Cit 299
Cit 299
Cit 299
This is the theory part of the course. The course is taught during the second year,
first semester. It is designed to prepare students for School Attachment, which
involves observation and participatory activities in the school.
To produce: a holistic graduate with reflective thinking, well nurtured in pedagogy,
administration and both formal and non-formal curricular activities. The course is
designed to be responsive and practical both to the student and school needs and
improve both the product and the process.
Course objectives
At the end of the course all students will be expected to:
3. Structural framework for school operations
4. School Curriculum; context and actual design
5. Current issues and their influence on Curriculum
6. Introduction to research focusing on operations and problems of the school
7. Field School.
8. Teaching Career and Teaching profession
9. Evaluation.
Team teaching shall apply. Interactive lectures, discussion, written reports, field
school, group work and resource persons.
The student will be evaluated in the portfolio, which will involve the following:
• Research proposal
• Proposal for Attachment
• Semester Essay paper on critical aspect of school.
• Field school report.
• Any other class take away assignments and group projects as may be deemed
Reading List
This is the practical part of the course. It is a re-packaged course, initially referred to
as Short Teaching Practice. All education students will take it during third term
following the second semester of second year of study. It entails Observation of
School Processes and Participation, which will involve collaborative teaching between
the student and the regular teacher.
The course has been revised and repackaged to be reflective and responsive to meet
the attributes of a knowledgeable and practical graduate teacher. Studies have shown
glaring empirical deficiencies among many teachers who are in schools but don’t
understand the concept of school. This course is therefore geared towards that
The course hopes to produce a graduate with practical and reflective thinking, well
nurtured in education administration including both formal and non-formal
curriculum. The course also aims at providing participatory and observation skills to
school processes.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course students are expected to demonstrate the following
Course Duration
The course is designed to take eight weeks, during which student will be in the
schools. This will make the programme less disruptive to school processes and enable
Student – Teachers acquire a variety of skills other than teaching skills.
1. Observation and assessment of school processes such as: Staff meetings, the
preparation of lessons by regular teachers, observe live lessons by colleagues,
time tabling procedures, school assembly, departmental meetings, games and
2. a) Active participation in both formal and non-formal curricular
b) Carryout school environmental study, which will entail; School plant,
infrastructure, economic activities and socio-political issues which
affect the curriculum and learning.
3. The student will also be required to develop a portfolio that covers the
following ten tasks:
The student will be evaluated on the basis of the portfolio, report by the university
advisor and report by the school principal or Quality Assurance and Standards
The Practical (School Experience) will constitute the other 50% of the course.
Course Lecturers
i) Dr. Samuel M. Inzahuli Sign …………………..Date ……………
ii) Dr. Eric Wangila Sign …………………..Date ……………
iii) Ms. Joanne Lyanda Sign …………………..Date ……………
DEAN:..………………………… Sign……………………Date…………….
General remarks
This is the theory part of the course. The course is taught during the second year, first
semester. It is designed to prepare students for school attachment / practice which involve
observation and participatory activities in the school.
To produce a holistic graduate with reflective thinking well nurtured in pedagogy,
administration and both formal and non-formal curricular activities.
The topics under this area include:
I. Rationale for the course
II. The school: Concepts, functions and types in Kenyan Education System
III. Structural framework for school operations
IV. School Curriculum; context and actual design
V. Current issues and their influence on Curriculum
VI. Introduction to research focusing on operations and problems of the school
VII. Field school
VIII. Teaching Career and Teaching profession
The following shall apply: Team teaching, Interactive lectures, Zoom lessons, Discussions,
Written reports, Field school project, Group work and use of Resource persons.
The student will be evaluated on the portfolio, which will involve the following;-
• Research proposal
• Proposal for attachment
• Semester Essay paper on critical aspect of school
• Field school report among other areas
Any other class take away assignment and group projects as may be deemed necessary.
The theory part will constitute 50% of the entire course.
Curriculum vitae (CV) provides your personal information, educational background
working experience and any other relevant information, that may help you secure
employment, scholarship or admission to an institution of higher learning.
A CV is usually sent together with or attached to the letter of application.
In USA and Canada, a resume is used. A resume is shorter than a CV and provides
specific information such as skills and achievement
Components of a CV
I. Title: This is the word CURRICULUM VITAE. It can be capitalized or written in the
title case (Curriculum Vitae).
II. Personal data: These are personal details such as official name, contacts (postal
addresses, telephone number and e-mail addresses) date of birth, gender, nationality
and may also include the languages you know
III. Educational background: This is listing of the school(s) you attended the school/
institution and the qualification attained.
IV. Other courses: Other courses that are not educational are listed here. Start with the
most recent. Also indicate the years, institution and the qualification attained.
V. Work experience: This is a list of organizations worked for, stating with the current or
most recent. Indicate the positions held and provide the duties and responsibilities at
each of the organizations.
VI. Membership: The name(s) of professional organizations you are affiliated to are
provided here e.g. Law Society of Kenya, for lawyers and African Academy of
Sciences for scientists
VII Interests/ Hobbies: A list of favorite pass time activities and personal preferences such
as reading, sports, community service etc.. List those that will help you to be
favorably considered for the job.
VIII Referees:
These are persons who can recommend you with regard to your character and
professional ability. Provide their names titles and current contacts. Your teacher /
lecturer, former employers or senior professional colleagues may be listed.
Always obtain the consent of your referees before nominating them. Family members
or other relatives cannot be your referees.
N/B: Keep in mind that you are writing to advertise yourself, your skills and knowledge:
Your CV should reflect your true picture.
4. You must keep a diary – this is a teacher’s / school diary. Take note of the events of
the day.
Tabulate as below:
Day/Date Time Event Facilitator Remarks
Activities in the school that affect teaching and learning;
- Extra lessons, workshops, seminars education day, AGM, academic days, sports
day, a visit by government official, half term etc. should be noted.
5. Self-evaluation reports.
Can you objectively evaluate yourself in the context of a teacher / as a professional
6. Teacher peer evaluation report.
Another teacher will evaluate you e.g. A HOD, Deputy Principal or Principal can
evaluate you.
What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
What does the teacher need to improve?
7. School critique
Select one aspect and do a detailed critique say of;
Curriculum, discipline in the school, structures, facilities, games, timetable, textbooks,
etc. When doing a critique identify, describe, point out the strengths, the weaknesses,
analyze, synthesize and make recommendations.
8. School Environment study
Carry out the nature / status of the school e.g. Physical environment (topography etc.)
What about the: climate/ weather, economic activities, social environment, political
environment, spiritual environment? How do the above influence the operations of the
school? How does the climate affect the operations of the school?
9. Develop a research proposal
A proposal has;
Front matter e.g. covers page, declaration, certification, dedication,
acknowledgement, abstract, table of contents and list of appendices, abbreviations and
Summary of Proposal and research project
Chapter One: Introduction
Background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose, objectives, basic assumptions,
justification of the study, scope and limitations of the study, theoretical framework, operation
definition of terms, summary.
Chapter Two: Review of related literature
-Themes based on objectives
-Knowledge gap
Chapter three: Research design and methodology
- Introduction
- Research design
- Location of the study
- Population of the study
- Sampling techniques and sample size
- Instruments for data collection e.g. questionnaire, interview schedule etc.
- Reliability and validity of research instruments
- Procedure for data collection
- Data analysis
- Ethical considerations
- References
- Appendices
N/B Mind your tense when handling a proposal.
10. Research report is normally captured in chapter four
- Selection of a problem
- Carry out an investigation whose findings will be analyzed/ reported in
chapter four
N/B: Each item is ten marks, however the examiner may decide to allocate more marks to
some items/tasks and reduce for others but the total marks for the portfolio remains 100%
- Attempting is 5 marks for each item / task = 50%
- Copying / academic plagiarism will earn you a zero mark (0%)
A teacher has to educate, teach and operate in a school.
School Teach
- Education is as old as humanity. Has evolved over many years. The teacher is a
custodian of education.
- Socrates is the father of teaching. Plato and Aristotle were students of Socrates.
Socrates had no school. He kept moving from place to place as he taught.
- Being educated is the ultimate goal of teaching. Education is life long- womb to tomb.
- Education is not the same as schooling. Education begins from the time you were
born (informal education) through parents, village and community. You are educated
through your mother tongue, stories, legends, myths, rituals, taboos, rules and
regulations etc.
- A time comes for schooling / formal schooling that is coordinated, structured and
organized on a time table. The student sits in a classroom, learns, does assignments
and does much more.
- Who is an educated person? You can be schooled but not educated. You can be an
educated fool who cannot be self- reliant.
- Any successful teacher has to understand the concept of education, teaching and
- As a teacher you cannot teach effectively if you do not understand your environment.
- At face value education sounds a common place word. In details it is very intricate
process and concept. Therefore, as a teacher, you must talk about education in a very
special way.
- Education began in the Garden of Eden at creation. It is therefore a divine gift for
man. It is ordained by God.
Non-formal education
Any organized activity outside the structure of the formal education system that is
consciously aimed at meeting specific learning needs of a particular group of children, youths
or adults in the community.
- It includes various kinds of educational activities such as agricultural extension, skill
training, health and family planning, educational work amongst youth and women
and functional literacy.
