Bi 9824rkaw
Bi 9824rkaw
Bi 9824rkaw
Name of the Prospect/Policyholder: Mr. Yamanappa Name of the Product: Max Life Flexi Wealth Plus
Tag Line: A Unit-Linked Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan
Age & Gender: 29 Years, Male
Policy Option: NA
Name of the Life Assured: Mr. Yamanappa Unique Identification No: 104L115V02
GST Rate (Base Policy, First Year): 18.00%
GST Rate (Base Policy, Subsequent Year): 18.00%
GST Rate (Rider, First Year): NA
Age & Gender: 29 Years, Male
GST Rate (Rider, Subsequent Year): NA
Max Life State: Haryana
Policyholder Residential State: Haryana
Sum Assured: `1,00,00,000 Investment Strategy Opted for: Self Managed Portfolio Strategy
Policy Term & Premium Payment Term: 36 Years & 36 Years
Funds opted for along with their risk level
Amount of Installment Premium: `3,458 [Please specify the customer specific fund
Mode of payment of premium: Monthly option):
High Growth Fund (Risk Rating-Very High) : 100%
Critical Illness and Disability-Secure Rider - Rider Premium Critical Illness and Disability-Secure Rider - Coverage Variant NA
Payment Term and Rider Term Critical Illness and Disability-Secure Rider - Rider Sum Assured NA
Premium Summary
Base Plan Max Life Critical Illness and Disability-Secure Rider Total Installment Premium
Installment Premium without GST (in Rs.) 3,458 0 3,458
Installment Premium with first year GST (in Rs.) 3,458 0 3,458
Installment Premium with GST 2nd year onwards (in Rs.) 3,458 0 3,458
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 41,494 8,586 3,278 2,136 28,088 24,548 1,00,00,000 8,586 3,281 2,136 28,672 25,132 1,00,00,000 -
2 41,494 8,761 3,253 2,162 57,121 54,761 1,00,00,000 8,760 3,271 2,165 59,440 57,080 1,00,00,000 -
3 41,494 8,933 3,447 2,229 86,875 85,105 1,00,00,000 8,930 3,495 2,237 92,187 90,417 1,00,00,000 -
4 41,494 9,302 3,650 2,332 1,17,130 1,15,950 1,00,00,000 9,296 3,746 2,347 1,26,799 1,25,619 1,00,00,000 -
5 41,494 9,668 4,068 2,473 1,47,653 1,47,653 1,00,00,000 9,656 4,228 2,499 1,63,147 1,63,147 1,00,00,000 -
6 41,494 10,130 4,489 2,632 1,78,334 1,78,334 1,00,00,000 10,111 4,733 2,672 2,01,225 2,01,225 1,00,00,000 -
7 41,494 10,589 4,915 2,791 2,09,177 2,09,177 1,00,00,000 10,560 5,263 2,848 2,41,149 2,41,149 1,00,00,000 -
8 41,494 11,240 5,343 2,985 2,39,956 2,39,956 1,00,00,000 11,197 5,817 3,063 2,82,804 2,82,804 1,00,00,000 -
9 41,494 11,886 5,772 3,178 2,70,671 2,70,671 1,00,00,000 11,827 6,396 3,280 3,26,309 3,26,309 1,00,00,000 -
10 41,494 12,723 6,200 3,406 3,01,090 3,01,090 1,00,00,000 12,641 7,000 3,535 3,71,554 3,71,554 1,00,00,000 -
11 41,494 13,552 4,016 3,162 3,34,361 3,34,361 1,00,00,000 13,443 5,017 3,323 4,21,877 4,21,877 1,00,00,000 -
12 41,494 14,567 4,432 3,420 3,67,239 3,67,239 1,00,00,000 14,422 5,664 3,615 4,74,231 4,74,231 1,00,00,000 -
13 41,494 15,672 4,843 3,693 3,99,609 3,99,609 1,00,00,000 15,481 6,337 3,927 5,28,647 5,28,647 1,00,00,000 -
