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Volume Calculation

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Volume Calculations

Thursdays Talk in Talisman

Nurfarhan Rahim Othman

Application Support Geoscientist
January 10th 2013

 Introduction
 2D Volume Calculation
 3D Volume Calculation
- Make Contacts
- Make Regions
- Volume Calculation
 Error Messages
 Q&A

2D Volume Calculation

Three methods for calculating volumes:

Between two Between a surface Volume/area

surfaces and a plane versus depth

3D Volume Calculations
Make Contacts

 Define Fluid contacts

 Create a Fluid contact Property
 Understand the Principles of Volume Calculation
 Create a New Case using the following input
 Create and use outputs

Make Contacts Overview

The Make Contacts process facilitates the use of contacts inside

a 3D grid. These contacts can be visualized and can also be used
for making a contact property.

Make Contacts Volumetrics

Make Contacts Process
Make Contacts Tab

Make Contacts is the last process

under Corner Point Gridding.

1. Append the number of contacts

2. Define the contact type

3. Type in a unique contact name 6

4. Define the contact level

a) By zones. c) By regions property
b) By segments d) Fixed for all zones and segments 5
5. By all zones or segments: Define a
contact with a constant or a surface

6. Use region property: Regions can be

defined using any discrete property
Make Regions
On the Make regions property
tab, regions can be created
using any discrete property.
They also can be modified
using these options:
 Merge regions
 Add regions from property
 Add region from polygon.
Make Contacts Process
Make Contacts Tab

Visualize Contacts
1. After running he Make Contacts process, the new
contact set is stored in a Fluid Contacts folder in
the 3D Grid.

2. Go to Style tab under Settings for the Fluid

Contacts folder to control visualization settings.

Note: It is possible to convert contacts to surfaces and 10

point sets stored in the Input pane
Make a Contact property
1. The contacts are stored in a Contact Set 3. Select the appropriate fluid codes
folder in the 3D Grid. above/below contacts and click the Make
Property button. The contact property is
2. Go to Operations tab under Settings for stored in the 3D grid > Properties folder
the Contact Set folder to make a property.
4. Use value filter for the property.

3D Volume Calculations
Volume Calculation

 Understand the Principles of Volume Calculation

Triangulation and exact volume calculation
Cases pane and Results pane
 Create a New Case using the following input
Contacts and General properties
Oil and Gas properties
Filters and well boundaries
 Create and use outputs
Volume properties
Volume maps

Volume Calculations

The Volume calculation process accurately calculates the various volumes

(bulk, pore, and fluid) in a 3D grid.
Data you can use:
 Boundary, license block
 Zones, Segments
 Properties (Net/Gross, porosity, Sw)
 Constants (Bo, Bg, Rs, Rv)
 Contacts (GOC, OWC, GWC)
 Recovery factors (REC).
Exact volume calculation
Each side of the cell is triangulated. Cells are split exactly where they are cut.
Generating Cases and Results

Cases Pane
Running a volume calculation creates a case, which will
have a volume case icon in the Cases pane. This must
be toggled for viewing results stored in the Results
Results Pane
Acts as a filter for outputs of the Volume Calculation.
Standard parameters are calculated for all volume
calculations if the appropriate input is supplied.
Note: Simulation cases also are stored in the Cases and Results panes.
How to calculate volumes in a 3D grid
The user must first define one consistent representation of reality, a Case.
The Properties tab holds all the input data for the volume calculation

1. Double-click on the Volume calculation process

2. Create a new case or update an existing one.

3. Select which 3D Grid from the drop-down menu to

run the Volume Calculation on.

4. Define the Hydrocarbon intervals to use. Select

the Contacts from the Fluid Contacts folder and
drop them using the blue arrow

5. Browse through the property tabs and select either

a property model or a constant for each of the

6. Specify the outputs to generate in the Settings tab

7. Click Apply to store and then Run to execute. 15

Specify the Properties for the Case
Choose a constant value or a property from a drop down list of the appropriate
properties (template dependant) in the chosen 3D grid.

5.1 Define Oil and Gas properties. Use

either an already made property (pull
down menu) from the grid, or select the
Constant property box and type in a
5.2 Under the General Properties tab,
activate N/G and Porosity properties or
use constants.


Specify the Results of a Volumetric Case

The Settings tab controls the outputs that will be created and allows the
user to create extra filters for separating results.

6.1 Choose to create a 3D property

6.2 Create volume height map of any of the


6.3 Output the results to a spreadsheet.

When Volume Calculation is run, the properties

are stored in the Properties folder of the
selected grid, and the Maps are stored in a
Volume Maps folder in the Input pane.

Filters in the volume calculation results

. Specify a discrete Facies property. This will

allow to categorize the volume results into
various rock types modeled in the 3D grid

2. Use the property filter in the volume calculation

or filter the volume calculations based on
2a Boundary polygons (drop from the Input pane
using the blue arrow)
2b Well boundaries (specify the influence radius)

Generating a Report

1. The filter settings are stored

in the Results pane. Right-
click on the Volumetric folder
> Settings.

2. Select the Properties to

display in the report.

3. Select single/multiple Cases

4. Specify the Detail level under

the Format tab.

5. Press the Make Report button.

6. View the Report and copy

or save it to a text-editor.

How to change the Units in the Report

1. Go to the Volume templates

folder under the Templates pane

2. Open the Settings of any of the

templates (here: STOIIP)

3. Go to the Info tab.

4. Check Customize next to the units.

Select the units and number of
decimals you want to use.

5. Click Apply. You will now have to

Make the report once again: Go to
the Results tab and open the
Settings for the Volumetrics

Visualizing the Output: Volume Maps

Volume Maps are stored in the Input pane.

1. Maps can be displayed in a Map window

(e.g. STOIIP).

2. The Volume maps can also be shown in a

3D window – draped over a topographic
a) Output a depth Surface from Horizon
b) RMB and select Copy the STOIIP map as a
surface attribute.
c) RMB and paste it onto the depth surface.
d) Expand the Surface and select the
attribute you wish to visualize.
Error Messages



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