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The Study of Solid Waste Management System of Hazardous and Poisonous Material in Public Health Centers of Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan

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International Journal of Microbiology and Mycology | IJMM |

pISSN: 2309-4796
Vol. 7, No. 4, p. 1-6, 2018


The study of solid waste management system of hazardous and

poisonous material in public health centers of Barito Kuala
Regency, South Kalimantan

Adi Rahman*1, Emmy Sri Mahreda2, Arief RM Akbar3, Rusmilyansari2, Andy Mizwar4

Program of Management of Natural Resources and Environment, Post Graduate Program,
University of Lambung Mangkurat, South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Faculty of Fisheries, University of Lambung Mangkurat, South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Technology of Agricultural Industry, University of Lambung Mangkurat, South Kalimantan,
Faculty of Environmental Engineering, University of Lambung Mangkurat, South Kalimantan,

Keywords: Management system, Solid waste of hazardous and poisonous material, Public health center

Publication date: July 9, 2018

Medical waste is infectious and dangerous. This poses a serious threat to environmental health and
requires special management prior to final disposal. The problem was the increasing number of
hospitals, clinics and diagnostic laboratories in Barito Kuala Regency had an effect to the quality and
quantity of waste produced. This study aimed to identify the management system of solid waste
included the type and amount of waste generated by public health centers in Barito Kuala Regency.
The research method used was a field observation method and field data collection through
inventory, formal and informal interview. The results showed that the average amount of solid waste
of hazardous and poisonous material of public health centers in Barito Kuala Regency was 0.040
kg/day. The composition of solid waste of hazardous and poisonous material of public health centers
in Barito Kuala Regency was infectious non-sharps waste (65%), sharp infectious waste (26%),
pharmaceutical poisonous (8%), and infusion bottle (1%). The result of identification is known that
public health centers in Barito Kuala Regency had conducted solid waste of hazardous and poisonous
material management started from sorting, collecting, and transporting. However, at the temporary
storage stage it still did not have a special place for storing of solid waste of hazardous and
poisonous material. While at the stage of destruction/burning it was still less than the maximum and
for infectious waste should be destroyed no later than 2 (two) days.
* Corresponding Author: Adi Rahman  mangrove.rambai@gmail.com

1 Rahman et al.
Introduction Medical waste generated by health services is 10-
Environmental problems are closely related to the 25% and the remaining 75-90% is domestic
health world. The existence of interactions in it waste. Although fewer medical wastes are
allows the spread of disease if it is not supported produced than domestic waste, the risk to the
by good environmental condition and sanitary environment is potentially greater if it is not
(Paramita, 2007). Public health center according handled properly. Research conducted at
to (Trihono, 2010) is a technical implementation Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center
unit of regency/municipality health service concluded that 70-80% of infectious waste from
responsible for organizing health development in
hospitals was a noninfectious waste mixed with
a working area. Public health center is one of the
infectious waste due to poor management.
health service units which in its activity produce
medical waste and nonmedical waste either in
Hazardous and toxic wastes of public health
solid or liquid form. Medical waste in the form of
centers are solid wastes comprising infectious
solid at public health center is usually generated
waste, sharps wastes, expired chemical wastes,
from activities that come from the treatment
spills, or packaging residues, pathological waste,
room (for inpatient health centers), general
radioactive waste, pharmaceutical waste,
polyclinics, dental polyclinics, maternal and child
cytotoxic waste, waste with heavy metal content
clinics/MCH, laboratories and pharmacies.
high, and pressurized gas/pressure container
The medical waste management of a public waste. (Permen LHK RI. No. 56 tahun 2015).
health center has a complex problem. These
wastes need to be managed in accordance with Medical solid waste generated by public health
the existing rules so that environmental centers in Barito Kuala Regency, no research has
management must be systematic and been done on the generation, composition and
sustainable. Planning, implementation, and management. So it is necessary to identify the
continuous improvement on public health center management patterns of the resulting medical
management must be carried out consistently. In solid waste. This study aimed to identify the
addition, human resources who understand the management system of solid waste included the
problems and environmental management
type and amount of waste generated by public
become very important to achieve good
health centers in Barito Kuala Regency.
environmental performance (Adisasmito, 2008).

