Slayer DND 5e Breathing Forms
Slayer DND 5e Breathing Forms
Slayer DND 5e Breathing Forms
At 3rd level, slayers select a style of breathing to pursue, some will come easier then others. Some even
say the technique chooses the slayer.
Style completed
Sun X
Flame X
Thunder X
Mist X
Sound X
Using certain forms of breathing techniques will cost you stamina points. You regain all of your stamina
during a long rest or short rest.
The slayer can use an action to recover half of their max stamina(rounded down)
Maximum of 3 regained per turn.
This action is described as them focusing their breath and body to recover.
If you utilize a katana(or any sheathed weapon), you can use the Quickdraw feature. If you do not move before
your attacks, add double your dexterity modifier as damage, instead of just your modifier. If you use a Thunder
breathing form and meet Quickdraw criteria, add the effect corresponding effect in the “effect” tab. If a Thunder
form causes you to move, you still add Quickdraw effects, BUT you cannot move before hand. EX: Without moving
beforehand you add the Quickdraw effect to Form 1.
Unconscious Warrior
At 11th level, when you are knocked unconscious, you make your saving throws as normal. You can expend one
stamina point to continue fighting. You cannot be charmed, or frightened. You may play as normal, however
reaching 0 stamina will stop this feature. If you regain hit points or succeed death saves, wake up and continue
playing as normal. If you fail death saves, character dies as normal.
Electrified Blade
Critical attacks inflict paralyzed for 1 turn, or if DC rolls for Forms are a Nat 1, also inflict paralyzed.
While in this stance, you are immune to fire damage. At the start of your turn while using this stance, take 1d4 fire
damage(this ignores your immunity). This lasts until you leave your stance or go unconscious.
All attacks and forms deal +1d4 fire damage and you gain an extra attack action. Gain 20 ft movement.
Form 5: Flame tiger -6 Charge and swing with Target makes con saving 11
force and flame, throw.
resembling a flaming tiger Failure deals 4d6 fire +
wrapped around the user. 3d6 slashing damage
Success deals 3d6 fire
Mist Breathing
Obscured Fighter
You don baggy clothing, and produce mist as you fight. Your movements are foggy and hard to read.
Attacks requiring a line of sight have disadvantage against you.
Mist Cloak
For one stamina point, you create a cloak of mist around yourself, making you blend into the terrain. Strike quickly
from the shadows.
While the cloak is active, gain advantage on stealth checks.
While the cloak is active, gain +1 AC
You lose the cloak once hit.
Forms Stamina cost Description Effect Level
Form 1: Hanged Sky -1 Lunge forward, slashing Target makes a wisdom 3
distant mist horizontally. saving throw,
Failure deals 2d8
Form 2: 8-layered mist -3 Unleash 8 slashes one Target makes a wisdom 3
after another in quick saving throw,
succession. Failure 4 x weapon dmg
Form 3:Demisting Blast -2 Blow away enemy As a reaction, 3
projectiles in a blast of Reduce all projectile
mist. damage in front of you
by 2d4+level+Prof
Form 4: advection slash -3 A quick slash, faster a Target makes a wisdom 7
fiercer then form one. saving throw,
Failure deals 3d12
Form 5: Sea of clouds and -3 Charge forward whilst Target makes a wisdom 7
haze releasing a barrage of saving throw with
slashes disadvantage,
Failure deals