- In informal education there is no attempt as structuring it, things that children learn
from family, friends, experience encountered and the like.
An educated man / woman / person;
- Understands himself / herself
- Understands the environment.
- Interacts with that environment positively and progressively.
Philosophy of education
A number of questions must be asked e.g.
Education for what? Why educate? Who is supposed to be educated?
Functions of education:
- Change, a source of new ideas and knowledge
- Economic exploits / industrialization, more production of goods
- Political awareness / political socialization of the child
- Sieving of students
- Informed citizenry / makes people critical
- Has conservative function- preservation of society’s dominant culture.
- New wave of thinking through mass media, industry, publishing, networking.
o Instruction in local languages
o Cultural exhibitions
Example II
A surgeon will start performing operations on dead bodies, then some minor
operations under the strict supervision of a skilled supervisor, and after showing a high
level of performance he / she will be allowed to practice surgery.
The three (3) features of training are; -
i. Consistency of practice. The trainee practices the skill from time to time, over
and over again.
ii. Repetition – The activities involved are greatly strengthened by repeated use.
Transfer value – The skill learnt must be transferred from one
Teaching is:
The process of helping learners to learn
The process of transmitting knowledge to learners
It entails training learners to acquire certain skills.
It has to do with transmission of attitudes and values to learners.
As a science it requires one to have knowledge and skills on how to teach, how to select and
apply the correct formula for each classroom situation.
As an art it calls for reflective thinking (being thoughtful and inventive) about the content,
methodology, resources and the like. As an art it means dynamic and ready to adapt to
changes taking place in the curriculum, knowing where to get knew knowledge, how to get it
and how to help learners understand it.
T - Taught, schooled, knowledgeable on theory and practice
E - Educated/ trained knowledgeable on theory and practice
A - Advanced/ developed entity.
C - Cultured, has values, adaptable, environmental awareness.
H - Honest (Free, frank, fair)
E - Experienced- comes with age leading to self-management and others.
R - Reliable/ trustworthy
Summary: -
In teaching,
There is at least a teacher.
He/ she does something, such as talking, telling, explaining, showing etc.
1) Consultation of the syllabus
2) Stating instructional objectives. This means identifying what to be achieved in a given
situation (SMART).
3) Identifying the content/ topics to be taught. It refers to specifying what is to be taught, its
structure and role.
4) Selecting appropriate teaching methods and techniques. This is related to how to go about
it, in relation to the nature of the learners to be instructed.
5) Identifying suitable instructional resources and materials to be used for the objectives to
be realized.
6) Actual presentation of the content through lessons using appropriate methods and
7) Giving tests and measurements to find out to what extent the objectives have been
8) Evaluation of all that took place in the whole process of learning and getting a feedback
on whether the objectives set had been achieved or not.
Training becomes conditioning when it is aimed less at displaying intelligence e.g. a dog
salivating at a sound of a bell.
Search of truth/understanding, giving reasons, evidence, argument and justifications.
Teaching which aims at establishing certain beliefs or matters of doctrine.
Principles of teaching: -
These are beliefs or ideas which teachers should use as guides when planning their own
teaching (Taylor: 1970)
i. Respect for each child. How? Recognize the rights of a child as a human being
with respect and dignity.
ii. Have concern for learner’s experience and activity. Does the learner
understand his/her world and the results from that interaction?
iii. Helping the learner to see purpose, value and point of what she/he is doing.
The teacher therefore has to arrange situations that have interest and meaning
for the learner. Meaning for the learner is constructed through experience,
helping and encouraging children to explore to think and to learn in their own
way. The teacher has to recognize the differences in children and plan
teaching based on these difference
iv. Assisting and encouraging learners to share their experiences, thinking and
learning. As social beings’ learners must be assisted to have plenty of social
v. Learning must move from simple to complex each step building on the one
before it. This leads to further development of skill or understanding attitude.
vi. Evaluating learning from time to time in order to take stock of progress and of
difficulties and to look again at objectives and procedures used.
Characteristics of effective teaching: -
A part from academic ability of the teacher she/he should have the command of the subject
matter and the ability to assess the learner’s academic achievements and social learning.
Other higher attributes / characteristics required include; -
a) Being knowledgeable on theory and practice of learning and using this
information to practice.
b) Possessing best teaching, models, strategies and procedures and using then
for classroom instruction and in interaction with other adult members of
the school.
c) Having dispositions and skills to approach all aspects of your work in a
reflective, collegial and problem-solving manner.
d) Viewing learning and teaching as lifelong process and having dispositions
and skills for working towards improving your own teaching as well as
improving schools.
Reflective teaching
According to Bennars (1998.30) education practice in Africa lacks reflection. He observes
that “presently most teachers in African schools operate as mere instructors, rigidly sure of
their facts, unwilling to tolerate critical questions and highly authoritarian in their behavior.
These teachers lack liberating/enabling pedagogy for the sake of high performance in the
Reflective teaching as a notion stems from Dewey’s ideas (1993) of reflective action as
opposed to routine action. Routine action/teaching is guided by factors such as tradition, habit
authority and institutional definitions end expectations.
Reflective teaching is all about constant self-appraisal and development, implying flexibility
rigorous analysis and social awareness.This is a vision of teaching that is both liberating and
empowering (Bennars 1998) Dollard (1997) defines it as a process through which the
capacity to make professional judgements in deciding how to act can be developed and
Berens (1997) says that through reflecting teaching teachers encourage interactive learning so
that they are able to think reflectively about teaching.
Characteristics of reflective teaching
Being critical of aims and objectives of education in one’s country i.e. are they professional
or impracticable, educationally sound or mentally questionable?
Applied in a cyclical or spiraling process which teachers monitor, evaluate and revise their
own practice continuously. Teaching is dynamic and it calls for planning making provision
and acting.
Having an attitude of open mindedness, intellectual responsibility and whole heartedness. Be
open to learners’ views, accept responsibility etc.
It is enhanced through collaboration and dialogue with colleagues. It calls for interaction
among teachers both in academic and social set-up.
The teachers have to use judgment all the time as they adapt their teaching to them.
11. Additionally, a teacher is expected to be a person of refined tests and sophistication,
an explorer in the world of ideas and an expert in child development (Datta
12. The is an evaluator (use of tests, examinations, grades)
The teacher maintains some kind of order in classroom as a disciplinarian, stands in for the
parents by supplementing what the parents do at home, and decides what is right and what is
wrong in the academic field.
NB- A teachers ‘success is gauged by how successfully learners master subject matter.
Characteristics of instruction
i. External events do not produce learning instead they can only support the learners
internal processing.
ii. It does not have a single unitary purpose. Instruction has several functions e.g.
may arouse behavior, transfer learning et-el.
iii. Decisions about instruction must be made in the context of the skill or skills to be
learned e.g. instruction for information is not the same as instruction for motor
N/B – In addition to teaching, instruction may be delivered by print materials,
television, computers and other media.
As a teacher, you are supposed to have knowledge of the subject which you are
going to teach your learners.
Example 1
As a teacher trainee you will be trained to perform tasks / sub skills efficiently.
Example 1 _ Task of asking learners questions.
i. You will learn: -
_ Why to ask questions
_How to ask questions
_What type of question to ask
_When to ask
_How to deal with responses etc.
ii. You will be shown (demonstration) how this task is
performed by the teacher.
iii. You will be put in a situation (stimulated), where you will be
expected to ask your learners questions until they have
mastered the skill. (integrating all sub-skills) on your peers
iv. Lastly you will perform these teaching tasks in an actual
situation i.e. in the classroom under the direct supervision of
your teacher(trainee)
v. After performing the task again and again to the satisfaction
of your trainer you will earn the tittle of a trained teacher.
iii. institution to another.
Example III
In skill training a systematic approach to training is used: -
i. A trainer (supervisor) dividing the content of the training program in self-
contained stages where each can be taught as a unit. Each stage is examined
to identify and describe key points.
ii. The trainer makes sure the materials and equipment required for training is
properly arranged.
iii. The super visor talks to the trainee to find out what is already known about
the job one is being trained for in order to arouse the trainee’s interest in
iv. The skill to be acquired is then demonstrated carefully, with particular
emphasis on key points.
v. The trainee is allowed to perform the skill with the trainer observing to see
that no mistakes are made and asking questions to ensure that the trainee has
vi. The trainer puts the trainee to work or in the field, watching fairly closely at
first but gradually relaxing supervision as the trainee gains confidence and
In summary, we can conclude that in training, a learner achieves mastery of performing
certain acts, a result of a systematically organized practice program.
It is assumed that the skill acquired during training schedule will be helpful to the
learner in performance of the same or similar tasks in real situations.
Thus, there is improvement over teaching in ‘training’ that in training, both trained and
learner are sure to judge whether training, which was absent in teaching, has taken place
or not.
Learning: -
Kimble G. A. (1961) Learning is defined as a relatively permanent behavior resulting
from reinforced practice.
Woodfolks (1990) A process that occurs when experience causes a relatively permanent
change in an individual’s knowledge or behavior.
Farrant (1980). The process by which we acquire and retain attitudes, knowledge, skills,
understanding and capabilities that cannot be attributed to the inherited behavior
patterns or physical growth.
