00 2nd Sem (Midterms) - Empotech
00 2nd Sem (Midterms) - Empotech
00 2nd Sem (Midterms) - Empotech
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4. Practice netiquettes.
RA 9262 | VAWCI|
When participating in online math
communities or discussion groups, it's
important to provide clear and
concise explanations and solutions,
and to avoid using jargon or
confusing terminology. Netiquette
also involves being respectful of
different approaches and methods
to solving mathematical problems.
When sharing artwork or
participating in online art communities,
it's important to respect others'
copyright and intellectual property
rights, and to give credit to sources
and inspirations. Netiquette also
involves being respectful of different
artistic styles and techniques and
avoiding personal attacks or
negative criticism.
Adware: tracks a user’s web surfing
history and activity to optimize
advertising efforts
Keyloggers: a type of spyware that
monitors user activity
o The process of planning and arranging
graphics or text in a page or book.
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF GRAPHICS AND There's no one way to use white space
correctly, but it's good to understand its
PROXIMITY purpose. White space helps you define
and separate different sections; it gives
all about using visual space to show your content room to breathe. If your
relationships in your content. In work ever starts to feel cluttered or
practice, it's pretty simple—all you have uncomfortable, a little white space might
to do is make sure related items are be just what the doctor ordered.
grouped together
An important part of every composition.
Now, this doesn't mean literal white
space; it just means negative space, like It might help to imagine your content
the spaces between your content, arranged inside of a grid, just like the
between lines, and even the outer example below. Notice how there's an
margins invisible line centering each image to the
text? Each grouping is also evenly spaced stand out. High-level or important items
and aligned, with equal-sized margins are usually larger, bolder, or more eye-
catching in some way
Contrast simply means that one item is
different from another. In layout and
composition, contrast can help you do
many things, like catch the reader's eye,
create emphasis, or call attention to
something important. Do not re-sell this reviewer:)
Original: NewEye-07_Yve Elle
Repetition is a reminder that every
project should have a consistent look and
feel. This means finding ways to reinforce
your design by repeating or echoing
To create contrast in the example below, certain elements
we've used color, more than one style of
text, and objects of differing sizes. This
makes the design more dynamic and,
therefore, more effective at
communicating its message.
The distribution of the graphic design
elements, such as shapes, text boxes and
Establishing hierarchy is simple: Just images, of a design evenly throughout a
decide which elements you want the certain layout. Designers can choose
reader to notice first, then make them
between a balanced (stable) design or off EMPHASIS
balanced (dynamic) layout.
Emphasis can be created by size, weight,
position, color, shape, and style. Adding
emphasis to an object creates a focal
point, which grabs an audience’s
attention. It’s where you want the viewer
to look first, but doesn’t overpower the
rest of the design (or it would be out of