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org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 6 June 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882

Relationship Between Self Concept and Anxiety

Among Students
Bhavna Kakkar, 2Pankaj Singh
Post-Graduate Student, 2Assistant Professor-III
Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences,
Amity University, Noida, India

Abstract: The aim of the study is to explore the relationship between self-concept and anxiety among students (both school and
university-level students). The objectives of the study include examining the influence of various dimensions of self-concept on
anxiety (i.e., the physical, social, temperamental, educational, moral, and intellectual), investigating gender differences in relation
to anxiety and overall self-concept scores, and testing the relationship between overall self-concept and anxiety. The study
hypothesized that self-concept dimensions would impact anxiety, there would be significant gender differences in self-concept and
anxiety scores, and there would be a relationship between overall self-concept and anxiety. The study employed a descriptive-
regression research design, using quantitative methods to collect and analyze data. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis
were used to summarize and explore the data, test hypotheses, and identify relationships between variables. The study included 211
students, 104 male and 107 female, aged 15-25 years, selected through convenience sampling. Data was collected using the Beck
Anxiety Inventory (BAI) to assess anxiety symptoms and the Self-Concept Questionnaire (SCQ) to measure self-concept. The BAI
consists of 21 items rating the severity of anxiety symptoms, while the SCQ includes 48 items measuring various aspects of self-
concept. Both instruments have been widely used and have demonstrated reliability and validity. The research procedure involved
obtaining approval from the ethics committee, recruiting participants, and obtaining informed consent. Participants completed the
BAI and SCQ forms, and the data was analysed using multiple regression analysis and t-tests. The study's results indicated that self-
concept dimensions (physical, social, temperamental, educational, moral, and intellectual) had a significant impact on anxiety. The
regression analysis showed that these dimensions explained 15% of the variance in anxiety scores. The t-tests revealed no significant
gender differences in self-concept or anxiety scores. The findings of this study supported the hypothesis that self-concept
dimensions influence anxiety, while no significant gender differences were found in self-concept or anxiety scores.

Keywords – Self-Concept, Anxiety, Students

Anxiety and self-concept are two concepts that influence students' academic and social experiences. Anxiety is a familiar
sensation everyone sometimes feels, but it may harm a person's mental health and general well-being when it becomes chronic or
severe. On the other hand, self-concept is a complex construct that relates to a person's thoughts and ideas about themselves, such
as self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-image. A person's self-concept may impact their emotions, activities, and relationships with
others (Morony et al., 2013).
Considering the significance of anxiety and self-concept in students' lives, it is not unexpected that scholars have been interested
in learning more about the link between these dimensions. Is it true that having a good self-concept keeps pupils from getting
anxious? Is it possible that anxiety has a detrimental influence on pupils' self-concept? Is any aspect of self-concept especially
significant to anxiety in a student population? These are some of the issues that researchers have tried to address.
Understanding the link between student self-concept and anxiety is crucial for various reasons. It may assist educators, counsellors,
and other professionals develop successful ways to support kids' mental health and academic performance (Dale et al., 2019).
Moreover, it may give light on the intricate interaction between cognitive and emotional processes in pupils, revealing how these
processes grow and alter over time. Here, theoretical models and empirical data have been proposed to explain the link between
self-concept and anxiety in students and the implications for practice and future study.
According to self-discrepancy theory, our perception of ourselves is affected by the difference between who we are (our actual
self), who we aspire to be (our ideal self), and who we believe we should be (our ought self). When these self-discrepancies are
present, it can lead to negative emotions, including anxiety. For instance, if someone thinks they should be confident and outgoing,
yet they feel shy and reserved, they might feel anxious and doubtful about themselves. The anxiety results from the perceived
discrepancy between their actual and ideal selves.
Social comparison theory suggests that people evaluate their abilities and traits by comparing themselves to others. Comparing
oneself to others can cause anxiety, particularly if one feels they are not meeting the expectations established by others. For example,
if someone compares themselves to a high-achieving peer, they may feel anxious about their abilities and future prospects. Similarly,
if someone compares themselves to the social media profiles of others, they may feel anxious about their appearance or life

