Perboard 2023-24
Perboard 2023-24
Perboard 2023-24
General Instructions:
1. Which of the following is equal to
(a)𝜌 (b) κ.G (c) G (d)
2. Which of the following has lowest boiling point ?
(a) p-Nitrophenol (b) o-Nitrophenol
(c) m-Nitrophenol (d) Phenol
6. Match the properties with the elements of 3d series
(i) Mn3+ (a) 1 unpaired electron
(a) (i) e, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) a (b) (i) d, (ii) a, (iii) b, (iv) c
(c) (i) d, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) a (d) (i) b, (ii) c, (iii) a, (iv) e
(c) The order of a reaction is the sum of the powers of molar concentration of the
reactants in rate law expression.
(d) The order of a reaction is always equal to the sum of stoichiometric coefficients of
reactants in the balanced chemical equation for a reaction.
8. Hinsberg’s reagent is :
Elements Fe Co Ni Cu
Metallic radii/pm 126 125 125 128
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
13. Assertion (A): Phenols and alcohols react with Na metal to form 𝑯𝟐 gas
Reason (R): Phenols are weaker acids than alcohols
14. Assertion (A): Strong oxidising agents oxidises toluene and its derivatives to benzoic
Reason (R): It is possible to stop the oxidation of toluene at the aldehyde stage with
suitable reagents.
15. Assertion (A): Fructose does not contain aldehyde group still reduces Tollen’s Reagent.
Reason (R): In the presence of a base, fructose undergoes rearrangement to form glucose
and mannose
16. Assertion (A): 𝑬𝑪𝒆𝒍𝒍 should have a positive value for the cell to function.
Reason (R): 𝑬𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒅𝒆 < 𝑬𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒅𝒆
17. (a) For a reaction 𝑹 → 𝑷, half life t1/2 is independent of the initial concentration of
reactants. What is order of the reaction?
(b) for which type of reaction order and malecularity have same value? (2 x 1=2)
18. State Henry’s Law. Calculate the solubility of CO2 in water at 298k under 760 mmHg.
( KH for CO2 in water at 298K is 1.25 x 106 mmHg ). (2)
19.(a)Out of ( CH3)3 C-Br and ( CH3)3-I , which one is more reactive toward SN’ reaction
and why?
(b)Write the name and structure of alkene that would be obtained by dehydrohalogenation
of 1-bromo-1-methylcyclohexane. (2 x 1=2)
Convert the following :
(i) Benzoic acid to m-Nitrobenzyle alcohol
(ii)Benzene to m-nitrobenzalddehyde (2 x 1=2)
21. (a)What products would be formed when a nucleotide from DNA containing thymine in
(b) What type of bonding helps in stabilising the α–helix structure of proteins?
(2 x 1=2)
SECTION-C (3x7= 21)
23. a) Can we construct an electrochemical cell with two half-cells composed of ZnSO4
solution and zinc electrodes? Explain your answer.
(b) Calculate the λ0m for Cl- ion from the data given below:
λ0m MgCl2 = 258.6 Scm2mol–1 and λ0m Mg2+ = 106 Scm2mol–1
(c) The cell constant of a conductivity cell is 0.146 cm-1. What is the conductivity of 0.01 M
solution of an electrolyte at 298 K, if the resistance of the cell is 1000 ohm? (3 x 1=3)
24. (a) How will you convert the following:
(b) Explain why is ortho nitrophenol more acidic than ortho methoxyphenol. (3 x 1=3)
26. (a) Write a balanced equation for the reaction between glucose and hydrogen cyanide.
What inference can we draw from it?
(b) Samta reacted glucose with acetic anhydride. Will the reaction help her to
determine the number of secondary alcoholic groups and the number of primary
alcoholic groups that are present in a glucose molecule? Justify your answer.
27. (a). Name the possible alkenes which will yield 1-chloro-1-methylcyclohexane on their
reaction with HCl. Write the reactions involved.
(b). Allyl chloride is hydrolysed more readily than n-propyl chloride. Why?
