Descision Support Tool For Which Interventions
Descision Support Tool For Which Interventions
Descision Support Tool For Which Interventions
Jori Bremer
October 2016
Evaluation of biomass enhancing practices in the
Yatenga region of Burkina Faso
MSc Thesis Report
Over the course of the last year I learnt a lot about my thesis subject but also gained many new
insights fuelling my personal development. The trip to Mali has been an eye opener, as I found
myself face to face with a different world and new ways of thinking. The field work in Mali
confronted me with ‘real farmers’, which changed their static role on paper to real and live people.
This fed my enthusiasm to do my best at this thesis. I am very grateful towards all the respondents
who had patience and time for answering my questions, gave me new information and raised
interesting questions related to my project. In many cases, however, I also got questions about
what I was going to do and how I was going to help them. Those exchanges made me question my
role as a plant sciences student and made me wonder about how I/we can contribute to the
improvements in ‘the quality of life’.
Hereby I would like to thank Issa and Bakary, who made my stay at the guest house much more
comfortable and pleasant and who introduced me to all the nice places in Koutiala. Also many
thanks for the introduction to Malian cooking and for taking the time to make and drink tea, which
lead to nice exchanges teaching me about our cultural differences. After being in Koutiala for a
month, I stayed in Bamako for a week, where I was warmly welcomed by Fily in her family home.
Being her guest gave me the opportunity to discover how it is to live in Mali for a Malian family and
allowed me to be part of their daily routines. Here again the cooking amazed me and being able to
cook a ‘European’ meal in a pot on coals was a great experience. Fily also showed me around in the
headquarters of the IER (Institut d’Economie Rurale) and ICRISAT, which I really appreciated as it
showed me how research is performed in practice, in a different location from the university.
In this way I would like to thank the ILRI team in Burkina Faso, especially Viviane Yameogo and
Augustine Ayantunde, for their input. Thank you for collecting and arranging data and providing
information, without which it would not have been possible to perform this thesis. I am grateful for
the support from the WLE Biomass project, enabling data collection. A big thanks also goes to
CCAFS for the provision of household data.
Of course I owe much to everyone at A.M.E.D.D., especially Bougouna, Ousmane and Arouna, who
spent time and energy helping me in setting up the fieldwork and getting around in Koutiala. Sory,
Michel and Bakary have been a great help, without them it would have been much more difficult to
perform the interviews. I especially appreciated the discussions about farming in Mali and in the
Netherlands, where I learned that what is normal for me is often different from what is normal in
Mali, and the other way around. I am also grateful for the time taken to make sure we were all on
one line before starting the interviews and organising the fieldwork, this gave me confidence in
conducting my first ever interviews.
I also owe much to Mink, who has been a great help and has provided answers to my unending list
of questions related to the use of FARMSIM. Finally, I would like to thank Katrien and Wim, who
supported me throughout the whole thesis process. Thank you for supporting me in my wish to go
abroad, even with the impediments and the impossibility to go to Burkina Faso. This lead to an
experience which I will not soon forget. I am also grateful for all the help you gave during the
thesis and the great feedback I have received. It has helped me in going further, digging deeper
and improving my work.
In the Yatenga region of Burkina Faso agriculture is the main source of livelihoods. However,
farmers are poor and vulnerable due to erratic rainfall. This leads to the need to produce food while
thinking of the maintenance or improvement of soil quality, to ensure future food production. For
the project ‘Realising the full potential of mixed crop-livestock systems in rapidly changing Sahelian
agro-ecological landscapes’ (WLE Volta and Niger Focal Region), several suggested interventions
are evaluated based on their impact on food and feed production and on soil fertility. The
adoptability of these interventions for farmers is also assessed, as this influences the reach and
impact of the project. The aim of this thesis was to build a decision-tool to help (among others)
extension agents in choosing the right interventions to promote per farm. Six farm types are
distinguished based on their resource endowment, as resource endowment influences farming
constraints and goals and alters the impacts of interventions on the farming system.
For the impact evaluation of the interventions, the NUANCES-FARMSIM (Nutrient Use in Animal and
Cropping systems – Efficiencies and Scales, FARM SIMulator) model was used, an integrated crop
livestock model adapted to African smallholder farming systems. The model was adapted to the
local situation (e.g. rainfall, soil and household characteristics) and a baseline scenario was run for
12 years. The different interventions were then simulated and the model was run again. The
indicators taken into account were total farm calorie production (averaged over the years),
livestock productivity (milk production and cattle weight, averaged over the years) and farm
average soil organic carbon (SOC, for the last simulation year). The outcomes for the different
interventions were compared to the outcomes of the baseline scenario to monitor changes. For all
farm types the outcomes for the different interventions followed the same trends, although the
magnitude of the impacts varied. This depended mainly on the crops grown and on the area of
farm land available per cattle head.
Farmer constraints, goals and attitudes were assessed through conducting interviews in the villages
Ziga, Ninigui and Thiou in the Yatenga region. Per type the strength of the constraints limiting
agricultural production (cropping land, pasture area, livestock, capital, education and technology)
were measured and combined to expert opinions on the inputs of these elements needed for the
implementation of interventions. From there it was possible to retrieve which interventions had the
least constraints limiting adoption and which interventions had the strongest constraints limiting
adoption. A difference in strength of present farming constraints was discerned based on resource
endowment. Farmers were also asked about their farming goals, which also influence adoption
potential. Farmer goals turned out to be dependent on resource endowment, similarly to the
farming constraints. It was hypothesized that farmer attitude (positive or negative view on
farming) would also influence intervention take-up. In this thesis it was however impossible to
discern clear attitude groups.
From the information collected in this thesis a decision tool was made to help in the process of
choosing the best suited interventions for different farm types. The following steps should be taken
for finding those interventions. Households should be classified based on resource endowment.
Then the constraints present for the household should be noted. This determines which constraints
might limit intervention adoption or which constraints should be alleviated for the implementation
of the interventions. The impact of the interventions on the farming system should then be found
(impact on SOC, food production and livestock productivity). With the information about farming
constraints and intervention impact, the user of the decision tool should consider which
intervention to promote and implement. Once one or several interventions are chosen it should be
checked whether the interventions lead towards the goal(s) of the farmer, as when this is the case
the rate of adoption of the intervention will be increased.
Preface ................................................................................................................................ iv
Summary ............................................................................................................................. vi
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 General introduction ................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Present challenges .................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Future challenges .................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Using a model to quantify the impact of interventions ................................................. 3
1.5 Need for adaptation of interventions to farm types ..................................................... 4
1.5.1 Resource endowment ........................................................................................... 4
1.5.2 Constraints ......................................................................................................... 4
1.5.3 Goals and attitudes .............................................................................................. 4
1.5.4 Examination of farm heterogeneity ........................................................................ 4
1.6 Problem Analysis ..................................................................................................... 5
1.7 Aim of study ........................................................................................................... 5
2 Materials and methods ..................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Description of the overall project .............................................................................. 6
2.2 Environment ........................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Overview of steps taken .......................................................................................... 8
2.4 Interventions to be reviewed ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.5 Data sources .......................................................................................................... 9
2.6 Literature review of assessed interventions ................................................................ 9
2.7 Impact indicators ................................................................................................... 10
2.7.1 Food production ................................................................................................. 10
2.7.2 Livestock productivity ......................................................................................... 11
2.7.3 Soil Organic Carbon ............................................................................................ 11
2.8 Farm typology ....................................................................................................... 12
2.8.1 Decision tree ...................................................................................................... 12
2.9 Model study ........................................................................................................... 13
2.9.1 Model introduction .............................................................................................. 13
2.9.2 Modelling approach ............................................................................................. 13
2.10 Interview .............................................................................................................. 18
2.10.1 Conducting the interview ................................................................................. 18
2.10.2 Data analysis .................................................................................................. 18
2.10.3 Matching of constraints .................................................................................... 19
3 Results.......................................................................................................................... 22
3.1 Literature study ..................................................................................................... 22
3.1.1 Improvement of livestock forage .......................................................................... 22
3.1.2 Dual-purpose varieties ........................................................................................ 22
3.1.3 Drought tolerant crops ........................................................................................ 23
3.1.4 Fallow ............................................................................................................... 23
3.1.5 Mulching ............................................................................................................ 23
3.1.6 Crop residue management ................................................................................... 24
3.1.7 Manure management .......................................................................................... 24
3.1.8 Physical and chemical treatment of crop residues ................................................... 25
3.2 Typology ............................................................................................................... 25
3.2.1 Crops grown ...................................................................................................... 25
3.2.2 Manure and fertilizer use ..................................................................................... 26
3.2.3 External livestock feed ........................................................................................ 26
3.3 Modelling .............................................................................................................. 26
3.3.1 Baseline scenario ................................................................................................ 26
3.3.2 Impact of interventions ....................................................................................... 29
3.4 Interview .............................................................................................................. 32
3.4.1 Basic farm typology ............................................................................................ 32
3.4.2 Constraints ........................................................................................................ 33
3.4.3 Goals ................................................................................................................ 34
3.4.4 Attitudes............................................................................................................ 36
3.5 Expert opinion on constraint strengths ..................................................................... 39
3.6 Matching expert opinion to farm constraints .............................................................. 40
3.7 Decision tool .......................................................................................................... 44
3.8 Example ................................................................................................................ 45
4 Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 46
4.1 Setting of baseline scenario..................................................................................... 46
4.1.1 Crop .................................................................................................................. 46
4.1.2 Livestock ........................................................................................................... 46
4.1.3 Fertilizer ............................................................................................................ 46
4.1.4 Crop residues ..................................................................................................... 46
4.2 Outcomes baseline scenario .................................................................................... 47
4.2.1 Yields ................................................................................................................ 47
4.2.2 Food self-sufficiency ........................................................................................... 47
4.2.3 Livestock production ........................................................................................... 47
4.3 Impact of interventions........................................................................................... 48
4.4 Modelling considerations ......................................................................................... 49
4.4.1 Weather and soil data ......................................................................................... 49
4.4.2 Modelling limitations ........................................................................................... 50
4.5 Interview .............................................................................................................. 51
4.5.1 Basic farm characteristics .................................................................................... 51
4.5.2 Constraints related to type .................................................................................. 51
4.5.3 Goals related to type........................................................................................... 51
4.5.4 Constraints and goals related to gender ................................................................ 52
4.5.5 Attitude ............................................................................................................. 52
4.6 Considerations interviews ....................................................................................... 53
4.6.1 Overall considerations ......................................................................................... 53
4.6.2 Considerations constraints ................................................................................... 53
4.6.3 Considerations goals ........................................................................................... 54
4.7 Decision tool .......................................................................................................... 54
5 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 56
6 References .................................................................................................................... 58
7 Appendices .................................................................................................................... 64
7.1 Appendix I: Nutritional values for food and feed ........................................................ 64
7.2 Appendix II: Parametrising FARMSIM ....................................................................... 65
7.3 Appendix III: Interviewing protocol .......................................................................... 71
7.3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 71
7.3.2 Aim ................................................................................................................... 71
7.3.3 Farmer Selection ................................................................................................ 72
7.3.4 Interview ........................................................................................................... 73
7.3.5 Checklist for procedures. ..................................................................................... 79
7.4 Appendix IV: Determination of expert opinion ........................................................... 80
7.4.1 Questionnaire ..................................................................................................... 80
7.4.2 Assessment of biomass enhancing interventions in Burkina Faso ............................. 80
7.5 Appendix V: Typology ............................................................................................. 82
7.6 Appendix VII: Impact of interventions ...................................................................... 83
7.7 Appendix VIII: Interviews ...................................................................................... 87
1 Introduction
1.1 General introduction
Agriculture is the principle source of livelihood in the Sahel, employing more than half of the
working population and contributing to close to 40% of the gross domestic product (Mortimore and
Adams, 2001). However, farmers in the Sahel are one of the poorest in the world (Zorom et al.
2013) and they also are vulnerable, due to the erratic rainfall and the frequent long dry spells,
creating an unpredictable natural production potential (the World Bank, 2013; Dreschel et al.
Farmers in the Yatenga province of Northern Burkina Faso are no exception. This province has
problems of environmental deterioration; a great part of the land is degraded or eroded (Critchley,
1991). Many households suffer from yearly hunger periods during the dry periods, lasting from 3 to
5 months (WLE, 2014).
Combined with this, the population growth rate in the Sahel is one of the highest in the world,
reaching 3.1% in Burkina Faso (Haub and Kaneda, 2014). This population increase had led to a
decreasing per capita food production over the past thirty years, even though the overall food
production in the country has increased (Bationo et al., 2007).
The interplay and additional challenges of soil degradation, population growth and climate
change lead to the already scarce natural resources and biomass production being under
increasing pressure. There is a need to enhance food and feed production, while keeping soil
quality as optimal as possible.
There are several different ways for increasing food and feed production and promoting soi l
fertility. Potential avenues for improving these aspects are specific interventions aimed at
improving soil fertility (e.g. manure management), genetic improvements in crops to increase the
food and feed production, practices to reduce erosion, to optimize growing conditions, to conserve
water, etc. In this thesis the focus is on biomass enhancing activities because biomass production
serves many purposes in farming systems. It is important as a source of food, feed, fuel and fibre
and increasing biomass production could therefore lead to decreasing the hunger period and
increasing income.
Biomass is an important player in regulating and supporting ecosystem services (ES). Regulating
ES are benefits received by the regulation of ecosystem processes, such as pollination, erosion
control, water regulation. Supporting ES are necessary for providing the other ES and have only
indirect effect on people (such as soil formation processes which indirectly affect people through
improved food production). Biomass plays a role in these two ES as it provides organic matter
(OM) for the soil and it can act as a protective soil cover. Returning OM to the soil improves soil
fertility and structure through many different pathways (MEA, 2003), including the provision of
nutrients, the provision of habitat for soil organisms and the improvement of soil water holding
capacity. A greater soil cover decreases erosion and traps sediments, thus keeping nutrients in
place and available for uptake by plants (Zhang et al., 2007). Next to this a soil cover also
stimulates biological activity, changes soil temperature and reduces water evaporation (Mando &
Stroosnijder, 1999). On the long term, enhanced biomass production could therefore lead to
improved plant nutrient provision and better soil water retention (Power, 2010). This then
increases plant production and leads to improved food and feed availability.
Biomass is also an important player in the provisioning ecosystem services. Crop biomass
production leads to the availability of food and feed, while the biomass is also a source of raw
materials which can be used for construction and fuel (Valbuena, 2015). The presence of biomass
also affects the flow and the purification of fresh water, influencing the quantity and quality of fresh
water available. Forests and grassland can also be a source of plants used in medicine.
The optimal situation is attained when food and feed production are improved and the amount of
OM returned to the soil has increased. This means that both the provisioning and the regulating
and supporting ecosystem services would improve. However, trade-offs are often found between
maximizing provisioning services on the one hand and maximising regulating, cultural and
supporting services on the other hand (MEA, 2003 and Elmqvist et al., 2013). Therefore optimizing
food production in the short term might not lead to highest amount of biomass available for soil
cover and soil organic matter in the long term. At the same time, it is not impossible to improve
both the provisioning and the regulating ES, as cases are found where the implementation of new
agricultural techniques have led to the reduction of the trade-off between the two ecosystems
services (Elmqvist et al., 2013). Examples are the introduction of integrated pest management and
the implementation of integrated nutrient management (Pretty et al., 2006).
One way to understand the impact of interventions is through the use of a model. A model can give
insight into the complexity and the conflicts in agro-ecosystems, through the simulation of different
system components, their interactions and the effects of processes at various levels (field, farm,
landscape) (McCown, et al., 1996). Not only information can be gained about the yearly impact of
the interventions, a model can also give insight about the long-term consequences of interventions
and the sustainability of a system. The level chosen for this thesis is the farm level, enabling the
following of on-farm food and feed production while keeping track of the soil fertility in different
fields. This makes it possible to simulate the impact of different management options.