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Self-efficacy theory proposes that people's beliefs about their ability to accomplish a task or goal (self-efficacy) can significantly
impact their anxiety levels. People with a strong sense of self-efficacy feel more assured and less stressed about their capacity to
complete a task. Conversely, individuals with low self-efficacy may experience anxiety and self-doubt. For example, a student who
believes they can do well on a test will likely experience less anxiety than a student who doubts their abilities.
In summary, self-concept and anxiety are closely linked, and several theoretical models have been proposed to explain this
relationship. Self-discrepancy, social comparison, and self-efficacy theory all suggest that a person's beliefs about themselves and
their abilities can impact their anxiety levels. Understanding these theoretical models can help individuals better understand the
relationship between self-concept and anxiety and develop strategies to manage their anxiety levels.
There is a considerable association between self-concept and anxiety among students, according to empirical findings. A
person's self-concept is their impression of their own talents, values, and worth. When a student has a poor self-concept, they may
suffer increased anxiety due to feelings of inadequacy or insecurity.
Blum and Zembar (1999) discovered that pupils with poor self-concept were more likely to have anxiety and other emotional
difficulties than those with strong self-concept. Another research conducted by Robins and Trzesniewski (2005) discovered a
negative relationship between self-concept and anxiety in teenagers.
Moreover, self-concept was proven to be a predictor of anxiety levels among students in research done by Dolev-Cohen and
Barak (2018). The research discovered that pupils with greater self-concept levels reported lower feelings of anxiety and vice versa.
Moreover, Pekrun and Elliot (2009) discovered that individuals with poor self-concept are more prone to suffer anxiety in academic
contexts, especially during activities requiring high levels of cognitive effort. Overall, empirical data reveals a considerable link
between student self-concept and anxiety. Pupils who have a poor self-concept are more prone to be anxious, especially in academic
contexts. It is critical to address self-concept problems in kids in order to reduce anxiety and enhance academic achievement.
This research paper aims to delve into the dynamic interplay between self-concept and anxiety among students, recognizing
their reciprocal influence and potential bidirectional relationship. While previous studies have explored the individual impact of
self-concept and anxiety on students' mental health and academic outcomes, few have thoroughly examined the complex
associations between these two constructs.
By examining the relationship between self-concept and anxiety, this study seeks to shed light on how students' self-perceptions
influence their susceptibility to anxiety and how anxiety, in turn, affects their self-concept. Furthermore, investigating potential
mediators and moderators, such as gender, cultural background, and academic achievement, will provide a comprehensive
understanding of the factors that shape this intricate connection.
Through an extensive literature review, analysis of empirical research, and the utilization of appropriate research methodologies,
this paper aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field of student psychology and mental health. The findings
and insights derived from this study will not only enrich theoretical understanding but also provide practical implications for
educators, counselors, and policymakers in developing targeted interventions and support systems that enhance students' self-
concept and alleviate anxiety-related challenges.

1.1. Rationale of the Study

Understanding the relationship between self-concept and anxiety among students is of paramount importance for several
compelling reasons. Firstly, the well-being and mental health of students have increasingly become a matter of concern in
educational settings. With rising rates of anxiety disorders and the detrimental effects they can have on students' academic
performance and personal development, it is crucial to identify and address the factors contributing to these challenges.
Secondly, self-concept plays a pivotal role in shaping students' thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. A positive self-concept serves
as a protective factor against the development of anxiety and fosters resilience in the face of academic and social stressors.
Conversely, a negative self-concept can create a vulnerability to anxiety, amplifying the detrimental effects it has on students' lives.
By examining the relationship between self-concept and anxiety, this study aims to uncover the mechanisms through which self-
perceptions influence anxiety levels among students.
Moreover, an in-depth understanding of the reciprocal relationship between self-concept and anxiety is crucial for educators,
psychologists, and policymakers involved in supporting students' well-being. By identifying how anxiety affects students' self-
concept, interventions can be designed to mitigate anxiety's negative impact and promote a positive self-concept. Additionally, by
identifying factors that moderate or mediate this relationship, such as gender, cultural background, and academic achievement,
tailored interventions can be developed to address the specific needs of different student populations.
Furthermore, this study fills a gap in the existing literature by examining the relationship between self-concept and anxiety in
the context of students. Although previous research has explored the impact of self-concept and anxiety independently, there is a
dearth of comprehensive studies that examine their interplay and the potential bidirectional influences between these constructs. By
conducting a thorough analysis and synthesis of empirical research, this study aims to provide a nuanced understanding of this
intricate relationship, contributing to the body of knowledge in the field of student psychology and mental health.

