223 To 227
223 To 227
223 To 227
200. Examination of complainant.—A Magistrate taking cognizance of an
offence on complaint shall examine upon oath the complainant and the
witnesses present, if any, and the substance of such examination shall be
reduced to writing and shall be signed by the complainant and the
witnesses, and also by the Magistrate:
Provided that, when the complaint is made in writing, the Magistrate
need not examine thecomplainant and the witnesses—
(a) if a public servant acting or purporting to act in the discharge of
his official duties or a Court has made the complaint; or
(b) if the Magistrate makes over the case for inquiry or trial to another
Magistrate under section 192:
Provided further that if the Magistrate makes over the case to another
Magistrate under section 192 after examining the complainant and the
witnesses, the latter Magistrate need not re-examine them.
Examination of complainant.
223.(1) A Magistrate having jurisdiction while taking cognizance of an
offence on complaint shall examine upon oath the complainant and the
witnesses present, if any, and the substance of such examination shall be
reduced to writing and shall be signed by the complainant and the
witnesses, and also by the Magistrate:
Provided that no cognizance of an offence shall be taken by the
Magistrate without giving the accused an opportunity of being heard:
Provided further that when the complaint is made in writing, the
Magistrate need not examine the complainant and the witnesses—
(a) if a public servant acting or purporting to act in the discharge of his
official duties or a Court has made the complaint; or
(b) if the Magistrate makes over the case for inquiry or trial to another
Magistrate under section 212:
Provided also that if the Magistrate makes over the case to another
Magistrate under section 212 after examining the complainant and the
witnesses, the latter Magistrate need not re-examine them.
(2) A Magistrate shall not take cognizance on a complaint against a
public servant for any offence alleged to have been committed in
course of the discharge of his official functions or duties unless—
(a) such public servant is given an opportunity to make assertions as
to the situation that led to the incident so alleged; and
(b) a report containing facts and circumstances of the incident from
the officer superior to such public servant is received.
201. Procedure by Magistrate not competent to take cognizance of the
case.—If the complaint is made to a Magistrate who is not competent to
take cognizance of the offence, he shall,—
(a) if the complaint is in writing, return it for presentation to the proper
Court with an endorsement to that effect;
(b) if the complaint is not in writing, direct the complainant to the
proper Court.
Procedure by Magistrate not competent to take cognizance of case.
224. If the complaint is made to a Magistrate who is not competent to
take cognizance of the offence, he shall,—
(a) if the complaint is in writing, return it for presentation to the proper
Court with an endorsement to that effect;
(b) if the complaint is not in writing, direct the complainant to the
proper Court made to a Magistrate who is not competent to take
cognizance of the offence, he shall,—
(a) if the complaint is in writing, return it for presentation to the proper
Court with an endorsement to that effect;
(b) if the complaint is not in writing, direct the complainant to the
proper Court.
202. Postponement of issue of process.—(1) Any Magistrate, on receipt
of a complaint of an offence of which he is authorised to take cognizance
or which has been made over to him under section 192, may, if he thinks
fit, 1[and shall, in a case where the accused is residing at a place beyond
the area in which he exercises his jurisdiction,] postpone the issue of
process against the accused, and either inquire into the case himself or
direct an investigation to be made by a police officer or by such other
person as he thinks fit, for the purpose of deciding whether or not there is
sufficient ground for proceeding:
Provided that no such direction for investigation shall be made,—
(a) where it appears to the Magistrate that the offence complained of
is triable exclusively by the Court of Session; or
(b) where the complaint has not been made by a Court, unless the
complainant and the witnesses
present (if any) have been examined on oath under section 200.
(2) In an inquiry under sub-section (1), the Magistrate may, if he thinks
fit, take evidence of witnesses on oath:
Provided that if it appears to the Magistrate that the offence complained
of is triable exclusively by the Court of Session, he shall call upon the
complainant to produce all his witnesses and examine them on oath.
(3) If an investigation under sub-section (1) is made by a person not
being a police officer, he shall have for that investigation all the powers
conferred by this Code on an officer in charge of a police station except the
power to arrest without warrant.
(vii) Whenever investigating police officer files ‘B’ report, and the
complainant wants to contest the ‘B’ report, the Magistrate has to
follow procedure set out above.