VED KA BHED by Miqdad Al-Athari
VED KA BHED by Miqdad Al-Athari
VED KA BHED by Miqdad Al-Athari
In writing about natural processes, they depict
preventing it as a sin and a curse. My civility does
not allow me to introduce such disgraceful teachings
to my audience, nor to promote the dissemination of
morally corrupt literature. This is the reason why I
have kept my pamphlet free from the disgraceful
and morally corrupt issue of 'Newg.' Nevertheless,
what has been written is quite sufficient to assess
the truth of Dyanandi religion according to the
principles outlined by Dyanand Ji."
"At the end of the twelfth chapter of Dyanand Ji's
Satyarth Prakash, it is written: * Just as one can tell
by looking at the rice boiling in a pot whether all the
rice is cooked or raw, in the same way, from this
brief writing, good-hearted people will understand
many things.
First Teaching of Dyanandi Philosophy
We want to ask the Arya Samaj scholars: Is it correct to
attribute the sins of the father—such as adultery, theft,
or immorality—to his son and grandson? Is it right to
involve the son and grandson in the punishment for the
father’s sins, and to mutilate the body parts of the son
and grandson along with the father’s body parts related
to the crime?
"It is contrary. Therefore, to hold the son and grandson
accountable for the father’s crime of not studying the
Vedas is entirely baseless and cannot be justified by
reason or justice in any way. And when the son and
grandson are not involved in the crime, it is
unreasonable and unjust to punish them along with the
father. Forcing innocent and blameless sons and
grandsons to become Shudras is a teaching of Arya
philosophy that even a person with ordinary knowledge
and understanding cannot accept. Can we expect a
social scholar to illuminate this philosophical teaching
of Arya philosophy and provide the world with a
satisfactory response on behalf of their religion?
Second Teaching of Dyanandi Philosophy
"How astonishing! A servant flees from the battlefield
and is killed by the enemies, and it is decided that he is to
be punished. We would also say to our friends that this is
quite correct and accurate. But it is also stated that he
takes on the sins of his master, and the reward for his
good deeds in this life is taken by his master. This is
something that is certainly entirely false and absurd in
the eyes of every person. Because for a servant to take on
the sins of his master for the crime of fleeing from battle,
and for the master to receive the servant's reward,
cannot in any way be justified by knowledge or reason.
It is astonishing and truly perplexing that this is the
kind of teaching in Arya philosophy, where the
punishment for sin is not given to the sinner, but to
someone who has no connection to that sin.
Furthermore, it is claimed that the rewards for his
good deeds, charity, and worship will be taken by the
master. For a moment, if we were to assume that this
teaching is inspired, it would lead to several
objections regarding the nature of God.
"And in return, an innocent and blameless person is
deemed guilty. Thirdly, the Aryan God will be
considered biased, which Dyanand Ji firmly denies. To
avoid this bias, Dyanand Ji accepted reincarnation. He
clearly states regarding injustice that whoever acts
against justice is not God.
Third Teaching of Dyanandi Philosophy
"Without thoroughly considering the case... to be put to
death, and then to think about it—how ridiculous and
astonishing it is that after killing someone, one is
advised to reflect on it. Reading this makes one exclaim:
And will not the spirit of the educated community, along
with humanity, justice, and truth, be thrown into turmoil
by this teaching, where under the guise of justice, there is
a doctrine of killing and destruction disguised as reform?
"It is unjust and against justice and righteousness, and
such teaching can never be called divine. So tell me, what
will you say about Dyanand Ji's statement when he
clearly issues the fatwa that 'those who abandon religion
and kill others without guilt should be killed without
In other words, one should kill first and then think about
it later. Allah Allah! Everyone understands the difference
between killing and inflicting harm or beating. And it is
astonishing that a command to kill is given without
thought and understanding.
It is expected that before the killing of the guilty,
thorough investigation and careful consideration
regarding both individuals should be established. But
when this is not permitted, it becomes clear that
Dyanand Ji is issuing a verdict of killing without careful
thought or deliberation.
And certainly, no sensible person in the world can
understand this. How can wise individuals adhere to
a law that requires them to reflect on murder after
committing it? The learned will not mourn for the
victim but for their own intellect when the victim's
soul witnesses this.
We tell our friends, 'Very good, Maharaj, very true, and
absolutely correct.' But consider this: a poor young
woman goes to a shop owned by a sinful shopkeeper to
buy something. This unfortunate man, due to his bad
habits influenced by the impure teaching of "Newag"
(which civilization forbids discussing), commits rape on
this young woman in public at his open shop.
Unfortunately, there is no other woman present. Tell me,
what should this innocent woman do to remedy her
pain? When she knocks on the doors of justice in the
Arya Samaj, she receives a clear answer: 'Unless you
bring a woman to testify against this act, there will be no
hearing for you.' Upon hearing this, she becomes so
bewildered that it feels as if 'if you cut, there is no blood
in the body.'
That there was no woman present at the scene. Yes, I can
present a few good-hearted Arya witnesses who were
passing by and gathered upon hearing my screams. They
possess more wisdom and understanding than women
and are the original witnesses, yet she still receives a
straightforward answer: 'We are bound by Dayanand's
command; you see, it is stated in Satyarth Prakash,
Chapter 6, verse 217, that "women shall be witnesses for
women." Therefore, we cannot accept men's testimony
in your case.
So where are the learned Arya Samajis who wish to
establish peace and justice in the world through their
Vedic religion? Humans, let alone animals, should rush
to provide justice for the wounds of this innocent young
woman, or they should admit that the Arya Samaj is not
capable of imparting true justice, truth, and
righteousness to the world. Similarly, there are
countless other incidents for which, according to this
law, there can be no justice.
