Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Q.1 (a) State the purpose of site Exploration. 03
(b) Define the following terms. 04
(1)Safe bearing capacity (2) Allowable bearing pressure.
(c) Enumerate different types of staircases and explain dog-legged stair case with neat 07
Q.2 (a) Give merits and demerits of flat and pitched roof. 03
(b) Draw a diagram of typical door and define its each component. 04
(c) Explain with neat sketch under reamed pile. 07
(c) Describe with neat sketch different types of Rubble masonry. 07
Q.4 (a) Describe the factors to be considered while selecting type of flooring. 03
(b) What is diaphragm wall? Give its uses. 04
(c) Explain with neat sketches, the form work for R.C.C Column. 07
Q.4 (a) Write difference between Caisson and Cofferdam. 03
(b) Enumerate different types of windows and explain any one with sketch. 04
(c) What is a need of temporary work? Enlist types of Scaffolding and explain any one in 07