World Series Extra: Party Like It'S 1988
World Series Extra: Party Like It'S 1988
World Series Extra: Party Like It'S 1988
6 3 GAME 1
Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times
FANS WATCH AS A fleet of F/A-18 Hornet aircraft fly over while singer Brad FERNANDO VALENZUELA'S wife, Linda, is comforted by family members
Paisley performs the national anthem before Game 1 at Dodger Stadium. during a pregame moment of silence to honor the late Dodgers pitching great.
Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times
THE YANKEES’ Giancarlo Stanton celebrates with teammates after his two-run home run in the THE DODGERS’ Freddie Freeman celebrates after hit-
sixth inning gave New York a 2-1 lead over the Dodgers. It was Stanton’s lone hit in five at-bats. ting a triple in the first. Freeman was stranded at third.
USC courted
donors, took on
rich youths as
walk-on athletes
Internal records show how school
provided an alternative path with
an acceptance rate of up to 90%
By Harriet Ryan and Matt Hamilton
life in quiet, rural Inyo County in 2015. But, he added, “his dad is now a huge supporter of
USC Athletics …”
Getting into USC is a daunting feat, with about 9% of
undergraduate applicants making the cut. For years,
though, the university quietly offered wealthy and well-
This red region flipped to Biden by 14 votes. What about this election? connected families such as the Ratanavadis an alterna-
tive path with much lower academic expectations and an
acceptance rate of 85% to 90%, a Times investigation
By Hailey Branson-Potts Ratanavadi’s family spokesperson told the newspaper
that his donation was “completely separate” from the ad-
BISHOP, Calif. — The last time ru- mission of his son and that, “If any inappropriate conduct
ral Inyo County had backed a Demo- took place behind closed doors at USC, the family was un-
crat for president was in 1964, when vot- aware of it.”
ers chose Lyndon B. Johnson. Thousands of internal university records reviewed by
But in 2020, Joe Biden beat Donald The Times show how an array of administrators manipu-
Trump. By 14 votes. lated the admissions system meant for athletes to tip the
Considering Trump carried Inyo scales in favor of the young relatives of real estate devel-
County by 13 percentage points four opers, financiers, CEOs, sports team owners, auto deal-
years earlier, it was quietly one of the ers and others who were prominent or had the potential
most dramatic red-to-blue flips in the to make large donations. [See USC, A5]
While California almost certainly
will vote for Vice President Kamala
Harris over Trump, once deep-red Inyo
County — home to some 19,000 people
between the Eastern Sierra and Ne-
vada state line — is a toss-up.
How a Berkeley
upbringing steeped
Unlike other rural places that over-
whelmingly vote Republican, Inyo
County “is more of an outlier,” with its
mountain and desert towns appealing
to “rednecks and hippies,” gun-toting
hunters and backpacking environmen-
[See Inyo County, A8]
IN BISHOP , Lynette McIntosh, right, is frustrated over the influx of
liberal residents, calling them “radicals” infiltrating the community.
Harris in politics
free speech and anti-war
By Mackenzie Mays movements, helped shape
Strikes in Lebanon
Strip — Israeli strikes on kill 3 journalists
residential areas in southern A rare Israeli airstrike in
Gaza killed 38 people Friday, southeast Lebanon hit a res-
Palestinian health officials idence where journalists
said, including 13 children were staying on Friday, lev-
from the same extended eling the building and killing
family. three media workers sleep-
In northern Gaza, health ing there. Thick dust
officials reported that Israeli churned up by the bombard-
forces had raided Kamal Ad- ment coated cars marked
wan Hospital, one of the few “PRESS” parked outside the
medical facilities still func- ruins of the guesthouse.
tioning in the area. Israel has Al Manar TV, operated by
renewed its offensive against Hezbollah, and the Beirut-
Hamas in the north in recent based Al Mayadeen TV, an
weeks, and aid groups are outlet seen as aligned with
sounding the alarm over dire the militant group, said its
humanitarian conditions. staffers were among those
In Lebanon, Israeli killed.
strikes on the country’s The Israeli army said it
southeast killed three Mahmoud Issa Anadolu was aware of reports that
journalists working for news PALESTINIANS along the border of the Jabaliya refugee camp make their way after being forcibly displaced the three journalists were
outlets that are considered by the Israeli army to southern areas of Gaza. Many traveled with the belongings they could carry on Friday. killed in the airstrike, which
to be aligned with the Leba- it said had targeted a
nese militant group Hezbol- in Khan Yunis and to the Eu- was its eighth worker to be without specifying how Gaza’s Health Ministry Hezbollah military struc-
lah and its patron, Iran. ropean Hospital, where re- killed since the Israel- many. said two children who were ture. “The incident is under
cords showed at least 15 Hamas war started more The Palestinian Civil De- on life support in the inten- review,” it added, without
members of the Al-Farra than a year ago. fense said that Israeli forces sive care unit died after the elaborating.
Dozens wounded family had been killed. Six arrested two of its workers, hospital’s generator cut out Imran Khan, a senior cor-
in Khan Yunis members of the Abdeen including a local rescue coor- and Israeli fire hit the oxy- respondent for Al Jazeera
Reports of raid at
The Health Ministry in family were also killed, dinator and a firefighter. gen tanks. It said that Israeli English who was among the
Gaza reported that Israeli health officials reported. pediatric hospital The Israeli military did not soldiers were conducting journalists in the Hasbaya
airstrikes and shelling Saleh al-Farra, who lost In response to reports immediately respond to a re- searches in the hospital, Village Club guesthouses,
pounded the southern city of his 17-year-old brother and that it had stormed Kamal quest for comment on the sparking panic and chaos in said the airstrike hit about
Khan Yunis, wounding doz- 15-year-old sister in the at- Adwan Hospital, the Israeli arrests. the complex full of some 600 3:30 a.m. without warning.
ens in addition to the 38 tack, said that shaking from military said only that it was The World Health Or- patients, medics and dis- “These were just journal-
killed. the bombardment sent his “operating in the area” of the ganization said Friday it had placed people. ists that were sleeping in bed
The Israeli military said family members running to hospital based on intelli- lost touch with its staff at The U.N. has said hun- after long days of covering
its troops were dismantling the middle of the house for gence that indicated the Kamal Adwan, where some dreds of thousands of people the conflict,” Khan posted
militant infrastructure and shelter. The next thing he presence of militants and had been the night before to have been trapped in north- on social media, adding that
killing Hamas fighters in the knew, he said, he was waking militant infrastructure. deliver supplies and help ern Gaza with little food or he and his team were un-
southern town. It said the up in the rubble of what had The pediatric hospital is transfer patients to Shifa supplies as Israeli forces hurt.
casualty figures from Gaza’s been his home. one of the area’s three medi- Hospital in Gaza City. The close in on the town of Ja- Lebanon’s health min-
Health Ministry “do not “I started screaming and cal facilities to remain some- Israeli military body that baliya. The U.N. human ister said Friday that 11 jour-
align with the information” screaming until my brother what operational during the oversees aid distribution in rights chief, Volker Turk, nalists have been killed in
it has, but did not offer its and father came, and they war. Since the Israeli mili- Gaza, COGAT, said it facili- said Friday that Israeli mili- Lebanon and eight wounded
own estimates. started trying to pull me tary ordered the evacuation tated the United Nations tary actions in the north since Israel and Hezbollah
Palestinians said the out,” he said. “I didn’t know of the hospitals amid its re- health agency’s efforts to de- “risk emptying the area of all group began trading cross-
neighborhood was hit with anything about anyone.” newed assault against liver aid and fuel to Kamal Palestinians.” border fire in October 2023.
no warning. The medical organiza- Hamas militants in north- Adwan and evacuate pa- Since the Hamas-led at- On Friday, at least two
Video from the Palestin- tion Doctors Without Bor- ern Gaza, doctors have tients. tack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023 people in northern Israel
ian Civil Defense showed ders said that one of its staff warned that dire shortages Kamal Adwan Hospital — in which Palestinian mili- were killed by shrapnel dur-
rescuers pulling the blood- members — identified as 41- of food, medicine and other Director Hussam Abu tants killed some 1,200 peo- ing a rocket barrage from
ied bodies of nine children year-old Hassan Sobh, a fa- supplies had triggered a hu- Safiya could not be reached ple, mostly civilians, and Lebanon, according to Ma-
from the Al-Farra family out ther of seven who had manitarian emergency. Friday. In voice messages dragged 250 others into gen David Adom, Israel’s
of the ruins. worked with the charity for The Gaza-based Min- sent late Thursday, Abu Gaza — many hospitals in emergency service. The
The victims were taken to five years — had been killed istry of Health reported that Safiya described calamitous Gaza have come under at- rockets struck in Majd Al-
the Nasser Medical Complex in the attack. It said Sobh Israeli troops Friday conditions. tack. Kamal Adwan was be- Krum, an Arab town in the
rounded up medical staff “Patients are still lying on sieged and raided by Israeli country’s north, hitting a
and displaced people shel- the floors of the reception forces a year ago. gym.
