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Project report on our engineering final year of fully working smart health care

Technical Report · July 2021

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26035.30241

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1 author:

Sachin Koirala
Tribhuvan University


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A Major Project Final Report On


Submitted by:

Reetu Poudel(ACE074BEX023) S.N: 24919

Saail Pokhrel(ACE074BEX025) S.N: 24920

Sachin Koirala(ACE074BEX026) S.N: 24921

Supervised by: Er. Prerana Khwaunju

A complete project report submitted to the department of Electronics and Computer

Engineering in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of
Engineering in Electronics Engineering

Kathmandu, Nepal

13th April, 2022


The author has agreed that the Library, Department of Electronics and Computer
Engineering, Advanced College of Engineering, may make this report freely available for
inspection. Moreover, the author has agreed that permission for extensive copying of this
project report for scholarly purposes may be granted by the supervisors who supervised
the project work recorded herein or, in their absence, by the Head of the Department
wherein the project report was done. It is understood that the recognition will be given to
the author of this report and to the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering,
Advanced College of Engineering in any use of the material of this project report.
Copying or publication or the other use of this report for financial gain without approval
of to the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Advanced College of
Engineering and author’s written permission is prohibited. Request for permission to
copy or to make any other use of the material in this report in whole or in part should be
addressed to

Head of Department
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering,
Advanced College of Engineering and Management.
Kalanki, Kathmandu



The undersigned certify that they have read, and recommended to the Institute of
Engineering for acceptance, a project report entitled “Smart Healthcare System”
submitted by Reetu Poudel, Saail Pokhrel, Sachin Koirala in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Bachelor’s degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering.


Er. Prerana Khwaunju

Project Supervisor
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering


External examiner
Pulchowk Campus, IOE, TU


Er. Ajaya Shresstha

Head of Department
Senior Lecturer
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering

Date: 13th April, 2022


We are extremely thankful to the department of electronics and communication for

providing us an opportunity to get involved in the Major project. We must express our
gratitude towards Er. Ajay Shrestha, Head of Department, Electronics and
Communication and Computer Engineering, Advanced College of Engineering and
management for his support in this project.

We are deeply indebted to our project teachers for boosting our efforts and morale by
their valuable advice and suggestions regarding the project and for directly supporting us
in tackling various difficulties. We take this opportunity to express our deepest and
sincere gratitude to our project coordinator Er. Amit Kumar Rauniyar, lecturer, Advanced
College of Engineering and Management for his/her insightful advice, motivating
suggestions, and our project supervisor Er. Prerana Khwaunju for her guidance, help and
support throughout our Bachelor's programme. We would personally like to thank Er.
Rajeev Prajapati for his suggestions. We would also like to extend our gratitude to Mr.
Ram Chandra Poudel for his immense support.

Finally, yet more importantly, we would like to express our deep appreciation to our
parents, siblings and friends for their perpetual support and encouragement throughout
the Bachelor’s degree period.

Reetu Poudel(ACE074BEX023) S.N: 24919

Saail Pokhrel(ACE074BEX025) S.N: 24920

Sachin Koirala(ACE074BEX026) S.N: 24921


In this modern world, people have been living a life based on technology. The
progression of human society has developed most of its aspects into new standards.
Technologies have leapt through the times at a tremendous pace into development. As the
time passes new advancement in technology occurs, which makes our tasks easier and

Smart healthcare system is an IoT based system which could be used for covid patients
for the current scenario and elderly people at our homes whose real time health readings
such as temperature, oxygen saturation level and heart rates could be monitored remotely
on a hand held device. This IoT device will automatically send an alert to the patient
intimates in case of an emergency which in this case would be fluctuation of the readings
of the sensors beyond the normal range. This device is being built using a temperature
sensor, electro-cardiogram sensor, gas sensor, pulse oximeter sensor attached to an
arduino mega board which will be transferring its data to the server using esp8266 wifi
module. The server will compute the data which could then be displayed on handheld
devices. In case the values received from the sensors are outside the normal range then an
alert will be sent to the user from the server in the form of a call alert and email. Patients
might be unable to make a call to the people around them in certain emergencies and in
this pandemic it is more prone to get exposed to viruses while monitoring the patient
being physically present, so from this project we are trying to deliver higher quality care
to more patients with a lower risk of exposure which can be helpful for the patients,
intimates, doctors and required authorities by continuously monitoring the patient’s status
and informing them in no time if any bad situation arises.