A model can also be used to perform an exploratory research, by simulating the impact of potential
interventions. It hereby gives insight in the underlying reasons for observed effects, the key
constraint and opportunities in agricultural systems (Whitbread et al., 2010). Next to this the use
of a model can also directly engage farmers, inviting them in the design of farming system, leading
to the designing of on-farm experiments and changes in the farming practices. (Whitbread et al.,
2010). In addition to this a modelling exercise is fast once it is set up, compared to a field trial.
The NUANCES FARMSIM model (Nutrient Use in Animal and Cropping systems – Efficiencies and
Scales, FARM SIMulator) is a model adapted to the African smallholder farming systems, which can
help understanding the role of biomass in farming systems through simulation exercises. It is
possible to use NUANCES-FARMSIM to analyse the effect of various interventions within farming
In this thesis elements from the two paradigms are used. Resource endowment is taken into
account in determining the adoption of interventions. Farmer constraint, goals and attitudes, which
correspond more to the diffusion paradigm are also considered.
1.5.2 Constraints
It is also important to review farming constraints, defined here as the limitations present reducing
potential agricultural production. Where no limitations are present, the constraints restricting
adoption are the lowest and the adoption potential could be increased. Production constraints can
be felt at farm level (e.g. land shortage) or beyond the farm level (e.g. no access to seeds). The
farmer’s resources will partly define what the constraints for biomass production are, as the
constraints often depend on socio-economic conditions (Defoer et al., 2000). Examples of potential
constraints are capital, education, technology, land and livestock.
but a “basket of options”, should be proposed and reviewed. For each group of farmers the best
suitable options can then be suggested (Defoer et al., 2000).
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Description of the overall project
This thesis is situated within the project ‘Realising the full potential of mixed crop-livestock systems
in rapidly changing Sahelian agro-ecological landscapes’, WLE Volta and Niger Focal Region. This
project is led by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), through a consortium with
several partners. The aim of this project is to: ‘investigate the gender gap and assess how women
and youth can contribute and benefit from improved biomass production and productivity of crop-
livestock systems’. It also investigated ‘the effect of improved biomass production and
management on soil and water related ecosystem services’. Within this project a lot of attention is
drawn towards the impacts of interventions on agricultural productivity, natural resource
sustainability, food security and livelihoods.
The role of Wageningen University (WUR) within this project is to assess the impacts and trade-offs
related to intervention adoption at different scales (farm scale, regional scale, etc.) through
modelling and participatory tools. This is done for two main aims: designing technologies adapted
to households and farmers and creating decision support tools.
Within the project, this thesis assesses the impact of interventions on food security, income and
soil quality through a modelling exercise, for the Yatenga region of Burkina Faso. Through
interviews the adoptability of the interventions for different farm types in this region is analysed.
From this information a decision tool is made to help extension agents in choosing the most
suitable interventions for different farmers.
2.2 Environment
The location of this project is in the Yatenga region, around the city Ouahigouya. This region is
situated in the northern part of Burkina Faso, a land-locked country in West Africa (Figure 1).
a b
Figure 1: Map of Africa with Burkina Faso in red (a) (source: History & Maps, 2015) and the map of
Burkina Faso with all major cities (b) (source: Bambara, 2010).
Burkina Faso itself is situated in the Sahel, the semi-arid region forming the transition between the
Sahara desert and the more humid savannas. This ecological zone extends from the Atlantic coast
in West Africa to Sudan in the east (de Ridder et al, 1982) and is delimited by the 100mm and
600mm isohyets, with rainfall strongly increasing from North to South. There is one rainy period
during summer, lasting two to four months. It usually starts in June and lasts until September
(Figure 2). This period is followed by extremely dry conditions during the rest of the year (de
Ridder et al, 1982).
Monthly average 200
rainfall (mm)
Figure 2: Monthly average rainfall (mm) in Ouahigouya for the years 1981 to 1992. From FAO
weather station placed at 13.75 latitude, -2.42 longitude and an elevation of 336m.
In the study area, the year can be divided in three following three seasons (Figure 3): the rainy
season (June to October), the early dry season (November to January) and the late dry season
(February to May). These three seasons define biomass availability: in the wet season the crops
are grown and a lot of biomass is available in the rangelands, in the early dry season there is still
some vegetation present, while at the end of the dry season biomass availability is lowest and
there is a shortage of grazing resources and crop residues for animal feed. At that time in the year
the quality of the pasture is also lowest (Breman & de Ridder, 1991).
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Figure 3: Schematic representation of the seasons in Burkina Faso. Green represents the wet
season, orange the early dry season and red the late dry season.
Soils in the Sahel region range from sandy to sandy loam, soils with a good permeability. The
levels of organic matter, total nitrogen and cation exchange capacity are low, leading to inherent
low soil fertility (Bationo & Mokwunye, 1991). Most soils are also low in phosphorus. Table 1 shows
an example of a typical soil in the Ouahigouya region (A. Ayantunde, personal communication;
Leenaars et al., 2014)
Table 1: Typical soil properties for top soils in the Yatenga region.
Exch. K
Bulk density Top soil Clay Silt pH SOC Mineral Olsen P
(kg/m³) depth (m) (%) (%) H2O (%) N (%) (mg/kg)
1550 0.2 10 10 5.2 0.8 0.08 3.93 4.8
Agriculture is important in Burkina Faso, as it represents around 30% of the countries’ GDP and
employs more than 90% of the working population (FAO, 2014). Most farms are small scale farms,
the area they occupy usually being less than 5 ha (FAO, 2014). The main crops produced are
sorghum, millet and maize as staple food and cotton and groundnut for cash crops (Mortimore and
Adams, 2001). Crops are grown once a year, during the rainy season. Yields are generally low.
The Yatenga region (with the capital Ouahigouya) has one of the highest population growth rates of
Burkina Faso. Until the 1970s, there was enough land available and it was possible for farmers to
expand agriculture on marginal land. The traditional agricultural practices caused erosion but long
fallow periods restored the soil fertility. Population pressure led to reduction and elimination of
fallows. Since the 1980s, to avoid the decline in agricultural production, agriculture is intensified
through the introduction of zaï and stone bunds, improving soil and water conservation
(Douxchamps et al., 2004). Thus far the efforts to enclose livestock to collect better manure and
reduce grazing pressure have not been successful (Ouedraogo et al., 1996). Therefore livestock
(cattle and small ruminants) graze in the vicinity of the villages throughout the year and feed
mainly from the rangelands (de Ridder et al., 1982). In the dry season, when there is feed
shortage in the rangelands, the livestock depend mainly on crop residues (Rattunde, 1998).
Livestock plays an important role as it serves multiple functions, such as milk provision, draft
power provision and the role of insurance in case of failed crop (Herrero et al., 2003).
Firstly a short literature search was performed, to understand what the interventions consist of and
what possible impacts they can have on farming system, while also learning what possible
constraints could limit the adoption of the interventions.
Secondly a farm typology was used to study farm heterogeneity to get an overview of the situation
of farmers in the Yatenga region of Burkina Faso.
Thirdly the NUANCES-FARMSIM model was used to explore the impact of specific interventions for
different farm types. The impact of the interventions was scored on the following points: food
production, livestock productivity and soil organic carbon, used as an indicator for soil fertility.
Fourthly interviews were held in the Yatenga region to collect information about farmer’s
constraints, goals and attitudes. This information was matched to information received from
experts about the strength of constraints limiting the adoption of several interventions.
Lastly a decision tool was made, showing which interventions are most adapted to different farm
types. This information can then be used within the WLE-Volta project to match the interventions
to farmers but it can also be used by extension officers, to find the best interventions for different
farm types.
Figure 4: Flow chart of the steps taken during the thesis.
The farm types were based on information from the Detailed Household Characterization Survey,
collected by CCAFS (CGIAR’s research program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security).
This was done as data from the WLE-Volta project was released only later. The main aim of this
survey was to collect standard indicators as well as key livelihood indicators, with the aim of
standardizing analyses. The survey was held in July and August 2012, in the villages Barga, Titao
and Namissiguima in the Yatenga and Loroum states of Burkina Faso.
The input data for the baseline scenarios was mainly based on the household survey data made
available from within the WLE-Volta project (survey held in June and July 2015). The objectives of
the survey were to characterise the types of farms, describe the opportunities and constraints for
biomass production, as well as collecting information about the farmer’s perception of the effects of
the biomass enhancing intervention. The villages included in the data set are Ziga, Thiou, Ninigui
and Pogoro-silmimossin, all villages in the Ouahigouya district.
The literature information was summarized in a quick explanation of the intervention, its’ impacts
on the farming system and on the requirements in terms of labour, education, equipment and
access and availability of inputs.
Within the WLE-Volta project several interventions were offered (Table 3). Only a set of
interventions was selected for this thesis, based on the possibility to simulate the intervention in
the current version of FARMSIM.
Table 3: Overview of interventions in the WLE-Volta project, separated whether included in the
thesis or not.
Interventions included in the thesis Interventions excluded from thesis
In the baseline there were two ways of expressing food production: crop production and food self-
sufficiency. Crop production (kg/ha) was followed from years 1 to 12, enabling the visualisation of
yield evolution over time. The fraction of food self-sufficiency was calculated by comparing calorie
production to calorie need on a yearly basis. Vitamins or proteins were not taken into account. The
amount of calories needed for the household during the year was calculated by multiplying the
number of household members by their yearly calorific needs. The following was assumed: boys
aged 1 to 10 needed 1 300 kcal per day, while girls of the same age required 1 200 kcal, adult men
required 2 200 kcal per day and women needed 1 800 kcal per day (HHS/USDA, 2010). Calorie
production was calculated by multiplying annual crop yields by the area of the crops grown and the
calorific values of the crop (Annex 1, Table 1 for the nutritional value of crops). Food originating
off-farm was not taken into account. When calculating the average value of food self-sufficiency
over the years the first year of simulation was not taken into account.
When comparing the outcomes of the interventions to the outcomes of the baseline scenario, the
average calorie production (over years 2 to 12) was taken into account. The average calorie
production under the intervention was divided by the average calorie production under the baseline
scenario and this outcome was multiplied by 100, giving the percentage of increase or decrease of
average calorie production under the interventions compared to the baseline scenario..
2.6.2 Livestock productivity
Livestock also suffer from the yearly drought through feed shortage (quality and quantity). Survival
of livestock depends on the amount and quality of feed available (pasture grass, external feed and
crop residues). Livestock bodyweight and milk production were analysed.
For the baseline scenario milk production (kg/year) and livestock body weight, summed over the
animals (kg body weight/month) were followed over the 12 simulation years.
When comparing livestock productivity under the different interventions to livestock productivity for
the baseline scenario, milk production was averaged over the years 2 to 12 and cattle weight,
summed over all the cattle head of the farm, was averaged over these 132 months. Average milk
production and average cattle weight under the interventions were divided by average milk
production and average cattle weight in the baseline scenario. The outcome was then multiplied by
100. This enabled to find the percentage of increase or decrease in milk production and weight gain
due to the intervention, compared to the baseline scenario.
For the baseline scenario SOC (%) was followed over the 12 simulation years. To get the value of
average SOC for a farm, the SOC of the different fields was multiplied by the area of the fields,
summed across the fields and the result was then divided by the total area of the farm.
When comparing the SOC outcomes for the baseline scenario with the SOC outcomes of the
interventions, only the SOC value for the last year of simulation were taken into account (year 12),
as SOC is a long-term impact indicator. The average SOC for the farm was calculated for this year,
for the baseline scenario as well as for the intervention. The value of SOC for the intervention was
divided by the value of SOC for the baseline scenario and the outcome was multiplied by 100. This
gave the percentage increase or decrease in SOC of the intervention after 12 years of simulation.
Unit for the Annual crop yields (kg/ha). Annual animal body weight Annual SOC on farm
baseline scenario Annual food self-sufficiency (kg), summed across (%).
(fraction). animals. Annual milk
production (kg).
Unit when Gain or loss of calorie Gain or loss of livestock Gain or loss in farm
comparing to the production (%), averaged over productivity (%), averaged SOC (%), averaged
base line scenario 11 simulation years over 11 simulation years. over 11 simulation
2.7 Farm typology
With data collected by CCAFS a farm typology was made by W. Paas.
The resulting structural typology was based on resource endowment (Alvarez et al., 2014). The key
variables used to separate farmers in different classes were the following:
- Household size (the number of household members per farm; “the household include
people who live and share meals at least one season per year and income generated with
farming.” (Quiros, 2013))
- Total area (total area of farm fields, hectare)
- Cereal area (area of the farm planted with cereals, hectare)
- Number of cattle (zebu, cow, camel)
- Number of small ruminants (sheep, goat, etc.)
This resulted in 6 different farm types. Type 5 did not possess livestock, while type 6 possessed the
most cattle. As according to the farmers cattle is very important, type 5 was considered the least
resource endowed farm type and type 6 was considered the wealthiest type. Type 1 had a small
amount of land and livestock, type 2 had a greater area of land and type 4 had some animals but
only little land. Type 3 was average with some land and some animals.
No Yes
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No Yes No
Yes No Yes No
Figure 5: Decision tree for the classification of farmers in the right type.
2.8 Model study
2.8.1 Model introduction
The impact of introducing the technologies was assessed for each farm with the use of the
NUANCES FARMSIM model (Nutrient Use in Animal and Cropping systems – Efficiencies and Scales,
FARM SIMulator). The nuances framework is developed specifically for understanding of the
complexity of African farming and for discovering of best-fit technologies (van Wijk et al., 2009).
NUANCES-FARMSIM is an integrated crop livestock model, adapted to the African smallholder
farming systems.
- FIELD (Field-scale resource Interactions, use Efficiencies and Long-term soil fertility
Development), which calculates the crop production per season (depending on soil fertility
and inputs), simulates water and macronutrient dynamics and monitors indicators of
resource degradation (e.g. SOM and soil erosion). Crops and soil types can be defined, as
well as the rainfall and the nutrient inputs into the system.
- LIVSIM (LIVEstock SIMulator), which is a livestock productivity model simulating animal
production (body weight, milk production) based on breed-specific potential, feed
requirements and actual feed availability. Different animal types can be chosen (breed,
weight, age, sex, etc.). The model has a time step of a month.
- HEAPSIM (HEAP SIMulator), which simulates the nutrient cycling through manure
collection, storage and application. This module also has a time-step of a month.
A user interface is used to insert the input conditions. The different interventions are simulated
with the help of the model and the impact on food production, livestock productivity and SOC is
followed over the seasons. A duration of 12 years is chosen to be able to see the evolution in the
The soil bulk density was determined according to soil texture. Soil texture was between a sandy
loam and a loamy sand, consisting of 10% silt and 10% clay (USDA, n.d., a). This led to a bulk
density of approximately 1,550kg/m³ (USDA, n.d., b). The chosen soil parameters for this thesis
are shown in Table 1.
No information was available about age or weight of the cattle, therefore it was attempted to
represent a typical herd composition. The maximum weight of a male Méré adult is of 400kg, while
for a female this is of 300kg. When making the table it was assumed cattle had not reached
maximum weight.
The average amount of livestock available in the farm was defined by the average number of cattle
in the farm type.
Livestock lose weight during the dry season, due to a lower availability and quality of feed, but a
part of the weight gained during the wet season and should enable the cattle to survive during the
dry season (Sanogo, 2011; de Ridder et al., 1991). From this information for all farm types a
“basic” amount of feed was set (pasture + concentrates + roughage, Table 5) so that the seasonal
weight change was present. This basic amount of feed was given throughout the year. In the early
dry season 80% of crop residues are also given as feed and during the late dry season the
remaining 20% of crop residues remaining are offered.
Table 5: Feed given to bulls, calves, default cows and gestating of lactating cows throughout the
Feed category Gestating and
Bulls Calves Default cows
lactating cows
Concentrates (kg/head/day) 1 0.5 0.5 0.75
Pasture (kg/head/day) 2 2 2 2
Roughage (kg/head/day) 3 2.5 2.5 2.5
The following paragraphs explain how these model settings were defined.
