Cutting in Practice GB
Cutting in Practice GB
Cutting in Practice GB
Kindly supported by
Manual dressing 8
Mechanical dressing 9
Paper 20
Cardboards 21
Plastic materials 21
Other materials 22
Times have changed ... The demands on state-of-theart The experience gained on POLAR
high-speed cutters vary as much as high-speed cutters over many years
In the past there have been hardly the materials to be cut. They should has been compiled in this brochure.
any questions about cutting prob- perform cutting with hairline accur- Even if some materials have not been
lems. People usually processed paper, acy, quickly cutting big and small considered we trust that our tables
sometimes thin cardboard or glassine jobs alike and above all it should be will give you the necessary informa-
paper, but there has never been the capable of cutting every kind of tion for performing well with your
variety of materials that we have material. POLAR cutter.
Your customers pay more and more If you should have any problems,
Nowadays the question is rather: attention to the printing and cutting please let us have a cutting sample.
What kind of material cannot be cut quality of even a small printed job. In urgent cases give us a call.
on a POLAR? They notice whether the cut is
straight or uneven. We are quite sure that we or
In fact, all kinds of material can be our nearest agency can quickly
cut, whether thin stencil duplicator Your customers do not only demand help you ...
paper or plastic sheet and plates, good printing.
floor covering materials, metal foils
or plywood. A high-speed cutter is expected to
perform a precise and clean cut and
Thick wooden veneers which pre- to be constructed very sturdily in
viously had to be cut by saws can order to cut even the hardest mate-
now also be cut on highspeed cutting rials accurately. POLAR comes up to
machines, with an amazing accuracy fulfill these expectations.
and without waste.
Cutting problems which arise all the
same are usually caused by a poorly
adjusted clamping pressure, a wrong
knife angle, improper knife quality or
blunt knives.
Knife angle
The physical changes of the products to be cut cause the knife's angular
geometries to change.
70 % Knife Wrong knife angle, or knife quality does not fit the material to be cut
14 % Paper and other Continuous advancement of papers (paper coating) for improved printability.
materials to be cut This requires experience with constantly changing applications (knife angle,
knife qualities, height compensation when clamping the paper). Special cutting
6% Climate Climate-related faults in finishing, such as stress within the material to be cut
which have uncontrollable consequences for the measurements
(humidity/temperature; as a rule of thumb, a 10 % change in humidity results
in a 0.1% deformation of the material to be cut)
4% Modified Shortest job cycle times. Poorly dried run.
production conditions This makes finishing much more difficult.
3% Lay guide from printing Development of machine features for production management
Lay guide of paper and support
2% Instruction and training Cutting training courses where operators learn to understand the practice
of machine staff oriented application of machine functions, such as the proper clamping
pressure adjustment, backgauge compensation, cut correction, difference of
positions etc. for improving both product and production
2% Professional service Proper installation of the machine (angled position, general machine
geometry), production supporting service with advice for application
Paper with a 42 % share of corundum (48.5 g/m2)
backgauge stop
cutting stick
In the operation of modern high- The knife should always be carefully After the knife has been ground it
speed cutters it is unavoidable that kept in its special box must be carefully dressed, because
cutting differences are encountered this is decisive for the quality of the
occasionally, in spite of accurate 1. for reasons of safety and cut and the service life of the knife.
achine adjustment and most careful
alignment of the material to be cut 2. for protecting the knife, so that Rectangular grindstones are used for
by the operator. the cutting edge will not be dressing, which must not be too small
damaged. in order to avoid canting.
The reason is to be found in the vary-
ing characteristics of the material to When a knife is to be replaced it For removing the grinding burr we
be cut. It would, therefore, be ideal if must never be put on the machine recommend a stone with a fine and
only one particular material were table without underlaying a card- soft graining, for finishing use an
processed on one particular machine. board or wooden support. The sur- Arkansas oil stone.
faces of both the knife and the knife
Different materials require different bar must be completely free from For dressing the knife should be
knife angles and it is difficult to burrs and dirt. placed on a flat surface to ensure
determine the correct knife angle if that the dressing stone can be moved
all sorts of material are to be cut The threaded fixing holes in the knife along the cutting edge securely and
successively at short intervals of time. and the knife screws which ensure precisely.
the firm and precise seating of the
In such cases a mean knife angle of knife should be kept in perfect con- Uneven and insecure placing can
24° is recommended. If the customer dition. lead to imperfect dressing and cause
does not explicitly order another serious injury, because you can easily
knife angle the Polar HSS knives are At first, all knife screws are only get hurt by the sharp knife edge.
