7 Days
7 Days
7 Days
Il l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Material Department Manager
Notes: 1.The test results in this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated in Remarks, all samples were
received in acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities Included in this report, if any, are not included In the scope of our accreditation. 4.This report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample identification information Included in this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, Incomplete, misleading or false Information provided by the Client.
Form : RT-3001-01 - END OF REPORT -
Name: _...1..-,,1��...I--J..f--
Sitn :
P.O. Box: 60823, Dubai - U A E ·f'·c.1- '?°",•'•Ml": Y•u'°
Abu Dhabi : Tel. +971 2 5502774 : �!H I
Tel.: +971-4-8856466 +Wl-i-M01£": .._.;_;t..,, Al Ain : Tel. +971 3 721 f533 :
Fax: +971-4-8856460 +Wl-£-MoH,. :�u Muscat : Tel. +968 2 4115730 : �
E-mail : acesdubai@aces-int.com Website: www.aces-int.com
Arab Center �J-nJI j...5 J.0-11
For Engineering Studies d..-.,!-W.LUil..JI wl--WIJ....U
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 !1 1 1
Notes: 1.The test results in this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated in Remarks, all samples were
received in acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities included in this report, If any, are not Included in the scope of our accreditation. 4.This report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample identification information Included in this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, incomplete, misleading or false information provided by the Client.
Form: RT-3001-01 - END OF REPORT-
Il l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Material Department Manager
Notes: 1.The test results In this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated in Remarks, all samples were
received In acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities included in this report, if any, are not included in the scope of our accreditation. 4.This report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample identification information included in this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, incomplete, misleading or false information provided by the Client.
Form: RT-3001-01 - END OF REPORT-
P.O. Box: 60823, Dubai - U A E ·f'·E: - o,r-• ., -Mr: ":-'·IJ"'
Abu Dhabi : Tel. +97125502774 : �9--!1
Tel.: +971-4-8856466 +Wl-!-MO'!": ....;_;i.., Al Ain : Tel. +971 3 721 'ffi3S : .:r.-s-JI
Fax: +971-4-8856460 +'\ V I -!-Mo H ' · : vuSl.9 Muscat : Tel. +968 2 4115730: �
E-mail : acesdubai@aces-int.com _ Website: www.aces-int.com
Arab Center �J---WI j...5 j.D-11
For Engineering Studies ii........,!,.w.LUil.11 .::..L.-wl J...U
1 C-4036 <'° 150 150 150 8.018 2380 1012 45.0 Ys ctory
2 C-4037:;; 150 150 150 8.045 2380 1017 45.0 eatisfactory
3 C-4038 150 150 150 8.036 2380 995 44.ysatisfactory
Il l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Notes: 1.The test results in this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated in Remarks, all samples were
received In acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities included in this report, if any, are not included in the scope of our accreditation. 4.Thls report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample Identification information included in this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any Incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, incomplete, misleading or false information provided by the Client.
Form: RT-3001-01
•h•------ - --- - END OF REPORT-
P.O. Box: 60823, Dubai - U A E ·i"·t·I- ir- > ., ,Mr: ..,.,lJ">
Abu Dhabi : Tel. +97125502774 : �� I
Tel.: +971-4-8856466 +�Vl-!-MOH": wuLo
Al Ain : Tel. +9713 72, �35 : �I
;,Lo..,..L,:ill ...,...oJL.a..JI UlJLo,1,11 j....S.,_.a Fax : +971-4-8856460 +Wl-!-MOH'· :..,.St..
£mlnln lnttrn•llon•lAcu,dll111on Cenlr• Muscat : Tel. +968 24115730: �
006-LB-TEST E-mail : acesdubai@aces-int.com Website: www.aces-int.com
Arab Center �µiJI j...5 j.0-11
For Engineering Studies d..-,!.111.u.iiLII .::..L....wlJ...U
Project Name Etihad Rail Project Stage 2 & 3
Structure Reference CONCRETE FOR PILECAP-ABT-B@ DMC CH 36+224 ITR # (C0306-S02-ECB-IR-50023-00)
I l l l l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1! 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I
0. 0 0 1 8 7 0 6 0 5 •
1.The test results in this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated in Remarks, all samples were
received in acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities included In this report, if any, are not Included In the scope of our accreditation. 4.Thls report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample Identification Information included In this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any Incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, Incomplete, misleading or false Information provided by the Client.
