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Slides ML Ch1

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Machine Learning

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maria Schweigel

Machine Learning – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maria Schweigel 1

organizational things 2

The Module in divided in a theoretical and a practical part.

In first part of semester lessons will give you theoretical background.
In the second part of semester the practical part starts. Therefor have a look to practical
training guide and solve the tasks. We work with the open source SW Tensorflow which have to
be installed on your computer. We use our meetings to discuss about problems and results of
your tasks. You have the possibility to work on your own ML project. With a presentation of
your project you can earn some extra points for written exam. Please consider that each
student have to work on an own project.

Course consists of :
• Theoritical basics: Lectures and Exercises
• Practical part: examples and ML-project
Materials on studip:
• Slides of lesson
• Practical training guide for practical part
• First part of semester theoretical basics
• Second part of semester for consultation and disscussion about practical part
• presentations of students projects at the end of semester
• Exam preparation at one of the last meetings
• written exam at end of semester about 120 min

Machine Learning – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maria Schweigel

literature 3

In libray available:

• Machine Learning Algorithms : Popular Algorithms for Data Science and Machine Learning,
Bonaccorso, Giuseppe

• Machine learning for dummies / by John Paul Mueller and Luca Massaron

• Fundamentals of machine learning for predictive data analytics : algorithms, worked examples, and case
studies / John D. Kelleher, Brian Mac Namee, Aoife D'Arcy

• Hands-On Neural Networks with TensorFlow 2. 0 : Understand TensorFlow, from Static Graph to Eager
Execution, and Design Neural Networks, Galeone, Paolo

• Hands-On Ensemble Learning with Python : Build Highly Optimized Ensemble Machine Learning Models
Using Scikit-Learn and Keras, Kyriakides, George

• Maschinelles Lernen , Alpaydın, Ethem

• Machine Learning kompakt : alles, was Sie wissen müssen / Andriy Burkov ; Übersetzung aus dem
Amerikanischen von Knut Lorenzen

• An Introduction to Machine Learning, Miroslav Kubat, © Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-
319-63912-3 ISBN 978-3-319-63913-0 (eBook)

Machine Learning – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maria Schweigel

content 4

1. Introduction to Machine Learning

History of ML, Terms of ML, Learning process,
Applications of ML, Key problems of ML
2. Algorithms used for ML
Decision Trees, Probabilistic Networks (Bayesian),
Nearest-Neighbor Classifiers, Neural network
(NN), Support Vector Machine (SVM)
3. Methods of Machine Learning
Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning,
Reinforcement learning
4. Data Science and ML
Needed data sets, Examples of data sets,
Problems with data
Machine Learning – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maria Schweigel
Content (2) 5

5. Quality values of ML-Algorithms

error rate and accuracy, Confusion matrix for 2-
class problems, other two class quality values,
Confusion matrix for m-class problems, Mean
Square Error
6. Parameter optimization
gradient method, Backpropagation, Over- and
underfitting, Grid searching, Genetic algorithms
7. Tensor Flow for ML
What is TensorFlow?, Keras - The high-level API
for TensorFlow, Support Vector Machine in
Machine Learning – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maria Schweigel

Introduction to
Machine learning

Machine Learning – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maria Schweigel

First ML example 7

Is the matermelon ripe?


Machine Learning – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maria Schweigel

Definition ML 8

Many definitions exist! One possible:

“Machine learning is the technique that


improves system performance by learning from

experience via computational methods.”

Machine Learning – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maria Schweigel

First ML example 9

4 samples of our ML example:


Zhou, Machine Learning,2021

Machine Learning – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maria Schweigel

Example Character recognition 10

From 6x4 images with handwritten character

(number or letter)

Kubat, An Introduction to Machine Learning,2017

Machine Learning – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maria Schweigel

Learning process 11

Find correct process flow by sort single steps!


Machine Learning – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maria Schweigel

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