SECTION-D (2x4= 8)
29. A Lead storage battery is the most important type of secondary cell having a lead anode
and a grid of lead packed with PbO2 as cathode. A 38% solution of sulphuric acid is used as
electrolyte. (Density=1.294 g mL-1 ) The battery holds 3.5 L of the acid. During the
discharge of the battery, the density of H2SO4 falls to 1.139 g mL-1 . (20% H2SO4 by mass)
(i) Write the reaction taking place at the cathode when the battery is in use. (1)
(ii) How much electricity in terms of Faraday is required to carry out the reduction of one
mole of PbO2? (1)
(iii) What is the molarity of sulphuric acid before discharge? Why is Lead storage battery
considered a secondary cell ? (2)
30. Metal complexes show different colours due to d-d transitions. The complex absorbs
light of specific wavelength to promote the electron from t2g to eg level. The colour of the
complex is due to the transmitted light, which is complementary of the colour absorbed.
The wave number of light absorbed by different complexes of Cr ion are given below:
(a) Out of the ligands “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”, which ligand causes maximum crystal field
splitting? Why? (0.5 +0.5)
Which of the two, “A” or “D” will be a weak field ligand? Why? (0.5 +0.5)
(b) Which of the complexes will be violet in colour? [CrA 6]3- or [CrB6]3+ and why?
(Given: If 560 - 570 nm of light is absorbed, the colour of the complex observed is violet.)
(0.5 +0.5)
(c) If the ligands attached to Cr3+ ion in the complexes given in the table above are water,
cyanide ion, chloride ion, and ammonia (not in this order)
Identify the ligand, write the formula and IUPAC name of the following:
(i) [CrA 6]3- (ii) [CrC6]3+ ( 1 Each )
31. Answer any five questions with respect to the series of ions given below:
Sc+3, Ti+4, V+4, V+2, Cr+2, Fe+3, Ni+2,Cu+2, Zn+2
(a) Which of these ions are isoelectronic?
(b) Why do Sc+3, Ti+4, and Zn+2 form colourless aqueous solution?
(c) Which ion(s) from the list is/are not transition element(s) and why?
(d) Cr forms two types of oxides - Cr+2 and Cr+3. Which of them is expected to
turn red litmus blue?
(e) Arrange the following ions in the increasing order of their magnetic moments:
Sc+3, V+2, V+4, Ni+2.
(f) Why are alloys mostly prepared from transition metals?
(g) Which ion can also has a +1 oxidation state? ( 5 x 1 =5)
32. (a) Name one natural and one synthetic membrane that can be used in osmosis.
(b) Calculate the amount of CaCl2(molar mass = 111g/mol) which must be added to 580 g of
water so that freezing point lower by 2K, assuming CaCl2 is completely dissociated: [Kf for
water = 1.86 K kg/mol].
(c) Why does a solution containing non-volatile solute have a higher boiling point than pure
solvent ? Why is elevation of boiling point a colligative property ? (1+2+2)
The relation between the osmotic pressure of three solutions A, B, and C is:
πB < πC
πC > πA
π A> πB
The three solutions have the same molarity and are at the same temperature.
(a) For which of the solutions is the value of 'i' expected to be the greatest? Give a
(b) Which of the solutions is MOST LIKELY to be glucose, potassium sulphate, and
sodium chloride?
(c) Which of the solutions is expected to give a vapour pressure-mole fraction graph
similar to that of an acetone-chloroform mixture? Give reason. ( 1+2+2)
33. Parul was given two test tubes. One of the test tubes contained ethyl amine and
the other contained aniline. To distinguish between the two compounds, she adds a
reagent X to both the test tubes. She observes that in only one of the test tubes a
yellow dye is formed.
(a) Identify the reagent X.
(b) Describe how this reagent is prepared and give a reason why it is not readily
available in a laboratory.
(c) Which of the two compounds forms the yellow dye?
(d) Draw the structure of the yellow dye formed.
(a) Account for the following:
(ii) Reduction of nitrobenzene using Fe and HCl is preferred over Sn and HCl.