1.2. Objective of the Present Study

i. To examine the influence of physical, social, temperamental, educational, moral, and intellectual dimensions of self-concept
on anxiety among students.
ii. To investigate the gender differences in relation to anxiety among students.
iii. To investigate the gender differences in relation to overall scores of self-concept among students.
1.3. Hypotheses of the Study
H1: Self-concept dimensions (i.e., physical, social, temperamental, educational, moral, and intellectual) increases the impact of
H2: There is a significant mean difference between the physical, social, Temperamental, Educational, Intellectual, and Moral self-
concepts of males and females.
H3: There is a significant mean difference between the anxiety scores of males and females.
H4: There is a relation between overall self-concept and anxiety.

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2.1. Design
To effectively understand the relationship between self-concept and anxiety levels among students, this study employed the
descriptive-regression design to understand the relationship between self-concept and anxiety among students (Zhang et al., 2022)
fully. By using regression analysis, we can determine the strength and direction of a relationship while also identifying any potential
confounding variables. Additionally, descriptive statistics are utilised to summarise and describe the data collected for each variable.
This can include measures such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and range.
The study will use quantitative methods to collect and analyse data. This methodology entails the collection of numerical data
that can be analysed using statistical methods to derive conclusions and test hypotheses. It is suitable for studies that seek to quantify
phenomena and provide precise and accurate data (Ali & Bhaskar, 2016). In this study, a quantitative approach could be utilised to
gather data on the self-concept and anxiety levels of the students. For instance, researchers could collect data on students'
demographic characteristics, academic background, and self-reported self-concept and anxiety levels. By analysing the data with
statistical methods, researchers can identify patterns or relationships between these variables, thereby shedding light on the factors
that may influence students' self-perception and anxiety (Ali & Bhaskar, 2016). In addition, this research design permits researchers
to evaluate hypotheses and generalise about the student population as a whole. The systematic and objective nature of the
quantitative approach can also improve the study's reliability and validity.

2.2. Sample
The participants of this study were 211 students, where 104 were male, and 107 were female, who were school-going, either in
high school or college, with an age bracket of 15-25 years. The study employed a convenience sampling method to recruit

2.3. Measuring Instruments

In this study the following instruments were administered for data collection:-

2.3.1. Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)

The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) is a self-reported questionnaire used to assess the severity of an individual's anxiety
symptoms. Aaron T. Beck and his colleagues created it in 1988 as a tool for assessing the presence and degree of anxiety symptoms.
The BAI is made up of 21 components that describe common anxiety symptoms such as nervousness, fear, and restlessness (Grant,
2011). To assess their symptoms over the past week, participants are requested to rate how much each one troubled them on a scale
of 0 (not at all) to 3 (very). The BAI has been widely utilized as a reliable and valid measure of anxiety in both research and
therapeutic settings.

2.3.2. Self-Concept Questionnaire (SCQ)

The Self-Concept Questionnaire (SCQ) is a self-reported questionnaire used to assess a person's self-concept or self-perception.
Dr. R.K. Saraswat and his colleagues created it as a tool for analyzing several facets of an individual's self-concept. The SCQ is
made up of 48 items that define many facets of one's self-concept, such as physical attractiveness, emotional stability, social conduct,
and intellectual competence. On a 5-point Likert scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree, participants are asked to
score their degree of agreement with each topic (Mead, 2019).

2.4. Procedure
Before commencing the study, approval was sought from the university ethics committee, the participants were recruited, and
they were asked to fill out a consent form for this study. After that, they were served with the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and
the Self-Concept Questionnaire (SCQ) forms which they were required to fill. Data was then analyzed using Multiple Regression
Analysis and T-test. The information gathered was used to construct an unbiased analysis of the data and a discussion of the results.
The necessary precautions were taken to protect the privacy of the responders whose information is collected.


This section presents the findings of the various hypotheses tested in this study. A regression model was utilised to determine
the correlation between self-concept and anxiety. The findings were determined by comparing the different means.

