Zone Offense Playbook
Zone Offense Playbook
Zone Offense Playbook
Zone Offense
The Ulitmate Zone Offense Playbook
1 passes to 2. 4 passes to 2.
4 cuts to the corner. 2 passes to 1.
3 and 5 cut to the opposite block. 3 back screens the outside zone
2 passes to 4. defender.
5 flashes to the high post (occupies
middle defender)
1 passes to 4
Frame 3
Bowling Green: Cross vs. Zone Bowling Green: Cross vs. Zone
3 Rotates up and receive a pass from 1. 5 seals off the defender (x5) and receives a
5 screens zone for 4 flashing and opens up looking pass from 3.
for the ball.
Creighton: Lob vs. 2-3 Zone Creighton: Lob vs. 2-3 Zone
Frame 3
The baseline runner follows On pass to the corner, 4 dives, and 4 flash high elbow.
ball rotation. seals. 5 rotate to opposite elbow 3 swing
2 guards split the defense. 5 flashes to strong side elbow. to 2.
Bigs occupy elbows.
Frame 4 Frame 5
Overload With Ball Screen Vs. Zone Overload With Ball Screen Vs. Zone
Texas A&M: Lift vs. Zone Texas A&M: Lift vs. Zone
Frame 3
Frame 3
3, 4 and 5 set screens for 1 to pop back 4 dives toward the ball after setting the screen.
5 dives opposite of the ball.
Scoring Options:
2 passes to 1 for a shot.
2 passes to 4 diving to the basket .
2 passes to 5 diving to the basket.