tering at the hospital and and emergency areas, with The Israeli military ac-
forced the men to strip, a many in critical condition. cuses Hamas fighters of us- Shurafa and Mroue write for
including the Thomases, guilty to wire fraud in con- — C HRIS Z AMBRI , then-USC golf coach, in an email to a heir’s academic record. “Got “Prior to his admission,
who disputed through a law- nection with her handling of colleague months after energy and telecom mogul Sarath to get the Thai kid in.” USC did not ask for a gift
yer the USC administrators’ clients of Rick Singer, the Ratanavadi’s son was admitted in 2015 After Subco admitted the from the Comisars, nor did
account. “As a USC alum- counselor convicted of son of Palos Verdes the Comisars say anything
nus, Jim Thomas regularly masterminding the scam.) tial scholarships and legiti- Vegas real estate agent pur- businessman Sandy Durko, to suggest that they would
donated to his alma mater. At the time, USC men’s mate walk-ons for whom suing admission for his son a former USC football great, provide one,” the statement
He never made a donation tennis was the most domi- coaches lacked scholarship explained in a 2016 email for- as a baseball walk-on in 2015, said.
approximating a six-figure nant team in the country, slots but wanted on their warded to USC, “I believe Haden instructed his fund- Comisar gave $20,000 to
sum and never suggested having won five of the previ- teams. that [he] will be admitted on raising chief to reach out for USC in the year and a half af-
that he would,” said the law- ous six NCAA team champi- The focus of these bi- his own merits, however, we a donation. ter his son’s acceptance, a
yer, Jeffrey Wiesner. onships. Cancro’s stepson weekly Subco meetings was both would appreciate a “I already spoke to him period in which he served on
The Ratanavadis’ had played tennis for years not the sports prowess of the sense of security.” and he is expecting [y]our USC Marshall School of
spokesperson disputed the but never ranked higher students, which was largely At USC, the approxi- call. Got son in,” Haden Business’ board of leaders,
USC admissions officer’s as- than 362nd in his age group, assumed, but their academ- mately half dozen people wrote. the statement said.
sessment of the son’s aca- according to a resume he ic records. USC could poten- who participated in Subco Durko’s son did not ap- Heinel, who served four
demic record, saying the submitted to USC. tially overlook a transcript of meetings operated with dif- pear on the team roster. months in prison for Varsity
transcript contained “inter- In the following weeks, Bs and Cs for a lineman who ferent levels of knowledge Durko did not respond to Blues, declined to speak to
im grades, not final marks.” Heinel worked with the step- ran a 40-yard dash in 4.8 sec- about which candidates messages. The Times about Comisar or
The spokesperson added of son to prepare a one-sheet onds or an ACT score of 27 were relatives of donors or other applicants. She said of
the $3-million donation in summary of his tennis ac- for a pitcher with a 98-mph prospective donors. Some her role in Subco, “I did my
complishments that she Concierge service
the year before his admis- fastball. But some grades admissions officers had little job the way I was instructed
sion, “Any claim that this would present to a subcom- and test scores were so contact with USC’s fund- for a wealthy family to do my job and taught to do
support was transactional mittee of admissions officers abysmal that the committee raising operation and were Under Haden, the ath- my job.”
or quid pro quo is false.” checking athletes for basic doubted the applicant’s abil- largely unaware. letic department added five
USC and its employees academic qualifications. ity to function in a university Others, such as Dean of additional fundraising ad-
Giving his application a ‘Geez they like to
refused interview requests classroom. Mainly for this Admissions Tim Brunold, ministrators. One was Al-
and did not provide answers last read before the commit- reason, Subco rejected had greater insight. Al- exandra Bitterlin Reisman, make people dance’
to a list of questions from tee meeting, Heinel stum- about 10% to 15% of cases, ac- though he oversaw a team of the daughter of one of Whether families had dis-
The Times. A statement bled upon a complication. cording to testimony by a about 80 people who han- Haden’s USC classmates. cussed donations with USC
from a university spokes- “In his essay he states USC admissions officer in dled more than 65,000 un- “I have a very wealthy before their child’s admis-
person did not address the that he became tired of prac- the Varsity Blues cases. dergraduate applications family whose son wants to sion, the records suggest
conduct of USC employees ticing tennis from 5-9 Pm ev- It’s unclear when Subco each year, Brunold carved leave SMU. He hates it al- that administrators ex-
and attorneys in the Varsity ery night so he quit playing became a vehicle for fund- out time in his schedule to ready and wants to be closer pected money.
Blues litigation. It did ac- tennis,” Heinel emailed his raising. The university re- meet personally with poten- to home [from Palisades],” Three young members of
knowledge fraud and other stepfather on Feb.12, 2015. “It cords reviewed by The tial donors and their college- Reisman wrote to a col- the extended Spanos family,
problems in the past in how is hard to present a candi- Times show that, as early as age relatives recommended league in October 2013. “He’ll the owners of the NFL’s
students were admitted date as a walk-on tennis the mid-2000s, teens with by the athletic department, apply of course, but could Chargers, got in as walk-ons,
through the athletic depart- player when he states in his thin athletic resumes from including Ratanavadi and [h]e get in in January?! They including a golfer whose
ment. The university said it essay that he quit playing.” some of Southern Califor- his father, according to cor- will donate big.” undistinguished high school
could not discuss individual The records do not re- nia’s wealthiest enclaves respondence memorializing A glance at the USC ad- record in the sport featured
cases because of privacy flect how Cancro responded, were admitted as walk-ons. the visits. He also regularly missions website would indi- a 19-over-par score at a jun-
laws. but the committee approved Heinel has said in court pa- received spreadsheets of ap- cate the answer was no. ior tournament. USC had
“This fraud involved a the teenager for admission pers that she was intro- plicants favored by athletics, Transfer students generally hoped for a $5-million gift
limited number of employ- two weeks later. His name duced to the system around such as a 2015 list that dis- applied by Feb. 1 for admis- from the family, according to
ees exclusively in Athletics does not appear on any USC 2006 by then-senior associ- played Ratanavadi’s son’s sion in the fall. a proposal prepared by
who are no longer with the tennis roster. ate athletic director Bran- SAT scores and GPA with But for the son of Peter fundraising staffers, and
university,” the statement Cancro and his wife made don Martin, her supervisor, the notation, “$3mil to Men’s Comisar, the vice chairman when a gift failed to materi-
asserted. It noted new safe- a $500,000 pledge after his who had a particular apti- Golf-Thailand.” and head of West Coast in- alize, administrators re-
guards in place since 2020 admission, according to an tude with applicants from The connection between vestment banking at acted as if they had been
and stated, “We are glad this email from the couple that upscale communities south USC’s sports program and Guggenheim Securities, duped.
matter is in the past and that Orr forwarded on to col- of L.A. the very wealthy grew when USC offered virtually conci- “Their reputation across
we have learned from it in or- leagues. “Martin’s success at this Haden took over as athletic erge service so that he could campus is terrible,” Reis-
der to ensure it does not hap- “Good news … Jersey practice started a running director in 2010. gain admission halfway man erupted in a 2016 email
pen again.” Mikes coming through,” Orr joke in the athletic depart- An All-American Trojan through the freshman year. [See USC, A6]
A6 SAT U R DAY , O C T O B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M
Judge M. Page Kelley said in make it to the witness stand Others signaled they
a November 2019 hearing. in Boston, nothing he would would also refuse to testify,
She ruled that Zangrillo say would help the defense. including two assistants to
4G & Sunday
was entitled to the records, “He made it clear to USC Heinel who had prepared
but she allowed USC to staff during numerous staff Subco packets. USC said it
redact the materials to pro- meetings that they were not followed California law and
a y, S at u
tect student privacy. to link donation to the ad- standard employment prac-
rsd ay, Frid S AV INGS!
The university turned missions decisions,” tices in covering the legal
over heavily redacted docu- Haden’s lawyers wrote. fees for current and former
ments. One spreadsheet of “Coaches were supposed to employees. The university
VIP applicants, for example, recruit real players in order said it did not tell the attor-
had 24 out of 26 columns re- to win games, not sell spots.” neys what strategy to pur-
dacted. A Gibson Dunn at-
torney told the defense that
Asked to reconcile those
statements with the admis-
sue or whether their clients
should testify. CLOSED
some of the blacked-out in- sion of donors’ and prospec- Both parents were con-
formation “only related to tive donors’ relatives, his at- victed, but an appellate
‘test scores or grades,’ ” ac- torney, Brandon Fox, sent a court later threw out the
cording to a court order statement to The Times charges against Abdelaziz
summarizing events. that said, in part, “Pat and all but one of the counts
While Zangrillo’s lawyer Haden had no role in the ad- against Wilson.
was trying to make sense of missions department, never
the records, he discovered attended a single Subco
‘Important to him
an unredacted copy of the meeting, and routinely ad-
spreadsheet in the reams of vised parents and staff that to be on the roster’
documents shared by prose- donations could not be The son of Ratanavadi,
cutors. He could see that linked to admissions. ... The the Thai energy tycoon who
USC had hidden not just fact that Mr. Haden was ne- had given $3 million, was on
GPAs and ACT scores, but ver called as a witness in any the USC golf roster for four
also detailed information trial shows how far removed years.
about parents’ wealth, pre- he was from any wrongful ac- Team photos show
vious contributions and ex- tivity.” Ratanavadi’s son in the
pected future donations, ac- Judges mostly agreed front row, beaming in a car-
cording to a court filing by with USC, ruling that much dinal shirt alongside men
Zangrillo’s attorney. of the material about VIP who would go on to PGA ca-
Pridmore Designs
Kelly, the magistrate and Subco applicants reers.
judge, excoriated the uni- should be kept out. He participated in just
versity for deception. “This trial is not going to two collegiate tournaments,
“USC has made mislead- be about the general admis- finishing 80th and 84th. A
the redactions to the materi- the method it uses to admit she said was a testimonial
als,” she wrote in a 2020 rul- students,” said U.S. Dist. from an unnamed coach
ing that called university Judge Nathaniel Gorton, suggesting that he had been
lawyers’ attempts to justify who was presiding over the kept on the team for reasons
the misrepresentation “un- trial of parents John Wilson beyond athletic ability.
persuasive.” and Gamal Abdelaziz. “USC “He’s a smart, funny kid.