H1: Self-concept dimensions (i.e., physical, social, temperamental, educational, moral, and intellectual) increases the impact
of anxiety.
To determine the relationship between self-concept and anxiety, the study tested six parameters to predict their impact on
anxiety. The tested parameters were: Physical, Social, Temperamental, Educational, Moral and intellectual. The correlation
coefficient, R, was calculated and used to predict the relationship between self-concept and anxiety, as shown in the figure below.

Table 3.1: Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted Std. Error of the Estimate
R Square

1 .387a .150 .125 1.17022

a. Predictors: (Constant), Intellectual, Educational, Moral, Social,
Physical, Tempermental

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From the table above, the R2 value of 15% depicts that only 15% percent of anxiety can be explained by the regression model.
The "R Square" column denotes the R2 value, also known as the coefficient of determination, which, technically speaking, is the
proportion of variation accounted for by the regression model over and above the mean model.

Regression ANOVA model results for the parameters are shown below:

Table 3.2: ANOVA

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 49.133 6 8.189 5.980 .000b

Residual 279.360 204 1.369

Total 328.493 210

a. Dependent Variable: BAI

b. Predictors: (Constant), Intellectual, Educational, Moral, Social, Physical, Temperamental

The overall regression model's ability to fit the data is tested using the F-ratio in the ANOVA table (see below). The table
demonstrates that the independent variables significantly and statistically predict the dependent variable, F (6, 204) = 5,980.
Therefore, the regression model is a good fit for the data, indicated by a p-value of less than .0005.

3.1. Estimated model coefficients

The general form of the equation to predict Intellectual, Educational, Moral, Social, Physical, Temperamental.
Predicted constant = 4821 + (-0.527 x Physical) + (0.068 x Social) + (-0.214 x Temperamental) + (-0.340 x Educational) + (0.073
x Moral) + (0.249 x Intellectual)
This is obtained from the Coefficients table, as shown below:

Table 3.3: Coefficients

Model Unstandardised Coefficients Standardised t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 4.821 .843 5.720 .000

Physical -.527 .150 -.278 -3.513 .001

Social .068 .154 .032 .442 .659

Temperamental -.214 .175 -.102 -1.226 .222

Educational -.340 .145 -.170 -2.343 .020

Moral .073 .162 .033 .449 .654

Intellectual .249 .166 .107 1.499 .135

a. Dependent Variable: BAI

An unstandardized coefficient indicates how much the dependent variable varies with an independent variable.
From the above table 1, it is observable that the Unstandardized coefficient, B, for Physical is equal to -0.527. This means that the
Physical is decremented by 0.527.
i. From the above table, it is observable that the Unstandardised coefficient, B, for social is equal to 0.068. This means social is
incremented by 0.068.
ii. From the above table, it is observable that the Unstandardised coefficient, B, for Tempermental is equal to -.214. This means
Tempermental is decremented by -.214.
iii. From the above table it is observable that the Unstandardised coefficient, B, for Educational is equal to -.340. This means the
Educational is decremented by -.340.
iv. From the above table, it is observable that the Unstandardised coefficient, B, for Moral is equal to .073. This means the Moral
is incremented by .073.
v. From the above table, it is observable that the Unstandardised coefficient, B, for Intellectual is equal to .249. This means the
Intellectual is incremented by .249.

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H2: There is a significant mean difference between the physical, social, Temperamental, Educational, Intellectual, and
Moral self-concepts of males and females.

Table 3.4: Group Statistics

Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Physical Male 104 3.9808 .72381 .07098
Female 107 3.9252 .59401 .05743
Social Male 104 3.9904 .66091 .06481
Female 107 4.0561 .51086 .04939
Temperamental Male 104 3.9135 .65523 .06425
Female 107 3.9065 .54136 .05234
Educational Male 104 3.7500 .64987 .06372
Female 107 3.8411 .60109 .05811
Intellectual Male 104 3.7212 .54784 .05372
Female 107 3.6636 .53100 .05133
Moral Male 104 4.1538 .61957 .06075
Female 107 4.2150 .49579 .04793
BAI Male 104 2.0192 1.23839 .12143
Female 107 2.1963 1.26222 .12202

The above table shows the gender-wise mean and standard deviation of Physical, social, Tempermental, Educational,
Intellectual, Moral and BAI. The mean of Male and female for Physical are 3.9808, 3.9252, for Social is 3.9904 and 4.0561, for
Tempermental is 3.9135 and 3.9065, for Educational is 3.75 and 3.8411, for Intellectual is 3.7212 and 3.6636, for Moral is 4.1538
and 4.2150, for BAI is 2.0192 and 2.1963.