delivered with an angle of 24°. This tightened slightly to avoid damage
also applies to the standard equip- during their final firm tightening. Prior to dressing it is of utmost
ment of new POLAR highspeed cutters. importance to clean the knife
As soon as the knife has been screwed thoroughly. The same applies to the
The correct cutting angle and suitable down tightly and all tools have been dressing stone. By storing the stone
knife quality determine to a large removed from the machine table the immersed in a kerosene-oil mix the
extent the cutting quality and econo- knife can be adjusted. stone is always kept clean.
mical operation of the high-speed
cutter. At its lowest position the knife must Care must be taken that there are no
be adjusted in such a way that it is in indentations or grooves in the stone
parallel with the machine table, which might damage the cutting
slightly touching the cutting stick. edge and cause imperfect dressing.
The cutting stick must have been re- Defective stones can be used again
versed or replaced before this is done. after they have been newly ground.
Manual Dressing
Mechanical dressing
(Not for carbide tipped knives HM)
Hints for the knife grinder Upon grinding special attention must 8| Grinding wheels
be paid that plenty of cooling water The enormous variety of wheels
1| Grinding machine is supplied. The best way is a supply with different grain, hardness
The first requirement is a grind- through the motor shaft or carefully and bonding seems confusing at first
ing machine heavy and solid enough directed from outside onto the grind- sight. The following information will
to absorb unavoidable vibrations. ing spot. assist in choosing suitable wheels:
The clamping beam for the knife
must be absolutely plane, parallel to 4| The grinding spindle should be a) Grains are graduated from 8 to
the grinding level and free of flexing. equipped with bearings which 800 according to DIN standard 69100,
are either self-adjusting or automati- i.e. from coarse to very fine.
The quality of a grinding machine cally secured against axial thrust, For machine knives only medium sizes
can be quickly checked by the because axial play reduces the quality from approx. 36 to 60 apply, with “60”
following method: when grinding cups or rings are used. almost resulting in polishing.
Accumulated shavings when com- The grinding cups or rings must be
pressed by hand, should spring back perfectly concentric and should be b) Hardness graduations according
(like steelwool) to indicate that the well balanced in order to prevent to DIN standard 69100 are distin-
machine is of good quality. Shavings wobble or avoidable shaking. guished by letters from A to Z. Only
which stay compressed point to the soft grades for guillotines, i.e. H
vibration within the machine or to 5| The feed should be performed by to K are used for this purpose.
the use of unsuitable grinding media. the grinding head, not by the
Both these factors support burning machine table, unless its adjustment c) In accordance with international
on the grinding surface. is done with parallel faces by one standards the grain is marked by a
single element. The feed must be number. The smaller this number the
2| The feed of the grinding sledge automatically limitable and variable. less distance is there between one
must be performed easily grain and the other. Consequently,
without canting and jerking when 6| Operating controls should be small numbers are unsuitable. “Open”
switched over (constant speed). arranged together at a central structures are preferred, because they
position within convenient reach of do not have a tendency to sticking.
3| A large clear scale at the clamp- the operator and at a point from
ing beam should allow direct which the operator has a close con- d) Bondings according to DIN
reading of the bevel. The knife clamp- trol over the actual working area. 69100 are marked by abbreviations.
ing device must securely hold the The most common bondings are:
knife parallel to the grinding level. 7| The cooling pump must at all
The knife must be clamped with its times supply a strong, full Artificial resin Ba
bevel facing upward. coolant flow directly onto the grind-
With standard/HSS knives the direc- ing spot. A sufficiently large coolant Rubber Gu
tion of rotation of the grinding wheel tank equipped with a filtering device Magnesite Mg
is selected in such a way that grind- which allows removal of the grinding
ing is performed away from the knife. sludge is essential. Natural resin Nh
An integrated wheel dressing tool The artificial resin bonding (Ba)
Grinding against the knife edge should be part of the machine, be-
might cause nicks resulting from the cause it is indispensable for sharpen- is best suited for guillotine knives.
abrasive grains breaking out. ing the wheels in case of glazing and
Such fine nicks are only noticed for dressing the working area of the
during dressing. wheel.
Well selected grinding wheels ensure
For carbide tipped knives the op- that the wheels do not load during
posite direction of rotation is selected the grinding process and therefore do
(i.e. against the edge). not require dressing.