USC did not answer
questions about its attor-
is not on trial here.”
The only USC adminis-
The guys enjoyed being
neys’ conduct. trator to testify was an as- him,” the testimonial read in
Before a trial in which sistant dean of undergradu- part.
USC’s practices might have ate admissions. Rebecca In the years his son at-
become public, then-Presi- Chassin was four rungs tended college, Ratanavadi
dent Trump pardoned down from the top of the de- continued writing checks to
& More!
committee. nalism.
A sanitized
“I’m trusting the athletic Emails reviewed by The
portrayal of Subco resumé that’s been included Times show that by
On Oct. 1, 2021, Orr was in the Subco packet which I Ratanavadi’s son’s senior
called as a witness at the tri- believe has information year, his continuing pres-
al of two Varsity Blues par- from the coach about their ence on the golf team had
ents in Boston. At his side athletic talent and about the become a topic of discussion
was a lawyer paid for by role they’ll play on the in the athletic department.
USC. team,” Chassin testified, Zambri, the golf coach, was
“Were walk-on students conceding, “I don’t really pushing to expand his roster
sometimes admitted know too much about ath- for players who could con-
through the subcommittee letics at the high school level tribute to the team.
on athletic admission for or really at any level.” Heinel told him that in-
reasons other than athletic Called to the stand by the creasing the number of slots
talent?” a defense attorney defense, Orr and Lopes re- was not permitted and rec-
began his examination. fused to answer questions ommended cutting
“On the advice of my about the courting of Ratanavadi’s son. She told
counsel, I assert the 5th donors’ children. him in an August 2018 email,
Amendment right to remain “Did the USC athletic de- “Since this gentleman is not
silent,” Orr replied. partment exchange prefer- even coming to practice,
Only three of the 55 peo- ential admissions treatment competing in tournaments
ple charged in the admis- for donations to the Uni- or will be present during
sions case actually went to versity of Southern Califor- your competitive season you
trial, and each attempted to nia?” asked an attorney for would not have him on the
bring before the jury evi- parent Abdelaziz. squad.”
dence about Subco and how Lopes, who worked in the Zambri balked at jetti-
USC approached VIP appli- athletic department for 35 soning Ratanavadi’s son,
cants in general. years, said, “On the advice of telling Heinel, “I think, for
The university resisted, my counsel, I assert my 5th whatever reason, it is impor-
as shown in dozens of mo- Amendment right to remain tant to him to be on the
tions and at hearings. De- silent.” roster. Which means it is im-
fense attorneys served at After questioning both portant to [his father]
least 27 subpoenas on cur- former USC employees pri- Sarath.”
rent or former employees, vately, the trial judge an- The son received a bach-
but lawyers for USC and the nounced that “each witness elor’s degree from USC’s
individuals insisted most of has satisfied the Court that communications school in
the testimony was unneces- there is at least a reasonable 2019, making the Dean’s List
sary. probability that they would one semester and, accord-
Reisman and two fund- face some authentic danger ing to the family spokes-
raising colleagues told the of incrimination were they to person, earning a 3.5 GPA.
court through their lawyer, testify.” He now runs a private golf
“USC did not use Subco as a Orr told The Times that club outside Bangkok
fundraising tool.” he wasn’t concerned about owned by his father.
Ferris wheel to grace West Harbor in San Pedro
will be big enough to serve
Amusement park 1,600 people at a time with
live and fresh fish for sale. It
rides, restaurants and will operate for about three
bars will be part of years.
After that, the Fish Mar-
the project replacing ket will open in another loca-
Ports O’ Call. tion at West Harbor that can
seat 3,000 and would be one
of the largest restaurants in
By Roger Vincent the country, Ungaro said.
Currently the market is
The Port of Los Angeles operating with mobile
will get an amusement park kitchens in temporary out-
with a large observation door quarters in the parking
wheel as part of West Har- lot next to its former site,
bor, the attraction being where it served 450,000 din-
built to replace Ports O’ Call ers and grossed $16 million
in San Pedro. last year, Ungaro said.
With the project’s $155- “It’s a testament to their
million first phase, which brand, and their product,
will include restaurants, and the fierce loyalty of their
bars and shops, set to open clientele,” Johnson said.
late next year, its developers Ports O’ Call, a kitschy
announced plans to ex- imitation of a New England
pedite construction of the fishing village, opened in
next phase, which calls for 1962. It was a major regional
more food tenants as well as attraction where thousands
an array of outdoor pickle- came every year to stroll
ball and padel courts. among quaint shops, take
Developers also struck a boat rides and dine by the
tentative deal with the own- water. For a period in the
ers of popular San Pedro 1970s, the mast-like Sky-
Fish Market to forgo plans to tower lifted visitors 30 sto-
build an expansive $140-mil- ries high to show them giant
lion restaurant and enter- tankers, cruise ships and
tainment complex nearby fishing trawlers navigating
and instead remain at West the port.
Harbor. The Fish Market is But in the late 1980s,
one of the top-grossing Ports O’ Call Village faded
restaurants in the country Studio One Eleven and grew shabby, a victim of
but had to move from its AN ARTIST’S RENDERING of the West Harbor food and entertainment complex depicts some attractions, changing tastes in enter-
longtime home on a wooden including a Ferris wheel, carousel and wave swinger, planned near the Port of Los Angeles in San Pedro. tainment and dwindling in-
pier to make way for con- vestment in its upkeep and
struction of West Harbor. swinger and other carnival with Crème & Sugar, Oak- Among the tenants will Harbor Breeze Cruises improvement. Despite a
The West Harbor Wheel, rides operated by SkyView berry Acai and a park set be Yamashiro, a Japanese- will remain and the Los An- last-minute, nostalgia-fu-
as the Ferris wheel will be Partners of St. Louis. aside for new pop-up restau- themed restaurant that has geles Maritime Institute’s eled community outcry and
known, will be as high as 150 The public courts will be rant and beverage concepts been a Hollywood destina- wooden tall ships will dock lawsuits from merchants
feet — about 50% higher operated by the King of to test the waters. tion for decades and plans to at West Harbor. and restaurants, all but the
than the Pacific Wheel at Pa- Padel, which will manage six The second phase will open a second branch on the Future phases are ex- fish market was demolished
cific Park amusement cen- padel courts and 10 pickle- cost about $45 million, waterfront. pected to include a hotel and in 2018 to make way for dram-
ter on Santa Monica Pier, he ball courts, which will be bringing the total cost for Other announced ten- a 6,200-seat amphitheater atic redevelopment, first
said. Riders will occupy en- available to the public as well the first two phases to $200 ants are Bark Social, an off- now undergoing an environ- proposed by the Harbor
closed gondolas that will as for club and league million, said Eric Johnson, leash membership dog park mental review. The venue is Commission five years be-
provide views of the working games. The San Diego com- president of Jerico Devel- and social club, experiential being developed with music fore.
port, the USS Iowa battle- pany puts on tournaments, opment, which is co-devel- art gallery Hopscotch, Mike and theater impresario Ned- San Pedro company
ship, the Vincent Thomas glow-in-the-dark events and oping West Harbor with Hess Brewing, restaurants erlander Organization. Jerico Development and Los
Bridge and cruise ships. social mixers. Ratkovich Co. Tenants will Poppy + Rose, King and San Pedro Fish Market Angeles developer Ratko-
Other attractions in the Other phase two tenants spend another $75 million Queen Cantina, and Mario’s will also expand in phases, vich Co. were selected by
amusement park will in- will include San Pedro pizze- building out their spaces, he Neighborhood Butcher Chief Executive Mike Un- port officials to perform the
clude a carousel, a wave ria Miller Butler and Coffee estimated. Shop & Delicatessen. garo said. The first phase makeover of the 42-acre site.