H3: There is a significant mean difference between the anxiety scores of males and females.

Table 3.5: Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for t-test for Equality of Means
Equality of
F Sig. t df Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error Hypothesis
tailed) Difference Difference status
Physical Equal 1.060 .304 .610 209 .543 .05554 .09104 Accepted
Equal .608 199.089 .544 .05554 .09130
variances not
Social Equal 4.882 .058 -.809 209 .419 -.06569 .08119 Accepted
Equal -.806 193.843 .421 -.06569 .08148
variances not
Temperament Equal 3.726 .055 .084 209 .933 .00692 .08265 Accepted
al variances
Equal .083 199.628 .934 .00692 .08287
variances not
Educational Equal 3.267 .072 - 209 .291 -.09112 .08615 Accepted
variances 1.058
Equal - 206.663 .292 -.09112 .08624
variances not 1.057

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Intellectual Equal .129 .719 .776 209 .439 .05760 .07427 Accepted
Equal .775 208.256 .439 .05760 .07430
variances not
Moral Equal 2.464 .118 -.792 209 .429 -.06111 .07714 Accepted
Equal -.790 196.971 .431 -.06111 .07738
variances not
BAI Equal .403 .526 - 209 .305 -.17703 .17220 Accepted
variances 1.028
Equal - 208.981 .305 -.17703 .17215
variances not 1.028

The t-test table shown above represents the null hypothesis for this test, which states that variances should be equal across groups
when two groups' means are compared. The alternative hypothesis, however, states that variances are not equal across groups. It
can be observed that the significant value in this test for all variables (Physical, social, Tempermental, Educational, Intellectual,
Moral and BAI) is higher than 0.05. So, the null hypothesis of this test can be accepted when equal variances are assumed, the first-
row results are looked into, the null hypothesis is rejected, and the second row is taken into consideration for the remaining analysis
if the significance value for "Levene's Test for Equality of Variances" is less than 0.05.
In this case, the significance value is greater than 0.05, so the first row is considered for the remaining analysis. The obtained t-
value for physical is 0.610, for social is-0.809, for Tempermental is 0.084, for Educational is -1.058, for Intellectual is 0.776, for
Moral is -0.792, and for BAI is -1.028 and the P-value for all variables is greater than 0.05 (5% significance value). From the t-
value and the P-value (greater than 0.05), we can conclude that there is no significant mean difference between males and females
for Physical, social, Tempermental, Educational, Intellectual, Moral and BAI.

H4: There is a relation between overall self-concept and anxiety

3.2. Correlation
For this hypothesis testing, we have considered correlation analysis. It is a statistical technique used in research to determine
the relationship between two variables and gauge the strength of their linear relationship. The magnitude of change in one variable
as a result of the change in the other is determined using correlation analysis. A high correlation indicates a strong association
between the two variables, whilst a low correlation indicates a poor correlation between the two variables.
i. Positive correlation: If two variables move in the same direction, they have a positive correlation. When one variable rises,
the other one rises as well, and vice versa.
ii. Negative correlation: Two variables are moving against each other when there is a negative correlation between them. A rise
in one variable results in a fall in the other in both directions.

Statistics do not support the correlation if the significant value is greater than 0.01. If the significant value is >0.01, the
correlation is not statistically significant.

Table 3.6: Correlations

Self concept BAI
Self_concept Pearson Correlation 1 -.278**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 211 211
BAI Pearson Correlation -.278** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 211 211
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The above table shows the correlation between Self-concept and anxiety. From the table, it is observable that the Pearson
correlation for the relation of Self-concept and anxiety is -.278. The obtained correlation is a negative value, and the significant
value is less than 0.05, so it is clear that there is a negative correlation between anxiety and self-concept. And it is also said to be a
strong negative relation. Therefore, the null hypothesis, "There is no significant relation between self-concept and anxiety", was
rejected, and the alternative hypothesis ", There is a significant relation (negative) between self-concept and anxiety", was accepted.

