Warm-up Activity (Câu hỏi thảo luận nhóm)
1. Do you like writing in your native language? What do you usually write
2. What is your most unforgettable writing experience in either language?
3. What areas of writing are easy for you? What areas are challenging?
4. How do you like writing in English? When do you write in English?
5. What makes good writing in your native language? In English?
6. What are the purposes of writing?
7. What do you think academic writing is?
8. What expectations do you have when you study a academic writing
Find out the
similarities and
differences Academic writing are the traits taught while writing essays
between those for college or university that can be useful in the workplace.
definitions of Academic writing involves communicating ideas clearly and
concisely and conveying arguments in a logical and
convincing manner. The skills used in this kind of writing
Writing’. are transferable to a range of workplace tasks, so many
employers look for these skills in candidates (Indeed UK,
Academic writing is writing which communicates ideas, information and
research to the wider academic community. It can be divided into 2 types:
(i) student academic writing, which is used as a form of assessment at
university as preparation for study; and (ii) expert academic writing, which
is writing that is intended for publication in an academic journal or book.
Both types of academic writing (student & expert) are expected to adhere
to same standards (EAP Foundation, 2024). 5
Class Activities (Câu hỏi thảo luận nhóm)
• It is a concise, focused and well structured writing. (Là một bài viết cô đọng,
tập trung và có cấu trúc tốt)
• Its evidence is in a form of references which support what is written to propose
theories and ideas. (tài liệu tham khảo là bằng chứng hỗ trợ những lý thuyết
và ý tưởng được viết)
• It has a clear on focus the research problem under investigation (có sự tập
trung rõ ràng vào vấn đề nghiên cứu)
• The first step to writing academically is to clearly define the purpose of
writing and audience. (Bước đầu tiên để viết một cách học thuật là xác định rõ
ràng mục đích của bài viết và người đọc)
Clear and limited focus Logical structure
The argument or Academic writing follows a logical, straightforward structure.
research question (the • The introduction provides background information, lays
focus of an academic out the scope and direction of essay, and states the thesis
paper) is established or argument.
early by the thesis
statement. • The body paragraphs support the thesis statement, with
each body paragraph elaborating on one supporting point.
Every paragraph and
sentence of paper • The conclusion refers back to the thesis, summarizes the
connects back to that main points, and highlights the implications of the paper’s
primary focus. findings. Each sentence and paragraph logically connects
to the next in order to present a clear argument.
1. Introduction
This research focuses on pension policies in Vietnam. Specifically, it
studies whether the pension policies have taken into account concerns
and expectations of their important stakeholders: the old-aged in Vietnam.
Motivation for this research is a concern about socio-economic conditions
of the old-aged. There is a modest proportion of the population
participating in Vietnam’s pension programs. At the same time, the
likelihood of being taken care of by family members when getting old is
becoming less common. Therefore, many people are vulnerable to
poverty when getting older.
There have been many reforms in pension policies in Vietnam since 1995
to increase participation in the pension program …. 11
1. Wordiness.
2. A vague or missing thesis statement.
3. Informal language.
4. Description without analysis.
5. Not citing sources.
1. Wordiness. If you find yourself writing a sentence over 25 words long,
try to divide it into two or three separate sentences for improved
2. A vague or missing thesis statement. Your thesis statement must be
clear. Each body paragraph needs to tie into that thesis statement.
3. Informal language. Academic writing should not include slang or
conversational language.
4. Description without analysis. Do not simply repeat your source
materials. Rather, analyze how the materials relate to your point.
5. Not citing sources. Any ideas that are not your own need to be cited.
Find academic information from reliable resources (journals, books,
conference proceedings).
Nhận xét về các đoạn viết sau trong 1 khóa luận
Theo VAS 02 - Hàng tồn kho, giá trị hàng tồn kho được xác định: “Hàng
tồn kho tính theo giá gốc. Trường hợp giá trị thuần có thể thực hiện được
thấp hơn giá gốc thì phải tính theo giá trị thuần có thể thực hiện được”.