Judge rejects prosecutor’s bid to reopen Baldwin’s ‘Rust’ case CNN said in one court fil-
ing that concerns editors ex-
pressed about the story
“had to do with their percep-
wrote in her five-page order. search and prepare argu- available to Baldwin’s de- Arizona. Teske was sched- tion of the quality of the jour-
A New Mexico jurist “The State disagrees ment.” fense attorneys for inspec- uled to be a witness in nalism,” not its accuracy.
with the Court’s analysis Marlowe Sommer also tion. Instead, the rounds Gutierrez’s trial in early The company also argued
says Kari T. Morrissey and intends to appeal the wrote that Morrissey’s mo- were put in evidence storage March, so he brought the that harsh language about
failed to raise factual ruling,” Morrissey said Fri- tion was untimely, noting under a different case num- bullets with him to Santa Fe Young in internal messages
day in response. the prosecutor missed an ber than the one for the in case they could be useful. by its journalists does not
or legal reasons to Morrissey, in recent mo- Aug. 30 deadline to file the “Rust” shooting investiga- But Gutierrez’s defense at- demonstrate that they pur-
retry the actor. tions filed with the court, motion. tion. torney decided not to call posely published false infor-
has defended the state’s In addition, the judge Baldwin’s attorneys ar- Teske to testify. mation.
handling of the case and dis- said Morrissey’s 52-page gued that the actor-pro- Gutierrez was convicted “Few things are more
By Meg James puted evidence — rounds of motion exceeded the num- ducer was denied his right to in March of involuntary common in newsrooms than
ammunition turned over to ber of pages allowed by state a fair trial because the state manslaughter in the journalists using tough and
A New Mexico judge has the Santa Fe County Sher- rules. was obligated to turn over all Hutchins shooting. indignant language to refer
refused to revive Alec Bald- iff ’s Department earlier this Baldwin was facing an 18- evidence that could be help- After her conviction, and to persons whose misdeeds
win’s manslaughter case in year that may have matched month prison sentence if ful to his defense. before leaving Santa Fe, they believe they are in the
the “Rust” movie shooting, the bullet that killed “Rust” found guilty of involuntary The judge agreed and Teske turned over the am- process of exposing,” CNN
denying a motion from the cinematographer Halyna manslaughter for Hutchins’ dismissed the charges munition to the Sheriff ’s De- attorneys said in a court fil-
prosecutor who had asked Hutchins three years ago. Oct. 21, 2021, death during against Baldwin with preju- partment. ing.
the judge to reconsider her But the judge appeared the production of “Rust.” dice, meaning they cannot The judge was chagrined In 2020, CNN settled a
decision to clear Baldwin of troubled over the prose- But just as the trial was get- be refiled. to learn that three of the lawsuit filed by Kentucky
criminal liability. cutor’s attitude toward ting underway in a Santa Fe Morrissey tried to argue rounds appeared to match high school student Nicho-
First Judicial Circuit Baldwin’s defense attorneys’ courtroom, Marlowe Som- the judge’s actions were too the fatal bullet in the “Rust” las Sandmann, who was at
Court Judge Mary Marlowe arguments in July that the mer tossed out Baldwin’s severe because the rounds movie set shooting, contrib- the center of a viral video
Sommer late Thursday de- actor had been denied his criminal case after the new had no bearing on Baldwin’s uting to her decision to dis- controversy. The lawsuit
nied special prosecutor Kari right to review all the evi- evidence came to light. case. miss the charges against said CNN falsely accused
T. Morrissey’s motion to re- dence against him. Months earlier, a former The disputed rounds Baldwin. Sandmann and other stu-
consider the dismissal of the Marlowe Sommer said police officer who lives in Ar- made it to sheriff ’s deputies Separately, Gutierrez dents of “engaging in racist
felony charge against that during a July 12 hearing izona had delivered nearly in a roundabout way. failed in her bid this fall to conduct” after a rally.
Baldwin, star of the troubled over the disputed evidence, two dozen .45-caliber rounds The retired police officer, have Marlowe Sommer Several conservative me-
western movie. Morrissey “elected not to to the Santa Fe County Troy Teske, is a friend of throw out her conviction, al- dia outlets have settled defa-
“The Court concludes make any argument follow- Sheriff ’s Department, say- Thell Reed, a noted Holly- leging that the prosecutor mation cases related to false
that the State does not raise ing the introduction of evi- ing the ammunition might wood armorer and father of also withheld evidence in her voter fraud claims made
any factual or legal argu- dence ... and chose not to ask have been related to the “Rust” weapons handler proceedings. Gutierrez is during the 2020 presidential
ments that would justify the the court to recess the hear- “Rust” shooting. Hannah Gutierrez. In 2021, serving her 18-month sen- election, including $787 mil-
grant of a motion to recon- ing to allow additional time But sheriff ’s deputies Teske stored ammunition tence at a New Mexico wom- lion paid by Fox News to Do-
sider,” Marlowe Sommer for the state to conduct re- failed to make those bullets for Reed, who also lives in en’s prison. minion Voting Systems.
A10 SAT U R DAY , O C T O B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M
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L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N S AT U R DAY , O C T O B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 A11
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lessons from a
historical sources. What we do know is The two major political parties have too much of a
that Nødtvedt was a teacher who
stranglehold on the nomination process. For many
followed his conscience. Records paint
centrist voters, that stranglehold essentially sidelines
a picture of a dedicated, peaceful pub-
teacher murdered
them completely at the primary stage if they no longer
lic servant, the kind you see every-
where in the world — except where register as a Democrat or a Republican.
fascism declares them to be “the ene- The impact can be similar, however, for someone like
my within” and forces them out or me who has remained a registered Democrat but would
for resisting the Nazis worse. have crossed over to vote for Republican Nikki Haley in
My grandfather and an entire gen- our March primary had I been given the opportunity.
eration of local children grew up know- Instead, the only non-laughable option I had as a regis-
ing that their teacher had been taken tered Democrat was to vote for President Biden or not
and murdered for resisting fascists — vote at all.
ably loud. for heroism against small men like Finding a solution will not be easy, but perhaps it is
In 1940s Norway, as in today’s As it happens, I visited the family Quisling, who truly are “the enemy time to begin exploring the possibility of a single,
farm (known as Mostraumen) last within” as they seek to dismantle the nationwide presidential primary in which voters would
United States, reactionary summer, and I was keen to learn more foundations of truth and democracy not be limited by their party affiliation or lack thereof.
politicians tried to rewrite about the life of the teacher, Lars through warped curricula. This sort of This is akin to what California now does at the state
Nødtvedt. The tiny schoolhouse where experience made such a mark on Nor-
history for their own ends. he taught still stands on the property; wegians that 70 years later, my grand-
Russ Swartz, Granada Hills
during its prewar heyday, children in mother was still impressing the
this remote corner of western Norway lessons upon me.
would take a boat to school at Nødtvedt had taught in one of the
hey took Knut’s
teacher, you know.” Mostraumen, a prosperous farm for its most peaceful settings imaginable — a The subheadline for gence-generated fake
It was something time. tiny schoolhouse on a fjord, next to a Goldberg’s column was, images when helping with
my late grandmother According to a local history book narrow strait where the water flows “This election reflects the his daughter’s school
often said when, as a published in 1990, Nødtvedt started swiftly in whatever direction the tide fact that Republicans and project couldn’t have been
child, I asked about life in Norway teaching in the small municipality of dictates. Today, that part of Norway Democrats have both better. I just finished up a
during World War II. Sometimes she’d Modalen in 1915. Though he is honored retains its old-country character, become minority parties.” few lessons with students
talk about sawdust-laden bread ra- in the area today as a teacher, the book though with a lot more tourists. In the Reading this, I believed he about the need to deter-
tions and sharp-dressed thugs out and describes him as something of a Ren- closest town to Mostraumen, a memo- would write about inde- mine if websites, photos
about for the five years Nazi forces aissance man: A pioneer in fur trading, rial to Nødtvedt and the other local pendents such as me. and other online resources
brought Norway’s democracy to heel, he was “the first of the teachers in teacher killed during the war, Knut But he did not mention are real or fake.
but she seemed especially intent on Modalen to get a car,” an oddity for an Otterstad, stands in the churchyard independents once, so I Common Sense Media
getting across what happened to the area that had limited road access until cemetery where generations of my will. is a great starting point for
educator who taught my grandfather recently. family are buried. Independents became educators to help students
(whose name is pronounced “kuh- Nødtvedt continued teaching The memorial, as Norwegian the largest voting bloc learn the ins and outs of
noot,” not “newt”) at his childhood through the Nazi invasion of Norway in monuments tend to do, draws atten- because voters got tired of how to use critical think-
fjord-side farm. May 1940, but he quit in early 1942 — tion with its simplicity — a granite seeing both Democrats ing skills to determine if
Now, with my grandmother 10 years along with thousands of other educa- boulder sitting on the grass, the names and Republicans being information or photos and
deceased and my grandfather more tors. At the time, the Nazis’ puppet of the two men carved into the flat end, controlled by Big Business videos have been altered
than 30, we face an election in which government led by Vidkun Quisling inscriptions noting that they were and Big Money. Generally, using manipulation or
one candidate threatens reprisals was maneuvering to force a Nazified teachers killed by the German occupi- we are fiscal conservatives deception.
against his critics and has floated curriculum on schools, but the teach- ers. (don’t spend more money My students are learn-
plans to certify teachers based on their ers weren’t having it. So, at grave risk Looking at this memorial from 1996, than you take in) and ing about the importance
patriotism and yank funding from to their lives and freedom, they walked it’s obvious what the community wants liberal on social issues of not always believing
public schools he dislikes. That refrain off the job en masse. you to know: They took these teachers. (pro-choice, pro-gay mar- what they see or read
of my mor mor, “They took Knut’s Remarkably, their collective act of — Paul Thornton, riage and so forth). online. Much has changed,
teacher, you know,” rings uncomfort- resistance worked: A society without letters editor Hopefully, a candidate especially in the last 10
will emerge one day who years, but as one instruc-
reflects America’s largest tional video noted, we all
voting bloc. should use an important
Vaughn Hardenberg tool when going online: our
Valerie Belt
Pacific Palisades
the people to enrich the elite Russia’s oligarchs are mentioned. The
Paradise Papers, a similar data leak
made public in 2017, implicated Trump
Goldberg writes as if
this election is simply a
Cabinet members, advisors and major political battle. This ig- What a sad article on
economic growth. donors. Perhaps the former presi- nores the Trump cam- young children wasting
If he regains power, the former And in the first year of the pan- dent’s pending trials and his 34 felony paign’s culture war pos- time on fake AI pictures.
demic, when tens of millions of Ameri- convictions tend to eclipse those finan- ture and pandering to a Young students should be
president would serve his cans were losing their jobs? That’s cial troubles in Americans’ minds. “Christian” electorate; encouraged to first devel-
billionaire buddies like Elon when hundreds of American billion- I’m not sure why poor Americans ignores his criminal be- op their own critical think-
aires got $1.2 trillion richer. would believe Trump’s economic poli- havior and still-unresolved ing skills without using
Musk and Vladimir Putin. Taxes are a big part of this story. cies would help them in any way. criminal accountability in computers.
