) and couples this electron transfer
with the transfer of protons (H+ ions) across a membrane.
• The electron transport chain releases the energy stored
within the reduced hydrogen carriers in order to synthesise
• This is called oxidative phosphorylation, as the energy to
synthesise ATP is derived from the oxidation of hydrogen
Oxidative phosphorylation occurs over a number of distinct
• Proton pumps create an electrochemical gradient (proton
motive force)
• ATP synthase uses the subsequent diffusion of protons
(chemiosmosis) to synthesise ATP
• Oxygen accepts electrons and protons to form water
Electron Transport Chain
- occurs in mitochondrial cristae
-is aerobic stages of respiration
-is the final step in the break-down of glucose
-most of the ATP is produced here fromNADHandFADH2.
-H+ ions then diffuse down their concentration gradient
back across the membrane and into the matrix through
ATP synthase molecules in chemiosmosis.
-Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in ETC.
- Protons and electrons are transferred to oxygen to form
in the phloem
Phloem anatomy
Phloem is much complex tissue than xylem, b/c
xylem is composed of vessels, tracheids, xylem fibres and xylem
Phloem is composed of:
sieve tubes,
companion cells,
phloem fibres and
phloem parenchyma.
The main components are
Sieve tubes /Sieve tube elements
Companion cells
The sieve tube members are living cells (which do not contain a nucleus) that are
responsible for transporting carbohydrates throughout the plant.
Function of companion cell is to load sugar and amino acids into sieve
Companion cell
1o Phloem
1o Xylem
The distinguishing feature of phloem tissue is the conducting
cell called the sieve element/sieve tube.
Sieve tubes
Sieve elements:
arranged longitudinally end to end
have protoplasts (p-protein=phloem protein)
have no nucleus and
have reduced numbers of organelles to maximize space
for the translocation of materials.
have thick and rigid cell walls to withstand the hydrostatic
pressures which facilitate flow
sieve plates: separated by perforated end wall
-have thin & extensible cellulose wall, i.e.
Porous cross walls
-narrow as compared to xylem vessels 62
• The perforations in sieve plates allow water and dissolved
organic solutes to flow along the sieve tube.
• The sieve plates are lined with callose.
• the pores of the sieve area are relatively large and are
found grouped in a specific area, they are known as sieve
• Sieve plates are typically found in the end walls of sieve-
tube members and provide a high degree of protoplasmic
continuity between consecutive sieve-tube members.
• Additional pores are found in sieve areas located in lateral
• Sieve plates are the connecting and transport tissue in
• Sieve plates allow the food to pass through the phloem
• The tiny pores present on these tubes helps in the
transport and absorption of food particles.
• Thes have long and elongated structures that connect the
roots and all other parts of plants. 64
Characteristics of sieve elements in seed plants
Sieve tube in Angiosperms:
Some sieve areas differentiated into plates;
Sieve cells in Gymnosperms:
No sieve plates; all sieve areas are similar
No p-protein,
Companion Cells
are parenchymal type of cells
Phloem anatomy
Mechanism of phloem translocation
What is transported in phloem?
->the chemical composition of phloem exudate is highly variable.
It depends on:
-the species,
-age, and
-physiological condition of the tissue sampled.
For e.g., an analysis of phloem exudate from stems of actively growing castor bean
(Ricinus communis) shows that the exudate contains:
-> sugars,
-> protein, amino acids,
-> the organic acid malate,
-> avariety of inorganic anions (phosphate,sulphate, and chloride)
-> cations (the predominant is potassium).
-> Some plant hormones (auxin, cytokinin, and gibberellin) but at very low
The principal constituent of phloem exudate in most species is sugar.
Phloem transports photo assimilates:
-from the site of formation (source-eg. mesophyll cell of leaf
-To the site of consumption or storage (sinks).
Sinks include:
-> areas of active growth (apical and lateral meristems,
developing leaves, flowers, seeds, and fruits)
or areas of sugar storage (roots, tubers, and bulbs).
Storage locations can be either a source or a sink, depending
on the plant‘s stage of development and the season.