1- The frequency of the cultivation of crops by farmers within a type was calculated. Only
when crops were grown by more than 50% of the farmers were they included in the
baseline scenario (except for sesame, as this crop cannot be simulated in FARMSIM).
2- The average area of cultivation for all retained crops was calculated for the farmers
growing the crops.
3- With information about the average crop areas the area ratio of every crop was calculated.
For example, if the average areas found were 2ha of sorghum and 1ha of millet, the ratio
was of 2:1. This means that 66% of total farm land was planted with sorghum and 33%
was planted with millet.
4- The total cropping area of the farm was the average farm area for the farm type. Together
with information about the area ratio of each crop, the area of each crop was calculated.
For example, an average farm area of 4ha. Continuing the previous example, 66% of the
farm was covered with sorghum and 33% of the farm was covered with millet. Therefore in
total 2.66ha was under sorghum cultivation and 1.33ha was under millet cultivation.
No information was available about the way manure is kept (e.g. use of a plastic sheet to cover the
The quality of the crop residues was based on the data available in the model and from the PhD
thesis of O. Sanogo (2011).
No information was available about the composition of concentrates or the frequency or quantity of
the concentrates fed. Therefore the following composition was assumed (Sanogo, 2011):
Firstly the area of cowpea was increased, as cowpea is a dual-purpose crop of itself. The area of
the farm under cowpea cultivation was increased from 0% to 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% total
farm area.
Secondly the crop parameters of sorghum were altered in two different ways, to mimic a dual-
purpose sorghum variety:
- Increased potential crop residue yield by 10% in a first run and by 20% in a second run,
while keeping the grain yield at the original level. This was achieved through increasing
light determined yields while reducing the harvest index. The increase of crop residue
production by 10% and 20% was chosen as increased stover production ranged from 0-
75% (Bossuet, 2010)
- Crop residue quality was increased by increasing CP and ME content of the sorghum forage
by 10% in a first run and 20% in a second run. As the idea was to change crop residue
quality not only the forage given to the livestock should increase in ME and CP, also the
crop residues produced on farm should become higher in quality (as setting forage quality
only influences the feed given to the livestock and not the crop characteristics). This was
accounted for by increasing the minimum and maximum amount of N in crop stover 10%
and then 20%. This increased crop residue quality but reduced the quantity of grain and
crop residues produced. Fallow
Fallow was simulated through the growing of crops with a harvest index (HI) of 0 (no grain
production) and 100% of biomass staying on the field. Two crops that were used for the simulation
of fallow were sorghum and cowpea.
First 10% and then 20% of the farm areas was converted to this fallow system. These proportions
were chosen because there was no information available about the farm surface fallowed or the
frequency of fallowing. Also, a general trend in sub-Saharan Africa is the reduction in fallows, which
even sometimes completely disappear (Sanogo, 2011).
The area of the farm which was not converted to fallow was used to grow the crops. The areas over
which the crops were grown kept the same ratios in the fallow interventions as in the baseline
intervention (e.g. if 50% of land was under sorghum cultivation in the baseline scenario, also 50%
of land not under fallow was under sorghum cultivation during the fallow intervention). Mulching
Mulching was simulated through the addition of the crop residues to the field. It was therefore
similar to the situations where crop residues were left on the field. The impact of mulching legume
residues (cowpea and groundnut) and cereal residues (sorghum, maize and millet) was analysed.
- 75% crop residues left on field, 25% used as livestock feed
- 25% crop residues left on field, 75% used as livestock feed
- 0% crop residues left on field, 100% used as livestock feed
2.9 Interview
2.9.1 Conducting the interview
Interviews were conducted to understand the constraints, goals and attitudes of farmers. These
were also the three subjects which made up the different parts of the interview.
Interview contents:
- Firstly broad questions about the constraints in agricultural production were asked. Then
more emphasis was put on land shortage, labour shortage, livestock shortage, capital
shortage and a shortage in education and technology. The farmer stated if he or she
thought the constraint was present and how strong this constraint was. The strength of the
constraint was scored on a Likert-type scale of importance from 1 to 5, from ‘very low’ to
‘very strong’ importance. An explanation was asked to clarify the given answer.
- Then the farmer was asked about his or her goals in agriculture. Specific statements were
made and the farmer had to state if he or she agreed to the statement and how strong his
or her feeling of agreement was. An explanation for the answer was asked. As for the
constraints the answers were scored on a Likert-type scale, ranging from 1 to 5, from ‘not
important’ to ‘very important’. The score 3 stood for a neutral answer.
- Lastly the farmer was asked about his or her attitude towards agriculture. This was done
through the grading on a Likert-types scale of answers on statements (scale of 1 to 5, from
total disagreement to total agreement, with 3 a neutral answer).
The interview was conducted in three villages in the region of Ouahigouya: Pogoro-silmimossin,
Ninigui and Thiou. When possible, four farmers from every type, randomly selected per village,
were interviewed.The detailed protocol for the interview can be found in Appendix III. This contains
the set-up of the interview, the questions asked and the selection of the farmers. Analysis of association between type or gender with constraints and goals
A fisher exact test was used to discover if there were significant differences in the proportion of
respondent considering the elements as a constraint, between the types and per gender. The same
test was used to find if the proportions of answers given for the goals were different depending on
type and gender. A fisher test was chosen as sample sizes were small and the Likert type ranking
led to the obtaining of categorical answers (Ott & Longnecker, 2015). A significance level of 0.05
was chosen.
18 Analysis of farmer attitude
The distribution of the answers over the scale was calculated and discussed. The weighted
averages were given.
Then an agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) was performed, with an average linkage
within groups method (as linkage criterion) to construct a dendogram (Köhn, & Hubert, 2006). This
means the clusters were arranged in such a way that the average distance between all the
individuals in the resulting cluster was minimised. From this dendogram clusters in farmer attitude
were defined.
Secondly the average weighted importance of the constraint was calculated (when the resource
was not seen as a constraint the score was not taken into account). For example, if 20% of people
say the importance is 3 and 40% say the importance is 4 and 40% say the importance is 5, the
weighted average will be 0.2*3+0.4*4+0.4*5 = 4.2
Thirdly this average was multiplied by the percentage of farmers saying the resource is a
constraint. The outcome is then given a score following (Table 7), following a fuzzy logic.
The received answers were compared and the most frequently given answer was taken into
account. If two scores ended up with the same frequency, the strongest score (e.g. 2 instead of 1)
was taken into account. The resulting scores were 0, 1 or 2 (see Table 8, row 1). A 0 (green)
answer meant there was no input needed of the specific element. A 1 (orange) meant there was
some input needed, while a 2 (red) meant a lot of input was required.
The cost of implementation given by the experts was multiplied by the score equivalent given by
the farmers (Table 8, row 2). When the final outcome was under 0.25, it was coloured green (Table
8, row 3), while if outcome was below 0.5 it was coloured orange and above that the outcome was
coloured red.
Green interventions faced no or little constraints for adoption, orange interventions faced medium
constraints for adoption, while red outcomes signalled a strong constraint for the adoption of
Table 8: Scoring equivalents to match farmer constraints to expert constraints and come to the final
Cost of
0 1 2
(information from
Score equivalent
(information given 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
by farmers)
Final outcome 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.13 0.25 0.38 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
3 Results
3.1 Literature study
3.1.1 Improvement of livestock forage
In this thesis the following interventions are assumed to have as a main aim the increase of the
quantity and/or quality of livestock feed and/or the timing of feed availability.
To implement this intervention there is a need to plant the species, requiring labour and knowledge
about the species to plant, as well as access and availability of the seeds or plantlets required.
For this intervention hedges need to be planted and maintained, requiring seeds or plantlets and
labour for planting and maintenance.
There is a labour need for planting, protecting, maintaining and propagating the trees. Feed for
livestock has to be harvested. When the tree is grown close to the crops it can also lead to
competition with the crop.
In both cases labour is involved for the collection of biomass and the biomass should be available.
Dual-purpose varieties can alleviate the pressure on land for the production of grains and stover.
Income can be increased through the sale of extra grain and stover. The soil can be enriched
through the return of more residues to the soil or the production of more crop residues may lead to
the enhancement of animal performance (Descheemaeker et al., 2010), as 45 to 80% of the
livestock diet consists of crop residues (Rattunde, 1998).
For the implementation of dual-purpose crops seeds have to be available and accessible. There is
also a requirement for knowledge about the crop, so as to manage it well (Kristjanson et al.,
When crops are more drought tolerant farmers have more security about their yield, through the
reduced chance of a failed crop as crop production in the dry years is assured. To be able to
cultivate drought-tolerant crops, there is a need for seed access and availability (Cairns et al.,
2000). There is no change in labour requirement.
3.1.4 Fallow
Fallow is a traditional means of increasing soil fertility in West-Africa (Bilgo et al., 2007) by taking
land out of production. This can last from one season to many years depending on land use,
population pressure and soil qualities (Corbeels, Shiferaw & Haile, 2000). Due to the increasing
population and an increased need for fertile land, a decrease in fallows has occurred in sub-
Saharan Africa.
Fallows can break weed and pest and disease cycles. They can also improve soil fertility, reducing
erosion and increasing soil organic matter and biological activity through the input of organic
matter from primary production into the soil (Styger & Fernandes, 2006; Aguilera, 2013). Usually
there is less nutrient mining in areas where fallows are still common (Drechsel et al., 2001).
Fallows can also be used for the provision of medicinal plants and fibres, timber, etc., to improve
livelihoods, or be used as pasture (Styger and Fernandes, 2006).
However, if the fallow is not well managed (organic matter input smaller than organic matter
outputs from the system, including mineralization and erosion), SOC may decrease, reducing soil
fertility. Fallowing takes land out of production and thus reduces the potential food and feed
production of the farm. The impact of the fallow depends on the duration and production during the
fallow (Langyintuo & Dogbe 2005) and knowledge is needed on how to maximise and maintain soil
productivity (what crops to plant, for how long, etc.).
3.1.5 Mulching
Mulching is a technology whereby the soil surface is covered by organic matter (OM), often applied
in association with zero or reduced tillage. There are many different ways of mulching: the mulch
can be dead (e.g. straw) or alive (e.g. low growing intercrop), it can be produced on the field or it
can be acquired from outside (Erenstein, 2003).
The benefits obtained from mulching are multiple. Organic matter is added to the soil, improving
soil fertility. Mulch acts as soil cover, reducing erosion, run-off and water evaporation. Through
these functions it can play a role in increasing yields. Mulching increases moisture retention by
buffering the soil against extreme temperatures (Twomlow et al., 2008). It also can reduce weed
infestation through shading weeding (Erenstein, 2003; Twomlow et al., 2008).
Mulching can be a complicated technology. The user needs knowledge about the application of a
good amount of mulch and in the case of live mulch, the system should be managed so as not to
compete with the main crop. It is usually stated that mulch cover should be at least 30% to act as
effective soil protection (SSSA, 1986). This may be difficult in sub-Saharan Africa due to many
alternative uses for the mulch (livestock feed, construction materials, composting, etc.). When the
mulching material comes from outside the field or farm labour is required to transport and apply
the mulch. Tillage needs to be altered, so as to minimise the amount of residues being
incorporated into the soil (Erenstein, 2003).
At this time the crop residues are mostly used as livestock feed (Valbuena et al., 2012), increasing
the availability of draught power, meat and manure and fulfilling a function as insurance and
savings. Livestock are very dependent on the crop residue feed source, especially in the dry season
and in case of droughts (Rattunde, 1998).
When crop residues are left on the soil they play a role in the improvement of soil fertility in the
long term, through the addition of organic matter to the soil (Omotayo & Chukwuka, 2009). They
also act as a cover, protecting the soil from erosion. Leaving crop residues on the field does
however not suffice to counter the loss of nutrients due to grain harvesting.
When the crop residues are left on the field no labour is needed. However, when the residues are
transported and handled labour is needed.
Manure collection is labour intensive, depending on the way the cattle is kept (cattle kept in a
corral or allowed to roam). Faster and more frequent manure collection leads to less C and N losses
and higher manure quality (Rufino et al., 2007). Storage
Manure can be stored in many ways: in open or closed compartments, manure can be turned over
or left as it is, organic material can be added, etc. The conditions of storage affect decomposition
and nutrient losses, as aerobic conditions allow a faster decomposition of carbon than anaerobic
conditions (Rufino et al., 2007). Rufino et al. (2007) state that even the size of the manure heap
influences decomposition process, due to heat distribution within the heap.
Labour and knowledge are needed to store manure in a way to maintain quality.
3.1.8 Physical and chemical treatment of crop residues
Treatment of crop residues is done to improve the quality of crop residues as animal feed.
There is a need to collect the crop residues and to process them, requiring power and equipment.
Crop residues need to be collected, transported and processed, requiring labour and chemicals,
which are not prevalent in West Africa (Lawrence, 1993). There is also a need for knowledge for
the handling of chemicals.
3.2 Typology
Type 5 did not own livestock, type 6 had the most cattle and ruminants, type 2 had the most land
and the biggest number of household members, type 4 had some animals and a small piece of land
and type 1 had the smallest land area (Table 9). In FARMSIM, the maximum number of cattle
heads (20 instead of 33) was used for type 6.
Type 1 2 3 4 5 6
8 13 8 9 6 15
members (#)
Area (ha) 1.5 10.6 4.8 2.3 3.0 17.9
Cattle (#) 2 5 1 5 0 33
Small ruminants
3 20 9 15 0 36
With the exception of type 3, millet was the crop which was grown over the largest area. The
legume areas were the smallest, except for farm type 3, where maize the maize area was even
smaller (Table 10).
Table 10: Area of crops (ha) per farm type and used in the baseline scenario
of the modelling exercise.
Crop T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Millet 0.6 5.2 1.3 0.9 1.9 10.5
Sorghum 0.4 3.2 1.8 0.6 0.0 4.8
Maize 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cowpea 0.2 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.0 0.0
Groundnut 0.3 1.2 0.6 0.3 0.3 2.5
Total area 1.5 10.6 4.8 2.3 3.0 17.9
3.3 Modelling
3.3.1 Baseline scenario
In the baseline scenario there was an exponential decrease of crop yields over time, nearing a
plateau at the end of the simulation period around 500kg/ha (Figure 6: Evolution of crop yields
(kg/ha) over time.). A big jump in yields from the first to the second year was observed. Similarly
to the yields, SOC also decreased over time. The decrease in SOC decelerated over time and was
similar for all crop fields, going from approximately 0.75% to 0.6% (Figure 7).
Crop yield (kg/ha)
2000 Millet
1500 Sorghum
1000 Cowpea
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0.5 Millet
SOC (%)
0.4 Sorghum
0.3 Cowpea
0.2 Groundnut
0.1 Maize
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Milk production was highest in the first years of simulation, after which it went to 0 (Table 11).
There was no milk production in farm types 1 and 3, as bulls were the only cattle present. Milk
production was highest for type 6, which had the highest number of animals. Similar to the trend in
milk production there was a decrease in livestock weight: cattle quickly lost weight and deceased
(Figure 8). As the total livestock weight of the herd was summed across the animals, farmers with
more livestock had a higher livestock weight. The seasonal variation in weight of the livestock is
illustrated by the wavy pattern in Figure 8. Livestock weight decreasing fastest in the dry seasons
but even in the wet season there was a loss of cattle weight.
Table 11: Amount of milk (kg/year) produced by the cattle for the different farm types.
Year T1 T2 T3 T4 T6
1 0 395 0 355 1483
2 0 101 0 124 199
3 0 0 0 2 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0
Cattle weight (kg)
1 13 25 37 49 61 73 85 97 109 121 133
Figure 8: Monthly total cattle weight of the herd (kg, summed across the animals) for the farm
The average yearly amount of crop calories produced over the 11 simulation years (first year of
simulation not taken into account) was highest for type 6, the farm type with the most cropping
land, while it was lowest for farm type 1, which had the least land (Figure 9). Except for farm type
1 all the farms produced on average enough food to feed their household. For types 2 and 6
respectively, the calorific production was approximately 4 and 6 times higher than the calorific
needs. This was related to the ratio of cropping land per household member.