Reportedly Musk, ranked as the Maybe some Americans think of multiple cases; and it How about developing
world’s richest person, paid roughly rising incomes and credit Trump for ignores the stoking of fear their vocabulary and
LZ GRANDERSON 3% in taxes from 2014 to 2018. The aver- those. But the increase in wages that and anger by constantly social skills by interview-
age American pays more like 15%. workers currently enjoy largely came lying about history, cur- ing their own families and
Believing Donald If you think Trump would be good about because of work stoppages led rent events, his non-solu- friends for information on
Trump will be better for the economy, you just might be a by unions and a supportive Biden tions to those events and whatever subject? How
for the economy than billionaire. White House. Trump and Musk do not his own past behavior. about learning to use
Vice President Kamala Not that Trump’s billionaire fans want union workers. They talk openly This is not political. books to research the
Harris is like thinking are fixated only on American taxes. about their disdain for paying over- The Republicans do this topics? How about using
you’re a dinner guest The ultra-rich around the world are time. In fact, Project 2025 — the blue- by using race, religion and their own handwriting to
when you’re actually thriving since Trump’s wealth transfer print for how a second Trump admin- gender as wedges driven record the report in their
the main course. began, with the richest 1% grabbing istration would reshape the govern- into the fabric of our soci- own words? How about
There’s a reason three billionaires two-thirds of the new wealth that was ment around him — would make it ety. drawing their own illustra-
— including Elon Musk — poured $220 created between 2020 and 2023. easier for corporations to avoid paying This is no longer a tions rather than wasting
million into Trump’s re-election bid They’ve helped Trump beyond just workers extra for longer days. sun/moon or a moon/moon time wondering if the
this summer, and it’s not because they campaign donations. Maybe some Americans recall political battle; it is a images they found online
felt the pinch when the price of a gallon According to the Wall Street Jour- direct assistance from the federal man-made assault on the are fake?
of milk went up a few years ago. It’s nal, Musk has been regularly chatting government early in the pandemic and country’s democratic Would developing good,
because the former president has a with Russian President Vladimir Putin imagine Trump was behind those principles and institu- basic critical-thinking
proven record of helping the ultra-rich since 2022, just as Trump is reported to checks. He wasn’t. The three rounds of tions. The handicapping of skills at this young age
get richer at the expense of average have had many private phone calls stimulus relief — including the infa- this race is close because help them in later years to
Americans. with the dictator since leaving the mous check that has Trump’s name on the corporate-owned see differences between
Trump’s 2017 tax cuts were crafted White House. Operatives for Putin — it — came about because Democrats in media has sane-washed true information and
to mostly benefit the wealthiest 20%. whose hidden assets have been esti- Congress pushed to help struggling Trump’s authoritarian disinformation?
Those at the very top really cashed in. mated to rival Musk’s fortune — used Americans, not because of Republican leanings and mental de- We should strive to
America’s 748 billionaires reaped $2.2 fake social media accounts to help compassion. When the American cline. develop our young stu-
trillion after the cuts went into effect. elect Trump in 2016. (The Justice De- Rescue Plan passed the Senate 50-49 David Echt dents’ minds so they even-
When Trump slashed the corporate partment said last month that Russia in March 2021, every single Republican Torrance tually use computers and
tax rate, his Council of Economic Ad- is at it again, by the way.) voted against it. artificial intelligence only
visers promised American workers We don’t get many glimpses into the The U.S. economy endured the as a side tool and not the
would see at least $4,000 added to their
bottom line — the old “trickle-down
secret dealings of billionaires, but
there was a data leak in 2016 that re-
pandemic despite Trump’s mishan-
dling, not because he steered the ship
Don’t outsource first go-to in a project. Isn’t
that what education is
economics” sales pitch again.
It didn’t work under Ronald
flected poorly on them. The Panama
Papers exposed a network of shell
well. American workers are finally
seeing some gains, and inflation has
your brain to AI really about?
Mary Sikonia
Reagan, and it obviously didn’t hap- companies used by the world’s ultra- slowed back to normal levels. That’s Re “A second-grader gets a Manhattan Beach
pen under Trump. rich to avoid paying taxes in their only because Biden and Harris have lesson in deepfakes,”
In 2018 alone, one analysis of S&P countries. Although the U.S. sen- been able to undo some of the damage Opinion, Oct. 22
500 companies found more than 80% of tenced one taxpayer to prison in 2020 the previous administration did.
the money corporations received in tax for related fraud, money laundering Trump campaigns as if he’s an As a tech instructor in a
breaks was paid out to owners of the and other crimes, 28 people charged in Everyman, but when he was in office he public elementary school, Please send letters to
companies, and only 20% was rein- Panama were acquitted just this sum- showed who he really looks out for — I believe the timing of For
vested into the business. mer. and it is not the American worker. editorial writer Tony Bar- submission guidelines, see
Surprise — the tax savings didn’t The fallout from this and other data boza’s piece on his experi- or call
trickle down to workers or encourage leaks may not be over yet. The Panama @LZGranderson ence with artificial intelli- 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511.
CALIFORNIA S A T U R D AY , O C T O B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A
in plot to
slay rival
in 2022
Officials say Lil Durk’s
hit team killed target’s
cousin in an ambush
near Beverly Center.
By Matthew Ormseth
and Karen Garcia
Grammy Award-winning
rapper Lil Durk was ar-
rested by U.S. marshals in
Florida on Thursday on
charges of conspiring to kill a
rival artist in a murder-for-
hire plot, authorities said.
The 32-year-old rapper,
whose legal name is Durk
Devontay Banks, was ar-
rested near a Miami airport
and booked at the Broward
County Jail, where he is be-
Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times ing held without bail, ac-
FORMER PITCHER Fernando Valenzuela, who died at 63, is being honored with a mural celebrating his career, in which he ignited cording to federal officials.
“Fernandomania” and led the Dodgers to a World Series victory. He’d stepped back from broadcasting this season to focus on his health. Banks is accused of or-
dering the murder of
Steve Garvey
Garvey was the Dodgers’ first
baseman. Reliever Steve Howe was
Howe, pulls him around and Howe
slams his elbow into my head. My
hat flies off onto the mound. I gath-
zuela] pitched,” Garvey said. The
inspirational Mexican immigrant
tossed 147 pitches — unheard of
vividly remembers
the final out of the
1981 World Series
pitching. Center fielder Ken Lan-
dreaux caught a fly ball for the last
out. “We all run to the mound.
ered myself and got to the dugout,
then went in to the obligatory cere-
mony with champagne.”
today when managers freak out as
hurlers reach 100 — and gutted it
through the full nine innings for a
a De León
when the Los
Angeles Dodgers
beat the New York
That’s when your dream comes
true,” Garvey recalled.
“Winning a championship is the
The Dodgers routed the Yan-
kees 9-2 that day, Oct. 28, at Yankee
Stadium. They won the Series in six
5-4 victory.
I interviewed Garvey, 75, the day
after Valenzuela died Tuesday at
Yankees. He calls it ultimate — whether it’s the World games, 4-2, in an improbable come- age 63. “He was phenomenal,”
the highlight of his All-Star base- Series or the Super Bowl or the back after losing the first two in Garvey said. “Very special to us and
ball career. Stanley Cup.” New York. the history of the Dodgers.” By David Zahniser
Even if he did get clobbered But on the mound, he contin- “The most significant was [See Skelton, B4] and Dakota Smith
The killing of Elizabeth Short, dubbed the police, that’s how I see ’em,”
drew sharp criticism this
week from parts of the East-
Black Dahlia, has inspired endless theories side, where she is seeking
to unseat Councilmember
Kevin de León.