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From these results, physical, temperamental and educational parameters had a negative correlation with anxiety, while
intellectual, moral, and social parameters correlated positively with anxiety. Current studies on "The Mediating Effects of Self-
Esteem on Anxiety and Emotion Regulation" by Fernandes et al. (2021) show that response inhibition was found to be associated
with trait and state anxiety, which in turn predicted suppression, reappraisal, and internalising issues. Significantly mediating the
association between elevated anxiety and suppression was low self-esteem. These findings collectively demonstrate important links
between strong self-esteem and effective emotional control in young people. In a closely related article by Nima et al. (2013), the
results demonstrated that stress mediated the effects of positive affect and self-esteem on depression and that anxiety partially
mediated the effects of both. Further, there was a substantial interaction between stress and negative affect, and between positive
affect and negative affect, upon depression, and the results demonstrated that stress mediated the effects of self-esteem fully.
The findings show that the variables are contradictory and not complementary. The findings of this study show that with a high
level of anxiety in a student, the self-concept is very low. Similar studies by Singh (2015) had similar findings where the levels of
self-concept and anxiety among higher secondary students were inversely proportional. Similar findings were made by Singh, Singh
and Singh (2019) in " A Study of Self-Concept of Science and Arts Students of Eastern Uttar Pradesh" and by Fathi-Ashtiani et al.
(2007) in their investigation into the "Relationship between self-concept, self-esteem anxiety, depression and Academic
Achievement in Adolescents." The latter study indicated that higher levels of self-concept and self-esteem are associated with lower
levels of anxiety, whereas higher levels of depression, which in turn leads to lower levels of academic accomplishment, are linked
to lower levels of self-concept and self-esteem (Fathi-Ashtiani et al., 2007).

4.1. Limitations and Further Direction of the Study

It is important to acknowledge certain limitations of this study that may impact the interpretation of the findings. Firstly, the
research primarily relies on self-report measures, which may be subject to response biases and may not fully capture the complex
nature of self-concept and anxiety. Future studies could incorporate objective measures and utilize a multi-method approach to
provide a more comprehensive understanding of these constructs.
Secondly, the study adopts a cross-sectional design, limiting the ability to establish causality or examine long-term effects. A
longitudinal design would allow for the investigation of the dynamic nature of the relationship between self-concept and anxiety
over time, providing more robust evidence.
Additionally, the study focuses on a specific student population or educational context, which may limit the generalizability of
the findings. Future research should strive to include diverse samples across different educational levels, cultural backgrounds, and
socio-economic statuses to enhance the external validity of the findings.
Furthermore, the study does not extensively explore potential mediators and moderators of the relationship between self-concept
and anxiety. Factors such as social support, coping strategies, and academic environment could significantly influence this
relationship. Future research should delve deeper into these variables to unravel their role in the complex interplay between self-
concept and anxiety among students.
Lastly, the study primarily examines the negative aspects of self-concept and anxiety. Future studies could explore the potential
positive aspects of self-concept, such as self-efficacy and self-compassion, and their influence on anxiety levels among students.
Understanding the protective factors and strengths associated with self-concept could provide valuable insights for developing
interventions aimed at promoting resilience and well-being.
In conclusion, while this study contributes to our understanding of the relationship between self-concept and anxiety among
students, it is important to consider the limitations outlined above. Addressing these limitations and pursuing further research in the
suggested directions will contribute to a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of this complex relationship and inform
the development of targeted interventions to support students' psychological well-being.

From these results, physical, temperamental and educational parameters had a negative correlation with anxiety, while
intellectual, moral, and social parameters correlated positively with anxiety. The findings show that the variables are contradictory
and not complementary. The study found that there is no significant mean difference between males and females for Physical,
social, Temperamental, Educational, Intellectual, Moral and BAI. The findings also show that self-concept and anxiety are
negatively correlated; that is, with a high level of anxiety in a student, the self-concept is very low. Students have improved their
productivity by drawing on their own unique sense of identity to inform the development of sound strategic mechanisms within
which to operate. As a result, the study stresses the importance of keeping checks on students' well-being and resilience. Stress and
anxiety prevent students from focusing on their schoolwork. Students' interactions with educators and parents should always be
positive and supportive.

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