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Coats of Arms of Three Republics of Azerbaijan: Heraldry

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PhD in History

Coats of arms of three

Republics of Azerbaijan
Draft coat of arms of the Azerbaijan Republic. 1919

he coat of arms is one of the most important ele-
ments of attributes. The definition of the coat of
arms boils down to its main feature - the emblem
of images approved by the government in accordance
with the rules of heraldry. The word “gerb” (national
emblem) comes from the German word “erbe”, which
means inheritance. The science of heraldry is based on
a general system of compliance with laws, which has
been formed among the peoples of the world for centu-
ries, as well as on peculiar national-historical traditions.
This means that the symbols displayed on any emblem
have a certain general compliance with laws, a strong
internal system, and at the same time, these symbols in
one way or another reflect the historical, political, ideo-
logical, national-moral, religious and mystical views of
the people, nation and state they symbolize. (6, p. 292)
The national emblem is approved by the constitu-
tion or a special law, is often an integral part of the na-
tional flag and is also shown on banknotes, seals and
official documents.
After the overthrow of the tsarist and the establish-
ment of Soviet power, the enslaved peoples of the for- and finance that were directly related to the monetary
mer Russian Empire got a chance to restore their state- policy. Paper money and government securities are one
hood. On 28 May 1918, the first democratic republic of the key attributes of state power (4, p. 92). The release
was proclaimed in the East – the Azerbaijan Republic of paper money by the Azerbaijan Republic meant the
(2, p. 3). In the short period of its existence, the young restoration of the monetary economy of Azerbaijan in-
republic achieved a great deal. A parliament was cre- terrupted after annexation by tsarist Russia.
ated, the state flag was approved, state borders were The appearance of the Republic’s banknotes origi-
established, and numerous other acts were passed in nates from small changeable paper money in denomi-
the field of education, army building and the economy. nations of 5, 15 and 50 kopecks and large denomina-
The strengthening of the foundations of statehood tions of 1, 3, 5, 10 and 25 rubles of the Baku City Council.
was carried out simultaneously with the adoption of Later, new paper money of 10, 25 and 50 rubles was
the most important decisions in the field of economics produced and put into circulation. Emissions of this pa-

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Coat of arms of the contemporary Republic of Azerbaijan

per money continued to circulate throughout 1918 and

partly in 1919. The fund of materials of Auxiliary Histori-
cal Disciplines of the National Museum of the History
of Azerbaijan stores paper money and securities of the
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.
The coat of arms of the city of Baku (coat of arms of
the Baku province of 1883 without the Alexander Rib-
bon) was depicted on all banknotes of the Baku City
Council and the Baku City Economy and securities (1, p.
103) due to the absence of an approved coat of arms at
the time. The shield depicts flames that signify the an-
cient symbol of the land of fire, as well as the oil wealth.
On the sides there are oak branches connected under
a shield (with an ornamental pattern, with and without
acorns), which symbolizes strength and long life. At the
top of the shield there is a golden crown with three
prongs (indicating the ancient nature of the city and
its fortress origin). Some of the banknotes are shown
in this article.
On 23 March 1919, a competition was announced tablished for the best coat of arms. Drafts were to be
in the “Azerbaijan” newspaper for drafting the coat of submitted to the Ministry of Public Education and be
arms and seal of the Azerbaijan Republic. A prize of approved on the eve of the second anniversary of na-
1,000 rubles was established for the best coat of arms. tional independence – 28 May 1920 (5, p. 399). One of
20 April was established as the deadline for the sub- the drafts formed the basis of the modern coat of arms:
mission of bids and control over execution was en- three concentric circles on a round heraldic shield: blue
trusted to the Ministry of Post and Telegraph. Unfortu- – symbolizing the Turkic roots of the people on which
nately, the competition was unsuccessful and the coat rivets were placed, red – symbolizing modernity, and
of arms was not selected. green – symbolizing Islam. Superimposed on the cir-
On 30 January 1920, the Council of Ministers of cles was an octagonal star – a symbol of the paradise
the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic adopted another sphere, as well as eight branches of the Turkic people,
resolution “On the preparation of draft military orders, with flames in the middle as a symbol of the oil wealth,
national anthem, coat of arms and seal”. According to the shield below framed by ears of wheat and an oak
the first clause of the resolution, the announcement of branch with acorns symbolizing the ancient nature of
a competition for the submission of draft orders was the country, wealth and fertility tied around with a rib-
entrusted to the Ministry of War. The main condition bon of the national flag colors.
was that these attributes should serve as a symbol of Unfortunately, the Soviet invasion and the fall of the
independence of Azerbaijan. According to the second Azerbaijan Democratic Republic on 27 April 1920 pre-
clause of the resolution, the announcement of the com- vented the government from approving the coat of
petition for the submission of draft national anthem, arms. As a result, this issue of national importance was
coat of arms and seal was entrusted to the Minister of not implemented.
Public Education. In February 1920, the Ministry of Pub- The second Republic of Azerbaijan is the Azerbaijan
lic Education announced a competition for the submis- Soviet Socialist Republic. In the first years of its existence
sion of a draft text for the national anthem, the image of (1920-1922), it enjoyed relative sovereignty and had all
the state coat of arms and seal in the Russian-language the attributes, including the coat of arms. The coat of
version of the “Azerbaijan” newspaper (the “Azerbaijan” arms of the Azerbaijan SSR was to epitomize a union of
newspaper was published in Azerbaijani and Russian) workers and peasants with an international motto.
dated 19 February 1920. A prize of 2,500 rubles was es- On 19 May 1921, the initial coat of arms of the