Key terms in the definition.
i. Permanent change
ii. Behavior
iii. Reinforcement
iv. Practice
A. Permanent Change
Learning can be assumed to have taken place if there is a permanent change in
behavior for instance a test will prove that the learning has taken place however the
test must come after some time when what was learnt has gone from the short term
memory (30 seconds) to the long term memory.
B. Behavior
Behavior is the only evidence we have to show that learning has taken place. You
can see the behavior with your eyes mentioned, proved, read etc. It is an empirical
C. Reinforcement
The act of making something stronger especially a feeling or an idea. The things
that make learning stronger can be reward of even a punishment bonus for doing
something we like/ approve.
Depending on the consequences learning can be repeated if the experience was
pleasant. If it was bad the experience may not be repeated. Your B. Ed course is a
reward, a thing of value because after graduation you will be employed, get a higher
salary, gain respect of a professional teacher. Reinforcement’ theorists include: B.F.
Skinner, Thorndike and Hull.
D. Practice
Practice, trials, rehearsals make one master a lot of things. There more you practice,
the more you learn. The more complex the task the more practice you will require
to master it.
When you practice too much you go behind the point of mastery. You actually over-
Things that are over-learnt cannot be forgotten e.g. language. As a teacher you must
over learn in order to teach well.
Classification of Leaning
i. Cognitive learning
This is learning by mental process such as reasoning, remembering and
reading. It leads to the development of intellectual skills.
Blooms B. S. Taxonomy of educational objectives
a) Knowledge Knowledge of: specifics, terms facts
- Ways and means of dealing with
- Principles and theories
b) Comprehension - Transition
- Interpretation
- Extrapolation
c) Application Practical aspect of knowledge / putting it to
d) Analysis Analysis of elements relationship and
principles. Break it into pieces
e) Synthesis Putting things together
Production of a plan of operation
Derivation of relations
Production of a unique communication
f) Evaluation Judgement in terms of internal and external
evidence / testing can it work
o Inductive learning involves formulation of general principles based
on knowledge of specific examples and details.
Factors that affect learning: -
i. Intelligence of the learner.
ii. The subject matter, that is, the nature of what is being learned.
iii. The significance placed by the learner on what is being learnt.
iv. The method used for learning
v. The environment around which learning is taking place.
vi. Clear objectives, as to what is to be learned stated in behavioral terms.
vii. Readiness for learning in terms of intellectual, physical, emotional and social
viii. Careful guidance through the learning experience
ix. Preliminary recall of all previously acquired knowledge relevant to the new
materials to be learned
x. Learner paying full attention on what is being learnt and the mantaince of
concentration through the learning process
xi. Strong motivation to learn.
xii. Active involvement by the learner in the learning process
xiii. Feedback to the learner which indicates the progress being made in the learning
Robert M. Gagne gives different categories of learning outcomes. He does not propagate broad
areas of learning such as domains, instead he describes the types of capabilities a learner will
acquire after undergoing learning.
i. Verbal information
ii. Intellectual skills
iii. Cognitive strategies
iv. Attitudes
v. Motor skills.
Education is a complex concept that has developed over time and cannot be reduced to one
single / meaning.
Paulo Freire (1970) defines it as inter- subjective process of becoming critically aware of ones
reality in a manner that leads to effective action upon it.
Njoroge and Bennaars (1980) define it as the inter-subjective process of learning to be a self-
reliant person in society.
Langereld (1975.35) describes it as a form social intercourse or association between adults and
children, aiming at influencing the child to come of age.
Oxford – Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (8th Edition)-2010
Education is the process of teaching, training and learning especially in schools or colleges to
improve knowledge and develop skills.
Bennaars (19980 agrees with Langeveld and argues that education has a universal validity
because of its concern with condition of educating which he identifies as: -
i. Pedagogical understanding, where education is seen as a social concern where the
adults care for the children until they are of age. Pedagogical -concerning teaching
ii. Pedagogical intention. Education must aim at the learner coming of age / becoming an
adult / a fully grown /fully developed person in society who is dependent, self-
determined, self-reliant within a given social context.
iii. Pedagogical atmosphere: The educator must keep in mind the future of the learner
which is defined in terms of adulthood autonomy and self-reliance. The education
transmitted must be guided by norms and values which point to the future.
iv. Pedagogical relation: Although the learner is educated under constant guidance and
care of the adult, the relation between learners and adults must remain evident.
Functions of Education in society
Function – a special activity or purpose of a purpose or thing.
i. Bringing up individual development. This includes catering for the fullest development
of personality, training in independent, logical ang imaginative thinking, self-discipline
establishment of literacy and manipulative skills and lastly provision of social
experience that enables the child to live and work easily with others.
ii. Conservative function of education- preserves the society ‘s dominant culture and
passes it from generation to generation and from existing population to people who are
newly incorporated into the society such as immigrants (Datta, A. 1984.34).
iii. The innovative function of education. In most modern societies, the school is expected
to be a major source of new ideas and knowledge. The modern-style school set up by
the colonial authorities was a powerful instrument for weakening the stability of the
old society and for ushering in a process of change.
However, education must obtain a delicate balance between the experiences of the past
and the needs of the future.
Recent researchers in psychology of learning and creativity suggest that because of the
heavy stress laid on conformity in the primary and secondary schools, potentially
creative learners are turned into adults who toe the expected Line of thought. Even
universities emphasize values such as industry, honesty, obedience and thriftiness,
while qualities of leadership, initiative and critical faculty are ignored.
iv. Catering for specific needs of the people. It has to address what individuals need in the
society and go ahead to meet the need.
v. The political function of education.
Education contributes to the political socialization of the child. Political socialization
refers to the transmission of values, beliefs, ideas and patterns of behaviors pertaining
to the generation, distribution and exercise of power.
- Respect and attitude to authority begins at classroom level, the supervisor at place of
work and eventually the bigger government.
- Education through a common language (English and Kiswahili) in schools and colleges
provides young people with channels of interaction which is a necessary condition for
national integration.
- Use of prefects trained in leadership.
- Use of teachers as authority.
- Boarding schools, colleges and universities attract students from various corners of the
nation. This promotes national unity. Teaching of civics, history, political sciences and
government encourages the political function of education
vi. The economic function of education. Education and affluence are usually associated.
Rich countries boast of advanced educational systems while poor nations are
educationally backward.
Literacy in many nations is a means of economic development. The argument that
education leads to economic development rests on two assumptions.
Education changes behavior.
That such behavioral changes result in the production of more goods and services.
When the education system performs this function satisfactorily, the society is able to
make full use of the so called “pool of capability,” that is, the sum total of the
intellectual qualities, talents and other abilities of the people.
Viii. The critical function of education. Makes one to reflect, think, criticize etc.
Forms of education
Education takes place formally, informally and non- formally. The three form of a
continuum, each merging into the next, with no clear line of distinction between them.
Formal education
This refers to an organized educational facility within the established education system.
Bennaars (1998), equates it with schooling.
The learners are organized in especially built institutions such schools, colleges,
universities and the like. In these institutions they are grouped in classrooms for regular
These lessons are systematically arranged with definite objectives to be achieved.
There is a laid down syllabus and time table to be followed.
There are situations when formal systems of education can exist out of the established
school system. A good example is traditional African Society where some rites of
passage were accompanied by rigid and well- organized education, which could take
days or weeks to be completed.
Here young people were instructed in groups on community rules behavior during the
initiation rites (Otiende 1990). This was an aspect of formal learning.
Sifuna (1996) explains that African Indigenous education was transmitted mainly
through in formal and formal methods of instructions.
Formal methods involve theoretical and practical inculcation of skills such as learning
through apprenticeship. Formal instructions were also given in the constant corrections
and warning to children in aspects of domestic work, herding cattle, cultivation, fishing
Informal Education
This entails all the unorganized learning that human beings do or undergo during their
lifetime either consciously or unconsciously.
Within the school system, informal education takes place when learners are engaged in
undirected activities. They include conscious or unconscious absorption of teachers and
peer groups habits and interests, family members and mass media.
None- formal Education
This is any organized educational activity outside the established formal education
These learners are trained in various basic skills to help them find work in rural areas.
Juma (1988) identified two common forms of non-formal education
i. Education provided to the youths and adults outside the formal system which
provides them with functional knowledge and skills for productive work but no
paper qualifications are given.
ii. Alternative education provided to the youth and adults leading to paper
iii. A deliberate provision of education for both the youth and adults within the
formal system to
Enhance their education attainment. Activities learners engage
in under this education include:
Agricultural-extension skill training, health and family
planning, education work among the youth and women.
In Kenya there are a number of bodies concerned with non-formal education. They
include: youth clubs and canters for re-settlement and training of youth run by local
government and voluntary bodies, youth polytechnics run by government,
correspondence courses organized by external and local institutions.
Non-formal education can also take place within the established school system. In
schools it includes: -games, choirs, debating, scouting, gardening, Christian union,
wildlife activities, YCS, SDA etc.