Keywords: oxygen-saturation level, temperature, monitor, handheld devices, exposure


Title Page

1.1. Background 1
1.2. Motivation 1
1.3. Statement of the problem 2
1.4. Project objectives 2
1.5. Significance of the study 2
1.6. Applications 3
1.7. Features 3
1.8. Feasibility study 3
1.8.1. Operational feasibility 3
1.8.2. Economic feasibility 3
1.8.3. Technical feasibility 4
1.8.4. Schedule feasibility 4
2.1. Existing prototypes 5
3.1. Hardware Requirements 8

3.1.1. Arduino Mega 2560 8
3.1.2. MAX 30100 Pulse Oximeter Sensor 8
3.1.3. MQ-2 gas sensor 10
3.1.4. LM35 temperature sensor 11
3.1.5. ECG AD8232 12
3.1.6. SIM 800A wireless GSM/GPRS module 12
3.1.7. ESP 8266 wifi module 13
3.2. Software Requirements 15
3.2.1. Arduino IDE 15
3.2.2. Visual Studio Code 16
3.2.3. MySQLi 16
3.2.4. IOT Cloud 16
3.2.5. Lucid chart 17
5.1. System Overview 19
5.2. System Flowchart 20
5.3. Dataflow Model 21
6.1. Output 22
6.2. Limitations 28
6.3. Future scopes 28
6.4. Work schedule 29


Figure 3.1: Arduino mega board -------------------------------------------------------------------8

Figure 3.2: MAX 30100 pulse oximeter Sensor ------------------------------------------------9
Figure 3.3: MQ-2 gas sensor --------------------------------------------------------------------10
Figure 3.4: LM35 temperature sensor ---------------------------------------------------------11
Figure 3.5: AD8232 ECG sensor ----------------------------------------------------------------12
Figure 3.6: SIM 800A wireless GSM/GPRS module ----------------------------------------13
Figure 3.7: ESP8266 wiFi module --------------------------------------------------------------14
Figure 3.8: Screenshot of Arduino IDE -------------------------------------------------------15
Figure 3.9: Screenshot of VS-code -------------------------------------------------------------16
Figure 4.1: Basic system overview diagram ----------------------------------------------------18
Figure 5.1: System flowchart ---------------------------------------------------------------------20
Figure 5.2: Dataflow model ---------------------------------------------------------------------21
Figure 6.1: Real time sensors value displayed on website ------------------------------------22
Figure 6.2: Database storing sensors value ---------------------------------------------------23
Figure 6.3: Values being displayed graphically on admin panel –--------------------------24
Figure 6.4: Call alert notifications --------------------------------------------------------------25
Figure 6.5: Email alert notifications -----------------------------------------------------------26
Figure 6.6: Results on LCD —-------------------------------------------------------------------26
Figure 6.7: System setup –------------------------------------------------------------------------27
Figure 6.8: System setup on the patient body -------------------------------------------------28


Table 6.1: Gantt chart -----------------------------------------------------------------------------29

Table 7.1: Total Cost —--------------------------------------------------------------------------30


ECG Electrocardiogram
API Application Programming Interface
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
SQL Structured Query Language
VS Visual Studio
IoT Internet of Things
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
GPRS General Packet Radio Service



1.1. Background

The use of different medical pervasive devices and their connections with the Internet has
brought new visions in the field of biomedical engineering and smart healthcare is not the
exception. Different sensors are attached to the patient’s body according to the need and
key parameters to be monitored like temperature, oxygen saturation level,heart rates and
those observed medical information are continuously transmitted to the respective
medical advisor and those received datas would be examined by them for further
diagnosis[1]. Traditionally patients were treated and monitored with a medical advisor
being physically present with them. Smart healthcare monitoring is an extension of
hospital medical systems which is a changed and upgraded modality in the field of health
care which allows patients to be remotely monitored by continuous monitoring of the
patient’s vital data and it seems to be more demanding and needy these days. This system
seems to be very effective in the current scenario where the world is suffering because of
this global pandemic[2].