14 41,494 16,961 5,245 3,997 4,31,235 4,31,235 1,00,00,000 16,713 7,035 4,275 5,85,046 5,85,046 1,00,00,000 -
15 41,494 18,434 5,636 4,333 4,61,881 4,61,881 1,00,00,000 18,113 7,758 4,657 6,43,351 6,43,351 1,00,00,000 -
16 41,494 20,090 6,014 4,699 4,91,302 4,91,302 1,00,00,000 19,678 8,504 5,073 7,03,483 7,03,483 1,00,00,000 -
17 41,494 22,023 6,373 5,111 5,19,139 5,19,139 1,00,00,000 21,495 9,272 5,538 7,65,250 7,65,250 1,00,00,000 -
18 41,494 24,327 6,710 5,587 5,44,908 5,44,908 1,00,00,000 23,651 10,059 6,068 8,28,344 8,28,344 1,00,00,000 -
19 41,494 26,907 7,017 6,106 5,68,227 5,68,227 1,00,00,000 26,046 10,860 6,643 8,92,557 8,92,557 1,00,00,000 -
20 41,494 29,953 7,290 6,704 5,88,480 5,88,480 1,00,00,000 28,857 11,673 7,295 9,57,455 9,57,455 1,00,00,000 -
21 41,494 33,466 7,520 7,377 6,05,032 6,05,032 1,00,00,000 32,074 12,492 8,022 10,22,585 10,22,585 1,00,00,000 -
22 41,494 37,450 7,699 8,127 6,17,228 6,17,228 1,00,00,000 35,689 13,310 8,820 10,87,477 10,87,477 1,00,00,000 -
23 41,494 41,911 7,818 8,951 6,24,392 6,24,392 1,00,00,000 39,694 14,122 9,687 11,51,640 11,51,640 1,00,00,000 -
24 41,494 46,858 7,869 9,851 6,25,817 6,25,817 1,00,00,000 44,082 14,921 10,621 12,14,557 12,14,557 1,00,00,000 -
25 41,494 52,113 7,845 10,793 6,20,993 6,20,993 1,00,00,000 48,673 15,702 11,588 12,75,903 12,75,903 1,00,00,000 -
26 41,494 57,692 7,738 11,777 6,09,380 6,09,380 1,00,00,000 53,467 16,462 12,587 13,35,329 13,35,329 1,00,00,000 -
27 41,494 63,515 7,543 12,790 5,90,518 5,90,518 1,00,00,000 58,375 17,195 13,603 13,92,573 13,92,573 1,00,00,000 -
28 41,494 69,600 7,253 13,834 5,63,914 5,63,914 1,00,00,000 63,400 17,899 14,634 14,47,352 14,47,352 1,00,00,000 -
29 41,494 75,871 6,863 14,892 5,29,156 5,29,156 1,00,00,000 68,461 18,570 15,666 14,99,464 14,99,464 1,00,00,000 -
30 41,494 82,444 6,366 15,986 4,85,682 4,85,682 1,00,00,000 73,647 19,206 16,713 15,48,587 15,48,587 1,00,00,000 -
31 41,494 89,150 5,757 17,083 4,33,116 4,33,116 1,00,00,000 78,794 19,803 17,747 15,94,574 15,94,574 1,00,00,000 -
32 41,494 96,399 5,028 18,257 3,70,586 3,70,586 1,00,00,000 84,248 20,357 18,829 16,36,852 16,36,852 1,00,00,000 -
33 41,494 1,04,030 4,169 19,476 2,97,388 2,97,388 1,00,00,000 89,848 20,861 19,928 16,75,004 16,75,004 1,00,00,000 -
34 41,494 1,12,473 3,167 20,815 2,12,290 2,12,290 1,00,00,000 95,941 21,308 21,105 17,08,165 17,08,165 1,00,00,000 -
35 41,494 1,21,781 2,006 22,282 1,13,962 1,13,962 1,00,00,000 1,02,541 21,685 22,361 17,35,395 17,35,395 1,00,00,000 -
36 41,494 1,32,223 667 23,920 15,22,004 15,22,004 1,00,00,000 1,09,835 21,980 23,727 31,33,698 31,33,698 1,00,00,000 -
*Other Charges includes all charges except Mortality, Morbidity Charges on the policy. See Part B for details
I, ……………………………………………. (name), have explained the premiums, charges and I, Yamanappa (name), having received the information with respect to the above, have
benefits under the policy fully to the prospect / policyholder. understood the above statement before entering into the contract.