Relationship between teaching, training and education
HODs Bursar
Head Student
Accounts Clerk
HOS Assistant Head
Lab Assistant
Class Cateress/Nurse /Matron
Teachers D/Hall/Games/Environment
House Prefects
Grounds men /Security
Subject Cooks
Teachers Class prefects
o The material components of a school are the pupils, teachers, books, equipment
and the buildings. As a system they must harmonize.
o The task of co-coordinating the above components is the responsibility of the
head teacher and it requires much skill if he / she has to do the job well.
o As a community of living and active people a school requires good organization.
Successful organization requires good leadership and efficient management.
o A good head teacher must possess high qualities of leadership because like a
general he / she cannot win the battle alone but by inspiring those with whom he
/ she serves.
o Leadership comes with knowledge and experience and an understanding of
people and human relationships.
o The test of a head teacher’s leadership is to be found in the quality of the
personal relationships in the school and the extent to which he/she has forged
the staff into a united team.
o The head must supervise the work of his teachers, but he / she must avoid over-
supervising. Good supervision is neither too much nor too little, too strict nor too
slack and varies according to the need for help and guidance.
o The head must constantly study/analyze the results of the teaching in his /
her school. However this does not mean only the examination results. He / she
can assess how nearly the school is providing sound education.
o Assessment of the school requires accurate information that cannot be gained
by remaining remote and aloof. It needs a person who knows the staff the learners
and the job intimately by being in touch with them all the time.
o A head has responsibilities beyond the confines of his school, for he is
responsible not only to his employer but to the public and in particular, to
the community that will make his school wanted.
o If good tone or school spirit is to exist in a school, there must be a corporate
spirit amongst the members. The head teacher, staff and students must talk of
“we” because they feel they belong together. They must hold together as a family
/ team.
a)Mutual respect:-
Respect cannot be demanded; it can only be given, earned. It grows as one person sees
in another qualities he admires. Respect between the staff and learners must be mutual.
b)Shared ideals:-
Group feeling is most easily developed amongst people who hold the same views and
have the same ideals. This is difficult in a school which draws its staff and pupils from
different backgrounds. This can be achieved through an acceptable code of behavior /
rules and acceptable standards of behavior. It should be noted that it is the head teacher
who sets these standards in a school. Only when he / she has a high regard for moral
virtue, beauty, goodness and hard work can he / she be expect his / her staff and pupils
to do so too.
c)Shared activities:-
The principal needs to break down the barriers that separate classes so that there are
occasions when the school is like a family. This can be done through morning
assemblies, concerts, exhibitions, school matches, clubs and societies etc where
children can share their real interests regardless of class or age.
Head teacher
Senior teachers
Junior teachers
ii)Departmental Model
In this system, the head delegates’ authority to senior members of staff-
HODs and lines of authority move outwards rather than downwards.
Normally the head makes clear what he would like to see happening in the
departments and will do this through discussion with his heads of department.
Students Students
Assistant teachers Assistant teachers
Head teacher
Policy making decisions are taken by this council with the head in the role of
chairman or coordinator of representatives from the teaching units.
This system tries to ensure that interests are fully represented in the
organization of the school.
g unit
ng unit Teachi
School Council ng unit
composed of
Head teacher
Teachi representatives
of teaching units
ng unit
g unit
ng unit
e)Allocation of Resources:-
The aim of school management is to make the most efficient use of the available
resources such as teachers, buildings and equipment in order to achieve pre-
determined educational aims relating to the pupils, the community served by the
school and the national system of education.
The main areas of communication that need to be considered are those carried
on between:-
- The Ministry, the school and the community.
- The head teacher, the staff and students.
For this reasons the head needs to examine between these various bodies. The
head can use Parents Associations to communicate to parents.
c)Community relations
- Communication with the community is open and access is made easy for
any representative of the community.
- Parents are encouraged to take an interest in the school as well as their own
children and to become involved in the activities of the school.
d) Good Management
- Smelling out problems before they get too big to handle.
- Delegating responsibility.
- Diagnosing the cause of poor performance.
- Encouraging co-operation and effort by staff and pupils.
- Getting tasks and problems into correct perspective.
- Helping others to solve their problems.
- Listening to what others have to say.
- Coordinating the staff. How?
o Plan program of future events.
o Give teachers routine notices which they ought to know from school
authorities or MOE.
o Discuss changes or improvements in school organization, discipline
o Encourage friendship among staff, staff meeting should be regular
and minutes should be kept.
- Budgeting.
o Curriculum context is the environment in which curriculum process takes place. This
context does affect curriculum either positively or negatively.
o Environment of the curriculum includes the political environment, human beings,
social context and spiritual context.
o Saber tooth satire tells us that curriculum environment keeps on changing. When the
animals disappeared, they (people) had to resort to fishing. This means that
curriculum can change / can be controlled by circumstances.
o Curriculum must have relevance. What is learnt must be relevant to the needs of the
Functions of Education
Can be defined as, the inter-subjective process of learning to be a self-reliant person in
society (Njoroge and Benaars – 1980).
A form of social intercourse or association between adults and children aiming at influencing
the child to come of age (Longereld 1979.35)
1. Bringing up individual development, that is, catering for the fullest development of
personality, training in independent, logical and imaginative thinking, self-discipline,
literacy, manipulative skills, social experience.
2. Conservative function of education - preserves the society’s dominant culture and
passes it on to the next generation form the existing population.
3. Innovative function of education - the school should be a source of change, new ideas
and knowledge. A society must be willing to change in order to survive in future.
4. Catering for specific needs of the people. What do people want?
5. The political function. Political socialization refers to transmission of values, beliefs,
ideas and patterns of behavior pertaining to the generation distribution and exercise of
power, student leadership, teaching of civics, history, political science.
6. Economic function of education - economic development rests on high levels of
education and behavioral change that result in the production of more goods and
7. The selective function of education – It is a filtering agency, gets us a pool of
capability i.e those with talents, abilities and intellectual qualities.
Curriculum is the vehicle for education. The formal context, in which education has to
operate, is the school.
- Provide a safe and orderly climate. All must feel safe (learners, workers, teachers etc.)
- Quality monitoring and assurance system.
- An atmosphere of expectations e.g. high achievement (learners, teachers – head
Structure Culture
Community Leadership / government structure Values will dictate type of
Nation Centralized system has an impact on National philosophies African
curriculum socialism, harambeeism,
Global Impact of AU, UNO, EAC, cold war, UN Charter International /
North rich and poor South on curriculum global citizen
Disasters / Catastrophes
- 2007 / 2008 Election violence and effects on curriculum.
- Elnino rains and the destruction that followed, flooding in Tana River Flood Plain,
Nyando River, Nzoia River, flash floods.
- The effects of drought on Kenya can be devastating
Morals and curriculum: Think of children between 9 – 16 years in bars with condoms, bang
and alcohol.
Philosophy as a Context
Metaphysics: Deals with the world beyond the physical world.
Epistemology: Theories of instruction, learning, human and social
Logic: Reasoning – Why this curriculum and not the other?
Ethics : Deals with morality – how does it affect curriculum. Think of a male teacher who
impregnates school girls. Of parents / teachers who come to school drunk.
Aesthetics: It deals with beauty / fine art / what is good and relevant curriculum?
Such components include aims, goals and objectives, subject matter / content, learning
experiences and evaluation approaches.
Tyler (1949) has a linear curriculum design. It has elements, objectives, learning activities,
content organization and evaluation. This is an example of curriculum design based on the
Wheeler Model
The model is cyclic and has fire stages.
Selection of learning
Organization and
integration of learning
Selection of content
It should be remembered that curriculum design is not centred on content but it draws its
organizing principles form the felt needs and interests of the learners.
An effective curriculum design makes clear the criteria for selection of aims, objectives and
content plus learning experiences.
It takes into consideration the scope (the depth, breath or width of the content).
Has a sequence / the order of content i.e from simple (known) to complex (unknown). The
ordering of content and the ordering of the learners, skills and competencies is important.
Has to demonstrate integration; the relationship among the learning of various areas of
curriculum which take place at the same time.
Learning activities
Student Assessment
Informal / formal and
Dimensions of Curriculum
Formal - Schooling / seated in class/use of timetables.
Non-formal - Extra-curricular / games/ not done in class.
Informal - Habits picked by students from teachers, peers, parents.
Situational analysis refers to information gathering to reveal needs situation analysis involves
finding out the context in which curriculum process (school) is to take place and about the
feasibility of it being successful. Situational; analysis involves collecting basic information
(i) Existing education system e.g. primary cycle, buildings, teachers etc.
(ii) The learners – what are their interests
(iii) The teachers – are they enough? Trained? In serviced?
A need is present where there is a discrepancy or gap between the way things “might be”
and the way they “are”.
• It means that you can use the objectives to solicit for funds to implement the
• Objectives attempt to improve the practice of curriculum by first obtaining clarity
about educational needs.
• They provide (objectives) a precise basis for selecting and organizing content.
• They provide basis for evaluation, determining the extent to which the educational
or instructional program is useful.
• This involves designing teaching / learning materials, learning activities, content
and curriculum, structure and method and their scope and sequence.
• Involves means (methods) textbook materials, resource units etc.
• Designing appropriate institutional settings e.g laboratories in schools, making
plans of field work and construction of workshops.
