Duffy Poems
Duffy Poems
Duffy Poems
triple structure - negation - portray uncertainty
A suspicion, a doubt, a jealousy
grew in my mind,
which turned the hairs on my head to filthy snakes,
as though my thoughts maintaining the negative medusa
imagery but adding her narrative voice
hissed and spat on my scalp.
alliteration sibilance
My bride’s breath soured, stank
transformation, foul words highlight how she is perceived by others
in the gray bags of my lungs.
I’m foul mouthed now, foul tongued, because she is talking about smtg against society
values, questioning, stating her opinions
yellow fanged. hyperboles
Be terrified.
It’s you I love,
perfect man, Greek God, my own;
but I know you’ll go, betray me, stray
from home.
So better by far for me if you were stone.
all personal pronouns - repetition
Look at me now.
Mrs Sisyphus
but got there, wolf’s lair, better beware. Lesson one that
breath of the wolf in my ear, was the love poem.
I clung till dawn to his thrashing fur, for
what little girl doesn’t dearly love a wolf?
Then I slid from between his heavy matted paws
and went in search of a living bird – white dove –
which flew, straight, from my hands to his open mouth.
One bite, dead. How nice, breakfast in bed, he said,
licking his chops. As soon as he slept, I crept to the back
of the lair, where a whole wall was crimson, gold, aglow with
Words, words were truly alive on the tongue, in the head,
warm, beating, frantic, winged; music and blood.
All childhood is an emigration. Some are slow,
leaving you standing, resigned, up an avenue
where no one you know stays. Others are sudden.
Your accent wrong. Corners, which seem familiar,
leading to unimagined pebble-dashed estates, big boys
eating worms and shouting words you don’t understand.
My parents’ anxiety stirred like a loose tooth
in my head. I want our own country, I said.
fiance runs away with HER money one day bef the marriage
I haven’t wished him dead. Prayed for it increasing degree of verbs emphasis - verbs that
aren't usually associated with death
disgust, rotten
so hard I’ve dark green pebbles for eyes, evil, maligning, extreme hate
ropes on the back of my hands I could strangle with.
veins; starving and feeble
hate behind a white veil; a red balloon bursting all metaphors - bursting the myth of love, harsh reality of love
harsh call to reality
in my face. Bang. I stabbed at a wedding cake. stabbing the institution of marriage
erotic imagery
Give me a male corpse for a long slow honeymoon. necrophilia mental illness
Don’t think it’s only the heart that b-b-b-breaks. stuttering - sadness, disturbance
MIND also breaks; (bones)
Poem (contrary to name) explores the raw realities of love rejecting conventional portrayals of love
strong abrupt start - adds / sets the tone for the realism throughout the poem + emphasizes her aversion to conventional love
immediately rejects conventional symbols of love - sugar-coated gifts
begins w/ a
Not a red rose or a satin heart.
short, terse cadence juxtaposed this cliche representation with____
anticlimatic - not a normal gift
I give you an onion. short, static sentences emphasized by full stop creates a
(conventionally) unromantic and rather direct tone
moon = preciousIt is a moon wrapped in brown paper. symbolizes something valuable concealed as something ordinary
& is white (pure)
like commitment
It promises light positive tone of love = comfort and hope
in a relationship
like the careful undressing of love. suggests tenderness & intimacy, where in love /
relationship there are no secret & absolute trust
alludes to an onion's layers?
Here. second person pov creates intimacy - act of giving onion to the reader
continues symbolism of onion (that makes one tear up)
repetition of
It will blind you with tears slight change in tone - bringing attention to the reality
like a lover.
declaratives of love - love is not always easy
certain, matter-of-fact tone sad tears.
"it will" create
sense of
inevitability -
It will make your reflection imagery of someone looking into mirror while crying,
love WILL be
difficult a wobbling photo of grief. making picture 'wobbly'
I am trying to be truthful. 2nd person address emphasizes her earnestness and effort at being completely honest
single line stanzas stress their importance = emphasize reasons why she gifts onion
Not a cute card or a kissogram. repeated harsh consonant sound = scathing tone
indicating her disapproval for these gifts as 'truthful'
Its scent will cling to your fingers, feelings of love can last even when relationship is over
(like an onion's strong scent)
abrupt, negative ending
Poem written in FREE VERSE = reflects the changing uncertainty of the nature relationships can go (fluid nature
of love)
it doesn't use a traditional rhyming scheme that supports her raw, real portrayal efforts of love
Captures the moment the term ‘nostalgia’ was coined through her poem. Based on
17th century Swiss mercenaries who were hired to kill for money (and effective)
but being away from home for so long made them begin missing their home.
a particular place – where maybe you met a girl, modality of verb uncertain - suggests unreliability of memory
with spools of suffering set out in ordered rows. understand the difficult to maintain order among
chaos, tough job
The only light is red and softly glows, ** red light in church signifies god presence
regular rhymes bc
as though this were a church**and he photographer job is to
maintain ORDER in priest = photographer effect?
a priest preparing to intone a Mass.
imagery monotonous CHAOS
both enlighten, aware, but pr = brainwash, ph = disrupt
A hundred agonies in black and white INDIFFERENCE, PASSIVITY doesn't really know the tragedy,
usually a light from which his editor will pick out five or six
but only picks up some of the
many stories captured
with tears between the bath and pre-lunch beers.
isolation, indifference, way of life, false empathy
cannot understand rlly the struggle photographer + ppl have
trying to
isolate himself From the aeroplane he stares impassively at where gone through, they are comparitively drowning in luxury
from trauma
he earns his living and they do not care.
because he
has to leave,
do his duty as
photographer the people viewing the photographs
Dolphins --> ADH
PEETA video
Paper 2?
You will never BAKER like this again (gory)
THE DOLPHINS about nature - philosophically
alluding to seaworld
World is what you swim in, or dance, it is simple.
We are in our element but we are not free.
Outside this world you cannot breathe for long. other dolphin talked about
The other has my shape. The other's movement
"other" = dolphin
nature initially forms my thoughts. And also mine. There is a man
everyone same, and there are hoops. There is a constant flowing guilt. polyseminal phrase - having several meaning
but humans
meddling w/ it
repr. dolphins dichotomy - no freedom in these waters guilt - dolphin's; not able to do anything about being
We have found no truth in these waters, subjected to the tricks
by nature
(used to no explanations tremble on our flesh. KNOW - dont understand WHY they are trapped, away from truth
live in We were blessed and now we are not blessed. antithesis
they know but not WHY
nature) After travelling such space for days we began
translating to translate. It was the same space. It is "sameness" of the language mirrors the sameness of this
human lang "space"—this enclosed pool that never changes no matter how
the same space always and above it is the man. much the dolphins swim; they can only go in circles
literal ref to seaworld (above in the stands)
+ controlling nature of men
And now we are no longer blessed, for the world literally physical barrier - waters cannot deepen
all consuming prison + metaph. dreaming is pointless
will not deepen to dream in. The other knows so restricting a place you give up on dreaming; of thinking of
ever coming out
and out of love reflects me for myself.
joke around, sympathize
We see our silver skin flash by like memory memories swimming through the ocean, sunlight reflecting off (silver skin flash)
sudden contrast to current state - jarring call to reality
of somewhere else. There is a coloured ball
another age where nature treated everyone equally
we have to balance till the man has disappeared.
NO HOPE reinforced