Lecture 1 - Ubdate
Lecture 1 - Ubdate
Lecture 1 - Ubdate
Incident P-wave: P-
Reflection, P-transmitted,
laser S-reflection, S-transmitted
layer 0
Earthquake records
A seismogram is a record written by a seismograph in response to ground motions produced by an earthquake,
explosion, or other ground-motion sources.
A seismograph is an machine
instrument for measuring earthquake (seismic) waves. They are held in a very solid position,
either on the bedrock or on a concrete base. The seismometer itself consists of a frame and a mass that can move
relative to it.
An example of earthquake record is shown below from the station (seismograph). Link
seismograph seismogram
How a seismogram is made?
The four effects that make a seismogram are earthquake source, propagation, site response, and instrument
mail.in i
A typical seismogram from one of the most seismically active countries?
Arrival Times and Seismic Waves
Local earthquakes (distance to stations < 1,000 km), regional earthquakes (distance to stations 1,000–
2,000 km) and global earthquakes (terms teleseismic and distant also used) where the distance is > 2,000
km. 21000
regional 100022000
global 2000
Local earthquake
Global earthquake
Earth’s Structure
Looking into the earth from the surface, the basic layers are the upper solid crust, solid mantle, liquid
core and solid inner core.
Most earthquakes occur in the crust and with a lessor degree the upper mantle
Earth crust is thicker in continents (70 km) than in the ocean (8 km).
Strain = Δl/l
– Measures change in size/shape (i.e. deformation)
– Dimensionless (i.e. it is a percent).
– Types: extension/dilatation, contraction, shear Elastic
If you measure the stress F/W2 (i.e. the pressure is force per
unit of cross-sectional area) and strain ΔL/L (the stretch as a
proportion) along the direction of stretch ('longitudinally’)
in a
الصورة توضح الفروقات بني ثالثة أنواع من معامالت املرونة ) (Elastic Moduliالتي تصف خصائص املواد من حيث استجابتها للتشوهات امليكانيكية .هذه املعامالت هي:
الفروقات الرئيسية:
معامل يونغ يقيس التشوه الطولي )في اتجاه واحد( ،بينما معامل القص يقيس التشوه الجانبي أو الزاوي )في اتجاهني( ،و معامل الحجم يقيس التشوه الحجمي )في ثالثة أبعاد(. •
معامل يونغ و معامل القص يتعامالن مع القوى الخارجية املوجهة ،في حني أن معامل الحجم يتعلق بالضغط املنتظم الذي يؤثر على الحجم الكلي للمادة. •
stated en
Seismic Velocity and its relationship with elastic moduli
Basic parameters related to Earthquake
Basic parameters related to Earthquake records
Why do earthquakes Occur?
Ring of fire
Why earthquakes Occur?
Ring of fire
Plate tectonic the main driving force causing
earthquakes. link
Most earthquakes occur along plate
boundaries, however, there are significant
number of intraplate earthquakes.
Areas with frequent number of earthquake are
known as active seismic zones.
Volcanic activity are also associated with
Meteorite impact can cause earthquake
depending on the size of the impact.
Explosions- Beirut (Lebanon) explosion in 2020
caused an earthquake of magnitude 4. link
Notice that in all these
Drilling and pumping activities into the activities the energy is
subsurface. Changing pore-pressure might released suddenly
case collapse and faults, producing variable
magnitude earthquakes.
Classification of earthquake
O i
Seismic map of Oman
Oman is considered aseismic zone.
Most of the active seismic zones are located along
the plate boundaries.
Major earthquakes affecting Oman are originated in
the subduction zone between Arabian plate and
the Euro-Asian Plate. Zagros belt and Makran trench
Risk of high horizontal acceleration maps (Hazard
map). The higher the m/s2 the higher the hazard.
These maps are generated using advanced
seismological techniques.
Hazard Map
Earthquake impacts on society are always negative?
Positive impacts of Earthquake on society?
Positive impacts of Earthquake on society?