• Provision of personnel and designing their role definitions in curriculum change in
a society that is rapidly changing the school time-tables and other provisions.
-One person representing persons with special needs
Functions of BOM
-Promote the basic interests of the institution and ensure its development
-Promote equality for all students as per the law
-Ensure and assure the provision of proper and adequate physical facilities for institution
-Manage the institution affairs in accordance with the rules and regulations governing the
occupational health and safety
-Advice the County Education Board on staffing needs of the institution
-Determine students discipline issues and make reports to CEB
-Prepare a comprehensive termly report on all areas of its mandate and submit the report to the
-Facilitate and ensure the provision of guidance and counseling to all learners
-Provide for the welfare and observe the human rights and ensure safety of learners, teachers
and non-teaching staff at the institution
-Promote the spirit if cohesion, integration, peace, tolerance, inclusion, elimination of hate
speech and elimination of tribalism at the institution
-Encourage culture of dialogue and participatory democratic governance at the institution
-Encourage learners, teachers, non-teaching staff, parents and the community to render
voluntary service to the institution
-Allow reasonable use of the facilities of the institution for community, social and other lawful
purposes, subject to such reasonable and equitable conditions as it may determine the charging
of a fee
Administer and manage the resources of the institution
-Receive, collect and account for any funds accruing to the institution
-Recruit employ and remunerate such number of non-teaching staff as may be required by the
institution in accordance the Act
-Perform any other function to facilitate the implementation of its functions under this Act or
any other law.
The sponsor
This entity/institution makes a significant contribution and impact on the academic,
financial, infrastructural and spiritual development of an institution of basic education.
-Most of the school sponsors in Kenya are religious organizations. Three major
religious organizations in Kenya are Christianity, Islam and Hindu.
Role of the sponsor
-To participate and make recommendations of review of syllabus, curriculum, books
and other teaching aids
-Representation in the school management committees and BOM.
-To provide supervisory and advisory services in matters regarding the denomination
or religious adherence of others as well as offering financial and infrastructural
-They provide moral and spiritual nourishment in their institutions.
Parents Teachers Association
There shall be PTA for every public or private secondary school, consisting of every
parent with a student in the school and a representative of teachers in the school.
Functions of PTA
-Promote quality care, nutritional and health status of the learners
-Maintain good working relationship between parents and teachers
-Discuss, explore and advice the parents on ways to raise funds for the physical
development and maintenance of school facilities
-Explore ways to motivate the teachers and learners to improve their performance in
academic and co-curricular activities
-Discuss and recommend charges to be levied on learners or parents
-Undertake and oversee development projects on behalf of PTA
-Assist the school management in monitoring school progress
-Guide, counsel and discipline learners
-Discuss and recommend for the welfare of staff and students
As per the TSC code of regulations for teachers revised edition (2014) the role of the
heads of institutions incudes:
-Responsible for education policy and professional practice at the institutional level
-Management and implementation of the institutional curriculum
-Assignment of teaching and non-teaching duties to teachers
-Undertake a reasonable teaching load
-Performance and the roles of the secretary to the BOM
-Management and control of finances and all institutional assets entrusted to his/her
office to ensure strict adherence to the public finance and management guidelines
-Procurement of goods and services within in the public procurement guidelines for
institutional use
-Provide direction for effective teaching and conducive learning environment
Appraise the government and other stakeholders on institutional performance
-Develop the institutional strategic plan and ensure that institutional targets and
objectives are met
-Custodian of the records of the institution
-Ensure proper arrangement and maintenance of the financial human and physical
resources of the institution
-Offer technical advice to the BOM and other stakeholders within the institution to
enable institution meets its needs
-Ensure maintenance of teaching standards and professional records maintained by a
teacher including scheme of work, lesson plan notes, records of work and students
exercise books
-Pay regular visits to classrooms to evaluate delivery of curriculum
-Inspect the institutions classroom, laboratories, work-shops, dormitories, dining hall,
playgrounds, ablution blocks and other areas within the institution to ensure safety and
security of learners and other occupants
-Perform such other roles as may be assigned by TSC
Deputy Principal
The Deputy Principal has the following roles:
-In charge of curriculum
-Is in charge of discipline of students
-Staff minutes recorder
-Deputizes the principal
- Concerned with welfare issues of teaching and non-teaching staff
N/B Apart from the above people the student teacher should find out the roles/duties
of the following:
- HoDS
- Ordinary teachers
- Non-teaching staff
- School environment
It refers to the type/grade/status of the school. In Kenya we have the following types
of schools; national schools, extra-county schools, county schools, sub-county schools
and private schools. The above listed schools are boarding, day, mixed, girls or boys
The student should investigate land acreage, resources, staffing, performance,
enrollment, culture, equipment and facilities.
County and extra-county boarding schools charge around Kshs 40,000/ while national
schools that have boarding facilities charge around kshs 53,000/
The capitation per student in secondary school is slightly above Kshs 22,000/. Day
schools charge between kshs 6,000/ and 10,000/ for lunch and uniform.
Challenges faced by National Schools in Kenya
-Issues to do with religion
-Day stream and its challenges
-Keeping high standards and expectations yet fees has been reduced
-Reduction of fees by GOK
-Covid 19
-High number of students in classes because of 100% transition policy
Implication of the challenges faced by national schools
-Students are fed on low quality food
-Schools have to do with fewer BOM teachers hence increased workload for
the regular teachers
-Teachers are no longer motivated as before since schools cannot charge extra
levies for trips, awards, bonding sessions and the like
-Students cannot compete in many co-curricular activities because of limited
funding. Their talents are not fully harnessed in the long run
-Unlike before, students have to clean their classes, dormitories and school
compounds. This is because of reduced working force.
-Poor maintenance of school infrastructure
-Limited revision materials for candidates
-Reduced use of ICT because of reduced funding
-Unrest in schools because of poor diet, fewer trips and dilapidated facilities
-Status/class issues begin to emerge i.e. the “haves and have notes”
-Students from rich backgrounds are transferred to private schools which have
enough facilities and are not congested
Questions to be posed by the student teacher
-Is ranking of schools ethical when results are released?
-Why does the government encourage talent centers/centers of excellence?
-Why do we have gender based schools in Kenya?
-What is the right age of enrolment at secondary school?
-What are the merits of day schools, boarding schools and mixed schools?
-Who is the owner of schools?
-Which schools perform better?
-How is the day stream going to affect boarding schools in towns?
-What are the basic elements of a good school for it to achieve its objectives?
-How does the surrounding environment affect the delivery of the curriculum?
Cascade the above discussion to extra-county, county and sub-county public
secondary schools.
Social and demographic issues
People react differently to change, but usually the reactions are negative.
People resist change because it threatens their cherished traditions and
People may resist new curriculum because they do not approve of the source
of the new idea or they may anticipate adverse effects on the society.
Curriculum specialists must therefore understand reasons for resistances.
Knowledge explosion
Knowledge is the main source of curriculum content (Shiundu and Omulando,
1992). Any changes in knowledge as a result of research findings and other
forms of knowledge generation will affect curriculum decisions such as
content selection, organization and delivery methods.
Currently there is so much knowledge coming into being that curriculum
development and review are taking place at a faster pace than before.
For instance competencies to be achieved by the learner in the basic education
under the the proposed 2-6-6-3 system of education include; creativity,
imagination, social equality, citizenship, digital literacy, learning to learn
communication etc.
In Kenya learners from different cultural backgrounds are brought together to
learn a common curriculum. Their cultural underpinnings come to bear on the
learning they undertake at the school.
It would be useful that positive aspects of the various cultures are incorporated
in the curriculum as this enhances curriculum relevance in the face of cultural
Interest groups
They include religious bodies, donor agencies, youth organizations,
professional associations, teachers unions and other community organizations
These groups have interests that they would wish to champion through school
programs. As a result they influence the general and sometimes the specific
outfit of the curricula offered at various phases and levels of education.
Technological advancement
Development of technology affects school curricula in a number of ways. One
is the introduction of instructional programs such as computer studies in
The use of tools such as, overhead projectors, LCD projectors, calculators,
laptops, tablets etc. are examples of how technology affects curriculum.
In developing curricula, an awareness of the presence and utilization of such
technology influences the general and specific curricula outfits.
Ethical issues likely to arise from use of ICT in teaching and learning include:
pornography, impediment of privacy, theft f information and plagiarism,
environmental hazards when disposing obsolete computers and junk
Wastage and attrition
This comes about through natural causes such as death and retirement.
Planners also find it difficult to predict wastage caused by resignations,
teachers moving to lucrative careers etc.
Feminization of training
Teaching as a profession is increasingly becoming a preserve foe women
especially in primary and secondary school levels. In towns there are more
female teachers than male teachers.
Teacher mobility
It makes it hard for educational planners to systematically organize for the
profession and equitably staff school system.. Teachers move because of
transfers, promotions insecurity among other reasons.
Problem of posting and transfer of teachers
New teachers are posted to remote rural areas without water, electricity,
communication etc. Moreover, they go for months on end without salary. This
causes discontentment and despair.
Academic content
It is argued that the academic content of those training as teachers is not strong
enough especially when education courses are combined with teaching
academic subjects.
