EN 2021 SAP ECTR Creo
EN 2021 SAP ECTR Creo
EN 2021 SAP ECTR Creo
▪ Management of various object types from PTC
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gmbh or its affiliated company. “.riess engineering”, any products or services of .riess engineering or its affiliated company mentioned in this publication as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of
© 2021 .riess engineering gmbh or its affiliated company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express written permission of .riess engineering
Creo Parametric (ASM, PRT, DRW, LAY...)
▪ Management of structures with components
and references
▪ Management of part families
▪ Support of SAP Visual Enterprise by creating
and relaying preview images (thumbnails),
viewables and DMU data
▪ Synchronization of parameters (attributes)
between SAP PLM and PTC Creo
▪ Creation of materials and bills of material
SAP Engineering Control Center user interface (BOMs)
▪ Direct access to many more SAP functions
The SAP Engineering Control Center interface to
PTC Creo ensures a seamless and uniform
integration of the PTC Creo CAD software with SAP
PLM without the need to set up and maintain an YOUR BENEFITS
additional document management system, using
the native document management functions of the ▪ Integrated management of SAP PLM and SAP
existing SAP system. ERP product structures
▪ Non-redundant management of engineering
data (metadata and files) in a single system
▪ Faster access to up-to-date product data, e.g.
drawings, throughout the enterprise
▪ Increase of efficiency in product development
by linking drawings and models from PTC Creo
with SAP objects, e.g. materials
▪ Integrated engineering change management
and approval processes
▪ Integration with the business workflow
▪ Global availability of engineering data with
integrated management of permissions and
secured access only by authorized users
on trademarks, copyrights and legal notices.
.riess engineering europe gmbh Draisstraße 10, 76307 Karlsbad Tel.: +49 7202 / 707 – 0 box@riess.de www.riess.de
Facing the ever increasing variety and complexity of In the face of growing globalization and a constant
their products, companies manufacture more and demand for reducing product development times,
more individualized products, even up to custom- companies require software solutions to enable a
tailored lot sizes of 1. These products contain consistent flow of information and support the
hardware, electronics and software, each collaboration of users inside and outside the
developed with a different authoring system. Using enterprise.
SAP Engineering Control Center as a platform Valuable product data are not only required in
enables engineering and development teams to collaborative product development but are also
aggregate these diverse data sources to obtain a used in sales, production planning, manufacturing
concise overview of product data, and to complete preparation and order processing, thus accelerating
their tasks faster, more efficiently and successfully. processes while, at the same, time increasing data
security. SAP PLM is the perfect answer to these
▪ Efficiency increases throughout the entire requirements, giving its users secure Internet-
.riess engineering gmbh or its affiliated company. All other names of products or services are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. See https://www.riess.de/de/copyright_trademarks for more information
gmbh or its affiliated company. “.riess engineering”, any products or services of .riess engineering or its affiliated company mentioned in this publication as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of
© 2021 .riess engineering gmbh or its affiliated company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express written permission of .riess engineering
engineering process by means of an intuitive based access to all product- and process-related
user interface which allows simple and data throughout the entire product life cycle.
controlled access to product data
▪ Deployment of a complete and transparent
allround view of the product including data from DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT
mechanical engineering, electronics
engineering, software development and IN SAP PLM
simulation on a single, centralized platform
▪ The integration of all authoring systems used A key function of SAP PLM is the management of
along the value change with the SAP Business documents, such as technical drawings, 3-D
Suite reduces operational costs and minimizes models, NC programs and text documents. Other
the number of interfaces functions provided by SAP PLM include automatic
versioning, document classification or feature-
based search. The status net in SAP PLM describes
the path of a document through the enterprise from
creation to approval or archival. Individual status
nets can be defined for each document type used in
the enterprise.
SAP PLM will provide every employee with all
documents necessary to perform a task, regardless
SAP Engineering Contol Center: A of their location. Any access to these data is
comprehensive platform for the integration of controlled by SAP PLM’s flexible and powerful
authoring systems authorization concept.
More information on
SAP Engineering
Control Center,
please refer to:
More information:
.riess engineering europe gmbh Draisstraße 10, 76307 Karlsbad Tel.: +49 7202 / 707 – 0 box@riess.de www.riess.de