Adult DPS Certificate1452
Adult DPS Certificate1452
Adult DPS Certificate1452
Application for: ✔ Driver License Identification Card Class (select one): A B ✔ C Motorcycle: Y ✔ N
Select one: ✔ Original Renewal Replacement Address or Name Change
Last Name: Trevino Perez First Name: Middle Name:
- --
Suffix: Birth Surname (Maiden): SSN:_ ____________________
- 15 - 1986
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): 07 Sex (select one): Male ✔ Female Height: Ft. In. Weight: Lbs.
Eye Color (select one): Blue Brown Gray Hazel Green Black Maroon Pink
Hair Color (select one): Black Red Gray Brown Blonde Bald White
Race (select one): (AI) Alaskan or American Indian (AP) Asian or Pacific Islander (BK) Black (W) White
Ethnicity (select one): (H) Hispanic Origin (O) Not of Hispanic Origin (U) Unknown
Place of birth: City: State: County: Country:
Father’s Last Name: Mother’s Maiden Name:
Residence Address:
City: State: Zip Code: County:
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip Code: County:
Home Phone: Other Phone: Email:
In the event of injury or death would you like to provide up to two (2) emergency contacts? If yes, please list:
a) Name Phone Number Address
b) Name Phone Number Address
Alternate Address: (Peace Officer or State / Federal Judge only)
City: State: Zip Code: County:
1. Are you a citizen of the United States? If no, go to question 3.
2. If you are a U.S. citizen, would you like to register to vote? If registered, would you like to update your voter information?
I understand that giving false information to procure a voter registration is perjury, and a crime under state and federal law. Conviction of this
crime may result in imprisonment up to 180 days, a fine up to $2,000, or both. PLEASE READ ALL THREE STATEMENTS TO AFFIRM BEFORE
I am a resident of the county provided above, and a U.S. citizen; I have not been finally convicted of a felony, or if a felon, I have completed all of my
punishment including any term of incarceration, parole, supervision, period of probation, or I have been pardoned; And I have not been determined by a final
judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.
By providing my electronic signature, I understand the personal information on my application form and my electronic signature will be used for submitting
my voter’s registration application to the Texas Secretary of State’s office. Wanting to register to vote, I authorize the Department of Public Safety to transfer
this information to the Texas Secretary of State.
3. Are you a veteran? If no, go to question 4.
a.) Are you a 60% disabled Veteran receiving compensation and want to waive the application fee? (Proof of disability required)
b.) Do you want a Veteran designator on your DL or ID, or
c.) Are you 50% disabled or are you 40% and have had a lower extremity amputated and want a Disabled Veteran designator on your DL or ID? (Proof of
honorable discharge required; some acceptable documents are DD214/215, NGB22, VA disability letter, Veteran Identification card, proof of service/
verification of honorable service card. Proof of disability is required for Disabled Veteran designator)
d.) If you want a Veteran or Disabled Veteran designator, do you want the branch of service shown on your DL or ID? If yes, select one:
Army Air Force Coast Guard Marines Navy
4. Do you have a health condition that may impede communication with a peace officer? (Physician must complete form DL-101).
5. Would you like to register as an organ donor?
6. Do you want to donate $1.00 to the Blindness Education Screening and Treatment Program?
7. Do you want to support the Glenda Dawson Donate Life Texas donor registry? If yes, please indicate a donation amount of $1 or more $ .00.
8. Do you want to support Texas Veterans? If yes, please indicate a donation amount of $1 or more $ .00.
9. Do you want to support survivors of sexual assault? If yes, please indicate a donation amount of $1 or more $ .00 to help fund the testing of sexual
assault evidence collection kits (rape kits).
10. Do you want to support the issuance of a DL/ID for foster or homeless youth? If yes, please indicate a donation amount of $1 or more $ .00 to
exempt this population from paying any fees.
3. Have you ever had an epileptic seizure, convulsion, loss of consciousness, or other seizure?
4. Do you have diabetes requiring treatment by insulin?
5. Do you have any alcohol or drug dependencies that may affect your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle or have you had any episodes of alcohol or drug
abuse within the past two years?
6. Within the past two years have you been treated for any other serious medical conditions? Please explain:
7. Have you EVER been referred to the Texas Medical Advisory Board for Driver Licensing?
NOTICE: The information on this application is required by the Texas Driver License Act, Texas Transportation Code Chapter 521. Failure to
provide the information is cause for refusal to issue a driver license or identification card, and in some cases, cancellation or withdrawal of
driving privileges. False information could also lead to criminal charges with penalties of a fine up to $4,000.00 and/or jail.
I do solemnly swear, affirm, or certify that I am the person named herein and that the statements on this application are true and correct.
I further certify my residence address is a (select one): single family dwelling, apartment, motel, temporary shelter. I agree to
immediately report to the Texas Department of Public Safety any changes in my medical condition which may affect my ability to safely operate
a motor vehicle. I further understand that I am required by law to report any change of name or address to the Department of Public Safety
within thirty days.
✔ Has passed Class C-Road Rules and Class C-Road Signs examinations : Grade: Road Rules ____ P Road Signs ____ P
✔ Must take vision exam with the Department of Public Safety
Name: _________________________,_____________________________
Trevino Perez Laura 07/15/1986 //
Date of Birth:___________ Male ✔ Female
Last First
I hereby certify that the person indicated has completed and passed a 6-hour driver education course exclusively for adults approved by TDLR.
_______________________________ 0857
___________ Virtual Drive Management, LLC
Signature of Licensed Driver Education Instructor TDLR Number Name of School
____________________________________________ C-2636
__________________________________ _____________________________
Signature or Signature Stamp of ChiefSchool Official Driver Education School Number Date Issued