Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
Living World : Total 36 Important Points From NCERT
1. Ernst Mayr, has been called “The Darwin of 20th century”. Mayr
was awarded the three prized widely regarded as “Triple crown of
10. Metabolism : Sum total of all the chemical reactions occuring in our
Nonly living
12. Isolated metabolic reaction in vitro are not living things but surely
living reactions. / 1.1mP
13. “Self consciousness” is the only character of “Human Beings” but
14. All living organism present, past and future, are linked to one
another by the sharing of the common genetic material but to varying
15. The number of species that are known and described ranges between
1.7 – 1.8 million. This refers to Biodiversity.
18. Each Biological name has two components – Generic name and
specific epithet.
22. 1st word represents Genus while 2nd component denotes species
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25. External & internal structure, along with the structure of cell,
development process & ecological information of organism are essential &
form the basis of modern taxonomic studies.
29. Plant families like convolvulaceae, solanaceae are included in the order
polymoniales mainly based on floral characters.
mul plants
32. Housefly belongs to order diptera and class insecta, genus Musca
2. Aristotle classify plants into trees, shrubs and herbs. He also divided
animals into two groups on the basis of presence / absence of RBCs.
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9. Bacteria are grouped under four categories on their shape. They are
most abundant microorganisms and are cosmopolitan.
19. Boundaries of kingdom protista are not well defined they show
connection to three kingdom – Plantae, Animalia and Fungi.
20. Diatoms (Chrysophytes) cell walls form two thin overlapping shells,
which fit together as in a soap box. The walls are embedded with silica
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22. Diatoms are chief producers in the oceans.
Day Niaht
– Nutrition-Mixotrophic : (Photosynthetic + Heterotrophic).
– Amoeboid : Amoeba and Entamoeba
– Flagellated : Trypanosoma K
– Ciliated : Paramaecium Y
– Sporozoans : Plasmodium Y
29. Cell wall of fungi is composed of chitin and polysaccharides fungi are
saprophytes, parasites and symbiotics. association
– Chitin is homopolymer.
. pinus Chymnosperms
filamentous fungi.
34. Fungi Reproduction: Spore
– Asexual Spore : conidia or sporangiospores or zoospores.
– Sexual Spore : oospores, ascospores and basidiospores.
35. Fungi are Filamentous with the exception of yeasts which are
36. Fungi bodies consist of long, slender thread like structure called
hyphae. The network of hyphae is known as mycelium
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37. Note :- (i) Early blight of potato - Alternaria (Deuteromycetes)
(ii) Late blight potato - Phytophthora (Phycomycetes)
40. In all three classes of fungi mycelium is septate and branched but in
[phycomycetes it is aseptate and unbranched and coenocytic.J
41. Edible fungi are morels and truffles, are the members of
42. Neurospora is used extensively in biochemical and genetic work.
Neurospora is member of ascomycetes.
large no. of them are decomposer of litter and help in mineral cycling.
47. Few members of Plant Kingdom are partially heterotrophic such as the
insectivorous plants or parasites.
48. Bladderwort and Venus fly trap are examples of insectivorous plants
and Cuscuta is a parasite. cleat and Chlorph losss
49. M.W. Beijerinck (1898) demonstrated that extract of the infected plant
of tobacco cause infection in healthy plants and called the fluid as
contagium vivum fluidum (infectious living fluid)
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52. In viruses protein coat called capsid whose smaller sub unit called
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54. In 1971 T.O. Diener discovered new infections agent called viroid.
55. Viroid lacked the protein coat.
56. Viroid are smaller than viruses and caused potato spindle tuber
disease. Free RNA of low molecular weight.
57. Prions consisted of abnormally folded protein
• Prions are similar in size with virus.
58. The most notable diseases caused by prions are BSE (Bovine
spongiform encephalopathy) commonly called mad cow disease in cattle
and its analogous variant Cr-Jacob disease (CJD) in humans.
59. Lichens are symbiotic association i.e. mutually useful association b/w
algae and fungi
7. Algae:-
– Algae are chlorophyll-bearing, simple, thalloid, autotrophic & largely
aquatic organism. They occurs in a variety of other habitats. The form &
size of algae is highly variable like colonial volvox, filamentous-
- ulothrix & spirogyra.
