The Doctrine of Man
The Doctrine of Man
The Doctrine of Man
7 N . Berdyaev, T116 Russia" Revol.Ui011 (1932), 68.
8 R. Niebuhr, T116 Nalu'Ye Mid DestiJJy of MaJJ (1941), 6.
9 J. L. Stocks, Time, Cause aJJd Eu'Yflity (1938), 5-6.
10 See A. E. Taylor, Aristotle, 42.
n T1t6 Stoic Philosaphy, 32, 34.
u N . cS- D . of MaJJ, 8.
13 T116 Stoic Philosaphy, 53, 51.
14 A. N. Whitehead, Scienu cS- t116 Mod6'YJJ Wo-,ld (1938), 19.
15 J. Macmurray, T116 Boundaries of Scimu (1939), 236.
16 Time, Cause aM Eternity, 34.
1' Ibid., 34.
18 H . Cunynghame, ShO'Yt Talks 011 Philosaplty (1932), 184.
19 C. E . M. Joad, Guide to Mod6'YJJ Tltought (1942), 53, 59.
20 Ibid., 182.
21 T116 Boundaries of Scienu, 204.
22 T116 N . cS- D. of Man, 36, 44.
23 E. Barker, TM CitizeJJ's Choice (1937), 15.
24 Quoted by R. Osborn, F'Yeud aM Ma'Yx (1937), 242.
25 See T116 Russian Revoi.Ui011, 81-82.
26 Scienu cS- t116 Mode'Y" Wo-,ld, 100.
27 N. cS- D. of Man, 35, 35, 38.
28 Time, Cause and Eumity, 86, 90.
29 T116 Boundaries of Scienu, 183.
30 J. Baillie, Ou., KJJowletlge of God (1939), 40-42.
31 N. cS- D. of Man, 151-3.
32 Ou'Y Knowledge of God, 16.
33 Ibid., 258.
O NLY by the Evangelist John is the title" Word" (in the Greek,
'Logos') applied to the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.
For Matthew, Christ is "Great David's Greater Son," heir of
his throne and Israel's promised Messiah. For Mark, He is the Divine
Servant. For Luke, He is the Perfect Man. For John, He is the
Word, the Son of God, Himself God blessed for ever.
The abrupt introduction, without preliminary or explanation, of
this title in the first verse of St. John's Gospel shows that the Logos,
a conception hovering uncertainly upon the confines of theology and
of philosophy, was familiar-superficially, at least,-to those for whom
the Apostle was writing. What, then, is the meaning of this title
"The Word," applied by St. John to our Lord?
From a very early date philosophic Greeks had perceived at the
heart of the visible ordered world or ' cosmos ' a rational principle
which they called the' logos' or" reason." They argued, reasonably
enough, that a world that displayed such order revealed also an
ordering intelligence. Many of them-the Stoics, for example-
rejecting, as do the fashionable scientific pantheists of to-day, the
idea of a personal and transcendental intelligence, located the' Logos'
in the ' cosmos ' itself.
Others, more intelligently, regarded the supreme intellectual prin-
ciple-<>r principles, for some of them held that there were several-
as independent of, and above, the material world, and as an emanation
or creation of the Supreme Being.
Philo, the Jewish philosopher, born shortly before the Christian
4< era and living his whole life in Alexandria, wrote as a Jew, zealous
indeed for monotheism but deeply attracted by Greek speculative