Blue Dahlia.” often described as an aspir- On Wednesday, De León
By Christopher After Short’s mutilated ing actress, and her death confirmed that Martin
Goffard body was found Jan. 15, 1947, played as a cautionary tale Perez, one of his staffers, is
in a weedy lot in South Los parents might tell daughters the Cal State L.A. student
At the Long Beach drug- Angeles, cops and reporters who dreamed of taking a bus who posed the question.
store counter where she found her hangouts and to Hollywood to find star- De León declined to say
liked to linger, a jobless learned her nickname. It dom. whether Perez, who handles
young woman named Eliza- made her sound like some The myths continue to constituent services in his
beth Short acquired the kind of rare, poisonous swirl around Elizabeth office, made the recording of
playful nickname that would bloom, a night creature on Short, whose death at 22 has Jurado’s remarks, which
fuel her long, macabre after- intimate terms with death. spawned endless byzantine first appeared Monday on
life. She dyed her hair jet There’s no proof she even theories. As with Jack the the website of the Westside
black, matching the funereal knew of the nickname. It de- Ripper, an evocative moni- Current.
hue of the clothes she fa- rived from noir fantasy and ker, an undercurrent of sex, But he commended his
vored. The Black Dahlia, helped transform her into outsize savagery and a lack aide, saying Jurado has
people called her, riffing on a noir fantasy. Writers tailored of resolution combined to RL Oliver Los Angeles Times been sidestepping ques-
Raymond Chandler noir her story to fit a femme fa- fuel enduring fascination. It ELIZABETH SHORT’S dismembered body was tions about police abo-
motion picture called “The tale archetype. She was [See Black Dahlia, B2] found in a weedy lot in South Los Angeles in 1947. [See F-bomb, B5]
SPORTS ON THE BACK: Rams’ Stafford up to his old tricks, Sam Farmer writes. B12
B2 SAT U R DAY , O C T O B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M
Black Dahlia
killing fueled
an L.A. myth
[Black Dahlia, from B1] was already obsolescent.”
remains L.A.’s most famous Webb’s book, published
unsolved murder. in 1958, suggested Short’s
Short was born in Bos- hold on the imagination a
ton, a child of the Depres- decade after her death.
sion. She came to Southern “To the sociologist, she is
California not to pursue film the typical, unfortunate de-
stardom but a paramour. pression child who matured
When that affair ended, she too suddenly in her teens
drifted between neighbor- into the easy money, easy liv-
hoods and temporary ing, easy loving of wartime
friendships. At one point, America,” Webb wrote. To
she had an aspiring actress the criminologist, “her tor-
for a housemate and appro- tured, severed body is an
priated that woman’s anec- eerie blend of Poe and
dotes as her own. She in- Freud.”
vented endless stories to Short’s murder high-
gain sympathy. Sometimes lighted attitudes about the
she was a war widow; some- transformation of American
times she had lost a child. women, who had found inde-
She liked military men pendence in the World War II
and dated officers, not en- economy and expected to Associated Press
listed men. She used candle keep it. GEORGE WHEELER of the LAPD fingerprint unit examines evidence on Jan. 25, 1947, 10 days after Elizabeth
wax to fill her cavities. She “One of the biggest char- Short’s body was found. Retired detective David Lambkin said it is unlikely Short’s killing will ever be solved.
cadged meals and rides and acters that influences the
slept in an all-night movie mythos of this case is post- ives had missed: Short had a
theater. war Los Angeles,” said Anne connection to the neighbor-
She had no permanent Redding, who teaches the hood. Her sister knew a sur-
address when a traveling case at Santa Barbara City geon named Walter Bayley,
salesman picked her up in College. “There was a back- whose estranged wife lived a
San Diego in January 1947 lash to the whole Rosie the block from the crime scene.
and drove her to the bus sta- Riveter movement. Women Bayley was 66 and suffer-
tion in downtown Los Ange- were supposed to go back to ing from a brain lesion that
les, where she dropped off being wives and moms. I had dramatically changed
her suitcases. He then left think that heavily influ- his personality. His office
her at the Biltmore Hotel — enced the misogyny.” was blocks from the Bilt-
she had lied and said she was Redding sees a sign of more.
meeting her sister there. Short’s independence in the Maybe a destitute Short
Her body was spotted a rose tattoo on her leg — an had emerged from the Bilt-
few days later by a woman uncommonly daring gesture more that night and sought
pushing a stroller down Nor- in the 1940s. “There was a lit- his help … maybe she told
ton Avenue in Leimert Park. tle bit of edge play going on,” the sob story about losing a
At first, police thought it was she said. Short was “striking child, not knowing that Bay-
a mannequin. The mouth out on a whim without much ley’s own son actually had
was sliced ear to ear, and the of a plan.” L.A. Times been killed by a truck … may-
body was naked, posed flat Redding tries to show ELIZABETH Short was be this enraged him.
on her back, drained of students the ways that called the Black Dahlia. Bayley died a year after
blood and in two parts, Short’s past made her vul- Short’s murder. The Times
neatly severed between the nerable. How her father crap. It’s fabricated.”) was unable to locate any liv-
second and third lumbar abandoned her family when In Donald H. Wolfe’s “The ing relatives.
vertebrae. The lead detec- she was 6. How asthma cur- Black Dahlia Files,” the “Bayley had the skill to do
tive suspected a practiced tailed her education. How killer is gangster Bugsy what was done to her,” Har-
surgical hand. she never recovered from the Siegel, acting at the behest nisch said. “He’s not a per-
At the time, four Los An- 1945 death of a military pilot of L.A. Times publisher Nor- fect suspect, but he checks
geles newspapers competed she loved, which seemed to man Chandler, who (alleg- more boxes than anyone
fiercely for scoops. The Ex- initiate a “progressive de- edly) impregnated Short else. I always hedge.”
aminer transmitted the vic- generation of her ability to and wanted her out of the Harnisch is at work on his
tim’s fingerprints to the FBI cope with the world and take way. (“Ridiculous, painfully own Dahlia book. It’s 156,000
to determine her name. care of herself.” stupid.”) words and growing.
(Short’s prints were on file Short had worked as a Associated Press In another book, a wom- David Lambkin, a retired
because she had been ar- waitress and cashier, but LESLIE DILLON, a 27-year-old bellhop, was among an claims she saw her father detective, said the physical
rested in Santa Barbara for “there’s no record that she those rumored to be the killer in books on the case. kill Short but repressed the evidence was nearly non-
underage drinking a few ever had another job” after memory for years. Another existent by the time he ex-
years earlier.) To elicit back- his death in a plane crash. world’s top authority on the searching the case seriously author fingers filmmaker amined the case as head of
ground information, an Ex- “Her nomadic nature accel- case. The battle for accuracy in the late 1990s, for a 50th Orson Welles (linked to the the LAPD’s Cold Case Unit
aminer reporter then called erated,” Redding said. against the “true crime in- anniversary story. He does slaying because he sawed an in 2001. He said it is unlikely
Short’s mother with the cru- When Short left the Bilt- dustrial complex” is never- not believe there is a single assistant in two in a magic ever to be solved. He is famil-
el ruse that her daughter more Hotel, it’s possible she ending. It would be easy to factually reliable book about act). iar with the books and the
had won a beauty contest. was heading back to the bus spend all day, every day, it. “People are so nuts,” Har- suspects they propose.
Police learned that Short station, where it was safer to fighting off the crackpot In Piu Eatwell’s “Black nisch says. “People don’t “Very few have anything
had had brief encounters pass the night on a bench theories of what the novelist Dahlia Red Rose,” the killer want the record set straight. going for them,” he said. “My
with many men, who almost than on the streets. James Ellroy has called is a bellhop named Leslie People want this grab bag of favorite is Larry Harnisch’s
unanimously maintained “Wherever she went, she “Dahlia freaks.” Dillon. (“He didn’t do it,” noir tropes.” theory. Harnisch could actu-
the encounters had been was alone. She was literally In myth, Short was an as- Harnisch says. “He was in Harnisch has his own fa- ally connect his suspect to
nonsexual. The lead detec- homeless. She had no one,” piring starlet “sleeping her San Francisco. If [Eatwell] vorite suspect. John Doug- that location.”
tive would describe her as “a Redding said. “She was a way across Tinseltown ... the had talked to me for five min- las, the former FBI profiler,
tease,” adding: “She prob- relatively attractive young starstruck moth who comes utes, I would have said, told him there was meaning
ably went too far this time, woman. She was a compul- to Hollywood and gets ‘That’s bulls—.’ ”) in where Short’s body was
and just set some guy off into sive liar. She was known to burned by the Hollywood In John Gilmore’s “Sev- found. The killer could have
a blind, berserk rage.” approach strangers for fa- flame” and “finds in death ered,” the killer is Jack Wil- dumped the body in the
The admixture of disap- vors. Whether you could call the fame she didn’t find in son, a Skid Row alcoholic. desert or the mountains but
proval and disdain extended her intentionally manipula- life,” as Harnisch puts it. (Harnisch calls the book chose a much-traveled
to popular accounts. “She tive, or, to be more generous, In reality, Harnisch says, “25% mistakes and 50% fic- stretch of Norton Avenue. In this series, Christopher Goffard
was a lazy girl and irrespon- dangerously trusting, she she never took an acting tion.”) Probably the killer had a link revisits old crimes in Los Angeles
sible,” Jack Webb wrote in was a high-risk victim in a class, never registered in In Steve Hodel’s “Black to the area and wanted to and beyond, from the famous to
“The Badge.” “At twenty- high-risk situation.” Central Casting and never Dahlia Avenger,” the killer is “put the fear of God” in its the forgotten, the consequential
one, when she should have Larry Harnisch, a retired lost the Boston accent that the author’s father, George residents. to the obscure, diving into
been starting married life or Los Angeles Times copy ed- would have limited her roles. Hodel, a doctor who ran a ve- Harnisch found some- archives and the memories of
maybe a modest career, she itor, is now arguably the Harnisch began re- nereal disease clinic. (“It’s thing generations of detect- those who were there.
because this fight isn’t over,” was remanded back to Coal- row, who lives with her hus-
Jeters said. “We want to inga State Hospital after vio- band, Gary. “These are vi-
push to stop the further en- lating the terms of his re- olent individuals who make
croachment of sexual preda- lease. our homes and neighbor-
tors.” His placement then was hoods much less safe.”