– Gametes can be :
Isogamous : Flagellated & similar in size e.g. Ulothrix
: Non-flagellated and similar in size e.g., Spirogyra
Anisogamous : e.g Eudorina
Oogamous : e.g volvox & fucus
11. At least half of the total carbon dioxide fixation on earth is carried by
alga through[photosynthesis.J
13. Many species of porphyra, Laminaria & Sargassum are among the
70 species of marine algae used as food.
14. Certain marine brown algae (Algin) & Red algae (carragen) produce
large amounts of hydrocolloids (water holding substance) used
15. Gelidium & Gracilaria are used to grow microbes & in preparation of
ice-creams & jellies. Agar also obtained from Gelidium & Gracilaria
16. Polysiphonia is an example of red algae and red algae has no motile
17. Chlorophyceae are grass-green due to the dominance of pigments
chlorophyll a & b various shape of chloroplast are found.
18. Most of the members have one OR more storage bodies called SY
pyrenoids (contain proteins besides starch) located in the chloroplast.
19. Green algae usually have a rigid cell wall made up of inner cellulose &
an outer layer of pectose. Number of flagella are 2-8, equal & apical.*
20. Store food in Green algae are starch OR in the form of oil droplets
24. Zoospore & gametes both laterally attached & pear shaped.
25. Rhodophyceae (Red Algae) : Red algae are red due to predominance
of red pigment, r-phycoerythrin majority are marine with greater
concentrations found in warmer areas.
26. Dominant pigments are chlorophyll a,d & phycoerythrin & stored
food are floridean starch (similar in structure to amylopectin and
glycogen). Cell wall are made up of cellulose, pectin & polysulphate
32. They lack true roots, stem or leaves, they possess root like, leaf-like
& stem like structure. Sex organ are multicellular.
33. The main plant body are haploid, it produce gametes hence called
gametophytes. AR
34. Mosses along with lichen are the first organism to colonise rocks, and
hence are of great ecological importance.K
35. Mosses form dense mats on the soil, they reduce the impact of falling
rain & prevent soil erosion. R
36. Sphagnum is responsible for peat formation that has been used as
fuel and as packing material for trans shipment of living material because
of their capacity to hold water.
7 1)
ecological importance.
37. Liverworts : Plant body is thalloid. The thallus is dorsiventral & closely
oppressed to the substrate.
38. The leafy members have tiny leaf-like appendages in two rows on the
stem-like structures.
39. Asexual reproduction : via Fragmentation or by formation of
specialised structures called gemmae.
bud. This stage bears sex organ, upright, slender axes, bearing sprially
arranged leaves.
44. After fertilisation zygote develops into sporophytes, consist of foot,
seta & capsule. The capsule contains spore. Mosses have elaborate
mechanism of spore dispersal.
47. Male and female gametophytes are independent and free living in
Sphagnum. AIPMT - 2010 Y
48. Archegoniophore is present in Marchantia.
50. Main plant body are sporophytes & posses true root, stem & leafs.
51. Leaves in pteridophytes are small (Microphyll) as in selaginella or
large (Macrophylls) as in fern.
56. In majority of pteridophytes all spores are of similar kinds, such plants
, -
65. Tallest #
free species - Sequoia sempervirens (giant coast red wood tree).
67. Roots are generally tap roots. In Pinus Mycorrhizal roots are present
but in cycas coralloids root (associated with N2-fixing cyanobacteria)
are present.
Cucus - cyanobactria
68. The stems are unbranched in cycas & Branched in Pinus & cedrus.
70. In conifers, the needle-like leaves reduce the surface are, their thick
73. The male or female cones or strobili may be borne on same tree
hence called monoecious plant eg - Pinus.
74. The male cones and megasporophylls are borne on different trees
hence called Dioecious plant e.g., - Cycas.
75. The gametophyte is not an independent, free living generation in
76. The gametophyte is not an independent, free living generation in Pinus.
wind pollination
77. Pollination with air is Anemophily.
78. Winged pollen grains are present in Pinus.
⑦ *
79. Endosperm in Gymnosperm is Haploid , tissue found before fertilization
80. The male & female gametophytes do not have independent free-living
81. Pinus is monoecious. Male and female cones are borne on same
82. Cycas and Adiantum resemble each other in having Motile sperms.
88. Pteridophytes are further classified into four classes:
– Psilopsida (Psilotum);
– Lycopsida (Selaginella, Lycopodium),
– Sphenopsida (Equisetum)
– Pteropsida (Dryopteris, Pteris, Adiantum).
