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Index ............................................................................................... 57
cases, they also include hypertext links that allow you to jump
quickly from place to place. And with book-page formatting, they’re
easy to print and keep in a binder.
To view a file in the OnLine Library, follow the steps for installing
the Adobe Acrobat reader in the LANtastic Installation and Setup
Manual or in the LANtastic Readme file. Instructions for navigating
and printing PDF files appear there, too.
Important… If you have LANtastic 8.0 on diskettes, you can obtain the
information in these Online Library files two ways:
Expand_d.pdf – Expanding and changing your network. Also
available in text format as Expand.txt.
■ Mngprt_d.pdf – Managing LANtastic’s printing features. Also
available in text format as Mngprt.txt.
Mngsrv_d.pdf – Server management strategies. Also available in
text format as Mngsrv.txt.
Hint… If you’re new to computer networks, check the beginner’s guide to
networking (Beginner.pdf) and the comprehensive glossary of terms
(Glossary.pdf) in the Online Library.
Advanced management information If you need detailed information
about LANtastic’s advanced management features, refer either to:
the PDF files in the DOS section of the Online Library
■ the LANtastic for Windows Online Manual (in the Windows
3.x online Help)
These two locations provide the same information. The DOS
section of the Online Library includes PDF files listing LANtastic’s
DOS commands (Commd_dw.pdf) and error messages (Errs_dw.pdf)
and it covers the following advanced networking topics: SMB/NCP
support (Clent_dw.pdf), indirect files (Indir_dw.pdf), IPX routable
NETBIOS (Ipx_dw.pdf), LANcache (Lcach_dw.pdf), memory
management features (Memry_dw.pdf), multiple adapters
(Multi_dw.pdf), NBSETUP (Nbset_dw.pdf), NDIS driver support
(Ndis_dw.pdf), LANCHECK (Lncheck.pdf) and remote booting
(Rboot_dw.pdf). For a complete listing of the Online Library’s
contents, see the LANtastic Installation and Setup Manual.
The information in the LANtastic for Windows Online Manual is
intended for both DOS and Windows users. It covers the same
topics mentioned in the previous paragraph, but for convenience,
it’s provided in an easily-searchable Windows 3.x Help system
that’s accessible from the main LANtastic for Windows Help
systems. To use the online manual, at a computer that’s running
LANtastic under Windows, run the LANtastic Net or Network
Manager Help. Then click the green “jump” text at the bottom of the
Contents page.
Instead of using the NET Main Functions menu, you can type
commands at the DOS prompt. For example, the following
command would let you use another person’s disk drive:
Important… This chapter frequently refers you to the LANtastic NET program’s
online Help. If you prefer your instructions in book-style format,
see the file called Drives_d.pdf in the Online Library that’s included
on the LANtastic 8.0 CD-ROM.
If the computer you want isn’t listed, press Ins and type in its
name <Enter>. (You’ll have to use this method to log in to
Novell NetWare servers and SMB-based servers such as
Windows for Workgroups).
5. Type in a username and password, if necessary. If the login is
successful, you’ll be asked whether you want to set the time
and date on your computer to match the selected computer’s
clock. Respond to the prompt <Enter>.
A list of drives that this computer shares with other
computers appears. The Directory column lists the names of
these drives and directories. The Access Rights column
indicates the type of access you’re allowed for each drive. (The
Access Rights column doesn’t appear when you’re connecting
to NetWare or SMB drives.)
Note…For information about the types of access that can be
set up in LANtastic, refer to Shrres_d.pdf in the Online Library.
6. Select the drive you’d like to use <Enter>. You’re returned to
the Drive Connections to Other Computers screen. The new
connection is highlighted.
7. Press Esc from each screen to return to the DOS prompt.
You can now start to use the shared drive just like one of your own.
For instructions see “Using an existing drive connection” below.
Note… You might be familiar with the SETNET command, which also
allows you to make permanent connections. At the DOS prompt,
type SETNET <Enter>. When you do this, the connections you
make will be saved in a batch file called CONNECT.BAT. This file
is called by your STARTNET.BAT file when you restart your
computer, making all the drive connections you’ve set up
automatically available.
If you like to work from the DOS prompt, you can issue DOS
commands such as DIR or COPY to the other person’s drive exactly as
if it were your own. For example, you might type K: <Enter>, then DIR
<Enter>. You can also use the NET SHOW command to view existing
connections. See Drives_d.pdf in the Online Library for details.