Centralized curriculum by KCID
It has the following demerits:
.Individual differences are not catered for because it assumes that al,
children have the same mental and physical levels.
. It has no room for slow learners.
. Geographical and climatic differences are not considered.
.It is quite expensive especially when you involve QASOs.
.It does not consider economic and local variations fully.
.It is not easy to change/ rigid as decisions have to come from above.
.It weakens parental control of the curriculum.
Emerging issues
New challenges and issues that have arisen nationally and internationally
affect school curriculum. They include:
-Incurable diseases such as Ebola, Covid 19, various cancers etc.
-Land and ethnic clashes, national boundary conflicts etc.
-Environmental degradation
-Global warming
-Radicalization/religious fundamentalism etc.
One of the objectives of any institution of higher learning is to conduct research (Mugenda
and Mugenda 1999). Research generates new knowledge and information. It extends the
frontiers of understanding as we gain new insights into phenomena.
There can be no improvement of higher education industrialization or development without
sound research. The Kenya government has encouraged and supported research institutes
in several disciplines. This is a clear demonstration to the important role research plays in
national development of any country.
This is an undertaking whose outcome will be data which can be used as a basis of
proposing a project or data which will contribute to knowledge and forms the
recommendations and action.
It is a systematic investigation of a problem using acceptable scientific procedure, with an
intention of either generating knowledge about the problem and alleviating / solving.
To research is to carry out a diligent inquiry of a critical examination of a given
phenomenon. It implies exhaustive study, investigation of experimentation following some
logical sequence.
Research also involves a critical analysis of existing conclusions of theories with regard to
newly discovered facts. This is very necessary in an ever changing world with advances in
technology continually creating new possibilities.
A problem is an interrogative statement that a researcher is looking answers for. A problem
is a question whose answers / solutions a researcher is looking for.
Scientific procedures There are steps which must be followed to generate knowledge and
to solve a problem.
a) New knowledge: As a researcher you have to come out with something new in terms of
content, presentation, method etc. If not it would be a repetition of what is already there
(content). We cannot have old wine in new wine skins.
b) Expert: As a researcher you need to be systematic and accurate. An expert knows that
what he/she is doing up to the highest level possible. Systematic means it is conducted
in an orderly manner. However this does not mean systems approach. Accuracy means
you do not distort the figures. Let the data be normal then interpret it. Avoid sweeping
statements e.g. 60% of Kakamega’s town population is mainly male.
c) It must be logical. Logical is quite different from chronological it must be objective
(free from subjectivity, no bias about the data, no liking, of disliking should be
projected). Verify the data collected through tests.
d) Eliminate personal feelings, likings or dislikings. Resist the temptation to seek data that
supports your hypothesis of claim.
e) Organize data in quantitative terms. (Quantity goes .with number as opposed to quality
which goes with character) suspend judgment so that the data can reach a sound
f) The data should be carefully recorded. Every term should be carefully defined e.g. adult,
adult education
CLASSIFICATION OF RESEARCH (Evaluation Research, Basic Research, Applied
Research and Action Research)
Evaluation research
Defined as the systematic process of collecting and analysing data in order to make
decisions. Evaluation is therefore a process of determining whether the intended results
were realized.
Evaluation research should satisfy four important criteria as outlined by Borg and Gall:
a) Utility – An evaluation has utility if it is informative, timely and useful.
b) Feasibility – An evaluation is feasible if it is appropriate to the setting in which the
study will be conducted. An evaluation design is also feasible if it is cost-effective,
that is, if the study is worth the cost
c) Property – An evaluation has property if the rights of persons affected by the
evaluation are protected
d) Accuracy – This refers to the extent to which an evaluation study produces valid,
reliable and comprehensive information about the phenomenon being evaluated
Purposes of Research
1. The main purpose of research is to discover new knowledge. This involves the
discovery of new facts, their correct interpretation and practical application. Though
there are other sources of knowledge, research remains the most efficient and reliable
source of knowledge because it seeks to demonstrate the truth and it is also the most
accurate system of securing useful knowledge.
2. The second purpose of research is to describe a phenomenon. Accurate identification
of any event involves thorough description for example of size, shape, age, weight,
colour, height, and change over time.
3. Research is to enable prediction – Prediction is the ability to estimate phenomenon
4. A further purpose of research is to enable control – In scientific research; control is
concerned with ability to regulate the phenomenon under study. Usually one
phenomenon is manipulated in order to control over another. For example in a
laboratory experiment, a drug that suppressed body growth is administered to group of
rats to investigate its effect on weight gain in rats.
5. The fifth purpose of research is to enable explanation of phenomena. Explanation
involves accurate observation and measurement of a given phenomenon.
6. The sixth purpose of research is to enable theory development. Theory development
involves formulating concepts, laws and generalizations about a given phenomenon.
Research is also conducted in an attempt to confirm or validate existing theories. This
is sometimes referred to as ‘falsification of theory’.
Sources of knowledge
a) Research- because it is objective and involves systematic procedures.
b) Experience – as human beings we go through various experiences e.g. the experiences
of a farmer.
c) Tradition is another source of knowledge – All human beings inherit a culture. Culture
is a reflection of an adopted system of rules, norms, standards and values transmitters
of cultural knowledge in the society include; parents, peers, adults, teachers and the
Unfortunately most of us accept the social truth without testing it. This is a major
weakness of tradition as a source of knowledge.
d) Authority is yet another, source of knowledge. This takes the form of an expert in a
specialized area, giving his opinion on a given issue. The acceptance of such an opinion
by others depends on the status of the person giving the opinion. However not all
experts are always right. Think of a popular athlete who states that a certain brand of
soap makes your skin soft and smooth in a television commercial.
e) Intuition – Intuition is the perception or explanation or insights into phenomena by
instinct. The ability to gain new knowledge without conscious reasoning or rational
process. It has remained a mystery.
True Quasi
experimental Experimenta
Research can be classified (broadly) using two criteria;
i) The purpose of research
ii) The method of conducting research
Under the purpose of research we have: Basic research, applied research, action research
and evaluation research.
Basic research
Basic research is the type of research undertaken mainly for intention of generation and
extension of knowledge about the problem. The primary concern of basic research is
therefore to add to the universe of scientific knowledge. A basic researcher is normally
motivated by intellectual curiosity and need to come up with a particular solution (Mugenda
and Mugenda, 1999).
When new knowledge is generated we are able to refine or expand existing theories. Basic
research is usually but not always conducted in controlled laboratory situations and often
uses animals as subjects.
In the field of education, basic research is concerned with theory development and
refinement and in understanding the underlying processes involved in learning, schooling
and other educational phenomena.
Basic research includes; projects, thesis, dissertation, conference paper, journal paper, term
papers etc. All the above listed are academic papers.
Applied research
Applied research is conducted for the purpose of applying or testing theory and evaluating
its usefulness in solving problems. It is undertaken for the purpose of both the generation
of knowledge and the alleviation / solution of the problem.
Examples of Applied research include; commissioned reports (Ominde commission of
Education, (1964). It was investigative in nature. Mackay commission and the second
university, Kamunge Education Report (1988) and the Koech Report (1999) fall under this
category. The Koech report for instance was interventional in nature – to alleviate the 8-4-
4 system of Education. Basic Research could as well bring and intervention.
Action research
Action research is conducted with the primary intention of solving a specific immediate
and concrete problem in a local setting. For instance a researcher could investigate ways of
overcoming water shortage in a given geographical area.
Although action research is limited in its contribution to theory but it is useful because it
provides answers to problems that cannot wait for theoretical solutions.
True experimental researches have to be done randomly. Has two main criterion. There
must be two groups e.g. control and experimental. How you assign members to the two
groups goes as follows;-
i) se of random method. Why? So that you create equivalence. Equivalence means
the members were at the same level / equivalent. But later the randoming brings
out the difference. Consider their strengths and weaknesses. Must be
ii) In a quasi-situation the randomness is ignored. You have not considered whether
stream A and B are the same. You assume that form 3 in school A and B are
same, so you use methodology.
Case study (QR)
In the concept of education a case study is a thorough investigation of a particular
educational issue or phenomenon with an aim of understanding that phenomenon more
A case can be a person with an education interest. It could be a community. The case can
also be an episode e.g. arson case in a school (burning of an institution, rape, school strike)
can we use these cases to arrest a similar situation?
Some specific types of case studies
i) Clinical case study
Has a diagnostic implication. As a teacher you must diagnose an educational malpractice.
You can identify a gifted child through diagnose. You will find this child with some unique
characteristics. After you’ve diagnosed it, you must follow up the sae of that gifted child.
Find out the major areas of strengths and weaknesses and see how you can improve on that.
Historical research (QR)
This is a systematic investigation of education issues from a historical or past perspective
with an intention of understanding the issues of the present. An old adage says that those
who are not aware of the mistakes of history are doomed because they will repeat the same
Most of the educational issues or developments or reforms have a historical touch. At
independence our education was at three tier i.e. Europeans (Asians & Arabs, Europeans
and Africans). Africans had KAPE examinations etc. However when we got independence,
we had to change through Ominde Commission report of education among other reports.
Do we plan anything from the past when we make todays plans?
Areas to look at in historical research include interschool conflicts, adult education in
Kenya between 1964 and 1978 and now etc.