Materials and methods

The increasing rate of generation of solid waste of
hazardous and poisonous material (medical solid Materials

waste) produced by Public health center must be The equipments used during the research were

balanced with good management system of solid portable scales, gloves, masks, tubs/sample

waste generation so it does not pollute the boxes, rulers, cameras and computers.

environment. Environmental Health Requirements

of Hospitals states that health facilities are Methods
compulsory to manage their waste (Kepmenkes Direct observation/measurement method was used
RI. No.1204/Menkes/SK/X/ 2004). to obtain the primary data in the form of existing
management condition needed to calculate the
Characteristics of solid waste of hazardous and
amount of generation and composition of solid
poisonous material according to (Peraturan
waste of hazardous and poisonous material of
Pemerintah RI. No. 101 tahun 2014) that is
Public health center. The frequency of sampling
Explosive, Flammable, Reactive, Toxic, Infectious
time and data collection was 8 consecutive days.
and Corrosive.

2 Rahman et al.
The method of calculating the amount of public health center with the average amount of
generation and composition of solid waste of solid waste of hazardous and poisonous material
hazardous and poisonous material of public of 0.041 kg/day and the volume of solid waste of
health center was the whole of the solid waste of hazardous and poisonous material of 1.20
hazardous and poisonous material from the liters/day, Anjir Pasar public health center with
results of the public health center activities taken the average amount of solid waste of hazardous
from the location of public health center, and and poisonous material of 0.038 kg/day and the
then the volume would be measured and volume of solid waste of hazardous and
weighted. The sum of all volumes was calculated poisonous material of 1.13 liters/day and
and obtained the average of the generation and Mandastana public health center with the average
composition of solid waste of hazardous and amount of generation of solid waste of hazardous
poisonous material, in accordance with SNI and poisonous material of 0.040 kg/day and the
(Indonesian National Standard) 19-3964-1994 on volume of solid waste of hazardous and
the method of sampling and measurement of poisonous material of 1.20 liters/day.
samples of solid waste of hazardous and
poisonous material composition of Public health
center by using the following formula.

While to identify the management system of solid

waste of hazardous and poisonous material of
public health center was obtained through
interview with a field observation method and a
field data collection through inventory, formal
and informal interviews. Interviews were
conducted toward employees directly related to
the management of solid waste of hazardous and
poisonous material at the public health center. Fig. 1. Graph of Average Generation of Solid
Waste of hazardous and poisonous material of
Results and discussion Public health centers in Barito Kuala Regency.
Based on the measurements made in the room
that produced the average medical waste at most So the average amount of generation of solid
of the five public health centers in Barito Kuala waste of hazardous and poisonous material of
Regency, the difference of the average amount of Public health centers in Barito Kuala Regency was
generation of solid waste of hazardous and 0.040 kg/day. Medical waste tended to be
poisonous material of each location was Berangas infectious and poisonous chemicals that could
Public health center with the average amount of affect human health, worsening environmental
generation of solid waste of hazardous and sustainability if it was not managed properly.
poisonous material of 0.046 kg/day and the Public health center medical waste was all waste
volume of solid waste of hazardous and generated from public health center activities in
poisonous material of 1.28 liters/day, Semangat solid and liquid forms (KepMenkes RI No. 1428/
Dalam public health center with the average Menkes/SK/XII/2006).
amount of solid waste of hazardous and
poisonous material of 0.036 kg/day and the Health care waste comprising liquid waste and
volume of solid waste of hazardous and solid waste had the potential to cause
poisonous material of 1.08 liters/day, Anjir Muara transmission that could lead to illness or injury.

3 Rahman et al.
The hazardous nature of the health care waste The more the number of patients suffering from
might be due to one or more of the following the illness being treated at a public health center,
characteristics (Pruss, 2005): waste contained the more the use of health facilities. So the
infectious agents, genococyte waste, chemical or volume of solid waste of hazardous and
hazardous waste or, radioactive waste and waste poisonous material generated would increase
contained sharp objects. along with the rate of waste generation produced.
From the description of the officer of medical
waste/cleaning service it could be concluded that
waste generation was influenced by several
factors that was seen from the factors of health
service level of public health center, average
number of patient visit at public health center,
type of disease handled by paramedics, and
number of illness treated in public health center.

