Section of Adult Medicine, Adult Medicine Research Unit, Department of Medicine, Philippine General Hospital, University of the Philippines Manila
College of Nursing, University of the Philippines Manila
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila
School of Statistics, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City
Table 1. Items in the UP-PGH PSNC Questionnaire per dimension Table 2. Characteristics of surveyed patients
a neutral person administering the instrument. This hiring sought jobs in higher paying countries and are replaced by
of a neutral person might not be feasible in this government neophytes. Nurses are required by the hospital to stay for at
institution at this time. The possibility of using ward staff, least two years, but not all nurses finish their contracts. This
on the other hand, is strongly discouraged, but there may be situation is not only present in UP-PGH but in other hospitals
advantages as well. The disadvantage is that patients may as well. Perhaps this can partly explain why more Filipino
feel pressured to answer positively and eventually might not patients were just satisfied and not highly satisfied with their
complete and forward the form to the ward staff. An advantage nurses in this area of care.
is that nurses will feel involved in the process and will always Several studies have shown the importance of providing
be aware that they need to perform their best. Whether it communication and adequate information to patients and
is more feasible to have non-nursing staff involved in the also citing the most common cause of dissatisfaction as the
nurses’ inability to provide sufficient information.15 In the
Table 3. Percent distribution of patient responses by dimension or development of the instrument, patients often verbalized
category their need to know hospital policies, vital signs, test results,
diet and discharge plans. Though they did not expect much
Dimension / 1 2 3 4 5
information from their nurses regarding their medical
Category Totally Disagree Uncertain Agree Totally
condition and even their management plan, they felt additional
disagree % % % % agree %
information from the nurse about these were still important
(95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI)
and helpful. Obviously, nurses have failed in providing them
Dimension 1: 0% 3.0% 14.8% 47.9% 34.3%
with much needed information as only a few were highly
The nurse as a (0.8%, 5%) (10%, 19%) (41%, 54%) (28%, 40%)
satisfied. A third of the patients responded towards the
caring person
negative side of the scale. This is probably the most neglected
Dimension 2: 6.2% 30.8% 0% 45.8% 17.2%
duty of nurses in UP-PGH. It is not, however, an impossible
The nurse as (3%, 9%) (25%, 37%) (39%, 52%) (12%, 22%)
or time consuming task. Once a nurse has established rapport
an information
with the patient, the nurse can always bring a little piece of
information at every bedside visit. Whether these bedside
Dimension 3: 0.8% 2.5% 15.8% 45.8% 35%
visits are frequent or few, depending on how sick or well a
The nurse as a (0.8%, 2.5%) (0.03%, 5%) (9%, 22%) (37%, 55%) (26%, 44%)
patient has become, imparting information may well improve
skilled & com-
a nurse-patient relationship.
petent health
Even though patient responses to their nursing experience
care provider
were more on the “agree” portion of the scale signifying average
Overall evalua- 0.4% 1.3% 5.1% 35.4% 57.8%
satisfaction levels, more than half of the patients responded as
tion of care (0.4%, 1.3%) (0.2%, 2.3%) (2.3%, 8%) (29%, 42%) (52%, 64%)
highly satisfied in terms of their overall evaluation of care.
Upon reviewing the items in this global evaluation, it was
distribution and collection of the questionnaires or whether noted that the focus shifted to more general questions like
there is a need for additional time and effort to accomplish willingness to come back to the hospital and recommending
this task, may be subject to several discussions on different the hospital to family and friends. Patients, when responding
levels of management that goes beyond just determining to these questions may have also considered other aspects of
patient satisfaction. hospital service, such as the doctors, the environment, and
other services including assistance from social workers. Cost
The sensitivity of the UP-PGH PSNC Questionnaire may have also played a part in the evaluation since it is still
The questionnaire was developed by gathering the cheaper to be hospitalized in UP-PGH than a service ward
perceptions, expectations and opinions of patients’ on their in a private hospital. Also, it seemed that the more broadly a
nursing care experience. It was hoped that the instrument question was phrased, the more likely a positive response was
being more attuned to Filipino patients’ views was able to given. In a way, the details of nursing care as reflected in the
truly capture how Filipino patients regard the nursing care rest of the items in the questionnaire provide a more explicit
they receive. Its uniqueness also lies in the fact that the tool review of the experience and thus patients can adequately
was developed with the involvement of the receivers of care judge each experience.
themselves–the patients. Looking at the results, one would immediately see that
A patient’s relationship with a nurse characterized by patients were generally happy with the nursing care they
understanding, respect, trust, honesty, cooperation personal received from UP-PGH nurses. Upon closer inspection of the
attention, patience and humor was most often related to a results of each dimension, however, more meaningful results
high level of satisfaction.16 This was also mentioned quite were seen, and this reflected well upon the usefulness and
often and emphasized by patients and their watchers in the sensitivity of the tool in discriminating between less satisfied
initial phase of this study. It would not be surprising therefore and more satisfied. Also, other factors need to be explored as
that the patients would rate their experience with nurses who well to explain the trends of the responses.
were less pleasant and did not provide much attention to them
as average. This result was actually reflected in the survey. The UP-PGH patients’ concept of satisfaction
Regarding competency and skill, a nurse that does work in Filipino patients who have health insurance or have a
a technically correct manner was an important factor to patient little saved up for medical emergencies will probably not
satisfaction16 with the absence of physical pain resulting in a seek help in a government hospital. The predicaments of
higher level of satisfaction.9 Patients expected nurses to be patients confined in the UP-PGH are obvious. One need only
able to assist doctors in procedures, give injections and prick walk by the medical wards to realize how dire circumstances
fingers without much pain. Of course these skills need to are among those confined. Filipino patients are known for
be mastered over time and with constant practice, but with their humor even in the face of adversity and thus may be
the high turnover rate of nurses in the wards, nurses keep pleased with just a little attention or an ounce of hope. It is not
changing regularly. Those who have mastered the skill have surprising that most patients would be most understanding
when it comes to their nurses by just observing the load their Acknowledgment
nurses are faced with everyday. The author would like to sincerely thank and acknowledge the valuable
Determining how satisfied patients are who are perhaps contribution and guidance of the following people in the completion of this
research work: Dr. Leonila Dans, Prof. Nina Castillo-Carandang, Prof. Araceli
already at a low point in their lives may be inappropriate Balabagno, and Prof. Lourdes Amarillo. The authors are also grateful to the
after all. Patients know that they are entering an institution Research Implementation and Development Office of the UP-College of
catering to hundreds of people a day, training hundreds of Medicine for providing grant support for this study, and the Adult Medicine
students, with just the basic equipment, with overflowing Research Unit for subsidizing the author’s education. Much appreciation is also
extended to Cila, Gem, Joan, Owen, Bambi, Nat, the author’s family and the
wards and with staffing problems. They probably consider patients of UP-PGH. Special thanks are also given to Dr. Dennis Sulit and Jyo
these things as they respond to questionnaires on patient Sulit.
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