Amount of calories produced averaged
over the 11 simulation years (kcal)
Calories produced
30000000 (kcal)
10000000 requirement (kcal)
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Farm type
Figure 9: Amount of crop calories (kcal) produced on farm, averaged over 11 years of the
simulation, compared to the amount of calories needed within the household.
Similarly to crop yields, the yearly calorific production of the farms decreased over the years
(Figure 10). Type 1 and 4 ended with a calorific production which was not sufficient to feed the
household, while type 5 was close to reaching the same situation. Type 6 was the farthest away
from insufficiently producing enough calories to feed the family, followed by types 2 and 3.
Energy self-sufficiency ratio 16
10 T3
8 T4
6 T5
4 T6
2 Self-sufficiency
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 10: Fraction of calorific food self-sufficiency for the farm types over the years. Increasing external forage in the form of legumes, live fences and/or trees (interventions 5 to 7)
Increasing the amount of legumes fed improved livestock weight. An increase in weight by 36%
compared to the baseline was reached for type 6 when 2kg of legumes were fed per day. This was
related to the improvement of overall feed quality. There was no effect on food production or SOC,
as there is no feedback mechanism (in the baseline settings manure application was set at 0).
Enlarging cowpea area lowered farm calorie production due to the low calorific content of cowpea
than millet, groundnut and maize and a lower yield per hectare than all the other crops. The
decrease in amount of calories produced was dependent on the percentage of farm area under
groundnut cultivation, as groundnut was the crop with the most calories per kilogram yield and the
crop with the second highest yield, after maize (Figure 11, b). Reducing the area of groundnut
therefore strongly affected farm calorie production.
No significant changes in SOC were observed, as the difference between the SOC in a cowpea field
or in any other field was of 0.01% at most.
a. b.
140 10
0 T1
60 (%) -5 T2
-10 T3
-15 T4
-20 -20 T6
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Cowpea area (%) Cowpea area (%)
Figure 11: Change in livestock weight (a) and calorie production (b) relative to the baseline
scenario, depending on the percentage farm area dedicated to cowpea.
The improvement of the crop residue quality led to a small decrease in yields but had no significant
effect on SOC.
millet or sorghum crop residues increased, decreasing overall forage quality in the dry seasons.
The magnitude of the effects depended on the proportion of the farm under cultivation of millet and
sorghum. Therefore the farm calorific production increased most in farm types 5 and 6 for millet
and types 2 and 3 for sorghum. SOC was not affected as there was no change in the amount of
crop residues going to the soil.
The fallow interventions did not impact SOC in the fields; whether sorghum was fallowed or not the
SOC at year 12 was of 0.61 and whether cowpea was fallowed or not the SOC at year 12 was of
0.60. This meant that increasing the area of sorghum (crop + fallow) slightly increased SOC while
increasing the amount of cowpea (crop + fallow) slightly decreased average farm SOC.
Increasing the amount of fallow decreased the amount of crop residues available for feed and
livestock productivity.
Livestock weight loss (%)
0 T6
0 25 50 75 100
CR left on the field (%)
Figure 12: Percentage cattle weight loss relative to the baseline scenario depending on the
percentage of crop residues left on the field as soil amendment.
Using a plastic sheet to cover the manure heap further improved these results slightly, as carbon
and nutrient losses were reduced. There was no a substantial impact on livestock productivity.
produced on farm (%)
Increase in calories
4 T2
0 25 50 75 100
Percentage of produced manure applied to fields
Figure 13: Relative increase of calories (%) produced on farm compared to the baseline scenario,
depending on the application of manure to the fields. Manure stored in an open heap. Physical and chemical improvement of crop residues (interventions 38 and 39):
Improving the quality of crop residues improved livestock weight gain and milk production up to
respectively 520% (in type2) and 642% (in type3), through the increased availability of MP and
ME. More cows live on all farms and the duration of life of the cows is prolonged.
There were no negative effects on food production or SOC, as this intervention had no effect on the
soil (because in the baseline scenario it was defined that manure was not collected and applied to
the fields).
3.4 Interview
3.4.1 Basic farm typology
There was a temporal space between the collection of the data collected for the WLE-Volta project
(June 2015) and the data collected for this thesis (June 2016). During this time changes occurred
leading to households shifting from type (Appendix VIII, Table 1). There were no more farms in
type 6, therefore this type was no longer included in the analysis of the interview answers. The
number of farmers in types 5, 1 and 2 increased. The main cause for changes in farm types was
the loss of livestock (14 out of 39 households experienced livestock losses, moving the household
into other farm types). In four cases the change was due to a gain of cattle and in four cases it was
due to a gain of ruminants. Only in two cases was the change of type due to a shift in land
holding. For full information about household characteristics, refer to Appendix VII, Tables 2 and 3.
Table 12: Number of farmers considering themselves cultivator, livestock holder, both cultivator
and livestock holder and other.
Farm type
Primary farm activity 1 2 3 4 5
Crop cultivation 3 0 0 0 5
Livestock holding 0 0 0 1 0
Agriculture and livestock 3 8 11 5 2
Other 0 0 0 1 0
32 Livestock holding
In almost all cases cattle is owned by the men in the household. Small ruminants are more often
under shared ownership or women ownership (Appendix VIII, Table 4).
3.4.2 Constraints
Capital was a constraint for all respondents. It was on average also the constraint which got the
highest score (Table 13). Livestock was the second most important constraint, getting for all types
a median score of 4 (Table 13). However, for type 5 less than 80% of the respondents considered
livestock as constraining (Figure 14). Technology and education were most often seen as a
constraint by farmers in types 1 and 5, while respondents from type 2 considered technology and
education as constraints the least often. The constraints of education and technology got a score of
4 for types 1, 5 and 3, while types 2 and 4 gave them a score of 3. Cropping land was for all types
a medium to weak constraint and it was present for 60% to 80% of farmers in all types. Grazing
land was less often a constraint and it had the lowest constraint scores for all types. For farm type
5a median constraint strength of 0 was found.
For grazing land, education and technology a significant difference in the proportion of respondents
listing elements as “constraint” or “no constraint” was found (Figure 14). The outcomes of the
statistical tests can be found in Appendix VIII, Table 5.
a a a a a
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Figure 14: Proportions of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers given when asked if cropping land, grazing land,
livestock, education and technology were constraints. Proportions are significantly different if no
letter is in common.
Table 13: Average importance given to the constraints by farmers in the different farm types,
when element is given as a constraint. Reddish and greenish colours indicate higher and lower
percentages of respondents mentioning that the element is a constraint.
Farm type
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
(n=12) (n=16) (n=22) (n=14) (n=14)
Capital 4.3 4.3 4.5 3.4 4.6
Livestock 4.3 3.4 3.8 3.2 3.3
Technology 3.7 2.4 3.6 2.9 4
Education 3.8 2.1 3 2.6 3.8
Cropping land 2.9 1.9 2.8 3.1 2.9
Grazing land 0 0.9 0.7 0.9 0
No significant difference was found between men and women when comparing the proportions of
respondents listing elements as constraints (Appendix VIII, Table 6).
3.4.3 Goals
For all farm types social cohesion was the most important goal (Table 20). This was the case
because respondents worked on communal projects, such as the building of roads. Social cohesion
was also important as it was a premise for living in a community. Next to this the village
inhabitants lived closer to each other than they lived to family and mutual aid was important.
Especially in case of problems it was important to know there was someone who could help.
Sustainable management of natural resources was the next most important goal, explained by the
will to preserve the environment for the following generations and thus to ensure the survival of
the family. To this end, many different management interventions were applied, including tree
planting, zaï practice and the building of stone bunds to reduce erosion.
Food self-sufficiency was very important in all types except type 2 because it enabled feeding the
family and decreased dependence on the market, remittances or other inhabitants of the
community. However, it was also stated that food self-sufficiency was dependent on rainfall and
was thus variable. For most farmers self-sufficiency was not achieved and food had to be bought
for a varying number of months per year (from two to ten months). For type 2 self-sufficiency was
a less important goal as 50% of the farmers produced enough food to survive throughout the year.
This percentage was respectively of 0%, 4%, 7% and 0% for types 1, 3, 4 and 5. Once again type
2, which was considered the wealthiest type was significantly different from the other farm types
for this goal (Appendix VIII, Table 7).
Maximising whole farm production and maximising yield were the next most important goals,
except for type 5. Maximising whole farm production meant that not only yields were maximised,
but also the crop residue production for livestock feed and manure production for amending the soil
were maximised. This goal was relatively important because famers said more crop residues
increased feed availability, increasing livestock productivity and manure production. Some farmers
also sold crop residues for extra income. Sometimes it was however added that food production
was the main aim and overall farm production should not reduce food production. This goal was
less important for type 5 as respondents did not own livestock (64% of the respondents from this
type did not put emphasis on maximising whole farm production).
Maximising yields was important. However, similarly as for maximising whole farm production, the
score given by type 5 was significantly lower than the score given by other types (Appendix VIII,
Table 7). This was due to the fact that 57% of the farmers said not to have enough means to be
able to maximise yields. For types 1, 2, 3 and 4 the percentage of farmers who made the same
statement was respectively of 8%, 13%, 9% and 0%. Maximising yields was important to produce
more food and to be able to sell produce.
The goal labour minimization was not interpreted as total labour (hired + household labour). Only
hired labour was taken into account by the respondents. For all farm types the average score for
minimising labour was approximately equal (between 2.6 and 3.1). Farmers of type 1 explained
that land area was relatively small and therefore there was no need for external labour (42%), or
that they did not have enough capital to hire external labour (33%). In type 2 the majority of the
respondents (75%) said labour was hired because of the big amount of work that needed to be
done (timeliness of achieving activities). Type 2 farmers were the most resource endowed because
they owned a lot of livestock and land. In type 3 only 45% of the respondents hired labour. In this
type, 32% of the farmers stated they would like to hire labour but this was impossible due to
capital constraints. In type 4 43% of the respondents said they hire labour, while 36% stated not
to have enough capital to hire labour. Only 14% of the respondents in type 4 declared they did not
need external labour force. For type 5 the scenario is different: 71% of the respondents told they
needed more labour but they did not have enough capital to hire labour. The rest of the
respondents of type 5 said family was big enough to meet the labour requirement.
Table 14: Average score given by the different farm types for the 11 goals.
Achieving activities in a timely manner received a medium score, except for types 3 and 5, who
scored this objective higher. For type 5 this was because family is the main workforce. Type 5 had
the smallest number of household members and was seen as the least endowed farmer type as no
livestock was kept. For these respondents rural exodus was also an important factor limiting labour
availability and thus the timely achievement of activities. Fifty percent of the interviewees of type 3
also said they depend on household labour. Thirty-six percent of the respondents of both type 3
and 5 said they had difficulties finding sufficient labour to perform the required tasks, while for the
types 1, 2 and 4 this proportion was respectively 16%, 25% and 21%. This was due to the fact
that type 1, 2 and 4 had enough labour available within the household and because the area to be
cultivated was small enough to take care of.
Maximising off-farm income was most important for types 1 and 2 and least important for type 5.
Type 1 was significantly different for this goal compared to the other types (Appendix VIII, Table
7). For the respondents having a vegetable garden, the selling of products from this vegetable
garden was seen as generating off-farm income. In farm type 5 more than half of the farmers did
not have another job, while as much as 36% of these respondents performed vegetable gardening.
In types 4 and 1 the amount of farmers who did not earn income with off-farm origin was above
49%. In type 1 an often recurring reason for giving a high score was the absence of other sources
of income. In types 2 and 3 less farmers expressed that there was a lack of off-farm opportunities
for gaining money.
Land ownership got a score below 3 for all farm types except 1 and 4. In most farm types the
percentage of land owners was around 55%, the other respondents rented land. This meant that
more than half of the respondents were not afraid their land would be taken from them, as they
were the legitimate owners. For types 1 and 4 the amount of land owners was lower, which might
explain the importance of land ownership for those types. These two farm types were also the
types with the smallest area of land.
Income maximisation was not the most important objective. However, in all types there were
farmers with income generating activities. Type 1 farmers gave an average score of 3.4 to income
maximization. In that type 33% of the farmers generated income either through the growing of
crops for selling or through off-farm activities. In type 2 81% of the respondents declared crops
were cultivated to generate income (such as sesame and groundnut). Thirty-six percent of farmers
in type 3 had activities in the aim of increasing income (livestock raising, vegetable growing). In
type 4 only one farm (7%) was busy with milk production in the dry season with the aim of
increasing income. In type 5 36% of the farmers had activities to increase income: production of
cowpea and groundnut, as well as vegetable production.
Market orientation was on average the least important goal for the respondents, except for type 1,
for whom the average score was of 3.2 (this farm type was significantly different from the other
farm types in this response). In this type 66% of the respondents said they sold products, when
possible at the moment prices were highest. In type 2 80% of the farmers sold products. However,
only 50% of the farmers sold products at the moment when the prices were best. In type 4, 5 and
3 respectively 40%, 14% and 12% of the respondents sold products, when possible. The farmers
who did not sell their produce consumed it, as they were food insecure. Here again a difference
was observed between type 2, the type considered most resource endowed and the other farm
Appendix VIII, Table 7 presents the Fisher exact test outcomes, signalling the presence (or not) of
significant differences in the proportion of answers given by the different farm types.
For neither of the goals there was an association between the gender of the respondent and the
scores given to constraints (Appendix VIII, Table 8).
3.4.4 Attitudes
On the statement that it is a destiny to be farming (statement 2) the answers were mostly in
agreement, because the respondents grew up in agriculture and farming was performed by their
parents. For some participants it was also because they did not go to school. When farmers did not
think it farming is a destiny, they said it was because there always is a choice.
Table 15: Percentage of farmers agreeing, disagreeing and giving a neutral answer to the
Percentage of farmers giving the answer
1. I am proud to be a farmer 4 1 95
2. It is my destiny to be a farmer 13 4 83
3. Farming is fulfilling 4 9 87
4. Farming is a good way to meet my needs and those of my 18 14 68
5. There is no better investment than an investment in 26 10 64
6. If I had a choice I would be a (full-time) farmer 43 8 49
A little more than the majority of the farmers said there is no better investment than farming
(statement 5). This had several different reasons: there are no opportunities except agriculture,
respondents are proud to be farming, investments in agriculture enable maximising production and
because agriculture is the activity the respondents know and master. When it was said that there
are better investments than agriculture this was due to respondents saying they would invest in
something else if there was a choice and stating agriculture does not meet the needs.
Half of the farmers would be farmer if they had the choice (statement 6). The other half would not
be farmer, for several reasons: either they would prefer a job as civil servant, either they would
prefer to raise livestock.
The answers concerning the hope for children to end up farming were variable (statement 7).
Either the respondents said they are farming and therefore it is also good enough for their children.
Some respondents also gave a neutral answer, mentioning that children should choose for
themselves. Lastly some respondent preferred if their children did not end up farming, in the hope
of building up a better life. For this reason some of the children were sent to school. The answers
as to whether farming was a good way to fulfil all needs were also variable (statement 4). Half of
the respondents answered this was the case, as their own food is produced and there is no
dependency on other people. Other respondents stated yields are not high enough and farming is a
tiring activity, which therefore does not fulfil all the needs.
The opinions are divided about the ability of the current farming system to cover current and future
needs (statement 9). Positive answers are given thanks to the use of technologies (e.g. stone
bunds) and due to the ownership of land. Negative answers are supported by stating that there is a
need for new interventions and technologies, that climate change and the reduction in soil fertility
will limit agricultural production in the future.
Mostly it was hoped to increase the quality of life through farming (statement 10). This was related
to the fact that respondents relied on new technologies and information to improve yields and soil
quality. The farmers who did not believe farming can increase the quality of life stated yields were
too low and they did not have enough money to progress. The majority of the respondents stated
they seek information about good agricultural practices (statement 12). The negative answers on
information were given by women, who answered it is their husband who seeks information.