Note… Servers won’t appear in the available servers list if they’re not set
up to broadcast their names on the network. (NetWare and SMB
servers won’t appear in the list at all.) The broadcast option, called
Send Server ID, is described in Cfgsrv_d.pdf in the Online Library.
Note… You can also use the NET LOGIN/LOGOUT commands to perform
these functions. See Drives_d.pdf in the Online Library for details.
Note… If you have the S (System Manager) privilege, you can also shut
down another server from your computer. Refer to Mngsrv_d.pdf for
Making a new printer connection ____________________
1. At the DOS prompt, type NET <Enter>.
You can now start to send jobs to the shared printer from
applications and from the DOS prompt. Instructions are on page 13.
Note… If you want to stop printing permanently and remove your server’s
printers from the list of shared resources, disable the Printing
Module in the Server Startup Parameters of NET_MGR. For
instructions see the “Printing” section of Cfgsrv_d.pdf in the Online
Library. For solutions to specific printing problems, see the
LANtastic Troubleshooting Manual.
Creating a message
The Creating a Mail Message menu lets you create and send a new
message using the LANtastic text editor or your own text-editing
program. Press Ins in the Viewing My Mail screen. For more
information about creating a mail message, press F1 or refer to
Mlchat_d.pdf in the Online Library.
Using SEND_________________________________________
The NET SEND command allows you to send an unsolicited,
one-line text message to any network computer. If pop-up message
notification has been enabled on the recipient’s computer, the
message will pop up on his or her screen.
Using the server and user options, you can send a message to
everyone connected to a server, or to one person only.
Before you complete the steps in this section, make sure the NET
MESSAGE command is enabled on all computers to which you
want to send a message. This command is enabled by default, and
should be disabled only on servers that are running the ALONE
program. To determine if the NET MESSAGE is enabled:
Type NET SHOW at the DOS prompt. If you see the text
“Unsolicited messages will BEEP, POP-UP and SPEAK” in the
information that appears, the NET MESSAGE command is
If you see the text “Unsolicited messages will NOT BEEP,
ALL at the DOS prompt to enable the command.
Note… LANtastic for DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95/98 and Windows NT
users can send each other pop-up messages. To send a message,
Windows 3.x users must select Send Pop-Up Messages from the
LANtastic Net window. LANtastic for Windows 95/98 and LANtastic
for Windows NT users must click the Pop-up message button on
the Custom Control Panel.
For example, you might set up the wildcard account SALES-* for
all the users in a company’s sales department. Wildcard account
names must end in an asterisk (*). To log in through a wildcard
account, you simply add any name in place of the “*”.
Note… All of the methods discussed for accounts also apply to ACL groups.
You must also make sure that any other wildcard account names
appear below those of matching entries in the list. For example, an
entry called S* listed above SALES-* would match the username
SALES-JOEL and any other accounts that begin with the letter S.
To place a wildcard account at the bottom of the list, select the
empty position at the end of the list, then create the account. If you
place the selection bar on a wildcard account, the new account will
be placed before the original highlighted account.
For more detailed
instructions about
managing your
LANtastic accounts,
see the Accts_d.pdf file
in the Online Library.
About shared resources _____________________________
Shared resources are the disk drives, CD-ROM drives, printers and
other devices attached to a server. All of these devices have the
potential of being shared on the network. You just have to give
them a network name, so LANtastic can identify them and make
connections among them. Giving a device a network name is
known as “creating a shared resource.”
Important… Security rights on a disk resource are applied downward through the
entire directory. For example, if you define C-DRIVE as pointing to
C:\ and give full rights to that resource, a person keeps those rights
at all levels within that drive – unless file-level security is applied.
3. Press Ins and type a name that will identify the shared
resource for the user <Enter>. This name may be up to eight
characters long, with a three-character extension. For
example, if you want to set up your C: drive as a resource, you
might give it the name C-DRIVE.
4. When NET_MGR asks for the true path, type in the local name
of the server disk drive or directory <Enter>. For example, to
set up your C: drive as a shared resource you’d type C:
<Enter>. To set up your C:\APPS directory as a network
resource you’d type C:\APPS <Enter>.
5. Press Esc to exit each menu. You’ve now created the shared
drive or directory resource.