Two weeks ago, Los An- fiercely contested by pro- Jeters and Farrow said
geles County Superior Court testers, who later celebrated they will consider similar
Judge Robert Harrison his return to custody. protests whenever Hubbart WITH THIS HARDCOVER COLLECTOR’S BOOK
ruled that Hubbart, known In 2021, an L.A. County is moved into Juniper Hills.
as the “Pillowcase Rapist” Superior Court judge re- Until then, Jeters is at-
for his brutal sexual assaults leased convicted sex offend- tending court hearings re-
on women in the 1980s and er Calvin Lynn Grassmier garding the terms of Hub-
‘90s, would be placed into into the town of Littlerock, bart’s release.
the small community of Ju- despite local opposition. “We’re going to continue
niper Hills. Lawtis Donald Rhoden, who to monitor and fight,” Jeters
Jeters and her group, No sexually assaulted multiple said. “Even if it seems like us
SVP’s in the Antelope Valley, underage girls, was placed screaming into the wind,
are hosting a rally Saturday that same year in an unin- we’ll be out there.”
Walmart agrees to settle suit over AND
SAVE 15%
medical, hazardous waste dumping
bursements, according to a erside County, disposed of
cover not final
By Jasmine Mendez news release from the Riv- hazardous waste in regular
erside County district attor- trash bins, according to the
Walmart will be liable for ney’s office. “The settlement lawsuit. More than 70 waste
millions of dollars in civil also imposes injunctive audits between 2015 and 2021
penalties and costs for alleg- terms, which will require were conducted across the
edly dumping hazardous Walmart to hire an inde- state.
waste and sensitive cus- pendent third-party auditor Other counties involved $38.00 reg. $45.00
tomer records in California to conduct three annual were Alameda, Fresno, Mon- plus tax & shipping • ofer expires Nov. 3, 2024 • books ship Dec. 9, 2024
landfills, according to a rounds of waste audits at its terey, Orange, Sacramento,
stipulated judgment filed facilities throughout Califor- San Bernardino, San Diego,
this week in Alameda nia during the next four San Joaquin, Solano, Tulare
County Superior Court. years,” the office said. and Yolo. Witness history unfold in “Ohtani’s Journey,” a hardcover collector’s
The judgment would set- According to the 2021 law- “This settlement brings
tle a lawsuit brought against suit, Walmart allegedly dis- accountability that helps to
book that showcases Shohei Ohtani’s extraordinary journey to the Los
Walmart by California Atty. posed of aerosols cans, spray protect our environment Angeles Dodgers and his relentless pursuit of baseball’s first 50-50
Gen. Rob Bonta and the dis- paints, rust removers, from toxic waste,” San Diego
season. Award-winning Los Angeles Times journalists take you behind
trict attorneys of 12 counties bleach, pesticides and over- Dist. Atty. Summer Stephan
in December 2021. Under its the-counter drugs in regular said in a news release. the curtain with never-before-seen photos and in-depth stories. From
terms, the nation’s largest trash bins, which are not “These types of investiga- Ohtani’s rise in Japan to his debut Dodgers season; from his chase for
retailer will be required to permitted to receive such tions and settlements are a
pay penalties for allegedly waste products. reminder to corporations 50-50 to arguably the best individual performance in baseball history
dumping in state landfills State regulations dictate that they have a responsibil- on Sept. 19, 2024, every moment is immortalized. Own the definitive
nearly 80 tons of hazardous that hazardous and medical ity to be a good steward to
waste and confidential cus- waste be stored in nonleak- our environment.” chronicle of baseball’s most dynamic player as he rewrites the record
tomer information from its ing containers and properly This is Walmart’s second books. Secure your copy now and relive history again and again.
stores throughout the state. labeled when disposed of, waste disposal settlement,
As part of the settlement, among other requirements. after a 2010 agreement re-
the company did not admit “Walmart’s illegal dispos- quiring the company to pay
to any wrongdoing. Accord- al of hazardous and medical $27.6 million for disposing of
ing to the stipulated judg- waste not only violated Cali- hazardous waste in San Di-
ment, the company “has fornia laws, but, if left ego County. The retailer also Pre-order online at
compliance programs in unchecked, posed a threat agreed to halt its unlawful
place to reasonably comply”
with state laws regarding the
to human health and the en-
vironment,” Bonta said.
waste disposals.
Jacquelyn Cook, a Wal-
generation, storage and dis- “This settlement will ensure mart spokesperson, did not
posal of hazardous waste. that Walmart takes the nec- respond immediately to a re-
If an Alameda County essary steps to ensure that quest for comment. She pre-
Superior Court judge ap- its hazardous waste is han- viously called the 2021 law-
proves the settlement, Wal- dled and disposed of as re- suit “unjustified,” saying
mart will have to pay quired by law.” that the company adhered
$4.3 million in civil penalties More than 300 Walmart to obligations to better man-
and $3.2 million in reim- stores, including 33 in Riv- age its waste.
B4 SAT U R DAY , O C T O B E R 2 6 , 2 0 2 4 L AT I M E S . C O M
Place a paid notice
Search obituary notice archives:
8,800 officers, is now airing clothing company in the “vi- one letter to each square, of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters
to form four ordinary words. to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b)
30-second attack ads criti- brant East L.A. punk scene” of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of
cizing Jurado. while also working as a secu-
“Her plan for public safe- rity guard, the profile says.
CNUEO mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052
of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and
legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may
ty starts with an F-bomb,” Perez has been volun- want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California
the ad states. teering for De León’s reelec- law.
In recent weeks, Jurado tion campaign, door-knock- You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person
has pushed back on as- ing, phone banking and cre- ANPKR interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for
Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and ap-
sertions that she intends to ating “art for tote bags to be praisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided
defund the police, while also used by other staffers,” his in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form
is available from the court clerk.
arguing that too much mon- profile states. PETITIONER: PAUL C. FRANCO SBN: 203899
ey is being spent on the Jurado identified herself NUYOTC ATTORNEY AT LAW
7473 N. INGRAM AVENUE, SUITE 106 , FRESNO, CA, 93711,
LAPD, putting the city on as an abolitionist — some- 5593895853
the brink of a financial crisis. one who supports the aboli- 11/02/24, 10/19/24, 10/26/24
On Monday, she down- tion of police and the “prison
played her use of “F— the po-
lice,” saying it was “just a
industrial complex” — in a
questionnaire she submit-
Albert Wissa Estafan
lyric” from a rap song. Al- ted to the Democratic So- CASE NO. 24STPB11581
Now arrange the circled letters
though she didn’t say which cialists of America-Los An- ©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and
persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or
song, her wording parallels geles. All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon. both, of: ALBERT WISSA ESTAFAN
parts of N.W.A’s “F— Tha Po- De León has assailed A Petition for Probate has been filed by MICHAEL R. BISHARA
lice” and Kanye West’s “All that stance, saying it would Print the answer here: in the Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGELES.
The Petition for Probate requests that MICHAEL R. BISHARA
Falls Down.” leave neighborhoods from be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate
(Answers Monday)
Jurado declined to com- downtown to Boyle Heights Jumbles: YOKEL POUCH UNTRUE FIBULA
of the decedent.
ment about Perez on vulnerable to violent crime. Yesterday’s The petition requests authority to administer the estate under
Answer: The book club was discussing “Walden,” which the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will
Wednesday. But she de- This week, he described Ju- they enjoyed — “THOREAU-LY” allow the personal representative to take many actions without
scribed the police union ad rado’s use of the F-bomb as obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important
as “just noise.” “irresponsible,” saying actions, however, the personal representative will be required to
give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice
“Our community is fo- wealthy neighborhoods will or consented to the proposed action.) The independent adminis-
cused on how they’re going
to put food on the table and
pay their rent on time — not
always have the ability to
hire security personnel.
“Poor neighborhoods,
Your exclusive tration authority will be granted unless an interested person files
an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court
should not grant the authority.
A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows:
song lyrics,” she said in a low-income neighborhoods, Date: 11/12/2024 Time: 8:30 A.M. Dept.: 44
statement. “That’s why
we’re more determined than
neighborhoods that strug-
gle every single day to make
guide to SoCal Address of court: 111 N. Hill Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Branch Name: Stanley Mosk Courthouse
If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear
ever to lift up their needs and ends meet, they deserve at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections
be their champion in City
Hall. This campaign is about
delivering results, not dis-
public safety as well,” he told
Jurado has pushed back
real estate listings with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in
person or by your attorney.
If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent,
you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the
tractions.” on the idea that she plans to personal representative appointed by the court within the later
Perez declined an inter- defund the LAPD, saying of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters
to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b)
view request from The she wants officers to focus of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of
Times. In the recording of on gangs, drugs and violent mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052
the meet-and-greet, he be-
gan his question by noting
crime. On the campaign
trail, she has also argued
Advertise Today of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and
legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may
want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California
that he lives in the council that the city’s approach to law.
You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person
district and is “a punk from public safety “isn’t working,” interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for
East L.A.” saying that more money Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and ap-
praisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided
More than a dozen people
attended the event, and sev-
eral recorded different ques-
should be devoted to street
lighting, sidewalk repairs
and youth programs.
LA Times Classiied in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form
is available from the court clerk.