POLAR | 11
13| Sparking out means a feed d) More dangerous, because very The colour of these spots indicates
movement without infeed. hard to trace, are the “notorious” a temperature of 200° to 300° C
If sparking out is done correctly it brownish yellow grinding spots on (or above). Strange is their round or
results in a smooth surface of the the knife bevel. They indicate that oval shape the size of a small pea
knife bevel. For a larger area or excessive heat was generated when or bean. Although one single grinding
harder stone use a shorter sparking the knife was ground. This is mostly stroke with an “open” stone is suffi-
out period. If striations show after caused by: cient to erase the colour the fault
the procedure sparking out has been remains in the knife.
done improperly or an inadequate – too hard grinding wheels,
stone has been used. – blunt grinding wheels, To avoid subsequent chipping of
– loaded grinding wheels, such a knife during cutting opera-
Typical symptoms resulting from – contaminated coolant tions, the knife must be drastically
grinding errors or, re-machined with an open, soft
– improper sparking out. stone, until all tension flaws have
a) Uneven grinding sound and completely disappeared.
varying spark density indicate that
the knife is out of parallel with the
grinding level.
Summary of Grinding Data
b) If the ends of the knife edge are
protruding when fixing it into the Grinding cups or wheels
grinding machine this indicates a Normal steel/knives
flexing of the clamp beam in the Swedish steel knives
centre part or worn machine table HSS-knives Steel knives
guidings. As a consequence, the
middle of the cutting edge will be Abrasive NK, EK NK, EK
concave ground which means that Grain 40 - 60 40 - 46
the knife cannot be positioned evenly
over the complete length of the Hardness Jot – L G
cutting stick and hence its centre Structure 8 – 14 14
part will not cut through.
Bonding Ba Ba
c) Brown or blue colouring of the Circumferential
knife near the cutting edge results speed m/sec 18 – 26 18 – 26
from overheating caused by
Transfer or table
– excessive infeed, speed m/min. 15 – 25 15 – 25
– excessive feed, Infeed in mm 0.01 – 0.03 0.01 – 0.03
– insufficient cooling,
– unsuitable abrasives,
– loaded or blunt grinding
Infeed: 0.01 mm
(Proceed similar to normal steel,
Swedish steel and HSS knives).
2nd Pass
Infeed: 0.01 mm
(outside grinding zone!)
3rd Pass
Dressing carbide tipped Relation of steel quality and Due to their high proportion of alloy
(hard metal) knives (HM) service life of the knife elements HSS-18 knives provide the
advantage of a considerably longer
The decision to dress carbide- Knives are available in various service life and a higher stability of
tipped knives at all depends upon qualities: the cutting edge.
the material to be cut.
Dressing stone: 1. Low-alloy steels (Swedish steel) Carbide-tipped knives even exceed the
round, approx. 30 mm in diametre service lifetimes of HSS-W 18 knives,
(special manual lap D 7). 2. High-alloy steels (HSS) but their edges are more sensitive.
3. Carbide tipped knives
(standard grain) Ultra-finest grain hard metal of the
most recent generations even provide
4. Finest-grain hard metal longer service lifetimes than hard
5. Ultra-finest grain hard metal metal. Their high elasticity make
= UFK hard metal them suitable for almost any material
to be cut.
The above listed qualities are com-
posite materials. Alloys of varying
qualities are applied onto non- Guidelines for selecting the proper
hardened bodies. Available are low- cutting angle
alloy tool steels for standard knives,
super-speed steels with a tungsten The knife angle depends upon the
content of 18 % (HSS 18 knives) and characteristics of the material to be
sintered hard metals (carbide tipped cut. Basic rule:
• soft material =
Standard and HSS 18 knives are narrow angle
basically suitable for any material to • hard material =
be cut. Both qualities allow variations wide angle
of the cutting angles and the use
of narrow angles if suitable for the The cutting angles are usually
corresponding material. selected between 17° and 30°.
Knife qualities
Quality Service lifetime Hardness Composite
Standard 1 59-61 HRC rolled
(Swedish steel)
18 % HSS Stahl >3 62-64 HRC rolled/
(superspeed steel) soldered
Hard metal (standard) > 10 1100 HV 10 soldered
Concerning 1:
Concerning 2 and 3: As shown in the sketches a blunt However, it is not only the knife
knife exerts a much higher pulling that influences cutting quality.