TIP… You can also select HP® JetDirect™, CS Print, or Printer Pool
options. Refer to the LANtastic Installation and Setup Manual
If you set up either HP for full instructions on setting up an HP JetDirect printer.
JetDirect or CS Print Refer to step 4 below to create a CS Print resource. To create
resources, you must a printer pool resource, refer to Shrres_d.pdf in the Online
enable either HP Library for instructions.
JetDirect or CS Print 4. To create a CS Print resource, select CS Print <Enter>. The CS
support in the Server Print option provides faster printing to printers attached to a
Startup Parameters Central Station™ than was previously possible.
screen’s Printing ■
Enter the network name of the Central Station that has
Configuration display.
the printer attached <Enter>. You can use up to 15
Enter the adapter number (0 through 253) that you’re
using to connect to the Central Station. Typically this will
be adapter zero <Enter>. Select the Central Station port
that the printer is attached to <Enter>, and skip to step 7.
5. Select the new printer resource <Enter>.
If you selected an LPT port for the printer resource, the
Detailed Information screen appears. The fields on the screen
are different depending on the type of printer resource you’ve
selected. For information about each of the fields in these
screens, select an option and press F1 to learn more about it.
6. Make sure the settings in the menu are correct for your
printer. If not, select the item you want to change, press
Enter, and type in the new information. (If you aren’t certain
about a setting, refer to your printer manual.)
Create a printer setup string that lets you specify a group of control
characters to initialize a printer for a specific mode of printing.
Consult your printer manual for the character options for your
printer. For instructions on creating a printer setup string, see
Shrres_d.pdf in the Online Library.
Create setup and cleanup files that contain control characters like the
setup string. However, these types of files allow you to include more
control codes than the 64-character limit for the printer setup
string. First the setup file initializes the printer for a specific mode
of printing. After the job is printed, the cleanup file resets the
printer, usually to its original mode of printing. For instructions,
see Shrres_d.pdf in the Online Library.
WARNING! The settings you make in the Server Startup Parameters screen can
significantly affect the performance of your computer or network.
Carefully read the information about each parameter in this screen
before setting any values or options.
Conventional This is the default memory setting, which you should retain if this
server isn’t using the Maximum Open Files, Cached Resources
and Internal SHARE features of the LANtastic Server program.
(These features are disabled by default.)
EMS (paged) This is the recommended memory management option. You can
choose this option if this server is using one or more of the
Maximum Open Files, Cached Resources or Internal SHARE
features and you want to save conventional memory. To use this
option you need to have an EMS memory manager version 3.2 or
above, such as EMM386.EXE.
EMS (copied) If you’re having trouble with the EMS (paged) option above, you
can choose this option in its place – although you’ll sacrifice some
speed. To use this option you need to have an EMS memory
manager version 4.0, such as EMM386.EXE.
XMS If you don’t have an EMS driver, you can choose this option in
place of one of the EMS options above. To use this option you
need to have an XMS memory manager, such as HIMEM.SYS.
The new file system memory feature affects the Maximum Open
Files, Cached Resources and Internal SHARE parameters:
Important… If you’ve decided not to use the CONFIG.SYS files option and you’re
not using conventional memory, the only SHARE program you will
be able to use is LANtastic’s Internal SHARE.
Note… If you have a large number of people using a single file, specify as
many open files as there are people using it.
If you use this option, make sure the DOS SHARE program isn’t
running. To disable DOS SHARE, delete or comment out the
SHARE command in your CONFIG.SYS file or AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
In most cases a server has only one network control directory – the
default LANTASTI.NET. But LANtastic gives you the option of
creating multiple control directories on your hard disk. This means
you can have more than one network configuration saved. You can
then switch control directories whenever your current network
situation warrants.
The Crldir_d.pdf file in the LANtastic Online Library tells you all
about using control directories. The file includes these topics:
“Creating a New Control Directory,” “Selecting a Control Directory,”
“Deleting a Control Directory,” “Backing Up a Control Directory,”
“Restoring a Control Directory,” “Resetting a Control Directory,”
“Requiring a Password for a Control Directory,” “Changing a
Control Directory Password” and “Disabling a Control Directory
The settings you’ve specified won’t take effect until the next time
you run SERVER. If SERVER is running, you must remove it from
memory before running it again. To do this, make sure Windows
isn’t running and press Ctrl+Alt+Del from the DOS prompt. In the
screen that appears, make sure there are no open files shown, then
press S.
