Brochure CCFS
Brochure CCFS
Brochure CCFS
A unique learning experience,
in Paris or online:
French courses for all levels
Phonetics courses with laboratory
French civilization conferences
Information Brochure - Summary
Admission process
Visa information
Contacts for information & enrollment
A reference institution since 1919
The Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne (CCFS) depend on the Robert-de-Sorbon
foundation, recognized as being of public utility since 2009.
The mission of this institution is to contribute to the influence of French culture throughout
the world through the teaching of French civilization and French as a foreign language.
Created in 1919, the CCFS today have century-old expertise and represent a renowned
institution in the French as a foreign language landscape.
The CCFS are a private higher education establishment and, as such, stand out from
traditional French schools, particularly through academic partnerships with prestigious
public and private institutions.
Mainly attended initially by an American public, the CCFS today brings together nearly 160
nationalities with a strong presence of the Chinese, American, German, English, Brazilian,
Korean, Spanish, Japanese, Polish, Russian and Swedish nations.
160 Over 160 nationalities: the door to an powerful international network with
students from all over the world.
Strong and historic links with public universities in Paris and higher
education establishments (co-programs).
The courses at the CCFS are taught by more than 50 high-level teachers, experts in grammar
and phonetics. Caring teachers listen to their students.
Thanks to limited class sizes, students have the opportunity to interact with them throughout
the training. This proximity, as well as teachers who are always attentive and approachable, will
allow students to ask questions, interact easily, and get the most of their course.
The courses offer a rich learning experience, focused on acquiring language skills, mastering
pronunciation through phonetics, and exploring French civilization through lectures.
The CCFS are also specialized in phonetics and accent reduction with a state-of-the-art
phonetic laboratory helping students improve their pronunciation, comprehension, and oral
All courses are designed to meet the specific needs of each student. Our passionate teachers
are focused on helping students achieve their linguistic and cultural goals.
Extra-curricular activities
In addition to courses and conferences on French civilization, the CCFS offer international
students various workshops and visits during their studies.
These extra-curricular activities contribute to the development of students and allow them to
understand French culture from a different angle.
Students can register for activities directly from the website, at the secretariat or when
instructors visit language classes.
These activities are offered subject to a sufficient number of registrants and may be subject to
modification depending on the semester and the availability of the instructors.
Exclusive academic partnerships
The institution offers several partnerships with other higher education establishments, co-
diplomas or preparatory classes, which allow students to integrate these partner institutions.
These prestigious agreements are distinguished by the quality of their teaching and correspond
to a unique offer on the FLE (French as a Foreign Language) market.
The Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne regularly enter into agreements with
prestigious international universities and each year welcome hundreds of international
students from these partnerships.
The institution also maintains close relations with the cultural offices or education departments
of foreign embassies in France. This joint work contributes to strengthening the effectiveness of
the linguistic and cultural lessons offered.
Exceptional premises &
learning environment in Paris
Imagine stepping into a world where history, elegance, and academic excellence converge.
Nestled in the heart of the 7th arrondissement, one of the safest place in Paris, the teaching
facilities of the CCFS are housed in the magnificent Hôtel de Vogüé, a setting that promises an
unparalleled educational journey.
This prestigious location is not just a backdrop; it's an integral part of the learning experience,
offering international students a safe and luxurious environment to pursue their studies.
The Hôtel de Vogüé, with its majestic architecture and historic significance, provides an
inspiring environment for students from around the globe. Here, students will immerse
themselves in French language and culture, in a setting that mirrors the sophistication and
intellectual heritage of Paris itself. The classrooms blend historic charm with modern
amenities, ensuring a comfortable and conducive learning atmosphere.
Beyond the classrooms, students will find themselves steps away from iconic Parisian
landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower, Musée d'Orsay, and the Seine River, enriching their
educational journey with endless opportunities for cultural exploration. The proximity to these
landmarks not only enhances their study experience but also invites them to live the Parisian
lifestyle, making their time at the CCFS unforgettable.