Form: RT-3001-01 - END OF REPORT·
Arab Center
fo,En:J!,,wingSNdla �
/47-C'c:" �J,..DII �.,Ul,�
p ��.:.W :,tJ
,__________________ 1
Name =--;�r.e,�.,,_.=..,.:;,,.��
Sillt :
eLc""tCI or,.,
P.O. Box: 60823, Dubai - U A E ·f·t-' - -torr: ..,. ...,.,
Abu Dhabi : Tel. +971 2 5502774 : �� I
Tel. : +971-4-8856466 +WI -!-MOH": ._.;_;t...,
Al Ain : Tel. +9713721"1BS:31: �I
;,l..4...1..L.d..J v,,-A-JL&.JI Ul1L.o1'I jJ, Fax: +971-4-8856460 +Wl·!-MoH,, :..,..Su
[mtr,to '"ltrn•Uon1I Accrechl11!on Cenlr•
Muscat : Tel. +9682 4115730: .b..A...w..4
006-LB-TEST E-mail : acesdubai@aces-int.com Web site: www.aces-int.com
Arab Center �J---WI µ ,JB11
For Engineering Studies iL...:!-w.......:iil.11 ..::..L....wlJill
l ll ll ll ll l ll l llll llll l l l ll
nt Manager
Notes: 1.The test results in this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated in Remarks, all samples were
received in acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities included in this report, if any, are not included in the scope of our accreditation. 4.This report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample identification Information included in this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, incomplete, misleading or false information provided by the Client.
Form: RT-3001-01 - END OF REPORT-
P.O. Box: 60823, Dubai - U A E ·l'·c.·I - .,.-1> ,1 •Afr: '":'•u"'
Abu Dhabi : Tel. +97125502774 : �,-i
Tel.: +971-4-8856466 +'\Vl-!-M01!'1: .....;L,,
Al Ain : Tel. +971 3 7211003 : .:r.-s-)1
:tLo...L.cJ.I...J y,AJLAJI U11L..ol!I J..-S> Fax: +971-4-8856460 +'\Vl-!-M01!1• :�Ls
fmlr.11,1 l(lltrl'lillon1t A.((ttdltaiton Ctnlrt Muscat : Tel. +968 2 4115730: .h.i.w-4
006-LB-TEST E-mail : acesdubai@aces-int.com Website: www.aces-int.com
Arab Center �j--I111 µ j.0-11
For Engineering Studies ii,.._µu.....i..iil.11 uL-wlJ...U
Notes: 1.The test results in this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless othe stated in Remarks, all samples were
received In acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities included in this report, if any, are not included in the scope of our accreditation. 4.This report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample identification information Included in this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, incomplete, misleading or false information�i,g&il.,b.y.tjie.,.Elient,---�
Form: RT-3001-01 - END OF REPORT-
" b Center
Foril>:,1.-lnt SClidlOI
� �SU'� �\
a... ,,,..n.:.l.,.,1,:1
, Sitl:
°"' =---r.+--.i.,-,:...,�'-WOliW
P.O. Box: 608 3, Dubai - U A E
Abu Dhabi : Tel. +971 25502774 : �� I
Tel.: +971-4-8856466 +WI -£-MOH": ....,i,;L,.
Al Ain : Tel. +971 3 72l1!¥3:!: �I
Fax: +971-4-8856460 +Wl-£-MoH,, :�Lo Muscat : Tel. +968 2 4115730: �
,Lo.J.c:Ji..J �I-..Jl ..:Ol1l..afll µ_._
I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il 1 1
Material Department Manager
1.The test results In this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated In Remarks, all samples were
received In acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities Included In this report, If any, are not Included In the scope of our accreditation. 4.Thls report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample identification Information included in this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any Incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, Incomplete, misleading or false Information provided by the Client.
Form: RT-3001-01 - END OF REPORT-
Name: __,._��,.........,,w-.,,...�
: 01te : --1�-...;:.�;_,,{o��'---
1 Sil":
I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il 1 1
Material Department Manager
Notes: 1.The test results In this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated In Remarks, all samples were
received In acceptable condition. 3. Sampiing activities Included in this report, If any, are not Included In the scope of our accreditation. 4.Thls report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample Identification Information included in this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any Incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, Incomplete, misleading or false Information provided by the Client.
Form : RT-3001-01 · END OF REPORT·
Notes: 1.The test results In this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated In Remarks, all samples were
received in acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities included in this report, if any, are not Included in the scope of our accreditation. 4.This report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample identification information included In this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any Incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, Incomplete, misleading or false Information provided by the Client.
Form: RT-3001-01 - END OF REPORT·
oate : _-1-,/J..:.-'�+�f-"�r
Il l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Material Department Manager
Notes: 1.The test results In this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated In Remarks, all samples were
received In acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities Included In this report, if any, are not Included In the scope of our accreditation. 4.Thls report shall not be reproduced
except In full, without written approval of ACES.
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample Identification Information Included In this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any Incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, Incomplete, misleading or false Information provided by the Client.
Form: RT-3001-01 - END OF REPORT - �-�---.:..1 __________
....Arab Ctnter4a:s� -
ig,.J,-DI .
.._...__,__ a • ,,-.11.:.L.4=1
Emir•lu lntun1tion1\ Accrtdll•tlon c,n1,,
Il l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Material Department Manager
Notes: 1.The test results In this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated In Remarks, all samples were
received In acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities Included In this report, If any, are not Included In the scope of our accreditation. 4.Thls report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample Identification Information Included In this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any Incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, Incomplete, misleading or false Information provided by the Client.