1.2. Motivation

A lot of people lost their lives, not being able to get proper health care as covid waves are
recurring and hitting back to back and also the cost of the health service has overpriced so
some are being deprived of health services because of their economic background.
Implementing this idea and technology would be a lot cheaper, affordable and a perfect
solution to mitigate the problem of deficiency of beds providing and ensuring access of
health services to people and can help significantly reduce the death rates because at the
end nothing is more important than your life and health .

1.3. Statement of the problem

Today the whole world is suffering from a pandemic and dealing with recurring covid
waves. Many people lost their lives as they didn’t get proper healthcare and monitoring.
This outbreak has been causing the unavailability of beds in hospitals and deficiency of
medical personnels in hospitals to monitor the admitted patients as well. As we rely on
the traditional system of monitoring the patient, we are not able to fulfill the demands and
necessity during peak time. Also the hospital fees and bed charges seem to be very high
and unaffordable for most of the citizens, people are being deprived from the health

1.4. Project objectives

Main objective

● Better access to healthcare

Specific objective

● Ability to deliver higher quality care to more patient with a lower risk of exposure
● To reduce the number of hospital visits, queues in the hospital and reduction in
the cost of taking care of the sick .
● Make life more convenient for those with health challenges who need to visit the
hospital regularly
● Ease of access to patient’s data

1.5. Significance of the study

The significance of this project is to provide access to healthcare facilities to every citizen
in need and make the basic yet crucial services cheaper and affordable by all which could
significantly reduce the loss of lives and increase the recovery rates and make our country
free and safe from covid ensuring health services to all Nepalese.

1.6. Applications

● Remotely monitoring patients who need be in regular supervision of medical

● Monitoring covid patients
● Monitoring eldery people

1.7. Features

● System will be able to collect all real time data which includes temperature, gas,
heart rate, oxygen saturation level,and ECG and be viewed remotely through the
● Alerts via call /email will be sent to patient’s intimates if the values are not in safe
● Database to record and view patient’s wellness
● Patient location can be viewed

1.8. Feasibility study

1.8.1. Operational feasibility

This system can be used effectively to nurse a covid or eldery patient. It is easy to use due
to the simplicity in hardware and working interface. It can be very beneficial for patient’s
closed ones as it is impossible to be there for patient 24*7.

1.8.2. Economic feasibility

The total expenditure of the project is efficient.This system is economical to manufacture

and implement looking at its usefulness.

1.8.3. Technical feasibility

MAX30100 sensors being used in the project sometimes go out of stock in Nepali market
because they are not widely used as remote patient monitoring isn’t implemented so
much. But, the components can be assembled and replaced easily if necessary for proper
functioning. Real time data can be easily monitored and viewed through the website.

1.8.4. Schedule feasibility

The project has been completed successfully within the specified time with the given
resources and knowledge.



Talking about the present scenario of today’s world, no people are unaffected by this
pandemic, and the covid case seems to be never ending, coming with new variants and
being even more stronger than before. As the number of patients will increase day by day
during the peak of the wave , there will again be unavailability of beds and medical
personnels for monitoring patients in hospitals if we only rely on the current system of
monitoring. Also, the risk of being exposed is higher. If problems are sorted in time, we
could decrease the death rate by a considerable amount as many people lost their lives not
getting quality care and beds to get admitted for those in critical condition.

2.1. Existing prototypes

Similar projects like this have been implemented earlier in history in multiple projects
that can be found to be in use even today. We have researched about our project and we
found some tools that helped us to build our projects. The prototypes that can be found
today are:

IOT Based Remote Patient Health Monitoring System by G. G. Warsi, K. Hans and S. K.
Khatri in Ref.[3] is an IoT device which could be used with patients or elderly at our
homes whose real time health readings such as temperature, blood pressure and
electro-cardiogram could be monitored remotely on a hand held device. This IoT device
will automatically send alerts to the users in case of an emergency which in this case
would be fluctuation of the readings of the sensors beyond the normal range. This device
is built using a thermometer, electro-cardiogram sensor and sphygmomanometer attached
to an arduino which transfers its data to servers using a wifi-module. The servers then
compute the data which can be displayed on handheld devices. In case the values

received from the sensors are outside the normal range then an alert will be sent to the
user from the server.