General Reinforced General General Reinforced Intensive Evening General General Intensive Intensive Business Business Business
Course / Code French French French French + French French Classes French French + French French + French French French +
AN40 AN70 S10 Conf. S20 S35 S40 S05 E010 Conf. E020 E040 Conf. E080 E100 S11 Conf. S21
B1 level required
Language 240 hrs 240 hrs 120 hrs 120 hrs 120 hrs 240 hrs 48 hrs 40 hrs 40 hrs 80 hrs 80 hrs 45 hrs 120 hrs 120 hrs
Phonetics 60 hrs 60 hrs 30 hrs 30 hrs 30 hrs 60 hrs 24 hrs 10 hrs 10 hrs 20 hrs 20 hrs - 30 hrs 30 hrs
Total hours 480 hrs 486 hrs 150 hrs 240 hrs 243 hrs 300 hrs 72 hrs 50 h/m. 80 h/m. 100 h/m. 130 h/m. 45 hrs 150 hrs 240 hrs
Tuition fees € 6500 € 6800 € 2400 € 3400 € 3700 € 4800 € 1200 € 900/m. € 1300/m. € 1600/m. € 2050/m. € 990 € 2200 € 2650
Applied Total hours 40 hrs 16 hrs 56 hrs 120 hrs 48 hrs 168 hrs
96 hrs 96 hrs - 30 hrs 30 hrs 96 hrs 156 hrs
Duration 1 month 3 months
Academic 72 hrs +
60 hrs 60 hrs 9 hrs 72 hrs 60 hrs 26 hrs
Methodology internship Tuition fees € 520 € 208 € 700 € 1404 € 562 € 1890
F 1 S 1 W 1 Day off F 1 M 1 Day off T 1 F 1 M 1 Day off W 1 Day off S 1 M 1 Intake T 1 Intake
S 2 M 2 T 2 S 2 T 2 F 2 S 2 T 2 T 2 S 2 T 2 F 2
S 3 T 3 F 3 S 3 W 3 S 3 S 3 W 3 F 3 M 3 Intake W 3 S 3
M 4 W 4 S 4 M 4 T 4 S 4 M 4 T 4 S 4 T 4 T 4 S 4
T 5 T 5 S 5 T 5 F 5 M 5 Spring Intake T 5 F 5 S 5 W 5 F 5 M 5
W 6 F 6 M 6 W 6 S 6 T 6 W 6 S 6 M 6 T 6 S 6 T 6
T 7 S 7 T 7 T 7 S 7 W 7 T 7 S 7 T 7 F 7 S 7 W 7
F 8 S 8 W 8 F 8 M 8 T 8 F 8 M 8 W 8 Day off S 8 M 8 T 8
S 9 M 9 Winter &
Annual Intakes
T 9 S 9 T 9 F 9 S 9 T 9 T 9 Day off S 9 T 9 F 9
S 10 T 10 F 10 S 10 W 10 S 10 S 10 W 10 F 10 No class M 10 W 10 S 10
M 11 Fall Intake W 11 S 11 Day off M 11 T 11 S 11 M 11 T 11 S 11 T 11 T 11 S 11
T 12 T 12 S 12 T 12 F 12 M 12 T 12 F 12 S 12 W 12 F 12 M 12
W 13 F 13 M 13 W 13 S 13 T 13 W 13 S 13 M 13 T 13 S 13 T 13
T 14 S 14 T 14 T 14 S 14 W 14 T 14 S 14 T 14 F 14 S 14 W 14
F 15 S 15 W 15 F 15 M 15 T 15 F 15 M 15 W 15 S 15 M 15 T 15 Day off
S 16 M 16 T 16 S 16 T 16 F 16 S 16 T 16 T 16 S 16 T 16 F 16 No class
S 17 T 17 F 17 S 17 W 17 S 17 S 17 W 17 F 17 M 17 W 17 S 17
M 18 W 18 S 18 M 18 T 18 S 18 M 18 T 18 S 18 T 18 T 18 S 18
T 19 T 19 S 19 T 19 F 19 M 19 T 19 F 19 S 19 W 19 F 19 M 19
W 20 F 20 M 20 W 20 S 20 T 20 W 20 S 20 M 20 Day off T 20 S 20 T 20
T 21 S 21 T 21 T 21 S 21 W 21 T 21 S 21 T 21 F 21 S 21 W 21
F 22 S 22 W 22 F 22 M 22 T 22 F 22 M 22 W 22 S 22 M 22 T 22
S 23 M 23 T 23 S 23 T 23 F 23 S 23 T 23 T 23 S 23 T 23 F 23
S 24 T 24 F 24 S 24 W 24 S 24 S 24 W 24 F 24 M 24 W 24 S 24
M 25 W 25 S 25 M 25 Day off T 25 S 25 M 25 T 25 S 25 T 25 T 25 S 25
T 26 T 26 S 26 T 26 F 26 M 26 T 26 F 26 S 26 W 26 F 26 M 26
W 27 F 27 M 27 W 27 S 27 T 27 W 27 S 27 M 27 T 27 S 27 T 27
T 28 S 28 T 28 T 28 S 28 W 28 T 28 S 28 T 28 F 28 S 28 W 28
F 29 S 29 W 29 F 29 M 29 T 29 F 29 M 29 W 29 S 29 M 29 T 29
S 30 M 30 T 30 S 30 T 30 S 30 T 30 T 30 S 30 T 30 F 30