Form: RT-3001-01 - ENO OF REPORT-
,. .......... � ......----- •• ,,.,...i....i, ..
Date =---,-+-'�"""-1--<�..z....:z.._
_.....__ �'4--,1,�.--'P
Spec. Strength (N/mm 2) : 40/50 OPC+65%GGBS+5%MS (RC-2)
Eng.(dL.L _.
Harees Sulaiman
Material Department Manager
I llllll lllll lllll lllll llllllllll lllll 11111 11111 11111111111111111
Notes: 1.The test results in this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated in Remarks, all samples were
received in acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities included in this report, if any, are not included In the scope of our accreditation. 4.This report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample identification information Included in this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, incomplete, misleading or false Information provided by the Client.
Form : RT-3001-01 - END OF REPORT -
Name =-�'"--:k:!i��h.4'4-./-,,,
Il l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Eng. Harees Sulaiman
Material Department Manager
Notes: 1.The test results in this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated In Remarks, all samples were
received In acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities included in this report, If any, are not Included In the scope of our accreditation. 4.Thls report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample ldentlflcatlon Information Included In this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any Incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, Incomplete, misleading or false Information provided by the Client.
Form: RT-3001-01 • END OF REPORT·
Etihad Rail Stage z Pac•aue C {C0306)
. .,,,,
✓u lation
Curing/Storage (Lab) BS 1881:P 111:1983 (Amd. 9387-97) Rqrd Test Age (Days) . : 7
Moisture Condition Moist Sample Brought In By : C ONTRACTOR'S REP.
Test Method BS 1881:1983 PT 116 Amd. 6720-91 Date Tested : 30-11-20
Test Method Var. None Tested By : Musbaudeen
Test Location : ACES Dubai Lab
2 C -4145/ 150 150 150 8.077 2390 1042 46.� Satisfactory
3 C-4146 150 150 150 8.062 2390 1006 Satisfactory
Material Department Manager
Notes: 1.The test results in this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated in Remarks, all samples were
received in acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities included In this report, if any, are not included in the scope of our accreditation. 4.This report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample identification information included in this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, incomplete, misleading or false information provided by the Client.
Form: RT-3001-01 - END OF REPORT-
P.O. Box: 60823, Dubai - U A E ·f'·t·' - ir-• . , . 11 r r : ..,,.ua Abu Dhabi : Tel. +971 2 5502774 : �9-!I
Tel. : +971-4-8856466 +'IVl-!-/1/\0H": wwi....
Al Ain : Tel. +971 3 7:21lt�fas : �I
:,Lo.J...J:,tlJ �LaJI WIJLajll JJ>-'1 Fax: +971-4-8856460 +'IVl-!-/1/\0H'· :..,...Sl..9
Emlratu lnltrn,Uontl AurtdllaUon Ctnlrt Muscat : Tel. +968 2 4115730 : .b...a..=..4
006-LB-TEST E-mail : acesdubai@aces-int.com Website: www.a ces-int.com
Arab Center �j-J111 j...S _JD.JI
For Engineering Studies ii........,µu..L..i..iil.ll .::..L.....J.ulJ...!J
Material Department Manager
I llllll lllll lllll 1111111111 11111 111111111 11111 11111 IIII I IIII IIII
Notes: 1.The test results In this report relate only to the test sample as received and tested by the laboratory. 2.Unless otherwise stated In Remarks, all samples were
received In acceptable condition. 3. Sampling activities included In this report, IF any, are not Included in the scope of our accreditation. 4.This report shall not be reproduced
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample identification information Included In this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable For any Incorrect results arising From unclear, erroneous, incomplete, misleading or False information provided by the Client.
Form : RT-3001-01 - END OF REPORT -
Name: --,1""-::�l-'--l���-
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, Client and project details as well as sampling and sample identification information Included in this report are provided by the Client.
ACES shall not be liable for any incorrect results arising from unclear, erroneous, incomplete, misleading or false information provided by the Client.
Form : RT-3001-01 - END OF REPORT -
Designation : M
.I Hame : --r,....��_,._,_.,..,,...__
:i,LD....1...cJJ.J ._....o,JL.._JI UIJLoPI µ�
Emlr.1tu lnle,,.at"1111,1\ Auud11111on C•nlfl
P.O. Box: 60823, Dubai - U A E
Tel.: +971-4-8856466
Fax: +971-4-8856460
•f'•t.·I - or- >
+Wl-!-MOH": .....wt...
+Wl-!-MoH,, :..,...Su
. , •Mr : '-:'·V"'
Abu Dhabi : Tel. +97125 502774 : �9-11
Al Ain : Tel. +9713 72\19ir3t: .:r-,.ul
006-LB-TEST Muscat : Tel. +968 2 4115730 : �
E-mail : acesdubai@aces-int.com Website: www.aces-int.com