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Coat of arms of the Azerbaijan SSR. 1921-1927

ter. The whole image was framed by a red ribbon which

Coat of arms of the Azerbaijan SSR. 1920-1921
said the “TSFSR” in Armenian, Russian, Georgian and
Azerbaijani (Arabic script). At the bottom of the coat
Azerbaijan SSR was approved. It consisted of a golden of arms, between the edges of the ribbon, there was a
sickle and a hammer with a five-pointed star inside a motto “Workers of all countries, unite!” in Russian.
red crescent moon surrounded by a crown of golden On 26 March 1927, when the new constitution of the
ears over which (on a red ribbon) there was an inscrip- Azerbaijan SSR was adopted, the draft of a third coat of
tion in Azerbaijani (Arabic script) and Russian saying arms was approved with an image of a crescent moon,
“‫”ﻦﻮﺗﺒ ﻦﺎﻬﺠ ﺯﻨﺸﻼﮐﺍ ﺮﻘﻔ‬, or “Workers of all countries, unite!” sickle and hammer against the background of the rising
Unlike other republics (RSFSR, UzSSR, BSSR), it did not sun. Inside of it there was a five-pointed star surrounded
mention the name of the Republic proper. by a crown of ears of corn and with inscriptions: in Azer-
The second coat of arms of the Azerbaijan SSR was baijani (Latin script) at the top – “Azяrbaycan İçtimayı
approved at the First Congress of the Transcaucasian Şuralar Cümhuriyyяti” (“Azerbaijan Socialist Soviet Re-
Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (TSFSR) with the public”) and below – “Bütün dünya prolitarları birlяşiniz!”
names of three Transcaucasian republics mentioned. («Workers of all countries, unite!»).
The entry of the Azerbaijan SSR into the TSFSR in De- On 14 February 1931, the Seventh All-Azerbaijan
cember 1922 meant the loss of independence and Congress of Soviets adopted the new Constitution of
inclusion of the Azerbaijan SSR in the USSR (30-31 De- the Azerbaijan SSR and approved a draft of the fourth
cember 1922) (3, p. 21). coat of arms, which sharply differed from the previous
The emblem of the TSFSR consisted of an image ones in terms of its content and design. It was drawn by
against the backdrop of a black mountain range in the graphic artist Benedikt Rafailovich Telingater (nickname
rays of the sun rising from behind the mountain, the Beno, 1876-1960). The coat of arms of the Azerbaijan So-
golden sickle and hammer placed crosswise with the cialist Soviet Republic consisted of images on a light red
handles facing down, and a five-pointed red star above background framed by a white circle in the rays of the
them. In the lower part of the coat of arms, at the foot rising sun. In the middle of the coat of arms, there was
of the ridge with three prominent peaks, there were oil a hammer and sickle (placed across with handles facing
rigs on the right, a factory with smoking pipes on the down). Above them was a crescent moon with a five-
left, vine, cotton, rice, corn and wheat ears in the cen- pointed star surrounded with a crown of ears of gold

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Coat of arms of the Azerbaijan SSR. 1927-1931