Sparsh and Agarwal [4] described a remote health monitoring system for the collection of
blood pressure values from patients through mobile phones. Values recorded on mobile
phones are supplied and displayed to doctors or caregivers through the web interface in
the system. Doctors can monitor and manage the patient's condition through the system
and provide feedback to the patient remotely.

A secure IoT based modern healthcare system using Body Sensor Network (BSN)
referred to as BSN-Care was proposed by authors in Ref. [5]. The proposed system
measures and monitors physiological parameters such as blood pressure,
electrocardiogram (ECG), and electroencephalography conditions in the body through
wearable sensors. The values of measured parameters are collected and sent to the Local
Processing Unit, which is also the coordinator of the system. Data received by the
BSN-Care server from the body of the patient are fed into the database for analysis.
Based on the analysis and degree of abnormality in the values, the system alerts either the
family member, local physician or emergency unit contact of the patient. The system is
secured using a lightweight anonymous authentication protocol, which confirms the
identity of anyone using the BSN-Care server. For privacy, data integrity and data
freshness, the Offset Codebook (OCB) authentication encryption scheme was used.

Minh Pham et al. [6] presented a cloud-based smart home environment named CoSHE
for a home healthcare wearable unit, a private cloud and robot assistant. The CoSHE
system collects physiological, motion and audio signals from residents through
non-invasive wearable sensors and thus provides information about the daily activities
and location of residents in the home. Comprehensive health data are provided to
caregivers and caretakers through a web application built on the cloud server of the
system. The system also has a hydration monitoring application for continuous
monitoring of water consumption levels and daily fluid requirements of the patient.

Hydration monitoring is achieved by the use of acoustic data collected from microphones
and body activity context derived from a smartwatch accelerometer in the system.

Authors in Ref.[7] describe a short range centralized health monitoring system to acquire
electrocardiogram (ECG) data using wireless ZigBee communication for computerized
analysis. A prototype compact patient data collection system based on ATmega16L
microcontroller was developed to collect and compress single lead ECG data for wireless
transfer to a centralized station for remote end processing. A state of the art developed
software in the central station controlled the patient modules and post acquisition data
analysis. Test results with Physionet data and ECG collected from volunteers showed
satisfactory results.



3.1. Hardware Requirements

3.1.1. Arduino Mega 2560

The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It has 54
digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4
UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power
jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the
microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a
AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Mega 2560 board is compatible with
most shields designed for the Uno and the former boards Duemilanove or Diecimila.

Figure 3.1: Arduino mega board

3.1.2. MAX 30100 Pulse Oximeter Sensor

The MAX 30100 is an integrated pulse oximetry and heart-rate monitor sensor solution.
It combines two LEDs(one emits infrared light and other emits red light) modifiable
optics, a photodetector, optimized optics, and low-noise analog signal processing to

detect pulse oximetry and heart-rate signals. It's operating voltage is from 1.8v to 3.3 v.
The MAX30100 is used in different industrial and medical equipment such as fitness
measurement devices, medical devices, and different wearable instruments. The result is
that the accuracy of the tool reaches 99.62% for blood oxygen saturation measurements,
97.55% for heart rate when compared with industry standard devices.


● This sensor is available in the simplest circuit for heartbeat measurements.

● This module consists of two led infrared and red, a photodiode for light sensing,
and has an analog front end.
● The dimensions of this module are 5.6mm x 2.8mm x 1.2mm with the fourteen
pinouts which are available in optically improved closed packages.
● It provides low power battery solutions for handheld electronic devices. We can
program It in an easy way and suitable for low power components.
● Its high signal to noise ratio (SNR) gives high motion production flexibility.
● This sensor provides the confined light annulment, higher rate capacity, and
fast-moving output data.