The biggest portion of the farmers was prepared to give labour and capital for the implementation
of new technologies and techniques and they are open to taking (moderate) risks if the gains are
high enough (statements 14 and 15).
- Statement 12 was omitted because the negative answers came from women, who said only
their husband seeks for information. This meant that there was a search for information
within the household.
- Statement 6 was not taken into account as livestock was seen as an activity different from
- Statements 13, 14 and 15 were not included as some farmers did not answer the questions
in the way the questions were intended.
The dendogram for the construction of clusters can be seen in Appendix VIII, Figure 1. The chosen
cut-off point was located at a distance of 17.5, leading to the formation of 4 clusters (Table 16).
Farmers from all the clusters were proud to be farming, they thought it was their destiny to be
farming, they felt farming was fulfilling and a good way to fulfil needs and that there was a need
for new interventions to improve the current situation (Table 16). They also all stated there are
problems in the current farming system. Differences between clusters are as follows:
- Cluster 4 had a neutral answer on the statement whether farming is a good investment.
Respondents from cluster 1, 2 and 3 considered farming to be a good investment
- Cluster 2 was neutral as of the future of the children, whether they end-up farming or not,
while clusters 1, 3 and 4 hoped their children do not end up farming.
- The opinions about farming being a good way to suffice needs were divided. Cluster 1 and
2 did think so, while cluster 3 and 4 were more hesitant.
- Respondents from clusters 1 and 4 were neutral about the statement that there is hope to
improve the quality of life. Respondents from clusters 2 and 3 thought there is hope to
improve the quality of life
A significant association between the clusters and the interviewers who conducted the interviews
was found (Appendix VIII, Table 9). There was no significant difference between the interviewers 1
and 2 but both were significantly different from interviewer 3, meaning either the interviewers
themselves influenced the answers through the way of conducting the interviews, or there was a
location effect, as each interviewer conducted interviews in a different village.
Table 16: Average score given to the statement accompanied by standard deviation, for the four
clusters (1=disagreement, 2=neutral, 3=agreement).
Statement 1 2 3 4
1. Proud to be farmer 3.0 (±0.0) 2.9 (±0.4) 2.9 (±0.5) 2.9 (±0.5)
2. Destiny to be a farmer 2.7 (±0.7) 2.9 (±0.4) 2.7 (±0.7) 2.4 (±0.9)
3. Farming is fulfilling 3.0 (±0.0) 2.9 (±0.3) 2.9 (±0.5) 2.6 (±0.7)
4. Good way to fulfil needs 2.8 (±0.6) 2.5 (±0.8) 2.4 (±0.9) 2.4 (±0.8)
5. Good investment 2.9 (±0.3) 2.4 (±0.9) 2.4 (±0.9) 1.9 (±0.9)
7. I would prefer if my children would 2.6 (±0.6) 1.9 (±0.9) 2.4 (±0.8) 2.5 (±0.8)
not end up farming
8. There are no problems in the 1.0 (±0.0) 1.0 (±0.0) 1.0 (±0.0) 1.0 (±0.0)
current farming system
9. The current way of farming is good 2.7 (±0.7) 2.4 (±0.9) 1.2 (±0.5) 1.6 (±0.9)
enough to suffice my needs
10. There is no hope for farmers like 2.4 (±0.9) 1.4 (±0.9) 1.1 (±0.5) 1.6 (±0.9)
us to improve our quality of life
11.There is a need for new 3.0 (±0.0) 3.0 (±0.0) 3.0 (±0.0) 3.0 (±0.0)
interventions and technologies to
improve the current farming system
Next to this, education, technology and labour were constraining for the planting of the pasture
with native species. Labour was the major constraint for the collection of crop residues livestock
Table 17: Expert opinion on the strength (0=weak, 1=medium and 2=strong) of constraints for the
implementation of interventions.
Constraining element
Intervention Cropping land Pasture Livestock Education Technology Capital Labour
Pasture planted with native
0 2 0 1 1 0 1
Pasture planted with exotic
0 2 0 2 2 2 1
Planting of improved dual-
0 0 0 1 1 1 1
purpose cowpea and sorghum
Planting of drought-tolerant
0 0 0 1 1 1 1
millet and sorghum
Leaving 10-20% of the land
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
fallow for 5 years
Collection of herbaceous
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
biomass for animal feed
Collection and storage crop
0 0 0 1 1 1 2
residues for animal feed
Leaving of crop residues on the
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Application of manure 0 0 1 2 1 1 2
Physical treatment of crop
residues for improved 0 0 0 1 2 1 2
Chemical treatment of crop
residues for improved 0 0 0 2 2 1 1
The collection of herbaceous biomass for animal feed and leaving crop residues on the field did not
pose a constraint for any farm type, as there was no constraint to the implementation of these
interventions following the expert opinion (labour was not taken into account).
For the planting of pastures with native species, education and technology were constraints in all
the farm types. All constraints were of medium strength, except for type 5 which was strongly
constrained in technology. When exotic species were planted the same constraints played a role,
with the addition of capital and all constraints, for all types, were strong. The same was true for
the chemical treatment of crop residues, except for the medium constraint of capital in type 4. The
results for the physical treatment of crop residue were similar to the results for the chemical
treatment of crop residues, minus the reduced strength for the education constraint, which was
medium for all types.
For the planting of dual-purpose crops, drought tolerant crops and for the collection and storage of
crop residues as animal feed the same three constraints were present. For most types education
and technology were medium constraints, while capital was strongly constraining. This was not the
case for type 4 for which capital was only mildly constraining. For type 5 technology was also
strongly constraining.
The only constraint for all types for the implementation of fallowing was cropping land. Depending
on the strength of the constraint in the different types the final constraint was either medium or
strong (medium for type 2, which has a lot of land and strong for all the other types, which own
less land).
Table 18: Resulting constraint scores from the matching of the expert evaluation with the
constraints of type 1, for the different interventions. Green boxes show there is no constraint,
orange boxes show a medium constraint and red boxes show a strong constraint. The higher the
score the more important the constraint.
Constraining element
Intervention Cropping
Pasture Livestock Education Technology Capital
Pasture planted with native
0 0 0 0.38 0.38 0
Pasture planted with exotic
0 0 0 0.75 0.75 1
Planting of improved dual-
0 0 0 0.38 0.38 0.5
purpose cowpea and sorghum
Planting of drought-tolerant
0 0 0 0.38 0.38 0.5
millet and sorghum
Leaving 10-20% of the land
0.5 0 0 0 0 0
fallow for 5 years
Collection of herbaceous
0 0 0 0 0 0
biomass for animal feed
Collection and storage crop
0 0 0 0.38 0.38 0.5
residues for animal feed
Leaving of crop residues on the
0 0 0 0 0 0
Spreading of manure on fields 0 0 0.5 0.75 0.38 0.5
Physical treatment of crop
residues for improved 0 0 0 0.38 0.75 0.5
Chemical treatment of crop
residues for improved 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.5
The application of manure on the field required many elements: livestock, education, technology
and capital. The education constraint was always strong, as this was defined as a strong constraint
for the intervention by the experts and all the farm types were in greater or lesser extent limited
by education. Type 1 was the only type strongly constrained by livestock. For manure application
type 5 was strongly constrained by technology while for the other types this was a medium
constraint. All types were strongly constrained by capital, except for type 4, for which it was a
medium constraint.
Table 19: Resulting constraint scores from the matching of the expert evaluation with the constraints
of type 2, for the different interventions. Green boxes show there is no constraint, orange boxes show
a medium constraint and red boxes show a strong constraint. The higher the score the more
important the constraint.
Constraining element
Intervention Cropping
Pasture Livestock Education Technology Capital
Table 20: Resulting constraint scores from the matching of the expert evaluation with the constraints
of type 3, for the different interventions. Green boxes show there is no constraint, orange boxes show
a medium constraint and red boxes show a strong constraint. The higher the score the more important
the constraint.
Constraining element
Intervention Cropping
Pasture Livestock Education Technology Capital
Pasture planted with native species 0 0 0 0.38 0.38 0
Pasture planted with exotic species 0 0 0 0.75 0.75 1
Planting of improved dual-purpose
0 0 0 0.38 0.38 0.5
cowpea and sorghum
Planting of drought-tolerant millet and
0 0 0 0.38 0.38 0.5
Leaving 10-20% of the land fallow for
0.5 0 0 0 0 0
5 years
Collection of herbaceous biomass for
0 0 0 0 0 0
animal feed
Collection and storage crop residues
0 0 0 0.38 0.38 0.5
for animal feed
Leaving of crop residues on the field 0 0 0 0 0 0
Spreading of manure on fields 0 0 0.38 0.75 0.38 0.5
Physical treatment of crop residues
0 0 0 0.38 0.75 0.5
for improved palatability
Chemical treatment of crop residues
0 0 0 0.75 0.75 0.5
for improved palatability
Table 21: Resulting constraint scores from the matching of the expert evaluation with the constraints
of type 4, for the different interventions. Green boxes show there is no constraint, orange boxes show
a medium constraint and red boxes show a strong constraint. The higher the score the more
important the constraint.
Constraining element
Pasture Livestock Education Technology Capital
Table 22: Resulting constraint scores from the matching of the expert evaluation with the constraints
of type 5, for the different interventions. Green boxes show there is no constraint, orange boxes show
a medium constraint and red boxes show a strong constraint. The higher the score the more important
the constraint.
Constraining element
Intervention Cropping
Pasture Livestock Education Technology Capital
Pasture planted with native species 0 0 0 0.38 0.5 0
Pasture planted with exotic species 0 0 0 0.75 1 1
Planting of improved dual-purpose
0 0 0 0.38 0.5 0.5
cowpea and sorghum
Planting of drought-tolerant millet and
0 0 0 0.38 0.5 0.5
Leaving 10-20% of the land fallow for
0.5 0 0 0 0 0
5 years
Collection of herbaceous biomass for
0 0 0 0 0 0
animal feed
Collection and storage crop residues
0 0 0 0.38 0.5 0.5
for animal feed
Leaving of crop residues on the field 0 0 0 0 0 0
Spreading of manure on fields 0 0 0.38 0.75 0.5 0.5
Physical treatment of crop residues for
0 0 0 0.38 1 0.5
improved palatability
Chemical treatment of crop residues
0 0 0 0.75 1 0.5
for improved palatability
3.7 Decision tool
For the selection of the appropriate intervention per farm type, information of different parts of this
thesis should be assembled. Take the following steps (Figure 15):
Classify farm in
farm type
(THESIS, Figure
1. Identify
Determine aim of constraints
the project present
(USER) (THESIS, Tables
Consider if farm 4.
goals fit with Assess potential
intervention impact of
outcomes. If not, interventions for
return to step 5 the specific farm
and find another type (THESIS,
possibility. Appendix VII,
(THESIS, Table tables 1 and 2)
Choose the best
considering steps
1, 3 and 5)
Figure 15: Flow chart of the steps in the decision process. User mean the step should be
taken by the user, thesis means the information is available in the thesis.
3.8 Example
In the following paragraph an example is given on how the decision tool could be used. The steps
are taken in the order given in Figure 15.
4 Discussion
4.1 Setting of baseline scenario
4.1.1 Crop
For this exercise only one farm type grew maize. This has two main causes. Firstly maize is not a
major crop in the Ouahigouya region (Funk et al., 2012). Secondly the cut-off points chosen for
including a crop in a representative farm played a role: a crop was taken up in the simulation if
more than 50% of farmers grew the crop. If a lower cut-off point would have been chosen maize
would have been taken up in the simulation exercise more frequently. The area over which maize is
grown was on average quite small (over all farms growing maize the average area was of 0.6ha) so
that including maize would have only a small impact on the overall farm outcomes.
The area allocated to cereals on the farms is larger than the area allocated to legumes. This is
among others due to the fact that women are largely responsible for the cultivation of legumes
(Nhamo et al., 2003), traditionally women’s crops. Women are most often only allowed to perform
agriculture on land which is owned by the husband but not used in that particular season, as they
have to get access to productive resources in accordance with their husband (Kevane & Gray,
1999). Next to this the calorie yield of legumes is also smaller for legumes as for cereals.
4.1.2 Livestock
When only a small number of cattle are owned, the herd is predominantly male, while the fraction
of females increases with herd size. This is due to the fact that the first need is for ploughing and
draft power. Once this need is satisfied farmers will invest in cows for milk production and the
provision of calves. In Kenya a similar relation was found between the function of cattle and the
structure of the herd: when cattle was important for providing draft power keeping male animals
was more important, while for the production of milk the fraction of females in the herd was
increased (Rege et al., 2001).
4.1.3 Fertilizer
Fertilizer and manure use was low due to the lack of capital at the start of the growing season (S.
Coulibaly, personal communication). The limited use of manure is partly due to the labour needs
for collection, transport, storage and application. Transport is limited as manure is bulky and
transportation equipment is required. Manure use is also limited because quantity and quality are
often low (Bayu et al., 2005), primarily due to feed limitation. Manure might also have different
uses within the household, such as fuel (Bayu et al., 2005). From the interview it is however clear
those farmers recognise the importance of manure in their farming system and they voice their will
to use it. Thus far it is mainly restricted due to transport and handling costs.
4.2 Outcomes baseline scenario
Calorie production, SOC and livestock productivity decrease over time. SOC decreases due to the
fact that there is no organic matter input into the soil (crops and residues are taken away, no
manure is applied), thus there is more organic matter decomposition than input. This decrease in
SOC is followed by a decrease in yields. This is in general the case in sub-Saharan Africa, where
low soil fertility is a major factor in the declining per-capita food production (Bayu et al., 2004).
The final value of SOC (year 12 of simulation) is still in the range of values found in Burkina Faso
(Beal et al., 2015). Livestock productivity decreases due to the low quality of feed available.
4.2.1 Yields
At the start of the simulation exercise the yields are in the higher part of yields currently found in
the area. It is possible that the simulation outcomes overestimate yields, as for example diseases
and pests are not taken into account (Marinus et al., 2015). In the last simulation year the yields
are in the lower range of the yields currently found in sub-Saharan Africa. A big jump in yields is
observed between the first and second year. This was due to the fact that there was strong water
shortage in years 2 and 3 (years of drought) (Nagothu, 2016).
Livestock products were not included in the calculation of food self-sufficiency. Including these
products would not have had a great effect, as livestock productivity was low. On average the
consumption of livestock products in Burkina Faso is low and meat and milk are only rarely eaten
(Lykke et al., 2002). Even in case of shocks, such as crop failure, livestock products are not
consumed (Kazianga & Udry, 2006), rather livestock is sold to buy staple foods (Binswanger &
McIntire, 1987; McDermott et al., 2010).
From the model outcomes it was found that livestock lose weight during all the seasons. As in all
seasons more biomass is offered than is eaten, meaning that feed quality and not quantity was
limiting. Livestock weight loss was lowers during the wet season. In this season only the basic
amount of feed is fed (grass + roughage) which is then of the highest quality (Table 23). In the
early dry season grass quality decreases, reducing the quality of the basic amount of feed given
(Table 23). During the late dry season this decrease is even stronger. During these dry seasons
also crop residues are fed. The quality of these residues is also below the quality of the basic
amount of feed given during the wet season (Table 24). This means that the overall feed quality
(basic feed + crop residues) is lower than feed given during the wet season. This explains the
stronger decrease in livestock productivity in the dry seasons compared to the wet season.
Table 23: Quality during the different seasons of the mixture
of grass and roughage given throughout the year.
Season CP (g/kg DM) ME (MJ/kg DM)
Wet season 92.20 8.14
Early dry
78.60 7.50
Late dry
54.58 6.62
T1 92.89 7.83
T2 82.06 7.52
T3 85.32 7.58
T4 93.91 7.86
T5 76.02 7.34
T6 76.51 7.36
As in general livestock gain weight during the wet season in Burkina Faso, the quality of the feed
given during this season should have been increased to get more realistic results. This could have
been done through increasing the quality of the fodder or through increasing the ratio of grass fed
compared to the ratio of roughage given.