1- Ringing experiment :
Cyclosis (cytoplasmic streaming)
• According to this, moving protoplasm carries the solutes within the
sieve elements and the protoplasmic fluid moves from cell to cell
through large protoplasmic connections across the sieve plates.
• A circular movement or Cyclosis of living protoplasm has been
observed in many different plant cells.
• On the basis that sieve tubes are living system, so that cytoplasmic
streaming /cyclosis in sieve elements operates in the sieve tubes.
• Thus substance would be carried downward or upward
i.e., is the flow of the cytoplasm inside the cell, driven by forces
from the cytoskeleton.
Pressure-flow hypothesis/ model
states that ―a flow of solution in the sieve elements is driven
by an osmotically generated pressure gradient b/n source&sink.
This is the most commonly accepted hypothesis to explain the
movement of sugars in phloem.
*a high concentration of sugar at the source creates a low solute
potential (Ψs), which draws water into the phloem from the
adjacent xylem.
*This creates a high pressure potential (Ψp), or high turgor
pressure, in the phloem.
*The high turgor pressure drives movement of phloem sap by
―bulk flow‖ from source to sink, where the sugars are rapidly
removed from the phloem at the sink.
*Removal of the sugar increases the Ψs, which causes water to
leave the phloem and return to the xylem, decreasing Ψp.
In source tissue, phloem loading leads to a buildup of sugars
Makes low (-ve) solute potential
Causes a steep drop in water potential
In response to this new water potential gradient, water
enters sieve elements from xylem
In sink tissue, phloem unloading leads to lower sugar concentration
Makes a higher (+ve) solute potential
Water potential increases
Water leaves phloem and enters sink sieve elements and
• Thus phloem turgor pressure decreases
N.B Translocation stops if the phloem tissue is killed.
Mechanism of translocation
Phloem Loading: Where do the solutes come from?
In a process called sieve element loading, sugars are transported
into the sieve elements and companion complex cells.
Sugars become more concentrated in sieve elements and companion
cells than in mesophyll cells.
Once in the sieve element /companion cell complex sugars are
transported away from the source tissue – called export.
Symplastic phloem loading
What is apoplastic and symplastic pathways?
Apoplast Pathways:
Water goes from root hairs to xylem entirely via the cell
wall, without crossing any membranes, via the apoplast
Symplast Pathways:
Water moves from cell to cell through protoplasm through
the symplast route, which is aided by plasmodesmata.
Phloem unloading
Three steps
(1) Sieve element unloading:
– Transported sugars leave the sieve elements of sink tissue
(2) Short distance transport:
– After sieve element unloading, sugars transported to cells
in the sink by means of a short distance pathway
(3) storage and metabolism:
– Sugars are stored or metabolized in sink cells
Phloem unloading
Can also occur by symplastic or apoplastic pathways
Varies greatly from growing vegetative organs (root tips and young
leaves) to storage tissue (roots and stems) to reproductive organs
Appears to be a completely symplastic pathway in young dicot leaves
Again, moves through open plasmodesmata
Phloem unloading
Apoplastic: three types
(1) transport from the sieve element-companion cell complex
to successive sink cells, occurs in the apoplast. [see fig B
Once sugars are taken back into the symplast of adjoining
cells transport is symplastic
(2) [Fig A below ] involves an apoplastic step close to the
sieve element companion cell.
(3) [B] involves an apoplastic step further from the sieve
element companion cell
• Both involve movement through the plant cell wall
Patterns of Phloem translocation
Translocation of Phloem Sap
Phloem translocation is defined with respect to source sink.
Phloem sap is an aqueous solution of
amino acids
Sugar source
is a plant organ:
site of photosynthesis (leaves)
site of breakdown of starch
Sugar sink
is a plant organ: non-photosynthesis
net consumer (roots, shoots , young leaves ,
storage organ (tubers, bulbs, fruits, seeds)
Factor affecting Phloem Translocation
The lowest To retards translocation
Low light intensity inhibits root & shoot growth
Metabolic effect
factors affecting rate of respiration affect rate of translocation
# Why plants transport sugars as sucrose and not glucose?
It is interesting to speculate on why sucrose is the preferred vehicle for
long-distance translocation of photoassimilate.