Animal Kingdom : Total 127 Important Points From NCERT
PY Of -
2. Organ system level of organisation, Bilateral symmetry and True
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Adult harwal
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3. *Echinodermata exhibit radial/ Bilateral symmetry depending on
the stages of life.
4. Body organisation :-
A. Cellular level e.g.,: Porifera
B. Tissue level e.g.,: Coelenterata & ctenophora
C. Organ/ organ system level e.g.,: Platyhelminthes to chordata
Ex : obelia~
- only chordates
↑ V
16. Notochord is a mesodermally derived rod-like structure formed on
the dorsal side during embryonic development in chordates.
17. Porifera : Generally marine but spongilla is fresh water, having water
canal system or water transport system.
– Water vascular system is possessed by Echinodermata.#
18. Body having meshwork of cells, internal cavities lined with food filtering
flagellated cells and indirect development are the characteristics of
phylum Porifera. I
27. They exhibit two basic forms called polyp & medusa.
Poly e.g :- Hydra & Adamsia K
Medusa e.g :- Aurelia/ Jelly fish
28. Metagenesis : Polyps produce medusae asexually & medusae form
the polyps sexually.e.g:- Obelia
Sexual Reproduction
↑ only
36. Mostly endoparasite, hooks & suckers are present in parasitic forms.
- - -
37. Specialised cells called. flame cells help in Osmoregulation & excretion.
42. Dioecious animal. An excretory tube removes body wastes from the
body cavity through the excretory pore.
43. Female are longer than males. Sexual dimorphism is seen here.
Eg:- Ascaris (Roundworm), Wuchereria ( Filarial worm) Ancylostoma (hook
– Possess longitudinal and circular muscles help in locomotion.
52. Sensory organ like Antennae, eyes (simple & compound), statocysts.
(balancing organ).
63. A soft & spongy layer of skin forms a mantle over the visceral hump.
– The space between the hump & the mantle is called mantle cavity in
which feather like gills present. -Imp
V -
64. Gills for respiration and excretion.
65. Mouth contain a file-like rasping organ for feeding called Radula.
V .
66. Example:- Pila (Apple snail), pinctada (Pearl oyster), sepia (Cuttle
fish), Loligo (squid), Octopus (Devil fish), Aplysia (Sea- hare), Dentalium
(Tusk shell), Chaetopleura ( chiton).
67. Echinodermata : Endoskeleton of calcareous ossicles, All are marine.
68. Adult Echinoderms are radially symmetrical & larvae are bilaterally
71. Example: Asterias (star fish), Echinus (Sea urchin), Antedon (Sea lily),
Cucumaria (Sea cucumber), Ophiura (Brittle Star)
- W
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* -
78. Assertion (A): All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not
vertebrates. M
Reason (R) : Notochord is replaced by vertebral column in the adult
Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
Example - Ascidia, Salpa, Doliolum
85. Sucking & circular mouth without jaw Scales & paired fins are absent.
87. Cyclostomes are marine & migrate for spawning to fresh water & after
spawning within few days they die. their larva after metamorphosis,
return to the ocean. I ~
90. Operculum absent Skin & Teeth are modified placoid scales.
96. Class Amphibia: Body divided into head & trunk. Neck & tail absent.
but tail. May be present in some.
98. Alimentary canal, urinary & reproductive tracts open into common
chamber and opening is called cloacal aperture.
Th IUP Carnial
99. Example:- Bufo (Toad), Rana (Frog), Hyla (Tree frog), salamandra
(Salamander)[Ichthyophis (limbless amphibia).J
100. Class– Reptilia(Latin Word) Creeping or Crawling mode of
locomotion. 12 pair of cranial nerves.
107. Pavo, Psittacula, Corvus – are aves and hence digestive tract has
additional chambers like crop and gizzard
108. Neophron is a member of aves and bears hollow and pneumatic long
109. Bones are pneumatic bones (air cavities) helps to make body light.
b. Ctenophora
c. Annelida
d. Hemichordata
e. Osteichthyes
f. Echinodermata
g. Amphibia
120. Aves & Mammals are homoiothermous (Warm-blooded), rest of all are
Poikilothermic (Cold-Blooded)
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