(Ref: https://udvabony.com/product/max30100-heart-rate-finger-oximeter-module/)
Figure 3.2: MAX 30100 pulse oximeter sensor

3.1.3. MQ-2 gas sensor

It is a Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) type Gas Sensor also known as chemiresistors
as the detection is based upon change of resistance of the sensing material when the gas
comes in contact with the material. Using a simple voltage divider network,
concentrations of gas can be detected. It can detect LPG, Smoke, Alcohol, Propane,
Hydrogen, Methane and Carbon Monoxide concentrations anywhere from 200 to


● Operating voltage 5V
● Load resistance 20KΩ
● Heater resistance 33Ω ± 5%
● Heating consumption <800mw
● Sensing Resistance 10 KΩ – 60 KΩ
● Concentration Scope 200 – 10000ppm

(Ref: https://www.daraz.com.np/products/mq-2-gas-sensor-i103219335.html)
Figure 3.3: MQ-2 gas sensor

3.1.4. LM35 temperature sensor

The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature devices with an output
voltage linearly-proportional to the Centigrade temperature. TheLM35 device does not
require any external calibration or trimming to provide typical accuracy of ±¼°C at room
temperature and ±¾°C over a full−55°C to 150°C temperature range.


● Calibrated directly in Celsius(Centigrade)

● Linear + 10-mV/°C scale factor
● 0.5°C ensured accuracy(at 25°C)
● Rated or full−55°C to 150°C range
● Suitable for remote applications
● Low-cost due to Wafer-Level Trimming
● Operates from4 V to 30 V
● Less than 60-μA current drain
● Low self-heating, 0.08°C in still air
● Non-linearity only±¼°C typical
● Low-impedance output,0.1Ω for 1-mA load

(Ref: https://www.instructables.com/LM35-Temperature-Sensor/)
Figure 3.4: LM35 temperature sensor

3.1.5. ECG AD8232

ECG records the electrical activity generated by heart muscle depolarizations, which
propagate in pulsating electrical waves towards the skin. Although the electricity amount
is in fact very small, it can be picked up reliably with ECG electrodes attached to the
skin. The full ECG setup comprises at least four electrodes which are placed on the chest
or at the four extremities according to standard nomenclature (RA = right arm; LA = left
arm; RL = right leg; LL = left leg). Of course, variations of this setup exist to allow more
flexible and less intrusive recordings, for example, by attaching the electrodes to the
forearms and legs. ECG electrodes are typically wet sensors, requiring the use of a
conductive gel to increase conductivity between skin and electrodes.

(Ref: https://ram-e-shop.com/product/ecg-module-ad8232-heart-rate-pulse-rate-sensor/)
Figure 3.5: AD8232 ECG sensor

3.1.6. SIM 800A wireless GSM/GPRS module

SIM800A mini board with high-performance industrial grade GSM / GPRS module:
SIM800A, working frequency band: GSM900 / 1800MHz. Can achieve telephone voice,
SMS (SMS, MMS), GPRS data transmission function.


● Power supply requirements: 5V-18V power supply, current needs to be provided

1.5A or more.
● Support SMS, GPRS data transmission, send MMS, DTMF, HTTP, FTP, PPP
dialing and other functions.
● At the same time, the hardware contains a reset pin. This pin reset can be used
when there is a problem with the module.
● Serial port circuit: TVS and magnetic bead protection devices are used to protect
the board, so that the board will not be damaged by surge and high voltage.
● SIM card circuit: Add SMF05C electrostatic release chip.
● Antenna circuit: guaranteed to be short and straight so as to ensure signal strength.


Figure 3.6: SIM 800A wireless GSM/GPRS module

3.1.7. ESP 8266 wifi module

The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a low cost, compact and self contained SOC with
integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give any microcontroller access to your WiFi

network. The ESP8266 is capable of either hosting an application or offloading all WiFi
networking functions from another application processor. Each ESP8266 module comes
pre-programmed with an AT command set firmware, meaning, you can simply hook this
up to your Arduino device and get about as much WiFi-ability as a WiFi Shield offers.


● Power Supply: +3.3V only

● Current Consumption: 100mA
● I/O Voltage: 3.6V (max)
● I/O source current: 12mA (max)
● Built-in low power 32-bit MCU @ 80MHz
● 512kB Flash Memory
● Can be used as Station or Access Point or both combined
● Supports Deep sleep (<10uA)
● Supports serial communication hence compatible with many development
platform like Arduino
● Can be programmed using Arduino IDE or AT-commands or Lua Script


Figure 3.7: ESP8266 wiFi module

3.2. Software Requirements

3.2.1. Arduino IDE

The Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) is a cross-platform application

(for Windows, macOS, Linux) that is written in the programming language Java. It is
used to write and upload programs to Arduino compatible boards, but also, with the help
of 3rd party cores, other vendor development boards.


