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Impact of Digital Marketing in India: E.M.Ramesh

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International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI)

ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 801X

www.ijbmi.org || Volume 13 Issue 4 || April, 2024 || PP: 126-129

Impact of Digital Marketing in India



ABSTRACT: Digital marketing refers to the use of online platforms, technologies, and strategies to promote
products, services, or brands to a targeted audience. It encompasses various channels such as websites, social
media, email, search engines, and mobile apps to reach potential customers. By utilizing digital channels
effectively, businesses can engage with their audience, build brand awareness, drive website traffic, and
ultimately, achieve their marketing goals.
The emergence of digital marketing & the digital marketing growth in India is certainly very interesting facts. A
few years back, the concept of “Digital Marketing” was not such a popular phenomenon among half of the
nation, but gradually the change has started to take place. The human mind has started to think technically even
the marketing strategy, resulting in an interesting story of digital marketing growth in India.
This paper also talks about the role that digital marketing plays in India and the tremendous growth and the
changes that took place in the digital landscape of India after the launch of ‘Digital India’ – A campaign that
was launched by Prime Minister NarendraModi in 2015 to improve India’s digital infrastructure. This study
conclusively proves how effective digital marketing can be if the campaigns are properly designed and executed.
KEY WORD: Digital marketing, Types of digital marketing, working of Digital marketing, importance&
benefits, Growth, futures of Digital Marketing in India.

It is the 21st century and communication among humans has become super easy. But, this was not the
case a couple of decades ago. Earlier, humans used to write letters and receive information of the happenings in
the world through newspapers. Then came the telegraph, the telephone, television, and eventually – the Internet,
which made communication way easier than before. Businesses worldwide have made use of all of these modes
of communication to interact with their target audience, advertise their products and services and create
awareness about their brand. Businesses still make use of most of these tools, some more than the other.
After the internet was designed and more and more people started accessing different websites, businesses
started marketing their products and services through the online channel. This was how digital marketing

1.1 So what exactly is Digital marketing?

People usually get confused and think that digital marketing is all about coding and designing various
types of software. But that is so no true.
Digital marketing is basically marketing (creating and communicating value) using digital tools (social
media, email, search engines). Digital marketing is widely used by most of the businesses as it is very cost
efficient and has a wider reach as compared to traditional marketing.
In this era, where everything is going the digital way, businesses have to step up their communicative
and advertising efforts to maximize brand awareness and convert leads to sales.
This is where digital marketing plays a major role in transforming the corporate landscape and how
different businesses interact with their target audience and existing customers and also, with other businesses.
India is a country where there is rapid growth of the economy and digital marketing has spread to
almost all different sectors of business. The power of digital marketing is such that it has made many
geophysical barriers disappear and has made it easy for businesses to interact with the audience in a much easier
and efficient way.

DOI: 10.35629/8028-1304126129 www.ijbmi.org 126 | Page

Impact of Digital Marketing in India

II. Types of Digital Marketing used in India:-

Sources: https://www.infidigit.com/blog/types-of-digital-marketing/

III. Importance & benefits of digital marketing over traditional marketing in India:-
1. Increased engagement 11. Conversion rate optimization
2. Brand awareness 12. Demand for digital marketers
3. Increased ROI 13. Improved customer experience
4. Lower cost 14. Entrepreneurship opportunities
5. Customer engagement 15. Flexibility
6. Global reach 16. Competition
7. Personalization 17. High reach
8. Marketing 18. Huge customer base
9. Better targeting 19. Helps in being easily found
10. Skill development 20. Customer loyalty

IV. Growth of digital marketing in economic developments in India:-

Digital marketing in India was worth 199 billion rupees, showing significant growth compared to 2015
when it was 47 billion rupees smaller. It’s projected that the digital marketing sector will reach 539 billion
rupees by the end of financial year 2024, indicating substantial growth in the industry.