Owing to the high air volume and force than a sharp one. The clamp as well as the clamping
the material softness the knife tends pressure also play an important part.
to pull the material from beneath the
clamp during the cutting cycle. Basic rule:
As a general rule, the clamping One difficulty often encountered Height differences of reams,
pressure selected should not be when cutting hard materials is an amounting to less than 4 mm can
higher than absolutely necessary in overcut, resulting from the fact that be levelled with the flexible false
order to avoid dislocation or dragging at the dressing stage the cutting clamp which obtains a steady
of sheets. edge had been broken from the rear. pressure.
The cutting stick Replacement or reversal of the cut- At the factory, POLAR installs cutting
ting stick becomes necessary when sticks that can be fully recycled and
The cutting stick is the counter cut- the knife has dug into it up to a used with every type of knife.
ting tool of the machine knife and depth that the lowest sheets of a Especially for ultra fine grain hard
should be made of a material which ream are actually torn instead of metal knives we also use cutting
is tough, but not too hard. If the being cut. sticks made of nylon. Due to the
material is too soft, the knife will cut special properties of this material,
too deep. The lower sheets will not be Every time the knife is changed the only a very minor notch effect is
correctly cut through. With an ex- stick should be reversed or replaced. caused during cutting.
cessively hard material the knife will
soon get dull or notches. The consumption of cutting sticks
The POLAR cutting stick meets these depends completely on the materials
requirements perfectly. processed.
“The harder the materials cut the
more sticks will be consumed”.
Cutting stick
Immersion depths for different knife qualities
multiple application of
cutting stick by turning the stick
Cutting data on various materials Higher or wider piles of paper require Materialwhich is unequal in height or
a higher clamping pressure. wavy (cardboard, stitched brochures)
In the tables below we compiled the Lower or narrower piles need less should be cut with flexible false
most common cutting materials in pressure. clamp plate (special device).
alphabetic order. The lists are divided
into various groups to facilitate their For delicate materials (thin, soft) use You can as well use a standard false
use. The values indicated are based a standard false clamp. clamp fitted with a felt strip instead
on our practical experience gained of a flexible false clamp. In this case
with POLAR high-speed cutters. The the indicated clamping pressure in
clamping pressure data refer to piles the table should be increased by 600
of paper of medium height and more to 1000 daN!
than two thirds of the cutting width.
Material to be cut Knife α β h Pressure Remarks
(mm) daN/kg
Bible paper HSS, HM, UFK * 24° 1500-2000 false clamp plate
Double waxed papers HSS, HM, UFK 24° 3200 **
Printing papers, regular HSS, HM, UFK 24° 2500 false clamp plate
Duplex papers HSS, UFK 24° 26° 2,0 3000-3500 **
Flimsy HSS, HM, UFK 19° 3000-4000 false clamp plate
Label papers HSS, HM, UFK 24° 3500-4000 **
Felt-cardboard HSS, HM, UFK 24° 2000-2500 false clamp plate
Photographic papers HSS, HM, UFK 24° 2500-3000 **
Gummed papers HSS, HM, UFK 24° 2500-3500 **
Carbonizing papers HSS, HM, UFK 19° 400 false clamp plate
Carbon paper HSS, HM, UFK 22° 800-1000 **
Art papers HSS, HM, UFK 23° 25° 3,5 3000-4000 **
Plastic fiber paper HSS, UFK 26° 2500-3000
Blotting paper HSS, HM, UFK 19° 2000-2500 **
Metallic papers HSS, HM, UFK 24° 3000-3500 **
Parchment paper HSS 24° 2500-3000 **
Glassine paper HSS 24° 26° 3,0 4000-4500
Stencil duplicator paper HSS, HM, UFK 19° 3000 false clamp plate
Writing papers HSS, HM, UFK 24° 2500-3000
Tissue paper HSS, HM, UFK 19° 2000 false clamp plate
Autocopying paper
(NCR-Reacto or similar) HSS, HM , UFK 24° 800-1000 **
Transparent papers HSS, UFK 24° 3000-3800 **
Velours papers HSS, HM, UFK 19° 2500 **
Wertpapiere (Geldscheine,