The trends of the results were similar for all farm types, due to the fact that the soil and rainfall
conditions are the same. The magnitude of the impacts of the interventions is different between
the farm types, depending on crops grown, herd size, the area of land and the ratio between the
land area and the number of cattle head. A smaller area of land leads to more cows per land area
and the fodder quality will depend less on the crop residues and more on the basic amount of feed
given. More cows per land area also means that more manure is produced per area land and thus
the impact of manure collection is bigger.
Of the list of interventions assessed there are no interventions which promote all objectives (food
production, SOC and livestock productivity) at the same time. Sometimes the interventions
promoted only one or two of the three goals (e.g. increase of forage quality) and sometimes a
trade-off was found between the optimization of different objectives.
The increase of feed quality, the physical or chemical treatment of crop residues, the improvement
of livestock forage (quality and quantity) and the implementation of dual-purpose sorghum through
increased residue quality all only affect livestock production. This is due to the fact that in the
baseline scenario manure application was set to 0. This means that there is no return of nutrients
from the crop residues back to the fields in the form of manure. Allowing the collection and
application of manure to the fields increased yields. For future research it would be interesting to
see what the effect is on SOC and calorie production of the previously mentioned interventions
when manure collection and application happens. Livestock production is increased for all these
interventions as fodder quality is improved.
Manure application was positive not only for calorie production, it also increased SOC. However, it
had no significant impact on livestock as fodder quality is only slightly impacted (the increase in
the amount of crop residues produced on per hectare is of 180kg for sorghum and 200kg for
cowpea, negligible quantities compared to the total amount of crop residues fed and the small
amount of basic feed given).
A trade-off is found for the establishment of dual-purpose crops and the establishment of drought-
tolerant crops. The implementation of dual-purpose cowpea reduced calorific yield as cowpea yield
is lower than the other crops and calorific value was lower than groundnut, millet and maize. It
however improved livestock productivity as cowpea residues are of a better quality than residues of
sorghum and millet, and grass in the dry seasons. Increasing the ratio of cowpea residues in
livestock feed therefore increase fodder quality, the limiting factor for livestock productivity. The
uptake of drought tolerant sorghum and millet of the uptake of dual-purpose sorghum with an
increased crop residue production both led to a greater availability of sorghum (and millet) crop
residues. This residue is of lower quality of residue from cowpea or groundnut, therefore
decreasing overall fodder quality in the dry seasons, and decreasing livestock productivity. These
interventions however improved calorie production, as grain yields were increased. When
implementing these interventions the farmer has to make a choice in improving livestock
productivity or yield.
Fallow is the only intervention which was not advantageous for any objective. Calorie production
decreased proportionally to the amount of land not taken into production. Fallowing also did not
improve the SOC, due to the low qantity of residues applied and due to the high decomposition
rate. Livestock productivity is also decreased, as less crop residues are available during the dry
seasons, reducing forage quality in these seasons (refer to table 23 and 24 to compare the quality
of the basic feed given and the quality of crop residues produced on farm).
The available soil data for the region was variable, with for example SOC reaching from 0.5% (A.
Ayantunde, personal communication, soil in the proximity of Ouahigouya, in the villages Sabouna
and Ziga) to 2% (Leenaars et al., 2014). In this thesis a SOC of 0.8% was chosen as starting
situation. Higher SOC leads to higher yields, as yields are strongly related to soil quality. For
example taking an SOC of 1% as a starting condition for the simulation exercise would have led to
yields higher during the whole simulation period (Figure 17).
Modelling has many advantages in this research, as the use of the model has enabled the mixing of
‘generalised science based knowledge’ to ‘local specific data’ (van Paassen et al., 2011), to help in
the choice of more locally-adapted interventions. Exploratory modelling is a good tool for assessing
the effect of different interventions on different farm types. However, the model does not take into
account socio-economic circumstances and traditions. Therefore the possibility for implementing
the different interventions still has to be checked (labour shortage, input availability, etc.). It also
has to be reviewed whether the interventions fit the knowledge of farmers and their values (van
Paassen et al., 2011). The use of a model also has limitations, in the sense that the model cannot
contain all the details of the farming system and that approximations are sometimes needed (e.g.
fallow modelled through growing a crop not producing grain that is entirely left on the field). The
starting conditions used for the model are also approximations, as they are not well known. The
accuracy of the model is also reduced through several set rules, such as the obligatory selling of a
bull after 6 years of work and the inability to buy another bull before that time.
Sorghum Cowpea
3000 3000
2500 2500
Yield (kg/ha)
Yield (kg/ha)
2000 2000
1500 1500
1.0% SOC
1000 1000
500 500 0.8% SOC
0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11
a Year b Year
Figure 14: Yields of sorghum (a) and cowpea (b) when the initial SOC is set at 1.0% and 0.8%.
As the model was used to perform an exploratory study, it is interesting to consider how realistic
the interventions are. It is possible for the forage quality of crop residues to be improved with
20%? Would a farmer convert 100% of the farm area to cowpea if this increases livestock
productivity? Is it possible for farmers to collect and apply 100% of the produced manure to the
fields? The answer to these questions would also impact the adoptability of the interventions for
farmers. Another interesting question is how well the interventions were simulated. There is for
example a difference between a real fallow and growing a (grain less) crop that which is left on the
Sesame, one of the crops which accordingly to the set rules should have been taken into account in
the simulation exercise could not be included because sesame cannot yet be simulated within
FARMSIM. This crop could be developed to enable the inclusion in the model, to make the
simulation more realistic.
It would have been interesting to test the interventions with the farmers or to simulate the
interventions in the presence of farmers, to see what their opinions and ideas are. The knowledge
of the field agents could also have been further exploited, as they have a more concrete knowledge
about the (im)possibilities for farmers in the region. It was however not done due to time limitation
and because it was beyond the scope of this thesis. This would be an interesting field of research
for the future.
4.5 Interview
4.5.1 Basic farm characteristics
Trading and death of livestock led to households changing types. This shows that a typology which
is static on paper is dynamic in real life. The change from one farm type to another occurs rapidly
(e.g. disease causing death of livestock) and can have big impacts on the farm strategies and
management. This might be an indication that livestock holding was not the best indicator for
making a typology, although it is an important farm asset and a source of farm heterogeneity.
The result about how a farmer sees himself (e.g. livestock holder or crop cultivator) gives an
insight in where the farmer puts the focus in the farming system and which are the most important
key elements in the farming system. This may be important in determining which interventions
interest the farmer.
Livestock are mostly owned by men. This should be taken into account when promoting
interventions. If this tools is to be used for different regions, it should be checked whether livestock
ownership is similar, to promote the best interventions (Oladele & Mankhei, 2008).
The capital constraint is the strongest constraint, for all farm types. As stated before this
corresponds to the lack of capital to buy farming inputs at the start of the growing season and the
low rate of fertilizer and pesticide use in Burkina Faso. It would be interesting to see whether the
answer to the question if capital is constraining would be different if asked in another period, for
example just after harvest.
The grazing land constraint is low as there is at this moment still enough space for cattle to graze.
Similarly, cropping land can also still be expanded. However, population increase and urbanization
will limit the options for expanding cropping and grazing land in the future (Asadu et al., 2008) and
land will become a more pressing constraint. This should be taken into account in future studies.
The similarity in results for technology and education can be related to the fact that technology and
education (in the form of on-farm management) are often brought through the same channels (the
same project will educate and bring the resources for field trials, etc.). It is also possible that
higher education stimulates farmers to try new technologies, as education is found to have a
positive effect on the adoption of interventions (Strauss et al., 1991). At the same time higher
resource endowment was found to reduce education and technology constraints. This might be due
to the fact that resource endowment enables the purchase of required technological inputs
(Vanlauwe et al., 2010).
When promoting an intervention the social traditions and culture should be considered as social
cohesion is important. An example of this is the construction of a vegetable garden, an activity
which is traditionally conducted by women. It would require a big change for males to grow a
vegetable garden, even if the sale of vegetables could potentially be a good way to gain capital (S.
Coulibaly, personal communication).
As sustainable management is important, interventions promoting this have a greater chance of
being adopted. However, there are often constraints for the implementation of these interventions.
For example many farmers state they want to use manure to improve soil fertility. However, due to
the labour need for the collection and spreading of manure this is not often done (S. Coulibaly,
personal communication). Even when a compost heap is used the quality and the quantity of the
compost is often not enough to improve soil quality (Bayu et al., 2005).
The importance of maximising yields, whole farm production and land ownership was dependent on
farm type. Resource endowment should therefore be taken into account when promoting and
implementing interventions with those aims.
Minimising labour and achieving activities in a timely manner was of medium important for all
types, emphasizing the need to take these goals into account when deciding of interventions.
Maximising off-farm income is in general less important for all types, signalling that most effort
goes into the farm. This is a positive signal for the chance of adoption of interventions, as it means
there is a greater chance farmers will put effort in the farming system, instead of putting energy in
maximising off-farm opportunities. One farm type is different as it puts more emphasis on off-farm
income (type 1). This might be the case because this farm type is searching for alternative sources
for income. This can either make the respondents less likely to take-up new interventions (as they
are less dependent on agriculture for their income) or this could stimulate respondents from this
type to take-up new interventions to be able to rely more on farming.
Maximising income and market orientation are the least important goals for less resource endowed
farms. Interventions aiming to increase income and market orientation will probably less easily be
adopted by these farms. This means that once again farm resource endowment will play a role in
the setting of household goals, influencing interventions adoption.
It was expected that constraints would have been different between men and women, as for
example the only land to which women have access is the land, owned by the husband, which is
not cultivated (Kevane & Gray, 1999). To improve the view on the constraints present it is also
possible to focus the constraint questions more on the respondents rather than on the farm.
4.5.5 Attitude
The results on attitude indicate the need for clearer statements, with a more straightforward goal
as it was not possible to create typical farm attitude groups. It is positive that respondents are
proud to be farming and that they are open towards new interventions as this might facilitate the
spreading of new techniques. However, most farmers hope their children will not end up farming.
Before promoting interventions, information is needed on why farmers do not want their children to
end up farming, as this might shape the future of farming in the region.
Especially in this part of the interview, where personal questions were asked, it is possible that
respondents tried to give the ‘appropriate’ answer. The field agent conducting the interview also
has a great effect on results through the way the questions are asked and the answers are
reported. This could have led to the association between field agent and attitude cluster. It is
however also possible that farming attitude cluster was dependent on the village (e.g. differences
in education, tradition and customs).
For future research the attitude statements should be made clearer, to reduce ambiguity and
collect more reliable data (e.g. define what is meant with ‘investment’ when asking if farming is a
good investment). It is also possible to develop the ‘attitude’ part of the thesis in another way. An
example is the measuring of the attitude towards risk as the aversion to risk leads to diversification
and risk can be either restricting or favouring new interventions (Bidogeza et al., 2009; Kebede et
al., 1990). For example, Kebede et al. (1990) found that risk aversion is usually negative for the
adoption of new interventions.
When performing interviews many flaws about this way of collecting data were discovered. There
were difficulties in translation (between English, French and the local language) and the
understanding of the interview questions was different between the enumerators. The notation and
interpretation of results was also different per enumerator, making the quality of the data
dependent on the ability of the enumerator. These problems probably also occurred during the data
collection for the CCAFS and WLE projects. Using interviews for data collection was however
interesting as it was possible to capture verbal and non-verbal communication and it was also
possible to go into depth into certain answers to get all the information required.
The sample size of the farmers was sufficient to get an idea of the situation, although it is unknown
which fraction of the population has been interviewed in each village.
Both paradigms for intervention adoption are used in this thesis (economic and innovation
diffusion, refer to paragraph 1.5). The importance of the innovation diffusion paradigm was often
stressed during the interviews, when farmers provided an explanation when asked if and how they
sought for information (when asked if education was a constraint). This ranged from: “I am always
looking for information and new technologies” over “I only implement interventions when promoted
by field agents” to “I only adopt an intervention when it has proven to be worthwhile for my
neighbors”. In the future it might be an interesting option to ask where respondents get their
information from, as this might influence the adoption and spread of interventions.
In this thesis the constraints are seen as ‘fixed’ and reducing interventions adoption. It is not
considered how easily constraints can be alleviated. If the ‘strong constraint’ can be easily
removed, the implementation of the intervention becomes easier.
To make good use of the decision tool, the user should know with certainty to which type the farm
belongs to. This might be tricky as farms (as seen in this thesis) can rapidly change from type.
The presence of constraints through the matching off farming constraints and expert opinions led
to relatively similar results for all the types. Mostly the same constraints were present for the same
interventions, even if the strength of the constraints was different. This is related to the method
used: scores were categorised and the use of the key matrix to match interventions to types
globalised scores and smoothed out differences.
In the decision tool only farming constraints and goals are taken into account. It is however known
that the farmer’s perception of the interventions, as well as traditions and habits may also play an
important role in the adoption of interventions (Adesina & Baidu-Forson, 1995). To enhance the
adoption rate of the interventions it is therefore interesting to study these aspects.
For the modelling part of this thesis only calorie production, livestock productivity and SOC
outcomes were analysed. If the aim of the project is different the modelling exercise should be
done anew. Social outcomes, such as social cohesion are not taken into account in the FARMSIM
model. Other models also including social outcomes could be created.
5 Conclusion
In this thesis it was shown how modelling, household survey data and qualitative data on goals,
constraints and attitudes can be combined to create a decision tool which may help in increasing
adoption potential of promising interventions.
In the modelling baseline scenario yield, livestock productivity and SOC decreased over time. Yields
declined due to the decline in soil fertility. SOC decreased because the input of organic matter into
the soil did not off-set the output of organic matter into the soil. Food self-sufficiency decreased
over the years due to the reduction in yields but was also dependent on farm typology, defining the
ratio of land cultivated per household member. Feed quality was low and led to the reduction of
livestock productivity, especially in the dry season, when grass quality was lowest.
When modelling the interventions, the impacts on food production, livestock productivity and SOC
showed the same trends for all farm types. The magnitude of the impacts however differed
depending on farm type, due to the ratio of farm area: livestock and the area of crops grown.
Therefore the interventions potentially increasing SOC, livestock productivity of calorie production
were the same for all types but the quantitative impact depended on farm type. As manure
collection was set at 0, there was no return of nutrients to the field in the form of manure and
there was no feedback mechanism between the improvement of livestock diet and crop yield or
soil. The shortage in feed quality led to the livestock being sensitive to changes in feed quality,
while farm calorific production and SOC were more static. Not one of the interventions improved all
the objectives (livestock productivity, SOC and crop production). Either 1 or 2 objectives were
improved or a trade-off was found between different objectives when implementing the
Farming constraints and goals were dependent on resource endowment and therefore the use of a
resource-based typology is a good way to classify farmers to find the most suitable interventions to
promote. Farming goals and constraints, as well as farm typology are not constant and need to be
measured and reviewed frequently. The labour constraint should be taken into account in the
future as labour is an important farm asset. For the good implementation of the decision tool the
difficulty of alleviating the constraints should be analysed, as this impacts the selection of suitable
interventions for the farms. From this thesis, no conclusions can be made based on farmer attitude
and the willingness or not to implement interventions. A different way for quantifying farming
attitude should be found.
Gender was not found to play a role in the defining of farming goals or constraints. This can be due
to the fact that resource endowment is more important in setting goals and constraints. It could
however also be due to the way in which the interviews were conducted. More research is needed
to confirm these hypotheses.
The final decision tool is broad and leaves space for the user to fill in the goals of the project. When
having been through all the steps and having chosen an intervention, cultural values, practices and
tradition should be taken into account as they can play a role in intervention adoption. The decision
tool is constructed for farms in the Yatenga region. It is possible the impacts of interventions and
farming goals and constraints are different in other regions. These should then be measured again.