(800) 234-4444
7473 N. INGRAM AVENUE, SUITE 106 , FRESNO, CA, 93711,
(559) 389-5853
10/19/24, 10/26/24, 11/02/24
To advertise your pets, log on to
Self-service 24/7:
West’s lead. If West’s clubs make it if partner’s hand is
By Frank Stewart were, say, A-K-J-8-2, he unsuitable, but if he holds
surely would have led a high J 6 3, 5, A K J 10 7 3, A K 2, you
Simple Saturday col- club. But West opened the may make an overtrick.
umns focus on basic tech- bidding, and if East has the
nique and logical thinking. king of clubs, he can’t have West dealer
You’re today’s South. much more. Neither side vulnerable
When West opens one club Don’t finesse with the
and North doubles for take- queen of trumps. Take the ♠AKJ7
out, it would be a grave error ace and lead a low trump. ♥9763
for you to bid only one heart. When West’s king falls, you ♦ K J 10 7
Since North asked you to can draw East’s jack with ♣9
bid, you would make that your queen later and make WEST EAST
♠ 10 6 3 ♠842
call with no points and poor your game with careful play. ♥K5 ♥ J 10 8
hearts. When you have 10 You hold: ♠ Q 9 5 ♥ A Q 4 2 ♦A42 ♦8653
useful points, game is pos- ♦ Q 9 ♣ 7 6 4 3. Your partner ♣AQJ82 ♣ K 10 5
sible. Jump to two hearts, in- opens one diamond, you bid SOUTH
vitational. one heart and he jumps to ♠Q95
North raises to four three diamonds. What do ♥AQ42
hearts — maybe he likes the you say? ♦Q9
way you play — and you need Answer: Partner’s jump- ♣7643
to justify his confidence. rebid suggests a good six- WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH
West leads a low spade, and card suit with about 16 high- 1♣ Dbl Pass 2♥
you win in dummy. How do card points. Bidding is not Pass 4♥ All Pass
you play the trumps? an exact science, and calcu- Opening lead — ♠ 3
Try to place the cards, lated risks are often neces-
KENKEN based on the bidding and sary. Bid 3NT. You may not Tribune Content Agency
Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be ASKING ERIC
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.
Dear Eric: My parents di- their wills in whatever ways My dilemma is should I
vorced when I was 5 and my they’d like, but it’s very not allow her to bring her
brother was 3. He went with telling that they didn’t make dogs for the next visit or
our father and I with our the big change until after make a visit that includes
mother. We saw each other your parents were gone. bringing the dogs contin-
on holidays and summers. Despite the machina- gent on my sister-in-law al-
Both parents remarried and tions with their estates, you lowing me to teach her how
had two more children. still get to decide what you to address the dogs’ behav-
My brother and I were want from them. They were ior? She does not seem bo-
treated less like family and brought into your life at a thered by the relentless
more like a resentment. tender moment, and they barking and yapping.
Thankfully, we had loving weren’t kind. It may be most Dog Tired
grandparents who created freeing to say, “I deserve bet-
safe places for us when we ter than this; I’m leaving this Dear Tired: Though your
were with them. relationship in the past.” experience is with children
Fast-forward to today, we Alternatively, you can and dogs, it seems the be-
10/26/24 are both retired, have fam- say, “I want to have a rela- havior you most want to
ilies and have done well. We tionship, and this feels one- modify is your adult sister-
worked hard to build and sided. What can we do to in-law’s. That’s going to pre-
maintain a relationship with change that?” And see what sent a problem.
HOROSCOPE our parents and step- they come up with. But I It’s fine for you to tell her
parents/siblings. I thought honestly don’t know if that’s that the dogs made too
than is called for, do it. start, “No judgment but...” progress had been made. worth your time. much of a ruckus the last
By Holiday Mathis Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Statements of offense start, Both parents passed time and ask her to leave
If you had a single wish for “No offense but...” Should within a two-year period. Dear Eric: My sister-in- them behind for the next vis-
Aries (March 21-April 19): your love, it would be to live you hear, “No disrespect...” Both stepparents redid law, who I love and have it. This, of course, makes the
Are you forgetting some- in emotional sunshine. Irra- it’s a cue to walk away. their wills, writing us out of known since she was a child, visit less hospitable as she’ll
thing? Whatever it is, catch tional confidence will pay off. Pisces (Feb. 19-March them. I was surprised. Less recently bought two small need to find a suitable dog
it before sundown to avoid Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): 20): Take stock of where you for me, but for my children “doodle” dogs. She brought sitter. And she may opt to
any headaches later. A quick You’ll ask thoughtful ques- are. It couldn’t have hap- and their grandchildren. them with her for an just stay home. If you’re OK
check-in could save the day. tions with the tone that pened had you not stuck I am left with an angry re- overnight, weekend visit. with that possibility and
Taurus (April 20-May makes people want to open with it. Today you’ll feel sidue of past resentments They barked at every lit- won’t resent her for it, great.
20): “It’s complicated” may up to you; then you’ll seek grateful as you take your that have resurfaced. This tle sound. My sister-in-law’s It’s also fine for you to of-
be the only honest way to de- understanding by listening place in a winner’s circle. isn’t about money; there response to her dogs was in- fer to teach her a better way
scribe any relationship. Let without judgment. Today’s birthday (Oct. isn’t much, I know. I just effective. The weekend with to handle her dogs. But mak-
it be a reminder of ordinary Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): 26): Your playful spirit don’t know how to move for- her dogs made me anxious ing it a prerequisite for
human complexity. It’s hard to say why some makes you a star at work and ward. Do I ghost them? Stop and it was difficult for me to spending time with you? I
Gemini (May 21-June 21): work so well together, but in your personal life. Com- calling, writing and visiting enjoy my visitors. can’t see how that wouldn’t
Pain distorts the memory. take the gift when it comes. manding your talents and because it feels very one- It was worse for me to tol- cause resentment. Talk to
People may recount things Sagittarius (Nov. 22- creating a desired effect on sided? I have done most of erate as I have experience her in a nonjudgmental way.
that didn’t happen exactly Dec. 21): For whatever you an audience gives you wings the work and effort to main- both professionally (with Communicating clearly,
as they recall. Give others are offering, give them three to lift your confidence and tain a relationship. children) and personally without trying to control
the benefit of the doubt. options. More is overwhelm- career. You’ll take bold risks Slighted Stepchild (with dogs) in the analysis her, will make planning the
Cancer (June 22-July 22): ing, and fewer makes them with your money and your and modification of behav- next get-together easier.
You’ll dive into projects that feel limited and controlled. heart and say yes to what Dear Slighted: What petty ior problems. It is very easy
fit your schedule, feel right Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. you really want, even if the people your stepparents for me to see what was rein- Email questions to
and seem worth the time 19): You came to life’s buffet odds don’t seem favorable. seem to be. They can adjust forcing the dogs’ behavior.
and sacrifice required. Pass and filled your plate. If it’s Taurus and Virgo adore you.
on any project that doesn’t there, it’s because you Lucky numbers: 5, 13, 49, 2, 7.
fulfill all three requirements. wanted to taste it. But you FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): are not obligated. You can Mathis writes her column
When you feel the impulse to say “no thanks” at any time. for Creators Syndicate Inc.
be enthusiastic, reveal your Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. The horoscope should be
heart or be more generous 18): Statements of judgment read for entertainment.
Edited By Patti Varol
By Adam Aaronson © 2024 Tribune Content Agency
1 Genre embraced by
Miles Davis in the late
11 Intel on a political rival
15 Speaker of the house?
16 Einsteinhaus city
17 Bottom of a pie
18 Quantity of strontium
in an award-winning
2018 photograph
19 Professor’s domain
20 Throng
21 Insect that collaborates FREE RANGE By Bill Whitehead MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
through stigmergy
23 “__ de Funk”: Horace
Silver composition
24 Postop prescription
25 Narrow channel
28 __ musubi: meat-and-
rice snack
29 “__ Mubarak”
31 Hestia’s domain
32 Didn’t divulge
33 “Dumb Money” star
34 Extremities
35 Check
36 Stallone role
37 Checked at the door
38 Cap
39 Decidedly non-vegan 5 Spots for soft landings 41 __ ear
6 Crude 44 Performed in a
kid-lit character
7 Jokic and Jovic of the Shakespeare play?
40 Airport code that
NBA, e.g. 45 Talib who rapped “My
encompasses EWR,
8 Hosp. area name is in the middle of
JFK, and LGA
9 “You’re too much!” equality”
41 Boatloads
10 Tablet 46 Smack
42 “The Twelve Days of
11 “Becoming” memoirist 48 First name in art
Christmas” musicians
12 French girlfriend 49 Military group
43 Dress part BLISS By Harry Bliss SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly
13 Energy consumption 50 Material for a
45 Some Barbieland
unit? scrimmage pinny
14 “Your money’s no good 53 CEO’s direct reports
46 Upper class, often
here!” 54 Sass
47 Unite
48 York mother 22 Perimeter ANSWER TO
51 Placed, as bets 23 Spent time on the lake, PREVIOUS PUZZLE
52 Made a solo say
arrangement? 25 Fast-fashion giant
55 Rainbow forms based in Singapore
56 Bright green cocktails 26 Loveable sorts
57 Furtive summons 27 Crudely drawn cartoons
58 Walkway created by foot expressing frustration
traffic 28 Shakes
30 Makes toast?
DOWN 33 Makes wet
1 Zinger 35 Like some tomatoes
2 During 36 Outdoor concert
3 Bird voiced by John contingency
Oliver in “The Lion 38 Yard sale sign,
King” essentially
4 “Bo-o-oring!” 39 Likely ticket holder? 10/26/24