Are any objects whose physical or visual properties can tell or give some information about
the past. Fort Jesus will tell you more about Portuguese architecture. Gede ruins will tell
you more about ancient life of Arabs and Persians.
Oral records
Come in so many forms e.g. songs, tells, legends, myths, dirges, parables etc. All these will
tell you about the past. Why do Pokomo and Giriama like singing and dancing? West
African communities have a lot to do with chieftainship. The Ashanti of Ghana have
Asantehehe. Why?
.Preparing the instruments
.Data analysis
SQ Sample Questionnaire
SI Sample Interview
SO Sample Observation
- Cell one (I) is not possible. Only works in population census
- Cell two (2) is not practical only works during population census
- Cell three (3) is more preferred in census
For practical purposes we centre on 4, 5 & 6
Secondary data has a lot of do with data directly from documents available. These
documents may include; books, development plans for districts and the nation, economic
reviews, statistical abstracts, research papers classified into journals, discussion papers,
policy etc.
ii) Primary data
This is the information generated from the field – respondents. This is first-hand
information through interviews, observations etc.
It is time consuming because you do not direct. You cannot hurry those you are researching
on. Time wasting in schools could be a good area of research / study. One may need a
whole term or year to carry out an ethnographic research. Reports must be written on a
daily basis.
Occasionally a research may need videotaping to remind you of unique scenario aspects.
This is to emphasize the aspect of a picture.
i) A very alert and sophisticated observer who can write clearly and rapidly is needed.
ii) Observers must be trained in observational techniques to make the results valid.
iii) A lot of time is needed to understand the environment being studied. This makes
observational research costly.
iv) Observational records are usually very long and very difficult to quantify and
v) The results can seriously be distorted by observer bias or pre-concerned ideas.
vi) It is impossible to observe and write down everything that occurs in the
observational session. A lot of information is left out.
vii) The observer often becomes an active participant in the environment under study.
This can lead to role conflicts and emotional involvement which can reduce the
validity of the data being collected.
Correlation research attempts to establish relationships or inter-relationships between two
or more educational variables.
You can look at a variable like achievement of learners in a class
Physics Is there any relationship?
English Group A and Group B
What the teaching methods? Theoretical or practical can improvise to get good results.
Under correlation research we have ex post facto – variables are not changed. The
investigator does not manipulate the independent variable because it has already occurred
(e.g. KCSE grade) – cannot be manipulated. In gender studies the variables are fixed
organimistic variables like gender (male & female) age, height etc. cannot be changed.
Independent variable
Is the variable which is manipulated by the researcher to see its effects on the dependent
variable. Teaching method can be changed. Also called predictor or explanatory variables.
These are the factors the researcher things explain variation in the dependent variable.
These are the causes.
Topic selection
The term ‘topic’ refers to the subject, issue or area under discussion. The topic / subject
one selects to research is essential in the success of the research project. In fact ones interest
in the topic will sustain the research. If a researcher is interested in a particular area, he/she
will enjoy reading materials related to that subject and will put time and effort into the
work. The researcher will be keen on collecting the required data, analysing it and finding
out the results.
- It captivates the interest of the researcher.
- It makes a contribution to knowledge – can the findings contribute to knowledge?
- It is provocative – open to varied views and interpretations
- It is clear and focused i.e. not vague or alien to the researcher
Title selection
Title selection or ‘title’ refers to heading, label or tag. The title of the proposal of research,
project describes what the study is about. The title is a mini abstract. It portrays a quick
summary of the key idea(s) in a proposal of research project.
- It should be clear and unambiguous – should not lead to various interpretations of the
- It should reflect a relationship between the independent and dependent variables e.g.
the effect of adult education on management of resources.
- The title should portray an issue that is researchable. The aspects in question should be
Cast, the problem internationally, continent, nationally and locally. Locally refers to the
place when the study is carried.
You can combine historical and regional analysis approached. However the whole thing
must be logical and sequential. The background normally leads to the statement of the
- Quoting studies but not explaining how they fit in the background section.
- Some researchers use the background content to justify the need for the study.
- The research problem clearly indicates the urgency of the research and shows that the
research is definitely needed.
- The importance of the study in adding new knowledge is stated clearly.
- The problem is researchable i.e. a problem that can be investigated through the
collection and analysis of data.
- The problem has supported statements
- Language used is simple and objective
- No poetic, comical o emotional language is used
- The scene of the specific research problem is indicated.
- The problem statement must give the purpose of the research.
Purpose should be broad enough to lead to specific issues, be pragmatic, provide direction
and be clearly stated.
1.5 Objectives
Objectives are purposes or intentions stated in specific measurable term. They provide
opportunities for evaluating results. Objectives are operational i.e. state specific tasks that
will be carried out by the researcher to accomplish aims of the study.
Importance of objectives
- Determine the kind of questions to be asked i.e. the questions asked should address the
objectives stated.
- Objectives determine the data collection and analysis procedure to be used hence must
be clear and brief (Orodho, 2004).
- Objectives determine the nature or form of the proposed study.
- Guide decisions in the selection of respondents research instruments and the study area.
- Objectives serve to clarify the variables of the study.
- They are operational – clearly phrased in operational terms, specifying exactly what the
researcher will do.
- They are realistic – therefore achievable.
Use neutral words in stating objectives
To determine
To compare
To investigate
To differentiate
To explore
To find out
To examine
To inquire
To establish
To test
Avoid biased words such as to show, to prove, to confirm, to verify, to check, to
demonstrate, to indicate, to validate, to explain, to illustrate.
1.6 Research hypothesis
A hypothesis is a guess or an assumption. It is a tentative explanation for certain behaviour
patterns, phenomena or events that have occurred or will occur (Gay 1996). For instance,
price increase influences commodity consumption. This is only a guess. It therefore has to
be verified. In research, a hypothesis is a statement that describes an unknown but
tentatively reasonable outcome for the existing phenomenon.
The null hypothesis states that there is no difference between the variables studied. The null
hypothesis refers to the guess the researcher tests and hopes to prove wrong, reject or
nullify. The null hypothesis states that no relationship exists between the variables studied.
For example, there is no significant difference in the academic performance of students
who attend private schools and those who attend public schools in national examinations.
HO2: There is no significant difference between an individual’s success in life and his/her
academic certificates.
HO3: There is no significant difference between the behaviour of a literate adult and an
illiterate adult.
H1: There is a significant difference between the perception and attitude of entrepreneurs.
H2: There is a significant difference between success in business and determination.
H3: Teachers determine the success or failure of their students in life.
Purpose of hypotheses
i) Hypotheses provide direction to the solution. They bridge the gap between the
problem and the evidence needed for its solution.
ii) Hypothesis ensures collection of the evidence necessary to answer the question
posed in the statement of the problem.
iii) Hypothesis refines the research problem.
iv) By defining the variables in the study, the hypothesis enables the researcher to
collect data that either supports the hypothesis or rejects it.
v) Hypothesis enables the investigator to assess the information her or she has
collected from the start point of both relevance and organization.
Characteristics of good hypothesis
- Must state clearly and briefly the expected relationship between variables.
- They must be testable. Data can be collected to support or fail to support hypothesis.
- It gives logical arguments to justify the hypothesis.
- It is consistent with the existing body of knowledge.
- It defines the selected variables in operational and measurable terms.
- The wordings are clear and precise.
1.8 Assumption
Outlining the facts presumed to be true but have not been verified. You try to give a level
playing field. Assumptions help to justify the study. Examples
- All schools have same curriculum
- That all the schools have the same sponsor
- All teachers are qualified
- All schools have enough text books / resources
- Every school has a guidance and counseling department
the study. The researcher gives suggestion on how the study will be narrowed in scope
a) Time span to be recovered
b) People involved
c) Sources to be investigated
d) Population to which generalizations may be made e.g. this study will confine itself to
interviewing and observing a sample of 20 adults. School teachers in the central
business district of Nairobi city etc
The current study will confine itself to students and teachers in public secondary schools
in Kakamega central. Teachers and students will be those in session.
Personality factors
Social factors
Input Process Output
Type of school
Teacher Teacher
characteristics characteristics
Objectives Method
Learner Content
- Student
- Entry behavior
- School type
- Sponsor
- Teacher
- Motivations / status
- Training levels
- In-service
- Marital status
Strategies in designing an effective conceptual framework
- Reflection – assessing a situation from social, economic and philosophical perspectives
(questions, variables etc).
- Defining the key issue (problem).
- Identifying key uncertainties (gaps in understanding / knowledge).
- Identifying and assessing different possibilities for action.
A theoretical framework is a collection of interrelated ideas based on theories. A theoretical
framework accounts for/ explains phenomena. It attempts to clarify why things are the way
they are based on theories. A theoretical framework is a general set of assumptions about
the nature of phenomena. A theory guides the study.
Whatever the intent, the theory must be well described and should show how the particular
study fits into that theory must be clearly explained. An example of a common theory used
across disciplines is a systems theory.
The argument behind the systems theory is that a system consists of various components
of sub-systems which must function together for the system to work. If a sub-system fails,
the whole system is put in jeopardy.