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7 Appendices
7.1 Appendix I: Nutritional values for food
7.2 Appendix II: Parametrising FARMSIM
Table 1: Monthly and yearly rainfall (mm) in Ouahigouya, for the years 1981 to 1995.
Rainfall (mm)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Yearly Total
Table 2: FARMSIM input parameters for Méré cattle.
category Parameter Unit Value
All cattle
Birth weight of calves kg 22
Distance walked by a cow per day km 6
Energy requirement to walk J/m/kg 1.5
Maturity groups (early, medium, late) - 3
Maximum fraction of concentrates in diet as part of
total dry matter intake - 0.4
Fraction of the produced milk given to the calf - 0.6
Milk substitute supplied to the calves depending on
age kg/year 800 800 0
Age steps of the calf for milk allowance year 0 0.1667 1.5
Crude protein content of milk fed to calves g/kg DM 3.7
Dry matter content of milk fed to calves g/kg DM 142
Metabolizable energy in milk fed to calves MJ/kg DM 23.3
Age at which the calf stops receiving milk year 1.4166
Minimum weight curve depending on age. If below
this value the cow dies kg 18 40 65 78 95 130 140 140
Age steps for a specific minimum weight year 0 1.4 3.1 4.1 6.1 12 20 25
Live weight gain value MJ/kg DM 19
Live weight loss while lactating g/kg 138
The effect of age on mortality rate - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Age steps for mortality rate year 0 1 2 3 4 5 12 20 25
Potential growth curve, maximum weight
depending on age kg 30 159 280 345 388 400 400 400
Age steps for potential weight years 0 2.1 4.1 6.7 9.1 12 20 25
Activity allowance for beef cattle MJ/day 0.00696
Correction factor for fasting metabolism
requirements - 1.15
Correction factor for the emery value for weight
gain - 1
Correction factor for nutrition level 1
Sex-specific correlation factor for energy retention - 1.15
Correction factor for net protein in weight gain,
depending on maturity type - 1
Compensatory growth rate depending on
metabolisability of the feed kg/year 182.5 182.5 365 547.5 730 730 730
Metabolisability of the feed steps for compensatory
growth rate MJ/MJ 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Effect of age on the calving rate of a dam - 0.75 1 1 0.85 0 0
Age steps for calving rate year 3.5 5 9 10 20 25
Maximum calving rate per year /year 0.95
Fraction affecting the effect of age on lactation 0.8 0.8 1 1 0.6 0.3 0.3
Age steps for effect of age on lactation year 3.5 4.5 5.5 8 15 20 25
Reduction factor for lactation based on he condition
index - 0 1 1
Condition index steps for the effect on lactation - 0 0.3 1
Max annual body weight loss depending on
lactation phase kg/year 128 128 10 10
Lactation phase steps for max annual body weight
loss year 0 0.0625 0.625 1.5
Max length of lactation year 18
Fat content of the milk depending on the lactation
phase g/kg 40.5 48 55.5 60 63
Lactation phase steps for fat content of the milk year 0 0.25 0.5 0.833333 1.5
Modifier for feed intake of lactating cows depending
on lactation phase - 1.1 1.35 1.286 1.2 1
Potential lactation curve depending on lactation
phase kg/year 2200 2200 1250 0 0
Lactation phase steps for potential lactation curve year 0 0.166667 0.75 1.5 2
The effect of age on mortality rate - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Age steps for mortality rate year 0 1 2 3 4 5 12 20 25
Length of gestation period days 282
Feasible age set for reproductive age depending on
weight year 3.5 4.23 5 6.1 12 13 20 25
Weight steps for the reproductive age kg 230 169 115 110 120 140 145 145
Potential growth curve, maximum weight
depending on age kg 30 139 214 255 280 300 300 300
Age steps for potential weight years 0 1.4 3.1 4.1 6.1 12 20 25
Activity allowance for beef cattle MJ/day 0.00917
Correction factor for fasting metabolism
requirements - 1
Correction factor for the energy value for weight
gain - 1.3
Correction factor for nutrition level - 1
Sex-specific correlation factor for energy retention - 1.1
Correction factor for net protein in weight gain,
depending on maturity type - 0.8
Compensatory growth rate depending on
metabolisability of the feed kg/year 120 182.5 182.5 365 547.5 547.5 547.5
Metabolisability of the feed steps for compensatory
growth rate MJ/MJ 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Efficiency for growth of concepta - 0.133
Table 3: Crop characteristics used as input in FARMSIM (source: Nijhoff 1987 a, b).
Table 4: Pasture quality over the seasons, data input for FARMSIM.
7.3 Appendix III: Interviewing protocol
Biomass serves many purposes in farming systems. It is important as a source of food, feed, fuel
and fibre, but it also provides organic matter and a cover for the soil, improving soil quality.
Improved soil quality can lead to improved food and feed availability. Burkina Faso is a country
with yearly food deficits and therefore increasing biomass production could decrease the hunger
There are many ways for enhancing biomass production, such as the planting of dual-purpose
improved varieties or composting. However, not all interventions are suitable for all farmers. To
make a decision tool to help in choosing the right interventions it is important to have knowledge
about the environment of the farming system and about what is of interest and concern for
farmers. Consequently, when suggesting a new technology or intervention to a farmer, certain
points have to be kept into mind.
Firstly, the intervention has to be beneficial for a farmer and to the farming system. To assess this,
the impact of the intervention on the farming system has to be known. Secondly, it is of interest to
know if it is possible for a farmer to implement the intervention. This will depend on the production
constraints present in the farming system. The number of production constraints and the degree of
effort to overcome these production constraints will define which interventions can be
implemented. For example, if land is severely constraining, leaving land fallow is not a suited
intervention as it takes land out of production. Thirdly, the farmer’s goals and his or her attitude
towards farming have to be taken into account, as this will influence the decision to implement the
biomass enhancing intervention. Goals are the causes for which a farmer will strive and they define
what is important to farmers. The farmers’ attitude towards farming defines the farmer’s way of
looking at farming. The attitude towards farming characterizes the way farmers perceive
interventions (e.g. is he/she willing to try new options, is he/she a risk taker, etc.). Together, goals
and attitude influence the farmer’s perception of the technique’s advantages and therefore play a
role in defining how inclined a farmer is to adopting the intervention.
7.3.2 Aim
The main aim of this interview is to collect information to understand what are constraints in a
farming system, and what are different farmer goals and farmer attitude towards farming. This
information will be used to see how these concepts play a role in the decision of adopting or not
adopting a new intervention. From this information a decision support tool will be constructed,
which couples types of farmers to the interventions that are most promising for their situation.
As farmers have different assets and possessions, the most easily adoptable interventions will be
different for different farmers. Therefore farmers from different types (based on household size,
land and livestock possession) will be interviewed, as well as male and female household members.
The generated data will give information on the best suited interventions for different farm types
from the perspective of both men and women within these types.
To get the data for the construction of the decision tool, interviews have to be conducted, with
questions about farm constraints and farmer goals and farmer attitude. These interviews are
spread over the three different villages. Farmers from all the different farm types are interviewed,
and men and women are interviewed separately. Firstly the farmers to be interviewed are selected.
In a second step the survey is held. A deeper explanation on how to select the farmers to interview
can be found in Chapter 3, “Farmer selection”. More information about the way the interview
should be conducted can be found in Chapter 4, “Interview”. At the end of the protocol a checklist
is present, to make sure all the steps for farmer selection and setting up an interview are taken in
the right order.
Type 1 farmers have a small amount of land and animals. Type 2 farmers have the biggest number
of household members and have a big land area, compared to the other farm types. Farm type 3
are average, farmers having some land and some animals. In type 4 there are quite some animals,
but only a little land. Type 5 does not possess any livestock. According to farmers it is very
important to possess livestock, therefore this type is seen as being the less endowed farm type.
These are also the farmers which are hired and work on farms of the types 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, as
farm type 5 is constrained by capital. The type 6 has the largest number of animals, both cattle
and small ruminants, and is seen as being the most endowed farm type. The average values for
the number of household members, total land area, number of small ruminants and number of
cattle can be seen in the following table.
Table 1: Average values for household size, cropping area and livestock possession for the six
different farm types.
Type 1 2 3 4 5 6
Household members 8 13 8 9 6 15
Area 1.5 10.6 4.8 2.3 2.9 17.9
Cattle 2 5 1 5 0 33
Ruminants 3 20 9 15 0 36
As it is impossible to interview all farmers, a selection of farmer is made for the interviews. Based
on the total number of farmers present in specific types, a varying number of farmers is selected
per specific type. In Table 2 the minimum number of households to interview in each type per
village can be found. The minimum amount of household interviews to be conducted for farm types
1, 2 and 3 is thrice per village. Farm type 4 is interviewed twice per village and farm types 5, 6 and
7 are interviewed once per village. During those household interviews both men and women have
to be questioned. If possible the woman interviewed within the household should be the main wife,
and the man interviewed should be the household head.
From information which was already collected within the WLE-Volta Project , it was possible to
select farmers to interview. The compiled list can be found at the end of the protocol ( “List of
farmers to be interviewed”). Use this list to know which farmers to interview. The list also presents
extra household head names, which can be interviewed in case an interview is cancelled.
Table 2: Number of households to be interviewed per village.
7.3.4 Interview
The interview is for the main part a structured interview, but in the final section it allows space for
discussion. Within a household the interview is done twice; once with the male household head and
once with the main wife. Number each interview.
The interview is sub-divided in three parts. Parts one and three have to be asked to both household
members (man and wife separately). Part two of the interview has to be conducted only once
within a household as the answers are expected to be similar for the two household members.
Conducting the full interview (parts 1, 2 and 3) should take about 1h30. The second interview
within the household (which only includes parts 1 and 3) should last about one hour.
When starting the interview, a short introduction should be given about the project and the aim of
the survey should be explained, i.e. that information is collected about farming constraints, farmer
goals and farmer attitude towards farming in order to match interventions to farm types.
When no answer is given to some of the questions, fill in N.A. If the answer is zero, fill in 0.
Village Code A
Household ID
Name of household head Name
B) Primary activity of the farm: 1 = crop production, 2 = animal husbandry, 3 = crop production
and animal husbandry, 4 = other (specify)
Species Total number Owner (1=men, 2=women, 3=jointly)
Small ruminants
Begin by clarify the meaning of the constraint to the farmer, as explained under the table (E.g.:
grazing land is constraining when there is not enough biomass available to keep the livestock alive
throughout the year, and there is not enough biomass to be able to perform the wished amount of
cut and carry). Then ask if the farmer does or does not feel constrained. Note the answer in the
table, under the column ‘Constraint present’.
If the farmer identifies the item as a constraint, ask how the constraint plays a role, and when it is
most important (E.g. “Why is grazing land constraining? When is it most constraining?”. Typical
answers could be “There is more and more livestock on the pastures, there is not enough feed for
all the animals. This problem is worst at the end of the dry season, when the least feed is
vegetation is present”). This information should then be noted under the column ‘Explanation’.
After this, ask the farmer how important the constraint is to him/her. Note this in under the column
Once the mentioned constraints have all been filled in, ask the farmer if there are other production
constraints present in the farming system which have not been mentioned. For these constraints
follow the same routine as for the other constraints. This information should be filled in under the
row “Other”.
The last step, once all the production constraints have been filled in, is to ask the farmer what he
or she thinks the top three most important constraints are. For this it might be handy to repeat all
the constraints mentioned before. This information should be filled in the rightmost column.
Number of livestock
= third most important constraint, 0 = constraint which is not in the top three
- Cropping land is the land used with the purpose of growing crops. It is constraining when there is
not enough land to feed the household and produce crop residues for the livestock. Or if there is
not enough land to generate products for the market, if desired.
- Grazing land is the area of common pastures. It is constraining if there is not enough area of
grassland or if the biomass production is too low for the livestock to eat from and survive
throughout the year. Or if biomass production is not sufficient to allow sufficient biomass for cut
and carry purposes.
- Education is the knowledge and skill which is gained through classes and contact with other
farmers, extension agents, etc.. Education is a constraint when the desired knowledge is not
available or accessible, or when access to school, the existence of (farming)groups and external
sources of information, the presence of extension agents, contact with fellow farmers is limited.
- Technology is seen as being improved agricultural practices, such as crop varieties, inputs, tools
and machinery. Technology is constraining when availability and accessibility is limited.
- Livestock are the cattle, small ruminants and other animals present on the farm. Livestock is
constraining when not enough manure is produced, not enough draught power is available, and the
livestock cannot serve as savings for difficult times.
- Capital are the financial assets. Capital is constraining when there is not enough money to buy the
necessary inputs for the farming system.
Ask the question in bold, for every category. For supporting questions and to give help in giving an
answer, ask the questions which are not in bold. The answer to the question in bold should be of
the following range:
- not important,
- slightly important,
- important,
- very important
- or extremely important.
Write the answer in the column ‘Rank’. An explanation can be given in the column ‘Explanation’.
When the table is filled, ask the farmer if he/she has a goal that has not been mentioned before. If
this is the case write it down in the additional rows.
Keeping land -How important is it for you to make sure you stay the
ownership owner of the land?
Do you have security that you can keep farming on the land?
- Are the species you grow selected in the aim of selling them,
and does this influence your choice of crop to grow?
Maximize - How important is the maximization of off-farm income
off-farm to you?
- Do you have other paid activities next to farming?
Additional: Attitudes
The farmer’s attitude towards farming is his view on farming. Fill in the table by taking the
following steps.
For every statement in the table, ask if the farmer agrees or disagrees, and how strong the feeling
is (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree). Note the answer in the column
‘Rank’. Then ask for an explanation of the answer given, which can be noted in the column
Number Statement Rank (code A) Explanation
1 I am proud to be a farmer
2 It is my destiny to be a farmer
3 Farming is fulfilling
7.4 Appendix IV: Determination of expert opinion
7.4.1 Questionnaire
In my thesis I am assessing the adoptability of several interventions for different farm types based
on resource endowment. This is done through the evaluation of farmers’ constraints, goals and
For the different farm types, I already know which constraints limit agricultural production. The
general idea is that the implementation of interventions should not further stress these constraints.
The constraints considered are:
For the next step in my project I would like to assess the amount of resources needed (the cost)
for the implementation of different interventions. I will complement quantitative information from
the literature, with the opinion of experts like you.
Imagine a basic farm situated in Burkina Faso, with both cropping land and some cattle. To
implement a proposed intervention, is there a need for any extra cropping land, pasture, livestock,
education, technology, capital or labour, compared to the basic situation where the intervention is
not implemented?
The answer to this question, for several interventions, is what I am looking for. The table below
shows the interventions in the first column. Therefore the above stated question is asked for every
row of the table. Please give your answer on a scale from 0 to 2. A ‘0’ means there is no need for
extra resources, ‘1’ means there is a little need for extra resources, while ‘2’ means there is a big
need for extra cropping land, pasture, etc. In this way every cell in the table can be filled in.
Here is an example: for the intervention of fallow, there is an extra need for land, as land will be
taken out of production. Therefore in the cell ‘cropping land’*’fallow’ I would judge the answer as
being a ‘2’. For the implementation of dual-purpose crop the normal crop is replaced by a dual-
purpose variant, so I assume there is no need for extra cropping land, and my answer to this
question is of ‘0’.
The answers given do not need to be supported, I am asking for your personal opinion on the
situation. Please return the completed table to me by 11 July.