(golden color). There are ears of wheat on both sides. In

the lower part of the coat of arms, against the backdrop
of the rising sun, there were three colors: black, white
and gray. On the left side, there was an oil field – seven
oil rigs and two kerosene tanks; on the right – a tractor
driven by a tractor operator at the foot of mountains
with peaked summits. The wreath is entwined with a
red (scarlet) ribbon in three rounds: the upper rounds
are connected by a ribbon passing through the middle
of the coat of arms over the sickle and hammer, with the
inscription in the Latinized alphabet in the Azerbaijani
language: “Azяrbaycan İçtimayı Şuralar Cümhuriyyяti”
(Azerbaijan Socialist Soviet Republic). On the lower
round, which was common to both sides of the coat of
arms, there was an inscription “Bütün dünya prolitarları
birlяşiniz!” (Workers of all countries, unite).
Amendments were made under Article 151 of the
new Constitution (fundamental law) of the Azerbaijan ed the sun’s rays in the coat of arms a little less intensely,
SSR, which was adopted by the ninth extraordinary All- while the shade of the pink circle was lighter than in the
Azerbaijan Congress of Soviets on 14 March 1937, and figure of the 1956 Regulations. The coat of arms of the
the new coat of arms of the Azerbaijan SSR was approved. Azerbaijan SSR was active until 1991.
The coat of arms of the Azerbaijan Soviet Social- The formation of the third Republic of Azerbaijan
ist Republic is an image of a sickle and a hammer, an and the rebirth of the Azerbaijani national statehood
oil derrick against the backdrop of the rising sun and after a 70-year-long hiatus was taking place in the most
framed by a crown of cotton and ears. In the upper part difficult public, political and economic situation with
of the coat of arms is a five-pointed star. On the ribbon ongoing external intervention. The main attributes of
under the star, there is an inscription in the Azerbai- state power of the Republic of Azerbaijan (flag, coat of
jani (Cyrillic) and Russian languages: “Azяrbaycan Sovet arms and anthem), which were adopted from the first
Sosialist Respublikası”, “Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Re- Azerbaijan Republic, are, in addition to their “continuity”,
public”, “Bütün Ölkяlяrin Proletarları Birlяşın!”, “Workers noted not only for their national coloring, but also for
of all countries, unite!”. The coat of arms reflected the their exceptional content and laconicism (7, p. 23).
main features of economic activity: oil production (oil On 17 November 1990, the Supreme Majlis of the
rig against the backdrop of the rising sun), cotton grow- Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, having discussed
ing (white cotton bolls) and fertility (wheat ears). the issue of the coat of arms, requested that the Su-
On 5 May 1956, the “Regulations on the Coat of preme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR announce a new
Arms of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic” were competition for the national coat of arms.
approved by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme By a decision of the Supreme Council of the Repub-
Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR. It established the image, lic of Azerbaijan, the competition was announced on 5
which includes a light red circle with elements of the February 1991. During 1991-1992, dozens of versions of
coat of arms depicted in the background (there was no new coats of arms were submitted to stand in the com-
mention of this background in the constitutional de- petition. Proposals were also submitted to adopt one of
scription). the drafts made in 1919-1920. On 19 January 1993, the
On 21 April 1978, the new Constitution (fundamen- Supreme Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted
tal law) of the Azerbaijan SSR was adopted. It left the the constitutional law, whereby the draft coat of arms
description of the coat of arms unchanged, but the made in 1919-1920 was approved with a few changes.
graphic attachment to the “Regulations on the Coat of The coat of arms of the Republic of Azerbaijan rep-
Arms of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic” depict- resents the image of the eastern (round) shield with a

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Coat of arms of the Azerbaijan SSR. 1931-1937

flames that symbolize the “Land of Fire”, as Azerbaijan is

often referred to. Back in the days of the Russian Empire,
the coat of arms of the Baku province depicted three
tongues of flames – a symbol of subsoil oil wealth (de-
posits of associated gas have been known here since
antiquity). Fire is also an indirect reminder that fire-wor-
shipping Zoroastrians lived in the territory of Azerbai-
jan. The fire on the coat of arms is also perceived as a
symbol of hope for a better future. The colors used in
the design of the coat of arms match the colors of the
national flag of Azerbaijan. Three colors serve as sym-
bols: blue – a symbol of Turkic culture, red – a symbol of
modern European democracy, and green – a symbol of
Islamic civilization.
The eight-pointed star is a symbol of paradise, as
well as the eight branches of the Turkic people. Below,
the coat of arms is framed by oak leaves and ears of
golden frame, painted in the form of concentric circles wheat. Oak branches symbolize the ancient nature of
in blue, red and green colors. Placed above it is a silver the country and ears stand for the wealth and fertility of
eight-pointed star finely edged with gold, and in the the Azerbaijani land.
center of it there are red flames. Gold rivets are placed The image of the coat of arms of the Republic of
on a blue strip between the rays of the star. Azerbaijan is attached to:
In its lower part, the coat of arms is framed by a - the residency and office of the President of the Re-
green oak branch with acorns and golden wheat ears public of Azerbaijan;
(Figure 13). In the center of the coat of arms, there are - parliament building, assembly hall and office of the
speaker of the parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- buildings of all courts, military tribunals, in court-
rooms, the office of the chairpersons of the Constitu-
tional Court and the Supreme Court of the Republic of
- in cases envisaged by legislation of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, buildings of state bodies;
- buildings of diplomatic and trade missions of con-
sular offices of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
A decree of national leader of the Republic of Azer-
baijan Heydar Aliyev “On stepping up work to promote
state attributes of the Republic of Azerbaijan” dated 13
March 1998 said:
“The flag, anthem and coat of arms of the Republic of
Azerbaijan are sacred symbols of the independence of the
state of Azerbaijan. Educating our citizens, in particular our
youth, in the spirit of deep respect for state attributes serves
to strengthen the spirit of patriotism in society.”

Coat of arms of the Azerbaijan SSR. 1940-1978

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Coat of arms of the Azerbaijan SSR. 1937

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Coat of arms of the Azerbaijan SSR. 1937-1940 Coat of arms of the Azerbaijan SSR. 1978-1991

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