* The possibility is that:
-sucrose is a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose
-is non-reducing sugars.
-nonreactive in alkaline solution b/c the acetal link b/n the
subunits is stable.
-has a low viscosity even at high concentrations and has no
reducing end and
-is thus considered more inert than glucose, which is the major
transport form in animals.
* all monosaccharides are reducing sugars & have a free aldehyde or ketone
group that is capable of reducing mild oxidizing agents.
*During photosynthesis, glucose is produced.
Before it is transported, glucose is converted to sucrose.
Finally it will be stored in the form of starch.
6. Introduction to Nitrogen Metabolism
Nitrogen is a naturally occurring element that is essential for growth and
reproduction in both plants and animals.
It is found in:
-nucleic acids (DNA&RNA)hereditary material, life's blue print for all cells.
Nitrogen metabolism
About 80% of the atmosphere is composed of N2
N2 fixed in nature is ~ 230 x 106 Tm/ annum
13 % is fixed by electric storms e.g., nitric acid
87 % is result of biological fixation
e.g., 80% is fixed via symbiotic associations
20% is fixed via free living organisms
The main steps in the N-cycle include:
i. Nitrogen fixation: N2 → → → NH3 [bacteria]
ii. Decomposition/Ammonification: releasing of excess NH3 & NH4+
from dead plants & animals , including their waste products like urine, fece
iii. Nitrification: NH3 & NH4+ → →NO2- → → NO3-
iv. Denitrification: NO2- & NO3- → → N2 …..[bacteria]
Sources of nitrogen
I-Nitrate nitrogen:
decomposition of OM NO3- in the soil
NO3- NH4+ within living plant cells,
various enzymes are involved in this process
e.g, nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase,
nitric oxide reductase, hyponitrite reductase,
hydroxylamine reductase
II-Ammonia nitrogen:
NH+4 is a cation and so held tightly to soil particles
Biological Non-biological
N2 + 3H2 2NH3
Natural fixation
Major steps in which nitrogen from the soil is assimilated in to the plants
system are
i. nitrate reduction,
Nitrate reduction:
Reduction of hydroxylamine
hydroxylamine to ammonia
7. Growth & development of plant
Growth: What is growth?
Growth can be defined as an irreversible permanent increase in size,
weight, length, volume & Surface area of an organ or its parts or
even of an individual cell.
Growth is accompanied by metabolic processes (both anabolic and catabolic) that occur
at the expense of energy. For example, expansion of a leaf is growth.
Growth describes a quantitative change in a plant or a plant part.
• Plant growth is unique because plants retain the capacity for unlimited
growth throughout their life.=>indeterminate growth
This ability of the plants is due to the presence of meristems.
These meristems have the capacity to divide and self-perpetuate.
Growth takes place at specific regions in the plant body.
These growth regions are:
i. 10 growth regions- are apices of shoot & root
ii. 20 growth regions- are cork and vascular cambium
Summary of plant growth
1-Primary growthprimary tissue in lengthby SAM
primary tissues :-Tissues that are derived directly from the root
and shoot apical meristems.
Ii-External factors e.g., light, air, water, mineral, gravity, temperature, day length
Growth Kinetics :
i- Cell formation
ii-Cell elongation
iii-Cell differentiation
Cell formation:
basic process in growth
increase the No of cells in mitotic division in all
somatic cells
rate of division depends on the
type of cells
type of species
other conditions (physical, chemical)
Cell elongation:
increase in:
cell size and volume: cytoplasmic content
number of organelles
adding organic material
addition of water
each cell grows to the limit: the cell divides before it
reaches the limit
Cell differentiation:
Dedifferentiation-mature plant cells can be stimulated under certain
conditions to divide and differentiate again,
This usually occurs when tissues are wounded,
as when branches break or
leaves are damaged by insects
plant repairs itself by dedifferentiating parenchyma cells in the
vicinity of the wound, making cells like those injured or else
physiologically similar cells.
• Plants differ from animals in their manner of growth.
• As young animals mature, all parts of their bodies grow until they
reach a genetically determined size for each species.