4.1 Reduce unemployment level in India:-

Digital marketing can be used to reduce unemployment by creating new digital forms of employment
and increasing job opportunities in digital sector. The use of information technologies and online platforms has
transformed the global labour market, allowing workers to join the digital space and compete for digital
employment opportunities. The rapid growth of IT and the development of internet market places have enabled
the meeting of supply and demand in the virtual space, creating opportunities for employment. Additionally
targeting the rural segment of the population through digital marketing can tap into the untapped potential in
rural markets and expand consumer bases leading to economic growth and job creation. Getting a digital
marketing job as a fresher might seem daunting, but with right approach, it’s absolutely achievable. Focus on
building a strong foundation of knowledge, gaining practical experience, and showcasing your skills to potential

V. Scope of Digital Marketing in India in 2024 & beyond:-

The Scope of digital marketing In India has taken grand proportions over the last few years. Today,
digital marketing is a commonly used phrase among working individuals in India. The reason – the proliferation
of digital channels in India and the surge in the numbers of start-ups and small and medium businesses that have
come up. Owing to the growth in the Indian economy, it has become mandatory to leverage the benefits of
digital marketing for business houses irrespective of the resizes. But, even with so much happening in the digital
industry in India already, we can still say that digital marketing in India is fast evolving. This means the scope
of digital marketing in India is only going to grow exponentially in the coming years. Digital marketing is the
process of promoting and selling your brand, and its features via different services online. Digital marketing
uses different means like search engine optimization, display advertising, mobile marketing, and social media
marketing to not only promulgate their products but also sell them successfully through these channels.

DOI: 10.35629/8028-1304126129 www.ijbmi.org 127 | Page

Impact of Digital Marketing in India

Today, digital marketing is a multimillion-dollar industry in India. Moreover, it has given rise to a
plethora of career opportunities in India today. Even a decade back, we couldn’t even gauge that so many new
career avenues would open up for Indians. But today, owing to the massive digital revolution in India, digital
marketing has grown by leaps and bounds and so has career opportunities.


The internet was looked upon as primarily a means of entertainment in India in the early stages. But
with India Mart and Flipkart being established in India in 1996 and 2007, the digital marketing industry got a
push in the right direction in India. Still, people were sceptical. The feature of anonymity in the digital world
and the virtual character of the internet didn’t instil enough faith in people to make purchases online. People in
India were not sure that you could actually get credible goods and services online. But with the right digital
marketing initiatives and communication strategies, today e-Commerce sites have established a good online
reputation among users. With the goodwill that established the trust factor, the digital marketing industry saw a
boom in India. As a result, career opportunities grew manifold.
Today, with the advent of technology and Smart phones the number of internet users has gone up tremendously.
What has once been considered a luxury is now a necessity, Mobile devices is one of the greatest factors for
such quick growth of digital marketing in India.

5.1 Digital marketing important in E-commerce to grow:-

Digital marketing serves as the compass that guides e- commerce business towards success. It’s not
enough to have great product; potential customers need to know about it. Effective digital marketing increases
visibility, drive traffic to online store, and ultimately boosts sales.
Ecommerce digital marketing enable business to drive awareness and traffic to online stores and
convert website visitors into customers, the social networks helps increase website traffic which leads to more
sales, ‘digital marketing helps e commerce businesses overcome such challenges by grapping customers
attention since they get distracted easily in India’. Going back to history, the International Journal of
Advanced Research Foundation reveals the following stats on digital marketing in India Between 1971 and
1972; The ARPANET is used to arrange a sale between students at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the earliest example of electronics or digital

5.2 Digital marketing demand in India:-

Digital marketing is one of the fastest growing in demand skills for 2024.we can expect a great demand
for digital marketing specialists across India once the economy is restored to a normal level. The demand
platforms has increased as per some reports.50% more time is spent by users on social media. This gives are
great opportunity for companies to target these specific users. India has become a global hub for digital
marketing, with numerous businesses shifting their focus to online strategies. As a result, there is a growing
demand for skilled professionals in this field.

The efficiency of Mobile Marketing technique is very effective and essential. It gives a rapid growth.
But the main concept is that to focus the right customers. Through the Digital Marketing, the target can be
reached easily. For the past two years, there is a talk about dynamic content and its value for the marketing
industry. There will be a continuous change and shaping our perception of information. Quality is more
important than ever and Quantity is yesterday’s beat. The use of digital technologies in marketing activities
will open up great prospects for enterprises and organizations to retain loyal customers and develop
long-term partnerships with them, the growth of positive consumer attitudes, trust in its products and
DOI: 10.35629/8028-1304126129 www.ijbmi.org 128 | Page
Impact of Digital Marketing in India

services, providing an individual approach to each client and a flexible response to changes in their tastes and
preferences. The advantages of digital marketing mentioned in the work will be the key directions for
the development of a customer-centric approach, the use of which will allow organizations to strengthen
their competitiveness and effectively promote their brand in the market.

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