"He cries out for help from the people. The
neighborhood residents arrive, but the cunning thief
manages to escape with the stolen goods.
Friends, tell me, how can you expect to establish justice and
peace in the world with such a law? Is this the law you
present before the world, claiming that the Vedic teachings
and Arya Dharma are the solutions for human welfare?
What can we say about our friends' ignorance except:
The types of permissible marriages are such that
none of these types are considered haram or
impermissible in Arya religion. At most, Dayanand
has categorized some as inferior, some as
blameworthy, and some as highly blameworthy.
However, he does not declare any of them as
inherently impermissible or against nature.
Dayanand's words are that among all these
marriages, the Brahma marriage is the most
superior, the Deva, Aarsha, and Prajapatya are
intermediate, while Asura and Gandharva are
inferior, and Rakshasa and Paisacha are extremely
despicable. Now, let’s look at the details of Rakshasa
and Paisacha according to Dayanand's text.
Acquiring a girl through force, theft, or deception is
called Rakshasa.
Forcibly having sexual relations with a sleeping girl
or one who is unconscious due to alcohol, or a mad
girl is called Paisacha.
Friends, think and reflect:
Furthermore, Dayanand counts rape as a permissible
form of marriage, merely calling this impure act highly
despicable, thereby opening the door to immorality for
the wicked and depraved members of society.
Then, if that is the case, the act of adultery that
occurs freely and happily between consenting
parties, without coercion, would be permissible
according to Arya Dharma, right? Because if adultery
is merely considered highly despicable and if forcibly
taking a girl through theft, deception, or fighting is
just blameworthy, then there should be no degree of
objection to consensual adultery.
It is true.
In the seventh teaching of Dayanand:
In this response, Dayanand acknowledges that spending
on prostitution is considered a lower form of charity or
generosity, and that a person engaging in adultery is
regarded as a low-level giver. Now, I ask my social friends:
Then tell me, what wrath is being unleashed by your
Rishis, especially Maharishi Dayanand, by calling
spending on sinful acts as charity, and referring to the
fornicator as a donor and a generous person?
We know and understand that in response to our
objections, shallow justifications will be employed,
excuses will be made, and an attempt will be made to
twist the argument, claiming that Dayanand did not
truly mean charity or generosity and that calling
fornicators donors and generous individuals was not his
intent. But all these claims will be like weak witnesses
trying to support a flimsy case. We have quoted
Dayanand's words verbatim. Anyone can reflect on them.
Eighth Teaching of Dayanand
"After this, Dharma Raj, that is, the Supreme Being, gives
birth to this living being. It enters through air, food, and
water, or through the pores of the body by the divine
impulse. This is a scientific issue, which I have presented
generally for the amusement of knowledgeable
individuals and educated persons, and particularly for
doctors and healers, so they may reflect on the
philosophical issue of birth according to Vedic Dharma.
Those who are experts in philosophy and science and
have sufficient knowledge about human reality and its
spirit should enjoy Dayanand's philosophical ideas that
the human soul is something that can penetrate through
the pores of the instrument or can enter the human body
through the external aspects.
Doctors and healers should consider whether this
philosophical issue regarding the human or animal
spirit has ever been studied in medical research or in
any medical texts. Can it be true that the human soul,
perfectly created, enters the human body through food,
such as chickpeas, peas, or lentils, and then circulates
to mix with a man’s or woman’s sperm, entering the
womb, where it develops flesh and skin?
And it conforms correctly to the laws of science. Yes,
there are verbal claims, but regarding this, the
following verse by Mirza Ghalib is sufficient:
Ninth Teaching of Dayanand
Please make a unique addition to the series of new
discoveries. The greatest cause of distress for parents in
this age is their children's misbehavior and immorality.
However, when our social friends publish this
formulation based on the sacred Vedas, which they claim
contain guidance on all sciences and arts, every blessed
mother will guide her unborn child accordingly. As a
result, all children will be born polite, virtuous, and
civilized from their mother’s womb. I am surprised why
social scholars have not paid attention to this until now.
In any case, our request will surely receive attention, dear
social friends! With this education, you will turn the
entire world into Aryans, indeed.
The Tenth Teaching of the Dyanandi Sect
So, if it is accepted according to the teachings of Dayanand Ji
that this is the teaching of the Vedas, then this single reason is
enough to establish that the Vedas are not a divine book. In it,
there is a teaching of partiality, which is against the law of
equality and justice. One party is given the freedom to use
whatever God-given power they have to produce offspring,
while the other party's freedom is taken away, forcing them to
limit themselves to having no more than ten children.
Dear friends of Dayanand! Listen and pay attention.
What does Dayanand Ji say regarding this natural
process? According to the rules of creation
established by God, the natural process between
man and woman cannot be stopped, except for
world-renouncing, accomplished scholars and yogis.
Because as long as those who desire offspring and sexual
urges in their youth are obstructed by the rules of
society or community, secret immorality and
misconduct will continue.
Social friends! For God's sake, give way to justice and ask
your conscience whether such a teaching can be natural
or not? In my opinion, if your heart is free from
prejudice, you will find the answer that such a teaching
can never be natural. So think and think well about where
your Dayanandi religion is taking you—whether this is
the road on which you can attain salvation, or if you are
being pushed into a cave from which your salvation is
impossible. So now you have the choice; I have fulfilled
my duty. Whether you remain in this Dayanandi belief or
become a true seeker of truth and separate yourself from
Believe it or not, the choice is yours; we are made to
understand good and evil in the presence of the