Possessivartikel Im Akkusativ - II
Possessivartikel Im Akkusativ - II
Possessivartikel Im Akkusativ - II
This lesson builds on the previous lesson, where possessive articles were introduced in Nominativ. In
this lesson, the concept of possessive articles would be discussed in Akkusativ. Here, we would
discuss the changes with certain possessive articles in Akkusativ. Examples and exercises would be
discussed in this lesson to explain these concepts.
In the previous lesson, we discussed the construction and usage of possessive articles in Nominativ.
We saw that possessive articles are dependent on case, number and gender of the noun. In this part,
we would focus on the construction and usage of possessive articles in Akkusativ. Masculine
Possessive articles in Akkusativ, like other masculine articles change their form. However, all the
other possessive articles retain their form in Akkusativ and do not undergo any change.
In the below given table, possessive articles with singular pronouns are given. As mentioned earlier,
possessive articles in German are dependent on case, gender of the noun which is under possession
and the number. As you can see, for possessive articles with feminine and plural nouns, the ending is
‘-e’. Another crucial aspect is that for pronouns ‘sie’ and ‘Sie’, the letter ‘i’ corresponds directly to
the letter ‘s’. For the 3rd person feminine pronoun ‘sie’ the possessive article is ‘ihr-‘ and the letter ‘i’
is small. For the 2nd person formal pronoun ‘Sie’ the possessive article is ‘Ihr-‘ and the letter ‘i’ is big.
You may use this as a clue to distinguish between possessive articles for the pronouns ‘sie’ and ‘Sie’.
II. Possessive articles with plural pronouns in Akkusativ
In the below given table, possessive articles with plural pronouns are given. Like in the previous
table, here also possessive articles change their form. For the 2nd person informal plural pronoun
‘ihr’ the possessive form ‘euer’ is used for masculine and neutral nouns in Nominativ. The possessive
form ‘eure’ is used for feminine and plural nouns in Nominativ and Akkusativ. The possessive form
‘euer’ for masculine noun changes its form in Akkusativ, whereas the possessive form ‘euer’ for
neutral nouns remain same in Akkusativ. Apart from these aspects, there are some common aspects
here. As you can see, for possessive articles with plural pronouns, the ending is ‘-e’. Another
common aspect is that for plural pronouns ‘sie’ and ‘Sie’, the letter ‘i’ corresponds directly to the
letter ‘s’. For the 3rd person plural pronoun ‘sie’ the possessive article is ‘ihr-‘ and the letter ‘i’ is
small. For the 2nd person plural pronoun ‘Sie’ the possessive article is ‘Ihr-‘ and the letter ‘i’ is big.
This can be used as a tip to easily learn the possessive articles for the singular and plural pronouns
‘sie’ and ‘Sie’.
CASE STUDY – This lesson does not require any case study.
1. Please see the video and revise the table forpossessive articles in Nominativ and Akkusativ.
2. Using the examples from the video, please make a table for possessive articles with singular and
plural pronouns in Nominativ and Akkusativ. Use the following nouns ‘Stühle, Firma, Koffer,
Büro’. Please mark the endings of all the nouns in Nominativ and Akkusativ as shown here. Also,
write the correct article for the above mentioned nouns.
QUIZ - Choose the correct response from the given options.
9. Da parkt Frau Luth ________ Auto.
a) ihr
b) ihre
c) ihren
d) deine
Funk, H. Studio d. A1, Cornelsen, Berlin / Goyal Saab, Delhi
Die Brillen– spectacles
Die Fahrräder – bicycles
Die Stifte – pens
die Pullover – sweaters/sweat shirts
die Kindergärten
die Tests – tests
die Groβeltern – grand parents
die Ferien - holidays
die Garagen – garages
die Zimmer – rooms
die Kinder – children
die Schulen - schools
bekommen – to get/ to receive
parken – to park
reservieren – to reserve/ to book
per Post – through post