T 31 S 31 W 31 S 31 F 31 W 31 S 31
Semester Courses Fall & Spring Intakes: S05, S10, S11, S21, S20, S35, S40 Annual Courses Fall Intake: AN40, AN55, D20 Online Courses: CL04, CL010, CL014, CL100, CL140, CL204
Semester Courses Spring Intake only: SU30, SU40, SC Summer Courses: E010, E020, E040, E080, E100 Holidays, Days off
Academic calendar 2024-2025
September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025 March 2025 April 2025 May 2025 June 2025 July 2025 August 2025
M 2 W 2 S 2 M 2 T 2 S 2 S 2 W 2 F 2 M 2 Intake W 2 Intake S 2
T 3 T 3 S 3 T 3 F 3 M 3 M 3 T 3 S 3 T 3 T 3 S 3
W 4 F 4 M 4 W 4 S 4 T 4 T 4 F 4 S 4 W 4 F 4 M 4
T 5 S 5 T 5 T 5 S 5 W 5 W 5 S 5 M 5 T 5 S 5 T 5
F 6 S 6 W 6 F 6 M 6 T 6 T 6 S 6 T 6 F 6 S 6 W 6
S 7 M 7 T 7 S 7 T 7 F 7 F 7 M 7 W 7 S 7 M 7 T 7
S 8 T 8 F 8 S 8 W 8 S 8 S 8 T 8 T 8 Day off S 8 T 8 F 8
M 9 W 9 S 9 M 9 T 9 S 9 S 9 W 9 F 9 M 9 Day off W 9 S 9
French Level Test
T 10 T 10 S 10 T 10 F 10 M 10 M 10 T 10 S 10 T 10 T 10 S 10
W 11 F 11 M 11 Day off W 11 S 11 T 11 T 11 F 11 S 11 W 11 F 11 M 11
T 12 S 12 T 12 T 12 S 12 W 12 W 12 S 12 M 12 T 12 S 12 T 12
F 13 S 13 W 13 F 13 M 13 T 13 T 13 S 13 T 13 F 13 S 13 W 13
S 14 M 14 T 14 S 14 T 14 F 14 F 14 M 14 W 14 S 14 M 14 Day off T 14
S 15 T 15 F 15 S 15 W 15 S 15 S 15 T 15 T 15 S 15 T 15 F 15 Day off
T 19 S 19 T 19 T 19 S 19 W 19 W 19 S 19 M 19 T 19 S 19 T 19
F 20 S 20 W 20 F 20 M 20 Spring Intake T 20 T 20 S 20 T 20 F 20 S 20 W 20
S 21 M 21 T 21 S 21 T 21 F 21 F 21 M 21 Day off W 21 S 21 M 21 T 21
S 22 T 22 F 22 S 22 W 22 S 22 S 22 T 22 T 22 S 22 T 22 F 22
M 23 W 23 S 23 M 23 T 23 S 23 S 23 W 23 F 23 M 23 W 23 S 23
T 24 T 24 S 24 T 24 F 24 M 24 M 24 T 24 S 24 T 24 T 24 S 24
W 25 F 25 M 25 W 25 Day off S 25 T 25 T 25 F 25 S 25 W 25 F 25 M 25
T 26 S 26 T 26 T 26 S 26 W 26 W 26 S 26 M 26 T 26 S 26 T 26
F 27 S 27 W 27 F 27 M 27 T 27 T 27 S 27 T 27 F 27 S 27 W 27
S 28 M 28 T 28 S 28 T 28 F 28 F 28 M 28 W 28 S 28 M 28 T 28
S 29 T 29 F 29 S 29 W 29 S 29 T 29 T 29 Day off S 29 T 29 F 29
M 30 W 30 S 30 M 30 T 30 S 30 W 30 F 30 M 30 W 30 S 30
T 31 T 31 F 31 M 31 S 31 T 31 S 31
Semester Courses Fall & Spring Intakes: S05, S10, S11, S21, S20, S35, S40 Annual Courses Fall Intake: AN40, AN70 Online Courses: CL04, CL010, CL014, CL100, CL140, CL204
Semester Courses Spring Intake only: SU30, SU40 Summer Courses: E010, E020, E040, E080, E100 Holidays, Days off
Admission process
Choose the course you want to take.
Pay a deposit of 30% or the full registration fees.
WeChat: ccfs-sorbonne
Student’s link to book an online appointment: click here
Violaine Peladan
Admission North America & Europe
Student’s link to book an online appointment: click here
Anyuli Pineda
Admission South America & Europe
Student’s link to book an online appointment: click here
Non-binding document provided for informational purposes only. The information presented is subject to change. Refer to the website for more information.