RK Osy 2
RK Osy 2
RK Osy 2
Improves performance
Memory management reduces memory access operations, which are CPU-heavy
tasks. This improves computer speed and stability.
Protects data and processes
Memory management ensures that processes only use the memory they are
given and enforces access permissions.
What is memory ?
The main memory is central to the operation of a modern computer. Main Memory is a
large array of words or bytes, ranging in size from hundreds of thousands to
billions. Main memory is a repository of rapidly available information shared
by the CPU and I/O devices. Main memory is the place where programs and
information are kept when the processor is effectively utilizing them. Main
memory is associated with the processor, so moving instruction and information into
and out of the processor is extremely fast. Main memory is also known as RAM
(Random Access Memory). This memory is a volatile memory. RAM lost its
data when a power interruption occurs.
The operating system must manage the allocation and deallocation of memory
to different processes running on the system. Key tasks include:
Dynamic loading:-
Static linking:
Dynamic linking:
Fragmentation is defined as when the process is loaded and removed
after execution from memory, it creates a small free hole. These holes
cannot be assigned to new processes because holes are not combined
or do not fulfill the memory requirement of the process. To achieve a
degree of multiprogramming, we must reduce the waste of memory or
fragmentation problems.
a. Internal Fragmentation
b. External Fragmentation
Paging :
It enhance multitasking
Memory management ensure that blocs of memory space are properly manage
and allocated , so the operating system (OS) , applications and other running
processes have the memory they need to carry out their operation.