Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
1. Identification of events to be recorded. Finished
2. Journalizing the transaction.
3. Posting from the Journals to General Ledger.
4. Preparing the Unadjusted Trial Balance. Now
5. Recording Adjusting Entries.
6. Preparing the Adjusted Trial Balance.
7. Preparing Financial Statements.
8. Recording Closing Entries. Later
9. Preparing a Closing Trial Balance.
10. Recording Reversing Entries.
• Process of transferring data (debit and credit) from the journal to appropriate accounts in the ledger.
• Purpose of posting is to classify the effects of transactions on five major accounts specifically asset,
liability, equity, income and expense accounts in order to provide more meaningful information.
Illust ration :
Illustration: The ledger accounts of Weddings “R” Us after posting are shown below. The account numbers and journal
reference columns are purposely omitted. The balance of each account has been determined.
• Trial balance is a list of all accounts with their respective debit or credit balances.
• Prepared to verify the equality of debits and credits in the ledger at the end of each accounting period.
• A control that helps minimize accounting errors.
• When the totals are equal, the trial balance is in balance
A balanced trial balance simply proves that, as recorded, debits equal credits. The following errors are not detected by a
trial balance:
1. Failure to record or post a transaction.
2. Recording the same transaction more than once.
3. Recording an entry but with the same erroneous debit and credit amounts.
4. Posting a part of a transaction correctly as a debit or credit but to the wrong account.
1. J ournali ze t he above tr ansactions usi ng t he f ollowing ac count t itl es:
110 Cash , 120 Accounts Receivab le , 130 Notes Receivable , 14 0 Off ice Supplies,
15 0 Equipmen t, 210 Accounts P ayable , 220 Notes P ayable, 310 Lily, Capital,
320 Lily, Withdrawal, 410 Service I ncome, 430 Inte res t Income , 520 Salaries Expenses
530 Utiliti es Expenses , 540 Supplies Expense
2. Post the jour nal ent r ies to the l edger (us e T- Ac counts)
Requirements: Prepare unadjus ted tri al bala nce , Ma ke s ure to provide proper he ading f or the
report and prese nt t he account in t hei r correc t sequence.
Mr. Kim Taeyung has st art ed operating a se rvi ce bus ine ss i n 2020. His company, VTS Company is
engaged in providing ser vices to it s c lient. The f ollowing we re VTS Company’s tr ansa ctions in
May 2020.
Requirements :