Aktienvordrucke, usw.) HSS, (HM), UFK 19° 22° 2500-3700 **
* HSS = high-speed steel knives ** Compensation of differences in height
HM = carbide-tipped knives (normal: 23/25°) is necessary
UFK = ultra-finest grain hard metal (normal 22/25)
POLAR | 21
Material to be cut Knife α β h Pressure Remarks
(mm) daN/kg
Bristol board HSS, UFK 24° 2000-2500 **
Chromolux HSS, HM, UFK 24° 26° 2,0 3000-3500 **
Duplex board, two-layer board HSS, UFK 24° 2500
Finnboard, sheet-lined HSS, UFK 19° 22° 3,5 2000-3000 **
Felt cardboard HSS, HM, UFK 24° 2000-2500 false clamp plate
Gray board HSS, UFK 24° 3000-3500 **
Handmade cardboard HSS, UFK 24° 3000 **
Hard board HSS, UFK 24° 26° 2,0 3000-3800 **
Wood pulp board, soft HSS, UFK 21° 24° 2,0 3000 false clamp plate
Index cardboard HSS, HM, UFK 22° 24° 2,0 3000-3500 **
Box board HSS, UFK 22° 24° 2,0 3000-3500 **
Container board HSS, UFK 22° 24° 2,0 3000-3500 **
Leather cardboard HSS, HM, UFK 22° 24° 2,0 3000-3500 **
Manilla cardboard HSS, UFK 22° 24° 2,0 3000-3500
Multiplex board HSS, UFK 22° 24° 2,0 2500
Postcard board HSS, HM, UFK 22° 24° 2,0 2500-3500 **
Triplexpappe, -karton HSS , UFK 22° 24° 2,0 3000
Plastic Materials
(please observe that the materials specified are processed at room temperature)
Due to the versatility of many plastic materials and the type of composition it is recommendable to have cutting
testsperformed at POLAR.
Material to be cut Knife α β h Pressure Remarks
(mm) daN/kg
Astralon transparent sheet HSS 23° 26° 2,0 3000 **
Acetate films HSS 25° 3000-3500 **
new knives
Cellophane HSS 23° 25° 2,0 3000-4000 **
Cellulose foils HSS 24° 3000-4000 **
Cellulose acetate foils HSS 23° 25° 2,0 3000-4000 **
Cellulose hydrate films HSS 24° 3000-4000 **
Polyethylene foils HSS, HM, UFK 23° 26° 2,0 3000-4000 **
PVC, hard HSS 23° 28° 2,0 3000-4000 **
PVC, soft HSS, HM, UFK 23° 3000-4000 **
PVC floor covering HSS, HM, UFK 19° 22° 3,5 3000-4000 **
Cellophane HSS 26° 3000-3500 **
Celluloid HSS 23° 2500-3000 **
Other materials:
Material to be cut Knife α β h Pressure Remarks
(mm) daN/kg
Packing materials HSS, UFK 24° 2500-3000 false clamp plate
Felt HSS, HM, UFK 19° 1000 false clamp plate
Glass papers HSS 24° 2000 **
Cork HSS, HM, UFK 19° 1000-2000 **
Leather HSS, HM, UFK 24° 2000-3000 **
Linoleum HSS, UFK 24° 1800-2500 **
Cellulose wadding HSS, HM, UFK 19° 1500 false clamp plate
** Compensation of differences in height is necessary
POLAR | 23
Hattersheimer Str. 25
D-65719 Hofheim/Ts.
+49 6192/2 04-0
+49 6192/2 2193
The Adolf Mohr back in 1949 and now maintains close Aiming to remain the global market leader,
ND 030609 23e · Printed in Germany · Subject to change without notice
Maschinenfabrik was contact with its customers through over POLAR is keenly aware of the importance
established in 1906 and 200 agencies in 170 countries worldwide. of understanding every facet of the
now sells its entire POLAR has made a decisive contribution to market, pinpointing trends and offering
product range under shaping technical developments, thinking new products: LabelSystems for square-cut
the POLAR brand name. and language in the finishing sector, e. g. and die-cut labels, POLAR PACE for fully
An independent family-owned business, by defining processes used in the finishing automatic cutting, POLAR Autojog for
POLAR has developed into the world of cutting material (loading, jogging, man-less jogging and peripheral equip-
leader for high-speed cutters and cutting cutting, unloading ...) ment for the print room or logistics.
systems. and by configuring process-oriented POLAR’s P-Net network component links
Helped by a very close partnership with cutting and jogging systems. The aim is to up the finishing area with networked print
subsidiaries of Heidelberger Druck- rationalise work processes using various shops via ethernet.
maschinen AG and with other sales- component parts, thereby taking the More detailed information on POLAR
partners, POLAR began positioning itself pressure off operators and increasing products is available at
as a global sales and service organization productivity.