• Plant growth, on the other hand, continues throughout the life span of
the plant and is restricted to certain meristematic tissue regions only.
Plant Growth Analysis
According to their physiological basis Sigmoid (growth)
curve has five phases
Phase-1------Lag phase
Phase-2------Exponential phase
Phase-3------Linear phase
Phase-4------Declining phase
Phase-5------Negative phase
Zygote Embryo Seed
The lag phase is the adaptation phase for the organism where they
Phase 4: Declining phase
total dry weight become decreases
Phase 5: Negative phase
total dry weight decreases with time
♣ slope of the curve is negative
Plant Growth Regulator Substances (Hormones)
Abscisic acid
first to be identified in plants
Either natural or synthetic chemicals
Auxins tend to migrate away from light
B/c the phototropins/photoreceptor proteins /flavoproteins
are more active on the side with light, causing the
auxin to flow down the shady side by mediate
phototropism responses in higher plants.
Photoreceptors are proteins that plants use to correctly
interpret light and activate processes to regulate
downstream signaling pathways which influence plant
physiology, growth, and development.
the most widely distributed natural auxin is Indole-3-
Acetic Acid, IAA (C10H9O2N)
IAA is synthesized in meristems, young leaves, and
Besides IAA, Indolebutyric acid (IBA),
Indole -3- acetaldehyde (IAAID),
Indole -3- ethanol (IETOH) and
Indole pyruvic acid (IPYA)
Indole Propanoic Acid (IPA),
are synthetically occurring Auxins Hormones
Roles of auxin:
preventing leaf fall – by preventing formation of
abscission layer /i.e., delays the onset of leaf abscission
xylem maturation and differentiation
influences nearly every stage of a plant's life cycle from
germination to senescence.
Auxin promotes fruit development
promotes the formation of lateral and adventitious roots
regulates apical dominance
promote growth in stems, while inhibiting growth in root,
i.e, ↓conc. Auxins------promotes root formation
↑conc. Auxins------inhibits root formation
Agricultural application of auxins:
promoting germination by reducing dormancy
rooting – soaking stem cuttings of roses produces
adventitious roots if appropriate conc. is used
preventing premature drop of fruits/Improve fruiting
Serve as weed control herbicide by 2-4 D (2-4-
dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)
suppression of lateral bud growth
auxins promote cytokinins formation
investigated from rice affecting fungus known as Gibberella
G. fujikuroi results ‗bakanae‘ (foolish seedling) disease of rice
isolated chemical named Gibberellins.
Common types of Gibberellins are
GA1 (C19H24O6)
GA2 (C19H26O6)
GA3 (C19H22O6)
GA4 (C19H24O5)
GA3 is reported from large number of plants
Roles of Gibberellins:
Breaking dormancy
initiating seed germination
Inhibiting root growth at high conc.
Initiating Stem elongation
Inhibiting flowering in fruit trees
May result male sterility by suppressing growth of
produced from component of Nucleic Acid
Natural growth hormones found in d/t plants
‗Zeatin‘ is the most abundant naturally occurring free
• Cytokinins are synthesized in roots, developing embryos, young leaves
and fruits
• A major site of cytokinin biosynthesis in higher plants is the root.
Roles of Cytokinins:
Increasing rate of cell division
Enlargement of cells in leaves
Formation of cambium
Promoting germination by breaking dormancy
Delay of senescence (aging & death of plants)
Promoting translocation of solutes
Promoting flowering
Nucleic acid metabolism
Protein synthesis
promoting fruits ripening
move by diffusion
Roles of ABA
Causing seed dormancy
Encourage leaf senescence
Leaf abscission
Influencing release of ethylene
Inhibiting other hormones like GA and IAA
Inhibition of shoot growth (suppresses bud growth)
Stomatal functioning by its effect on guard cells related to k+
transport in response to water stress
Signal for induction of drought, heat, cold and salt stress genes
A typical effect of ABA on leaves is to reduce transpirational
8.2.1 Harmful interactions between plants, pathogens and herbivores
1 -mechanical barriers,
1. Mechanical barriers offer the first line of defence
against pests &pathogens for several species of plants that