Hàng hóa mua vào ở thời điểm khác nhau sẽ có giá gốc khác nhau. Tùy vào
công tác quản lý kho và tính chất hàng hóa, mỗi doanh nghiệp có thể sử
dụng phương pháp khác nhau để tính giá trị hàng tồn kho và giá trị hàng
xuất kho để dùng hay để bán.
Theo quy định hiện hành, có ba phương pháp xác định giá trị hàng tồn kho:
1. Phương pháp tính theo giá đích danh;
2. Phương pháp nhập trước, xuất trước (FIFO); 15
Tổ chức công tác kế toán trong doanh nghiệp là quá trình xác định và
phân chia các nhiệm vụ kế toán, đồng thời phối hợp với các phòng ban
khác để thực hiện các công việc liên quan. Mục đích là tạo ra một hệ
thống kế toán toàn diện, đáp ứng hiệu quả các yêu cầu và mục tiêu của
doanh nghiệp. (Giáo trình Tổ chức công tác kế toán trong doanh nghiệp
trong điều kiện tin học hóa, Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh).
⚫ Link the below causes and effects together using the below
Why paraphrase?
⚫ To avoid plagiarism.
⚫ When we paraphrase…
i. we demonstrate our comprehension.
ii. we enhance our understanding by putting it in our own
⚫ If you can explain something in your own words, then you
have a good understanding of a topic.
Thực hành.
Please read the following sentence and determine which of the
sentences below is the best paraphrase:
"College students often struggle with financing their education”.
❑ Paraphrase 1: College students frequently have a hard time paying
for their schooling.
❑ Paraphrase 2: Financing their education is often a struggle for
college students.
❑ Paraphrase3: Obtaining financial assistance is a necessity for
many undergraduates.
⚫ How to paraphase? “5R”
Reword * Use
Reflect * Reword transitions: Review
* Choose all major Restructure “According
vocabular * Check
the * Change the to...”;
y words: your
Synonyms structure “As seen in...” paraphrase
n from the
* Use your * Use with the
passage * Use your
grammar Citations original
you want language:
(Author, Year) passage.
to use “Your
Voice” and a
Which of the following belong to each of the 5R (Reflect, Reword, Restructure,
Reference, Review)?
1. Find different ways of expressing the information in the groups of words
2. Check your version against the original to make sure you express the essential
information accurately.
3. Use quotation marks to indicate any phrase or concept you borrowed from
the original.
4. Rewrite sentences. Simplify the sentence structure and the vocabulary
without changing the meaning.
5. Read the original text until you understand its meaning fully. Underline, or
note, any important subject-specific words.
6. Record the source, with its page number, so that you can easily indicate it if
you need to incorporate it later into an essay.
7. Look up any difficult words and find synonyms for them.
Revision. “What is the difference between…”
Summarizing involves putting the Paraphrasing involves putting a
main idea(s) into your own words, passage from source material into
including only the main point(s). It your own words. A paraphrase
is necessary to attribute must also be attributed to the
summarized ideas to the original original source.
source. Paraphrased material is usually
Summaries are significantly shorter than the original passage,
shorter than the original. condensing it slightly.
summarize = make notes paraphrase = synthesise
Summarizing or Paraphrasing?
Thực hành: Đánh dấu chéo vào phương án bạn chọn.
Use when… Paraphra Summari
sing sing
Providing a brief overview of a text, e.g. a book, in one
sentence or in several paragraphs, depending on your
writing situation and audience
Using your own words is…
Using about the same number of words to convey the
meaning of the original source is…
You should include an in-text citation and reference when
you are…
⚫ Abbreviations: are an important and expanding feature of
contemporary English, widely used for convenience and space-
saving. Students need to be familiar with general and academic
⚫ many standard abbreviations have a full stop after them to show that it is
a shortened form
• lt. = litre
• govt. (government)
• co. (company)
• Oct. (October)
⚫ no standard pattern for using full stops, so both BBC & B.B.C. are used.
The important thing is to employ a consistent style in your work.
EU European Union
HRM human resource management
ICT information and communications technology
IMF International Monetary Fund
PLC public limited company
PR public relations
UN United Nations
VC Vice-Chancellor
WTO World Trade Organisation