Intervention Cropping Pastur Livestock Education Technolog Capital Labour
land e y
Pasture planted with
native species
Planting of improved,
dual-purpose cowpea and
sorghum varieties
Planting of drought
tolerant sorghum
Collection herbaceous
biomass for animal feed
Collection herbaceous
biomass for selling
Spreading of manure on
Chemical treatment of
crop residues for
improved palatability
7.5 Appendix V: Typology
Table 1: Fraction of farmers within types growing specific crops. Green boxes represent crops taken
up in the simulation exercise, red boxes represent crops which cannot be taken up in the simulation
Type Millet Sorghum Maize Rice Fonio Cowpea Groundnut Sesame
T1 1 0.6 0.20 0.20 0.1 0.57 0.63 0.37
T2 1 0.89 0.48 0.23 0.02 0.73 0.75 0.55
T3 0.90 0.73 0.60 0.20 0.00 0.75 0.68 0.18
T4 1 0.63 0.42 0.16 0.11 0.74 0.58 0.26
T5 1 0.40 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.50 0.50 0.20
T6 0.86 0.86 0.43 0.14 0.00 0.43 1.00 0.57
Table 2: Fraction of farmers within types using manure, urea and fertilizer
T1 0.24 0.24
T2 0.37 0.39
T3 0.22 0.41
T4 0.11 0.28
T5 0.00 0.00
T6 0.25 0.00
Table 3: Percentage of farmers feeding concentrates to the livestock during the different seasons.
Boxes are green when more than 50% of the farmers feed concentrates to the livestock, and thus
concentrates are taken up tin the simulation exercise.
Percentage of farmers feeding the livestock with cakes
7.6 Appendix VII: Impact of interventions
Table 1: Change (%) in crop yield based calorie production, SOC, livestock milk and weight production when implementing the interventions compared to the
baseline scenario, for types 1, 2 and 3. Green boxes represent positive changes, while red boxes represent negative changes. The abbreviation ‘n.a.’ stands for
not applicable.
T1 T2 T3
Intervention Yield SOC Milk Weight Yield SOC Milk Weight Yield SOC Milk Weight
1 Grass quantity +1kg 0 0 n.a. 14.4 0 0 21.2 11.2 0 0 n.a. 10.8
2 Grass quantity +2kg 0 0 n.a. 26.6 0 0 36.9 18.6 0 0 n.a. 18.4
3 Grass quality +10% 0 0 n.a. 20.6 0 0 35.2 17.2 0 0 n.a. 7
4 Grass quality +20% 0 0 n.a. 74.5 0 0 73.3 51.2 0 0 n.a. 15
6 0.5kg Legume addition 0 0 n.a. 4.2 0 0 14.1 5.1 0 0 n.a. 1.2
7 1kg legume addition 0 0 n.a. 7 0 0 26.3 13 0 0 n.a. 2.8
5 2kg legume additon 0 0 n.a. 13.3 0 0 46.8 34.9 0 0 n.a. 6.5
6 0% Cowpea are 3.3 0.2 n.a. -21.7 1.5 0.1 -17.9 -7.5 2.5 0.4 n.a. -17.5
7 25% cowpea area -2.1 -0.1 n.a. 6 -2.6 -0.2 76.2 18 -2 -0.2 n.a. 7.2
8 50% cowpea area -7.5 -0.4 n.a. 17.6 -6.6 -0.6 177.1 59.1 -6.5 -0.3 n.a. 6
9 75% cowpea area -12.9 -0.8 n.a. 24.6 -10.6 -0.9 286 101.3 -11 -0.6 n.a. 21.3
10 100% cowpea area -18.3 -1.1 n.a. 83.4 -14.7 -1.3 549.6 132.5 -15.5 -0.9 n.a. 44.4
11 10% quantity CR sorghum -0.1 0 n.a. -0.5 -0.2 0 -0.4 -1.1 -0.2 0 n.a. -13.5
12 20% quantity CR sorghum -1.2 0 n.a. -0.5 -1.4 0 -1.2 -2.7 -1.7 0 n.a. -13.6
13 10% quality sorghum CR 0 0 n.a. 4.5 0 0 16.8 9.4 0 0 n.a. 6.6
14 20% quality sorghum CR -0.5 0 n.a. 7.6 -0.7 0 78.6 20.1 -0.8 0 n.a. 13.5
15 10% quantity CR sorghum -0.1 0 n.a. -0.5 -0.2 0 -0.4 -1.1 -0.2 0 n.a. -13.5
16 20% quantity CR sorghum -1.2 0 n.a. -0.5 -1.4 0 -1.2 -2.7 -1.7 0 n.a. -13.6
17 10% quality sorghum CR 0 0 n.a. 4.5 0 0 16.8 9.4 0 0 n.a. 6.6
18 20% quality sorghum CR -0.5 0 n.a. 7.6 -0.7 0 78.6 20.1 -0.8 0 n.a. 13.5
19 10% sorghum fallow -10.0 0.1 n.a. -0.5 -10.0 0.0 -1.2 -1.7 -10.0 -0.9 n.a. -1.7
20 20% sorghum fallow -20.0 0.1 n.a. -1.0 -20.0 0.1 -2.1 -6.3 -20.0 -0.9 n.a. -1.9
21 10% cowpea fallow -10.0 -0.1 n.a. -0.5 -10.0 -0.2 -1.2 -1.7 -10.0 -1.1 n.a. -1.7
22 20% cowpea fallow -20.0 -0.2 n.a. -1.0 -20.0 -0.4 -2.1 -6.3 -20.0 -1.2 n.a. -1.9
23 0% CR on field Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base
24 25% CR on field 0 0.3 n.a. -0.9 0 0.2 -2.7 -1.7 0 0.2 n.a. -0.1
25 50% CR on field 0 0.3 n.a. -3 0.1 0.2 -6.7 -2.3 0.1 0.2 n.a. -0.4
26 75% CR ton field 0.1 0.3 n.a. -6.5 0.1 0.2 -14.1 -4.3 0.1 0.4 n.a. -0.8
27 100% CR on field 0.1 0.3 n.a. -12 0.1 0.2 -42.4 -13.1 0.1 0.4 n.a. -11.5
28 Manure 0% open Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base
29 Manure 25% open 1.4 0.3 n.a. 0 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.2 n.a. 0
30 Manure 50% open 2.7 0.3 n.a. 0 0.8 0.2 0 0 0.5 0.4 n.a. 0
31 Manure 75% open 4.1 1.6 n.a. 0 1.2 0.2 0 0 0.7 0.4 n.a. 0
32 Manure 100% open 5.5 2 n.a. 0 1.6 0.2 0 0 0.9 0.4 n.a. 0
33 Manure 0%plastic Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base
34 Manure 25% plastic 1.5 0.3 n.a. 0 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.3 0.2 n.a. 0
35 Manure 50% plastic 3 0.3 n.a. 0 0.9 0.2 0 0 0.5 0.4 n.a. 0
36 Manure 75% plastic 4.5 1.6 n.a. 0 1.3 0.2 0 0 0.8 0.4 n.a. 0
37 Manure 100% plastic 6 2 n.a. 0 1.8 0.2 0 0 1 0.4 n.a. 0
38 Feed quality +10% 0 0 n.a. 44.6 0 0 252.3 93.6 0 0 n.a. 42
39 Feed quality +20% 0 0 n.a. 409.6 0 0 520.6 168.2 0 0 n.a. 642
Table 2: Change (%) in crop yield based calorie production, SOC, livestock milk and weight production when implementing the interventions compared to the
baseline scenario, for types 4, 5 and 6. Green boxes represent positive changes, while red boxes represent negative changes. The abbreviation ‘n.a.’ stands
for not applicable.
T4 T5 T6
Intervention Yield SOC Milk Weight Yield SOC Milk Weight Yield SOC Milk Weight
31 Grass quantity +1kg 0 0 32.3 9 0 0 n.a. n.a. 0 0 14.4 14.8
32 Grass quantity +2kg 0 0 58.8 13.9 0 0 n.a. n.a. 0 0 30.8 22.8
33 Grass quality +10% 0 0 65.8 17 0 0 n.a. n.a. 0 0 43.7 25.4
34 Grass quality +20% 0 0 144.2 54.5 0 0 n.a. n.a. 0 0 110 61.6
35 0.5kg Legume addition 0 0 29.7 7.3 0 0 n.a. n.a. 0 0 19 8.4
36 1kg legume addition 0 0 56.8 14.7 0 0 n.a. n.a. 0 0 37.4 22.4
37 2kg legume additon 0 0 103.1 28.7 0 0 n.a. n.a. 0 0 78.6 36.9
10 0% Cowpea are 4.2 0.3 -37.7 -9.5 4.2 0.4 n.a. n.a. 0 0 -0.5 0
11 25% cowpea area -0.4 0 7.7 3.1 -0.4 -0.4 n.a. n.a. -4.3 -0.4 101.9 29.9
12 50% cowpea area -5.1 -0.4 62.2 14.2 -5.1 -0.7 n.a. n.a. -8.5 -0.7 214.6 68.7
13 75% cowpea area -9.7 -0.7 107.3 26.6 -9.7 -1.1 n.a. n.a. -12.8 -1.1 330.5 93
14 100% cowpea area -14.3 -1.1 168.9 58.1 -14.3 -1.4 n.a. n.a. -17 -1.4 375 125.4
10% quantity CR
15 -0.1 0 0 -0.1 0 0 n.a. n.a. -0.1 0 -1.3 -0.1
20% quantity CR
16 -1.3 0 -1.8 -0.2 0 0 n.a. n.a. -1.2 0 -0.7 -0.1
17 10% quality sorghum CR 0 0 16.4 3.9 0 0 n.a. n.a. 0 0 19.2 8.1
18 20% quality sorghum CR -0.6 0 33.6 8.6 0 0 n.a. n.a. -0.6 0 18.8 18.2
10% quantity CR
15 -0.1 0 0 -0.1 0 0 n.a. n.a. -0.1 0 -1.3 -0.1
20% quantity CR
16 -1.3 0 -1.8 -0.2 0 0 n.a. n.a. -1.2 0 -0.7 -0.1
17 10% quality sorghum CR 0 0 16.4 3.9 0 0 n.a. n.a. 0 0 19.2 8.1
18 20% quality sorghum CR -0.6 0 33.6 8.6 0 0 n.a. n.a. -0.6 0 18.8 18.2
6 10% sorghum fallow -10.0 0.1 -2.7 -0.3 -9.9 0.0 n.a. n.a. -10.1 0.0 -8.8 -2.9
7 20% sorghum fallow -20.0 0.1 -6.2 -0.6 -19.9 0.0 n.a. n.a. -20.1 0.0 -10.5 -3.8
8 10% cowpea fallow -10.0 -0.1 -2.7 -0.3 -9.9 -0.1 n.a. n.a. -10.1 -0.1 -8.8 -2.9
9 20% cowpea fallow -20.0 -0.2 -6.2 -0.6 -19.9 -0.3 n.a. n.a. -20.1 -0.3 -10.5 -3.8
1 0% CR on field Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base
2 25% CR on field 0 0.2 -6.8 -1.1 0 0.2 n.a. n.a. 0 0.2 -10 -1.9
3 50% CR on field 0 0.2 -13.7 -2.2 0 0.2 n.a. n.a. 0.1 0.2 -13.3 -2.6
4 75% CR ton field 0.1 0.2 -35.1 -7.7 0.1 0.2 n.a. n.a. 0.1 0.2 -24.9 -5.4
5 100% CR on field 0.1 0.2 -53.6 -12.6 0.1 0.2 n.a. n.a. 0.1 0.2 -32.1 -8
19 Manure 0% open Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base
20 Manure 25% open 1.9 0.2 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.7 0.2 0 0
21 Manure 50% open 3.8 0.2 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.5 0.2 0 0
22 Manure 75% open 5.7 1.6 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 2.2 0.2 0 0
23 Manure 100% open 7.5 1.6 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 2.9 0.2 0 0
24 Manure 0%plastic Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base Base
25 Manure 25% plastic 2.1 0.2 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.8 0.2 0 0
26 Manure 50% plastic 4.1 0.2 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.6 0.2 0 0
27 Manure 75% plastic 6.2 1.6 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 2.4 0.2 0 0
28 Manure 100% plastic 8.2 1.6 0 0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 3.2 0.2 0 0
29 Feed quality +10% 0 0 194.4 68 0 0 n.a. n.a. 0 0 286.5 80.4
30 Feed quality +20% 0 0 508.5 124.4 0 0 n.a. n.a. 0 0 571 149
7.7 Appendix VIII: Interviews
Table 1: Number of farmer within each type, based on WLE dataset and on the data
collected through interviews
Number of households in Farm type based on WLE Farm Type based on interviews
type dataset
T1 9 6
T2 9 8
T3 9 11
T4 6 7
T5 4 7
T6 2 0
Total 13 20 15 16 11
Male adults 3 5 3 3 2
Female adults 3 5 4 4 2
Boys 3 6 4 5 4
Girls 4 5 4 4 4
Table 3: Average household characteristics for the farm types. number of cattle and small
ruminants in possession of the different farm types.
Farm type
Household characteristics T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Cattle 0 7 3 3 0
Small ruminants 3 20 4 12 0
Table 5: P-value outcomes of fisher test for the
assessment of significant difference in the
proportion of respondents classifying elements as a
constraint, between different types. Green boxes
represent a significant difference. The abbreviation
‘n.a.’ stands for not applicable, used when the
proportions are in all cases the same.
Cropping land
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
T2 0.705
T3 0.410 0.147
T4 0.665 0.260 1.000
T5 0.665 0.260 1.000 1.000
Grazing land
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
T2 0.059
T3 0.075 0.088
T4 1.000 1.000 0.039
T5 0.001 0.001 0.039 0.000
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
T2 n.a.
T3 n.a. n.a.
T4 1.000 0.467 0.389
T5 0.225 0.090 0.051 0.596
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
T2 0.053
T3 1.000 0.065
T4 0.483 0.399 0.547
T5 n.a. 0.045 0.611 0.481
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
T2 0.088
T3 0.635 0.147
T4 1.000 0.118 1
T5 0.462 0.007 0.141 0.481
Table 6: Fisher test for significant association between gender and the proportion of 'yes'
and 'no' answers. The test is not run for capital as 100% of the respondents say capital is
Test Cropping Grazing Livestock Capital Education Technology
variables land land
P-value 0.209 0.493 1.000 n.a. 0.075 1.000
Significant No No No n.a. No No
0.184 0.306
0.681 0.147 0.360
0.049 0.158 0.953 0.187
Maximising yields
1 2 3 4 5
0.133 0.880
0.397 0.530 0.383
0.003 0.081 0.221 0.007
Maximising whole farm production
1 2 3 4 5
0.159 0.937
0.577 0.545 0.854
0.001 0.008 0.000 0.001
Maximising income
1 2 3 4 5
0.051 0.031
0.108 0.122 0.787
0.010 0.000 0.172 0.077
Maximising market orientation
1 2 3 4 5
0.000 0.001
0.101 0.342 0.016
0.001 0.000 0.706 0.003
Minimising labour
1 2 3 4 5
0.099 0.110
0.510 0.159 0.700
0.077 0.443 0.635 0.345
Achieving activities in a timely manner
1 2 3 4 5
0.193 0.462
0.408 0.738 0.614
0.003 0.099 0.363 0.147
Maximising off-farm income
1 2 3 4 5
0.026 0.141
0.004 0.080 0.573
0.001 0.054 0.589 0.383
Sustainable management natural resources
1 2 3 4 5
0.497 1
0.577 0.038 0.088
0.234 0.840 0.917 0.026
Maximising Social cohesion
1 2 3 4 5
0.050 0.337
0.132 0.130 0.009
0.020 0.805 0.297 0.044
Table 8: Fisher test for association between the gender of the
respondents and the proportion of answers given for the
scoring of different goals
Goal P-value Significant
Self-subsistence 0.879 No
Land ownership 0.760 No
Yield 0.843 No
Whole farm production 0.603 No
Income 0.417 No
Market orientation 0.419 No
Labour 0.224 No
Timely manner 0.434 No
Off-farm income 0.208 No
Sustainable management natural 0.820 No
Social cohesion 0.135 No
Figure 15: Dendogram with the classification of the different farm types based on the answering of the attitude statements
Table 9: Fisher test for association between interviewer and
the clusters in which the farms are classified
Interviewers between whom P-value Significant
difference is tested difference?
1 and 2 0.756 No
1 and 3 0.000 Yes
2 and 3 0.000 Yes