Coats of Arms of Three Republics of Azerbaijan: Heraldry
Coats of Arms of Three Republics of Azerbaijan: Heraldry
Coats of Arms of Three Republics of Azerbaijan: Heraldry
PhD in History
he coat of arms is one of the most important ele-
ments of attributes. The definition of the coat of
arms boils down to its main feature - the emblem
of images approved by the government in accordance
with the rules of heraldry. The word “gerb” (national
emblem) comes from the German word “erbe”, which
means inheritance. The science of heraldry is based on
a general system of compliance with laws, which has
been formed among the peoples of the world for centu-
ries, as well as on peculiar national-historical traditions.
This means that the symbols displayed on any emblem
have a certain general compliance with laws, a strong
internal system, and at the same time, these symbols in
one way or another reflect the historical, political, ideo-
logical, national-moral, religious and mystical views of
the people, nation and state they symbolize. (6, p. 292)
The national emblem is approved by the constitu-
tion or a special law, is often an integral part of the na-
tional flag and is also shown on banknotes, seals and
official documents.
After the overthrow of the tsarist and the establish-
ment of Soviet power, the enslaved peoples of the for- and finance that were directly related to the monetary
mer Russian Empire got a chance to restore their state- policy. Paper money and government securities are one
hood. On 28 May 1918, the first democratic republic of the key attributes of state power (4, p. 92). The release
was proclaimed in the East – the Azerbaijan Republic of paper money by the Azerbaijan Republic meant the
(2, p. 3). In the short period of its existence, the young restoration of the monetary economy of Azerbaijan in-
republic achieved a great deal. A parliament was cre- terrupted after annexation by tsarist Russia.
ated, the state flag was approved, state borders were The appearance of the Republic’s banknotes origi-
established, and numerous other acts were passed in nates from small changeable paper money in denomi-
the field of education, army building and the economy. nations of 5, 15 and 50 kopecks and large denomina-
The strengthening of the foundations of statehood tions of 1, 3, 5, 10 and 25 rubles of the Baku City Council.
was carried out simultaneously with the adoption of Later, new paper money of 10, 25 and 50 rubles was
the most important decisions in the field of economics produced and put into circulation. Emissions of this pa-
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Coat of arms of the Azerbaijan SSR. 1931-1937
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Coat of arms of the Azerbaijan SSR. 1937-1940 Coat of arms of the Azerbaijan SSR. 1978-1991 41