Date: 8/30/23 Signature / OTP Confirmation Date / Thumb Impression / Date:8/30/23 Signature / OTP Confirmation Date / Thumb Impression /
Electronic Signature of Agent/ Intermediary / Official Electronic Signature of Prospect/ Policyholder
1 41,494 2,490 38,556 8,586 2,136 598 - - - 28,708 194 28,672 25,132 1,00,00,000
2 41,494 2,075 39,046 8,760 2,165 627 - - - 59,514 569 59,440 57,080 1,00,00,000
3 41,494 1,867 39,290 8,930 2,237 659 - - - 92,301 969 92,187 90,417 1,00,00,000
4 41,494 1,660 39,535 9,296 2,347 692 - - - 1,26,956 1,394 1,26,799 1,25,619 1,00,00,000
5 41,494 1,660 39,535 9,656 2,499 726 - - - 1,63,348 1,842 1,63,147 1,63,147 1,00,00,000
6 41,494 1,660 39,535 10,111 2,672 763 - - - 2,01,474 2,311 2,01,225 2,01,225 1,00,00,000
7 41,494 1,660 39,535 10,560 2,848 801 - - - 2,41,447 2,803 2,41,149 2,41,149 1,00,00,000
8 41,494 1,660 39,535 11,197 3,063 841 - - - 2,83,154 3,317 2,82,804 2,82,804 1,00,00,000
9 41,494 1,660 39,535 11,827 3,280 883 - - - 3,26,713 3,854 3,26,309 3,26,309 1,00,00,000
10 41,494 1,660 39,535 12,641 3,535 927 - - - 3,72,014 4,413 3,71,554 3,71,554 1,00,00,000
36 41,494 - 41,494 1,09,835 23,727 - - - 13,78,231 17,57,641 21,980 31,33,698 31,33,698 1,00,00,000
1 41,494 2,490 38,556 8,586 2,136 598 - - - 28,123 191 28,088 24,548 1,00,00,000
2 41,494 2,075 39,046 8,761 2,162 627 - - - 57,192 551 57,121 54,761 1,00,00,000
3 41,494 1,867 39,290 8,933 2,229 659 - - - 86,982 921 86,875 85,105 1,00,00,000
4 41,494 1,660 39,535 9,302 2,332 692 - - - 1,17,275 1,299 1,17,130 1,15,950 1,00,00,000
5 41,494 1,660 39,535 9,668 2,473 726 - - - 1,47,836 1,682 1,47,653 1,47,653 1,00,00,000
6 41,494 1,660 39,535 10,130 2,632 763 - - - 1,78,554 2,067 1,78,334 1,78,334 1,00,00,000
7 41,494 1,660 39,535 10,589 2,791 801 - - - 2,09,436 2,454 2,09,177 2,09,177 1,00,00,000
8 41,494 1,660 39,535 11,240 2,985 841 - - - 2,40,253 2,842 2,39,956 2,39,956 1,00,00,000
9 41,494 1,660 39,535 11,886 3,178 883 - - - 2,71,006 3,229 2,70,671 2,70,671 1,00,00,000
10 41,494 1,660 39,535 12,723 3,406 927 - - - 3,01,462 3,614 3,01,090 3,01,090 1,00,00,000
36 41,494 - 41,494 1,32,223 23,920 - - - 15,21,281 725 667 15,22,004 15,22,004 1,00,00,000
*There are no charges included in other charges. Guaranteed Loyalty Additions and Wealth Boosters declared as per the product terms and conditions are included on Additions to the fund.
Notes: 1. Refer the sales literature for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
2. Fund management charge is based on the specific fund option(s) chosen.
3. In case rider charges are collected explicitly through collection of rider premium, and not by way of cancellation of units, then, such charges are not considered in this illustration. In other cases, rider charges are included in
other charges.
I, ……………………………………………. (name), have explained the premiums, charges and I, Yamanappa (name), having received the information with respect to the above, have
benefits under the policy fully to the prospect / policyholder. understood the above statement before entering into the contract.
Date: 8/30/23 Signature / OTP Confirmation Date / Thumb Impression / Date:8/30/23 Signature / OTP Confirmation Date / Thumb Impression /
Electronic Signature of Agent/ Intermediary / Official Electronic Signature of Prospect/ Policyholder