Figure 3.8: Screenshot of Arduino IDE

3.2.2. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a source-code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and
macOS. Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code
completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git.

Figure 3.9: Screenshot of VS-code

3.2.3. MySQLi

MySQLi is a relational database management system based on SQL – Structured Query

Language. The application is used for a wide range of purposes, including data
warehousing, e-commerce, and logging applications. The most common use for mySQL
however, is for the purpose of a web database.

3.2.4. IOT Cloud

An IoT cloud is a massive network that supports IoT devices and applications. This
includes the underlying infrastructure, servers and storage, needed for real-time

operations and processing. An IoT cloud also includes the services and standards
necessary for connecting, managing, and securing different IoT devices and applications.
It offers an efficient, flexible, and scalable model for delivering the infrastructure and
services needed to power IoT devices and applications for businesses with limited
resources. IoT clouds offer on-demand, cost-efficient hyperscale so organizations can
leverage the significant potential of IoT without having to build the underlying
infrastructure and services from scratch.

3.2.5. Lucid chart

Lucidchart helps users sketch and share professional flowchart diagrams, providing
designs for anything from brainstorming to project management.



Figure 4.1: Basic system overview diagram



5.1. System Overview

The smart healthcare system, whose block diagram is depicted in Figure 4.1, has various
components that function accordingly. Firstly, different sensors attached to the patient’s
body sense the values, the output from temperature sensor, gas sensor are given to analog
pins of arduino and the pulse oximeter sensor uses the I2C protocol and connects to the
arduino via SDA and SCL pins. Arduino mega has a few more modules attached to it,
wifi module and GSM/GPRS module and also has the power supplied to it. Values from
the sensors are continuously updated in the web host server and displayed in the website
using the wifi module and also saved at continuous time intervals.

There are two panels, admin and user , in the user panel user can view the real time data
on the website while in the admin panel admin can view how the patient is performing
looking at the values of the database which can also be viewed graphically for easy
viewing. Focusing on this covid scenario, if the values from pulse oximeter sensor, SpO2
drops below 87% and temperature exceeds 100 degree celsius(can vary according to the
nature of patient), then an alert in the form of call and email is sent to the doctor and the
patient’s intimates. Doctors or the authorities can view the patient's location from the
website and provide necessary health services in case of emergency.

The main flowchart for the smart healthcare system is shown in figure 5.1. The program
for the system is written in Arduino IDE using C/C++ for Arduino and ESP-01 module
and for the website, HTML,CSS and JS has been used for front end development PHP for
the back end.

5.2. System Flowchart

Figure 5.1: System flowchart

5.3. Dataflow Model

Figure 5.2: Dataflow model



6.1. Output

We have been able to complete everything on time and have made the whole system
functioning. Below are some of the screenshots that we have accomplished.

Figure 6.1: Real time sensors value displayed on website

Figure 6.2: Database storing sensor values

Figure 6.3: Values being displayed graphically on the admin panel

Figure 6.4: Call alerts notifications

Figure 6.5: Email alerts notifications

Figure 6.6: Results on LCD

Figure 6.7: System setup

Figure 6.8: System set on the patient body

6.2. Limitations

● Time delay in updating value in website because of the use of free web-hosting
● Part of the system won’t be operable (real time data being uploaded to website) if
there is no stable internet connection

6.3. Future scopes

● More sensors for health monitoring could be added and customized according to
the needs
● System can be made more modular and efficient
● Could be using the internet data through the SIM (while wifi is not available) and
make the system fully workable for every scenario.

6.4. Work schedule

Table 6.1: Gantt chart



Table 7.1: Total Cost


Doing this project, we faced multiple challenges but despite all the challenges and
obstacles, we have learned how to tackle it and give our best. We observed and
implemented various development models that we learned, in our own project because of
the various constraints and acquiring lessons that we think would be helpful for the
future . We came to learn many new things and most importantly got a life lesson to deal
with things with patience. Moving with the motto, everything happens for a reason,we
are content that we got to work with different boards in the process.


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