The Clear the Audit Trail File option enables you to delete old audit
entries that can take up a lot of space on your server’s disk.
However, bear in mind that the Clear the Audit Trail File option
deletes ALL the entries in the log. If you have entries that you want
to save, first copy the log to a file as described in the previous
section, then clear the audit trail file. To clear the audit trail file, at
the DOS prompt type NET_MGR <Enter>. Select Audit Trail
Maintenance <Enter>. Select Clear the Audit Trail File, press Enter,
then press Enter again to confirm the deletion. This deletes all the
entries in the audit log. Press Esc to exit each screen.
Note… The server you’re shutting down must have Server Control enabled
in the Server Startup Parameters screen.
If you think other people may be using the server you want to shut
down, you can log one or more of them out, or even prevent further
logins. For instructions, see Mngsrv_d.pdf in the LANtastic Online
WARNING! Remotely shutting down a server that’s running Windows 3.x may
cause lockups and unpredictable activity on that computer. Don’t
attempt to schedule a shutdown unless you can exit Windows on
that computer before the shutdown occurs.
Using the printing feature___________________________
Many important print management options are available in
LANtastic, including:
Create a print item, such as a batch file, using LANtastic’s text
editor or your own text editor.
Send a job to a printer directly from NET.
Set up delayed printing so you can send a file to a printer at a
time that you specify in advance. It’s especially convenient if
you want to print a large job after office hours.
Control individual printer ports on a server that has multiple
printers attached.
Create and control logical printer streams to enable and disable
any printer resource without having to halt the entire print
Once you’ve sent an item to a server’s print queue, you can still
control the print job. If you’re using a LANtastic server and have the
Q (Super Queue) privilege, you can control any item in the print
queue. If not, you can control only your print jobs. Refer toAccts_d.pdf
in the Online Library for information on setting account privileges.
To control a queue item:
For details about each
print queue control 1. At the DOS prompt, type NET<Enter>. Select View Print Jobs
field, select the field <Enter>.
then press F1.
2. Select the network server <Enter> with the print queue you
want to control. If necessary, log in to that server.
Since the print jobs are stored on a server’s hard drive, you can
even print to a diskless workstation. Simply make sure the RPS
program is available to the workstation in its boot image or on
another server’s shared drive resource.
Note… This computer and its resources won’t be available to the network.
Any NET LOGIN or NET USE commands that reference this
computer should be removed from all batch files on other
computers, or commented out of their STARTNET.BAT files until
the computer is re-installed on the network.
If you did install as a server but for some reason the SERVER
program isn’t running, exit Windows and type SERVER <Enter> at the
DOS prompt. Then type WIN <Enter> to go back to Windows. To find
out why your computer isn’t automatically loading the SERVER
program, refer to the LANtastic Troubleshooting Manual.
Note… Any NET LOGIN, NET USE or other commands that reference this
computer should be removed from all batch files on other
computers, including the WIN.INI file.
Note… When using a shared non-DOS disk connection, you can’t use
wildcard characters such as “?” and “*” with the DOS DEL and REN
commands. Also, if you can’t see all the files in a shared drive when
you use the DOS DIR command, increase the Non-DOS Disk
Support setting in the server startup parameters.
The new File System Memory feature in LANtastic 8.0 allows you to
store the file system components of the LANtastic SERVER
program in XMS or EMS expanded memory. This gives larger
servers a significant increase in conventional memory for DOS,
application programs or other uses. For more information about
the File System Memory option see page 36.
The SIZE= and BUFFERS= REDIR switches can speed up the response
time of a file server. Instructions for adjusting these switches
appear in the file called Cmmd_dw.pdf in the LANtastic Online
The DOS disk buffers command in your CONFIG.SYS file allows you
to allocate the specified number of disk buffers for use by
application programs.
For more information
about server
parameters in
NET_MGR, press F1 in
the Server Startup
Parameters screen.
See also Cfgsrv_d.pdf
in the Online Library.
upgrading LANtastic
See Installation and Setup
User Account Status screen 27
users, increasing number of 49
View Print Jobs option 46
list of shared resources 29
print job status 14, 15
Wildcard Account Management
option 24
wildcard accounts
creating 24
deleting 27
placement order 25–26
planning 21
WIN.INI file changes
See Installation and Setup