The wastes generated in this public health

center were not as numerous and varied as
Fig. 2. Composition Graph of Solid Waste of
hospital waste with a wide capacity and service.
hazardous and poisonous material of Public
However, by looking at the small capacity of
health centers in Barito Kuala Regency.
solid waste of hazardous and poisonous material
of public health center produced in Barito Kuala
Based on the result of composition of solid
Regency was not as many as hospitals with
waste of hazardous and poisonous material at
large service and capacities. However, medical
Berangas Public Health Center, Semangat Dalam
waste had a risk of contracting viral infections in
Public Health Center, Anjir Muara Public Health
the blood (Pruss, 2005).
Center, Anjir Pasar Public Health Center and
Mandastana Public Health Center, the first was
The management system of solid waste of
infectious waste of nonsharp objects (gauze, hazardous and poisonous material in Public health
cotton, tissue, handscoen and plastic bottle of centers of Barito Kuala Regency at the time of
TB patients) with the amount of composition of the existing condition:
65%. The second was infectious waste of sharp
objects (syringe) with the amount of composition 1. The sorting process of medical solid waste. All
of 26%. The third was pharmaceutical poisonous waste bins owned by Public Health Centers in
(remnant of drug pack, expired drug, medicine Barito Kuala Regency were distin-guished
bottle/reagent, ampoule and vial) with the between medical waste and nonmedical waste.
amount of composition of 8%. The four wastes Plastic coating bags were always installed and

were from infusion bottles with the amount of replaced every day when the bins were emptied.

composition of 1%. Based on the observations, five Public Health

Centers in Barito Kuala Regency did the sorting
According to the officer of medical waste/cleaning phase well.
service at public health center, the volume of
solid waste of hazardous and poisonous material 2. The collecting and temporary storing

produced was very influenced by the type of processes of medical solid waste. Five Public

usage of health facilities for the illnesses of Health Centers in Barito Kuala Regency did
not have temporary storing place of
patients treated in public health center as well as
hazardous and poisonous material.
immunization activities every once a week.

4 Rahman et al.
The Public Health Centers collected first into a The solid waste of hazardous and poisonous
closed container, if the container was full then material of Public Health Centers in Barito
the solid waste of hazardous and poisonous Kuala Regency was non sharp infectious, sharp
material would be sent to the Public Health infectious, pharmaceutical poisonous and
Center which had an incinerator tool to do the infusion bottle burned with an incinerator at
incineration. While Public Health Centers that temperature of 800 - 1300oC with capacity of
had an incinerator tool stored solid waste of 80 kg with diesel fuel. The burning of solid
hazardous and poisonous material into a closed waste of hazardous and poisonous material of
container made of antipuncture and antileaking Public Health Centers was adjusted to the
material and then put it into the incinerator Public Health Center budget for operational
room. Hapsari, (2010) Further explained in the cost of incinerator. The process of inceneration
transport process by the officer concerning the was highly dependent on the budget funds
carrying bag, that bags with color should be from the Public Health Centers in Barito Kuala
discarded if it contains 2/3 parts. Regency.

3. The transporting process of medical solid Conclusion

waste. From the results of field observation, Based on the results of research that has been
transporting of solid waste of hazardous and
implemented, it is obtained the following
poisonous material of Public health centers in
Barito Kuala Regency was done by using a
a. The average of medical solid waste generation
pick-up car and a private vehicle; all would be
of Public Health Centers in Barito Kuala
transported when the solid waste of
Regency was 0.040 Kg/day.
hazardous and poisonous material was full. It
b. The composition of medical solid waste of
should use a special transport vehicle, so it
Public Health Centers in Barito Kuala Regency
would not be contaminated with other objects
was infectious non-sharp waste (65%), sharp
and to avoid mixing with other materials.
infectious waste (26%), pharmaceutical
According to Chandra, (2007), used vehicles
poisonous (8%), and infusion bottle (1%).
must be eligible in terms of ease of use and
c. In the temporary storing process, Public
cleaning, besides that they should also be
Health Centers in Barito Kuala Regency still
equipped with a leak collection tool.
did not have a special place for storing of solid

4. The destruction /burning process of medical waste of hazardous and poisonous material.

solid waste. At this stage the public health While in the process of destruction/burning it

center did the destruction with insenaration of was still less than the maximum and for

solid waste of hazardous and poisonous material infectious waste it should be destroyed no

by using an incinerator. 2 (two) Public Health later than 2 (two) days.

Centers did the destruction/burning at Public

Health Center itself that was Anjir Muara Public References
Health Center and Mandastana Public Health Adisasmito W. 2008. Audit Lingkungan Rumah

Center. While 3 (three) Public Health Centes Sakit, Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.

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5 Rahman et al.
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Tesis: Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Tata Cara dan Persyaratan Teknis Pengelolaan
Limbah Berbahaya dan Beracun dari Fasilitas
Kepmenkes RI. No. 1204/Menkes/SK/X/ 2004. Pelayanan Kesehatan.
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6 Rahman et al.

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