Maam Fe Reviewer Prof Ed 8
Maam Fe Reviewer Prof Ed 8
Maam Fe Reviewer Prof Ed 8
De Castro
*Definition*: A learning objective is a clear, concise statement that defines what students are
expected to learn and be able to do by the end of a lesson or course.
*Purpose*: It guides the instructional process and helps both teachers and students understand the
goals of the learning experience.
*Example*: "Students will be able to identify and describe the functions of major cell organelles." ###
*Definition*: A learning experience encompasses the activities, tasks, and interactions that students
engage in to achieve the learning objectives.
*Purpose*: It provides the means through which students can acquire the knowledge and skills
outlined in the learning objectives.
*Example*: Hands-on lab activities, group discussions, and multimedia presentations that help
students explore and understand cell biology.
*Definition*: Assessment of learning involves evaluating and measuring the extent to which students
have achieved the learning objectives.
*Purpose*: It provides feedback to both students and instructors about the effectiveness of the
learning experience and the level of student understanding.
*Example*: Quizzes, exams, lab reports, and presentations that test students' knowledge and skills
related to cell organelles.
Learning assessment goes back to the objective to check if the attainment was met. If not attained,
change the learning experiences, the approach, and style of teaching, BUT NOT the objectives. For the
reason that there are many things considered in constructing the objectives. It is also a cyclical process
and have that room for improvement every process.
-students are focused solely on book content and knowledge
-students creates their own knowledge, express their opinions, reflections, therefore giving an
authentic knowledge.
Jon Angelo V. De Castro
-is the act of gathering information on a daily basis in order to understand individual student’s learning
and needs.
-Assessment is a method of gathering your school performance data that aims to collect information
to specify and verify problems concerning your learning achievement. Thus, your teacher can make
decisions regarding your learning performance. It is essentially taking a sample of what you do,
making inferences, and estimating the worth of your actions. Some proof of your learning success can
be manifested in your tests, written works, journals, portfolios, and other learning tasks
-is the culminating act of interpreting the information gathered for the purpose of making decisions or
judgments about students’ learning and needs, often at reporting time. It forms as part of assessment.
-broadly includes testing and other types of measurement, as well as other types of information that
result in quantitative data such as attendance, records, teacher ratings of students, etc.
-is the assignment of a quantitative description of the pupils’/learners’ performance. The most
common example in classroom is when your teacher administers a quiz test or term examinations
and gives a score. On the other hand, when we measure objects, we use some standard instrument to
find out the length, mass, temperature, degree, behavior, and other things that we would like to find
out. Such instruments may be a ruler, scale, thermometer, pressure gauge, etc
refers to procedures that are based on tests. In learning, it is a salient part of assessment
*Assessment*: Think of assessment as *tasting the cake*. It involves checking the flavor, texture, and
overall quality to see if it meets the desired standards. This is similar to how teachers assess students'
understanding and skills through various activities and assignments. –
*Evaluation*: Evaluation is like *judging a cake competition*. It involves making a judgment about the
overall quality and success of the cake based on specific criteria. In education, evaluation refers to
making informed judgments about the effectiveness of the learning process and outcomes.
*Testing*: Testing is like *following a recipe to bake the cake*. It involves a structured process to
determine if the cake turns out as expected. In education, testing refers to administering standardized
exams or quizzes to determine if students have acquired the knowledge and skills outlined in the
learning objectives.
Jon Angelo V. De Castro
Connecting the Four
1. *Testing*: You follow a structured process (recipe) to see if students (cake) meet the learning
3. *Assessment*: You check the overall quality (tasting the cake) of students' understanding and skills.
4. *Evaluation*: You make informed judgments (judging a cake competition) about the effectiveness of
the learning process and outcomes.
-The preposition “for” in assessment FOR learning implies that assessment is done to improve and
ensure learning. This is referred to as FORMative assessment, assessment that is given while the
teacher is in the process of student formation (learning). It ensures that learning is going on while
teacher is in the process of teaching.
-Teacher does not lose anything if as he/she teaches he/she checks for understanding now and then.
This is to ensure that before he/she proceeds further or comes near the end of the chapter, unit or
course or grading period, the students understood the lesson.
-Formative assessment also includes the pre-test and the posttest that a teacher gives to ensure
learning. This is also termed pre-assessment.
Pre-test is used to find out where the students are or to determine their entry knowledge or skills so
teacher knows how to adjust instruction.
Post-test is used to find out if the intended learning outcome has been attained after the teaching-
learning process. If not, all students have attained it, then teacher has to apply an intervention or a
is usually given at the end of a unit, grading period or a term like a semester. It is meant to assess
learning for grading purposes, thus the term Assessment OF Learning. It is referred to as summative
assessment. The effectiveness of summative assessment depends on the validity and reliability of the
assessment activity and tools.
is associated with self-assessment. As the term implies, assessment by itself is already a form of
learning for the students. As students assess their own work (e.g. writing a paragraph) and or with their
peers with the use of scoring rubrics, they learn on their own what a good paragraph is. At the same
time, as they are engaged in self-assessment, they learn about themselves as learners and become
aware of how they learn. In short, in assessment AS learning, students set their targets, actively monitor
and evaluate their own learning in relation to their target. As a consequence, they become selfdirected
or independent learners. By assessing their own learning, they are learning at the same time.
Jon Angelo V. De Castro
4. Assessment should be fair and equitable. This should be sensitive to family, community,
gender and culture.
5. Assessment should help the students. This should provide positive feedback and
encourage students to participate actively in their own assessment in order to foster
lifelong learning and enable them to transfer knowledge and abilities to their life