In formulating an effective theoretical framework, the researcher should adhere to the
a) Reflect on the existing theories for the purpose of identifying a fitting content.
b) Analyze the research title to identify the independent and dependent variables. The
researcher should then reflect on the relationship between the variables.
c) Find out which theories best explain the relationship between the variables. This can be
achieved by using the library and reading books and articles related to the topic selected.
d) Formulation – The researcher should then write down the theories applicable, link the
ideas and identify the relationship. After this the researcher should formulate the
theoretical framework.
e) Evaluation – After formulating the theoretical framework, the researcher should
evaluate to find out if it addresses all sections of the research problem.
This is important because different researchers define several educational and social
science terms differently.
The review of literature
The review of literature involves the systematic identification, location and analysis of
documents containing information related to the research problem being investigated
(Mugenda and Mugenda 1999). Literature review should be extensive and thorough
because it is aimed at obtaining knowledge of the topic being studied.
- If the area of study has been studied for a long time and therefore is a huge body of
literature, one can read only those studies that are reasonably close to one’s research
- In new or little researched areas, where little depth is available, a researcher would
require to review any relevant material in order to develop a logical framework for the
- The researcher should avoid the temptation to include all available material.
- Literature review is to determine what has been done already related to the research
problem being studied. A detailed knowledge of what has been done helps the
researcher to avoid unnecessary and unintentional duplication, form the framework
within the research findings are to be interpreted and demonstrate his or her familiarity
with the existing body of knowledge.
- A review of the literature will reveal what strategies, procedures and measuring
instruments have been found useful in investigating the problem in question.
- Literature review puts together, integrates and summarizes what is known in an area. A
review analyses and synthesizes different results revealing gaps in information and
areas where major questions still remain.
- Another purpose of literature is to make the researcher familiar with previous studies
and thus facilitate interpretation of results of the study. For example results can be
discussed in terms of whether they support or contrast precious findings. If there is a
contradiction, the literature review might provide rationale for the discrepancy.
- In some cases, a researcher may not have narrowed down to a topic at the start of a
literature review. In such cases, the literature review helps, the researcher to limit the
research problem and to define it better.
- Literature review helps determine new approaches and stimulates new ideas. The
researcher may also be alerted to research possibilities which have been overlooked in
the past.
- Approaches that have proved to be futile will be revealed through literature review.
- In most cases, authors of research articles do include specific suggestions and
recommendations for those planning for further research.
Secondary sources of literature
- Scholarly journals found in libraries.
- Theses and dissertations for all graduate students who wish to receive a master’s degree
or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
- Government documents such as: policy papers, research reports etc.
- Papers presented at conferences and are published in referred journals.
- Books available in libraries and other places
- Abstracts, periodicals, the Africana section of the library
- References quoted in books.
- Grey literature - anything written but not published e.g. notes from lecturers, papers
presented in seminars and at conferences.
- Computer research
- Microfilm that is old information that is stored on microfilm and retrieved only when
needed. Journals and magazines are stored on microfilms to reduce the storage space.
- The internet.
- With the key words and phrases related to the study, one should go to the source of
- Summarize the reference on cards for easy organization of the literature.
- Once collected the literature should be analyzed, organized and reported in an orderly
- Make an outline of the main topics in order of presentation. Decide on the number of
headlines and sub-headlines required depending on how detailed the review is.
- More general literature should be covered first before the researcher narrows down to
that which is more specific to the research problem.
- Some researchers prefer to have a brief summary of the literature and implications.
Sources of literature
Primary sources
A primary source is a direct description of any occurrence by an individual who actually
observed or witnessed the occurrence. In research this is the description of a research by a
person who actually carried the research. The review of literature should be based on
primary sources as much as possible because information from secondary sources may be
altered by the writer.
Secondary sources
Publication written by an author who was not a direct observer or participant in the events
Quotations: Why use them?
- When no change is made to the text for the sake of accuracy.
- When a statement is very clear exact wording may be the most effective way to present
a significant thought.
- Adds strength to ones work especially when the quotation is from a recognized
Whenever a direct quotation is used, it must be reproduced exactly from the original
publication and no correction should be made. If a part of the original quotation is omitted,
the break should be indicated by the ellipsis.
- If anything is added to a direct quotation, this should be placed in brackets or to be
rendered in italics.
- Indicate author, year of publication and page number.
- Identify gaps in knowledge and create the entry point for your study.
- Lack of documentation (not noting down important points in the course of reading)
- Lack of referencing – will force you to spend a lot of time in the library tracking down
all the references to all the sources that they quoted.
- Lack of critique – blindly accepting research findings and interpretation without
critically examining all aspects of research design and analysis.
- Failure to review current studies – do not base reviews on works carried 20 years ago
e.g. 5 years ago and related to study is okay.
It is a key chapter in research. It has the following aspects:
- Introduction
- Research design
- Location of the study
- Population of the study
- Sampling techniques and sample size
- Instruments for data collection e.g. questionnaire, interview schedule etc.
- Reliability and validity of research instruments
- Procedure for data collection
- Data analysis
- Ethical considerations
- References
- Appendices
N/B Mind your tense when handling a proposal.
N/B. Research report is normally captured in chapter four
- Selection of a problem
- Carry out an investigation whose findings will be analyzed/ reported in
chapter four
What did you find out?
Presentation of data tells about the information you find, try and quantify the
information e.g. how much, numbers etc.
Tabular presentation of data is key here e.g. presentation of data in table of those who
access secondary school education from public and private schools to national and
provincial schools.
2003 2004 2005 2006
PUBLIC 2000 4000 5000 10000
PRIVATE 2100 3000 2000 1000
You should also use graphical data. Supervisor prefer information presented in bar
graphs and pie charts
Data analysis refers to examining what has been collected in a survey or experiment
and making deductions and inferences. It involves uncovering underlying structures,
extracting important variables, detecting any anomalies and testing and underlying
The conclusion section should be very brief half a page. It should indicate what the
study results reaffirm. It should also briefly discuss some of the strategies highlighted
by the respondents. In this section, the researcher should state clearly how the study has
contributed to knowledge.
This sections often exposes further problems and introduces more questions
As a researcher, there is a time limit to the research project so it is unlikely that the
study would have solved all the problems associated with the area of study.
The researcher is therefore expected to make suggestions about how his/her work can
be improved and also based on the study findings, point out whether there are areas that
deserve further investigation. This section will indicate whether a researcher has a firm
appreciation of his/her work and whether he/she has given sufficient thought to its
implications, not only within the narrow confines of the research topic but to relate
fields. This section reflects the researcher’s foresightedness and creativity.
Suggestions for further research
Must be numbered and titled
E.g. Annex I
Student’s questionnaire
Annex II
Teacher’s questionnaire
Other appendixes
o Questionnaires
o A letter of authorization
o Budget
o Time frame/Time schedule
Abstract /taste
Should not be bumby list it betrays
1st paragraph – Statement of the problem, purpose, and objective – put them in prose
summarized one.
2nd paragraph – Methodology, Explain the design, target population sampling
techniques, tools up to sample size
3rd paragraph – Analysis finding and recommendations
❖ Table complex ones
❖ Map of the place
A time schedule refers to how long the researcher will take to finish the research.
In most cases the funders have a deadline to stop funding a study and such as deadline
must be, adhered to.
Graduate students also have a deadline to finish their work and this will guide them in
formulating a time schedule. Very rarely will a researcher have as long as necessary to
conduct a study because of money and time constraints and hence the importance of
time schedule.
A time schedule includes listing of major activities (listed on the left side of the page)
and the corresponding anticipated time period it will take to accomplish that activity
(listed across the top of the page). Time period is usually given in months
An important consideration to bear in mind is that most activities can overlap so that
one does not have to finish one activity completely before starting the next one. For
example, one can start writing the report while still analyzing data.
Activities should not be squeezed into very little time. Allowances should be made for
unforeseen delays. It is wiser to allow more time and finish before schedule than go
beyond the time schedule than go beyond the time schedule & since this may affect the
No. Activity Time (Months)
1. Formulating research problem, design and survey of literature
review, typing, printing
2. Presentation and submission of proposal
3. Piloting of instruments / correcting them
4. Administration of questionnaires
5. Processing and analysis of data
6. Preparing first draft
7. Editing first draft
8. Defense/presentation of draft before a panel
9. Correction of the project
10. Reproduction and submission of the project
1. Pre-testing instrument By 20th FEB Researcher Pre-tested outcome Training of numerators conductor
Researcher & Research
2. Collect data in the field By 30th may Raw data Absence of major constraints …..
Submit final report in hard
3. By 30th july Researcher Final research report Review workshops and …
A budget is a list of items that will be required to carry out the research and their
approximate cost. The budget should be well thought out to avoid asking too little or
too much. The prices of items should be well researched to avoid over-pricing or
under-pricing them.
If the research is to be submitted for funding, it is advisable to include all the
requirements. As long as the requirements are reasonable and genuine and the cost
are not exaggerated, funders will normally provide the funds subject to their
regulations and guidelines.
The budget should be detailed enough and precise on items needed, prices per unit
and total cost.
If the amount of money available is known the budget should be worked out so that
it is within the available funds.
Justify the inclusion of research work in the achievement of vision 2030 in Kenya